Hamam in the fitness club. Turkish bath hammam and SPA-rest

Hamam after a workout is another example of a successful combination of a pleasant pastime with a healthy action. The schedule of visits must be drawn up correctly in order to receive best result for soul and body.

The benefits of a Turkish bath after a workout

The peculiarity of the hammam is that the temperature in the steam room is gradually increased. Since the room is finished with stone, this temperature is distributed unevenly. As a result, several thermal zones appear in one room at once, in which the regime ranges from 30-35 to 50-55 degrees.

After training, severe overheating of the body is not recommended. But the limit of "heating" is different for everyone. In the hammam, you can find an individual optimal climate (the one in which you feel comfortable) in order to benefit without risk to health.

What happens at this moment with the body:

  • muscles relax;
  • vessels, glands, ducts expand, accelerating the "acceleration" of lactic acid accumulated in the muscles, which helps to get rid of pain;
  • blood actively comes to the organs and joints, accelerating the regeneration process (bruises, injuries, sprains) and removing salts;
  • ligaments become more elastic - the result of stretching is fixed;
  • the effect of overtraining disappears, which is important if the result is needed quickly or classes are held in preparation for serious competitions.

Experts say that regular visits to the Turkish steam room after a series of exercises allows you to quickly normalize weight, reduce the time between classes by 2-3 times and remove overweight.

How to take a steam bath after a workout

But all the positive results of paired relaxation are a tribute to its proper implementation. What is there to know?

  • It is very important to find the "thermally correct place". The athlete should not sweat much, but he should reach the maximum relaxation phase.
  • Long stay in the steam room after active classes best avoided (no more than 30-40 minutes).
  • Go to the Turkish bath immediately from gym you can’t, it can have a bad effect on the work of the heart. It is necessary to give yourself 20-25 minutes for the pulse to return to normal, the pressure to stabilize.

The high humidity of the Turkish bath partially solves the problem of dehydration, which is typical for visits to other types of steam rooms. And yet, after an intense workout, before going to the hammam, you need to drink 0.3-0.5 liters of pure water or herbal tea.

After cardio loads, it is better not to visit the hammam. But to plunge into the bliss of the special atmosphere of the Turkish bath with its amazing ability to relax and give pleasant sensations after aerobics, fitness, etc. is both possible and necessary.

  • Baths and saunas

    Visiting a bath or sauna today can be both a therapeutic procedure and a way to take care of your appearance. Or just a trendy and enjoyable pastime.

    If you correctly perform all bath procedures, you can lose up to two kilograms in weight in one visit. And the combination of hot air and cold water is a kind of skin gymnastics, which increases its tone. For those who have skin problems after a sharp weight loss or after pregnancy, bath procedures will be especially useful. ...

    • Jacuzzi

      Whirlpool bathtubs (jacuzzi) - prophylactic bathtubs designed for comfortable rest and taking water procedures. They are easy to use and contain all the necessary and popular functions today (hydromassage, airmassage and others). The name comes from the company that first began to produce them - Jacuzzi. ...

      94 addresses, prices from 900 prices
    • Font 27 addresses, prices prices
    • Massage with brooms

      Massage with brooms

      16 addresses, prices from 900 prices
    • Roman bath

      Roman baths - terms - this is one of the oldest and one of the most popular due to the absence of contraindications for baths. Low temperature (about 45 degrees) and high humidity serve to cleanse and improve the body.

      The benefits of these baths are confirmed by modern doctors, they consider them effective tool to restore vitality and combat stress. In thermal baths, specially selected extracts of medicinal herbs can be added to the steam. The walls of the term are made of natural stone, which has medicinal properties. Thus, the effect of visiting the bath becomes maximum. ...

      Roman bath

      14 addresses, prices prices
    • Russian bath

      Russian bath - a room equipped for washing the body with simultaneous exposure to water and hot steam. Often the whole complex of actions carried out by a person in a bath or related to it is invested in this concept. ...

      Russian bath

      53 addresses, prices from 600 prices
    • Tepidarium

      Tepidarium is a relaxing procedure in special pavilions, where the air temperature is +35°C.

      Such relaxation on warm beds made of stone or clay relieves the syndromes of bronchitis, asthma, migraine and skin diseases. ...


      3 addresses, prices prices
    • Finnish bath

      Finnish sauna is a dry heat bath, when the air in the room has low humidity (10-25%) and high temperature (between 90-110°C).
      Finnish saunas are famous for their healing properties - the tonic and rejuvenating effect after visiting them makes the whole procedure especially pleasant. ...

      Finnish bath

      251 address, prices from 300 prices
    • Hamam

      Hamam (Turkish bath) - Arabic steam bath with incense at an air temperature of 40–46 ° C and a humidity of 100%. It is used to remove toxins from the body and improve skin tone. The duration of the procedure is 20–30 minutes.

      Turkish baths appeared as a result of the evolution of Roman baths. The steam bath has a great effect on the skin and joints, and has practically no contraindications.

