Properties of fish oil in capsules for weight loss. Is fish oil effective for weight loss and how to take it correctly to maintain health? Useful properties of fish oil for weight loss

Kilograms that you managed to get rid of with the help of fitness and diets can quickly return. This happens because during training or fasting, the body loses water from the intercellular space. The balance is broken, and when a person comes to the usual rhythm of life, all weight loss is restored. Fish oil for weight loss stabilizes metabolism. If taken during fasting or intensive classes sports, the balance does not suffer. The diet, accompanied by the intake of fish oil, is 2-3 times more effective than the usual one.

The composition and beneficial properties of fish oil

Eating right, using protein products playing sports and taking fish fat You can lose weight, increase muscle mass. A valuable substance is formed in cod fish in the liver. It contains Omega-3, unsaturated fatty acid, and vitamins. Benefits of fish oil:

  • Vitamin A contributes to the restoration of vision, is useful for prolonged stress on the eyes.
  • Vitamin D has a positive effect on the skeletal system, improves the condition of the ligaments and muscles.
  • Omega-3 cleanses blood vessels, prevents blood clots from forming, reduces “bad” cholesterol, improves brain activity, and reduces the level of “stress hormones”. Together with calciferol restores fat metabolism. Acid has a positive effect on blood circulation, reducing the risk of atherosclerosis.

See How Omega-3s Work When Getting Rid of excess weight. This substance regulates the production of cholesterol and insulin. The hormone insulin prevents the accumulation of fat when there is an excess of calories in the diet, or reduces its use as fuel for the body. At the same time, the hormone protects against “eating” during hungry periods. muscle mass. If insulin is elevated, it is less likely that accumulated body fat will serve as a source of energy. Omega-3s help balance insulin production.

How to take for weight loss

There are several opinions about the dosage of fish oil for weight loss. Some nutritionists believe that 500 mg daily is enough, and this amount comes naturally, with the usual products, it is no longer required for metabolism. There are researchers who are confident that a person needs to take at least 500 mg per 1% of excess weight to lose weight, but if subcutaneous fat a lot, this approach threatens with an overdose of vitamins A and D. It is optimal to choose the “golden mean” for yourself. How to take omega-3 for weight loss:

  • if there is a desire to get rid of 15 kg or less, drink 1-2 g of the drug 2 times a day;
  • you need to remove more than 15 kg - use 5-6 grams per day;
  • when losing weight, it is important to take fish oil correctly: do not drink on an empty stomach, this is fraught with diarrhea, active bile secretion;
  • the drug should be taken in courses: take 25 days, then take a break for up to 5 months.

In capsules

Please note that the amount of fish oil and Omega-3 capsules varies depending on the manufacturer. The standard norm is 1 g of fish oil, but there are other options, you need to read the instructions. Before you take fish oil in capsules for weight loss, you need to determine the dosage for yourself. The amount depends on how much a person is overweight and on the rhythm of life.

With increased physical exertion, the number of capsules taken can be increased to 6 per day, athletes burn more fat. The effect will be visible in a few weeks, and this applies not only to weight loss, but also to the effect of rejuvenation. The condition of hair, skin and nails will improve. You need to drink fish oil in capsules with food, so the substance is absorbed in the body better.

How to drink in liquid form

The optimal dosage of taking liquid fish oil is one tablespoon twice a day, at the beginning of a meal, you can - immediately after. Drink no more than a month, take up to 3 courses of taking the substance a year. Liquid fish oil tastes bad, which is why capsules are now more popular. An alternative to this drug is to cover 1 g of the daily requirement of Omega-3, every day you need to eat 100 g of sea fish, or drink a tablespoon of linseed oil.

Are there any contraindications for use

With caution, little by little, the substance can be used by people with a sick heart, liver, stomach, pregnant, lactating, hypertension. Taking fish oil for weight loss is completely contraindicated if a person is diagnosed with:

  • excess calcium or vitamin D;
  • thyroid disease;
  • kidney stones, kidney disease;
  • tuberculosis;
  • seafood allergy.

Video: does Omega 3 help to lose weight

The process is slow (about 500 g per week), but very effective and most importantly, the weight does not return.

