Upper body: beautiful belly and healthy back. Upper body fitness - what is it Upper body workout exercises

Of all the fitness areas, I often preferred power types, since dancing, stretching, yoga are beautiful, but for breathing and muscles, power directions are still better. Workouts differ in purpose and equipment, so before choosing your option, you need to decide what you want from your body and what equipment you can handle.

I will list those power classes that I attended, most likely there are many more, but I do not set myself the goal of embracing the immensity, the listed classes will be enough to get you oriented.

super sculpture
Super Sculpt class I consider it one of the universal power classes, thanks to which you shape your body like a sculptor, since the purpose of this class is to train all the basic muscle groups, but you will have to work a lot, no passes and without giving yourself slack.

The training takes place in the average mode, at first an active warm-up, and then exercises with different kind equipment - dumbbells, body bars and mini-bars, for a greater load, part of the exercises is carried out on step platforms, after such classes, step aerobics will seem like an easy walk on the platform. The pace is intense so without correct breathing exhale quickly.

In addition to muscle training, there is an active burning of fat, endurance is trained and the output is a beautiful trained body.

power ball
Powerball class- yet again power fitness direction, very similar in main goals to Super Sculpt, but as the main equipment - these are special balls - fitballs, as well as additional equipment like dumbbells and sometimes body bars. Again, the workout begins with a warm-up, which requires agility and coordination, as squats on a large gymnastic require it. Then, again, strength exercises, which end with stretching on a fitball, which, in my opinion, is ideal for stretching.

These workouts will be useful for those who take care of their spine, because thanks to the fitball, the load on it becomes less, and the exercises themselves remain no less effective for a particular muscle group.

In addition to the power orientation of this set of exercises, beautiful posture, as well as the development of coordination and dexterity, since the fitball itself must also be tamed during the first workouts, it does not want to stand in one place.

pump power
Pump Power class- this is a power class, the training of which takes place using mini-bars, again suitable for those who want to pump the whole body. It differs from the previous three directions only in inventory, intensity and results are similar.

narrowly focused power training.
But among the power classes, one can distinguish those that do not work out all muscle groups, but only some. These include: ABS, Low Body Power and Up Body Power Classes.

Abdominal Back Spine or ABS class- is a strength training aimed at working out the muscles abdominals, thighs and buttocks, lower back, and more exercise right on the press. I would call this course narrowly focused, it is more suitable for those who want a luxurious checkered abs. I took this course as an additional one to Power Ball or Super Sculpt, since in its pure form it is still one-sided.

Training is built traditionally, optional equipment if used, it is in higher intensity classes. Be prepared to do planks often, they are already very much loved by ABS coaches.

At one time there were UB-LB classes, that is, Up Body and Low Body, but they turned out to be ineffective. since crawling up, and the other half - down turned out to be a boring and incomprehensible task, since without a warm-up everything is in vain, therefore, this course was either not introduced in sports clubs, or it was divided.

Low Body Power class - power view fitness, consisting of exercises to work out the muscles of the lower body, that is, the legs, buttocks and abdominals. so to speak course slender legs and firm buttocks.

Up Body Power class- a power type of fitness aimed at training the muscles of the upper body and abdominal muscles, that is, strong arms and a slender camp to the waist.

Again, in a normal state of health, I would not give preference to one of the directions, that is, I would give one workout for leg day and the other for arm day, and the press would get a double load, which is also quite good.

In my humble opinion, a woman should have a power load in a fitness class at least once a week, and ideally two, because in addition to fatigue and thirst, these areas will give what others cannot: beautiful and elastic muscles due to the stress that they will experience during exercise. And a sufficient number of options presented will allow you to determine the direction depending on the goal and inventory.

In modern fitness clubs, you can not only visit the gym on your own or with a trainer, but also work out in groups. Group lessons are aimed at toning the main muscle groups, increasing calorie consumption, increasing tone and physical activity. With them, you can lose weight, get a primary motor skill, defeat physical inactivity. One such lesson is upper body fitness.

