How to unite people in a company. Non-standard methods of team building

American corporations began to put the work of the team at the forefront 40 years ago. Based on sports principles, business coaches have deduced many laws, according to which the work of the group should be based on overall result. Employees must learn these laws and principles directly at the workplace. To facilitate this task, there are many practices - from the notorious rope training to fashionable in Russia culinary team building.

Team-building trainings can solve different problems: relieve tension in the team, identify the leadership qualities of employees, and establish interaction between different departments of the company. Experts advise when choosing a training, if possible, to refuse extreme species sports and practices involving public speaking of employees: stress and embarrassment can kill the whole positive effect. Nevertheless, team building cannot do without the competitive principle.

H&F has selected some interesting trainings that can make the team work more smoothly.

A dark room

The German Andreas Heinecke conceived and created the Dialogues in the Dark project in 1995. All coaches conducting trainings with company managers are blind, the training itself takes place in a completely dark room and lasts several hours (the part of the session devoted to discussing the results is still in the light). Team building can involve from two people to several dozen. The lesson begins with the simplest tasks - determine the size of the room, divide into teams, find a table in a dark room, sit down at it, taking chairs, and so on. The training is aimed at identifying leadership qualities and team building, but can be transformed to other needs. For example, to identify the anti-leader in the team. In Russia, the Dialogues in the Dark franchise is being developed by another German, Tobias Reisner.


Owners of small private vineyards have adapted to renting out their land to various companies specializing in training. Classes in winemaking, as a rule, last three to four hours. During this time, teams consisting of company managers manage not only to trample grapes (which, of course, is very fun), but also come up with the name of the wine, label design, and present their product. Along the way, the participants of the program learn about the technology of creating wine, and after three or four months, the finished fermented drink arrives at their office. The purpose of the training is to introduce each other to employees of different departments of the company who have not had to work together before, if they are faced with the task of working on the same project.

The zombie apocalypse

US corporate culture is booming Humans vs. Zombies - training, whose motto captivates any HR manager: “Zombies do not discriminate against you either by race or by gender. They just eat you if you don't know how to work in a team." The roles of zombies are played by hired actors, and company employees portray a surviving group of people who, depending on the scenario, need to get out of a closed room or save the world. The result is a mixture of paintball and costume performance. The program is good, on the one hand, to identify the leadership qualities of employees, on the other hand, to form the habit of obeying the leader and following his orders. Such trainings, by the way, are popular on US military bases.

steam room

Domestic businessmen had just begun to wean themselves from the habit of holding important meetings in the bath, when it suddenly turned out that in Japan, joint baths of the head of the department with subordinates are the main hit in the field of team building. Of course, if all employees are of the same sex. Sitting in a hot spring, colleagues can talk confidentially and frankly, Asian business coaches say, and even European managers agree with them. It is important to note that you need to dive into the hot spring completely naked, after taking a shower and washing your hair in the company of all the same colleagues.

Every leader wants his team to work smoothly and always act as a single team. That is why recently corporate events aimed at team building have become very popular.

However, many employees are already pretty tired of rope courses, trainings, sports and intellectual team competitions, and therefore these events often do not give the desired effect, people are no longer attracted to corporate parties.

How to unite the team and make the everyday life of employees rich and interesting? Recently, our company has been implementing a number of projects and initiatives designed to promote communication, uniting the interests of employees from different departments.

It's no secret that nothing unites better than Team work, discussion, creativity.

For example, we have a tradition of being very creative and unconventional and, most importantly, using our own resources to prepare the celebrations on February 23 and March 8. Accordingly, before each of these holidays, the office is divided into male and female halves, each group has its own ringleaders. When discussing ideas, it seems that all the most interesting things have already been implemented, but, on the other hand, every year we understand that the creative potential of our employees will never run out! So, our men prepared a cocktail show; imitation of a real plane flight to a desert island with real personalized tickets, helpful stewards and a meeting of natives on the island itself; witty game "What? Where? When? ”, and the questions were previously filmed on a video camera, and were asked by the men of our office, the cook of the canteen in the office center, the cleaner of the territory, who came to work from sunny Uzbekistan, etc. On the eve of February 23, women turned the office into a bathhouse with a steam room, a massage room and a relaxation room; to a military recruiting station with a real field kitchen, a medical office and a military song contest, etc. We always have funny photos as a keepsake, which then decorate our kitchen.