I have been taking fish oil capsules for a month now. I have known about its benefits for a long time. But about what it activates the metabolism and helps to lose weight, I recently learned from a girl who lost more than 30 kg.

For those, who not losing weight, but looking after your health is important to know that fish oil contains vitamins and omega-3 fatty acids.

VITAMIN A - restores vision (especially helps with constant work at the computer), participates in the immune system.

Vitamin E - necessary for strong teeth and bones, a powerful antioxidant, is involved in the biosynthesis of blood cells.

VITAMIN D- needed for normal bone formation (which is important for children from birth).

Omega 3 fatty acids - prevents the formation of blood clots, reduces the level of cholesterol in the blood, reduces stress hormones.

Fish oil helps to regulate the required amount of leptin in the body. Namely, it helps to increase metabolism. If most of the consumed fat is replaced with fish fat, then you can lose up to one kg. weight in twelve weeks, effortlessly.

Who has small children, see a review about the benefits of liquid fish oil, it helps to increase immunity (it is also possible in capsules, but it is easier for kids to give it in liquid form).


I began to look for information on the Internet, whether the metabolism is really accelerating and we are losing weight. Found several sources. See for yourself.

How to take fish oil for weight loss?

The correct dosage is 1-2 grams per day. Capsules, 6 pieces, should be taken 3-4 times a day with meals, it is better absorbed this way. In order for this method of losing weight to be effective, we advise you to stick to a diet, be patient, because the effect is observed only after a few weeks. But in addition to losing weight, your body, receiving enough omega-3 fatty acids, will rejuvenate significantly. This also applies to external changes in the skin, nails, hair, and internal healing of the body as a whole. Fish oil will benefit vision, bones, teeth, it lowers cholesterol, dilates blood vessels, and resists thrombosis. And this is not the whole list of useful properties of this product.

Fish oil can be taken in any capsule. My husband and I drink 2-3 pieces * 3 times a day. Just get the daily dose. All such packs that I bought contain a bag of capsules inside. I pour them into a bowl and they stand on the table constantly before my eyes. So I sit down to eat and do not forget to drink during the meal.

I really noticed an improvement in the condition of my hair and skin. Is the weight coming off??? YES!!! But I can't say exactly why. After all, I: eat right (PP), work out with Jill + drink fish oil. Everything in the complex gives good result(in the review about the PP there are before and after photos).

You need to take fish oil for a month and take a break for 2-3 months, then start again.

The drug has contraindications


  • urolithiasis disease:
  • high calcium content;
  • fish allergy;
  • kidney failure;
  • tuberculosis;
  • hyperfunction of the pancreas.

Acceleration of metabolism, and therefore weight loss, occurs if stick healthy eating and at least 2-3 times a week to do some kind of sport.

When I asked the pharmacist at the pharmacy how much the capsules cost, she answered "YES PENNY". But in reality the price 50-60 rubles per pack.

In any case, fish oil will strengthen the immune system, improve eyesight and strengthen bones, it "works" in any place where there is inflammation, reducing it, etc. So many benefits in one tool. It's just a find. I advise everyone!

Not everyone knows that fish oil is an excellent tool for combating excess body weight. The polyunsaturated fatty acids Omega-3 included in its composition are able to neutralize the penetration of harmful substances from food into the places of accumulation of the fatty layer, thereby accelerating the burning of hated kilograms. Today, fish oil is often used as an auxiliary supplement in weight loss programs, because with its help in the body:

  • metabolism is accelerated;
  • improves blood sugar and cholesterol levels;
  • the processes of burning subcutaneous fat are activated.
Fish oil is available in capsule format, so it does not cause any discomfort during the intake. For the best effect in terms of weight loss, it is recommended to combine taking the supplement with moderate exercise.


Didn't help you lose weight

I took fish oil for three weeks, 2 capsules per dose. At first I thought it was a lot, one capsule is about 20 micrograms. Then I counted and calmed down. For a day, an adult needs a minimum of 250 micrograms. And to improve health in general and with a lot of excess weight, all 1000. So whatever one may say, I took a little, but maybe this is the secret of poor efficiency.
About the taste. Here is the only big advantage of fish oil capsules. The capsules are covered with a shell that does not let in any taste or smell. Although there is still a taste after the capsules. The shell is similar to gelatin, the capsules are quite elastic, if you bite into them, then natural fish oil will immediately splash.
I did not manage to lose weight, there were no serious changes in terms of weight loss. As soon as I didn’t eat after six, I plummeted, I just forgot about this rule right away as a plus. So fish oil did not help me lose weight, but as vitamins for beauty, it may make sense to take it.

