A set of effective simple fitness exercises on the couch. How to pump up your abs correctly and quickly at home

Do you think that in order to pump up your abs, you need to purchase a membership to a fitness club and work out with an experienced fitness instructor? In fact, it is quite possible to pump up your abs at home, and you don’t need to travel anywhere to do this. The main thing is your desire to achieve your goal and regularity of training.

A set of abdominal exercises

1. Sit on the edge of the sofa and rest your hands on it. Straighten your legs at right angles to your body, your heels do not touch the floor. Slowly bend your knees, pulling them towards your chest, and then return to the starting position. Do 20 reps.
2. Lie with your back on the floor, resting your hands on the sofa for balance. Raise your legs vertically up strictly at right angles to the floor, then return to the starting position. Do 20 repetitions.

3. Lying on your back, lift your legs up at a right angle and perform rotational movements with them, as if you were pedaling a bicycle. Do 20 full rotations, then rest and do another set.
4. Remaining in the same position - lying with your back on the floor - bend your knees and pull them towards your chest. Then straighten your legs again, without touching the floor. Do 20 repetitions.

5. Lie with your back on the floor and put your feet up on the sofa. Extend your arms and hold them together above your head. Begin to gently pull yourself up, trying to touch your knees with your hands, then return to the starting position. Do 20 repetitions.
6. Change position: place your head at the base of the sofa and place your hands next to your head. Perform a candle while standing on your head. In the air, bend your legs as if you want to throw a ball. Repeat the full cycle of flexion and extension at least 20 times, then rest for 40 seconds, after which you can do another set.

7. Lie with your back on the floor, placing your feet on the sofa and your arms extended behind your head. To work the oblique muscles of the abdomen, begin performing “twists”, alternately trying to touch one with your left hand right leg, then vice versa, with the right hand of the left leg. Do 20 repetitions. There is also a special set of exercises for the abdomen.

It is better for beginners to start doing abdominal exercises with one approach. After a week, the number of approaches can be increased depending on your physical condition. However, remember that if you have diastasis recti, you should not do abdominal exercises. Balanced according to the principle of fractional nutrition and containing a lot of protein food necessary for the construction of new muscle cells will help speed up the result.

Infographics Photo: AiF

Down up

A classic abdominal exercise.

Sit on the sofa with your feet up. There should be room at the back to lower the body. Bend your legs and place them in front of you. Stretch your arms forward, slightly round your back. Smoothly lower yourself back so that you lie with your back on the sofa, and return to the starting position in the same way. If you can’t sit back smoothly, just with a jerk, first stretch your legs. If this does not help, then lean lightly on one hand. But under no circumstances sit down in a jerk with your legs bent: this is useless for pumping up your abs and leads to lower back injuries.

Perform 3 sets of 5-10 times.


Another classic exercise, loading the lower abdomen.

Lean back on the sofa on your elbows. Stretch your legs (you can above the floor if the size of the sofa does not allow it). Press your lower back into the sofa and do not lift it during the entire exercise. Extend one leg horizontally (raising it slightly above the sofa or parallel to the floor). Pull the second one slightly upward at about a 45° angle to the bottom one, that is, not above you, but so that you have to strain while holding it. Count to three and switch legs. Perform 5-12 leg changes. During this time, your legs should not be lowered onto the support. If you don’t have enough strength to keep your lower back pressed to the sofa, take a break and rest.

Repeat 3-4 times.

Horizontal stop

This exercise gives the abdominal and waist muscles a static load, which is especially effective after previous pumping exercises.

Lying on the sofa on your stomach, place your hands on the floor. Move forward, walking your hands on the floor so that only your feet remain on the sofa. Place your palms approximately under your shoulders, lower your pelvis so that your body and legs form a straight line. Look down or slightly forward. Pull your stomach in and hold this position, counting to 30. Over time, this exercise will become easy - then gradually increase the time, counting to 60.

Do 3-4 approaches.

Horizontal stop‑2

This exercise will be useful for those who would like to add a buttock lift to working out the abdomen.

Do everything as described in the previous exercise. However, while holding the emphasis on your arms and legs, smoothly lift first one, then the other leg. Do not bend your knee, your heel is pointing straight up. Take your time, slightly hold your heel at the top point. As a rule, then it becomes easier to hold the emphasis, so count not to 30, but to 40-50.

Lying body raise

The best exercise for removing folds in the lower back is to work the antagonist muscles of the abdominal press.

