Light diets at home. The simplest and easiest diet for fast weight loss at home

Which diet is the most effective is hard to say. Girls of all ages and nationalities dream of looking great, delighting passers-by with attractive shapes and a slender silhouette. Nature gave someone an elastic body, others, in order to acquire ideal forms, you need to work hard and hard.

Stress, passive lifestyle, malnutrition lead to metabolic disorders and overweight. Therefore, more and more women are thinking about how to quickly and effectively lose weight, and get rid of the sides, make the figure fit and attractive in a short time?

If for weight loss you just go to Gym, sign up for fitness, and, this will not bring the desired result. At the heart of everything is a change in the principles of nutrition. Just the right combination physical activity and diets will guarantee a quick result without returning kilograms.

Known Techniques

Today there is a huge variety of programs that allow you to lose weight by 5, 10 or 20 kg. Everything is purely individual, but based on the reviews of those who have lost weight, you can make an indicative rating in terms of efficiency.


- the fastest and easiest homemade diet. In 14 days, you can throw off from 4 to 8 kg. It is based on the increased consumption of proteins, as well as the complete or partial rejection of carbohydrates. For energy, the body burns its own reserve reserves of fat.

Sugar must be completely eliminated. Allowed to eat eggs, meat, cheese. You should count calories and try not to eat 4 hours before bedtime. Approximate menu per day:

  • breakfast - three sausages, fried eggplant and tea without sugar;
  • lunch - vegetable soup, chop and salad, coffee without sugar;
  • dinner - boiled fish, fresh tomato and a glass of kefir.

Variations -, the Kremlin diet.

On porridge

  • Buckwheat. It is designed for 7 days, maximum 2 weeks. The technique can be called tough, because only buckwheat can be eaten for the entire time. After graduation, you need to take a break of 30 days. Before use, buckwheat does not need to be boiled, it is enough to steam it with boiling water and let it brew for 3-4 hours. For one glass of cereal, you need 2 cups of boiling water. Do not add any spices and salt. A more loyal version of the program is, the daily volume of which should not exceed 1 liter. During this effective diet, multivitamins should be taken. Buckwheat cleanses the body and perfectly saturates.
  • Rice. A proven method aimed at cleansing the body of toxins and toxins. It's not exactly a diet, but rather, fasting days. You can clean yourself once a week. 200-250 grams of rice should be boiled, then distribute this portion to all meals. In between, you can drink water, herbal teas and fresh juices. Porridge should not be salty and contain no additives.

We use liquids

Drinking program for weight loss, designed for a week, a maximum of 10 days. All dishes on the menu of a losing weight woman should be liquid, soft, watery. The diet is based on cereals, soups, vegetable broths and sour-milk products. This method allows you to get rid of extra pounds without harm to health.

At one meal, you can eat no more than 200 ml (1 glass). Try to diversify your menu. For breakfast, you can eat yogurt, porridge, curd mass with a minimum fat content. At lunchtime, give preference to decoctions, borscht, cabbage soup, milk soups. Dinner should be light, try to limit yourself to a glass of yogurt.


The best fat burning program at home. Its essence is simple - for 3 days eat only rice, the next three days only protein (chicken, turkey, beef), for another three days we sit on vegetables. The quantity of the product is not limited. Of the processing methods, steaming and boiling should be distinguished. Try to consume as little salt as possible.

You should always start with rice days, because this is the cleaning stage. The next stage is proteins, it is necessary to saturate the body with useful calories. The third stage is vegetables. They are best eaten raw. They help restore the digestive tract after a load in the form of rice and protein foods. The result is amazing, in 9 days minus 10-15 kg.

This is not all types. There is Hollywood, Brazilian, monofood, etc. Every day there are new good options that are suitable not only for women, but also for men, teenagers. But it is worth remembering that diet is only the beginning. With its help, you need to start metabolic processes, and then you need to switch to another, more gentle schedule, for this it is enough to adhere to the standard principles every day - drink a lot, make a menu so that 50% belongs to complex carbohydrates, 40% to proteins, and only 10 % fat.