Nothing good

I drank fish oil many times, it seems that the remedy has been tested and tested for decades, and everything is in order with safety. But, alas, I did not see any effect from it.
There are absolutely no changes in the body, this applies to both health internal organs and external beauty. Losing weight with the help of fish oil is generally considered a crazy idea. Since when do we lose weight from fat? Unless during the keto diet, but she also has a lot side effects.
In addition to the zero effect, fish oil is also bad because it has an unpleasant taste and aroma. If you do not drink the capsule with plenty of water, there will be an unpleasant aftertaste in your mouth.
My memories of fish oil are not the most positive. I understand that omega 3 and omega 6 are necessary for our health, but for myself, I concluded that these micronutrients can be obtained in multivitamins.
If you could really lose weight on this cheap fish oil, then not a single complete man the world would not have. This is the simple truth.
I do not consider it necessary to take these capsules, they have many better and more effective analogues.


A week ago I completed my diet on apples and carrots. Additionally, she took fish oil, although she did not place special hopes on it.
I did an experiment myself. Saw 2 capsules 3 times a day before meals. Of the side effects, I had bad breath. After each pill intake, I advise you to brush your teeth or at least rinse your mouth.
Otherwise, everything went fine. I endured the diet easier than it could have been. Even the head was not spinning and there was no pressure. It is also important that the condition of the hair and nails did not worsen, however, the skin of the face began to shine, an ugly oily sheen appeared. Apparently, fish oil somehow enhances the work of the sebaceous glands.
I lost 7 kg in 10 days. I don't think fish oil has any effect on weight loss. Rather, it just helped me withstand the load of a mono diet.
So during diets it is very useful. The bottom line is that the better we feel on a diet (thanks to RJ), the longer the days we can withstand, which means more kilograms will go away. Everything is very simple. And this formula works!
I put fish oil good mark and will recommend to my friends and family. He helped me! RJ can be taken even by those who are not losing weight, it definitely won’t get worse. The product is especially useful for children and the elderly.

Good food supplement but not for weight loss

I started taking fish oil for weight loss. I know that this is a very useful nutritional supplement that contains Omega-3.
I buy fish oil in a pharmacy. For myself, I choose the capsule form of release. In this form, drinking fish oil is much more pleasant, the taste is not felt at all. Of course, in capsules it is a little more expensive than in the liquid version, but it is easier to drink.
As we know, fish oil can strengthen the immune system and have a general healing effect.
This is not a drug that can quickly help. You need to drink it for a long time. It is better to drink the course. For example, I drink it 1 month per season.
I can honestly say that it does not affect weight loss in any way. My skin, hair and nails have improved. I feel great, but it does not affect the weight.
When taking, you need to consider the dosage of capsules. Different manufacturers produce fish oil with different dosages.
Although the supplement is useful, not everyone can take it. Fish oil has contraindications: tuberculosis, diseases of the genitourinary system, allergies, high calcium content in the body.

Not suitable for losing a couple of kg

I don't know what I was thinking, but I decided to try new method weight loss with fish oil. You can buy it at a pharmacy for a penny. It is available in the form of a bottle with a fatty liquid and a capsule. I chose the second option, as it is faster, more convenient and not disgusting. Which of these two types is more useful is still debated.
I took 2 capsules 3 times a day with meals.
It acts on the whole body, and positively. Improved skin, evened complexion. Nails, hair became elastic and strong. Started to sleep. Even easier to endure stress.
Large doses may loosen stools.
Weight loss occurs mainly due to the acceleration of metabolism. Appearance improved within a week, and the weight stood still.
Another 7 days passed. It seems like there is no harm, but the goal is not achieved. With the therapist, we came to the conclusion that it makes sense to go on any other diet, while not stopping drinking fish oil.
And so, I literally immediately lost 2 kg in a week. I came to the conclusion that the drug is good, you need to take it regularly. It is really only for very large ladies to throw off a few kg on it, but I am not one of those. And as a lifesaver with a strict diet, it fits perfectly for a daily diet.