      Turkish baths "hamam" have their own specifics. In them, visitors warm up and steam out on a hot marble bed covered with a towel, then they are given an intensive massage, washed with soapy foam using a hard hair glove and finally poured over cold water. They start the bathing procedure from the dressing room, in fact - the dressing room, in which the temperature is maintained at 28 - 34 ° C. Here they warm up in front of hotter rooms. From the dressing room, steam lovers get into a rather spacious room, in which there are so-called supa (“flat stone”) - stone beds. The Turks call them chebek-tashi (“stone for the stomach”). One of the favorite sayings of the Turks reflects their essence - "Let the chebek always be hot."
      From this room they go to steam rooms, the temperature in which is different (as a rule, from 70 to 100 ° C) and they return here to rest. After a short rest, it's time for a massage. Massage begins, as a rule, from the head - forehead, temples, cheekbones, after which they move to the neck, and then to the shoulders and further down to the legs. From the outside, it may seem that the masseur beats the client - he either punches, then grabs his arm or leg and starts to twist them, then sits on top of him, then starts to stomp his feet. In fact, the client gets endless pleasure from such a massage, as the whole body is freed from fatigue, and the muscles become flexible. ...

      196 addresses, prices from 900 prices
  • Pool

    Swimming pool - a hydraulic structure designed for water sports sports such as swimming, diving, scuba diving, water polo, synchronized swimming and others.

    The usual size of bathtubs in swimming pool- 25 or 50 meters. The number of lanes is usually from 5 to 10. In the center of each lane at the bottom, as well as at the ends of the bath, markings are made to make it easier for swimmers to swim without deviating from a straight course. Two cords with flags are suspended across the bathtub at a distance of 5 m from the beginning and end; swimmers on their backs need them to see the proximity of the wall and prepare for the turn. At a distance of 15 m from the start, a cord is suspended across the pool, which falls into the water during a false start and stops the participants. In front of each lane at the beginning and end of the pool there are starting tables, from which swimmers jump into the water at the start of the crawl, breaststroke and butterfly. There are handles on the bedside tables that swimmers hold on to on their backs before the start. Children's pools can be of any shape and are usually shallow. ...

  • Group programs

    If you prefer to go in for sports in the company of friends and like-minded people, classes in the gym group programs- the best option for you.

    If you like to dance, for you a good choice dance direction. Want to lose weight? Strength training or aerobics will suit you. Dreaming of achieving peace of mind? Yoga or qigong classes will come to the rescue. ...

    • Aerobic classes

      Aerobic classes aimed at improving the functionality of the cardiovascular and respiratory systems, contribute to weight loss, improve coordination and increase resistance to stress.

      This is a set of endurance exercises and at the same time a real way to lose weight or maintain normal weight. The effectiveness of aerobic exercise is generally recognized: using a variety of aerobic fitness programs, you can get the maximum benefit in the minimum amount of time. Aerobic class, in which basic steps are used and a fitness format scheme is required (uniform intensity - maintaining a certain heart rate; muscle balance - learning the combination on both the right and left legs; gradual complication of the combination from simple to complex). The class is recommended for entry level and for all skill levels. ...

      Aerobic classes

      • Aqua aerobics

        Aqua aerobics- a system of exercises performed in water at different depths to rhythmic music, which helps to follow the rhythm. The complex of exercises includes active movements in the water, jumping, flexibility exercises.

        Result regular classes water aerobics

        Aqua aerobics

        257 addresses, prices from 200 prices
      • Classic aerobics

        Classic aerobicsA(also known as "rhythmic gymnastics") - gymnastics to rhythmic music. The complex of exercises includes walking, running, jumping, flexibility exercises.

        The result of regular practice aerobics- maintaining the body in good shape, muscle training, improving the condition of the skin, general improvement of the body. It is used for preventive and therapeutic purposes. ...

        Classic aerobics

        410 addresses, prices from 100 prices
      • Pump aerobics

        Pump aerobics- a kind of aerobics, characterized by performing exercises with a lightweight barbell, combining education power abilities and endurance.

        As in other types, exercises are performed in a streaming method and to music. Recommended only for well trained people. ...

        Pump aerobics

        76 addresses, prices prices
      • slide aerobics

        slide aerobics- one of the types of power aerobics, which uses a special coating and special shoes. Exercises resemble the movements of skaters.

        High intensity workout. Cultivates endurance, balance, coordination of movements, strengthens the muscles of the legs (especially adductor and abductor). Is one of the most effective types exercise to reduce body fat. ...

        slide aerobics

        50 addresses, prices prices
      • Step aerobics

        Step aerobics- the closest relative of classical aerobics, her "younger sister". She was born in the 90s and quickly gained popularity. Its peculiarity is the use of a special step platform, the production of which began to develop with the release of this variety on the "aerobic scene". ...

        Step aerobics

        348 addresses, prices from 200 prices
      • Fitball

        Resist-a-bol (fitball) - a kind of aerobics using special balls.

        It is used specifically for training balance, motor control, acquiring good posture, working out individual muscle groups that are little loaded in other types of aerobics, back muscles and abdominals, coordination training, stretching, "burning" more calories than with regular strength training. ...

