Japanese morning exercises. Different methods of Japanese gymnastics for weight loss

Morning exercises are associated with us only with kindergarten - but in Japan morning exercises they do everything without exception, and this contributes to life expectancy, scientists have found out who have studied the secrets of a long and happy life for the Japanese. If you are also not averse to warming up in the morning, we offer two short sets of exercises - from yoga and that very morning exercises in Japanese.

According to studies that were conducted in the "blue zones" - the corners of the world where the most centenarians live - not those who play sports seriously, but those who simply move regularly, live the longest.

When we arrived in Ohimi, we found that the villagers remain active even after their 80s or 90s. They do not sit at home, looking out the window and reading newspapers. Residents of Ohimi walk a lot, get together and go to karaoke, get up early and, after having breakfast, immediately go to the garden to weed the beds. They do not practice any particular sport, but simply in their Everyday life move a lot.

“Metabolism slows down by 90% after a person has sat still without getting up for half an hour. If you sit without getting up for two hours, the level of good cholesterol in the blood drops by 20%. But you just need to get up from a chair for five minutes - and everything returns to normal. Getting out of a chair is easy, not doing it is stupid," writes Gavin Bradley, director international association, which aims to give people an idea of ​​how unhealthy it is to constantly sit still.

When you live in a city, it is not always possible to move enough, but you can resort to exercises, the effectiveness of which has been proven many centuries ago. Eastern practices for achieving bodily, spiritual and intellectual balance in the West have become fashionable only recently, while in the East their history is measured in millennia.

Yoga, which was invented in India but became very popular in Japan, or Chinese practices like tai chi or qigong is often called the elixir of youth: they improve general state body and are great for older people who find it more difficult to keep fit.

Japanese scientists have proven that oriental practices prolong life: for example, tai chi helps fight osteoporosis, slows down the development of Parkinson's disease and improves blood circulation, and also increases elasticity and muscle tone. Also, this practice has a positive effect on the emotional state, protecting against stress and depression.

Almost all techniques that promote health and longevity have special exercises to start the day.

The Japanese did this morning exercise even before the Second World War. The word "radio" ("radzio") originally remained in the name, because before the instructions for each exercise were given by the announcer on the radio, and now people usually do them by turning on a special channel on TV. One of the main goals that daruma taiso practitioners set for themselves is to strengthen the team spirit, to feel like they are part of a team.

Daruma taisho is always practiced in a group, often in large gyms, with loudspeakers in schools before class, in offices before the work day. Nearly all of the centenarians we interviewed in Ohimi do these exercises, most in the morning. Even in the nursing home, where we also went, many, even those who are already moving around in a wheelchair, also set aside five minutes a day for daruma taiso.

The exercises themselves take from 5 to 10 minutes, depending on whether they are performed from start to finish or individual blocks. Taiso gymnastics combines elements and exercises for the joints. One of the most famous exercises is to simply raise your arms above your head, and then lower them down through the side, making semicircular movements.

Yoga, now popular both in Japan and in the West, is suitable for almost everyone. Some of her poses and elements even migrated to therapeutic gymnastics for people with handicapped and for pregnant women.

Yoga originated in India thousands of years ago, and the goal of its creators was to balance the spiritual and physical components of a person. In hatha yoga, the trend most common in the West and in Japan, inner harmony is achieved through certain asanas (postures).

One of the key exercises in hatha yoga is surya namaskar - salutation to the sun. It consists of 12 steps.

  1. Connect the feet and straighten the spine without straining it. Exhale.
  2. Connect your palms and, without separating them, raise your arms above your head. Slightly tilt the body back, without stopping breathing.
  3. As you continue to breathe, lean forward and touch the floor with your palms without bending your knees.
  4. Step one leg back, straighten it, touch the floor with your fingertips. Breathe in.
  5. Step back the other leg, keep your arms and legs straight, hold your breath.
  6. Continue to breathe, bend your elbows and stretch your chest towards the floor, resting your knees on the floor.
  7. Stretch your arms and lean back, inhale.
  8. With your palms and feet on the floor, lift your hips, straighten your legs and arms to form an L. Remember to breathe.
  9. Bring forward the leg, which in paragraph 4 was taken back and bent. Your foot and knee should be in line under your chin, between your palms. Breathe in.
  10. Touch the palms of the floor, as in pose 3. Breathe.
  11. Raise your arms with palms together above your head, while inhaling, lean back slightly, as in pose 2.
  12. Lower your arms, return to the starting position - the pose of the mountain. Keep breathing.