fish oil for health

I drink fish oil courses: 2 months a year. I usually try to take it in spring or autumn when my skin, hair and nails suffer from dryness, brittleness. Fish oil copes with all the duties assigned to it. Already after 2 weeks of taking the capsules, peeling on the face disappears, the skin looks healthier, the complexion improves. Excessively dry hair acquires a beautiful shine, visually seems well-groomed. And the nails stop breaking, but still remain thin enough. Another advantage is that RJ normalizes the cycle, while taking PMS capsules it happens a little less painfully. But then, at the end of the course, everything comes back. I buy fish oil at Eicherb, I believe that only there it is natural, without chemical additives.
I heard that you can lose weight with fish oil, but I did not notice this effect on myself. Perhaps, only those who have a lot of excess weight, and not some 2-3 kg like me, will be able to lose weight with it.
An excellent analogue, only of plant origin, is linseed oil. But personally, I was never able to adapt to it, the taste is painfully disgusting.

good stuff

I remember fish oil from my childhood. Previously, he seemed to me the most disgusting of all existing pills. Now I am more loyal to its taste, but still I don’t like the unpleasant aftertaste. Sometimes it even causes nausea, which I save myself from with a couple of glasses of water.
I take more fish oil to improve my health. I tried it once while on a diet. The miracle didn't happen. The weight went off exactly as much as I expected. That is, fish oil in no way affected weight loss, the diet did its job directly.
But what I am grateful for is for giving me energy, and for improving the quality of my facial skin.
All those unpleasant side effects from the diet went more smoothly (dry skin, hair loss, bad mood, weakness), without causing serious damage to the body.
Fish oil is well absorbed, does not harm the digestive tract, as it seems to me. Specifically, I had no side effects from him, except for nausea.
The product is natural and generally safe. It can be taken by everyone, without exception, even children.
For a diet, he will be a good helper, but I repeat, you will not lose weight faster from him.
I can't give this popular drug a bad rating. It seems to me that he copes with all the tasks assigned.
The advantages of fish oil include its cheapness, in our time this is a serious factor.

Fish oil is not effective for weight loss

After reading the maximum amount of information about fish oil, I determined for myself the optimal intake regimen: 2 capsules in the morning, one at lunch and one in the evening. She drank plenty of water. The taste is neutral, there were no problems with the reception. For a whole month I diligently drank fish oil, did not miss a single dose. But I really saw that the weight was not going anywhere. Specially for a month I never weighed myself. I did this only after finishing the full course of fish oil.

And what is the result: in a month of taking it, I lost only 1.9 kg. The volumes remained practically the same as they were before the use of this dietary supplement. In addition, not only did my nails and skin not improve, but a strange rash began on my face. It turns out that even completely healthy fish oil can cause an allergic reaction. This weight loss doesn't suit me at all. But now I can say with full confidence that you can’t lose weight on fish oil.

Have slim figure every woman desires. To reduce weight, ladies use not only diets and physical exercise but also a variety of drugs. Recently, it has become fashionable to lose weight with the help of fish oil. The supplement not only stimulates metabolism, but also saturates the body with nutrients, heals. How to take fish oil for weight loss and will be discussed further.

Benefits of fish oil

Before taking fish oil for weight loss, we will analyze its composition. It contains vitamins, minerals and fatty acids. The most useful substances are Omega-3 and Omega-6. The product contains vitamin A, which is indispensable for the functioning of the visual apparatus, and vitamin D, which strengthens bones and teeth. Fish oil also contains minerals such as phosphorus, iodine, bromine and sulfur. There are organic acids and calciferol.

The elements found in the fish product have a beneficial effect on the human body, cleanse it, strengthen and restore it. Expand the space of blood vessels, prevent the formation of blood clots. They have a beneficial effect on memory, lower cholesterol and increase the production of serotonin. Eliminate the inflammatory process. in the best way affect the condition of hair and nails. Prevent the occurrence of cardiovascular pathologies. Omega-3 and calciferol promote fat burning. Helps kickstart the weight loss process.

