Massage to restore leg muscles. Benefits of massage for post-workout recovery

Often after an intense workout, the athlete feels pain and tension in the muscles. The natural is due to the fact that it accumulates. Pain will disappear when the decay products are completely eliminated from the body.
To reduce muscle tone, make them more elastic, massage after a workout will help to cope with pain. It gives an absolutely wonderful effect if or there are painful sensations in the neck and spinal column.
This type of restorative massage is a kind of sports massage - the so-called restorative massage.

The main goal of a restorative massage is to restore strength after intense exertion, provide a surge of energy, optimize blood flow, and even improve. In addition, massage relieves muscle tension while strengthening them, restores body contours, promotes weight loss by reducing the amount subcutaneous fat, improves sleep, has a beneficial effect on the nervous system as a whole. Finally, this is just a pleasant procedure during which endorphins are produced - natural pain suppressors.

The maximum effect of restorative massage can be achieved if it is carried out immediately after water procedures: hammam, swimming in the pool or, in cases of home training, a contrast shower or a 10-minute bath. You can also use hydromassage.

Basic rules of restorative massage

It is best, of course, if the restorative massage is carried out by a professional massage therapist. As a rule, any modern offers such a service. But since this is not always possible, we suggest that you familiarize yourself with general rules massage after training at home.

First of all, as we aim to reduce muscle tone, the massage should be long, and the movements should in no case be sharp, but, on the contrary, slow and strong, while there should be no pauses between them.

All massage techniques should be performed along the lymphatic tract, towards the nearest lymph nodes. So, hand massage is carried out from the hand to elbow joint, then - from the elbow joint to the armpit. The legs, respectively, are worked out from the feet to the knee joints, from the knee joints to the inguinal region. After that, they move on to massage the pelvis, lower back and sacrum, moving from the lower back to the inguinal zone. Back massage is performed from the bottom up, from the sacrum to cervical spine. From the neck, we direct the movements to the sides from the hairline to the subclavian nodes. IN special attention after training, the back and shoulders need.

When these areas are worked out, you need to roll over on your back and massage the muscles chest- from the sternum to the armpits. Massage of the rectus abdominis muscles is performed from top to bottom, and oblique ones - from bottom to top. Lymph nodes are not massaged.

It is important that during the massage the muscles are as relaxed as possible, the position of the body should be comfortable so that there is no discomfort. To facilitate sliding, you can use a special oil for restorative massage.

Muscular system human body needs constant training, because only in the movement of the cells of tissues and organs receive a sufficient amount of oxygen and nutrients. In the absence of movement, their supply suffers, and the cells begin to die. This process is manifested in muscle atrophy.

An illustrative example is a fracture of one or both lower extremities. This is a serious injury that requires rehabilitation measures, which necessarily include foot massage after a fracture.

Main goals

Therapeutic measures in case of a broken leg are the imposition of a plaster cast and a tension system. As a result of trauma and restriction of movement due to plaster, motor activity is reduced several times. The result is gradual atrophy. muscle fibers.

To prevent its development, you should perform a special foot massage. Simple massage movements can achieve amazing results and keep the musculoskeletal system in “decent shape”.

The main tasks of massage after a fracture are as follows:

  • elimination of vascular disorders, lymphostasis and muscle atrophy;
  • increased muscle tone and elasticity of the ligamentous apparatus;
  • improved mobility in the joints;
  • elimination of pain and congestion.

Important! After all the tasks are achieved, it is required to increase motor activity through a complex of special gymnastic exercises And physiotherapy exercises.

Massage is a long process. The procedure requires some patience, but the full completion of the course will lead to the fact that the mobility of the injured leg will be restored completely.

In addition to massage, it is necessary to attend physiotherapy, eat right, healthy lifestyle life and sleep well.

Presence of contraindications

The procedure for massaging the legs after a fracture may not be performed in all patients. There are a number of medical contraindications to it, which include:

  • open fractures;
  • acute infection;
  • high body temperature;
  • exacerbation of chronic diseases;
  • the presence of a serious pathology of the cardiovascular system;
  • acute skin diseases.

Proper massage

Doctors do not prohibit doing massage on their own at home, but it is recommended to have the first few procedures with a professional massage therapist. The specialist will show the main movements, their strength and multiplicity, and warn against unnecessary mistakes.

Important! It is necessary to massage not only the diseased limb, but also the healthy one. This will support the full functioning of both limbs and shorten the rehabilitation period after the removal of the cast by several times.

Performing massage movements directly under the cast is necessary to increase blood flow. It is enough to perform the following manipulations:

  • make small pressure on the open areas between the cast and the leg;
  • lightly “tap” on the plaster cast;
  • knead the leg near the cast.

You can ask to make small holes in the plaster cast, through which, using a regular stick, you can make slight pressure on the leg as a massage. This will be enough to maintain normal blood flow and tissue nutrition. But it is recommended to do such manipulations a couple of weeks after applying the bandage.

Another way is to use a long cylindrical knitting needle made of natural material. It should have a rounded blunt end to prevent damage to the skin. It is necessary to massage the areas between the leg and the cast. The needle easily penetrates to the closed areas of the leg and easily increases blood circulation.

Simple moves

In the event of a fracture, doctors recommend starting massage already on the third or fifth day after applying a plaster cast. Enough to perform massage exercises within five minutes to achieve positive effect. All techniques should be done moving in opposite directions from the bandage. In this case, there should be no pain.

As an example, you can take the following massage complex:

  1. Perform stroking and rubbing. Places of execution - open areas before and after the plaster cast. To begin with, you should perform a few soft strokes, and then do more intense rubbing. Then you can alternate them.
  2. Do stretches. Such massage movements are not recommended in the first days after the break, but after a few days they will lead to a significant improvement in the condition of the muscles under the cast. Kneading should be performed using fingers, palms and fists, simulating the dough kneading procedure.
  3. vibratory movements. The final stage. A simple pat on the surface of the legs with the palms or ribs of the palms is enough. Plaster pats are not excluded.

Edema prevention

Often after an injury and due to a plaster cast, the leg begins to swell. Massage is great for relieving swelling. In addition to it, you can make baths with medicinal herbs or sea ​​salt. 100 grams of salt per liter of water is enough for the bath to have its therapeutic effect and the swelling subsides.