Over the past few years, children have appeared in the families of our employees who can unite parents in the best possible way. In this regard, our company has implemented 2 ideas: one - at the level of an official project (Children's Club "Vesnushki"), and the second - an informal association of parents who pay great attention to the choice of developing and educational literature and games for their children.

The Freckles Kids Club is an initiative of our Human Resources department that hosts a number of exciting events throughout the year. These are joint trips to museums of parents with children, and competitions of drawings and photographs, and children's New Year's celebration for employees' children.
But the idea of ​​one employee who offered to order books through an online store under a common account also resonated with many employees with children. Everyone got the opportunity not only to buy goods at the maximum discount, but also to communicate with each other, discuss and recommend good purchases.

This year, we decided not to overload our summer corporate trip with team-building events: we took a quiet boat trip, and creative workshops awaited us in nature (making gel candles, decorating gingerbread, woodcarving, etc.) However, we decided to dilute a quiet day dedicated to just communication and outdoor recreation with one unusual idea designed to unite people in a common project that will begin at a corporate party and last until the end of the calendar year. At one of the master classes, we jointly minted coins with our symbols, which became the internal convertible currency of the company. Each participant received one coin for participating in the summer trip. Subsequently, coins can be both spent and earned. Here are just a few examples of what you can spend one coin on: one day of vacation or a company-sponsored lunch with the CEO, an employee's birthday party or paid vocational training, and much more. And earning a coin is also quite realistic: you just need to submit a sensible rationalization proposal that will be implemented or become the best employee of the unit at the end of the year; can initiate or lead new project in a company of a professional or social orientation or to excel in the implementation of any important task.

At the end of 2012 we will sum up the results of the competition and identify 3 employees who have collected the maximum number of coins. They are waiting for valuable prizes - paid air tickets for two on different routes, depending on the place taken.

So, we have chosen topics that unite people always and everywhere, and we try to base our activities on universal, rather than imposed interests and values: joint creativity, children, non-standard contests with elements of lively humor, which must necessarily awaken positive emotions among working everyday life, because we are all not only employees of serious companies, but above all - people!

Often, in order to increase the efficiency of the company, its management combines different departments.

There are two ways to enlarge departments:

  • <или>combine two departments and create a new one on their basis, for example, combine the transport and economic departments into a transport and economic department;
  • <или>attach one department to another, for example, the transport department to the economic department. In this case, a new department is not created: the economic department is preserved, but its competence is expanded due to the infusion of the transport department into it.

Moreover, the goal that is usually pursued during such a reorganization is not the reduction of part of the staff, but the improvement of interaction between employees of the merged departments. It is for this purpose that two previously independent structural units are united under a single centralized leadership of the head of the enlarged department.

With such a merger of departments, their employees, as a rule, continue to perform their former duties in the enlarged unit. And therefore, questions arise: is it enough to make changes to the staffing table to formalize the consolidation of departments, or is it impossible to do without filling out a whole bunch of personnel papers?

To answer them, consider the features of each of the two options for consolidation of departments.

OPTION 1. Create a new department from two old ones

STEP 1. Changing staffing. To do this, we issue an order on structural reorganization, which:

  • <или>we approve the new staffing table of the company in the form No. T-3 in its entirety (it must be attached to the order);
  • <или>We make changes to the current staffing table.


Actually the enlarged department will start working no earlier than 2 months later after the issuance of an order to amend the staffing table. After all, employees who have something changing must be warned about this no later than 2 months in advance.

The second method is less cumbersome, since in this case only the text of the changes themselves is attached to the order, and not the entire “staff” of the company as a whole.