Benefits of the Supplement

How does fish oil affect weight loss? First of all, the product in terms of weight loss is not an independent product, but a secondary one. It is used in combination with other measures aimed at weight loss. It enhances their action. Stimulates metabolism. Reduces fat content in problem areas. But without proper nutrition and exercise, fish oil will not give tangible results. The product is not intended for weight loss, but only starts the metabolic process and stimulates metabolic processes.

Before taking fish oil for weight loss, you need to consult a doctor. After all, this product is considered a medicine and is prescribed to eliminate the lack of vitamins A and D. Indications for its use are frequent SARS. Fish fat is also prescribed for slow bone growth, night blindness, excessive dry skin, fragility of the nail plate and hair, and also for the prevention of atherosclerosis.

Fish oil for weight loss: how to take, dosage

For weight loss, fish oil can be consumed both in capsules and in liquid form.

One capsule contains 500 mg of Omega-3 acids. For weight loss, take 2-4 capsules up to three times a day. The daily dosage is 4500-6000 mg.

In liquid form, fish oil is more concentrated than in capsules. In this case, it is drunk 5 g (teaspoon) three times a day. During storage, the product should be kept in a refrigerator, which will significantly reduce oxidative processes.

The course lasts 1-2 months, then take a break for a month. If necessary, the supplementation is resumed. Do not exceed the daily dose, as an excess of vitamin D can lead to undesirable consequences.

Losing weight with fish fat is real, but only if a healthy lifestyle and physical activity are added to its use. Before using the product, you should undergo an examination and consult with your doctor to make sure that this product will bring benefits.

How to take fish oil capsules for weight loss, it was written above, and then we will talk about which product to choose.

What is the best fish oil?

How to take fish oil for weight loss? Just like in all other cases - strictly according to the instructions and adhering to the doctor's prescriptions. Drinking for weight loss should only be yellow fat, it should not be brown or white. The latter option indicates the presence of not entirely useful impurities.

Basically, fish oil is produced from cod liver, which contains not only useful, but also harmful substances. It can accumulate toxins. Therefore, experts recommend giving preference to fat from fish meat. There are fewer nutrients, but there will be no harm to the body.

The product in capsules must be purified, refined, without dangerous impurities. The amount of eicosapentaenoic and docosahexaenoic acids matters.

It is better if the supplement is made from expensive varieties of fish. The more valuable the fish, the more useful substances in the product, the more expensive the supplement. If the product is called "fish oil", then it is made from the liver. If referred to as "fish oil", then the supplement is made from meat.

Which fat is better to drink: in capsules or in its natural form? Here everyone decides for himself. In the first case, it will be easier to drink it.

Popular brands

It is important not only to know how to properly take fish oil for weight loss, but also to choose a quality product that will benefit the body.

Fish oil is produced in many countries, but the leaders in this industry are:

  • USA. Here, manufacturers pay attention to the fact that mercury and toxins can be found in fish. The products undergo a special cleaning procedure. Famous brands NOW, Madre Labs and Natrol.
  • Russia. Enterprises in our country make liver supplements Among the popular brands are Biafishenol, Mirrolla, Biokontur.
  • Norway. This country is considered the best in the production of fish oil. For the manufacture of additives, fish grown in environmentally friendly conditions is used. The Cod Liver Oil brand is common.

The most famous additives in our country are:

  • "Salmon fish oil" brand "Biafishenol". There are capsules of 0.3, 0.4 and 0.45 g, packaged in a hundred pieces. In addition to fish oil, the product contains vitamins A and D. For the manufacture of supplements, fish that live in the Arctic are used. The drug contains a lot of polyunsaturated fatty acids.
  • "Omega 3" from "Mirroll". Produces fish oil in capsules, which adds calcium, rose hips, valerian and motherwort, garlic, sea buckthorn and other valuable components. Each type of supplement is packaged in 100 capsules, which is enough for 12 days.
  • "Fish oil" from "Biokontur". Like the previous brand, here you can choose several options, this is fish oil with milk thistle, kelp, sea buckthorn, etc. The product is not recommended for use by children under 14 years of age. It contains about 20% Omega-3. The package contains 100 capsules.
  • "Omega-3" brand "Rybka". Produces packages of 30 and 100 capsules. Fish oil of this manufacturer does not contain harmful additives and flavors. Recommended for children from 3 to 13 years old. Satisfies the need for polyunsaturated fatty acids by 40%.
  • "The Little Mermaid" from RealCaps. This is fish oil for children. Produced in jars of 60 capsules. The product is enriched with vitamins A, E and D. Contains Tutti-frutti flavoring.