        201 address, prices from 300 prices
      • Ho-Loners

        Ho-Loners is a type of aerobic exercise characterized by the use of a springy plate attached to the sole of the boot (Xo-Loners).

        Allows you to enjoy any physical activity and prevent unpleasant pain, reduce the possibility of injury and bruising. The special design of the springy plate allows you to remove the load from the knee and hip joints and spine. These classes are characterized by high intensity. ...


        32 addresses, prices prices
    • mind body

      Mind&Body (translated from English literally means “mind and body”) is a new fitness direction that suggests a path to harmony and perfection, and does not require effort on oneself.

      Mind&Body training will help you learn to listen to your body, look inward - because the mind expresses itself through movement.
      Here, much attention is paid to breathing techniques and a large number of relaxation and stretching exercises. ...

      mind body

      • Flex

        Flex- a set of exercises aimed at stretching muscles and relaxation.


        Flex- This is a specific stretch. What are the goals pursued by doing it? First of all, it benefits the whole organism, helps to improve general state health, well-being. Stretching improves blood circulation and joint function. It should be understood that non-stretched muscles can be more susceptible to injury such as dislocations, sprains, and sometimes fractures. Stretchers avoid premature aging of bones and joints. In addition, stretching people feel better, have a great mood. Flex classes increase self-esteem, teach patience, calmness, improve the body's endurance.
        Flex workouts- This is a whole complex developed on the basis of such programs and techniques as Pilates, Fitness Yoga, Stretching, Callanetics. Many of the exercises of the above techniques are found in the Flex-complex. ...

        145 addresses, prices from 400 prices
      • Yoga

        Yoga- the doctrine and method of controlling the psyche and physiology of a person, an integral element of the religious and philosophical systems of India, which aim to achieve the state of "liberation".

        System exercise aimed at the harmonious development of the soul and body, relieving stress and increasing the body's resistance to stress. Develops flexibility and muscle strength. ...

        840 addresses, prices from 160 prices
      • Pilates

        Pilates(pilates) - a system of exercises aimed at strengthening the muscles of the body, minimizing the load on the spine. Develops balance, coordination and flexibility.

        The use of a small ball, isotonic ring, and other equipment allows you to look at basic exercises Pilates from a different angle. In exercises, work is focused on certain muscle areas, tension in the body is relieved. ...

        618 addresses, prices from 200 prices
      • Stretching

        Stretching(the term “stretch” is of American origin and means “stretching”) is a set of exercises designed to make the muscles elastic and the joints flexible and mobile.

        Technique stretching based on stretch separate group muscles and does not contain any special movements. It can be a wide variety of actions - from the usual stretching while lying on your back to stretching exercises taken from various types of training.
        Stretching exercises are useful and necessary for everyone, regardless of age and degree of development of flexibility. ...


        602 addresses, prices from 100 prices
      • tai chi

        tai chi(tai chi) is a traditional health-improving Chinese gymnastics.
        Little-known in Russia, Chinese tai-chi gymnastics looks like a strange dance, but in fact it is a powerful tool for physical, spiritual improvement and self-defense.

        Gymnastics tai chi is a combination of racks, meditative techniques and complexes of smooth, graceful movements controlled by the flow " vital energy» chi. A wonderful gentle physical practice that does not require much effort and is accessible to people of both sexes, all ages and physical states. ...

        101 address, prices from 1 500 prices
      • qigong

        qigong is a unique ancient Chinese health system which is based on the regulation of breathing, mind and body.

        A special way to express what you have inside; way of knowing the world around you and yourself. Chinese gymnastics includes smooth amplitude movements of the arms and legs, in which great attention is paid to breathing.
        Recommended for any fitness level. ...

        121 address, prices from 400 prices
    • Power classes

      Power classes- these are, as a rule, workouts aimed at developing certain muscle groups without simulators. Benches, barbells, body bars are used. Intensive classes to music under the guidance of a trainer using light weights are very effective for muscle development.

      Power classes

      • ABL

        ABL - strength training aimed at effective correction of problem areas: buttocks, thighs, abdomen.

        Power types of aerobics are gaining more and more new fans. For example, ABL system, which will especially please girls who want to improve their figure. Exercises ABL aimed primarily at creating beautiful legs and buttocks, and thin waist. The good news is that the exercises of this technique are more than effective in combating such an unpleasant phenomenon as cellulite. Thanks to these results ABL It is considered a predominantly female type of training, because it is women who most often have problems with these parts of the body. But exercises are also suitable, of course, for men who want to look good and feel fit and healthy. ...

        178 addresses, prices from 450 prices
      • ABS

        ABS- a power class aimed at training all muscle groups.

        The lesson uses different kinds power equipment:

        ABS- a kind of strength training, which involves intensive work with the muscles of the press and back. For training, equipment such as dumbbells, body bars, rubber shock absorbers is actively used. ...