Also, changes in the staffing table can be stated in the text of the order itself, and not drawn up as a separate annex to it.

Consider important nuance: it will be possible to put into effect changes in the organizational structure of the company no earlier than 2 months after the issuance of the said order. If only because, with the enlargement of departments, it may be necessary to transfer to another job or reduce some employees. These include heads of departments, because in the new department there will be no positions of the head of the transport department and the head of the economic department, but there will be a new position of the head of the transport and economic department. Also, if each of the previous departments had positions of secretaries, the employer can reduce one secretary position and leave only one secretary in the new enlarged department.

And even if such workers are eventually transferred to another job, they will still have to start the process of reducing their current positions. And if so, they will have to be notified in writing about the reduction in 2 months And Art. 180 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation. The same opinion is shared by Rostrud.

From reputable sources

Head of the Legal Department of the Federal Service for Labor and Employment

“When departments are merged, employees holding the positions of heads of these departments should be warned about the reduction of their positions 2 months in advance.
The basis for carrying out measures to reduce is the order of the employer to amend the organization's staffing table (or to approve a new staffing table) ".

An order to amend the staffing table can be issued as follows.

ORDER No. 12


About changes to the staffing table

In order to improve the organizational structure of Zeta LLC, to unite the transport and economic departments into the transport and economic department, in connection with which:

1. Remove from the organization's staffing table:
- transportation Department;
- maintenance department.

2. Reduce the following positions:
- Head of Transport Department;
- Head of the economic department.

3. Enter the transport and economic department in the staffing table of the organization (the staffing table of the transport and economic department is attached).

4. To put into effect the changes provided for in paragraphs 1-3 of this order, from 05.05.2011.

5. To impose control over the execution of the order on the chief accountant of the organization Sinitsyna L.V.

Simultaneously with the introduction of changes in the staffing table, it is desirable to develop and approve the regulation on the new department. After all, the employees of this department need to know in advance about the structure, main tasks, functions of the new department, as well as the procedure for its interaction with other structural divisions. The new position of the employees of the department must be familiarized under the signature b Art. 22 Labor Code of the Russian Federation.

STEP 2. We are dealing with employees in respect of whom the redundancy procedure is being launched and who will either have to be transferred to another job or fired for redundancy. All such employees must, 2 months before the reduction, hand over a notice of reduction against signature. And Art. 180 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation.


Do not forget to notify the trade union (if any) and the territorial employment agency of the upcoming reduction 2 months in advance And Art. 82 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation; paragraph 2 of Art. 25 of the Law of the Russian Federation of April 19, 1991 No. 1032-1 "On employment in the Russian Federation".

The notification must include a proposal to transfer to another vacant position, if there is a vacancy that the employee can offer at Art. 81 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation, art. 180 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation. For example, we offer translation to the heads of both departments. One of them - for the position of chief in a new department, and the second - for some other position (perhaps even in another division of the company).

After all, it is possible to dismiss an employee for reduction only on the condition that it is impossible to transfer him with his consent in the same organization. And Art. 81 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation:

  • <или>to a vacant position or a job corresponding to the qualifications of the employee (including a higher one, if he has the qualifications required for it);
  • <или>to a vacant lower position (lower paid job), which he can perform, taking into account his qualifications and state of health.
For more information on how to properly reduce, see: 2009, No. 1, p. 51

And if you are laying off two overlapping positions and there is only one vacancy in the company, the transfer to which can be offered to both employees, then you need to check if one of them has a pre-emptive right to leave the job e Art. 179 Labor Code of the Russian Federation. This advantage has the employee who has higher labor productivity and qualifications. I Art. 179 Labor Code of the Russian Federation. When comparing labor productivity, in particular, data on the fulfillment of assigned tasks, the presence of disciplinary sanctions, etc. are taken into account. And qualifications are confirmed:

  • the employee's professional education;
  • the level of his theoretical knowledge and practical skills, the degree of development of which can be expressed in the class, category, etc. established for the employee.