Self-massage procedures with cedar oil also help a lot. If the latter is not available, then you can take any other. It is necessary to make gentle stroking movements from the fracture site up and down to increase blood circulation and improve lymph outflow.

Wearing comfortable shoes with orthopedic insoles or walking without shoes at all will be a good prevention of edema. When a massage is performed to eliminate swelling after the removal of the cast, there are often painful sensations. To get rid of them, you can use a special ointment with the effect of anesthesia ("Ketorol", "Nise").

Other recovery methods

To complete rehabilitation after a foot massage, it is recommended to perform exercises from physiotherapy exercises. They should be done after an appropriate warm-up of the muscles.

One of the most simple exercises- regular walking. It is enough to walk a few meters daily with a little emphasis on the sore leg so that the muscles get required amount oxygen and nutrition.

Well proven rotational movements lower limb. But they should be performed only ten days after the removal of the plaster. Alternating leg raises will help provide the necessary muscle load. To do this, it is enough to briefly raise the straightened leg up and hold it in this position for five to ten seconds. If pain occurs, the exercise should be stopped immediately.

Heel to toe lifts and back are very useful. In this case, you should hold on to a stable support with your hands, and if the slightest pain appears, stop. From a prone position, you can do cross swings with your legs. With their help, almost all muscle groups on the legs are worked out.


Recovery of a leg after a fracture is not easy, since it is necessary to return the limb to the state that it was before the injury.

A full-fledged comprehensive program is developed by a specialist, and everything else depends on the patient himself. Not only the speed of recovery, but also the further mobility of the limb in full depends on how accurately and fully a person will comply with all the prescriptions of the attending physician.

At first, all of the above classes will be given with certain difficulties, but over time, the injured leg will no longer differ from a healthy one. That's when you can start running, which will completely strengthen the musculoskeletal system and allow you to feel the fullness of life with all its colors.

Researchers testing a long-standing theory that therapeutic massage can speed up recovery from sports injuries have found primary scientific evidence for the healing effects of massage. In experiments on animals, scientists have found that direct cyclic squeezing of muscles after intense exercise reduces the degree of their swelling and damage.

It is still too early to generalize the findings to humans in a clinical setting, but the researchers see them as a strong start on the path to scientific confirmation benefits of massage for athletes after intensive training with eccentric exercises (when the muscles contract, then stretch).

"The prospect is that the continuation of this study will have enormous clinical implications," said Thomas Best, professor of family medicine at Ohio State University (USA) and lead author of the study. "If we can determine the mechanism of recovery, transferring the results to a clinical setting will help establish the appropriate amount and duration of massage and the time to perform it after the end of the workout."

Conventional wisdom suggests that massage brings great benefit health, however actually testing its effect at the cellular level is more difficult than it might seem. In the rabbit study, the researchers used one mechanical device that mimics the movements of a specific type of exercise and another that mimics sequential massage movements on the involved muscles after exercise. The researchers compared these animals with others that did the exercises but did not receive the simulated massage.

"We tried to imitate the Swedish massage because it is traditionally the most popular technique used by athletes," says Thomas Best, who is also director of medicine at the Center. Sports Medicine and the team physician of the Athletic Department. "A review of this study showed that despite the prevailing common belief (as athletes are known to often resort to massage), researchers do not know the mechanism of how exactly massage promotes recovery from physical exertion and injury."

“Our goal is to use this model to understand the biological mechanisms of massage as a guide in preclinical trials to test the effects of massage on post-exercise muscle recovery,” he said. “Human trials could establish optimal conditions for massage.

Swedish massage combines prolonged stroking, kneading and rubbing of muscles and various joint movements, according to the American Massage Therapy Association.

After experimental exercise and massage, the researchers compared muscle tissues of all animals, finding that the muscles of animals that received simulated massage functioned better, swelled less and showed less signs of inflammation than the muscles of animals that did not receive post-exercise massage.

The results of the study were published in a recent issue of the journal Medicine & Science in Sports & Exercise.

It looked at exercises with eccentric contractions that create movements similar to the work of quadriceps in the hips when running downhill. In the study, the researchers focused their attention on the tibialis anterior muscle, located in front of the human lower leg. The simulated exercises included prolonged flexion and extension of the toes to create muscle tension for seven sets of 10 circuits with two minutes of rest between sets.

“It is difficult to say exactly how intense the movement was equivalent to a human, but it was considered that this is a significant load that would probably cause soreness and possible damage to the muscles,” Best said.

Immediately after exercise, the involved muscle was subjected to a 30-minute massage, referred to as "compressive loading." The researchers used mathematical equations to calculate the appropriate level of force on the animal's muscle, calculated to match the force of a typical Swedish massage on the patient's spine. The device used to simulate stroking during the study was developed by Yi Zhao, an associate professor of biomedical engineering at Ohio State and co-author of the study.

“We know that biological tissues are sensitive to frequency, duration, and load, so we controlled the strength, frequency, and duration of the massage,” Best said.

The cycle of exercises and massage was repeated for four days, after which the strength of the muscles and the condition of the tissues were studied.

After four days of testing, the massaged muscles regained their strength by about 60 percent , while the muscles of animals subjected only to exercise and rest, recovered only 14 percent .

Similarly, massaged muscles compared to rest-only muscles had fewer damaged muscle fibers and almost no white blood cells, the presence of which indicates the body is working to heal muscle damage. Massaged muscles weighed about 8 percent less than rested muscles, suggesting that massage helps prevent swelling," Best said.

“One of the fundamental questions is how big is the role of inflammation in muscle recovery? Is it true that by preventing inflammation, we are thereby improving recovery? We don’t have evidence and confirmed information yet.” Best said.

“Ultimately, we want to know how massage helps not only with muscle damage from exercise, but also with swelling and pain caused by other medical conditions.”

Relaxing foot massage helps to cope with pain, muscle tension, improve lymph and blood circulation. The advantage lies in the ability of each person to learn simple tricks. There are different types of massage: classical, sports, Egyptian, Japanese. We recommend that you remember certain nuances, find out correct technique execution.

