How to raise the handlebars on a mountain bike: useful tips. Stels child bike adjustment handlebar adjustment

Instructions: Raise the handlebars on children's and adult bikes

In the understanding of many, adjusting the height of the steering wheel is not difficult, because it was so easy to do on all bikes in childhood. However, in modern bicycles it is impossible to change the position of the steering wheel in the same simple way. This is explained by the fact that modern bike models have become much lighter and simpler in design. Therefore, do not be surprised if the position of the steering column is not quite easy to change on a new bike.

Consider, more closely, the steering part is great. A kind of threaded steering column is an old age. Currently, none of the bona fide manufacturers will allow such a part to be installed on the products of their brand. In the last 8-9 years, this trend has continued. But this does not apply to Chinese manufacturers, often a similar design is still found among bicycles made in China. One of the annoying inconsistencies is that it is impossible to install on such a steering suspension fork(due to difference in standards and stem diameter).

A set of necessary tools

In order to change the position of the steering wheel on your bike, you will need the following tools:

  • Hexagons of various sizes, therefore the best option there will be a whole set;
  • Tension limiter. It will allow you to keep the threads in their original state when working with light components such as carbon;
  • Torxes T20 and T25 (special type of keys). They may be needed for certain offset models.

The takeaway is quite easy to dismantle if you first unscrew the bolt that secures the cover, as well as a couple of bolts that hold the structure itself in the assembled state. The fastening sequence is as follows: first there is a removal, then special spacer rings are located.

If it is only necessary to lower the steering part, the rings are dismantled and the stem is returned to its original place, and the rings are placed on top of it, after which everything is fixed with a lid.

Attention! The bolt that is installed at the end, fixing the cover, is not advisable to tighten too much. His participation in the design comes down to removing possible slack, as well as play at the steering column.

After fixing the steering part with a bolt, you need to align the steering wheel itself and finally fix the system with bolts. Tighten the mounting bolts carefully, without applying excessive force, but at the same time, conscientiously.

Sometimes there is a need for the reverse process - the steering wheel must be lowered. To do this, you need to turn the stem so that it looks down. Remember that lowering the steering wheel is much easier than raising it. It is possible to facilitate this procedure by purchasing a special stem that can be adjusted.

The stems are presented in different versions, differing in length. The pattern is simple: if you want to raise the steering wheel to a considerable height, opt for a longer stem model.

Height adjustment value

In order for riding to bring you pleasure and comfort, you must feel as comfortable as possible in the process. This is why adjusting the handlebar height and stem is so important. Experts confidently state that the inability to adjust the steering wheel height directly affects its maneuverability and comfortable riding. It is difficult to control a bicycle, which means that there is no way to be sure of your absolute safety. There can be countless combinations in the settings of your bike, so feel free to experiment with the level of saddle height, suspension condition, tire pressure. But do not neglect such an important factor as the correct installation of the steering wheel in height.

There must be a relationship between the heights of the steering wheel itself and the saddle. For example, professional riders often set the handlebars lower than the saddle level. Those who choose a comfortable and relaxed style of travel, raise the steering wheel higher.

Note! The steering wheel, which is specially adjusted and set low, greatly reduces the degree of bike control and the likelihood of complete control over the situation in the process of movement.

Your bike's center of gravity drops if the handlebars are low enough. That is why the load on the front wheel increases, and, accordingly, traction. Also, the advantages include a more even distribution of weight between the two wheels, this favorably affects mountain climbs. Such effects are especially noticeable on bicycles with large diameter wheels. You can try on different handlebar heights and compare the feel of each new position, choosing the best one for free and without the help of experts.

When a cyclist is driving on roads, it is recommended to keep the back angle of about 30 degrees. If the riding style is quite active, the back angle is desirable in the range of 45 to 60 degrees. For the elderly, as well as children, you should stop at the angle parameter of 60-90 degrees.