        256 addresses, prices from 250 prices
      • ABT

        ABT - power lesson for training the muscles of the legs and abdominals, buttocks and thighs.
        The class is recommended for all skill levels.

        171 addresses, prices prices
      • functional

        functional- training aimed at developing agility, balance, coordination of movement and general endurance.

        The lesson uses special equipment: medicine ball different weight And gymnastic stick With rubber shock absorbers. The class is recommended for all skill levels. ...

        153 addresses, prices from 500 prices
      • Pump-it-up

        Pump-it-up- modern version strength training with a bar. A specially built lesson format allows you to maximize the impact on all muscle groups.

        Nowadays, fitness offers many new directions. It is in constant motion and in a phase of continuous development. Particularly useful were the various strength training with sports equipment. Pump It Up is a power version of barbell exercises. This is a unique program based on a set of active and dynamic exercises that use a barbell. The duration of the lessons ranges from 50 to 55 minutes. Strength training requires a high level.
        So, what is a workout called " Pump It Up"? Firstly, these are strength exercises that help develop the basic muscle groups. During the lesson, equipment is used, which is called the “prefabricated bar”. It allows you to carry out loads of varying degrees. Working with different weights allows you to work out large and small muscle groups. At the same time, the endurance of the body develops, and the muscles become embossed.
        The combined barbell, which is used during exercises, consists of a bar weighing about 1 kilogram, and the so-called "pancakes" of different weights: 1kg, 2kg, 2.5 kg, 5 kg. Each student sets for himself a suitable weight, boundaries maximum weight does not exist. Only the load should increase gradually and smoothly. ...

        96 addresses, prices from 400 prices
      • super sculpture

        super sculpture- This is an aerobics power class aimed at developing the main muscle groups. Performing exercises at a fast pace contributes to the development of coordination, flexibility and muscle strength.

        Special exercises using weights (body bar and dumbbells) will help to form the correct proportions of the body, no matter what weight and physique you have. ...

        251 address, prices from 300 prices
      • upper body

        Upper Water- a power class aimed at developing the muscles of the upper body: upper limbs, chest, back.
        The class is recommended for all skill levels.

        Taking care of your body is an important element healthy life. You must not forget about the development and strengthening of your cardio system, about supporting normal weight, building and strengthening muscle mass. Fitness will help you take care of your body. In our time, it goes forward by leaps and bounds and is in constant development. upper body one of power types fitness. It takes care of the development and strengthening of all the muscles of the upper part. human body. Various exercises help to correct problem areas and zones. ...

        237 addresses, prices from 300 prices
  • Children's fitness
    • Baby dancing

      You want your child to learn to move well, become more plastic and acquire good posture, then you can give it to children's dances. Currently, there are a lot of interesting children's directions.

      These are ballroom dancing and choreography and all kinds of club dances. Group dance classes are useful for children, not only to strengthen physical health, but also help to relax, get rid of constraint. ...

      Baby dancing

      737 addresses, prices from 100 prices
    • kids club

      If you want your child to develop quickly and turn into a harmonious, versatile educated person, then you should look for a kids club for your child.

      As a rule, in children's clubs, the development of a small person is taken thoroughly: he can attend dance classes, martial arts, gymnastics, and go in for sports. The program is balanced so that the kids have time to cope with new exercises and do not get bored in the classroom.
      Some kids clubs even offer programs for 8 month old babies. As a rule, a child of 3-12 years old can be sent to a kids club. ...

      kids club

      364 addresses, prices from 150 prices
    • Workouts for kids

      Training for children will help to make a beautiful posture, develop the habit of regular physical training, gain flexibility and endurance.

      It’s a good idea to send a boy to a karate, aikido or other martial art circle, where he will be taught to defend himself and control his aggression - and he will grow up as a confident man and his strength.
      It will be useful for the girl to dance or rhythmic gymnastics- then she will grow up as a graceful beauty with a superbly developed body.
      A variety of children's sports sections are at the service of parents - from football to equestrian sports, you can also find children's fitness, children's yoga, club dances for the little ones and much more. ...

      Workouts for kids

      889 addresses, prices from 2 prices
  • martial arts

    martial arts- sports or martial arts where participants compete in pairs, one on one, without the use of firearms.

    The goal of martial arts - acting within the agreed rules, carry out techniques that can cause maximum physical damage to the opponent or put the opponent in a disadvantageous position, and, accordingly, defend against similar opponent's techniques. ...

    • Aikido

      Aikido(jap. aikido) - japanese martial arts, developed by Morihei Ueshiba as a synthesis of his martial arts studies, philosophy, and religious beliefs. Ueshiba's goal was to create and develop a martial art that absorbed all the achievements of the great masters.

      Aikido focuses on merging with the enemy's attack and redirecting the energy of the attacker (as opposed to meeting force with force). In addition to physical technicians and workouts aikido emphasizes the training of consciousness, controlled relaxation, and the development of "spirit" and "ki" strength. ...