So, you have welcomed the sun and are ready for a new beautiful day.

Comment on the article "How to do exercises? Exercises from yoga and Japanese gymnastics"

More on the topic "Surya Namaskar, Sun Salutation in Yoga":

Kundalini yoga. Survey. About his own, about a girl's. Discussion of questions about the life of a woman in the family, at work, relationships with men. Kundalini yoga. Looked at a couple of sites. The impression was that it was a sect or razvodilovo or all together.

Books on yoga advise. Music, books, TV, movies. About his own, about a girl's. Discussion of questions about the life of a woman in the family, at work Sori did not find it in Russian, but I highly recommend it. The first (introductory) lesson is enough if you are already a little bit different with other types of yoga...

Yoga is evil! Wife and husband. Family relationships. Yoga is evil! Survived - my husband left me! No, he didn’t propose a divorce and didn’t collect things, but two hours ago he said that he was leaving for a few weeks in warm countries with a yoga mat and a change of underwear.

It is called Surya Namaskar (sun salutation). It is in Deepak Chopra's books "Perfect Health", "Perfect Health" I do yoga and swimming. Here yoga exhausts me greatly - a hot room, continuous push-ups, and an hour and a half of time.

yoga. Virgo, yoga in the morning will make you sleepy during the work day? I'm thinking of joining .. Maybe you know good studio yoga in the SVAO region, please share. usually in the morning they do some variation of Surya Namaskar (Sun Salutation)

Just do-do-do and hope? Well, and if you need other people's positive ones for hope Today you were at the neuropsychologist. Breathing exercises, in my opinion something in between yoga and A additional exercises I don't think they can hurt.

Rhythmic gymnastics, the beginning of the journey. Little 5 and a half years old, went to the gymnastics section at the school for a year. There, the old coach worked with them, the grandmother, the master of sports. She fiddled with them, the chicken and chickens.

Bath, book, yoga, sports, screaming in the car to the music, just lying around with a glass of red wine, taking pictures of nature. exercise sun salutation or surya namaskar, but it must be done in slow mode without straining 6 times on each leg.

Section: (booklet for parents to exercise with yoga elements). Last year free classes recreational gymnastics Pervomaisky Square was constantly visited by 70 to 100 people. Get on the charger!!! Do all the Kegel exercises together.

Authoritative experts advise doing yoga at dawn and at sunset (this is due to energy flows). But for yourself, at our level, it is best to look at your body - some are unable to do anything at all early in the morning ... I, for example, in the evening ...

And who does the exercises? .. And what exactly are you doing? .. I raise the pelvis from a lying position, swing my legs to the side (lying down), well, a cat ... I did the whole first take, in the book it was on the first, second , the third trimester, there are about 10 exercises ...

Ah, I know this - it's "surya namaskar" = solar circle = salutation to the sun. This is the next step (by laziness) after my complex. Well done to your mother! For me, the eye is the laziest complex, because it has 5 exercises (albeit a lot of repetitions), and in surya namaskar ...

For me, "eye" is "yoga for the lazy" 1 step :). I won't force myself to do something more substantial. (Or maybe the energy is not enough yet). The next complex will be "surya namaskar" (aka "solar circle", aka "salutation to the sun") - 2nd stage of laziness

Gymnastics for pregnant women. Lifestyle. Pregnancy and childbirth. I started doing exercises for pregnant women for 15 minutes in the morning. While I turned on the standard "butterfly", "cat" ... from one of the shapes I took an exercise from yoga for pregnant women ...

Situation, gymnastics. At gymnastics, we have been doing it for 1 year, they offered acrobatics. Today was first lesson i stood at the door. The child does the best, because she went to dances and was taught. The new coach calls the child, says something and makes some kind of pass ...