Accelerated Programs

Express diets are recognized as super effective. They are used when you need a short time get rid of the belly and extra 2-5 kg, for example, before the holiday, to fit in a chic dress two sizes smaller. The duration of such programs is usually limited to 3-5 days. The most popular accelerated weight loss methods are:

  • juice diet. This is a very simple and useful system. The bottom line is simple - during the day you can drink 2 liters of fruit or vegetable juices. The weight will drop by the day. For a day you can get rid of 1.5 kg. To make juices, use pomegranate, apple, pineapple, lemon, and for vegetable analogues - pumpkin, cabbage, cucumbers, tomatoes, etc.
  • . This is a cleansing and safe program that does not require much effort from you. It is enough to drink fat-free kefir purchased at the store. The daily norm is 1.5 liters, divided into 5-6 doses. In three days you can get rid of five kilograms. One option allows you to combine kefir and vegetables.
  • Vitamin-protein. Its duration is 5-10 days. The idea is separate meals. The diet should contain proteins, vegetables and fruits. Separately, we eat chicken or beef, as a snack we use a cucumber or an apple, etc. We need to cook food for a couple. Result 5 kg in 10 days.

The secret to express weight loss is drying. Weight is reduced due to water withdrawal, body fat while decreasing slightly. If you do not start playing sports and monitor your diet, kilograms will quickly return to their original place, and sometimes doubled.

You can lose weight in a month or even 10 days, but in order to keep the result for a long time, you need to work on consolidating the effect. To do this, you need to study the tips and rules recommended by nutritionists:

  • exclude from the diet (white bread, sweets, alcohol);
  • eat fractionally, in small portions;
  • do not try to starve, the body perceives hunger as a threat, and begins to store fat reserves;
  • always, the first meal starts the body, wakes it up, gives a boost of strength and energy for the day;
  • do not strive to lose weight quickly, a lasting result can be achieved only after a few months;
  • if you practice a mono-diet, for example, sit on oatmeal, remember that adhering to a strict diet for more than 3-5 days, you risk harming your health;
  • observe the drinking regimen, the daily fluid intake is 2.5 liters.

You can't lose weight without dieting. However, a huge variety of programs and methods of losing weight allows you to choose the most suitable option for yourself. Try different techniques and stick to the one that makes you feel comfortable. Diet foods should be freely available and reasonably priced. Get out of a tough meal schedule should be gradual.

Svetlana Markova

Beauty is like a precious stone: the simpler it is, the more precious!

When losing weight, you want to choose a diet that will help you get a quick and effective result, for such cases there is the simplest diet. It is designed for a week, the menu is made up of available products. The essence of such weight loss is that some foods can be eaten, while others are not. It is not necessary to calculate every calorie, you can lose 5 kg in a week.

Simple diets for weight loss at home

Exist different variants diets, for example, losing weight with plain water. Drink several glasses of liquid before meals. Favorite dishes are not excluded, the essence of such weight loss is that after drinking water you don’t feel like eating at all. This weight loss recipe has a different name - a diet for the lazy. Another simple way to lose weight without much difficulty is not to eat after 6:00 pm.

During the day, you can eat different foods, but as soon as the evening comes, you can’t eat anything, even low-calorie foods are prohibited. The simplest diet does not drive a person into a rigid framework, which is why it is popular. To improve the effect, you can exclude sweets, drink coffee and tea without sugar. It is important to remember that the easiest diet for the lazy should not be long, such a diet should not be abused, the optimal diet period is 7 days.


A simple diet for weight loss, which does not apply to rigid mono-diets. It is designed for a week, breakfast, lunch and dinner includes low-calorie kefir. It is recommended to include one or two new low-calorie foods daily. It can be baked or boiled potato roots, greens, dried fruits or porridge. For a day, a person losing weight at home should drink 1.5 liters of kefir, eat 100-400 g of additional low-calorie simple meals. As a result, you can lose one kilogram every day.