      203 addresses, prices from 200 prices
    • Arm wrestling

      Armsport ( Arm wrestling) is a type of martial arts.
      Is ancient species sport that was revived in the 1960s in the United States. In September 1962, in Petaluma, California, the first world championship in wrestling was held - this was the name of this fight (literally - wrestling with the wrists). ...

      Arm wrestling

      20 addresses, prices from 2 900 prices
    • Boxing

      Boxing- a contact sport, martial arts, in which athletes strike each other with fists in special gloves. The referee controls the fight, which lasts from 3 to 12 rounds. Victory is awarded if the opponent is knocked down and cannot get up for ten seconds (knockout) or if he is injured that does not allow him to continue the fight ( TKO). If after the set number of rounds the fight was not terminated, then the winner is determined by the judges' scores. ...

      383 addresses, prices from 150 prices
    • Karate

      Karate, or Karate(Japanese karate-do: “the way of the empty hand”) is a Japanese martial art. This spelling was coined in 1929 by Funakoshi Gichin under the influence of Zen Buddhism.

      The hieroglyph ἱερογλύφος, from ἱερός, denoted the Tang dynasty in China and became synonymous with China in Japan, which actively adopted various branches of culture from the Middle Empire at that time. It was then that Chinese kempo came to Okinawa, receiving the name "Tang hands". ...

      171 address, prices from 300 prices
    • Sambo

      Sambo(a compound word formed from the phrase "self-defense without weapons") - view combat sports, as well as a comprehensive self-defense system developed in the USSR as a result of the synthesis of many national types of martial arts and, in particular, judo wrestling. It is one of the types of wrestling in clothes. ...

      70 addresses, prices from 300 prices
    • Self defense for women

      If you want to learn how to protect yourself, come to class self defense for women. There you will learn the basic tricks with which even the most fragile girl can protect herself in a fight with a strong man.

      Also on courses self defense for women you will undergo psychological preparation. This important point, because it is unusual for women to fight, and even protecting their lives, they are usually afraid to use techniques that are guaranteed to incapacitate the enemy.
      In addition, self-defense classes help develop flexibility, maintain beautiful figure and can be a good alternative to fitness. ...

      Self defense for women

      84 addresses, prices from 150 prices
    • wushu

      wushu(Chinese traditional, simplified, pinyin wǔshù) - the Chinese word consists of two characters "wu" and "shu", and is traditionally translated as "military, martial art."

      Many people ask themselves: what do they still study in training? wushu? First of all, it is necessary to understand that wushu there is a complex system of balanced growth and development of a person, which contains ways to train the body, mental training of the mind, meditative techniques, qigong, the study of sacred texts and canons, traditional Chinese medicine, plus everything, the acquisition of knowledge necessary for social life, in other words , civil science. To make it clearer to the reader, we note that the phrase “educational system” (colleges, schools, higher educational institutions) has the same meaning in Western civilization. The practice of a duel is just an integral part of a huge system called wushu. In the combat component there is an acrobatic component, and stretching, and the technique of shadow boxing - taolu, and exercises with traditional weapons of China, and work in pairs, called yunfa, and much more. Also in the gigantic spectrum wushu includes the oldest system of recuperation of the body called qigong, in addition, regular meditations, which are breathing exercises performed in dynamics or statics, and aimed at reproducing the forces lost during training, purifying the mind, hardening the body and strengthening health, developing awareness of one's internal energy in students. ...

      87 addresses, prices from 300 prices
    • Fencing

      Fencing(from it. Fechten) - martial arts with the use of hand edged weapons.

      Combatfencing - the art of owning hand cold weapons, the practical preparation of a warrior for a real battle.
      Sportsfencing - an individual sport. Even in team competitions, fights are held one on one. ...


      7 addresses, prices from 200 prices
  • Team sports

    IN game types In sports, the structural unit of the competition is a game (match, meeting). Direct physical contact is limited or prohibited.

    The task of each of the two opposing sides is to achieve superiority in the number of certain game actions (goal, hit) in a set time or be the first to perform a certain action (for example, in chess - checkmate) or a set number of actions. ...

    • Badminton

      Badminton is a sport that consists in throwing a game projectile called a shuttlecock over the net with the help of rackets.

      Badminton is played by two people against each other or by two teams of two. The game takes place on a court divided by a net. Opponents are located on opposite sides of the site. The goal of the game is to throw the shuttlecock over the net so that it touches the ground on the half of the opponent within the area.
      badminton is olympic view sport since 1992. ...


      19 addresses, prices from 1 000 prices
    • Basketball

      Basketball (English basket - basket, ball - ball) is a sports team game with a ball, the purpose of which is to throw the ball into the opponent's basket and prevent the other team from throwing it into their own basket.

      Basketball is played by two teams, usually twelve people, each of which has five players on the court at the same time. The goal of each team in basketball is to get the ball into the opponent's basket and prevent the other team from getting possession of the ball and putting it into the basket. ...


      31 addresses, prices prices
    • Baseball

      Baseball (English baseball, from base - base, base and ball - ball) is a team sports game with a ball and a bat. The competition involves two teams of 9 (sometimes 10) players each.
      Baseball appeared in the United States at the beginning of the 19th century. It is believed that the basis of the game was English game"rounders". The first official match was held in 1820 in New York. In 1845 the first professional club was created. ...

