Active stretching exercise. All about stretching

Stretching(from English " stretching"- stretching) are special exercises aimed at developing the flexibility of the whole body. In addition, this type of training strengthens the tendons, normalizes blood circulation, having a positive effect on the entire body as a whole. This is a great way to get healthy. Stretching can be done both in a specially equipped room and at home. All you need is a fitness mat that will provide you with a comfortable workout environment.

In addition, absolutely anyone can do this type of aerobics, regardless of the level physical training and also without any additional training skills. The set of exercises provided below can be done as a daily workout to get the desired effect.

In this article, we will consider in detail the main types of stretching, the advantages and contraindications for classes, we will select the appropriate set of exercises for beginners, we will talk about classes during pregnancy and the necessary clothes.

Who can do stretching?

A set of stretching exercises can be performed by anyone who wants to keep fit, dreams of doing splits, wants to be flexible and healthy.

Classes with this type of aerobics strengthen all muscle groups, but their main action is aimed at stretching the muscles of the legs. Regular exercise helps burn fat. This allows you to make the figure slim and beautiful. However, everyone should understand that if you are pursuing the goal of losing weight, in this case an integrated approach is needed. So if you decide to drop excess weight due to this type of aerobics, you definitely need to read the articles below in order to quickly achieve your goal.

Thus, stretching is especially recommended for women, but it will be no less useful for men and children. In general, if you decide to take care of yourself, improve the quality of your life, stretching will become great start on the way to a healthy and vibrant life. It's kind of like a health gymnastics.

Main types

Depending on the degree of load on the muscles, the following types of stretching are distinguished: SOFT And DEEP.

When performing the first, the muscles are stretched to their usual length. Each exercise will take approximately 30-40 seconds to complete.

The main goal of DEEP STRETCHING is to stretch the muscles to a new length. For this exercise, perform from 1 to 5 minutes.

Classification of stretching according to the method of performing exercises:

  • Static;
  • Dynamic;
  • Active;
  • Isometric;
  • Ballistic;
  • Proprioceptive neuromuscular.

Static Stretching - This type of stretching is suitable for beginners. All exercises, aimed primarily at relaxing the muscles, are performed slowly and smoothly. Such training helps to strengthen the tendons and soft development of the joints. The main essence of such a classification is that a person, performing an exercise, stops for a short period of time, keeping the muscles in a tense state. That is, from a mechanical point of view, there are no movements. However, the muscles receive a static load, remaining in a contracted state. More about what is static exercises, you can read here in .

Dynamic (Dynamic Stretching) the species is also relatively safe and suitable for people who have a weak physical fitness. Exercises alternate in such a way that the muscles first tense and then relax.

Active stretching is aimed at stretching the muscle, which is in a passive state. This is achieved by the work of other muscle groups that surround it. Active stretching also increases joint mobility. This type can be used for yoga.

Stretching at isometric stretching (Isometric Stretching) occurs in four stages: muscles tense, relax, stretch and fix. This type of exercise requires sufficient physical fitness and effort, but with regular performance You will see an excellent result in terms of developing static-passive plasticity. The whole point is to create muscle stretch by counteracting.

For example, go to the wall, lean your right hand (palm) against the edge and tilt the body slightly forward, as if trying to move the wall with your hand. So you will stretch pectoral muscles and front deltas due to the tension created. As you understand, to perform such exercises, you need to use a wall or any other support that cannot be moved. This method is many times more effective than static stretching.

One of the most dangerous types is ballistic stretching (Dynamic Stretching) . The basic exercises are performed abruptly and quickly, so they are not recommended for beginners. The bottom line is this. The athlete, with the help of short dynamic movements with a rebound, goes beyond certain limits, increasing the amplitude of movement.

For example, let's take the exercise "tilts with arms extended to the toes of the foot." In a normal, fluid motion, a person with poor stretch will not be able to reach their toes with their fingertips while standing. In this case, the legs should be straight and not bent at the knees. So, with ballistic stretching, a person makes a movement with a sharp push down and reaches his feet without any problems. So, let's say, it goes beyond the limits of the motor capabilities of the body. Due to such a quick stretching of a certain muscle group, our body instantly reacts by contracting these muscles. This effect is also called MYOTATIC REFLEX.