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how to raise the handlebars on a mountain bike

The adjustment of the steering system determines the correct position of the rider's body. In this regard, it is extremely important to think over the nuances of adjusting the controls on the vehicle. Only correct position guarantees the absence of tension on the back and arms, ease of travel. Wherein the perfect bike does not exist, since each person has a certain body structure and a special physical form. Only if you properly adjust the handlebars of a bicycle, you can count on successfully overcoming any path.

Opportunities for efficient customization

So, is it possible to raise the steering wheel to? Yes, of course you can!

First of all, you should consider the height and angle of the steering wheel. A person should be able to take the optimal posture in order to prevent tension in the muscles of his body.

So, it is desirable to adjust the handlebars of many bicycles, taking into account the characteristics of trips:

  • riding in an easy style involves lifting the steering wheel;
  • sports races and high-speed trips involve lowering the steering wheel.

Only an individual approach, taking into account weight, figure and suitable driving style, allows you to determine the location of the steering wheel and guarantee maximum comfort.

In each case, the "zero" position for further adjustment of the bike becomes the level of the bike saddle. The steering wheel located above the marked position is considered high, the lower one is considered low. In this case, the measurements turn out to be conditional, therefore, an individual and careful approach is required to determine the ideal height of the vehicle.

Features of correct adjustment

An important task is to understand how to raise or lower the steering wheel. For this, it is recommended to use . In most cases, easy methods are used, based on the two most important aspects:

  • removal while maintaining an acute angle allows you to easily raise the steering wheel of the vehicle;
  • use of a head tube when setting up mountain bike models.

Taking into account the two most important aspects allows you to understand what scheme to set up the bike for a further safe ride. It is important to note that the type of steering column installed on this vehicle determines further adjustments in many situations.

Dedicated mountain bikes often have a lighter weight threaded mount than a threadless mount. At the same time, it is usually used for cheap and Soviet bicycles.

Head tube can fit in inner part columns, then tighten with nuts and connect to the mechanism. This scheme is characterized by simplicity and reliability of execution, but at the same time Bottom part construction often collects grease from the mechanism.

So, how to raise the steering wheel on? To do this, you need to carefully study the instructions.

  1. At the very beginning, you need to loosen the fixing nut that covers the steering tube in its lowest part, located above the frame.
  2. Then you need to do the same with the steering tube lock nut.
  3. On next step the pipe is raised to the desired height. To achieve the maximum possible rate, an extension cord is used.
  4. Subsequently, tighten the fixing and lock nuts.

As you might guess, the task can be completed with surprising ease.

Modern and expensive mountain bikes have a threadless column. It is important to understand that this design is the standard. This provides for the possibility of reliable implementation of a complex mechanism.

It is important to note that a special additional attribute is used to attach the steering wheel to the pipe, which plays the role of a stem. The threaded mechanisms that were previously used for bikes were a single whole, so the design had high level reliability and minimum weight. The height in this case is determined by the addition of special rings, which are located on the freed pipe from the remote structure.

How to raise the handlebars on a mountain bike if it is based on a threadless design?

  1. The hexagon allows you to unscrew the anchor bolt, which is located on the top of the pipe.
  2. Then carefully unscrew all the stem bolts used to attach to the head tube.
  3. After that, you can remove the steering wheel with the removal.
  4. You need to add or remove wheels to the pipe, depending on the optimal height adjustment of the bike.
  5. After changing the height, you can set the stem back.
  6. After that, tighten the tightening bolts and anchor. The steering wheel must not be overtightened, as otherwise the parts will be damaged.

Without fail, carefully adjust the direction of the steering wheel and align it with the front wheel. This stage is important, since during the initial setup, the entire structure can be displaced. To correct directions, loosen the bolts used as the base of the stem and set the correct direction before further tightening.

Tilt and stem

So, we have already managed to understand whether the steering wheel rises. But how to adjust the angle of inclination and stem? Advanced settings are available primarily for threadless speakers, designed for maximum fine tuning. Threaded structures are always solid, so additional settings are not available for them.

The angle of inclination can be changed with a hexagon by scrolling the steering wheel tube to the optimal position.