Correctly it is called the SYMPTOM of the rising sun. In babies, the pupils are lowered, whites are above them. PEP? Rising sun syndrome (Grefe's syndrome) may indicate increased intracranial pressure.

about gymnastics. And someone does gymnastics What is possible and what is not and what helps for the back Thank you. Yoga exercises are super helpful. just twisting is full in the complexes for pregnant women. The main thing is to do it right.

Morning exercises (charging) - exercises are performed every morning. Gymnastics (exercise) should become the same habit for you. Before that, the eldest son spoke in sentences at the age of two and had a good vocabulary, but the speech therapist managed ...

Japanese gymnastics is a breakthrough in the treatment of diseases of the spine and the fight against overweight. To lose weight, you should no longer mock your body with diets, you do not need to buy expensive back ointments to relieve pain in the spine. Gymnastics for weight loss contributes not only to reducing excess weight but also the health of the whole organism. Such exercises for the back from various Japanese scientists will allow you to never go to the doctor again.

Two golden principles of health

Gymnastics from the Land of the Rising Sun is based not only on performing exercises for the back, but also on the observance of two principles. Observing them, you can not only further strengthen the entire body, but also reanimate lost health.

First principle

The first principle is a firm and even bed. Man is created in such a way that he has the gift of upright walking - this makes the spine vulnerable. With subluxation of at least one part of the spine, this gift can be lost, which leads to a number of different diseases. That is why the spine must be treated with special care. It is very difficult to help your spine relax during the day, but it can be done at night. People who have spinal subluxation (this is not uncommon nowadays) do not allow their spine to relax sufficiently while sleeping on a soft mattress. From such a night's sleep is destroyed nervous system so it atrophies and becomes paralyzed. Also, during sleep on a soft mattress, the intervertebral discs warm up, as a result of which they are easily displaced, and the circulatory circle is disturbed.

For a good night's sleep you need:

  • Avoid soft spring mattresses. You need to sleep on a hard, flat surface. Ideally, this should be a floor, a wide board or a sheet of plywood.
  • When choosing a blanket, pay attention to a thinner one, since, having covered yourself with a blanket at night, you should not expose your body to overheating.
  • During the night's rest, the spine should be straight. This will allow you to distribute body weight evenly, allows all muscles to relax, and return the vertebra to its previous position, thereby removing the negative impact of the loads that the spine has received throughout the working day.

Thanks to sleeping on a hard surface, minor subluxations of the vertebrae that were acquired during the working day can be corrected. During sleep on a hard bed, the spine is stretched into a line, and it returns to the correct state. This allows not only to avoid some disorders, but also to cure other complex diseases of the spine.

Advantages of a hard bed:

  • It is a good support for the entire spine.
  • During sleep on a hard bed, blood circulates better throughout the body, thereby improving all metabolic processes in the body. During sleep, the blood and blood vessels are cleansed.
  • Such a bed allows you to relax all the motor nerves and eliminate their overstrain.
  • Allows intestinal tract restore work during sleep. On a firm bed, in an even position, spasms in the intestines and constipation disappear.
  • Improves and restores the activity of the nervous system.
  • Gives the body complete relaxation and provides sound sleep.
  • Leads to good posture.

Second principle

The second principle is a solid pillow, it is needed to create favorable conditions for the spine to rest. The ideal pillow is a roll pillow, which will be a good support for the cervical vertebrae.

Advantages of a hard pillow:

  • Sleeping on a pillow-roller allows the nasal septum to be in the optimal position - this will help to avoid the occurrence of various diseases.
  • Allows you to correct subluxation of the cervical vertebrae, which lead to pain in the neck and in the back of the head.
  • Sleeping with a firm pillow stimulates blood circulation in the brain.
  • It helps to improve and restore vision, as blood circulation in the eye capillaries improves.

A pillow with a roller can be made of various materials (even wood), stuffed tightly with cotton wool or pebbles. If you are unable to make or purchase a roll pillow, you can use a tightly rolled towel.

It is important to know: the pillow with a roller is selected personally. It should be of a shape that corresponds to the depression between the back of the head and the shoulder blades. Leaning on it, the spinal column should remain straight.