Important! Ballistic stretching should only be done under the guidance of an instructor. Self-exercise can lead to serious consequences.

proprioceptive neuromuscular (PNF) - a type of stretching aimed at restoring joint mobility after muscle dysfunction, injury or surgery. By manipulating peripheral elements called PROPRIOCEPTERS, rehabilitation specialists manage to correct many defects associated with bad posture, violation motor functions bodies and more. This type is carried out for therapeutic purposes under the guidance of an experienced instructor or doctor.

The benefits of stretching

Regular stretching will help you:

  • Elasticity, flexibility of muscles and mobility of joints;
  • Improvement of blood circulation;
  • Elimination of stagnation in the lymphatic system;
  • Relief from pain in lumbar spine;
  • Improvement of posture;
  • Prevention of cellulite;
  • A positive effect on the female body: getting rid of the PMS syndrome;
  • Getting rid of nervous tension and stress;
  • Stretching after a hard workout gym has a positive effect on muscle recovery, elimination of pain. It also promotes the elasticity of muscle tissue.
  • Healthy sleep.


Like any other sport, stretching has certain nuances and a number of contraindications:

  • recent fractures. If you have just recently had a cast removed, you should not immediately engage in this type of aerobics, as the bones have not yet fully recovered. You need to wait a while, after which you can safely proceed to regular training, but before that, do not forget to consult with your traumatologist;
  • Dislocations. Injured ligaments are not compatible with stretching exercises;
  • Serious problems with the spine;
  • Various disorders in the cardiovascular system, primarily associated with an increased risk of blood clots. For the same reason, you should be very careful when exercising varicose veins veins and be sure to consult with your doctor;
  • The period of exacerbation of chronic diseases of the joints.

Basic rules for doing exercises at home

The most important rule - before training, it is necessary to conduct a warm-up workout. It is best to do stretching after aerobics, which will improve blood circulation and oxygen supply to the muscles.

When doing basic exercises, remember that you should not feel sharp pain. If this happens, stop exercising immediately.

Movements should be smooth and slow, breathing should be even and rhythmic. Proper breathing promotes relaxation and stretching of muscles. You need to exhale when bending, and inhale when stretching. Try not to hold your breath.

After the end of the workout, the muscles need rest, so it is not recommended to expose the body to physical activity, which can lead to muscle strain.


It is necessary to take care of clothing in advance so that you are as comfortable and easy as possible to perform all types of exercises. Even if your classes are held at home, this does not mean at all that you do not need a special sports kit.

If you decide to do stretching, you will need durable clothing that can withstand stretching. Prefer fabrics such as nylon, elastane, polyester. Buy clothes in specialized stores to avoid counterfeiting.

Fat girls should not be shy about wearing tight clothes for stretching. After a few months of hard training, you will notice amazing results! However, in order to achieve positive effect, as mentioned earlier in the article, you must adhere to proper nutrition, avoid stress and adhere to a healthy sleep regimen.

Stretching for beginners

As a rule, stretching consists of four stages:

  1. Warm-up to warm up the muscles;
  2. Exercises aimed at developing flexibility;
  3. Stretching exercises;
  4. Muscle relaxation.

If this is your first time doing this workout, you should not be upset if not everything works out the first time. At regular classes muscles will stretch, become flexible and elastic. This will be noticeable after a few such workouts.

Helpful advice: Turn on your favorite music while stretching. This will help you relax and be more willing to exercise. For such a workout, light pop or jazz is suitable.

You can easily do this workout at home. However, do not forget about the basic rules that we discussed above.

Main complex:

  1. It is necessary to stand up straight, while slightly bending your knees. Then stretch your right hand up, as if trying to reach the ceiling. Do this "trick" with your left hand as well. It is necessary to perform 5-10 times for each hand.
  2. Starting position - stand up straight, slightly bending your knees. Place your left hand on your belt, and grab your head with your right hand, tilting it to the right. Stay in this position for at least 15-30 seconds.
  3. Sit on the floor, spread your legs wide apart, hands behind your head. In turn, stretch to each knee, while not forgetting to fix on a short time. Do 8-10 repetitions.
  4. Get on all fours. The left leg must be extended back, and the right arm forward. Try to stay in this position for 15-30 seconds, stretching your limbs as much as possible. Do the same with the right leg and left arm. Repeat these manipulations 8-10 times.
  5. This exercise is performed lying down. Raise your legs towards your head, clasping your feet with your hands. Hold for 15-20 seconds. Lower your legs and then do the same 8-10 more times.
  6. To increase the mobility of the thoracic region, you can perform the following exercise. Spread out a fitness mat and lie on the floor with your left side. Bend your knees to make a 90 degree angle. Stretch both arms out in front of you so they are perpendicular to your hips.