Removal is a separate issue. In addition, they are different:

  • vertical - used to increase the height of transport;
  • horizontal - compensate for the length of the frame;
  • corner - allow you to install optional equipment and auxiliary accessories.

Any bike adjustments are easy operations that even a beginner can handle. At the same time, riding can become more comfortable and enjoyable!

Setting the steering system in one position or another largely determines the correct fit of the cyclist. Therefore, the question of how to raise the handlebars on a mountain bike remains relevant for many bike owners. With a serious approach to the task, you can relieve tension in the back and arms, which will improve the overall level of comfort while riding.

Can you raise the handlebars on a mountain bike? It is no secret that the possibility of adjustment and its degree depend on the model of two-wheeled transport. Modern mountain bikes allow very limited adjustments.

The higher it is, the more difficult it is to control the bike on climbs, and the lower it is, the more problematic it is to ride on a flat track. In the latter case, the cyclist improves aerodynamics, but at the same time somewhat impairs visibility for himself.

How to raise the handlebars on a mountain bike?

To adjust the position, you first have to disassemble it. Only such a solution allows you to change the position of this structural element.

Usually, steering system on modern mountain biking it is fixed in the lateral part by several and one - in the central one. The presence of the last mount allows you to eliminate the backlash, and other holders fix the steering wheel at the required height.

To figure out how to raise the handlebars on a mountain bike, unscrewing the side elements will allow. After completing the operation, it remains to move it to the desired height. In this case, it is worth focusing on special marks, the excess of which is prohibited by the manufacturer.

How to lower the steering wheel?

Dealing with the problem is quite easy. You just need to do the following:

  1. The central fixing bolt at the top of the steering column is loosened. It is not recommended to completely unscrew this element, since a special wedge-lock may come off, which will lead to unforeseen consequences.
  2. The steering wheel is lowered to the desired level, aligned with the front wheel.
  3. Tighten the center bolt. It should be fixed in such a way that the design does not give play.

Learn more about Stels mountain bike

How to raise the steering wheel on Domestic Stels bikes are of great interest from consumers, as they are one of the best solutions in terms of price and quality. The question of how to raise the handlebars on a mountain bike of this brand quite often arises among buyers. Some cyclists believe that it is impossible to cope with the task. However, there are still several possible solutions.

Mountain bikes of the popular Stels brand do not have a wide range of raising and lowering the steering column. Therefore, when choosing a bike of a particular model, it is better to immediately stop at the optimal frame number, which best matches the parameters of the body when the seat is set to the optimal position. It is desirable that the position of the back of the cyclist is at an angle of approximately 40% with respect to the frame.

If there are difficulties with how to raise the steering wheel on a mountain bike "Forward", "Stealth", "Merida" or models of other brands that are in demand in the domestic market, you should once again look into the bike's passport. It is in the technical documentation that the best way to adjust certain parameters of two-wheeled vehicles is indicated, and valuable maintenance tips are given.

If the owner of a new bike does not know how to raise the handlebars on a mountain bike in a safe way, he should contact the manufacturer's service center or a store. Many points of sale have technicians who adjust the parameters of the bikes after they have been broken in. Also, such specialists perform steering wheel height adjustment.

How to raise the steering wheel?

As noted above, not every bike allows you to adjust the height of the steering column within a significant range. Therefore, many owners of two-wheeled vehicles are trying to lengthen this structural element in alternative ways, in particular, they resort to the use of special devices.

What is a bicycle handlebar extension? Such a tool is made in the form of a tube that is built into the fork stem of the bike and allows you to lift it up. Since most modern steering systems are equipped with non-adjustable stems, they have to be changed when installing an extension.


Handlebar adjustment is a solution that makes it possible to slightly increase the comfort of landing while riding. As you can see, this operation is quite simple. With a strong desire, you can bring the bike to mind without the help of specialists. In principle, the correct height, steering angle, other parameters should initially be selected according to personal comfort.

It may be necessary to adjust the handlebar height. You can raise the bike handlebars different ways, in order to do this you need to determine what type you have.

