How to strengthen the knee joint exercises. Therapeutic exercises for the knee joints

Many may be concerned about a rather controversial question - how to strengthen the knee joint. Most of the difficulties and injuries of the joint in the knee can be avoided by maintaining a stable condition of the ligaments. For this reason, many experts recommend strengthening the ligamentous apparatus not only in order to prevent subsequent diseases, but also for the purpose of treatment and rehabilitation therapy after surgery or injury.

The structure of the knee is a rather complex structure. It contains a large number of arteries and vessels, ligaments and nerve endings. Directly problems with this part of the body become the cause of a person's disability.

What are the parts of the knee?

  1. Femur, tibia and patella.
  2. The muscular component of the knee.
  3. Vessels and nerve endings.
  4. Meniscus.
  5. Cruciate ligaments.

The knee is made up of the femur and tibia. They refer to tubular bones that are interconnected by ligaments and muscles. In addition, there is still an important component in the knee - the patella.

The calyx is attached to the underlying bone ligaments, located in front of the patella. The movements of the cup are guaranteed by sliding along special grooves, which are covered with a thick layer of cartilaginous matter. Its thickness is about 6 mm. This guarantees a certain cushioning and reduction of friction during movement.

Connecting parts of the knee

The basic ligaments, together with the bones that make up the mechanism of the knee, are considered cruciate. In addition to them, collateral ligaments are located in the lateral parts. Inside them are important cruciate ligaments. They are divided into: rear and front.

In addition to the ligaments, there are 2 more connecting parts in the knee that divide the cartilages of the femur and tibia - these are the menisci. They play a huge role in proper operation. knee joint. Menisci can often also be called cartilage, but they are more related to the connecting elements. Thanks to the meniscus, there is a correct distribution of the human body weight, stabilizing the knee as a whole.

Muscular part of the knee joint

The muscle fibers that are located around the joint and guarantee its functioning can be divided into 3 key groups:

  • Anterior muscles - bending the knee;
  • Back muscles - knee extensor;
  • Internal muscles - move the thigh.

Vessels and nerves of the knee joint

Branches of the sciatic nerve lie in the knee, divided into several lobes. In the joint itself lies the popliteal nerve, which is located behind it, and is divided into large and small tibial branches.

Blood supply to the knee occurs with the help of arteries and veins, which run, like the popliteal nerves.

Strengthening exercises

You can do exercises to strengthen the knee joint at home. You can buy simple baby ball or fitball. It will be required to restore physical characteristics.

There is a certain set of exercises that belongs to the strengthening type. First you need to lay a rug and lie on it:

This list of exercises for the knee joint is allowed to be carried out in turn for each individual leg, and a bunch of other exercises together for both knees.

Physical education for joints and ligaments

Strengthening ligaments is a serious and significant moment. To complete this moment, you will need a whole range of special exercises. They make it possible to strengthen the ligaments, significantly reducing the risk of injury. It is necessary to strengthen the ligaments and joints correctly, for this reason it is important to follow all the tips and techniques.

It is preferable to start exercises with warming up and stretching exercises. After that, it is possible to proceed to intensive implementation exercise. The strengthening effect will be more effective if the exercises are regular.

How to do exercises

Strengthening after injury

If you have had an injury, you should definitely consider health exercises for your knee. The meniscus can be injured in the knee, ligament rupture or dislocation can occur. All these conditions require a recovery period and strengthening of the knee. How to do it?

Therapeutic exercise for a knee meniscus injury:

All kinds of injuries and damage to the knee joint can be dangerous with the occurrence of significant consequences, one of the most common is the limitation of the motor function of the knee. Subsequently, it will require a large amount of time and effort to resume the normal function of the joint. How to strengthen the knee joint due to a meniscus injury? Below are the main exercises that will bring significant benefits:

  1. To perform the first exercise, you need to sit on a chair. You need to take a thin round special stick under your feet (or look for something similar). Feet should be put on a stick and roll this stick with your feet. In this way we activate the knee joints and train them. This is especially useful for injured menisci.
  2. The second exercise is also carried out while sitting on a chair. The feet are on the floor. Alternately, it is necessary to raise the legs on the heels, then on the toes. Do this exercise at least 10 times.
  3. The starting position is the same. To perform this exercise, you should remember how the caterpillar crawls. The feet are on the floor. They need to repeat the movements of the caterpillar. First, the toe bends, the heel catches up. Carry out the same actions in the opposite direction.
  4. Sitting position. With the foot of one leg, it is necessary to stroke the second leg, along the calf muscle. Then change legs. A very effective and efficient exercise.
  5. Sitting position. Feet shoulder width apart, hands on knees. Alternately move and push your knees towards each other. The feet are motionless.
  6. To perform this exercise, you should stand near a chair, rest your hands on its back. Do small squats. Not necessarily a full squat, but quite a bit, straining your knees a little. Performing a full squat will be detrimental if the meniscus is injured.
  7. Hands on the belt, legs should be placed shoulder-width apart. Performing transitions from one foot to the other. Perform the number of times according to your own well-being.

