Freediving m Komsomolskaya. Freediving courses

Learn the art of perfect diving and feel the ultimate comfort underwater

Everyone can see the beauty of the underwater world and experience unforgettable impressions from exploring the depths in open water. Sign up for freediving courses in our club to make your dream come true, become an experienced diver and see the wonders of rivers, lakes and seas hidden from the eyes.

Freediving is a dive based on breath holding (apnea) without the use of breathing apparatus. In the process, a person has a feeling of free flight and complete unity with nature. If you take freediving training, you will be able to appreciate many amazing places. Including those where the diving infrastructure is not yet developed - there is no dive center or station for filling cylinders.

Do not be afraid of anything in the classroom - instructors with more than 15 years of experience are constantly with you. We have successfully trained more than 20,000 people.

Come to the club at a convenient time for you - the schedule is free. We are open every day. Just tell me when you can take theory and practice, and we will agree on a schedule of visits.

Learn the Basics correct breathing and psychological preparation, rescue skills and first aid - we explain in stages all the nuances of freediving.

Freediving course programs - master the technique of free diving in various waters

The goal of the NDL Freediver Freediving course is to achieve a feeling of complete comfort underwater. It is competent freediving that enables a person to engage in real spearfishing.

The NDL Freediver course program includes:

1. Fundamentals of physics of freediving physiology (mamillary reflex), adaptation procedures;
2. Psychological preparation for diving in freediving mode;
3. Proper ventilation of the lungs before diving.
4. Training exercises (holding the breath in statics and dynamics; technique of hanging and competent selection of cargo, skills of effective descent and safe controlled ascent);
5. The choice and specific features of equipment for freediving.
6. Rules for assisting a freediver on and under water.

NDL freediving courses are divided into three levels of training:

NDL FREEDIVER Level 1 is the basic freediving course.

The cost of the course is 25,000 rubles.

FREE SCHEDULEThe course includes:

– 3 theoretical lessons

Minimum 10 practical sessions in the pool

During the theoretical classes are considered:

— History of development and philosophy of freediving;
— Physics and physiology of breath-hold diving;
– Psychological preparation;
— Specificity of equipment for freediving;
– Organization of dives and safety;
- Methods of training.

Pool practice includes:

- Fundamentals of proper breathing;
– Immersion technique;
- Technique of swimming under water;
- Holding the breath in static and dynamic;
- Free diving to a depth of 6 - 8 meters;
- Rescue and first aid skills.

The NDL FREEDIVER Level 2 course is designed for those who have already completed the NDL FREEDIVER Level 1 course in the pool and want to learn how to dive in lakes and seas.

The cost of the course is 25,000 rubles.


(at any time convenient for you)

On the NDL FREEDIVER Level 1 course, you have already received all the basic theoretical knowledge and mastered the basic practical skills that allow you to start learning to dive in depth.

The NDL FREEDIVER Level 2 course includes practical exercises in open water designed to master the skills corresponding to this qualification:

  • Pressure compensation by the Valsalva method;
  • Diving in depth along the cable;
  • Free diving to a depth of 10-12 m.

The condition for obtaining the certificate is to reach a depth of 12 m.

The minimum number of training dives is 10.

The NDL FREEDIVER Level 3 course is designed for those who have already completed the NDL FREEDIVER Level 2 course, dive to a depth of more than 20 m and want to push their limits.

The cost of the course is 25,000 rubles.


(at any time convenient for you)

The NDL FREEDIVER Level 3 course includes practical exercises in open water designed to master the skills corresponding to this qualification:

  • Diving along the cable to a depth of 30 m;
  • Free diving to a depth of 20 m;
  • Development of mutual insurance skills;
  • Practicing emergency situations and rescue skills at a depth of 20 m;
  • Pressure compensation by the Frenzel method.

The skills acquired in the NDL FREEDIVER Level 3 course allow the freediver to dive safely with a similarly qualified buddy.

The condition for obtaining a certificate is:

  • confident diving in fins to a depth of more than 20 m
  • mastering the skills of rescue and mutual insurance
  • The minimum number of training dives is 10.

The main activities of the club "Kusteau" - training in scuba diving (from entry level to Assistant Instructor), organization of dives, underwater trips, sale and maintenance of equipment.
One of distinctive features club is mobility and the ability to organize and carry out dives in lakes nearby Moscow, as well as in the seas on the territory of the country, both for amateur diving for already certified divers, and as part of training courses, even in difficult conditions of reservoirs in central Russia.
Since its inception, the Cousteau Club has been an active member of the Professional Association of Diving Instructors Worldwide (PADI), and most recently the club has become the regional office of TDI-SDI.

Opening hours: weekdays from 11:00 to 20:00.

District: University, Ramenki.

Plus: technical diving, refresher courses for instructors; PADI, SDI, TDI courses; open water, diving tourism; first aid course.