How to raise the handlebars on a bike

Threaded steering column

In order to raise the handlebars of a bicycle with a threaded steering column, do the following:

  1. Loosen the central steering stem bolt, but do not unscrew it completely, otherwise the wedge-lock will come off;
  2. Set the steering wheel to the required height and align with the front wheel;
  3. Tighten the center bolt. Please note that after tightening, the structure should not stagger, move up and down, and there should be no backlash.

Threadless steering column

If your bike has a threadless steering column then you can use the following methods to raise the steering wheel:

1. Install another , which has a higher lift. You can also install an adjustable stem, then you can change the height of the steering wheel at any time;

Change on a fork with a longer stem. In this case, you will need to purchase spacer rings of the desired length.

2. Do not add spacer rings to the old fork, the handlebar in this case may come off the fork stem. Some bikes already have a stock fork stem length, in which case you just need to rearrange the rings under the stem;

3. Install another . Install a handlebar with a high lift or more hand positions.

When installing the rudder, be careful, the anchor cover should only be tightened with a bolt, but do not tighten it with force. If the bolt is overtightened, it may break the armature. Also, the tighter the bolt is tightened, the harder it will be to turn the steering wheel. The bolt should be tightened until the play in the steering column disappears. The rudder side stem bolts should only be tightened after the anchor has been pulled in.

Setting the steering column to the correct height can help relieve back, wrist and arm pain while riding. You can adjust the height of the steering wheel yourself, having an adjustable (wrench) and hex wrench at hand.

How to raise the steering wheel on a bicycle - decide on the design

The handlebar adjustment process depends on the bike model, which has a threaded or threadless design. The first column set consists of bearings, a steerer tube and other components that hold the fork and handlebars, allowing them to rotate smoothly. The threadless design of the steering wheel is fixed only with clamping bolts.

How to Raise the Handlebars on a Bicycle - What You'll Need

  • Socket wrench set.
  • Adjustable wrench adjustable up to 40 mm.
  • Lightweight cycling oil.
  • Steel hammer.
  • Spacer rings (size according to stem diameter).
  • Rag.

How to raise the handlebars on a bicycle - threaded steering column

The threaded column is a wedge lock that comes out of the frame, leaning forward, and then fastened with a nut to the steering wheel. The column is held in place by one central bolt at the top. Such a handlebar is installed on older brands of bicycles that have one speed and a fixed gear.

  • Grab the front wheel of your bike with your feet. Loosen the stem bolt with a wrench (typically 6mm or 8mm) or an adjustable wrench.

  • Turn the steering wheel from side to side by pulling it up. If it does not move, loosen the nut around the base of the tube with an adjustable wrench and lubricate with oil. Wait five minutes and then tap it lightly with a hammer and try again.
  • Pull the stem retainer completely out of the pipe. Wipe it with a rag and apply a thin layer of lubricant.

  • Insert the latch, setting it to the desired height. Do not raise the wedge above the maximum level, which is indicated by a horizontal line on the pipe.

  • Tighten the bolt while holding the handlebar, aligning it with the front wheel.

How to raise the handlebars on a bicycle - threadless steering column

  • Use a socket wrench (usually 5mm) to loosen and remove the bolt on the top of the head tube that is inserted into the bike frame. This bolt holds the handlebars to the bike, so you need to remove it to adjust the height.

  • Loosen the pinch bolts at the top of the steering tube. Slowly remove the handlebar, being careful not to bend the wires attached to the brakes and switches. To ensure their safety, it is better to put the bike on a table or chair.

  • Add or remove additional rings on the steerer tube to achieve your desired height.
  • Install the steering wheel with the tie bolts to the top of the steering tube. Tighten the bolt while aligning the handlebar with the front wheel.
  • Check the bike's maneuverability. Make sure the steering wheel turns freely. If not, loosen the head bolt a little.

When adjusting the steering column, keep in mind that the low height of the steering wheel lowers the center of gravity. By placing more weight over the front wheel, you increase traction. In addition, the lower height ensures that the body is centered between the two wheels, which allows for better control of the bike during climbs. However, there is a limit; dropping the handlebars too low can make the bike difficult to control. Luckily, experimenting with handlebar height is easy and can often be done on your own.