After the starting position has been taken, without lifting your hips from the floor, begin to smoothly raise your right hand and rotate the body, namely the thoracic region to the right. Try to reach the floor with the back of your hand. After the goal is reached, return to the starting position and do 4-6 turns. After completing the exercise for one side, lie on your right side and do the same, turning to the left side.

Rest 10 seconds between each exercise. For clarity, you can watch video tutorials that will help you complete the workout correctly.

The video below will help everyone to sit on the twine, tighten their muscles and improve their elasticity. It is very important to follow exactly correct technique otherwise you will not get the desired effect from the exercises done. We will consider each stretching exercise in more detail in the following articles. Recommended SUBSCRIBE so you don't miss reviews of the most popular exercises.

Is it possible to do stretching during pregnancy?

During pregnancy, stretching is great option to keep your body in shape. If future mom feels well, there are no risks and complications associated with this condition, then exercise stress will only benefit. Many doctors recommend that you definitely make a certain set of exercises for daily sports.

  • Fulfilling special exercises stretching with a trainer, well-being improves, fatigue disappears.
  • Stretching and maintaining the elasticity of muscle tissue contributes to a better transfer of the load that occurs during childbirth.
  • Sports, healthier and balanced nutrition boosts the immune system, helps to maintain weight within normal limits.
  • Sports activities and continuation healthy lifestyle life allows you to maintain physical shape in excellent condition.
  • Stretching for pregnant women and other types of fitness increase the chances of a healthy birth and eliminate the likelihood of a caesarean section.

However, there are a number of exercises that are strictly prohibited during pregnancy. They include slopes. They can only be performed while sitting, but in no case standing.

Before you start exercising, be sure to consult with your doctor. In addition, it is recommended to perform the exercises under the supervision of a professional instructor who will select for you individual complex. Avoid amateur performances and classes according to your own set of exercises so that no complications arise. By the way, swimming is best for pregnant women.

How is stretching different from other types of aerobics?

Most of the aerobic exercise aimed at maintaining a good physical form became popular at the expense of Western countries. Stretching is more related to physical education eastern countries, in which all kinds of stretching exercises have long been practiced. For example, the birthplace of yoga, which has a lot of exercises used in stretching, is India.

Such a set of exercises can help a person not only sit on the splits, improve posture, etc. With the help of stretching, you can also perfectly improve the elasticity of muscle tissue, and stretch absolutely the whole body well. This helps to improve the condition of the joints, make them more elastic and mobile. Moreover, such an effect on muscle tissue allows you to make power loads in the hall more effective. So, do not think that such training is purely for women. Men can also practice.

Stretching(stretch)- exercises for stretching are useful and necessary for everyone, regardless of age and degree of development of flexibility. For achievement best results you need to incorporate a range of flexibility exercises into your daily training sessions. You can perform all the exercises in a row or a part of them of your choice, depending on your desire and needs.

While doing stretching, you should understand for yourself what specific benefits you get for your body:

Stretching has a stimulating effect on blood circulation and lymph circulation in the body.

Stretching exercises included in the final part training session, help muscles recover by returning from a contracted state to their previous length (at rest).

Stretching exercises have a relaxing effect on the muscles and relieve various pains caused by stress and tension of the nervous system.

Stretching slows down and makes gradual some of the processes in our body associated with aging.

Muscles that are regularly trained in stretching retain their elasticity and are well supplied with blood and nutrients.

Stretching exercises are effective remedy reduce mental stress, as they tone the muscles but relax the brain.

Stretching classes will make you feel tall, slim and flexible, and improving the condition of the muscular apparatus cannot but affect the improvement of posture.

What to look out for

Always stretch to certain, characteristic "limits only for you. Feelings should be only pleasant and accompanied by a feeling of relaxation. Pain is a sign that the stretch amplitude is too large.