      3 addresses, prices prices
    • Volleyball

      Volleyball (English volleyball from volley - “to hit the ball from the fly” (also translated as “flying”, “soaring”) and ball - “ball”) is a sport, a team sports game, during which two teams compete on a special site , separated by a net, trying to send the ball to the opponent's side in such a way that it lands on the opponent's court (finish it to the floor), or a player of the defending team makes a mistake. ...


      51 address, prices from 500 prices
    • Handball

      Handball is a team game with a ball of 7 for 7 players (6 field players and a goalkeeper in each team). They play indoors on a playground measuring 40x20 m with a round inflatable ball measuring 58-60 cm in circumference and weighing 425-475 g for men and 54-56 cm in circumference and weighing 325-375 g for women.

      2 addresses prices from 2 500 prices
    • Paintball

      Paintball (eng. Paintball - a ball with paint) is a team game using hand-held pneumatic weapons (called markers) that shoot paint capsules that break when they hit an obstacle and color it.

      There are two global varieties of paintball: sports paintball and tactical paintball. ...


      12 addresses prices from 125 prices
    • Rugby

      Rugby (Rugby union, eng. rugby union) is a sports team game with an oval ball, which the players of each team, passing each other with their hands and feet, try to land in the in-goal field behind the opponent's goal or score it into the H-shaped goal. The ball must fly over the crossbar. ...

      1 address, prices prices
    • Tennis

      Tennis is a sport in which either two players compete (" Single player game”), or two teams consisting of two players (“doubles game”). The task of the opponents (tennis players or female tennis players) is to use rackets to send the ball to the opponent's side so that he cannot reflect it, while the ball does not fly out of the field of play. ...

      123 addresses, prices from 100 prices
    • Football

      Football (eng. Football, “kick ball”) is a team sport in which the goal is to score the ball into the opponent’s goal with the feet or other parts of the body (except for the hands) more times than the opposing team. Currently the most popular and massive sport in the world. ...

      67 addresses, prices from 599 prices
  • weight loss

    Few are born overweight. So far, not many schoolchildren and students complain about excess kilos. Perhaps up to a certain point we do not care about our own weight at all. Our life is a busy work week, random snacks, soda, fast food, stress, hormonal contraceptives ... ...

    • dietary supplements

      We've all heard of miracle drugs that can help you lose weight. excess weight for a short period of time. Alas, miracles rarely happen, and dietary supplements are not exactly the case. Some dietary supplements really help in the fight for slim figure, but only in conjunction with diet and fitness. ...

      1 address, prices prices
    • diets

      You don’t like the weight indicators at all, and the volumes of the figure definitely leave things to be done. It seems that extra weight has appeared and it's time to think about how to get rid of it. As a rule, thinking about losing weight, thoughts about diets come to mind first. And it's completely natural.

      63 addresses, prices from 1 650 prices
      • Fast diets

        Are you annoyed by 2-3 extra kilos in the waist area that come from nowhere? You are ready to take drastic measures, if only they would bring results. Perhaps one of the so-called fast diets, thanks to which you can lose from 2 to 5 kilograms in a few weeks.

        Fast diets

        6 addresses, prices prices
      • Diets by blood group

        Many nutritionists conduct thorough research on the impact of a particular diet on the health of patients. The American physician Peter d "Adamo was no exception, in the 90s he proposed to draw up a nutrition plan taking into account such individual characteristics as blood type.

        According to d "Adamo, making up the diet in accordance with the blood type, you can not only maintain optimal weight, but also stimulate the immune system, as well as prolong life.
        The essence of the concept of d "Adamo is that the body of each person is tuned to its own type of diet, otherwise the food is not completely digested, being deposited in the form of extra kilos.
        In accordance with the classification of the physician: carriers of the I blood group should pay attention to animal proteins and, if possible, refrain from eating wheat and legumes, various types of cabbage, fish roe and fatty dairy products. Those who have blood group II are advised to concentrate on plant products, up to complete vegetarianism.
        People with blood type III are well suited for almost all types of red meat, high-fat dairy products, foods rich in carbohydrates. You should refuse pork, poultry meat, various types of nuts and seeds, as well as black bread.
        It is better for carriers of the IV blood group to refuse fatty dairy products, but to introduce homemade cheese, yogurt and goat's milk into the diet. Oily fish, lamb and turkey, various types of nuts and fruits are ideal, but legumes and vegetable oils (with the exception of olive), as well as some types of red meat, should be consumed with caution.
        Now dietology has stepped far forward, and some scientists propose to develop a diet not even taking into account the blood type, but according to DNA. In particular, according to the observations of experts from Stanford University, those who adhere to a diet that matches their genotype are twice as likely to complain of being overweight. ...

        Diets by blood group

        3 addresses, prices prices
      • Therapeutic diets

        Nutrition plays a very important role in human life, but a well-composed daily diet provides us with not only necessary quantity calories, proteins, carbohydrates and vitamins.