Often, factory handlebar height settings are universal, and not tailored specifically for a specific person. Cyclists often experiment with saddle height, tire pressure, handlebar angle, and suspension settings, but few are aware of the benefits of adjusting handlebar height. The height of the handlebar is sometimes referred to as the position of the saddle relative to the handlebar, that is, the interval by which the seat is higher or lower than the handlebar.

For professional riders, this interval is usually significant, and the handlebars are lower than the saddle, while amateur cyclists do not. Simply put, a lower handlebar height lowers the center of gravity. By placing more weight on the front wheel, you increase traction. In addition, the low handlebar height allows the rider to be more centered between the wheels, improving the bike's handling, especially during uphill climbs. This effect is more noticeable off-road, mainly with 29-inch wheels.

Handlebars that are too low can make it difficult to steer the bike, so there is a limit. Luckily, experimenting with handlebar positions is easy and mostly free. This manual is suitable for owners of modern bikes with adjustable stems and a proper steering column. If the bike stem is bolted to the steering column, it is most likely adjustable.

  • It will take time: 15 minutes
  • Difficulty level: easily
  • Price: for free

Required Tools

  1. Universal set of bicycle tools or hexagons.
  2. Adjustable torque wrench or torx wrench, especially when working with carbon or light materials.
  3. Handlebar stems from Zipp, Ritchey and Syncros require the use of Torx wrenches instead of hex keys, so T20 or T25 Torx wrenches may be required.

Adjustment of spacer rings of a steering column

The first and easiest way to adjust the height of the steering wheel is to swap the steering column rings.

Headset rings fit over your bike's fork stem and help you adjust the handlebar and stem height. As a rule, the standard size of spacer rings is from 20 to 30 mm. They can be freely rearranged along the entire length of the stem. The stem bolts are tightened according to the general pattern (unscrewed counterclockwise, screwed clockwise).

1. First, firmly fix the wheels of the bicycle, after which you should loosen the clamps on the back of the handlebar stem. Now it's time to grease the bolt that secures the steering column cover a little so that it gives in more easily.

2. Unscrew the top bolt securing the cover,(it fits into the steering column anchor star nut) and set the cover aside.

3. Disconnect the steering column and stem from each other.

4. Now it's time to decide how high you would like to raise or lower the steering wheel.. Depending on the decision, you should add or, conversely, remove the required number of rings from the bottom of the steering column located under the stem.

5. Then insert the steering column back into the stem mount, and rearrange the freed rings that were previously located under the stem. upper part fork stem above the stem.

Make sure that the distance between the upper edge of the ring and the fork stem is at least 3-5 millimeters, otherwise it will not be possible to securely fix the steering column without backlash.

6. Next, replace the steering column cover and tighten the bolt, but not too much to avoid the formation of backlash. Thus, you will pre-fix the structure.

7. Then align the stem so that it is in the same plane as the front wheel and at right angles to the handlebar. This step requires patience, but will allow you to adjust the position of the handlebars relative to the top tube of the bike frame.

8. Now that the stem is in the correct position with respect to the front wheel, tighten the stem bolts gradually and alternately using an adjustable torque wrench, typically 5 to 8 Nm.

9. It's time to check the takeaway settings. To do this, use a simple trick. Lock the front brake with one hand and place the other on the steering column, then turn the steering wheel slightly back and forth. Can you feel the fork stem moving inside the steering column? If yes, you need to loosen the steering column fasteners and tighten the bolt on its cover more tightly, then tighten the fasteners again.

Repeat these steps until all signs of free play in the steering column disappear, and the steering wheel does not turn freely. If you tighten the bolts too much, you may have difficulty turning the steering wheel. If all else fails and your steering column is hard to adjust, it might be time to replace it.