Never bounce, but do "holds".

The ideal time to practice stretching is immediately after exercise such as walking or other form of aerobic exercise. Also, since stretching relieves unnecessary muscle tension, you can use these exercises at any time to improve your mood and well-being.

During stretching exercises, do not forget to breathe properly. The most important thing in this is not to hold your breath and not to force the exhalation. It is best to breathe normally and calmly, and in between exercises, you can take a deep breath and exhale completely.

Stretching exercise 1

Raise your arms up and stretch, lifting your shoulders and chest up. Hold 5 bills.

Stretching exercise 2

Now put your hands back, clasp your hands, pull your stomach in and lean forward as low as you can. Hold 15 slow bills.

Stretching exercise 3

- Bending your knees, lean forward, touching the floor with your hands.

Straighten your knees as much as you can. Hold 15 bills. Slowly arch your back, bending your legs and returning to the starting position.

Stretching exercise 4

Straighten up, put your legs apart, pull in your stomach, chest is raised. Place your right hand on upper part right thigh, and left - up above the head. Reach with your left hand to the right as if you want to push a wall with your hand. Hold 15 bills. Slowly return to the starting position and do the exercise on the other side.

Stretching exercise 5

Spread your legs wider, lean forward and place your palms on the floor. Sliding your right foot to the side and bending your left leg, take the position shown in the figure. Feel the stretch throughout your inner right thigh. Hold 15 bills. Change legs and do the exercise on the other side. Control the position of the feet: they should touch the floor with the entire sole throughout the exercise.

Stretching exercise 6

Lie on your back, pull your right knee to your chest. Hold 5 bills.

6-A. Now straighten right leg as best you can without causing pain, and try to pull it to the chest. Hold 10 or 15 bills. Lower your leg slowly. Perform the exercise with the other leg.

Stretching exercise 7

Lie on your back and pull both knees towards your chest. Tilt your head forward to your knees and hold this position for 10-15 counts.

Stretching exercise 8

- Lying on your back, pull both knees to your chest and grab your feet with your hands.

Gently and slowly straighten your legs to the position possible for you. Hold 10-15 bills.

Stretching exercise 9

Sitting cross-legged on the floor or standing, tilt your head exactly to the side, as if resting it on your shoulder. Hold 5 bills. Return to the starting position and do the exercise on the other side. Repeat twice.

Stretching exercise 10

Sitting cross-legged on the floor or standing, turn your head to one side so that you can look over your shoulder. Hold 5 bills. Return to the starting position, then turn your head to the other side and hold again. Repeat twice. At the end of a set of stretching exercises, take a few deep breaths.

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Stretching (stretching - stretching, stretching, lengthening, stretching; tension; elasticity, extensibility) - is very useful for the harmonious development of the body, it should not be neglected in training, and even at home. Stretching helps loosen stiff, stiff muscles and expand your so-called "functional range of motion" of the breaker. Stretching makes the joints more mobile, and the whole body becomes more flexible and mobile. In break dance, without this, you can only be an ordinary dancer, not particularly distinguished by anything, without a special style and emotionality of the dance.

Stretch Benefits

  • Reduced muscle tension
  • Expanding the range of motion in the joints
  • helps avoid injury
  • increases muscle strength
  • Improved coordination of movements
  • Acceleration of blood circulation in various parts of the body
  • Improving the body's energy production processes
  • Increased muscle fatigue threshold and increased endurance
  • Increase efficiency in daily activities, as well as in sports and other activities physical activity
  • posture correction
  • mental relaxation
  • Finally pleasure, a feeling of lightness in the whole body.

Types of stretching (stretching)

Try to understand for yourself the differences in the types of stretching, then you can use them with great effect and understanding (explanation taken from

1. Static Stretching

Static stretching is the most common and recommended. Take the position and hold it for 30 to 60 seconds. Frozen in a pose, you should focus all your attention on the sensations in the muscles. You should feel a slight pulling sensation, but no pain. The main load is directed to the muscles. Gentle effect on tendons and joints. Stretching with your weight, leaning forward. Folds in a vertical position, where the most important thing is to relax and "hang" with the whole weight of your top. Twine, if you are not sitting in it yet, also involves relaxation, but only in the groin, and not in the knees.