Katsuzo Niche Method

Japanese gymnastics is a whole range of exercises for improving not only the spine, but the entire human body. It was developed by the Japanese Katsuzo Nishe, who not only formed a whole set of exercises for the back, but also proved that they are effective, by example. Niche has been painful since childhood. According to his diagnoses, many doctors predicted that he would not be able to live even to the age of 20, as he was frail and sickly. Nishe Katsuzo did not give up, he began to study various medical methods and philosophies of various countries. As a result of his research and experiments, he realized that the body is one whole. So Niche created a set of exercises that allow not only to improve the body, but also to rid it of extra pounds. After all, many who performed exercises according to the Katsuzo Nishe system claim that this is not only a healing technique, but also gymnastics for weight loss.

Physical activity according to the Katsuzo Nishe method

Gymnastics consists of a set of exercises that must be done daily. They will prevent bodily and psychological diseases. Exercises are recommended not only for sick people, but also for those who do not complain about their health. For people who do not have health problems, these exercises will not only strengthen it even more, but also make it possible to live a long, disease-free life. For people with any disease, back exercises will be the initial step towards recovery.

Improving posture - the "fish" technique

This exercise is specially designed to eliminate spinal deformity. In people who lead an almost immobile lifestyle, over time, the spine becomes stiff and deformed. Over the years, the cartilage and discs in the spine begin to break down. People with deficiency physical activity by the age of 50, they experience pain in the back. Exercise helps not only straighten all the curvature of the ridge, it further improves heart function, blood circulation, and bowel function.


  1. Lie flat on the floor or on a hard bed, face up.
  2. Bend your arms into elbow joint, while closing the fingers under the cervical vertebrae.
  3. The legs should be evenly extended and pressed against each other.
  4. Then begin to pull your toes towards you, while vibrating with your whole body from right to left.

The vibration of the body should resemble the movements of a fish, but the spine should be motionless. Such exercises for the back must be done every day for 1-2 minutes.

Improving blood circulation in the body - the "joy of the baby" technique

Exercise "Joy of the baby" is aimed specifically at improving the body. This exercise not only has a beneficial effect on the spine, but also improves blood circulation throughout the body. As a result, the lymphatic fluid in the body is updated, and not only cellulite is fought, but also overweight. The Joy of the Baby exercise is a kind of Japanese gymnastics for weight loss.


  • Lie on your back on the floor or on a hard surface.
  • Place a firm pillow or rolled towel under your head.
  • Raise up the straightened upper and lower limbs until they form a right angle with the body.
  • Raising your arms and legs, begin to make trembling movements with them (newborns do such movements when they are happy).
  • Continue to do the exercise for 2 minutes, and then lower your legs and arms.

When performing the Joy of the Baby exercise, all 4 billion capillaries that are in the limbs will begin to contract even more actively. This will improve blood circulation and speed up all metabolic processes in the body.

Fukuji technique

Based on the research of the Japanese doctor Fukuji, a breakthrough has been made in the treatment of diseases such as scoliosis, sciatica, osteochondrosis and other diseases of the spine. Also, a Japanese scientist, after lengthy research, made another discovery. He came to the conclusion that the divergence of the costal, pelvic bones and the curvature of the spine greatly affect the volume of the body. Such violations of the structure of the human skeleton greatly affect the work internal organs. Japanese scientist developed special exercise, which allows not only to return all displaced bones to their place, to improve the functioning of internal organs, but also to get rid of excess weight. Currently, it is about the Fukuji technique that they say that this is Japanese gymnastics for losing weight and improving the whole body.

Physical activity according to the Fukuji method

Thanks to a Japanese scientist and his unique back exercise, all organs take correct position and begin to function well. All metabolic processes in the body are improved, which contributes not only to the restoration and strengthening of the spine, but also to a significant weight loss. In order to strengthen your health and get rid of extra centimeters at the waist, you will need a terry towel (which will need to be rolled up), comfortable clothes and 5 minutes of free time.