Ask a family member to hold your feet to keep them from lifting. Lower yourself onto the sofa on your stomach so that your hips lie on the sofa, and your stomach is already hanging over the floor, i.e., your body is hanging in the air (now you understand why you need to hold your legs? By the way, it’s better to hold it not by the ankles, but in the area of ​​the knees). Cross your arms over your chest or behind your head. Squeeze your shoulder blades and turn your shoulders. Without slouching, lower your body down, chest towards the floor. Now raise your body, straining your back and buttocks, as high as possible, and pull your chin up.

Do 3-4 sets of 5-6 times.

Seated Leg Raise

The exercise will help “polish” the lower abdomen and sides.

Sit on the edge of the sofa. Lower your straight legs to the floor and spread them wide. Place your hands on the edge of the sofa. Bend your leg and lift your knee toward your ribs. At the same time, turn your body towards your knee and lean towards it top part belly. Return the leg and body to their place, repeat the same on the other side.

Do 3-4 approaches, each with 10-12 bends on each leg.

The problem of a bulging belly and hanging fat becomes especially important before a seaside vacation, where you want to walk around in a bikini on the white sand, having slim stomach And beautiful abs. This applies to both men and women. This problem also affected me, but I work out my abs not to show them off to others, but to combat the appearance of a small belly, which inevitably worries me in connection with bearing and giving birth to two children.

Well, I have motivation - to get rid of my belly. I didn’t really think about how to properly pump up my abdominal muscles at home. I decided to download it the way everyone else downloads. Well, you know, yes: put your feet under the sofa and stand up at least 30 times. I got down to business and devoted 5 minutes of my time every day. However, I felt that something was going wrong, it was all wrong... I decided to go online and read information on how to properly pump up abs at home .

After just 3 weeks of proper ab pumping, I noticed that there was a result. No, the cubes haven’t appeared yet, and that’s not the point. My stomach has shrunk, my abs have become firm, and it’s now easy for me to pump them.

Before I talk about the rules of how to properly pump up your abdominal muscles, I want to say that do not force your body and choose the exercises that you like. For example, I just can’t find a common language with twisting movements for training the oblique abdominal muscles. I can't do it and that's it. Or rather, it’s not that it doesn’t work out, but these exercises give me great discomfort. I’ll tell you straight, they’re annoying. Therefore, I abandoned them, and generally chose several exercises that suited me, which I like and which I perform with pleasure.

So, let's look at the most common mistakes that people make when pumping up their abs and see how to properly pump up their abs at home.

1. As soon as you have free time, you look for a place to lie down and where to fix your legs, lie down and begin pumping your abs with enthusiasm. It is not right.

HOW TO. First you need to prepare the muscles. In general, it is recommended to lie down and lie quietly for a while and breathe evenly. Before starting the process, I stretch the muscles by bending my torso forward, backward, and to the sides several times. Then I lie down and stretch like a cat, I really like it because I feel my muscles stretching. Then I lie down for a while, breathe calmly and begin to pump up my abs.

2. You put your feet under the sofa, or ask someone to sit on them, clasp your hands at the back of your head and raise your body completely, that is, sit down. This is wrong, and even dangerous for the spine, back muscles and muscles shoulder girdle, since when jerking there is a possibility of stretching them.

HOW TO. Position - lying on your back, legs bent at the knees. Gently raise your torso, while making sure that your lower back does not lift off the floor. In this case, no sofa or assistant is needed.

3. When you start pumping your abdominal muscles, you hold your breath, make several movements, then exhale sharply and repeat everything again. This is wrong, since during any exercise and physical work our muscles require an abundant supply of oxygen. Otherwise, they quickly get tired and tired.

HOW TO. It is very important to observe breathing. When you raise your torso, exhale, return to the starting position – inhale. Try it, it’s actually much easier to pump up your abs this way. To avoid confusion with breathing, you need several days of training. At first, I concentrated heavily on breathing, and on the third day I learned to breathe freely and correctly without thinking about it every time.

4. When you pump up your abs, does your neck get tense and hurt? This means you are doing the exercise incorrectly.

HOW TO. The torso should rise only due to the work of the abdominal muscles. There should be a fist-sized distance between your chest and chin. Every time you feel your neck tense, pause, relax, concentrate on your abdominal muscles and continue. The next point will make this task easier for you.

5. When you do your abs, you notice that your stomach sticks out as you lift. This is mistake.

HOW TO. As you lift your torso, pull in your stomach and tense your muscles. For me it was key point quick pumping of the press. It's really very effective.

6. On the first day you enthusiastically pumped your abs 30 times, but on the second day you couldn’t even get up 5 times. The fact is that during muscle work, lactic acid is released, which causes that same pain after a one-time load and a large number of exercises without prior preparation.