2. Passive Stretching

passive stretching is similar in principle to static stretching. The only difference is that with passive stretching, you don't use your own effort, instead a partner helps you.

3. Dynamic Stretching

dynamic stretching consists of controlled leg and arm movements that gently bounce you within the range of your muscles. It can be either slow (movement with emphasis) or fast movement. It can be all kinds of swings, rolls from twine to twine. An example of a dynamic movement: put the palm as a target and swing to the palm, thus not going into ballistic movement. Or do a free swing, but do not throw, but lead the leg. But this, of course, is more difficult than the palm option.

4. Ballistic Stretching

(Ballistics is the science of the movement of bodies thrown in space.) This is uncontrolled movement, as opposed to dynamic stretching. An example of a ballistic stretch is springy, well-ranged downward movements several times to touch the toes in the crease. Care must be taken to use this type of stretch on initial stage. It is useful for experienced athletes and dancers.

5. Active Isolated Stretching

is a stretching technique that localizes, isolates and stretches each individual muscle. This stretching technique can be used to warm up the muscles well both before and after training. It allows you to reduce the load on the joints, increase the range of motion, stretch the muscles and get rid of the "stiffness" that limits the range of motion of the joints and muscles. It is effective to use a clothesline, a belt, a rope rope, a long belt or elastic bandage. With the help of this rope, you can pull the part of the body that you are stretching with your own efforts. Active stretching - when you assume a position and then hold the pose without assistance, solely due to the strength of your muscles. For example, lift your leg high and then hold it in that position. The tension of some muscles during active stretching helps to relax the stretched muscles (antagonists) by mutual balancing. Active stretching increases active flexibility and increases muscle strength.

6. Isometric Stretching

it is an alternation of tension with relaxation. Consider the example of twine. Get in correct position on the twine, then lower yourself to a slight pain and strain the muscles of the legs as if you want to go up with the power of only the legs (maximum tension), hold for 20 seconds, then relax the muscles and sit down lower. And so several times.

7. Proprioceptive Neuromuscular Facilitation.

It implies the maximum contraction of the muscle (you need the help of a partner or trainer), and then immediate execution static stretch muscles. This technique is best used in tandem with an assistant. It is important to remember that the stretched muscle must be relaxed and allowed to rest for at least 20 seconds before performing next exercise. There are two types of proprioceptive muscle facilitation stretching:

  1. "contractions - relaxation"(isometric muscle contraction followed by relaxation and then stretching to the point of maximum) and
  2. "contractions - relaxations - agonist contractions"(isometric muscle contraction followed by relaxation, stretching to the point of maximum and contraction of the agonist muscle followed by stretching to the maximum). You stand in a static stretched position, then contract the muscle isometrically (that is, without movement), then perform the next stretch, already of greater amplitude, thanks to the previous isometric muscle contraction and subsequent relaxation. Subsequent stretches occur due to the fact that isometric contraction activates the Golgi apparatus, the muscle relaxes and gains the ability to stretch again.

For example, first you stretch the sock and thereby strain the calf muscle, then hold this position for at least 4-10 seconds, tiring the calf due to static tension. And only then pull the sock towards you and stretch the calf. The fact is that muscles usually resist stretching: you try to stretch them, and they tend to return to their “shortened” state. But if the muscle is previously tired by contraction, it will no longer be able to counteract you. And stretching will turn out one hundred percent!

Or, if you are planning to stretch the hamstrings, then you must first gently stretch this muscle group, then contract it, overcoming resistance (yours or a partner). Next, you need to reduce the opposing muscle group (in this case, the quadriceps). For what? According to the physiological law already known to you, this will lead to relaxation of the hamstrings, which means that in the next "circle" you will be able to achieve greater stretching of these muscles. Then the cycle repeats again. Experts do not advise using this technique for those who have had or have heart disease or hypertension.