Front leg massage

In this part of the leg there is a minimum amount of muscle. A light massage is applied here, claps and pressure are made in the upper part of the thigh. During the hip massage, pressure is applied from the bottom up, providing lymphatic drainage and restoring blood circulation. At the same time it is indicated to massage inner part hips, a person is able to experience unpleasant and tickling sensations.

Attention will have to be paid to the quadriceps muscle, which is overly tense after training - the muscle will need to be deeply massaged. Massage of the inner thigh, on the contrary, is done with caution, the muscles there are extremely soft and are located next to the genitals. They are massaged using light massage techniques.

Other rules for working with the specified area are known:

  1. Region patella massage gently and gently. If the knee is injured, it is better to skip the zone.
  2. The fleshy muscles of the calves are massaged in the direction of the bone.
  3. The muscles located on the tibia are supposed to be massaged gently, they are sensitive to sloppy and abrupt movements.
  4. It is required to avoid blows to the knee and lower leg.
  5. Bare parts of the body are covered with a towel or sheet.

You need to start massaging from the calf muscles and up towards the knee, moving to the upper thigh, smoothing the tissues with light movements, moving on to soft squeezes. The area of ​​the patella is massaged around the joint with fingers. Then pressure and massaging with pads are carried out in a circular motion, while the sides are worked out with a gradual movement towards the thigh.

The pre-femoral part of the leg is massaged with the edge of the palm, making techniques from the bottom up, circular pressure “from the center”. Then it is supposed to slowly return down to the lower leg, dropping to the foot. After that, massaging techniques are performed, gentle tapping with clenched hands on the inside of the thigh and lower legs. Next, chopping techniques are made with the edges of the palms on the thigh.

Then, with hands clasped in a lock, it is shown with patting movements to process the inner parts of the lower leg and thigh. Next, techniques are made in the form of gentle pats on the thigh. The massage of the specified part of the legs ends with stroking the legs along the length, starting from the bottom. During the massage, a roller is used that provides blood outflow. The roller additionally has relaxing properties.

Back leg massage

This type of massage ensures the processes of normal lymph and blood circulation, eliminates swelling and the occurrence of varicose veins.

Massage techniques for the muscles of the back of the legs involve a gradual increase in pressure on the tissues as you move up, relieving tension from the muscles. Remember, massaging upwards can normalize blood circulation processes.

If on rear surface legs, signs of varicose veins were found, it is allowed to touch such places easily, however, pressure on the area should not be exerted, it is impossible to massage the areas. When massaging the feet or groin, it is prescribed to work gently and carefully, avoiding sudden movements.

The area of ​​the popliteal fossa is sensitive and vulnerable, it is necessary to massage the mentioned place carefully, without the use of shaking, chopping movements.

The muscles of the calves and lower legs are often tense. Massaged upwards, with separating pressure between the soleus and gastrocnemius muscles. The muscles of the calves of the legs are warmed up with soft, smooth strokes, later intensifying. Simultaneously with vigorous rubbing of the calves, it is required to do pressure with the fingers, then the calf area should be squeezed with the bases of the palms.

In the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe bones and the popliteal fossa, shocks and sudden movements should not be allowed. Massage actions of the back part begin from the ankles upwards, along the course of blood circulation, to the hips and back to the ankles. You need to rub your leg with oval movements. The muscles of the calves need to be massaged with the thumbs, making circular techniques, gradually increasing the applied efforts.

The popliteal fossa needs to be ironed in a circular motion with thumbs, avoiding pressure. It will be very useful to take a leg, bend it at an angle and gently twist it in different sides. With clenched fists, chopping movements of the ribs of the palm, it is worth working out the soft areas of the calves and thighs. After execution, pats are made. The massage of the back of the leg ends using circular techniques by stroking the muscles of the thigh, calves and lower leg.

It is permissible to massage the specified part of the legs on your own, using a special roller that allows you to work out the muscles. The device is perfect for people with hypertonicity of the tibial and calf muscles. The roller is made of any strong, plastic material. Rolling should not be painful. It is used during exercise by light weight athletes, simplifying the procedure.

Features of foot massage

Classical foot massage helps to relax the muscles of the legs, improve blood circulation, nutrition of muscle and joint tissues.

Foot massage has a beneficial effect on the state of the body, using numerous biologically active points. Reflexology is often used in the technique of oriental massage.

Oriental massage is aimed at relieving emotional and psychological stress, affecting internal organs. Oriental massage, the oldest therapeutic method, is considered the basis for some of the modern techniques. Special reflex slippers have been developed, thanks to which the impact on active points is produced independently. It is required to wear slippers, walk for a quarter of an hour daily. Equipped with special rounded spikes or stones, they have a deep effect on vital points. Slippers perform a full-fledged home massage.

Massage is very useful for lymph and blood circulation. upper area feet, but can cause discomfort in some people.

When massaging the foot, remember that the center is worked out carefully, there is thin skin, the area is quite sensitive. To massage the heel will require the use of force due to the thickness of the skin. Massage slippers allow you to work out the points on the foot harmoniously, acting in the right way.

Before a foot massage, it is recommended to do a ten-minute bath with the addition of aromatic oils. The foot bath is made from decoctions of herbs, at a pleasant temperature. The bath, in addition to relaxing effects, helps to alleviate the course of colds.

A bath with sea salt, which has a tonic effect, is recognized as a useful remedy. If the bath is made with coniferous concentrate, it will stimulate the immune system. A bath against sweating feet is often made from a decoction of oak bark. If you soak oatmeal in water, hold your feet in the broth - such a bath will cope with excessive dryness of the feet.

The purpose of the bath is to achieve maximum relaxation of the muscles, to achieve a deep effect on the tissues. It is recommended to put a small roller under the knees.

You can start the massage from above, rubbing the pad, moving to the center and heel. Massage your toes gently. Slight rotation is allowed in different directions. The masseur should not be intimidated by the slight crunch that accompanies the massage of the toes.

A single person has the right to purchase the massage slippers described above. Slippers are made of rubber, with natural stones, with buttons.

Foot massage is best done during or after a pedicure. Exfoliating creams are used. If the massage is done during the pedicure process, after exfoliation and soft massaging actions, other cosmetic procedures continue.