What is the Upper body fitness lesson for?

The Upper Body lesson is for people who want to learn the technique strength exercises with light dumbbells and other small equipment. All exercises are performed in the "endurance" mode. The lesson is built in such a way that one exercise is performed for 1-2 minutes, in a multi-repetition mode, but the weights are small.

With such lessons, you will not build huge muscles, but you can work out exercises such as:

  1. traction of the neck, dumbbells or bodybar to the belt;
  2. barbell bench press from the steppe, simulating a bench press;
  3. push-ups from the floor;
  4. traction of the bar or bodybar while standing to the shoulders;
  5. standing barbell press (military);
  6. bench press with dumbbells, classic and with a turn of dumbbells;
  7. flexion for biceps;
  8. push-ups on triceps;
  9. dumbbell extension from behind the head to the triceps.

Usually, these exercises form the basis of the beginner's program in the gym, so the skill will be useful when you decide to progress further and begin to visit the gym on a regular basis.

The workout is suitable for people of any fitness level and will be a good addition to any program. physical development aimed at teaching the beginner.

Do they lose weight from this activity?

Often girls go to such lessons, hoping to remove the flabbiness of the arms, reduce the volume of the arms, back, remove the "wings" and lose weight in the waist. Nothing is impossible, but we must understand that fitness in isolation is not able to solve such problems. You must maintain a regular workout and diet in moderation to be successful.

With the most “problematic hands” and the largest, according to your menu, excess weight, you should not attend such lessons more than 2 times a week. Workouts must be spaced so that they are separated from each other by at least 2 days of complete rest. One of these days you can devote to an aerobic-strength lesson on the lower body, legs, or just an aerobics lesson.

The schedule for a beginner takes the form:

  • Day 1 - Upper body.
  • Day 2 - Lower Body.
  • Day 3 - complete rest, keep active and try to walk for at least 30 minutes every day, on this day too.
  • Day 4 - Upper body.
  • Day 5 - aerobic strength leg training or aerobic system training, such as any tap or tai bo class.
  • Days 6 and 7 should be devoted to stretching and recovery. You can visit the bath or sauna, it will help you recover faster.

Meals with group training must be careful. Some instructors to this day advise their clients to limit their diet to only vegetables and cereals on the water in order to lose weight. It should be understood that the complete exclusion of protein will not lead to anything good, and it makes sense not to exclude it, but to limit the total “arrival” of calories. Moreover, if you perform a similar or slightly larger load, you should not limit carbohydrates to more than 2g per kilogram of current weight per day.

Why there may not be an effect from training

Many are upset because they attend training, but there is no effect. Flabbiness remains, the press is in no hurry to become embossed, and the shoulders are chiseled. The following points should be checked here:

  • Are you on a calorie restricted diet? If you don't restrict your energy, there's no miraculous way to lose weight by going to a group class;
  • you increase the weight of the projectiles. Of course, the purpose of the class is not to lift a huge barbell in a multi-rep mode, but you should gradually progress from the smallest weights that are possible in your gym to the largest, and when the moment comes and you feel easy, you should just leave these lessons and go to the gym, increase the load. Or, if you fundamentally don’t want to go to the gym, pick up lessons like Body Pump or Hot Iron, there are more opportunities to progress in terms of load, and you can improve your endurance performance, and not just lose weight and become more sculpted;
  • you try to repeat all the movements after the instructor and think about training during training. It also happens that we sincerely want to lose weight and strive to train, but we can’t maintain the desired pace, or we don’t have time, or we don’t understand some movements. In this case, the problem can be solved by taking a few lessons personally. In addition, it will help if you are located in the center of the hall a little behind the instructor, and not somewhere in the corner where you can’t see anything and you have to repeat after your classmates, and not after the instructor.