If the compared workers have equal labor productivity and qualifications, then preference is given to staying at work, in particular And Art. 179 Labor Code of the Russian Federation:

  • family - if they have two or more dependents (that is, disabled family members (spouse, parents, children th Art. 2 of the Family Code of the Russian Federation) located on full content the employee or those receiving assistance from him, which for them is the main and permanent source of livelihood);
  • having no other workers in the family with independent earnings;
  • who received an industrial injury or occupational disease during the period of work with this employer;
  • improving their qualifications in the direction of the employer without interruption from work.

The notice of reduction can be issued as follows.

Limited Liability Company "Zeta"

Head of transport department
Talalaykin A.S.


Dear Alexey Sergeevich!

In accordance with Art. 180 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation, we notify you that in connection with the structural reorganization of Zeta LLC, in accordance with the order of the General Director of Zeta LLC dated March 2, 2011 No. 05/05/2011.

We offer you a transfer to the position of head of the transport and economic department with a salary of 50,000 rubles.

If you refuse to transfer to the job offered to you, as well as if you refuse to transfer to other vacant positions that will be offered to you if they are available in the period up to 05/05/2011, the employment contract with you will be terminated on 05/05/2011 according to paragraph 2 of part 2. 1 st. 81 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation - reduction in the number or staff of employees of the organization.

Upon dismissal in accordance with paragraph 2 of part 1 of Art. 81 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation, you will be paid a severance pay in the amount of the average monthly earnings, and the average monthly earnings will be kept for the period of employment in accordance with Art. 178 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation.


If none of the two employees whose positions are being reduced have a preferential right to remain at work, and there is only one vacancy that can be offered, then the right to choose who to keep and who to fire belongs to the employer.

  • <если> the employee who is offered a transfer to another position agrees to it, we conclude an agreement with him on the transfer e Art. 72 Labor Code of the Russian Federation and issue a transfer order in the form No. T-5 approved Decree of the State Statistics Committee of Russia dated 05.01.2004 No. 1. We also make an entry about the transfer in the employee's work book A Art. 66 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation; clause 4, clause 12 of the Rules for the maintenance and storage of work books, the production of work book forms and the provision of employers with them, approved. Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of April 16, 2003 No. 225 and in a personal card in the form No. T-2 approved Decree of the State Statistics Committee of Russia dated 05.01.2004 No. 1;
  • <если> the employee does not agree to the transfer or there is no vacancy in the company that can be offered to him,- after 2 months from the date of the notice of reduction, we terminate the employment contract with him R p. 2 h. 1 art. 81, art. 180 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation. To do this, we issue an order in the form No. T-8 and provide the employee with all the provisions due to the reduction of payments s Art. 178 Labor Code of the Russian Federation.

STEP 3. We deal with the rest of the employees. We look at whether the employment contracts of the remaining employees (that is, those who continue their previous work in the enlarged department in their position) indicate the name of the structural unit (department) or not. If not specified, then everything is simple: changing the department will not entail changing the terms of the employment contract and you will not have to draw up any documents for such employees. I Art. 57 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation. Changing a department in such a situation is treated as a move.

You can find the rules for maintaining and storing work books: section "Legislation" of the ConsultantPlus system (information bank "Version Prof")

If the department is specified in the employment contract, then the change in the department for the employee will be a transfer to another job. After all, the department is not renamed, it is liquidated and a new one is created instead. And since this is a transfer caused by a structural reorganization carried out in the company, that is, a change in organizational working conditions, then you need to get the consent of the employee A Art. 72.1, Art. 74 Labor Code of the Russian Federation. This was confirmed to us in Rostrud.

From reputable sources

“ In the case when, for reasons related to a change in organizational or technological working conditions, the terms of the employment contract determined by the parties cannot be saved, they can be changed at the initiative of the employer, with the exception of the labor function of the employee A Art. 74 Labor Code of the Russian Federation. Therefore, in relation to employees of two merged departments (with the exception of employees whose positions are being reduced), whose structural unit changes in connection with the merger of departments, one should be guided by Art. 74 of the Labor Code” .