Massage is usually done while sitting, in the direction from the ankle to the fingertips. Massages are carried out during a SPA pedicure, which is distinguished by the care and naturalness of the products used. The bath is most often done with the addition of oils and decoctions. After the pedicure procedure, a foot massage is done for about five minutes. Then special nourishing creams are applied, after the pedicure procedure is completed. It is allowed to use a roller.

Features of sports massage

Athletes due to excessive physical overload more than others need different types massage. sports training very difficult for the body. Before and after training, a massage is always done, a special “sports” one.

Sports massage is divided into types:

  • Training sports massage prepares the athlete for training, increasing the endurance of the body. An individual sports massage is selected for the athlete, depending on the sport. Massage for runners is aimed primarily at working out the muscles of the legs and back.
  • Preliminary sports massage - helps to relax as much as possible after a workout.
  • Restorative sports massage is prescribed after a severe grueling workout to restore muscle fibers, restore tone, prevent chronic fatigue syndrome.
  • Preventive sports muscle massage is aimed at preventing possible injuries during and after training.

Almost always the beginning and end of the workout is accompanied by a massage. If the goal of an athlete is to increase muscle mass, sports massage should be done before training, if classes are aimed at weight loss - after.

Sports massage is often done to warm up and stretch the muscles, for example, before doing the splits. For twine, various types of stretch marks are used, which, despite the correct technique, can lead to injury. After the twine massage will relax the muscles.

Massage is a good way to eliminate the negative effects of twine - injury to ligaments and muscles.

Injuries after twine are not quickly eliminated. The massage course to eliminate the consequences of incorrectly made twine will be rather big.

Features of Japanese and Egyptian massage

Japanese muscle massage is aimed at complete relaxation of the patient. Performing a Japanese massage, a professional uses knowledge of energy flows and the benefits of aromatic oils (amma). The procedure is based on the use of pinches, with the help of which the reflex zones on the legs (shiatsu) are affected. In addition to stroking, kneading and tapping, Japanese massage allows the use of vibration.

The masseur, performing a Japanese massage, directs energy along established energy paths - meridians.

Egyptian massage is considered a relaxing type of massage. In addition to the classic execution with the hands, it is often done with the feet. Thanks to the procedures, the pleasure center of the brain is activated, and fatigue that has been accumulating for a long time is removed. Egyptian foot massage involves the use of a large amount of aromatic oils. The technique is performed using soft sliding techniques with a gradual transition to the thigh and above.

Back muscle relaxation massage

Back massage and the technique of its implementation are important aspects for preventing and getting rid of ailments of the spinal column and the back as a whole, if the sessions are conducted by an experienced specialist.

There are a huge number of methods for conducting a relaxing massage, but it is still difficult to determine with accuracy which of them will most effectively suit a person in need.

The back is practically the most sensitive place in a person, where many nerve endings are located. Our muscles are constantly negatively affected by stressful situations, overexertion or an inactive lifestyle.

In any case, a relaxing back massage allows a person to restore strength and health. Not without reason Tibetan monks actively practiced this procedure and associated it with the state of the inner world and even the psyche.

Basic rules for performing the procedure

How to learn to do back massage? In order for it to become truly effective, you should adhere to special rules developed by specialists with many years of experience. Here are some of them:

The relaxing massage procedure begins with the lower back (coccyx), after which it is gradually transferred to the shoulders. All movements aimed at upper part back, it is necessary to perform the inner and most sensitive part of the palm. Descending massage (directed down) is carried out by the outer side of the palms. The person who performs the procedure should have warm hands, as this allows the transfer of the entire effectiveness of the procedure to the patient. In addition, warmed hands are able to perform a relaxing massage procedure for much longer without fatigue. A massage session requires constant exposure of the massage therapist's hands to the patient's back. All warming movements and rubbing of the back are performed along the fibers of the long dorsal muscles. The beginning of the session and its completion are accompanied by soft strokes to relieve pain on the back. It is strictly forbidden to actively, and with strong pressure, massage the spine and the muscles surrounding it. The total time of a relaxing massage session is assigned to the patient by a doctor according to many clinical indicators. The first session, as a rule, does not exceed minutes.

The massage therapist must make sure that the patient does not have pathological diseases that can worsen during the session.

As you can see, there are not so many rules for conducting a relaxing massage, but they should be strictly adhered to.


Preparation for the relaxing massage procedure should begin with the room in which it will be carried out.

The room must be ventilated, after which it warms up to a temperature of 23 degrees. It is she who is considered optimal for the human body, and is also easily tolerated by all categories of patients. Masseur's hands.

The massage therapist should not have nails, because in the process they can damage the surface of the back. Be sure to apply essential oils to the palms, which relieve discomfort during the procedure.

Listed general rules allow you to properly prepare for the session, because all the effectiveness depends on this to a greater extent.

Basic tricks

The technique of conducting a relaxing massage includes certain stages, which we will now discuss in more detail.


This is where the session starts and ends. Wide strokes are carried out over the entire surface of the back with the whole palm without much pressure.

At the same time, all strokes should not be insensitive to the patient. This is followed by stroking the back diagonally with the edge of the palm to warm up the oblique muscles.


This stage is quite difficult to carry out, since the massage therapist needs to move the skin at a certain angle with two palms.

At the same time, stroking zigzag actions are carried out from top to bottom.

This approach allows you to normalize the correct blood flow in the area of ​​the vertebral joints and adjacent muscles.


Kneading requires more serious pressure on the patient's back.

For these purposes, one palm is superimposed on the other in order to exert strong pressure on the back.

Movements should be circular and moving from the lower back up.


The effect of patting the palms on the surface of the back is practiced quite often, even during a relaxing massage. This allows you to have a point irritant effect on the muscles.

Tapping and patting are not carried out on the kidney area.


This technique is carried out with the index and middle fingers. Muscle tissue is shaken as a result of intense circular movements.

Relaxing back massage technique

The technique of relaxing back massage is as follows: the patient is placed on a special table or other flat surface. Massage movements begin from the buttocks and lower back and, as they are rubbed, go up along the lumbar column.

Below is a video tutorial on the technique of relaxing back massage. You can take this procedure as a basis.

Neck and collar area

You need to feel the main accumulations of lymph nodes with your hands, but at the same time you can not exert strong pressure.