In addition, it should be understood that the real effect of group lessons strongly depends on the predominant type of development of muscle fibers. Some people have well developed "slow" muscle fibers, and therefore they increase well muscle mass and with aerobic-strength lessons. For others, this effect is not observed, and they cannot gain mass with group training, but they just increase calorie expenditure perfectly and begin to lose weight. Then, when this process stops, they continue their progress in the gym. Still others have a predominant development of fast muscle fibers, and it is simply extremely difficult for them to get anything other than increased endurance from aerobic exercise. If such a person has excess weight, he is likely to be the very "sufferer" who walks on group aerobics for years and can’t take anything out of there in the sense of improving the figure.

The peculiarities of our metabolism are such that such fitness lessons work well for a very limited period of time. We adapt to them, and when these things are already happening, it's worth just changing or increasing the load in order to continue to progress.

Olya Likhacheva

Beauty is like a precious stone: the simpler it is, the more precious :)

Mar 31 2017


One of the types of training Upper Body (upper body) is not the last place in fitness programs gyms Worldwide. The technique helps to pump up muscles, bring the body into sportswear and lose weight. How each session goes, how the exercises differ from other workouts and what results you can get, read on.

What is upper body in fitness

The name itself already speaks of what you have to do in upper body fitness training. Up - top, body - body. In classes with an instructor, most of the time is devoted to the upper part: chest, stomach, arms, shoulders, neck. Additional equipment for weighting is used: dumbbells, bars. The main task is to increase muscle tone, strengthening, restoration motor function limbs. Lessons differ from standard aerobics classes, but they have one thing in common - to get the effect you need:

  • regulate the mode of employment;
  • build a healthy diet: eat at least sweet and starchy foods, drink more water;
  • follow the instructions of the instructor;
  • provide for oneself proper rest after classes;
  • increase activity outside of training.

upper body exercise

If you decide to try upper body exercises, then first of all you should find out if you can do such loads, because not everyone is recommended for intense weight training. Most women who come to workout want to lose weight quickly. It is worth saying here that the result will not be noticeable immediately, so you will have to attend classes regularly. In addition, you will definitely have to change your diet.

Like any other fitness program, the upper body has contraindications:

  • varicose veins;
  • diseases of the cardiovascular system;
  • pregnancy.

The set of upper body exercises goes from easy to difficult. All muscle groups are involved in turn. For example, here is a description of several standard upper body exercises:

  • Triceps work. Heels together, toes slightly apart, dumbbells in hand. Raise your hands to your shoulders, on the count of one - lift up, on the count of two - lower to your shoulders. Medium pace, do 3 sets of 15 reps. Rest - 30 seconds.
  • Working out the biceps. Performed standing. Heels together, socks apart, arms along the body, each with a dumbbell. Start alternately bending your arms in the limbs at the level of the belt, that is, only in elbow joint. Do it at an average pace. Repeat 20 times, rest 30 seconds and repeat.
  • The study of chest and deltoid muscles. The same starting position as in the previous exercises. Stretch your arms at shoulder level, each with a dumbbell. Spread your arms out to the sides without bending them. Rise up on your toes at the same time. The number of repetitions is at least 10 times.

upper body workout

Almost any upper body workout lasts exactly an academic hour. This distinguishes it from many other fitness programs. It does not begin with an aerobic warm-up, but immediately with exercises. To begin with, dumbbells are taken and the muscles of the hands are worked out, then the process becomes more complicated, the burden becomes greater. So by the end of the lesson, you work out all muscle groups, weighting with various equipment.

upper body tabs

There are variations of this fitness program. Upper body tabs - a set of strength exercises aimed at working out the press. Especially suitable for those who want to correct the figure in the waist area, "dry". Often combined with stretching, so that at the end of the session you can relax the muscles and stretch them to consolidate the result. The duration of the workout can be slightly longer - 55 minutes. It is best to attend classes at least 2 times a week. An excellent workout with which you can start your acquaintance with upper fitness.

upper body press

A set of upper body press exercises is aimed at strengthening the muscles of the back and chest, arms and shoulders. There is a very intense exercise stress so it's not worth it for beginners. From standard exercises, push-ups, multi-repetition movements with a bodybar can be distinguished. It is better to start with a regular upper body and then move on to mixed format lessons. Special equipment, shock absorbers are actively used. After a couple of months regular workouts you will notice relief changes in your body, the muscles of your back and chest will become stronger.