A simple diet for weight loss includes buckwheat and low-fat kefir. Porridge can be even for those who have stomach problems, buckwheat is considered a dietary product. Kefir will help the intestines work well, saturate the body with B vitamins, vitamin A. It is forbidden to sit on such a diet for pregnant women and during lactation. Weekly simple buckwheat diet allows you to lose 7 kg.


light diets for fast weight loss may include proteins of animal and vegetable origin. This diet helps to lose up to 5 kg. sample menu:

Days of the week

Second breakfast (in grams)

Lunch (in grams)

Afternoon snack (in grams)

Dinner (in grams)

Before bed (in grams)


Cup of kefir or milk

Rice porridge 200

Boiled beef 150

Vegetable Salad

Vegetable salad 200

Apple juice 200

Tea, coffee without sugar

Curd with fat content 0%, 100

Boiled chicken meat 150. Vegetable salad dressed with olive oil

Boiled rice 100, half an apple

Tomato salad 200

Tomato juice 200

Coffee or tea, no sugar

Boiled beef 100

Boiled fish 150. Rice 100

half an apple

Fresh salad of peas, cabbage, herbs and onions 150

Apple juice 200

Coffee or tea without sugar

Boiled beef or chicken 100

Vegetable soup, a slice of black bread

Boiled meat 100. Vegetable salad

Apple juice 200

Kefir or milk, bread or cracker

Carrot salad 100

Boiled fish 150. A couple of boiled or baked potatoes

Vegetable salad with olive oil 150

Boiled lean lamb 100

Low-fat kefir or tea 100

Coffee or tea

Boiled eggs and a couple of crackers

Boiled rice 100 boiled meat 100

Apple or 2 kiwi

Rice 100 Boiled fish 100

Orange juice 200


Coffee or tea

Sausage and a piece of bread

Vegetable salad with olive oil 150. Rice 100

Pea and cabbage salad 100

Boiled chicken or lamb 200

Kefir or tea 200


In order for the figure to be beautiful and slender, and fat to disappear from the sides, you should not allow yourself to eat starchy sweet dishes that are high in carbohydrates. Do not abuse smoked meats, do not use salt when cooking, drink plenty of fluids. A simple and effective diet on vegetables will help muffle the feeling of hunger, enrich the body with vitamins. Losing weight this way is easy. For a month it takes up to 10 kg of excess overweight.

You can’t forbid yourself to try new simple vegetable recipes, they can even replace some dishes from a weekly vegetable diet. It is important that meals that include rice, chicken breast and vegetables are not too high in calories, but percentage vegetables have always dominated. Alternatively, you can use a simple weekly vegetable diet, which includes:

  • breakfast: any fresh fruit;
  • lunch: paella with vegetables;
  • dinner: risotto with vegetables;

A simple menu for weight loss for a week

The simplest protein diet or vegetable should include only fresh products, plus you need to get rid of bad habits. To reset excess weight, it is important to eat right, for example, use such a simple menu for 7 days:

Days of the week


Vegetable soup

Cottage cheese casserole

Baked chicken and boiled potatoes

Omelet with vegetables

Chicken soup with vermicelli

Cauliflower casserole

fish cakes

Millet porridge

Fish casserole with buckwheat

Cheese casserole

lazy cabbage rolls

Millet porridge with cottage cheese

Rice soup with green peas and squid

Cheese casserole

Fish fillet cutlets

Cell porridge

Lean meat with roasted vegetables

Rice babka with apples

Chicken cutlets and buckwheat porridge

poached eggs

Soup with spinach and meatballs

Cake, cottage cheese with oranges

Vegetable ragout


vegetable soup

Cheese casserole

Stuffed zucchini

Video: easy diet for weight loss

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This article is based on scientific data written by experts and verified by experts. Our team of licensed nutritionists and estheticians strives to be objective, open-minded, honest and present both sides of an argument.

The saying “beauty requires sacrifice” is familiar to everyone. In fact, all women want to be beautiful and attractive, but everyone understands the word “victims” in their own way. Someone is torturing himself grueling workouts, fasting and, and someone, in pursuit of slender forms, chooses a more gentle option for getting rid of excess weight - a light diet. It is on this method of losing weight that we will dwell in more detail.