Gluteal muscles

Next, we work with gluteal muscles, and they can be exerted quite strong pressure and pressure, since a person is relieved of pain. Try to take the most comfortable position for these purposes so as not to experience discomfort and fatigue.

Massage techniques should be performed in a certain sequence and only according to established rules.

The gluteal muscles are dense and strong muscle clusters, so they should not only be rubbed, but also patted. Movements are made in all directions.

Lumbar zone

After that, we slowly move to the waist, generously lubricating our hands with oil. The movements should be soft and gentle from the waist to the shoulders. This approach allows you to relax the muscles.

Final stage

The muscles of the neck and shoulders must be massaged by placing a soft towel under the patient's head. Fist squeezes should not be painful for a person.

The final stage is pinching and stroking, so even a novice massage therapist can handle it.


A properly performed relaxing back massage allows you to get rid of back pain, normalizes muscle tone, and also significantly improves overall blood flow.

That is why a relaxing massage is often prescribed not only for the treatment of existing back diseases, but also for preventive purposes.

We hope you liked our lesson and you figured out the question: how to do a relaxing back massage.

Any person repeatedly faces pain in the back. In many ways, the culprit for this is the accumulation of tension in the muscles of the back, both under dynamic and static loads. A relaxing back massage helps relieve residual muscle tension. At the same time, it should be remembered that stresses accumulate not only at large physical activity, but also with a sedentary lifestyle (static muscle work); and the latter may have an even stronger effect.

Since ancient times, massage has been considered the first tool in pain relief and disease prevention, pain relief and improvement. psychological state person. Relaxing back massage, with seeming simplicity and frivolity, creates an opportunity to effectively deal with painful phenomena in the back and lumbar region, get rid of stressful influences. Massage sessions psychologically tune in to optimism and vigorous activity.

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Features of the anatomy and physiology of the back

The back muscles are part of a group of muscles that support the human spine. The trapezius and rhomboid muscles are located in the back, latissimus dorsi back, as well as the muscle that lifts the scapula, the upper and lower serratus muscles and the muscle that straightens the spine. All these muscles provide mobility to the spine and shoulder blades. In addition, they are involved in the formation of human posture.

Numerous nerve endings approach the spine, so massage of the spinal column directly is not recommended. But the impact on the lateral areas of the spine favorably affects nervous system generally.

In the region of the shoulder blades, a large number of muscles are concentrated, which can give pain in case of pathology. In the lumbar region on both sides of the spine are the kidneys, which must be taken into account when determining the strength of the massage. Bottom part the back, which is a fairly large bones of the sacrum and coccyx, allows for significant massage efforts.

Large back muscles keep the spine in the correct position

Human muscles work both in dynamic and static mode. With active movements, repeated contractions and relaxation of the muscles can lead to the occurrence of excessive muscle tension in them, which, accumulating, cause pain.

In a stationary state, muscle cells are excited, and muscle fibers are tensed. However, their reduction does not occur. As a result, there is an accumulation of static tension in the muscles, which also causes discomfort.

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Preparing for a relaxing massage session

The main purpose of a relaxing back massage is to relieve unpleasant pain, relax the muscles and relieve the accumulated tension in them, and provide a surge of physical and psychological strength. Massage allows you to increase the efficiency and elasticity of muscle fibers. A relaxing massage is especially useful for a person who leads an inactive lifestyle and is mainly engaged in sedentary work. The systematic conduct of the procedure of such a massage allows you to improve your posture by strengthening the spinal muscles.

An important preparatory stage for a relaxing massage is the establishment of psychological contact between the recipient and the massager. It is necessary to bring the patient into a balanced and relaxed state, for which it is not worth saving time for preliminary communication. The massage itself should be carried out in comfortable conditions. You can use light soothing music. Massaged before the procedure should take a shower or bath.

Before starting, you need to lay the patient on a bed or massage table with his back up. Most comfortable posture suggests that the arms are directed along the body, and the head is turned to the side. After the patient has taken the appropriate posture, it is necessary to achieve maximum relaxation.

To enhance the massage effect on the back, it is recommended to apply a small amount of body massage oil. The oil helps to reduce congestion in the muscles and relieve residual tension in them.

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Basic rules for the procedure

Relaxing massage is performed by applying several techniques. All procedures are carried out sequentially. It is important to ensure the continuity of the process, and so that the massager's hands touch the back all the time.

Back massage includes the use of the following basic techniques: superficial and deep stroking, rubbing, kneading, pressure, vibration. Massage begins with light strokes and gradually increase the impact. Massaging is carried out at first from below, in the region of the sacrum, and gradually move upwards. After the completion of the main procedures, the final stage is carried out, similar to the initial one, in order to calm and relax the muscles.

A relaxing massage begins with a light planar surface stroking of the back with the palms, placing them on both sides of the spine. Stroking is first performed in the lumbar region and moves to the neck along the spine. In the upper part, a circular stroking is done with the palms around the shoulder blades, after which the palms are moved down with stroking the back on the sides, i.e. begins a light embracing stroking. Stroking is carried out several times until the oil evenly covers the entire surface of the back, and the back muscles warm up.

Planar stroking is carried out with a relaxed hand, and the fingers are kept straight and closed. The direction of movement of the hand can be either transverse or longitudinal, and circular and spiral movement is also possible. An encircling lateral stroke is performed with a relaxed hand, but in this case the thumb is retracted to the side, and the remaining fingers are closed.

At the first stage of the massage, a superficial form of stroking is applied. It is distinguished by soft, rhythmic and light movements, which provides a calming effect on the nervous system, improves blood circulation and metabolic processes in the skin. Rubbing oil while stroking warms and relaxes the muscles.

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Various massage techniques

On next step relaxing massage is a gentle rubbing of the back muscles. Massaging is done with circular movements of the palms on both sides of the back relative to the spine. With this technique, the hands do not just slide over the skin, as in the first stage, but provide more massage effort. Rubbing is allowed to be carried out with fingers or the supporting area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe palm.

Rubbing with fingers is carried out in two ways. When rubbed with thumb other fingers rest on the surface of the back, while the thumb makes circular rubbing movements. A method is also used when the thumb is used as a reference, and circular movements are carried out with the rest of the fingers. The greatest application is rubbing with the supporting area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe palm by circular or spiral movement brushes.