HOW TO. Start with a small number of repetitions, for the first time - 20 repetitions maximum, 15 is better. Even if you feel that you are not tired and can do 15 more times, leave the strength for tomorrow, you will need it. The first 2 days I did 15 repetitions, 3-4 days 20, then 25, then 30, then 40 repetitions with ease.

7. You pump the press 30 times in the form already mentioned, that is, lifting the body at an angle of 90 degrees. Don’t bother with the question of how to properly pump up your abs at home. Do you think that this is enough, are satisfied with yourself and are proud in your soul that you find the willpower to devote 10 minutes to this every day and wait for those very ones to appear? treasured cubes on the stomach. It will be a long wait. With this method of training, only the rectus abdominis muscles are exposed. And the oblique muscles, the transverse muscles, the pelvic muscles, and the back muscles require work.

HOW TO. You need to do several different exercises to different groups muscles. There are a lot of exercise options, I tried different ones, but in the end I kept a few for myself that I consider optimal for my body, I feel comfortable doing them and they bring me pleasure.

8. You shoot back in 5 minutes, pumping your abs 30 times, and happily run on to go about your business. It is not right.

HOW TO. To effectively pump up your abdominal muscles and not waste time, you need to work on the muscles for 30–40 minutes, or at least 20 minutes. Then there will be a result. It takes me 15-20 minutes to do this whole thing, I can’t make it to 30, I’m tired, and I’m lazy, to be honest))

At first, it was not easy to simultaneously breathe correctly, remember to tense your muscles, count and do different exercises. But you quickly get used to it.

Now let's look at a few exercises.

1. The most common exercise is lifting the torso.

Starting position: lying on your back, legs bent at the knees, feet flat on the floor, hands behind your head. Slowly raise your torso, pointing your elbows towards your knees without lifting your lower back from the floor. Stay in this position for a few seconds and return to the starting position, spreading your elbows to the side.

2. Sit on the edge of the sofa, rest your hands on the edge, stretch your legs in front of you. Start bending them at the knees, pulling them towards you, and straighten them back.

3. Lie on the floor, rest your head on the sofa, and grab the edge of the sofa with your hands. Raise your legs straight at a 90 degree angle.

4. In the same position, perform the “bicycle” exercise. Make sure that your leg span is larger when you spin imaginary pedals.

5. In the same position, legs bent at the knees, we try to touch our knees to the chest and back.

6. Starting position: lying on your back, legs crossed on the sofa, hands together. Reach your hands to your knees. Return to the starting position.

7. In the same position, hands behind your head. Make twisting movements, trying to reach your left knee with your right elbow and vice versa.

8. In the same position, your arms are extended in front of you. Raise your torso and try to move your arms to the left and then to the right of your knees alternately.

9. Starting position: lying on the sofa, legs straight and suspended, hands behind your head. Raise your straight legs at an angle of 30 - 45 degrees, hold for 1 - 2 seconds, return to the starting position.

10. Starting position: lying on your back on the floor, arms to the side, palms down, legs bent at the knees. Raise your legs at a right angle and tilt them to the right, then to the left, trying to touch your knees to the floor.

11. Lying on your back, legs bent at the knees, hands behind your head. Raise your body and legs at the same time towards each other, trying to touch your elbows to your knees. When performing this exercise quickly, the muscles work quite intensely.

This is not a complete list possible exercises how to pump up your abdominal muscles. Try it and choose yours.

Now you know how to properly pump up your abs at home. Don't make mistakes that others have made repeatedly, take care of your time! And yes, have lovely abs on your tummy!)))


Are you sure that you can only stretch on the sofa or? You are wrong! I've put together a complete workout for your abs, thighs, buttocks, back, chest and triceps that you can do without leaving your couch. Try it great option fitness classes at home!

Use a sofa, bed or chair as a support, and a pillow (preferably heavier!) as a weight. When you master the exercise technique well, you can not even turn off the TV during training and practice while listening to your favorite news program, TV show or series.

This complex will come in handy on those days when you don’t have the time or opportunity to go to a fitness club or. Learn these exercises before your trip and any hotel room will be your gym.

There is, perhaps, only one limitation in doing fitness on the couch. The sofa is a soft surface, and exercises on such a surface are contraindicated for scoliosis. The sofa is too soft and not at all suitable for training. To find out if the “simulator” you have chosen is suitable for fitness, try performing the first exercise of our complex on it. If you roll around instead of standing up straight, you cannot exercise on such a sofa.

Fitness at home: exercises on the couch

I have already written on my blog more than once and I will remind you again: it is very useful to supplement dynamic exercises with static posture holds and springy movements. And of course, when finishing your workout, don’t forget about the light one.