10. Test the new handlebar height

Expand the stem

If the permutation of the rings did not fully satisfy the requests, we recommend resorting to one more trick. You can rotate the handlebar in the opposite direction. For mountain bikes, this part is turned mainly up, that is, by turning the stem, you change the height of the steering wheel. The procedure is the same as before, but the steering wheel in this case is removed from the steering column.

11.Put the bike on flat surface and fix its wheels firmly. Remember at what angle the steering wheel and brake lever were located.
Loosen the bolts connecting the handlebar to the stem. Remove the front stem cover and set it aside in a safe place.

12. Carefully set the handlebars aside, then follow the lantern replacement procedure in steps 1-4.

13. After detaching the stem from the bike body, turn it the other way and insert it back into the fork stem.

14. Install the steering wheel in place, maintaining the same angle of the brake lever and the steering wheel itself.. Lock the stem front cover with the manufacturer's recommended torque (usually 4 - 8 Nm). Make sure all bolts are tightened evenly and spacing between stem fasteners is the same everywhere. If the gaps are uneven, the functionality of the steering wheel will be impaired.

Now follow the procedure for tightening the steering column and carrying out the steering wheel, set out in paragraphs 3-7.

So, it's time to test the new handlebar height in action. Adjusting the steering wheel height for a specific person takes some time. But the result is worth the effort. If the setup was successful, you will unlock the full potential of your bike.

Bicycle steering column maintenance - video

Setting the steering system in one position or another largely determines the correct fit of the cyclist. Therefore, the question of how to raise the handlebars on a mountain bike remains relevant for many bike owners. With a serious approach to the task, you can relieve tension in the back and arms, which will improve the overall level of comfort while riding.

Can you raise the handlebars on a mountain bike? It is no secret that the possibility of adjustment and its degree depend on the model of two-wheeled transport. Modern mountain bikes allow very limited adjustments.

The higher it is, the more difficult it is to control the bike on climbs, and the lower it is, the more problematic it is to ride on a flat track. In the latter case, the cyclist improves aerodynamics, but at the same time somewhat impairs visibility for himself.

How to raise the handlebars on a mountain bike?

To adjust the position, you first have to disassemble it. Only such a solution allows you to change the position of this structural element.

As a rule, the steering system on modern mountain bikes is fixed in the side by several and one in the center. The presence of the last mount allows you to eliminate the backlash, and other holders fix the steering wheel at the required height.

To figure out how to raise the handlebars on a mountain bike, unscrewing the side elements will allow. After completing the operation, it remains to move it to the desired height. In this case, it is worth focusing on special marks, the excess of which is prohibited by the manufacturer.

How to lower the steering wheel?

Dealing with the problem is quite easy. You just need to do the following:

  1. The central fixing bolt at the top of the steering column is loosened. It is not recommended to completely unscrew this element, since a special wedge-lock may come off, which will lead to unforeseen consequences.
  2. The steering wheel is lowered to the desired level, aligned with the front wheel.
  3. Tighten the center bolt. It should be fixed in such a way that the design does not give play.

Learn more about Stels mountain bike

How to raise the steering wheel on Domestic Stels bikes are of great interest from consumers, as they are one of the best solutions in terms of price and quality. The question of how to raise the handlebars on a mountain bike of this brand quite often arises among buyers. Some cyclists believe that it is impossible to cope with the task. However, there are still several possible solutions.

Mountain bikes of the popular Stels brand do not have a wide range of raising and lowering the steering column. Therefore, when choosing a bike of a particular model, it is better to immediately stop at the optimal frame number, which best matches the parameters of the body when the seat is set to the optimal position. It is desirable that the position of the back of the cyclist is at an angle of approximately 40% with respect to the frame.

If there are difficulties with how to raise the steering wheel on a mountain bike "Forward", "Stealth", "Merida" or models of other brands that are in demand in the domestic market, you should once again look into the bike's passport. It is in the technical documentation that the best way to adjust certain parameters of two-wheeled vehicles is indicated, and valuable maintenance tips are given.

If the owner of a new bike does not know how to raise the handlebars on a mountain bike in a safe way, he should contact the manufacturer's service center or a store. Many points of sale have technicians who adjust the parameters of the bikes after they have been broken in. Also, such specialists perform steering wheel height adjustment.