Do not rush and do the exercises hard. They pass at a calm pace, without excessive effort.

Therapeutic exercise after rupture of ligaments:

Exercises after an injury associated with torn ligaments are divided into stages. The first stage occurs immediately after the injury - the first week. What exercises should be performed at this stage:

  • Conducting flexion and extension movements of the knee joint. If the injury is mild, it is possible to perform the exercise with low resistance, but rushing is highly discouraged, as this can lead to an aggravation of the situation.
  • Pumping feet forward, backward, to the sides.
  • Walking. If the specialist has given you permission to walk, then you must immediately proceed to this and develop the knee joint. But do not forget that you cannot rely entirely on the sore leg - use a cane or crutches.

Stage 2 - up to two weeks after injury:

  • Doing half squats. Lean against a wall or a chair. Make sure that your knees do not go beyond the foot when squatting.
  • Lifting the body on toes.

Stage 3 - a month after the injury:

Stage 4 - up to 6 months after injury:

How to strengthen the knee joint after a dislocation

After medical care, the patient is usually discharged for home mode. At home, you can speed up the healing process with the help of the following methods:

  • Dislocation therapy can be carried out with the help of alternative medicine. Pain and swelling are well removed by a cabbage leaf or a leaf from burdock. They need to wrap the knee, cover the joint with a warm shawl made of fluff on top. A hot bath will help relieve tension and restore muscle tone. You can add to it sea ​​salt or aroma oils.
  • Therapy with ointments and creams. Ointments, which include NSAIDs and chondroprotectors, are able to regenerate the joint much faster. To increase the effectiveness of ointments, they should be applied after a hot bath.
  • Proper diet. There is no special food for this purpose. During recovery, you should enrich your own menu with foods that are rich in calcium. Eat more vegetables and fruits. The jelly is very useful.

The recovery period is quite long and difficult, however, if all the recommendations are followed, it is possible to avoid the recurrence of pain symptoms and the chronic form of dislocation.

Exercises for osteoarthritis of the knee

The goal of physical therapy is to force the muscles to work without overloading the joint. What exercises should be done:

  1. To perform the first exercise, you need to lie on your stomach, take your hands along the body. The straight leg must be raised 15 cm up and held in this position for 30 seconds. Please note that the leg lift is carried out with the help of the gluteal and femoral muscles. Exercises should be performed once for each leg. If it’s hard for you to hold your leg for 30 seconds, you can perform this exercise 10-12 times for each leg, but hold the leg itself for 1-2 seconds.
  2. The starting position is the same as in the previous exercise. One leg should be bent at the knee 90 degrees. The leg is raised in this position 10 cm above the floor. Hold for 30 seconds. If you can’t hold it for so long, do leg raises 10 times, but you need to hold it for 1-2 seconds.
  3. The pose for this exercise is the same as in the first version. It is necessary to raise both legs 10 cm from the floor. Slowly spread them apart, and then return them back to their original position. Do not lower your legs to the floor. The effort should be made to the muscles of the thighs and buttocks.
  4. Take a position lying on your side. lower leg must be bent at the knee. Lifting the straight upper leg. The leg must be held in the air for 30-50 seconds. Repeat one time for each leg.
  5. Sitting position on a chair. Straighten your leg at the knee and lift it off the floor. Hold for as long as you can, preferably 30-60 seconds. Do 2-3 repetitions for each leg.
  6. Standing position. Hold on to the back of a chair. Toe raises. Hold this position for a minute and then slowly lower yourself onto your foot.

Therapeutic exercises are carried out according to specific principles. The main one is do no harm.

Proper nutrition

It is important to take into account the fact of proper and balanced nutrition in case of knee injuries. The position of the tissues of the knee depends on the trace elements and structural components. It is recommended for the patient to correct nutrition not only as preventive measures, but also for the treatment of the knee joint.

In addition to the key recommendations for nutrition for knee difficulties, you should remember about general rules proper nutrition. Refractory fats, various harmful additives, transgenic products should be completely removed from the menu. In addition, attention should be focused on the fight against excess body weight. This will help relieve the joint.


The lifestyle of a person who has had a knee injury can be active and interesting. As a rule, it takes quite a long time to restore the knee, it can even take up to six months for the complete rehabilitation of the joint. However, after this, you should remember about your knee, even despite a complete cure.