  • Always warm up before stretching. We forbid you to stretch cold muscles! Stretching without warming up increases the risk of injury. Think of your muscles as if they were made of rubber. Hot rubber stretches easily, while cold rubber can tear when stretched. Best time for stretching - after a warm-up or at the end of a workout. Do not block your joints in the extreme position, while stretching, keep your legs slightly bent at the knees, hands at the elbows, this will avoid unnecessary tension in them.
  • Never hold your breath while exercising. Try to breathe normally, through your mouth or nose, whichever is more comfortable for you. This will help make the stretching process relaxing.
  • Do not rush. Prolonged, shallow stretching reduces unwanted muscle stiffness and tension.
  • Don't compare yourself to others. Each person has their own degree of flexibility. By requiring yourself to stretch like a gymnast, you run the risk of overexerting yourself and getting injured.
  • Watch the intensity while exercising, avoid strong and abrupt movements. Strong impacts do not allow your muscles to relax and adapt to a new position. On the contrary, the muscles begin to contract, and the painful sensations increase many times over. Do not stretch until you feel pain. If pain is felt, it is necessary to stop immediately.

When should you stretch, before or after a workout?

For myself, I realized that I need to stretch both before and after training. A good warm-up is essential before strength exercises. When I didn’t do it, then already during the training it starts to hurt somewhere, something gets injured. Therefore, I combine a warm-up with stretching. But do not be too zealous with stretching before training. Otherwise, all the forces will go to stretching.

It has to do with some structures - proprioceptors.They were found in muscles and ligaments. Thisspecial Golgi bodies in tendons and muscle spindles. As a more effective stretch, many experts recommend static stretching rather than ballistic stretching. Static stretching activates the Golgi bodies, which helps to relax the stretched muscle. This stretch is best done after strength training.Activating the Golgi apparatus during stretching relieves muscle tension, which is good for developing flexibility, but interferes with the development of maximum muscle effort. To do this, the muscles and ligaments must be tight.

In practice, more success brings me and I like active and dynamic - before strength training, static and dynamic - after training. Working out friezes in training is more of an isometric stretch - but connecting strength training and stretching in one heap, it is not possible to develop the quality of movements well. It is better to stretch separately, and in the dance to work on strength in your active range. In addition, the movements in the dance are sharp and the muscles stay in stretched states for a short time - about effective stretching there is no speech.

Clamped and tense muscles are very visible in the dance - you can ask someone in training to see how you move and tell you how it looks. Or take a video of yourself and then critically look at your movements.

  • 1. Static stretching - Static stretching is the most common and recommended. Take the position and hold it for 30 to 60 seconds. Frozen in a pose, you should focus all your attention on the sensations in the muscles. You should feel a slight pulling sensation, but no pain. The main load is directed to the muscles. Gentle effect on tendons and joints. Stretching with your weight, leaning forward. Folds in a vertical position, where the most important thing is to relax and "hang" with the whole weight of your top. Twine, if you are not sitting in it yet, also involves relaxation, but only in the groin, and not in the knees.
  • 2. Passive stretching - passive stretching is similar in principle to static stretching. The only difference is that with passive stretching, you don't use your own effort, instead a partner helps you.
  • 3. Dynamic Stretching - Dynamic stretching consists of controlled leg and arm movements that gently bounce you within the range of your muscles. It can be either slow (movement with emphasis) or fast movement. It can be all kinds of swings, rolls from twine to twine. An example of a dynamic movement: put the palm as a target and swing into the palm, thus not turning into a ballistic movement. Or do a free swing, but do not throw, but lead the leg. But this, of course, is more difficult than the palm option.
  • 4. Ballistic stretch - (Ballistics is the science of the movement of bodies thrown in space.) This is an uncontrolled movement in contrast to dynamic stretch. An example of a ballistic stretch is springy, well-ranged downward movements several times to touch the toes in the crease. Care must be taken to use this type of stretch at the initial stage. It is useful for experienced athletes and dancers.
  • 5. Active Isolated Stretching is a stretching technique that localizes, isolates and stretches each individual muscle. This stretching technique can be used to warm up the muscles well both before and after training. It allows you to reduce the load on the joints, increase the range of motion, stretch the muscles and get rid of the "stiffness" that limits the range of motion of the joints and muscles. It is effective to use a clothesline, a belt, a rope rope, a long belt or an elastic bandage for this purpose. With the help of this rope, you can pull the part of the body that you are stretching with your own efforts. Active stretching - when you assume a position and then hold the pose without assistance, solely due to the strength of your muscles. For example, lift your leg high and then hold it in that position. The tension of some muscles during active stretching helps to relax the stretched muscles (antagonists) by mutual balancing. Active stretching increases active flexibility and increases muscle strength.
  • 6. Isometric stretching is the alternation of tension with relaxation. Consider the example of twine. Sit in the correct position on the twine, then lower yourself to a slight pain and strain the muscles of the legs as if you want to go up with the power of only the legs (maximum tension), hold for 20 seconds, then relax the muscles and sit lower. And so several times.
  • 7. Proprioceptive neuromuscular stretch. Although many experts believe that this the best way to increase the amplitude of movements, you can do such a thing only under the supervision of a specialist. In general, this system combines passive stretching with isometric muscle contraction. In one method, contraction-relaxation, the muscle is gently stretched, then isometrically contracted (i.e. contracted against external resistance), relaxed, and stretched again. With another method - "contraction-relaxation, opposite action-contraction" - after relaxation of the "main" muscle, the opposing muscle is contracted, and then the "main" muscle contracts again. For example, if you are planning to stretch the biceps of the thighs, then you must first carefully stretch this muscle group, then contract it, overcoming resistance (yours or your partner). Next, you need to reduce the opposing muscle group (in this case, the quadriceps). For what? According to the physiological law already known to you, this will lead to relaxation of the hamstrings, which means that in the next "circle" you will be able to achieve greater stretching of these muscles. Then the cycle repeats again. Experts do not advise using this technique for those who have had or have heart disease or hypertension.