Rubbing is recommended to be carried out slowly. The number of circular movements of the brush should not exceed 100 per minute of massage. Do not massage one area for a long time. The duration of the massage at one point should not exceed 10 seconds.

Further, the reception of the so-called light extrusion is carried out. This method of massage is performed with both hands laid on top of each other. Longitudinal movement begins in the region of the sacrum and continues up along the spine with a slight pressure to the neck.

The reverse downward movement is carried out with separated hands. Hands are placed on both sides of the spine in close proximity to it and move down the body with light pressure with two fingers. Movement in both directions is done slowly and smoothly.

At the next stage, a deeper rubbing of the back is carried out. Back massage at this stage is carried out with the bases of the palms with increased pressure. The movement of the arms starts from the waist and goes up to the neck. Hands are placed on both sides of the back and carry out accelerated oncoming movements of the hands towards each other. Consequently, there is a spiral movement of the hands along the back from the bottom up.

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Ending a session

Next effective way back massage is kneading. To carry it out with the fingers of one hand, they grab a piece of skin or muscle and slightly pull it off, forming a kind of wave. The fingers of the second hand knead the stretched area and then slowly move the fold along the back. The direction of movement is from bottom to top.

Kneading is carried out slowly, painlessly, at a speed of no more than 60 times per minute. Such a relaxing massage improves blood circulation, increases the tone of the back muscles, increases their elasticity, and reduces muscle fatigue.

The last in the order of massage are usually determined by the shoulder and scapular regions. Relaxing massage in these areas is carried out with the help of intensive kneading. As a rule, kneading is carried out with the pillows of the fingers. Massage can be performed only with the thumb, two (thumb and forefinger) or four fingers. Kneading is done with quick circular movements with a significant load.

The massage to relax the back ends with an exact repetition of the first operation: a light superficial stroking of the back is performed from the waist to the neck. Thus, the muscles are relaxed. To consolidate the psychological effect of massage, the patient is advised to maintain a supine position for minutes.

The human back is an accumulation of a large number of muscles and nerve centers. Back massage to relax the muscles calms the nerves, improves blood circulation, relieves pain and liberates movement.

How to properly massage the legs and feet

People who spend a lot of time on their feet or vice versa, move little, just need to periodically massage the lower limbs. Due to low activity, stagnation of blood occurs, which eventually leads to many diseases. A foot or foot massage done in a salon or at home will bring many benefits. A properly performed procedure will relax the muscles, relieve discomfort after a hard day's work, and prevent the development of many ailments.

What is foot massage

Mechanical impact on the tissues of the lower extremities is an excellent prevention of longitudinal or transverse flat feet and varicose veins. Foot massage is especially useful for a person, because all the load falls on them. Chinese masters have long advanced in mastering massage techniques. Since ancient times, the procedure has been done to save a person from insomnia. Massage movements on the legs contribute to the overall relaxation of the body. After a massage of the lower extremities, nervousness disappears, sleep becomes stable.

The modern technique of foot massage is the impact on the muscles of the knee, hip, ankle joint, as well as on the feet and fingers. It is not necessary to contact the professionals in the salon. To get rid of heaviness in the legs, you can ask for a foot massage or other parts of the lower extremities loved one or massage your feet yourself. This unique action heals the entire body as a whole.


The main advantage of massage of the lower extremities is the stimulating effect on the whole organism. This effect is achieved due to the fact that on the legs and feet there is the largest number of important reflex points, each of which is responsible for the work of a particular organ. For example, several nerve endings responsible for the condition of the spine are located on the arch of the foot. By stimulating them, you can get rid of back pain. Massage of the toes has a positive effect on the gums, teeth, eyes, heart, ears and sinuses.


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Doctors advise to regularly carry out a variety of massage techniques for the legs, and especially for the feet, to restore the functions of the digestive tract, with nausea, arrhythmias, and for the prevention of acute respiratory infections. In addition, massage of the lower extremities helps with:

  • problems of the musculoskeletal system;
  • circulatory disorders;
  • diseases of the reproductive system;
  • kidney pathology;
  • depressive disorders.


No matter how useful the massage procedure is, it also has contraindications. There are few absolutes - the acute stage of any ailment and fungus on the legs. The remaining contraindications are relative, that is, they require consultation with a doctor and a cautious approach:

  • oncology of any etiology;
  • phlebeurysm;
  • pregnancy;
  • osteoporosis;
  • pathology of the small joints of the foot;
  • diabetes.

If you make your own decision about massage under these conditions, then serious health complications can arise. During pregnancy, during the stimulating effect on the feet, relaxation of the uterine muscles occurs, in which there is a risk of premature birth (miscarriage). Some malignant tumors can also be activated by massaging the corresponding reflex points.

How to do a foot massage

To begin with, you should put a pillow under the knee part or a towel rolled up so as not to feel pain when exposed to the muscles. In order for the procedure to take place in a comfortable environment, it is necessary to maintain a normal temperature in the room, and so that the second leg does not freeze, cover it with a terry sheet. The procedure can be performed at any time, for example, before a pedicure or before going to bed. It is recommended to use a cream, special lotion or massage oil for massaging.


The massaged lies on the stomach, a roller is placed under the knees. With a straight palm, the massage therapist performs light strokes from the ankle to the knee. After that, you should massage with increased pressure. For 3 minutes, the masseur alternates rubbing and stroking. Then kneading begins, which affects the nerve endings. At the end, the process is again replaced by stroking, taking an average of five minutes.


Massage movements are performed from the ankles to the subgluteal fold, including the popliteal region. The procedure is used to restore the body after arthritis, arthrosis, flat feet, gout or past injuries of the legs and spine. The procedure should be directed by a doctor, and it should be done exclusively by a professional. You should first find out how much a foot massage costs, and whether they do a treatment option in the chosen salon, because even in Moscow you can’t find a good specialist everywhere.


You don't have to be a professional to perform a relaxing massage. To make it yourself, you first need to warm up your legs. This is done by stroking movements with massage oil. Then you should clasp the heel with both hands and rotate the ankle. Then do the same with knee joint. Next, you can move on to the sole and toes. Within minutes, they need to be kneaded, squeezed and stroked in random order.