1. Lie on your back along the sofa, bend your knees and place your feet on the seat, stretch your arms up. Raise your body, lifting only your shoulders and shoulder blades off the sofa and squeezing your abs as much as possible. Perform 2 sets of 15-25 repetitions.

Denis Bykovskikh/LIVE!

For what: strengthening the abdominal muscles.

2. Lie on your back along the sofa, grab the armrest behind your head with your hands or the side edges of the sofa, raise your legs vertically up. Slowly lower one leg down until it is approximately in line with your body. Lift up slowly and repeat with the other leg. Perform 2 sets of 10-20 repetitions on each leg.

Denis Bykovskikh/LIVE!

For what: strengthening the abdominal muscles.

3. Lie on your back along the sofa, grab your hands on the armrest behind your head or on the sides of the sofa, lift your legs vertically up. Lower your leg to the side, trying not to lift your back from the sofa and not help yourself with the movement of your other leg. Repeat with the other leg (turn over to do this if necessary). Perform 2 sets of 25-30 repetitions on each leg.

Denis Bykovskikh/LIVE!

For what: strengthen the abdominal muscles and inner thighs.

4. Lie on your back along the sofa, grab the headrest behind your head with your hands or the sides of the sofa, raise your legs vertically up. You can bend your legs a little, but do not change the angle of bend during the exercise. Raise your pelvis, stretch your legs straight up. Go down. Perform 3 sets of 10-25 repetitions.

Denis Bykovskikh/LIVE!

For what: strengthening the abdominal muscles.

5. Lie on your back along the sofa, with your feet towards the armrest. Place your feet on the armrest and place a pillow under your head. Raise your pelvis as high as possible, tighten your buttocks and hold in this position. Lower your pelvis onto the sofa. Perform 3 sets of 20-30 repetitions.

Denis Bykovskikh/LIVE!

For what: strengthen the muscles of the buttocks.

6. Lie on your back along the sofa, with your feet towards the armrest. Place your feet on the armrest. Straighten one leg and lift it up. Raise your pelvis as high as possible, tighten your buttocks and hold in this position. Perform 3 sets of 20-30 repetitions on each leg.

Denis Bykovskikh/LIVE!

For what: strengthen the muscles of the buttocks.

7. Take a pillow in your hands (choose a heavier one) and stand with your back to the sofa. Bend one leg slightly and rest it on the seat. The second, supporting one, is also slightly bent. Lean forward from the hip, keeping your back straight. Stand up straight again. Perform 2 sets of 20-30 repetitions on each leg.

Denis Bykovskikh/LIVE!

For what: strengthen the muscles of the buttocks, back surface hips

8. Take a pillow in your hands (choose a heavier one) and stand with your back to the sofa. Bend one leg slightly and rest it on the seat. The second, supporting one, is also slightly bent. Squat down, moving your pelvis back, with your body slightly tilted forward. Make sure that the knee of the supporting leg remains exactly above the foot. Perform 2 sets of 20-30 repetitions on each leg.

Denis Bykovskikh/LIVE!

For what: We strengthen the muscles of the front of the thighs, buttocks, and lower back.

9. Stand with your side to the sofa, place your straight leg on the sofa. Squat down, moving your pelvis back, with your body slightly tilted forward. Make sure that the knee of the supporting leg remains exactly above the foot. Perform 2 sets of 20-25 repetitions on each leg.

Denis Bykovskikh/LIVE!

For what: strengthen the muscles of the buttocks, front, back and inner thighs.

10. Sit on the floor with your back to the sofa, place your hands on it, bend your knees and straighten your arms, rising up. Follow reverse push-ups, keeping your elbows as narrow as possible and not pressing your back against the sofa. Perform 2 sets of 20-25 repetitions.

Denis Bykovskikh/LIVE!

For what: strengthening the triceps.

11. Sit on the sofa, grab the edges with your hands. Shift forward to slide out of the seat. Straighten one leg and lift it parallel to the floor. Bend your elbows and lower your pelvis down while lifting your straight leg up. Extending your elbows, return to the starting position and repeat. Keep your elbows as close to your body as possible and do not press your back into the sofa. Perform 2 sets of 20-25 repetitions on each leg.

Constantly trying to train yourself to exercise physical exercise to get in shape, but quit faster than it can become a habit? Do you refuse to sign up for the gym because you are sure that you don’t have enough time or energy to visit it? Fitness on the couch is exactly what you need. This is a complex of extremely simple, but sufficient effective exercises that will allow you to maintain yourself in excellent physical fitness without spending a lot of time and effort and without even leaving home. Thanks to it, you can turn one of the most harmful activities for your figure - lying on the couch in front of the TV - into a tool for creating it.