Most often, static stretching is used, since it is considered the most effective and non-traumatic. Each of these types of stretching exercises is useful in its own way. But it is very important to know in what cases to use one or another type.

In addition to the fact that stretching is an excellent anti-stress therapy that will help you get rid of fatigue and tension, it is the prevention of many diseases of the muscles, blood circulation, and the musculoskeletal system - such as, for example, scoliosis, osteochondrosis. There are two main types of stretch:

  • 1. Static stretching
  • 2. Dynamic stretching

Their main difference lies in the way the muscles are loaded.

Static stretching involves a fixed stretching of the muscle for 20-30 seconds, until the complete disappearance of any discomfort. It is this stretching that is a priority in recreational gymnastics. There are two types of static stretching: soft and hard. Soft stretching refers to holding a particular posture. required time to stretch a specific muscle group. Hard stretching has the following technique: tension-relaxation-stretching.

Dynamic stretching uses amplitude and swing movements; this type of stretching is practically not used in recreational gymnastics. However, it is most effective in professional stretching, when it is necessary to achieve tangible results in a short time.

Distinguish between active flexibility - the maximum amplitude of movement performed due to muscle effort, and passive flexibility - manifested under the influence of external forces (partner's effort, weights, own body weight). Sometimes factors that negatively affect active flexibility may contribute to passive flexibility (eg, fatigue). The difference between active and passive flexibility is called the flexibility margin. In the ideal case, when the amplitude of active movements reaches the limits of the anatomical mobility of the joints, the values ​​of active and passive flexibility become the same. Passive flexibility is manifested due to the influence of forces outside the body. It depends on the elasticity and length of the muscles surrounding the joint. Active flexibility depends on the same factors, as well as on the strength of the muscles surrounding the joint and capable of performing a movement with one or another amplitude. Thus, the combination of static and dynamic stretching, as well as active and passive flexibility, can give a large number of options for stretching:

  • 1. Active-static method: the performer independently fixes a certain position and holds it for the required time.
  • 2. Active-dynamic method: the performer independently performs dynamic, amplitude movements to achieve a certain position.
  • 3. Passive-static method: the performer, with external help, fixes a certain pose or position and holds it.
  • 4. Passive-dynamic: the performer, with external help, performs dynamic, amplitude movements to achieve a certain position.

In professional stretching, it is dynamic stretching that is most effective. various kinds. Basically, stretching occurs due to either torso tilts, or hands are used for self-grabbing and further stretching. A small pulsation acts on a relaxed muscle, while stretching it. Thus, a kind of natural vibration is created, which allows you to stretch a relaxed muscle.

Active stretching exercises may include:

  • 1. Free, smooth movements of individual parts of the body (tilts, turns, flexion and extension, abduction-adduction, rotation in the joints).
  • 2. Static retention of the maximum achieved amplitude.
  • 3. Spring movements.
  • 4. Mahi.