Very light diet: dream or reality?

Thinking about the options for bringing your body into shape, almost every woman wants to find a way to fast and easy remove extra centimeters without causing a significant blow to your body. While most fast-paced diets have a negative effect on general condition human and therefore have a lot of contraindications (liver and kidney disease, hypertension, diabetes, allergies, etc.).

A light diet for a diet means a balanced way to get rid of excess weight, which has a positive effect on health and keeps the whole body in good shape. This technique allows you to gradually and imperceptibly reset overweight, without resorting to such extreme methods as or abandoning useful products. The ability to consume foods that contain all the substances necessary for the body makes such a diet the most optimal and safe.

Even the most safe diet can be stressful for the body and affect the condition of your skin. With sudden weight loss, stretch marks can occur. Experts recommend combining a diet with the use of modeling cosmetics, such as cream. Do not forget that it is best to use natural cosmetics. If the cream contains parabens, animal fats or mineral oils, it is better to refuse to buy it.

The modeling cream from the Russian manufacturer Mulsan Cosmetic has proven itself very well. It contains only natural ingredients, and the quality is confirmed by the relevant certificates. We recommend that you visit the site Here you will find not only a modeling cream, but also other natural cosmetics that are guaranteed to help you preserve your beauty and youth for a long time.

Slender legs and wasp waist, no harm to health

A light fast diet is based on the principle of measure and an established diet. The dietary diet includes a full-fledged complex of products, in which vegetables and fruits are of paramount importance, providing a feeling of fullness and thereby preventing overeating. No matter how surprising it may sound, but the easiest diet does not even exclude the use of sweets. The only thing that high-calorie sweets will need to be replaced with honey, raisins, dried apricots and prunes.

A hyper light diet can be designed for a different number of days and have a very different menu. For some, 3 days may be enough to get in shape, while others need 5, 7 days or even a month. The most important condition for this dietary technique is the frequent use of food in small portions.

A simple and easy diet: eat often, but not enough

Nutritionists advise that the amount of food consumed at a time is placed in the palm of the person eating it. Thus, food will give saturation, provide the body with the necessary, but the stomach will not be overloaded, and the metabolism will quickly normalize. With this in mind, the daily diet should be divided into 4 - 5 meals and consist of the first and second breakfasts, a light lunch, afternoon tea and dinner.

Products can be boiled, stewed and baked, which opens up great opportunities for culinary imagination. Without performing any physical activity, such a diet allows you to lose 2-3 kilograms per week.

The easiest diet: golden rules for effective weight loss

Taboo on salt or minimizing its use. By preventing the removal of fluid from the body, salt delays the process of losing weight for a longer period. To add flavor to dishes, you can add garlic or a drop of soy sauce to them.

  • Drink at least 1.5 liters of water per day
  • All cereals should be excluded from the diet, except for buckwheat, oatmeal and pearl barley.
  • Due to the high calorie content, it is worth limiting the consumption of potatoes, grapes and bananas.
  • Do not eliminate, but reduce the consumption of eggs and dairy products
  • Forget about fatty foods that cause appetite
  • There is wholemeal rye bread
  • The last meal should be no later than 19-00

Diet easy and effective: menu for 3 days

1st day

  • Breakfast: 100 grams of boiled chicken or lean beef, 100 grams of buckwheat porridge without salt, green tea without sugar
  • Lunch: orange or apple, kiwi
  • Dinner: 150 grams boiled lean fish with vegetables
  • afternoon tea: 200 grams of yogurt
  • Dinner: 150 grams of cottage cheese

2nd day

  • Breakfast: 100g oatmeal, 30 grams of cheese, a slice of bread, tea with a spoon of honey
  • Lunch: half banana, grapefruit
  • Dinner: vegetable soup, 50 grams of baked chicken or 100 grams of mussels
  • Afternoon snack: Cabbage and carrot salad with parsley, dill and olive oil
  • Dinner: 200 grams of kefir or 100 grams of cottage cheese

3rd day

  • Breakfast: quail egg, spinach, orange juice, dried apricots
  • Lunch: pear, plum, mineral water
  • Dinner: Soup puree from zucchini, carrots and potatoes. Tomato salad. Cucumber and bell pepper
  • Afternoon snack: kefir with a slice of bread
  • Dinner: baked fish, stewed cabbage, green tea with a spoonful of honey

You can stick to such a diet for a long time, daily inventing more and more new dishes.