Diving: 750-1125 rubles. / h ( Introdive (trial dive with an instructor, rental complete set equipment):
in the pool - 1500 rubles;
on open water - 2000 rubles.
Open Water Diver (OWD):
initial course without open water Referral Form - 9000 rubles. (4 theoretical lessons, 4 dives in the pool, exam, equipment rental);
individual course - 12,000 rubles. (4 theoretical lessons, 4 dives in the pool, exam, equipment rental);
full OWD course, including open water - 11,000 rubles. (theory, pool, 4 theoretical lessons, 4 dives in the pool, exam, equipment rental);
open water for RF graduates - 4000 rubles. (in the Moscow region), 3000 rubles. (on a trip), 4 dives in open water with an instructor, equipment rental.
Advanced Open Water Diver (AOWD, dives up to 30 meters, theory, 5 dives in open water with an instructor): 6000 rubles. (in the Moscow region), 4000 rubles. (during a trip).
EFR / Rescue:
EFR, first aid course - 4000 rubles. (theory, practice);
Rescue diver, rescue diver - 10,000 rubles. (theory, 1 lesson in the pool, practicing skills in open water, exam);
EFR + Rescue diver - 13,000 rubles. (theory, practical exercises, 1 lesson in the pool, skills development in open water, exam).
Divemaster (theory, classes in the pool, in open water, exam): 20,000 rubles, additionally paid educational materials(9350 rubles) and PADI membership fees (3000 rubles).
PADI Specializations;
Dry Suit, dry suit - 6000 rubles. (theory, 1 pool dive, 2 open water dives, equipment rental);
Ice diver, ice diving - 10,000 rubles. (theory, 3 dives in open water with an instructor, equipment rental);
Peak performance buyonancy, perfect buoyancy course - 3000 rubles. (theory, 2 dives in the pool);
Deep diver, deep diving - 5000 rubles. (theory, 4 dives in open water).
Registration of certificates and training materials are paid additionally.

Group lessons: 6000 rubles. / month ( Full course Open Water Diver (OWD), 3 pers.)

Classes in pairs: 9000 rubles. / month ( Complete Open Water Diver (OWD) course)

Immerse yourself in new adventures and discover uncharted worlds!

Freediving training, Freediving training in Moscow, Freediving training in the Moscow region.

Have you ever dreamed of swimming like a dolphin? Or maybe you wondered what it's like to glide through the water with bated breath? Now it's all in your hands when nothing stands between you and the SSI Freediving program, “The Incredible Freediving Experience!” As one of the fastest growing sports today, freediving is much easier than you think!

Freediving is attractive due to its philosophy: healthy lifestyle life and fitness activities, during which you enjoy the stunning landscapes and the silence of the underwater world ... No matter how deep - 5 meters, or much deeper - you dive, freediving is available to all lovers aquatic species sports. Diving while holding your breath gives you a feeling of absolute freedom - you move like a fish, and it's so natural! Thanks to freediving, you can get incredibly close to the underwater inhabitants or swim with dolphins in a way that you could only dream of before.

Freediving offers endless possibilities for exploring the depths - from clear cold lakes to crystal clear tropical waters, from adrenaline-seeking dives to calm, relaxed swimming. Whatever your passion for freediving, SSI will prepare you for the “Incredible Freediving Experience!”

SSI's proprietary methodology for conducting water activities

There are two ways to learn something - stress and repetition. stress is not the best choice especially when it comes to freediving. There is repetition. Remember how the elders told us before: “Repetition is the mother of learning”? Well, they were absolutely right, this is how we are going to teach you freediving. This is the only way to make sure that you feel confident with new knowledge, skills and equipment. We call this approach the Diver Diamond.

The Diamond Edge philosophy is at the heart of all SSI training programs. It focuses on the 4 ingredients needed to not only learn to dive, but to become a diver: the right skills, the right knowledge, the right equipment, and the right experience. The SSI Diamond Edge is a solid foundation for an “Incredible Diving Experience!”

Under the supervision of an SSI freediving instructor and with his personal recommendations, you will be able to put the acquired knowledge into practice, experiencing how the learned skills work in real conditions. SSI's own methodology for conducting water activities is called Comfort Through Repetition. By practicing each skill over and over again at each stage of training, you bring your actions to automatism - skills become second nature! SSI training ensures that when you learn new things, you do not forget what you have already learned. As a result, you will become a confident and comfortable freediver underwater.

Once you have completed your SSI course and become an SSI Freediver, you will be absolutely ready to embark on the adventure of your dreams!

Quality and reliability

When choosing SSI training programs, you can be sure that you are doing the right thing. Our quality control system guarantees that you will always receive the highest level of service:

  • SSI is the only organization in the industry whose instructors can only work closely with professional diving centers.
  • SSI is very careful to ensure that all SSI Training Standards are met during course delivery - this is made possible by an interactive Quality Assurance Program that includes you as the client, the instructor and the dive center.
  • For over 40 years, SSI has been very careful in choosing the dive centers they work with.
Freediving programs

The best way to start your underwater adventure is to become an SSI freediver! We are sure that at the end of the course, having mastered new skills and equipment, you will feel absolutely comfortable. Getting started is easy! Enroll in a Freediving Level 1 program or jump into freediving with the SSI Freediving Basic Skills course.

SSI education is structured in such a way that you study theory at your own pace at your own pace. For our part, we offer you a colorful textbook and test questions that will help you assess how well you have learned new knowledge. Your instructor will personally help you choose freediving equipment for pool and open water activities. Before you dive in open water for the first time, you will have enough time to develop the necessary skills and adapt to the underwater environment. After completing the basic course, you will receive the SSI Freediver certification. SSI certifications are recognized all over the world, which means your possibilities for a freediving experience are endless!