It is important to remember that the phrase “on the couch” should not be taken literally. Any sofa, even the hardest one, is too soft for fitness classes, and therefore doing exercises on it is unsafe. It is much better to move from it to the floor.

Stretching before starting a workout: 3 warm-up exercises

Even such a “lazy” fitness option as lying on the couch requires pre-warming and preparing the muscles, such as stretching. This will minimize the likelihood of various types of injuries.

Have you finally decided to work on your figure, but grueling strength and cardio exercises make you sad?

  • 1 exercise

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Slideboards for fitness - make your workout more effective!

Lie on your back with your arms straight above your head. Stretch, trying to feel every muscle involved, the spine.

  • Exercise 2

Roll over onto your side. Bend your upper leg at the knee, trying to reach your buttock with your foot, and then straighten it. Do a few repetitions, turn over and do the same exercise on the other leg.

  • Exercise 3

Lie on your back again. In this position, tilt your head to each shoulder in turn. Do this exercise slowly and without straining, since sudden movements risk damaging the muscles in the cervical region.

How to make your waist thinner without leaving the couch: exercises

A set of five exercises is aimed at training and strengthening the oblique abdominal muscles, and therefore is useful not only for women, but also for men who want to have an attractive torso.

Often we cannot bring ourselves to go to the stadium or just outside, not to mention the fitness center

  • Exercise 1: straight leg crunches

Lying on your side, rise up onto your elbow. In this position, lift your straight legs closed together. Repeat 15 times on each side.

  • Exercise 2: bicycle twist

Lie on your back with your hands behind your head and clasped together. In this position, alternately raise your legs bent at the knees, trying to reach the knee with the elbow of the opposite hand (right to left and vice versa). Do 15 repetitions for each pair of limbs.

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  • Exercise 3: twist with bent legs

Lie on your side. Place one hand behind your head so that your elbow points to the ceiling, and with the other, hug your waist. In this position, raise your body, trying to reach your elbow with your palm lying on your waist. In this case, your legs can be slightly bent at the knees. Do 15 reps on each side.

  • Exercise 4: bridge with raised leg

Lie on your back with one leg bent at the knee and the other leg straight. Hands at your sides. Relying on bent leg, lift the body. The second leg rises straight up. Do 15 repetitions on each leg, alternating their positions.

Doing these every day simple exercises, you will work out all muscle groups and will always be in good shape

  • Exercise 5: plank

Lie on your stomach. Bend your elbows so that they form a strictly right angle (elbows exactly under your shoulders), raise your body, making sure that your whole body is as level as possible. Since the plank is one of the most difficult and effective static exercises, you should start standing in it for one minute, gradually increasing the time. If you have achieved a certain skill in this exercise and you can stand in the plank for 5 minutes or longer, you can complicate the task for yourself by bending one leg at the knee. Beginners should not do this.

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Exercises with kettlebells at home - the secrets of a slim body

Fitness on the couch: abdominal exercises

  • Exercise 1: upper group

Lying on your back with your knees bent and your arms behind your head, lift your torso, trying to reach your stomach with your chest. The neck and arms should be relaxed - you should rise by tensing the abdominal muscles. A signal that you are doing everything right can be tension or burning in this area. Do 10-15 reps.

Be that as it may, you have to fight laziness, otherwise your path to ideal body it will be long and boring

  • Exercise 2: lower group

Continuing to lie on your back, stretch your arms along your torso, bend your legs at the knees and pull them as close as possible to your chest. Due to voltage lower muscles press, try to reach your chin with your knees. The head and shoulders should not be lifted from the surface. Do 10-15 reps.

Fitness on the couch exercises for the lazy on the legs and buttocks

  • Exercise 1: bridge

Lie on your back, bend your knees. Due to voltage gluteal muscles, try to raise your body as high as possible. The feet, head and shoulders should not come off the surface. Go down to the bottom. Here it is important to maintain a measured pace, take your time so that you have time to feel the muscles. Repeat the exercise 10-15 times.

It is necessary to finish your fitness classes with the same stretching with which they began.

As you can see, keeping yourself in excellent physical shape without spending a lot of time on it and without visiting Gym- it is quite possible. The main thing is to be able to make an effort over yourself, your laziness and try to perform this complex every day. A positive result will be visible after 2 weeks of daily exercise: extra centimeters will disappear, the body will become fit and generally more resilient. In addition, you are guaranteed to forget about what osteochondrosis is, even if, due to work, you lead a predominantly sedentary lifestyle.