Therefore, all employees who have a department specified in their employment contracts are notified in writing about the upcoming changes 2 months before the introduction of changes in the staffing table. X Art. 74 Labor Code of the Russian Federation. The notification can be made in the following way.

Limited Liability Company "Zeta"

Transport department manager
Kravtsov B.D.


Dear Boris Dmitrievich!

In connection with the structural reorganization carried out in Zeta LLC in accordance with the order of the General Director of Zeta LLC dated 03/02/2011 No. 12 "On amendments to the staff list", we notify you of a change in the terms of your employment contract dated 03/22/2005 w / n about the place of work in the part related to the structural unit: the position of the manager of the transport department you hold will be included in the structure of the transport and economic department.

The rest of the terms of the employment contract concluded with you do not change.

If you do not agree to continue working in the new subdivision as a manager of the transport and economic department, please inform the personnel department by 05.05.2011.

We inform you that if you refuse to continue working in the reorganized department and if it is impossible to transfer you to another job available in the organization, the employment contract with you will be terminated under clause 7, part 1, art. 77 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation with the payment of a severance pay to you in the amount of two weeks of average earnings in accordance with Art. 178 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation. p. 7 h. 1 art. 77, art. 178 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation.

Sometimes, by merging departments, they reduce all positions in both departments. And in the new department, all positions are re-introduced.

This is unprofitable and wrong. After all, you simply transfer most of the positions from the structure of one department to another, they do not disappear without a trace from the staff list.

If you reduce these positions, and one of the employees refuses to be transferred to a new department, then upon dismissal, he will have to pay severance pay as in case of reduction - in the amount of the average monthly salary plus keep earnings for the period of employment. While if these positions are simply transferred to a new department, then the employee, if he refuses to transfer, will be entitled to a severance pay in the amount of two weeks of average earnings. A Art. 178 Labor Code of the Russian Federation.

But keep in mind that changing the terms of an employment contract due to changes in organizational working conditions in the above order e Art. 74 Labor Code of the Russian Federation It is possible only if the labor function of the employees does not change. If, due to the enlargement of departments, one of the employees has to perform other labor duties in the new department, then not only the structural unit, but also the labor function will change. So, you need to notify him not about changing the terms of the employment contract in connection with the structural reorganization th Art. 74 Labor Code of the Russian Federation, but about the reduction of the previous position And p. 2 h. 1 art. 81 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation. And, accordingly, offer him a transfer to a new position, and if the transfer is refused, terminate the employment contract for staff reduction (as we already considered in the previous step )p. 2 h. 1 art. 81 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation.

OPTION 2. We attach one department to another

In this case, the changes must be made in exactly the same way as in the first option. But there is a difference - the changes will not affect all employees, but only employees of the affiliated department. And for the employees of the department, into which the affiliated department will join, nothing will change. This means that there is no need to draw up any personnel papers for them.

So, no matter how the departments in your company are combined, you need to prepare such a structural reorganization in advance. And for the future, so that you do not have the need to notify employees in advance of a change in the employment contract, when in fact they continue their previous work in the new department, do not indicate the structural unit in the employment contracts.

There must be some strong quote from Frank Underwood about strong team but, damn it, I didn't find anything. So let's move on from grandiloquent demagoguery to practice.

So, for any great accomplishment, you need good team. In addition, the team must be united, bound by one chain and connected by one goal. The galley, on which the rowers row at random, will not sail far, rather, you will go with your ambitions to that nightmarish fish from the trash Soviet cartoon in which the mermaid with the fish head sang: "Stay, boy, with us, be our king." But normal dudes don't want to be the kings of some sort of bottom, so they grab a sword from its sheath, jump on a shield and call on their army to rally. How to invite? Now we'll find out.

This text is dedicated not only to novice businessmen, but also to all those who dream of gathering a strong team around themselves. And it doesn't matter what you have: a rock band with a garage and big ambitions, an amateur football team, KVN team. The methods are the same everywhere.