How to raise the steering wheel?

As noted above, not every bike allows you to adjust the height of the steering column within a significant range. Therefore, many owners of two-wheeled vehicles are trying to lengthen this structural element in alternative ways, in particular, they resort to the use of special devices.

What is a bicycle handlebar extension? Such a tool is made in the form of a tube that is built into the fork stem of the bike and allows you to lift it up. Since most modern steering systems are equipped with non-adjustable stems, they have to be changed when installing an extension.


Handlebar adjustment is a solution that makes it possible to slightly increase the comfort of landing while riding. As you can see, this operation is quite simple. With a strong desire, you can bring the bike to mind without the help of specialists. In principle, the correct height, steering angle, other parameters should initially be selected according to personal comfort.

A properly adjusted handlebar will provide the rider with a comfortable ride. Only under this condition will the cyclist be able to show his full potential. Growing children also need to adjust their bike handlebars every year. Luckily, all you need is a hex wrench, a few spacer rings, and 5-10 minutes to get the handlebars right.

Method 1: Adjusting the steering wheel on a threadless steering column

1. Know that a threadless steering column can be adjusted too. In order to save the bike from unnecessary weight, most stems don't have enough room. If you need to greatly change the height of the steering wheel, you need to buy a new stem. If you have a serious problem, like you can't reach the handlebars or the handlebars are too close, look for a stem that's longer or shorter.

  • There is a large bolt on top of the threadless headset and 2 smaller bolts to help secure the stem.

2. Adjust the stem height to a comfortable level, not the correct position. The body is an excellent judge in the adjustment case. The back should not be hunched or leaning back. The arms should be slightly bent at the elbows. In any case, ride in a position that is comfortable. Have a friend hold the bike (front wheel between your legs) while you sit down to check the handlebars.

  • Cyclists have handlebars low so they can lean over.
  • For normal driving, the steering wheel is level with the seat or higher.

3. Loosen stem pinch bolts with hex wrench. These bolts hold the handlebars on the bike and need to be removed to place the handlebars higher or lower.

4. Loosen the bolts on each side of the stem. Use a hex wrench for this. The bolts are on the part of the stem closest to the seat. Loosen them enough to remove the handlebar and stem from the tube.

5. Pull the stem off the frame. Slowly remove the handlebar, being as careful as possible not to pull or bend the wires connected to the frame by the derailleur. They sag slightly, but in order not to risk it, it is better to roll the bike to a table or chair, put the handlebars on it so that it is closer to the bike.

6. Add or remove additional spacer rings to achieve the desired height. All you need to adjust is the handlebar height. The rings are quite small. With their help, you can easily select the desired height. The tapered portion at the bottom of the stem that connects to the frame cannot be removed. You can buy spacer rings at any time to increase the height.

7. Put the steering wheel with the take-out on the spacer wheels. Don't worry about not being able to reattach everything perfectly. If the extra rings have been removed, put them on top of the stem so as not to lose them. The stem bolt will secure them.

8. Insert the stem bolt by hand. You don't need to screw it in. This top bolt is not responsible for rocking the steering wheel from side to side. You need to fix it well before inserting the steering wheel again.

  • If you are working on fragile parts, such as a carbon fiber frame, it is worth using a diametric wrench so as not to break anything.
  • Make sure the steering wheel moves freely. If not, gradually loosen the bolt until the steering wheel can be turned freely.

9. Align the stem with the front wheel. Stand on the bike as if you are about to sit on it. Point the front wheel straight ahead. Close one eye and adjust the handlebar and mid with wheel. Make sure to do this in order to control the turns.

  • If there is a problem that the steering wheel does not stay in place, tighten the nuts to move it with more force, but the steering wheel will move independently of the wheel.
  • Tighten the bolts when the steering wheel is level.