Exercise technique:

  • Roll up the towel. Its thickness should be 8-10 cm. Take the twisted roller in your hand and sit on a hard horizontal surface.
  • Gently lower yourself onto your back, taking horizontal position, put the roller under your back. It should be exactly under the waist.
  • Spread your outstretched, even legs to the sides, but so that when you tilt your feet inward, you can connect your thumbs together.
  • Stretch your arms behind your head, while turning your palms down and closing your little fingers with each other.
  • For the first time, you must remain in this position for 2 minutes, over time, increase the duration of the exercise to 5 minutes.

Japanese gymnastics for weight loss is something more than effective methods allowing you to give the body harmony and beauty. Such exercises also contribute to the improvement of the spine and the whole organism as a whole. The training is based on the technique of karate-do, the roots of which go back to the distant past. The very same gymnastics as a real way to reduce weight began to be used relatively recently. This is not just one, but different, sometimes diametrically opposed methods, in which there is both a static and a dynamic component.

Features of Japanese gymnastics for weight loss

Simple at first glance, exercises require a special technique. Tonic muscle tension (sensation of trembling and vibration), the ability to listen to your body and concentrate on sensations are the basic rules and the key to the effectiveness of classes. Another important aspect is breathing. It should be uniform, deep, sometimes slightly slowed down, that is, contribute to the regulation of internal processes in the body. A highly desirable component of such training is the Japanese diet, because in the land of the rising sun it is considered very important that both the spirit and the body be in harmony, and this is inextricably linked with the organization of nutrition.

For weight loss in Japanese, they most often use active training according to the Tabata protocol and two original methods that are perfect for those who are not ready for significant loads, but do not part with the desire to get rid of fat ballast. This is the Fukutsuji method, which offers to lose weight lying down, and a set of elementary exercises using the Imabari technique, performed with a regular towel.

Fukutsuji method - statics with a healing effect

The Fukutsuji technique is named after the author who developed the system and described it in his book. The circulation of the publication amounted to 6 million copies and was sold out in record time. The Japanese doctor came to the conclusion that the divergence of the costal and pelvic bones cause an increase in body volume in the waist area. He came up with an original exercise for the back and spine, which helps to return the pelvic bones to their place and restore the normal position and functioning of the internal organs. To complete the exercise you will need:

  • a flat and hard surface (floor or hard couch);
  • ordinary terry towel;
  • ribbon, lace or rope to make a roller;
  • 5 minutes of free time.

The towel must be taken in such a size that a sufficiently dense roller is obtained, corresponding to the width of the body. Before starting, you can measure your height and waist to compare before and after. For untrained people, in 5 minutes spent on a towel, the waist can decrease by 5 cm. The exercise is performed as follows:

  1. You need to sit on the floor and put the roller across the body behind your back, approximately at the place where the lower back will be.
  2. Slowly lower yourself onto your back and adjust the position of the folded towel. It should be located clearly at the level of the navel.
  3. Relax and spread your legs shoulder width apart. Give the feet such a position that the heels lie on the floor, and the thumbs touch. To avoid the temptation to change the position of the legs, you can put a small pillow on top.
  4. Stretch your arms, bring them up behind your head, turn your palms down and connect your little fingers. If you can't keep your arms straight, no big deal. Do what you can, in time everything will work out.
  5. Lie in this position for 5 minutes. You can relax, but it is important to ensure that the fingers and toes remain closed.
  6. You can not abruptly leave the prone position. First you need to turn on your side, rest a bit and only then get up.

This is the initial version of the exercise. In the future, it can be changed a little. To get a more spectacular waist - the roller is placed under the lower ribs. High chest can be obtained by placing the "sausage" under the shoulder blades. The seeming simplicity of such training captivates, but in practice it is sometimes difficult to withstand even half of the specified time. You should not make extra efforts, the duration of the lesson can be increased gradually. Be patient, because for a positive result, regular implementation is required.

It may seem that such Japanese gymnastics for weight loss is contrary to everyone. common sense, and it’s impossible to just lie down and lose weight. This is partly because Dr. Fukutsuji's formulation does not focus on traditional fat burning. There is a stretching of the spine, the pelvic bones gradually return to the anatomical position. Due to this, one can notice a decrease in body volume, especially in the waist area, and an increase in one's own height.
This method is strictly prohibited for people with any form of scoliosis. Also, various injuries of the spine, protrusions or herniated discs serve as an obstacle.