"Magic" products, without which

Going on a diet, any girl dreams of becoming slim and beautiful, but often those extra pounds go away, taking with them all the beauty of hair, skin and nails. This is due to a lack of nutrients in the "losing weight" diet. In order to prevent this from happening, you should include in your diet foods containing the following components:

  • Bifidobacteria that improve the digestion process and ensure the cleansing of the body from toxins and toxins. Most of them are found in kefir and natural yoghurts.
  • Proteins are the most important building material in our body. The best source of protein is fish and seafood, poultry, beef and rabbit
  • and vitamin C, contained in vegetables and fruits, allowing the absorption of animal protein. Vegetables must be stewed or steamed in a sealed container
  • Sulfur and silicon, which ensure the health and beauty of hair and nails. The source of these trace elements is tomato juice, seaweed and various seafood.

A light diet for a week or another number of days receives exclusively positive reviews, both nutritionists and women sitting on it. How else? After all, this technique has practically no contraindications, cleanses and heals the entire body.

You can learn more about the dangers of fasting and extreme mono diets by watching the following video.

Video on how to lose 3 kg in a week

Video about the lightest diet

Anyone who has ever encountered overweight, of course, wants to get rid of it, without straining and without scooping kefir with a fork.

Therefore, today I have prepared for our readers 5+ of the most simple diets for fast weight loss at home.

But less and correctly, surrounding yourself with a working and at least minimal.

So, we figure out where to put a few extra kilos, standing with one foot in the beach season, how not to ruin your health and preserve the joy of life.

And before deepening into the menu, I’ll make a reservation: all diets designed for a period of 3 to 14 days are considered to be short-term, and therefore they should be used when you need to get rid of three or four kilos by the express method.

If your excess weight has exceeded the mark of 10 kg or more, take a closer look at the system, which is slower, but gives irreversible results.

Any diet is always a shock, and a fast one is double, so no matter how you try to maintain weight, the frightened body will begin to stock up on fat and return some of the lost back.

5+ rules of the simplest diets for weight loss in 7 days

"I don't eat it..."

The simplest and fast diets- mono-diets of one, maximum two products.

If you decide to go all the way to your favorite jeans with a “I’ll fit in anyway” shield, choose food that is easy to carry and love.

You should not throw kilograms of apples into yourself if one of their looks makes you cringe, although young ladies of model appearance in social networks tease with photos before and after.

Replace them, for example, with raspberries. Take a closer look at the curd or. Otherwise, you'll just fall apart.

To lose weight quickly and for a long time, carefully plan your diet

"Food all around..."

Choose diets with simple menus so that you can stock up on groceries in advance and not wander around the supermarket accompanied by the smell of fresh rolls and the motivating thought “And I'm so handsome.”

Try to spend as little time as possible cooking and not look in the refrigerator, where even in the worst of times there is something to intercept.

Walk more on fresh air and being out of the house, limiting the number of thoughts about the beautiful (crossed out) delicious.

We drink a lot of water

"I drink and lose weight..."

Trite, but true - every time you want to eat, drink a glass of water - so you will deceive the stomach for a while with exponential satiety. Or maybe you really just wanted to drink.

Do not forget about useful and refreshing.

By the way, the simplest diet for the lazy is considered to be weight loss on water: you do not starve, but drink a sufficient amount of liquid per day (about three liters).

I talked in detail about how to lose extra kilos with the help of water slimming in the article.

Don't forget the lemon water

"I eat and lose weight..."

Choose foods that encourage weight loss.