        Therapeutic diets

        24 addresses, prices from 3 000 prices
      • mono-diets

        Mono-diets are based on the consumption of only one product for a certain time. They are very effective because they allow you to get rid of a couple of kilos in just a few days.

        There are a huge number of mono-diets. In fact, eating just one or two foods a day will already give a certain result. But, of course, the choice of product plays an important role. It can be apples, rice, buckwheat, kefir, pineapples and even chocolate, of course, in strictly limited quantities.
        It should be noted that you should prepare for a mono-diet in advance and gradually reduce the calorie content of the diet or switch to light foods (vegetables, yogurt, fruits) and also carefully and gradually switch to the usual nutrition plan.
        Do not forget about the rule - good little by little. You can eat only one food for no more than a few days. During such unloading, the body does not receive the necessary nutrients, so you can repeat the mono-diet no earlier than 2-3 weeks later. Also, before deciding on such a drastic measure, it is better to consult with therapists in order to avoid unpleasant surprises. ...


        5 addresses prices from 4 000 prices
      • Cleansing the body (detox)

        How to lose weight and at the same time improve skin condition? Various procedures for the removal of toxins and toxins from the body have gained immense popularity in the last ten years.

        Various detox centers rarely complain about the absence of patients, and the detox procedure itself is ironically called by some nutritionists the new “religion”. However, the irony in this matter is not entirely appropriate.
        On paper, the recommendation to consume just a couple of glasses of parsley and celery juice a day, along with a few slices of kiwi and lemon, does not sound very attractive. But, as you know, beauty requires sacrifice. And if you imagine how the figure and skin condition will improve, then the victims will not be too serious.
        According to nutritionists and endocrinologists, detox is quite a useful procedure. Since the rejection of high-calorie foods saturated with various preservatives, the most favorable images affect both the state of health and the waist.
        According to researchers, regular short-term detox (1 to 3 days) not only promotes weight loss, but also reduces the risk of developing diabetes and cardiovascular disease helps to restore normal functioning gastrointestinal tract, overloaded with an excess of not the most useful food, restores the acid-base balance of the intestine.
        Moreover, in some cases, the purification procedure is necessary to restore the balance of both the body and the soul. After all, a detox is in some way a modern version of a religious fast, during which a concentration on spiritual aspects is expected.

        Cleansing the body (detox)

        7 addresses, prices from 1 800 prices
      • Food pyramid (balance)

        It is well known that a healthy diet is the key to a good figure. It remains only to wonder why not everyone follows their nutrition plan and abuses frankly harmful products.

        But how to build the notorious optimal nutrition plan? As a rule, most of these schemes are based on the “food pyramid” (or “nutrition pyramid”), developed by American experts at the beginning of the last century.
        Many nutritionists recommend building a diet based on the principles of such a pyramid, which consists of several blocks or levels. The basis is the "Movement", in other words, fitness classes.
        The first, most extensive, level includes the most numerous portion of foods rich in starch. These are whole grain products (bread, pasta, rice, cereals) rich in carbohydrates, the need for which ranges from 3 to 10 servings per day.
        Second level: vegetables and fruits. It is advisable to eat two servings of fruits and three servings of vegetables per day. And potatoes are not included.
        At the third level - proteins. These are dairy products, poultry meat and eggs, fish and various seafood. About two glasses of liquid dairy products should be consumed daily, but products containing hydrogenated vegetable fats should be avoided.
        The higher, the less - this is the principle of the standard "food pyramid". The fourth level is represented by edible fats (vegetable oil), nuts and seeds. It is advisable to eat 3-4 servings of added fats, nuts or seeds per day. (1 serving is approximately 1 teaspoon of fat).
        Finally, the top of the pyramid is represented by foods that should be cut down. These include: animal fats found in red meats, butter, margarine, as well as sweets (white sugar, sweet water), baked goods and alcohol.
        It is worth noting that as dietology has developed, the “nutrition pyramid” scheme has been repeatedly adjusted. In particular, the latest version called MyPyramid was published in 2011.

        Food pyramid (balance)

        19 addresses, prices from 6 000 prices
      • Proper nutrition

        In a healthy body - a healthy mind, and the path to healthy body lies primarily through the stomach. We are all well aware of the importance of a healthy diet for a figure, but we should not forget about the impact of our diet on the risk of developing various chronic diseases and disorders. But what diet can be called correct. ...

        Proper nutrition

        36 addresses, prices from 1 500 prices
      • Fasting days

        Usually not everyone has the will, time and energy to constantly follow a healthy diet. Moreover, constant time trouble sometimes simply leaves no chance to keep track of the diet all the time, and people employed in the office, as a rule, have no time to look for a balanced set of carbohydrates, proteins and minerals.

        Fasting days

        4 addresses, prices prices
    • It is hardly possible to find a person who does not know how to get rid of excess weight. But why are so many people unable to part with unwanted pounds? Alas, the standard diet + sport method is not suitable for everyone, and it does not always work effectively. Plastic surgery also has contraindications. But is it worth giving up? ...