Who needs fish oil for weight loss?

How to drink fish oil for weight loss so that it gives the desired effect? First of all, the product should be used only after consulting a doctor and strictly according to the instructions. You can not abuse the supplement, since an excess of omega-3, omega-6 and vitamins A and D is no less dangerous than their lack.

Some nutritionists advise to adhere to the following rules:

  • If there are no more than 15 extra pounds, then you need to consume fish fat 1-2 g per day, morning and evening.
  • If the weight is more than normal by 15 kilograms or more, then the dosage should not exceed one gram per day.

In addition to losing weight, fish oil benefits the entire body. Saturates it with useful substances. Strengthens immunity and memory. It has a beneficial effect on the activity of the cardiovascular system.

Contraindications for taking the supplement

In addition to the benefits, fish oil can be harmful if consumed with:

  • dysfunction of the thyroid gland;
  • finding stones in the gallbladder, kidneys and urinary system;
  • pregnancy and lactation;
  • liver pathology;
  • renal failure, which is in a chronic form;
  • thyrotoxicosis;
  • hypervitaminosis D;
  • advanced age;
  • organic lesions of the cardiovascular system;
  • ulcer of the digestive system;
  • tuberculosis in the active stage of development;
  • the possibility of allergic reactions.

If the use of the supplement causes nausea, diarrhea, vomiting or bleeding from the nose, as well as other negative phenomena, then the product is stopped. These symptoms indicate an overdose. Side effects do not last long and disappear after stopping the intake of fat.

Is fish oil effective for weight loss?

Does fish oil help you lose weight? Undoubtedly yes. It speeds up the metabolism. Improves lipid metabolism. But the product is effective only as aid, in addition to proper nutrition and fitness. The drug makes the efforts made to reduce weight more effective. When dieting, it helps to saturate the body with useful substances.

According to studies conducted by scientists from Prague, the subjects who drank fish oil in the amount of 8 g, weight loss was much more stable than those who lost weight without using this supplement. Therefore, fish oil works, but only in combination with other activities.

Is it possible to take fat for weight loss? You can, if you mean fish oil.

Marine fish oil contains the most valuable polyunsaturated fatty acids (PUFAs) of the omega-3 class for health. Docosahexaenoic (DHA) and eicosapentaenoic (EPA) acids are able to regulate the content of fats in the body, as well as suppress the subsequent accumulation of lipids (growth of adipose tissue).

Synthesize (produce) these acids independently human body unable, so PUFAs coming from food are considered essential for health.

Docosahexaenoic acid - main component retina, gray matter of the brain and cell membranes. With its deficiency in the body, the risks of developing attention disorders and depressive states are associated.

Eicosapentaenoic acid, entering the body, is introduced into the cellular structure and prevents malignant transformation of cells. It is necessary to maintain protective functions.

Lipids perform a very important job - they form a certain energy reserve. From lipid accumulations, the body receives energy to heat our body, to protect internal organs from mechanical damage and create moisture-repellent covers.

To create this reserve, lipids use fats from food. But fats, as you know, are different: useful and not very.

Harmful fats turn into body fat, which lie dead weight and do not perform their functions.

Healthy fats take an active part in metabolic processes: they perform their work efficiently and, as a rule, are used by the body without a trace.

properties of fish oil

Fish oil is obtained from fatty fish and used as a food supplement. Sold in liquid form or in gelatin capsules.

Fish oil is absorbed in the body faster and better than other animal and vegetable fats.

Fish oil contains:

  • polyunsaturated fatty acids;
  • monounsaturated fatty acids;
  • unsaturated fats;
  • vitamins A and D;
  • a small amount of iodine, iron, sulfur, phosphorus, calcium, magnesium.