Imabari method - elementary exercise with a towel

Not popular in Japan power types sports with the use of weights - fragile Japanese women prefer to maintain their harmony with more calm and harmonious exercises. Unlike the previous method, here the towel is used in the form of an expander. If you do not know how to organize morning exercises, you can safely use the following easy exercises:

  1. Grab the edges of the towel with your hands and stretch at chest level with maximum effort. Helps strengthen arms and chest muscles.
  2. Raise your hands up and, stretching the edges of the "expander", make tilts to the right and left.
  3. Helps fight belly fat.
  4. Stretch the towel behind your back. Designed to improve posture.
  5. From a prone position, do a stretch for the legs, grabbing the tissue of the foot. Strengthens the muscles of the thighs and abdominals.

Other useful exercises, which will give you cheerfulness and charge you with a wonderful mood in the morning, are shown in the video:

Such Japanese gymnastics for weight loss can be adopted by untrained people and those who are recovering from illnesses, injuries, childbirth. sports man it is unlikely to help to lose weight -here more will go for the benefit of a special complex for drying the body. But for beginners, a towel as an elementary simulator can serve as an excellent incentive for further development and improvement of the figure. Moreover, Imabari gymnastics has no contraindications.

Active weight loss according to the Tabata method

This method is fundamentally different from those discussed above. It is built on the principle interval training, which consist in a short-term alternation of intense exercise and rest. At the same time, the tissues of the body are actively saturated with oxygen, the metabolism is accelerated many times, and there is an active destruction of fat cells. The workout is very tough, although its duration is only 4 minutes. This short period of time contains 8 cycles of 30 seconds, in which 20 seconds are allotted for active work, and 10 for relaxation. To get the desired effect, you need to properly organize Tabata classes and remember about contraindications.

Surely you thought about a set of exercises that would be easy to perform and effective for your body. Such gymnastics exists, and it came to us from Japan. Makko-ho- this is gymnastics, which has no contraindications.

This stretching exercise set appeared relatively recently - in 1933. In this short period of time, gymnastics managed to gain fans all over the world.

Japanese gymnastics

Makko-ho gymnastics consists of four exercises that everyone can do.

  • To perform the first exercise, sit on the floor and straighten your back. Bend your knees and bring your heels together without lifting your feet from the floor. Pull your heels as close as possible. Lean forward as low as possible so that your head touches the floor. Slowly raise your body to the starting position.

    Exhale while bending, and inhale when lifting. The exercise should be repeated 10 times. Be prepared that this exercise may not work the first time.

  • Sitting on the floor, stretch your legs forward. Keep your body straight. Pull your feet towards you. Without bending your knees, keeping your feet on the floor and keeping your back straight, lean forward. Repeat the exercise 10 times.
  • Spread your legs as wide as possible, but do not bend at the knees (the optimal angle between the legs is 120 degrees). Keep your back straight. Pull your socks towards you and lean forward. Return to starting position. This exercise must also be repeated 10 times.
  • Get on your knees, spread your legs hip-width apart and sit on the floor. Don't forget to keep your back straight! Slowly lean back, leaning on your hands. Try to lie completely on the floor and relax. Inhale and exhale deeply and slowly. Hold this position for 60 seconds and return to the starting position.

    Do the exercise 10 times. Don't be discouraged if you fail to complete this exercise the first time. Do what you can, just pay attention to the straight back.

  • These exercises straighten the spine, stimulate the metabolism, improve the mobility of the leg joints and strengthen the immune system. This Japanese gym is great for office workers. It will help relieve stress after a hard day at work and strengthen the immune system.

    In addition, during this gymnastics, somatropin, a growth hormone, is produced. Its large amount has a good effect on immunity and promotes longevity.

    But also straighten your posture, add a few centimeters to your height. This method should be treated with caution, as it is in many ways similar to therapeutic massages for the back, if used incorrectly, some problems with the spine can be aggravated.