The staff of the enterprise is like a football team: the guys should play as a single team, and not as a bunch of bright personalities.
– Lee Iacocca –

Our people

If you want to form a team, then be very careful in the selection of new people. They should not just be professionals, but also think the same way as you. Only their people understand everything perfectly, and this greatly saves time. You don't have to spend time getting acquainted, integrating and mastering. The habit will pass much faster. Let you take a worse drummer, but he will understand you and move in the same direction with you. And technology is a commodity.

If your team, like a football team, consists of players from different clubs, then a split is inevitable. When everyone is molded from the same test, then the risk of repeating the fate of the Beatles and disintegrating comes down to 13.9%. Calculated scientifically by Vikentiy Zhabot, Associate Professor of the Department of Meaningless Calculations.

And, perhaps, the main reason why you need to look for your own people is that they will give you valuable advice. Knowing the goal, knowing perfectly well what you are focusing on, they will be able to give competent advice. Otherwise, it turns into a big top, just like an old librarian will tell you how to work in C ++.

However, remember that one should avoid unanimity. No, there is no need to argue, everyone should be covered by a single goal, but they should have their own solutions to the problem that they can offer.

Real Goals

If to the question: “What are the goals, boss?”, You will say: “Well, so that there is a lot of money, there, wealth, so that we are known. Well, something like that, ”then our advice to you is to stop with your projects right now. You see, the team will be able to rally, only knowing the goal. And this goal should be formulated accurately, elegantly and accessible, so that no one has any questions. Otherwise, different members of your team will have a different vision of the situation, and everyone will begin to achieve “wealth and fame” in their own way, most often contrary to the common work.

And most importantly, the goals must be real: not castles in the air called "Bright Future", but step by step, overcoming one peak after another. Maybe in distant land marvelous elves and there are creatures that will lead the team to success on the move and in a week, but, alas, in this world this is possible only after for long years collaboration.
And most importantly, always adjust the team to specific situations.


Of course, in a real team, many work not only for a kind word, a magnificent corporate party, an idea, for each other, for their leader. The team is well aware that if the result is interesting from a non-material point of view, its achievement is an unconditional victory for the entire team and any of its members. Moreover, each participant is clearly aware of his role in achieving this victory. But nevertheless, you need to live up to glorious times, and people need money in this moment. And if their aspirations are encouraged with a specie, a kind word, or some other bonus, then there is an incentive to work. kind word and the dog is pleased, and the attention of the leader is for people of all ages. But the main thing is to do it in a timely manner, otherwise doubts will creep in. Remember, success is shared, but praise must be expressed personally.

Keep everyone

The Chilean socialists sang: "El pueblo unido jamás será vencido", or in our opinion: "As long as we are united, we are invincible." And then the terrible begins: the team and the company get tired of each other and strive to leave, undermining the monolith of a well-coordinated team. It's even worse when they go to competitors. It is silly to consider cases with leaving for a promotion, for the sake of this a person tried in many ways.

Why do people leave? There are many reasons, it all depends on what you are doing. Some because of the money: they have gained experience, now you can go to a richer office. Some simply get tired and do not see the point of further coexistence, they want to change the surroundings. Usual crisis. Here is the most difficult thing: you have to convince the employee that better times up front that he really is an incredibly valuable crew member. And that soon, when you reach your goal, all the hardships will be compensated. Be diplomatic and attentive to "brothers in arms". But know the measure, just a little - they will sit on the neck.

Team culture

In the business sphere, it is also called “corporate”, but we are talking not only about business. And this is very important, because, despite the goals and common interests, people are different. They come from different families, different educational institutions, and they have different views on life. And sometimes the very moment comes when you get together, and the thought begins to ripen in their heads: “How to quickly get out of the circle of these idiots.”

But you should be united by something other than a banal goal and direct work. In sports, the team is united by colors and fans, in political parties, by ideology. What will unite you? This you must decide for yourself. But the very fact of having a team that has a legend and at least some communication among themselves attracts more than a simple office. You don't have to be Pink Floyd who are in rehearsals at last years existence did not even greet each other. Where there is a team culture, there is a guarantee that you will not fall apart to hell in the next 2 months and will work for the common good in the sweat of your brow until the last death squeak.