Your lifestyle should be regular therapeutic exercises to maintain the condition of the knee. But these should not be exercises with increased loads on the knee. At first, training can be painful, so people can immediately abandon them. This will be the right decision if you have been running, exercising on the step surface, doing intensive aerobics, squatting with weights. Such activities can be destructive to your knee joints.

However, a sedentary lifestyle also negatively affects the joints. For this reason, people who have encountered such a problem should exercise medical complexes exercises focused on maintaining the health of the knee joint.

It is important to eat right, supply your body with useful microelements and substances.

Interesting video:

The presence of fat deposits above the knees can spoil the figure of any woman - this applies not only to women in the body, but also to thin people - after all, the knee can become a problem area even for someone who is not overweight.

The reason is the lack physical activity. Both in the first and in the second case, people are able to cope with this problem with the help of a set of necessary measures.

In doing so, it must be taken into account that local weight loss in any one area is impossible, nevertheless, there are special exercises for weight loss of the knees at home, which will help to work out precisely this area. Let's look at ways to resolve this issue and develop tactics that must be followed.

4 causes of knee fat

The main reasons why fat is deposited in the knee area:

  1. Irrational nutrition. Excess in the diet of fast carbohydrates, that is, foods containing sugar. Eating fried foods that are high in fat. Overnutrition is when more calories are consumed than are expended.
  2. Slow metabolism. With age, the metabolic processes that occur in the body proceed more slowly, so fat gradually begins to be deposited. Most often, it “attacks” the zones under the knees in front and above them, the surfaces of the hips and buttocks, which “weights” the figure and deprives it of harmony.
  3. genetic predisposition. Simply put, the deposition of fat in the problem area, including on the knees, can be inherited from mom, aunt and grandmother. Such "family" examples are quite common. But the right exercise to strengthen the knees and a balanced diet can help in this case too. Cellulite above the knees can go away completely.
  4. Lack of exercise, sedentary lifestyle. As a result, calories consumed are not consumed, turning into body fat. Muscles in the absence of physical activity become flabby even in people far from old age.

A bit of anatomy

The knee is made up of muscles, bones, ligaments, tendons, and cartilage.

Muscles responsible for the knee joint:

  • . This muscle group produces knee extension, as well as leg flexion at the hip joint;
  • , consisting of three muscles, bends the leg at the knee;
  • - work on flexion of the knee joint and foot. The movement of the knee comes from the inclusion in the work of all these muscles.

Fat deposits accumulate around the knee joints and deprive the legs of harmony. They can be in the form of "balls" or "rollers". Also, fat can be deposited on top of all the muscles of the legs and deprive them of attractive curves.

Areas of fat deposits near the knees can only be removed with the help of exercise and calorie reduction consumed products.

At regular workouts and following the principles of rational nutrition, the first positive changes will be noticeable in a month. The lasting results that you aspire to will be achieved in a year. It is this period that will be needed in order for problem areas to turn into zones that delight you! After all, the goal is not only weight loss, but also the acquisition of embossed, slender legs. And for this, it is necessary to purposefully and constantly work out the target muscle groups of the legs.

A set of 7 exercises for the knees

The training program that you create for yourself is individual, which is right for you. It will depend on your body type, general physical development, the number of extra pounds, health status and other factors.

The average number of lessons per week is three to five times. For many, a workout schedule that takes place every other day is suitable. Some of the knee exercises included in the complex can be performed every day, and some even several times a day. These exercises contribute not only to the formation slender legs but also the general improvement of the body, the improvement of work respiratory system strengthening muscles and ligaments.

Important! You can not exercise after eating or in a state of fatigue. Be sure to stretch your knees before training.

1. Walking on your knees

The exercise is borrowed from Eastern practice. Another name for it is "Taoist walking". It is widely used for therapeutic and prophylactic purposes. IN oriental medicine this practice is considered a good remedy for the treatment of vision and diseases of the internal organs. When executed in full force all the muscles responsible for the work of the knee joint are involved. The exercise specifically helps to get rid of fat deposits in the hips as well as the outer and inner parts of the knee.

  1. Get down on your knees. To begin with, you can put a towel folded several times under the knee joint. Then you can start walking on the carpet.
  2. The back should be straight, the head should not be tilted. Sometimes, out of habit, doing an exercise can cause pain, so the first exercises are recommended. start with two or three steps. We start with one minute and bring the execution time to ten to fifteen minutes.

This exercise is performed every day or several times during the day.

According to Dr. S. M. Bubnovsky such "walking" is an excellent exercise for knees with arthrosis. Recovery occurs by stimulating the active points that are on the knee joints.