      Non-standard ways to lose weight

      7 addresses, prices prices
      • Hirudotherapy

        In the struggle for health and a good figure, all means are good. Hirudotherapy may not be aesthetically pleasing - one can hardly call at least cute brown and slimy leeches - but such a method is practical and not too expensive.

        Treatment with leeches is one of the most ancient methods of treating various diseases. The spectrum of action is very wide: from application in proctology to and. Some fans of hirudotherapy even call it a kind of "microsurgery".
        However, leeches have a beneficial effect on the entire body as a whole: sleep improves, appetite improves, mood improves, metabolism and immunity normalize. Hollywood actress Demi Moore once said that it was thanks to leeches that she managed to maintain a blooming appearance.
        The effect of hirudotherapy is made up of several factors: reflex, mechanical and biological. Firstly, with this method of treatment, leeches bite through the patient's skin only at reflex points. Then, in the process of sucking out blood, a mechanical effect on the blood flow occurs, the vessels are unloaded, the circulatory system is cleansed, and excess fluid is removed. Finally, leeches release saliva into the bloodstream, which contains more than a hundred various biologically active substances, which in general has the most beneficial effect on the human body.
        Today, hirudotherapy sessions are quite actively used for obesity, for body shaping and getting rid of cellulite, to fight wrinkles and improve complexion. At the same time, experts recommend switching to a healthy balanced diet during the course of treatment with leeches for a greater effect. ...


        7 addresses, prices from 1 600 prices
      • golden needle

        Is it possible to lose extra pounds without going on a diet and without exhausting yourself with fitness? Quite. To date, there are several non-standard methods weight loss, and one of them - "Golden Needle" - was developed Russian specialist, doctor of medical sciences Mariyat Mukhina.

        golden needle

        2 addresses, prices prices
      • It seems that you have tried all possible methods of losing weight available, but the excess weight does not want to go away. And we are not talking about two or three kilograms, but much more weight. One of the rescue options in such situations is the gastric banding procedure, which has become very popular recently. ...

        Restrictive ring on the stomach

What is Turkish Hamam?

"Hammam" - the Arabic name of the eastern or Turkish bath, literally means "one who spreads heat." Popular since the times of the Holy Roman Empire, the Turkish bath or Turkish hammam at Vavilov Club is a combination of relaxing and soothing properties of the bath and excellent massage. Such a bath will open before you a new world of complete harmony of soul and body.

Beneficial effect of hammam on the body

The Turkish bath hammam is not only a rich source of positive emotions but also a pantry of physical and emotional pleasure. This is a symbol of Eastern culture, with the help of which people discover a lot of positive emotions, get access to natural healing. visiting the bath

  • gastrointestinal and catarrhal diseases are treated,
  • excellent cosmetic and rejuvenating effects are achieved.
  • there is a cleansing of the body, moisturizing and tightening the skin of the face.

And the heated marble sunbeds give the pleasure of unhurried inner peace.

Among the additional procedures in the "Vavilov Club" you can choose as regular massage, and massages using cosmetic oils, oriental tea. After all, it is known that oriental women we spent a pleasant time in the Turkish bath and, having a leisurely conversation, drank delicious and fragrant tea. Skilled attendants will help in relaxation.

Differences between a hammam and other baths

The Turkish steam room is a relatively low temperature, which is maintained under conditions of high humidity. The room is at a constant comfortable temperature. This feature makes the Turkish hammam popular. In this it differs from the usual saunas and Russian steam rooms, for visiting which you need to be in good health and not be afraid of strong stress on the heart. Hamam is suitable for those who cannot stand the intense heat, who have contraindications to visiting the Russian bath and sauna.

In the hamam "Vavilov Club" on a marble table (chebek-tashi), immersed in a milky white steam, and even heated, a magical action takes place - an unusual foam massage. The bath will please everyone, and even the most sophisticated client, with its individual procedures. Peeling and moisturizing, Moroccan care, oriental sweets - all this is waiting for you!

Hamam in Moscow at Vavilov Club will help you feel a gentle sense of relaxation. This is an extremely useful way to take a break from everyday hustle and bustle and forget about problems with health benefits!

The frantic rhythm of metropolitan life makes you value your time. Therefore, many of those who lead an active lifestyle and take care of their sportswear And appearance, choose fitness clubs with a Turkish bath. The temperature in the hammam is not maintained as high as in a sauna or a Russian bath - no more than 50 degrees, but the humidity is high here.

This regimen is very good for the skin, so hammam fitness clubs offer a variety of body treatments, including face, hair and nails. Various peels are especially good and effective - steamed wet skin is cleaned quickly and becomes smooth and silky, any cosmetic masks are intensively absorbed into it.

The opportunity to combine training and cosmetic procedures attracts many people, especially since there are practically no contraindications for visiting the hammam. You can bring peeling products and masks with you, but you can also use the services of professional cosmetologists working on the staff of the fitness club. The result of studying in it will be not only taut figure but also great looks.