Personal contribution

This advice is more suitable for those who have rallied a team in the financial field. If you have a group or circle of young poets, then you need a different approach, more traditional, based on equality.

And in business and other places in which you play the role of a pronounced leader, avoid familiarity, softness and other tenderness, establish relationships through results. People who reach desired results have good relationships with other people. In their work they are focused on a common cause and fulfill their obligations to the whole team. Kindness and tenderness without results has no meaning, this is hypocrisy and dependency.

Look at yourself

Be an example for your team. You made this porridge, you, in which case, you will disentangle it. You must be an example for your employees, a clear, workaholic example, the embodiment of responsibility, ideology and ability to work. Create, suffer, live at a frantic pace!

And yet, do you know why the apostles were so successful in sowing Christianity in Europe? Because they knew the strengths and weaknesses of their associates well and therefore could correctly distribute their responsibilities. Also those psychologists. You should also take note of this long-forgotten art.

It's no secret that a friendly team greatly affects the efficiency of the entire enterprise. In this article, you will find budgetary ways to rally your employees and increase their loyalty to their native company.

If you have a food production, organize an exciting tour of the enterprise for the children of employees. If you were invited as a child to a candy factory to taste hot chocolate or to mold a bun with your own hands in a real bakery, would you jump for joy? Probably yes. This method is a great incentive for the best employees of your company who have schoolchildren. A souvenir photo against the backdrop of production facilities, delicious gift sets at the end of the meeting will be an exciting topic of conversation in their families for a long time to come.

What would you do if you saw your photo in a magazine or newspaper? Surely you would buy this edition and brag to a wide circle of relatives and friends. Give this pleasure to your employees. For example, publish a congratulation from your company on City Day in the local newspaper and add a successful collective photo of several employees of some department to the publication. The loyalty of subordinates who are in the frame to the enterprise is guaranteed to increase!

Be sure to post lists of birthdays of the month on the bulletin board within your organization. Even a verbal congratulation from a colleague, especially a leader, is of great importance for any person on such a day. In Soviet times, there was a wonderful tradition of keeping the honor roll. Any person in his soul longs for recognition by the team, even if he denies this. Implement this proven system over the years. Let your leaderboard be updated not so often, say, once a year. Let it not have so many windows for photos, for example, ten. But the contemplation of oneself among the best will be a good incentive for any employee, if some monetary bonus is also guaranteed to be attached to this.

Think about who in your company is a born ringleader and a creative person. Instruct such a person to organize a couple, three contests or original congratulations for the upcoming anniversary of one of the employees. Three parties will win at once: your hero of the day, the organizer of the program and you, as the leader. There are people who are eager to prove themselves and earn universal approval. Give such a person a chance and they will appreciate you even more as a wise boss.

Here you are sitting in a circle of colleagues and drinking tea on the occasion of the birthday of one of you. Invite the birthday boy to dial his mom's number, tell him: "For one pleasant surprise." After the voice of this very dear person is heard in the receiver, ask them to give you a phone for a minute and hang up the phone in a circle. Let each of those present congratulate the mother of the birthday man and tell what a wonderful person her son or daughter is, and how everyone appreciates and loves him here. Most likely a storm positive emotions and tears of joy will happen as a result of such congratulations on both sides of communications. By the New Year, conclude an agreement with the local palace of culture for children to visit employees of the New Year's performance. Usually, the amount of such a contract is not large. But such events will not leave subordinates indifferent.

Always greet colleagues and employees of the enterprise. Goodwill and openness in communication set up a positive attitude of employees to what is happening. Try to remember the names of workers by name and patronymic, as V.I. did. Lenin. Respectful personal appeal even to a low-level person will automatically elevate you in the eyes of all colleagues.

In such simple ways, you can gradually develop employee loyalty to your company.