Upper body fitness what is it, and how can a body be modeled using special exercises for the "upper" muscles - the answer to this question can only be found in the fitness room with an experienced trainer.

Upper body fitness - what is it?

Upper body workouts are great for developing muscle groups in the shoulders, arms, abs, and back. They are able to improve blood circulation and help in the fight against overweight, correcting the figure.

A properly selected set of Upper body exercises will help reduce the waist, giving it a noticeable harmony, and the stomach - a plane.
Upper body fitness workouts are distinguished by their intensity of exercise. For this reason, it is best to take a little time to warm up in advance. Aerobics is perfect for this. Thus, you set yourself and your body to high level loads, excluding unpleasant consequences.

Features Upper body fitness

Upper body classes are designed to use a variety of sports equipment in the form of dumbbells, bodybars, step platforms, rubber shock absorbers, medical balls, etc. The duration of the classes is from 45 to 55 minutes. The load and weight of weighting agents must be selected individually based on the level of training and physical capabilities.
Beginners start their workouts in a light mode, for example, with dumbbells. Experienced athletes choose sports equipment with a lot of weight. One way or another, the load is selected from the individual characteristics of each.
Upper body classes can be held in sports clubs and independently at home. It is important to take into account that personal trainer competently selects a lesson plan and individual load, and also instructs in the choice of power equipment. At home, you are your own coach.
If you are a supporter of the latter version of upper body exercises, then you will need dumbbells and a huge supply of patience, endure and desire to achieve results. You can create your personal training plan and strictly follow it. As a reminder, place it where you can see it and mark it with a bright marker. It is recommended to exercise no more than 3 times a week. However, it is necessary to take into account the individual characteristics of your body. After exercise, muscle recovery takes up to 2 days. Breaks are usually filled with lower body workouts or combined with cardio workouts.

Upper body fitness exercises

We bring to your attention simple exercises specially selected for practicing in the comfort of your own home. All you need is dumbbells and a serious attitude to achieve results.
    If you want to improve the condition of the biceps, you must perform regularly next exercise. Stand in such a way that your heels are touching and your toes are apart. Hands should be held along the body, while palms point forward. Alternately bending your arms with dumbbells at the elbow, at an average pace we perform up to 30 approaches for each arm. If the task is to improve the condition of the triceps and forearm muscles, perform the following exercise. We stand so that the heels touch and the socks are apart. It is important to observe the angle of 45 degrees. We hold our hands along the body, the state is relaxed. We take a dumbbell in each hand and raise our hands to our shoulders, touching them. Then you need to raise your hands up and lower to your shoulders, after which we return to the starting position. It is necessary to do 15-35 repetitions at an average pace. If it is necessary to strengthen the deltoid and pectoral muscles, it is important to perform the following exercise. It is performed while standing, but the arms must be raised to shoulder level, while keeping the palms so that they are directed inward. We hold the dumbbells in our hands and spread them, holding them straight to the sides, rising on our toes. Then we return to the original position. At an average pace, it is recommended to do 8-12 repetitions. If you want to be proud beautiful back the next exercise is for you. It should be performed while standing with legs wide apart. We raise our hands with dumbbells above ourselves and exhaling, we lean forward. We make sure that the legs do not bend. Inhaling, straighten up. Slowly, we do 10-12 repetitions. If you have long dreamed of flat stomach, That this exercise just what you need. It is recommended to take a sitting position. It is better to use a chair for these purposes, as it is convenient to wind your legs behind its legs. We raise our hands to the shoulders and tilt the body back, then return to the original position. Performing this exercise slowly, you need to do 8-10 repetitions.

Upper body fitness - video

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