Among them:

  1. oranges- stimulate protein metabolism and fat release
  2. Figs and nuts- dull the feeling of hunger, so in a minimum amount they are the best snack
  3. Raspberries- breaks down fats and takes care of your skin
  4. Buckwheat and oatmeal- cleanse of toxins, have satiety and nutrition, accelerate metabolism
  5. Dairy products, especially cottage cheese- he can sing odes and compose madrigals
  6. Green tea- four cups a day
  7. Hot spices and ginger- accelerate metabolic processes; and although everyone has cellulite (and don’t argue), spices can minimize its manifestations
  8. Carrot- blocks the growth of new fat deposits
  9. Mushrooms- an excellent substitute for meat, have a positive effect on liver function

Tip: and, of course, the kings of weight loss are celery and spinach. If the first is literally created for, then the second is rich in iron and drowns fats with a bang. Cottage cheese and spinach casseroles or vegetarian with homemade cheese are the perfect choice for a weight loss lunch.

Don't forget the celery

Protein yes, carbs no

And it is still the easiest and most effective weight loss diet with a healthy result of minus a kilogram and a half in a week.

The diet should be thoughtful and sparing

Many women are familiar with the boomerang effect. In 80% of cases, the lost weight returns, often taking extra pounds with it, which is very unpleasant, painful, and can lead to stress and prolonged depression. Therefore, it is important to find a working, safe and reliable way. Effective weight loss diets will help you not only lose weight, but also keep the results, in ideal- improve health. Which one to choose, everyone must decide for himself.


An effective diet does not mean fast

All women want to lose weight quickly, but few people think about the consequences. There are diets on which kilograms not only “leave”, but even “run away”. A person loses weight, volumes, but the body does not keep up with the sudden changes. As a result, health is undermined, with a large initial mass, a shift may occur internal organs. The most effective diet for weight loss is a technique that helps you lose weight without harm to your health.

Common mistakes people make when losing weight:

  1. Reduced calorie content to critical levels. A woman's body cannot fully function when receiving 600-800 kcal per day. The minimum amount is 1200 kcal. Yes, weight is rapidly decreasing, but with an energy deficit, stagnation is expected soon, the body will begin to work in an energy-saving mode.
  2. Exclusion of fats. You can eat one cabbage or drink fat-free kefir. The weight will go away, but along with it, hair will begin to fall out, nails will deteriorate, skin problems will appear, and the female cycle will fail. The minimum amount of fat per day is 22 g.
  3. Refusal of tasty food. Complete restriction of favorite foods leads to breakdowns. If you manage to go through the diet to the end, then after it it will be difficult to resist. It is necessary to change eating behavior and prepare delicious dishes from the products allowed by the system.

Many are hindered by moral torture. For weight loss, even the most effective diet is not enough. In women, the mood deteriorates, headaches, weakness appear. You can not perceive the diet as a tragedy or deprivation. Let this be a joyful path to harmony and a dream figure, easy and desirable.

Diet of Kim Protasov, or Protasovka

This is one of the most effective and proven diets over the years, which not only allows you to lose weight, but also has a lot of advantages. After the Shuffle, it is easy to switch to proper nutrition, the weight will continue to decrease, views on food and tastes will change. On this system, a lot of raw vegetables are consumed, which leads to bowel cleansing, skin condition improves, water is removed from the body.

The essence of Kim Protasov's diet:

  1. For the first 2 weeks, 1400 g of raw vegetables, 3 green apples, 1 egg and 600 g of fermented milk products, close to 5% fat, are consumed daily.
  2. From 3 to 5 weeks, instead of 300 g of dairy products, the same amount of meat, poultry, fish or seafood is consumed. Gentle cooking methods without oil are selected.
  3. Throughout the diet, you need to drink at least 2 liters of water, which will enhance the effect of vegetable fiber, help cleanse the body, and reduce weight.
  4. The shuffling lasts 5 weeks, but nutritionists recommend making an “exit” that will be equal in duration to the diet itself. New products are added every week: cereals, broths, dried fruits, boiled vegetables. In these 5 weeks, weight loss continues.