Passive exercises are associated with overcoming the resistance of stretched muscles and ligaments due to additional forces. This group of exercises can include:

  • 1. Movements performed due to the gravity of one's own body or its parts (for example, lowering into a twine).
  • 2. Movements performed with the help of other parts of the body (for example, stretching the leg with the help of the hands).
  • 3. Movements performed with the help of a partner.
  • 4. Movements performed using block devices.

All passive exercises should be performed with great care, slowly and smoothly. Conscious control over the relaxation of the stretched muscles in combination with breathing is extremely important.

Flexibility is a word that gets used regularly in the health and fitness industry, but what does it really mean, why is it important, and how can it be developed? In this article, we understand what exactly stretching gives, what types there are and what are the benefits of them.

Factors that affect flexibility:

  • Muscle elasticity: damaged, weak, underdeveloped muscles are less flexible. For people with weak muscles, stretching has a particularly tangible effect on flexibility.
  • Tendon elasticity.
  • Weakness of the ligaments: After an injury, the ligaments can become weak, leading to excessive movement of the joints. Some people are born with weak ligaments that need to be trained. This is the benefit of stretching - exercises are aimed specifically at training muscles.
  • The ability of muscles to relax: Some muscles cannot fully relax due to increased tone.
  • Temperature of the joint and associated tissues: joints and muscles provide better flexibility at a body temperature that is 1-2 degrees higher than usual.
  • Bone structures that restrict movement: Some people develop bony growths known as spurs that can restrict movement of the body and limbs.
  • Ambient Temperature: Warm air promotes flexibility.
  • Time of day: Flexibility is reduced in the morning.
  • Age: Flexibility tends to decrease with age.
  • Gender: Women are on average more flexible than men.

What is stretching for weight loss, how many calories are burned

Having considered the concept of flexibility, we can answer the question of what stretching gives. Flexibility helps reduce the risk of injury by keeping the body in balance. During stretching, our muscles work in pairs to carry out movement. One muscle contracts to move the joint, the other relaxes to stretch and move. If one of these muscles is tight, balance is affected because the muscle that is contracting cannot do so to its full extent and therefore becomes weaker.

Muscle imbalance leads to changes in posture. For athletes, flexibility is vital. it greatly reduces the risk of injury. The benefits of stretching for the figure are no less important: calories burned during exercise, which inevitably leads to beautiful forms and weight loss.

To lose weight, you need to exercise regularly for 40 minutes - 1.5 hours. For 1 hour of not too intense training, about 100 calories are burned (assuming your weight is 60 kg).

Benefits of stretching

Stretching has many benefits. The most obvious: muscle flexibility training. Flexibility helps prevent injuries such as hamstring deformities and plantar fasciitis. Stretching has been used as a warm-up for many years.

In many cases of bad posture that has developed over time, muscle imbalances are to blame. A good example is muscle contraction chest in people who have been hunched over the computer for a long time. After a few workouts, athletes can answer the question of what stretching is and why it can help improve posture.

Muscle tension is often associated with stress - we tend to tense them during negative emotions. These include the muscles of the neck. Stretching relaxes those muscles and you at the same time!

What gives stretching after regular exercise:

  • Increased flexibility and range of motion.
  • Injury prevention.
  • Prevention of muscle pain.
  • Improved posture.
  • Improving sports performance.
  • Removal of stress.

How You Can Improve Flexibility

The most commonly used method to improve flexibility is flexibility exercises known as stretching. There are many different ways to stretch, the most common are listed below:

Static stretch

Muscles are maximally stretched and held in the range from 10 to 60 seconds. If the pressure is released a little, then the body moves even further until you feel again that it has begun to receive stress from exercise. You should feel a gentle stretch, but no pain. These exercises can be done with a partner.

Dynamic or active stretching

Movements or revolutions of body parts with a gradual increase in speed. It can be swings, rolls, twine.

Proprioceptive neuromuscular stretch(Proprioceptive Neuromuscular Facilitation).If we talk about the description of stretching, then it is impossible not to mention this type of stretching. The method of "reduction and relaxation", as a result of which the opposite the muscle contracts first to stimulate complete relaxation and further stretching.