This massage technique is performed by a professional (chiropractor). By massaging certain areas on the feet, it is easy to put the nerves in order, strengthen the immune system, and improve the body. The specialist presses on certain active points that are responsible for the work of a particular organ. The pressure force, in this case, should change from strong to weak and vice versa. Acupressure very similar to acupuncture and modern Thai, but was discovered three thousand years ago by ancient Chinese scientists.

Foot massage at home

In order not to pay a high price for the procedure to professionals, you need to learn how to massage the lower extremities yourself. Self-massage should begin with warming up the hands. To do this, rub your palms intensively against each other. Leg movements should be smooth, starting from the calf muscle to the knee, and then moving towards the pelvis. To warm up your thighs inside, the intensity of movements should be reduced, and on outer surface increase, but in moderation. It is necessary to follow the rule: hands slide along the leg only in the opposite direction.

Foot massage

After warming up the foot, you need to clasp it with your hands and stretch it several times between the palms, moving towards the heel from the fingers. Then you need to stretch the outer edge of the foot. This is done by pressing movements with the elbow or the edge of a bent fist and tapping the fingers on the heel. After fixing the massaged leg, you should gently twist the heel in different directions with your hand. In the end, it is necessary to stretch the muscles around the lower joints of the fingers in a circular motion.


Movements are performed from the calf of the leg to the popliteal cavity. Kneading should begin with stroking, smoothly turning into straight-line rubbing, intense pinching and rotation of the palms. Manipulations should be moderately energetic so as not to harm the muscles of the lower leg. Massage is performed with the middle part of closed fingers, bottom palms and fists. The number of repetitions for one lower leg is up to 7 times. After stretching the calf muscle or damage to the ligaments, massage should be carried out with minimal intensity without movements for an anguish.


The procedure is especially appreciated by women who regularly wear high-heeled shoes. So that over time the joint of the base of the thumb does not deform, such massage sessions should be carried out periodically. During the procedure, the pads are first kneaded, then each phalanx is carefully scrolled. The masseur alternately moves first along and then against the trajectory of the clock hand. For additional load, you can apply the extension-flexion of the toes.

thigh muscles

The procedure consists of two stages: working out the front and back of the thigh. The order is arbitrary. Movements include stroking, kneading, rubbing, gentle squeezing with both hands. Such techniques easily remove cellulite, lymphatic drainage of the skin occurs, which helps to get rid of stretch marks, wrinkles, and improves skin condition. Useful vibrating actions that produce from the knee to the hip joint.

How to massage yourself

You can use foot massagers at home or learn how to do lymphatic drainage massage yourself. The peculiarity of the procedure is in wave-like soft movements carried out along the lymph to the lymph nodes. Massage is carried out to prevent varicose veins, relieve leg fatigue and for weight loss in the hip area (in combination with a diet). The impact is on soft tissues(their upper layers) for cleansing. As a result, toxins are removed, the process of splitting subcutaneous fat is enhanced. Self-massage should be carried out at least 1 time in 7 days.

With muscle atrophy, their tissues are weakened and reduced in volume. Muscle atrophy can occur as a result of inactivity, malnutrition, illness or injury. In most cases, atrophied muscles can be strengthened through special exercises, diet, and lifestyle changes.


Part 1

What is muscle atrophy

    Learn about what muscle wasting means. Muscle atrophy is a medical term that describes the reduction in muscle volume and their disappearance in a particular area of ​​the body.

    Learn more about dysfunctional atrophy (atrophy from inactivity), which is the main cause of muscle wasting. Muscles can atrophy due to the fact that they are not used at all or are used very rarely, as a result of which muscle tissue degrades, contracts and becomes damaged. This usually occurs as a result of injury, a sedentary lifestyle, or an illness that prevents certain muscles from working.

    • Dysfunctional muscle atrophy can develop as a result of extremely poor nutrition. For example, muscle tissue can atrophy and disappear in prisoners of war and people suffering from eating disorders such as anorexia.
    • This type of muscle atrophy can also be observed in people who have a sedentary job, as well as in those who are physically inactive.
    • Severe injuries, such as damage to the spine or brain, can leave a person bedridden and result in muscle atrophy. Even less severe injuries, such as a broken bone or torn ligament, can limit mobility and also cause dysfunctional muscle atrophy.
    • Diseases that limit a person's ability to exercise and be active include rheumatoid arthritis, which causes inflammation of the joints, and osteoarthritis, which leads to weakening of the bones. With these diseases, movements are often accompanied by a feeling of discomfort, pain, or even become impossible, which leads to muscle atrophy.
    • In many cases, dysfunctional muscle atrophy can be reversed by strengthening and building muscle by increasing physical activity.
  1. Learn about the causes of neurogenic atrophy. Neurogenic muscular atrophy occurs as a result of disease or damage to the nerves in the muscles. Although this type of atrophy is less common than dysfunctional atrophy, it is more difficult to treat because in many cases it cannot be eliminated simply by increasing the load on the muscles. The following diseases often lead to neurogenic atrophy:

    Recognize the symptoms of muscle atrophy. It is important to identify the symptoms of muscle atrophy as early as possible in order to immediately begin to eliminate it. The main symptoms include the following:

    • Muscle weakness, reduction in their volume.
    • The skin surrounding the affected muscles appears flabby and drooping.
    • Performing activities such as lifting various objects, moving the atrophied area and exercising is associated with difficulties, although there were no problems with this before.
    • Pain in the affected area.
    • Back pain and difficulty walking.
    • Feeling of stiffness and heaviness in the damaged area.
    • It can be difficult for a person without medical education to determine the symptoms of neurogenic atrophy. The most obvious symptoms of this type of atrophy include slouching, stiffness of the spine, and limited mobility of the neck.
  2. If you think you have muscle atrophy, seek medical attention. If you suspect muscle atrophy, try to consult your doctor without delay. He will be able to identify the causes, make the correct diagnosis and prescribe the appropriate treatment.

    Seek help from other professionals. Depending on the cause of your muscle atrophy, your doctor may recommend that you see a physical therapist, dietitian, or personal trainer who can help you improve your condition with specific exercises, diet, and lifestyle changes.