    The technique of gymnastics is based on karate-do, includes exercises that combine statics and dynamics at the same time.

    Gymnastics was developed, who noticed that the incorrect position of the pelvic bones gives an increase in volume in the abdomen and waist. So the method is mainly aimed at returning the bones to their place, by exercising the back and spine.

    Gymnastics for fast weight loss the abdomen includes only one exercise that needs to be done within 5 minutes.

    For classes you need:

    • Rigid Smooth surface e.g. gender;
    • Towel, preferably terry;
    • A tourniquet or cord to turn a towel into a roller.

    Tip: choose a larger towel so that you end up with a tight roll as wide as your shoulders.

    Exercise method:

    Roll a terry towel into a roll, tie it with a pre-prepared cord or tourniquet so that the roller certainly does not roll out.

    1. Sit on the floor, straighten up and place the towel roll behind you.
    2. Gently, slowly lie on your back, while holding the towel so that the roller is exactly under the navel when you lie down.
    3. Move your feet apart shoulder-width apart and connect your feet together diagonally, “slope your feet”, your big toes should touch, and your heels should be separated by about 20 centimeters.
    4. Straighten your arms along the body and bring them behind your head, do not bend them, while the little fingers should be connected and the palms turned to the floor.
    5. Check the position of your body, pay attention to the big toes and little fingers.
    6. Try to fix in this position and stay in it for 5 minutes. Slowly and smoothly rise from the floor, completing the exercise, get up very carefully so as not to damage the spine.

    This is the most basic type of this exercise, after you can be in this position for 5 minutes, you can modify it. Depending on the goal you are pursuing, the roller can be placed under various parts of the back, for the waist - at the level of the lower ribs, for the chest - at the level of the shoulder blades.

    Don't try to do all 5 minutes at once, start with a minute or two and gradually add time, the workout is not as easy as it seems.

    • The muscles must be in tonic tension, that is, they must be strained to such an extent that they tremble;
    • Concentrate on your feelings and sensations from the exercises;
    • Watch your breathing, it should be smooth, viscous, continuous, contributing to the restoration of the body;
    • Organize your meals Japanese diet would be a great weight loss supplement.

    Fast and the stomach is due to the stretching of the spine, and not due to, you are losing weight because you are growing. The Fukutsuji method is contraindicated for people suffering from various diseases of the spine, scoliosis, herniated discs.

    Imabari Method

    The Imabari method is another variation of Japanese towel gymnastics for weight loss. It is not as dangerous as the previous one, and is aimed at overall weight loss body, not the abdomen.

    Some exercises:

    1. Grasp the edges of the towel, raise your straight arms to chest level and begin to stretch the roller in different sides. You should feel tension in the muscles of your chest and arms. Do 20 times. Exercise helps to remove body fat at the bottom of the forearm.
    2. Take a towel, as in the previous exercise, raise your hands up and begin to stretch the roll. Add tilts to the left and right, make sure that the arms do not bend. When performing this exercise, you should feel tension in the oblique muscles of the press and arms. The slopes form the waist well, the towel acts as an expander. The exercise helps to remove excess fat deposits from the abdomen, it must be repeated 10 times in each direction.
    3. The initial position is the same, now you need to put straight arms behind your back and pull the edges of the roller from each other. This exercise strengthens the muscles of the back, arms, improves posture, helps with the back and abdomen. Repeat 20 times.
    4. Grasp the edges of the towel, raise your straight arms up, and bending them at the elbows, lower the towel to the level of the neck. The exercise is also aimed at strengthening the back and arms, helps to remove fat from the upper forearm. Repeat, like the previous ones, 20 times.
    5. Lie on the floor, make a loop out of a towel and grab your left or right foot, while bending your leg at the knee. Start straightening your leg, you should feel tension and tension in the muscles of the thigh, under kneecap and the press. Exercise helps to remove fat from the hips and abdomen. on each leg you need to exercise for a minute.

    This simple set of exercises will take no more than 10-15 minutes a day, but it helps to quickly strengthen and tidy up the whole body. The number of repetitions in the exercises can be gradually increased, then the results will be more significant.


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