10. Check how level the steering column is.. Remember that the steering column is the connection of several parts at once (handlebar, stem, front wheel, fork) that turns the bike itself. The top bolt is attached to the steering column and it affects the turns. To test it, stand with the bike between your legs and apply the brake. Roll the wheel back and forth, feel if there is any wobbly weird movement under your arms. If present, loosen the side bolts and tighten the top bolt, then tighten the side bolts to check again.

  • If you do not have a good sense of properly tightened nuts, loosen the bolt a little. You can also use a torque wrench - a wrench with an adjustable and measurable dynamometer (torque).

Method 2: Threaded steering column adjustment

1. Make sure the bike has a threaded headset. A threaded headset has a continuous metal piece (stem) that extends from the frame and slopes forward. It connects to the steering wheel. Where the stem disconnects from the frame, there is a nut and bolt at the top of the stem. These offsets are easy to adjust. Single speed bikes, fixed gear bikes, and older bikes have them.

  • Some bikes don't have a nut, just a bolt at the top of the stem.

2. Loosen the bolt at the top of the stem. This bolt, pointing straight down, creates pressure, i.e. holds the stem in place. Use a hex wrench to loosen it. You don't need to pull it out completely.

3. Loosen the locknut with wrench . Loosen the hex nut. It is located where the stem meets the frame.

4. Detach the handlebar from the frame. You may need to move it, turn it to pull it out. If it's a new bike, mark where the handlebar was. This will make it easier to return it to the same place.

5. Wipe and oil the stem. Clean the stem with soapy water and dry with a rag. To prevent the stem from getting stuck in the frame later, apply anti-seize lubricant 2 cm below the stem.

6. Decide on the type of ride to choose a new type of handlebar. The appropriate handlebar depends on the type of bike. Also, choose the right height for you, so that in the future it will be comfortable to ride a bike.

  • Road bike: Riders have handlebars low so they can lean over. This is done for better speed control and weight transfer.
  • Mountain bike: On these bikes, the handlebars should be lower than the seat. This will give a good balance and move the center of gravity lower.
  • Cruiser: On standard bikes, the handlebars should be slightly higher than the seat to provide more comfort and relieve stress.

7. Position the stem at a suitable height and tighten the top bolt. This can be done by hand. It is better not to use any tools, because then you will not be able to loosen the bolt or nut again.

Method 3: Bicycle Handlebar Angle Adjustment

1. Check if the bike has an adjustable stem. An adjustable stem has one bolt running perpendicular to the bike where the stem connects to the frame. Loosen the bolt, adjust the stem angle, then tighten it back. Before you leave, check if you are comfortable. In principle, this may be sufficient.

2. Loosen the four screws at the end of the stem. The stem runs perpendicular to the handlebar and connects the frame and handlebar. There are four screws on the front of the handlebar, usually fixed to a small square in the middle of the handlebar. Loosen them and the steering wheel can be rotated back and forth.

3. Find out at what height you should install the steering wheel. Imagine that the steering wheel is a piano. You should feel comfortable playing on it. The arms are slightly bent. The brakes should be at a convenient distance so that it is comfortable to reach them. The back is tilted 45 degrees from the waist. Have someone hold the bike while you sit down and check the handlebar position.

  • Steering angle - slight adjustment. If you can’t reach the brakes, you have to bend over awkwardly or fully extend your arms, you need to buy a new stem. It is also possible that the bike is too big for you.

4. Adjust handlebar angle to desired height and check. Have someone hold the bike, or try to ride a short distance. Be sure to tighten all bolts before riding. Otherwise, your weight may tilt the handlebar down and an accident may occur.

5. Once you have adjusted the appropriate angle, tighten the bolts by hand. They need to be twisted so that the steering wheel does not move during the trip. Be that as it may, do not tighten too much, otherwise you will not be able to remove them in the future.


  • Make sure you can easily reach the brakes and shift after adjusting the handlebars.
  • Be careful with brake and gear cables. Don't confuse them.
  • If adjusting the handlebar doesn't solve the problem and you're still not comfortable, try changing the seat height.

Double check that you have tightened all the bolts before the trip, so as not to get into an accident.