In total, for a diet, you can lose from 5 to 15 kg. It all depends on the initial data. Volumes go very well. You can not use the technique more than 1 time in 6 months, it is better to take a year break so that the body has time to recover.

Contraindications: diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, pregnancy, breastfeeding period.

Interesting: Kim Protasov is a fictitious name, and such a nutritionist does not exist. This pseudonym was taken by a journalist from a magazine in the 90s of the last century, who published the still popular technique.

diet for the lazy

This is the most effective, safe diet that has become popular recently. The fact that you can not drink after eating, many people know. The liquid dilutes the gastric juice, inhibits digestion, and interferes with the absorption of nutrients. Why not take advantage of this information! With the right approach to fluid intake, weight will go away quickly, without any effort and harm to the body.

  1. All water is drunk before meals. 400 ml of liquid must be consumed 20 minutes before the main meal and immediately after waking up.
  2. After eating, according to the rules, you can not drink for 2 hours, or at least an hour if light meals were consumed. During this time, they must be digested.
  3. For effective weight loss it is advisable to exclude high-calorie, fatty, sweet foods and not eat 3 hours before bedtime.

The trick is not only in the accelerated digestion of food. Water fills the stomach, portions are involuntarily reduced, which reduces the daily calorie content. It also becomes impossible to eat salty, sweet foods, as it will be difficult to withstand 2 hours without drinking. For the duration of the diet, you should forget about a cup of coffee with candy or cake. Supplement can be eaten only after a certain time.

Buckwheat diet

Another most effective diet, the duration of which can be adjusted independently, but subject to the basic rules. The basis of the diet buckwheat cooked in water without salt or with a minimum amount. The main product is affordable, useful, helps to cleanse the body, saturates well, suppresses the feeling of hunger. But only those people who really love buckwheat need to choose this system.

  1. System for 1-3 days. Essentially, this unloading diet. Throughout the time, porridge without salt is used. The body gets rid of excess fluid, the volume decreases, the intestines are cleansed, the stool is normalized.
  2. weekly diet. There are many options. Green apples, kefir, fresh vegetables with a low starch content can be added to buckwheat. This system is easier to carry.
  3. Buckwheat diet for 14 days. In addition to cleansing and removing excess fluid, this system reduces the amount of fat in the body. Vegetables are added to the porridge along with sour-milk products and apples; in some cases, chicken breast is found.

Weight loss directly depends on the duration of the chosen technique. Get rid of in 1-3 days excess fat it won’t work, only water will go away, but this can be a good start for losing weight or checking if the system is suitable. It is easy to lose 4-7 kg in 2 weeks. With a competent return to normal nutrition, they will not come back.

Contraindications: pregnancy, gastrointestinal diseases, beriberi, intolerance to the main product.

Ducan's diet

One of the popular protein diets, which in short terms helps to lose a huge amount of weight. This system is suitable only for absolutely healthy people who are ready to follow all the instructions and not deviate from the rules. The technique is based on biochemical processes in the body. Any minor violation can reduce efficiency, slow down weight loss, and harm.

In total, there are 4 stages in the system with a clearly defined sequence and duration. All calculations can be made on the official website. A mandatory ingredient in the diet throughout the diet is oat bran. From the second stage, you can add wheat and rye fiber, but according to the permitted standards.

The essence of the stages of the Dukan diet:

  1. Attack. Short stage up to 7 days, calculated individually. The diet is based on 72 protein products. This stage is designed for fluid loss and motivation growth, it can take up to 3-5 kg ​​of excess weight.
  2. Alternation. The main stage of the diet, in which fat burning occurs. 28 types of vegetables without starch in the composition are added to the proteins, the days alternate. The duration of this period can be from several weeks to a year or even more until the desired weight is obtained.
  3. Consolidation. Bread, fruits, cheese are added to the main diet. This period allows you to switch to a normal diet. The duration is determined by the formula: 10 days per 1 kg of weight.
  4. Stabilization. One day a week is Protein Thursday. The diet of the first stage is observed. Additionally, bran is consumed daily.