    Find personal trainer or a physiotherapist. Although you can do some exercises on your own in an attempt to stop muscle wasting, it's best to do it under the guidance of a qualified instructor or trainer to make sure you're doing it right.

    • The coach will begin by evaluating your physical state and then teach you special exercises, allowing to strengthen and build up muscles in the atrophied area. He will evaluate the effectiveness of training and, if necessary, correct them.
  3. Start with small loads, gradually increasing the intensity. Since most people with atrophied muscles start exercise after a long period of low physical activity, you should start with small loads. Remember that your body is not as strong as before atrophy.

    Start with aquatic exercise or aquatic rehabilitation. Swimming and water exercises are often recommended for patients recovering from muscle atrophy, as this type of exercise helps reduce muscle pain, quickly tone atrophied muscles, restore muscle memory and relax damaged muscles. Although these exercises are best performed under the guidance of a specialist, below are a few basic steps to start your workout with.

  4. Walk around the pool. After going into the water about waist-deep, try to walk in it for 10 minutes. This safe exercise helps to develop the muscles of the lower body.

    • Over time, increase the duration and depth.
    • You can also use an inflatable ring, paddle or water dumbbells for more water resistance. These devices will help you strengthen the muscles of your torso and upper body.
  5. Perform knee raises in the pool. Rest your back against the wall of the pool, standing on the bottom with both feet. Then lift one leg, bending it at the knee as if you were marching in place. Raising the knee to the level of the pelvis, straighten the leg, stretching it forward.

    • Do the exercise 10 times, then repeat it with a change of leg.
    • Increase the number of repetitions over time.
  6. Do push-ups in the water. Standing facing the wall of the pool, place your hands on its edge, holding them shoulder-width apart. Raise yourself on your hands, leaning out of the water about halfway. Hold this position for a few seconds, then lower yourself back into the water.

    • For an easier version of this exercise, place your hands on the edge of the pool, spreading them shoulder-width apart. Then, bending your elbows, lean towards the wall of the pool.
  7. Go to exercise with own weight. As you progress, add ground-based bodyweight exercises to your workouts.

    • Beginners can start with 8-12 repetitions of the exercises below. These exercises are aimed at developing the main muscle groups.
    • To strengthen atrophied muscles, do these exercises three times a week.
  8. Learn do squats . To do this, stand up straight with your arms outstretched in front of you. Gently and slowly bend your knees, as if sitting down on an imaginary chair. After holding this position for a few seconds, straighten your legs, returning to the starting position.

    • Keep your balance on your heels and make sure your knees don't go forward past your toes.
  9. Fulfill one leg lunge squat . To do this, stand up straight with your hands on your hips. Pull in your belly.

    • Take a wide step forward with your right foot. While doing this, keep your back straight. Raise your heel, resting your toe on the floor.
    • Bend both legs at the knees at a 90 degree angle at the same time. You can control your posture by watching yourself in the mirror.
    • Lower your heel to the floor and straighten up. Return to the starting position by pulling right leg back, and repeat the exercise for the left leg.
    • Remember to keep your back straight.
  10. Try lowering to train triceps. Use a stable bench or chair for this. Sit on a bench or chair and lean on the edges with your hands, spreading them shoulder-width apart.

    • Stretching your legs out in front of you, slowly slide forward, leaning on your hands. Straighten your arms so that the main load falls on the triceps.
    • Gently bend your elbows, keeping your back close to the bench. As you lower yourself down, firmly hold onto the edges of the bench with your hands.
  11. Fulfill basic abdominal exercises . To do this, lie on your back on a mat or rug. Without lifting your feet off the floor, bend your knees.

    • In this case, you can cross your arms over your chest, or bring them behind your neck or head. Try to lift your shoulders up by tensing your muscles abdominals.
    • Hold this position for a few seconds, then lower yourself onto your back and repeat the exercise.
  12. Try weight training. Use expanders or strength training equipment for this. These exercises should only be started after you have successfully mastered the bodyweight exercises above. Also try to figure out which weight-bearing exercises help strengthen the muscle group you need.

    • The bench press can be done with expanders. Lying on your back on a bench, stretch the expanders in front of you, as if lifting dumbbells up.
    • Start with lighter expanders. Feeling that the exercise is given to you quite easily, change the expander to a heavier one. This way you can gradually increase the load.
  13. Incorporate aerobic exercise into your workouts. Complement the above exercises with aerobic exercises, which also help strengthen atrophied muscles. Try to do regular walking and other cardio exercises.

    • Start with a 10-15 minute daily walk. Gradually increase the speed, bring the duration of the walk to 30 minutes, after which you can move on to daily jogging.
  14. Do not forget stretch muscles . After each session, stretch your muscles to increase their range of motion. Spend 5-10 minutes stretching your muscles after each workout. You can stretch the muscles and separately from training.

    • Try to stretch all the major muscle groups, giving each for 15-30 seconds.
    • Start by stretching your back and upper body. Then move on to the muscles of the neck, forearms, wrists and triceps. Do not forget about the muscles of the chest, abdomen and buttocks. After that, work on the muscles of the thighs, ankles and feet.
  15. Learn some special stretches. Below are some stretching exercises individual groups muscles.

    • Neck stretch. Tilt your head forward and, stretching your neck, move it to the left, right, back and forward again. Do not roll your head in circles as this is not safe.
    • Shoulder stretch. Place your left hand on your chest. Grab her forearm with your right hand. Pull it until you feel a stretch in your left shoulder. Push your left hand in the opposite direction, squeezing the muscles of the shoulder. Do the same with the right hand.
    • Triceps stretch. Raise your right hand. Bending it at the elbow, bring it back, reaching for the area between the shoulder blades. Place your left hand on your right elbow and pull it towards your head.
    • Wrist stretch. Stretch your arm forward and slightly pull your palm back, holding it with your other hand. Repeat the same with the palm of the other hand.
    • Knee stretch. Sit cross-legged. Stretch one leg in front of you and try to reach the foot, holding it for a few seconds. Return to the starting position and repeat the exercise with the second leg.
    • Lumbar stretch. Lie on your back. Bending one leg at the knee, lift it to your chest. Repeat the exercise with the second leg.
    • Leg stretch. Lie on your back and stretch both legs up. With your hands on the back of your thighs, pull your legs up to your face.