The main therapeutic property of fish oil is to improve the regulation of vitamin-mineral and fat metabolism in the body.

Benefits of fish oil:

  • improves immunity;
  • stimulates the production of serotonin;
  • improves blood circulation;
  • plays an important role in the prevention of thrombosis and atherosclerosis, eye diseases;
  • calms the nervous system;
  • helps with alcohol and drug intoxication;
  • improves concentration and memory;
  • strengthens bones and teeth;
  • helps with insomnia;
  • is an anti-inflammatory agent.

Fish oil is contraindicated:

  • with individual intolerance and allergies;
  • in acute and chronic diseases of the kidneys, gallbladder, liver, thyroid gland;
  • with hypervitaminosis of calcium, vitamins A and D;
  • with high blood pressure;
  • in violation of blood clotting;
  • during pregnancy and lactation (no studies have been conducted on the use).

How to take fish oil capsules

Fish oil should be taken during or immediately after meals as an additional source of vitamins A and D, essential PUFAs.

Do not take the supplement on an empty stomach: it causes frustration gastrointestinal tract possible vomiting, diarrhea, acute pain in the intestines.

Preventive course of admission - 30 days.

Therapeutic daily dose of the drug for an adult:

  • in grams: 1.5–3 g;
  • in milliliters: 15–30 ml;
  • in milligrams: 1500–3000 mg.

The body's need for fish oil largely depends on the state of health, on the area of ​​​​residence and eating habits. Residents of continental territories and megacities, as a rule, experience a deficiency of PUFAs. People who regularly eat fish and live near the sea do not need to take dietary supplements.

Domestic manufacturers produce fish oil in capsules of 500 mg, foreign - 650-1000 mg each.

Most often, fish oil is sold, which is extracted from horse mackerel and anchovies, salmon and cod fish species, less often - herring and sardine oil.

When choosing a natural dietary supplement with the optimal amount of omega-3 for you, pay attention to what kind of fish the fat is made from. The approximate content of omega-3 PUFAs in the fats of some fish is indicated in the table:

A wonderful effect of taking fish oil in the cold season - in autumn or winter. This is due to the launch of a natural mechanism for the accumulation of fats, which will be needed by the body to warm the body in cold weather.

During the launch of this mechanism, there is a desire to eat more often, high-calorie and fatty foods. There is weight gain.

The number of kilograms gained during this period depends on starting weight and its stability. The more excess weight, the more the body will add. If the weight is normal, the increase will be 1–1.5 kg. With a lack of body weight, the increase rarely exceeds 0.5 kg.

Often during such periods, breakdowns occur in those who follow a low-fat diet.

If you take fish oil at this time, there will be no lack of energy. The body will regularly receive the necessary the right fats and make less inventory. And this means that there will be no extra pounds.


Fish oil normalizes the accumulation of fats, which are necessary for the normal functioning of the body, but does not reduce weight as an independent remedy.

Fish oil will become an assistant if you are losing weight according to the system of accustoming the body to the right food for you. The diet will remove excess fluid and remove kilograms, and fish oil PUFAs will replace the lost harmful fats with the necessary useful ones, maintain the condition of the skin and hair, maintain the protective functions of the body, and provide energy; protect from stress.

If you are counting calories and taking supplements, their energy value is taken into account: the calorie content of one capsule (500 mg) of fish oil is 4.5 kcal.

Taking dietary supplements is necessary if you follow an "extreme" diet lasting more than 7 days. “Extreme” diets include all diets in which the nutrition system causes stress in the body, due to which weight loss occurs. After such diets, weight returns quickly and in large volumes.

In this case, the use of fish oil will reduce the likelihood of a breakdown; faster will pass the stage"stop" weight; weight gain after the diet will be less.

Fish oil breaks down fats and replenishes the deficiency of nutrients in the body. If you supplement the diet with fish oil, you can accelerate weight loss and lose about two kilograms.

Fish oil capsules are, of course, not a magic bullet. For weight loss, it will be effective only in combination with reasonable physical activity And diet food. Subject to the rules healthy lifestyle life, fish oil will increase immunity, make weight loss smooth and maintain skin elasticity.