Throughout the period of the diet you need to drink vitamins. It is allowed to use sugar substitutes with a natural or synthetic composition. You can not eat any fruits, all dairy products must be fat-free, like meat. This is one of the few diets that allows you to eat sausages, crab sticks, canned food, but all products must meet the requirements of the diet, do not contain prohibited spices, sugar, and exceed a certain fat content threshold.

Important! There are many subtleties and nuances in the diet, the system requires careful study. Pierre Dukan strongly recommends reading his book, which will bring clarity. You can also get acquainted with the system on the official website.

Contraindications: any chronic diseases of organs and systems, periods of pregnancy and breastfeeding, lactose intolerance, hormonal disruptions, children's and elderly age. This diet requires mandatory consultation with a doctor.

Video: Dietitian on the Dukan Diet

Kefir diet

This diet will help you lose weight very quickly, it is used by many famous people. In just a week, you can get rid of 5 kg. But there are also various other options that differ in duration. You can always “try on” a diet by making a fasting day on kefir.

essence kefir diet:

  1. The basis of the diet is kefir of low or medium fat content, but not more than 2%. A day you need to use from 1 to 2 liters.
  2. The food is fractional, you can’t drink 0.5 liters of a fermented milk product at a time, it is advisable to drink a glass every 2-2.5 hours.
  3. It is important to drink water, as kefir has a diuretic effect, removes excess fluid, the reserves of which need to be replenished.

In addition to the classic kefir diet, there are other options with the addition of apples, cottage cheese, buckwheat, vegetables or various fruits. All of them have their own rules, differ in duration. Long-term systems include more foods in the diet than short methods up to 5-7 days.

Contraindications: increased acidity of the stomach and any diseases digestive system, rickets, rheumatism, gout, intolerance to kefir, childhood, pregnancy and lactation period.

Video: Elena Malysheva: how to lose weight in 1 week

When changing the diet to the side healthy eating, increasing the consumption of food rich in slow (complex) carbohydrates, vegetable fibers, nuts, discomfort from the gastrointestinal tract may appear: flatulence (bloating). This is due to the fact that cereals, legumes, vegetable crops- the basis of a healthy diet - rich in indigestible oligosaccharides. In order to eliminate discomfort without giving up proper nutrition, you can supplement the intake of such products with Orlix®. It contains alpha-galactosidase, an enzyme that breaks down complex carbohydrates into light carbohydrates for the absorption of monosaccharides. The dosage depends on the amount of food consumed, making it easy to normalize digestion both during a snack and during the main meal.

Easy Diet Secrets

Any diet will be easier and more interesting if you find an approach to it. The key to success is a thorough study of the rules and menus. Motivation matters a lot. If it is and is really strong, the feeling of hunger will recede, there will be no temptation to break the diet, kilograms will go away quickly, easily and forever.

Helpers and secrets:

  1. Water. If you want to eat, drink water. Many people have heard this, but only a few use it. It is the liquid that helps to cope with hunger, accelerates and facilitates weight loss.
  2. Vitamins. They are needed not only to preserve beauty and health, but also to eliminate hunger. If something is missing in the body, it will ask for food.
  3. Movement. This is an easy way to get rid of hunger or eat something forbidden. At the first desire to “sin”, you need to do squats at least 50 times. Or jump rope for 5 minutes.

A necessary step in any weight loss program, nutritionists consider cleansing with the modern Enterosgel sorbent. It actively absorbs only harmful toxins and toxins that enter the blood in abundance during the breakdown of body fat. It is these toxins that provoke nausea, an unpleasant aftertaste in the mouth, stool disorders, dullness of the skin, the appearance of acne and spots on it, characteristic of the diet. This sorbent fills the stomach well, thereby creating a feeling of satiety, absorbs excess gastric juice and enzymes, neutralizing their irritating effect on the walls of the stomach. Let's admit its reception by long courses unlike other sorbents.

The path to slimness can be hard or easy. A person determines his own path, much depends only on us.