2. Exercise "Bicycle"

Performing the exercise, we work out all the muscles responsible for flexion and extension of the knee joint. The load on the knee joint itself is very mild. This exercise is considered ideal for developing the knee joints. It is included in the rehabilitation program after knee injuries.

  1. Lie down on your back on a hard surface. Hands and feet are positioned as we like. We relax the muscles of the spine - you can slightly roll from side to side.
  2. We find a comfortable position of the body and press the lower back to the floor. Place your hands behind your head, slightly raise your shoulders.
  3. We bend our legs at the knees. The hips are at an acute angle relative to the floor. The load on the muscles of the lower back can be relieved by raising the legs at right angles to the floor. We simulate riding a bicycle, alternately bending and unbending the legs at the knee. At the same time, we stretch the left elbow to the right knee, then the right elbow to the left.
  4. For a good study of the muscles, the pace of "pedaling" should be high.

We perform ten to twelve exercises in two to three sets. We do not hold our breath we breathe freely. You can not hold your breath, as this creates a load on the cardiovascular system.

Note! This exercise can be performed several times a day, and always before bedtime - it perfectly relieves stress from tired legs and is a prevention of varicose veins.

3. Classic squats

The exercise is aimed at the muscle groups of the buttocks and hips, “sculpts” the slender shape of the legs. Perfectly allows you to drive away fat and tighten flabby knees at home. Can be performed.

  1. We stand straight. The shoulders are slightly turned, the chin is raised. Maintain your posture throughout the exercise. Legs not wider than shoulders.
  2. The feet are parallel to each other. Hands bent at the elbows, put on the belt.
  3. We squat, making sure that the knees form right angle and return to the starting position.

We perform the exercise ten to twelve times in two to three approaches.

Carefully! Deeper squatting is not recommended due to the heavy load on the knee joint.

4. Jump Squats

The exercise perfectly loads the target muscles of the legs. It can be performed in several versions. Both options increase the load on the target muscles of the legs due to jumping out and due to the position of the hands. The second option gives a greater load, as it involves the muscles of the upper body. Is it possible to remove fat from the knees as quickly as possible? Follow the second option.

1 option

  1. We stand straight. Legs wider than shoulders, toes slightly turned outward.
  2. The feet are parallel to each other. The arms bent at the elbows are located on the chest - the palms of the hands lie on the elbows.
  3. We squat, making sure that the knees form a right angle and, making a push with our legs, we jump out, straightening our legs at the knees.

We perform the exercise ten to twelve times, approximately two to three approaches.

Option 2
The exercise is performed in the same way as in the first version, but initially we place our hands along the body, and when jumping we throw our hands up.

Peculiarity! The exercise must be done in slow pace for a better load on the muscles.

5. Lunges

We work out the muscles of the buttocks, the muscle groups responsible for flexion and extension of the knee joint. How to remove fat from inside knees? It is with the help of lunges!

  1. We stand straight, legs slightly wider than shoulders.
  2. Bend your knees a little and take a step forward.
  3. Keeping back straight, We transfer the weight of the body to the leg set forward, and bend it at the knee at a right angle.
  4. We linger for a few seconds at the maximum point.
  5. Leaning on the entire foot of the forward leg, we rise and return to the starting position.

We do a lunge on the other leg. The number of exercises is ten x three repetitions.

Attention! Do not bend the knee at an acute angle, as this threatens to injure him! The knee of the straightened leg, located behind, almost touches the floor.

6. Stepping onto the platform

We load the buttocks, hips, knees. If you make friends with the step platform, you will soon admire your slender legs. The exercise is performed with dumbbells, but for starters, you can work out without weights.

  1. We hold dumbbells on our hands down. We put the right leg on the platform at a right angle - the thigh is parallel to the floor.
  2. We straighten the right leg and raise the left push leg to the platform.
  3. Keeping balance we drop to the floor.
  4. We repeat the exercises for the left leg.

The number of exercises is ten x three repetitions.

This exercise can be done in turn now for the left, then for the right foot. This option is easier, as there is an alternation of the load.

7. Jumping on the bench

Loads the buttocks, hips, allows you to achieve beautiful knees. Exercise is great for burning calories and

  1. We select a suitable bench with a height of the side and about forty centimeters. We stand next to the bench, legs together.
  2. We swing our arms, simultaneously push off with both legs, jump onto the bench.

The number of jumps - from ten times and more.

How to remove fat from the knees - 4 more methods

How to lose weight in the knees even more effectively? In addition to training, it is very important to adhere to other rules and recommendations:

  1. Application of the principles of rational nutrition. Restriction in your diet of high-calorie foods. Eating low-fat varieties of fish, a variety of greens, vegetables. It is good to consume lactic acid foods daily, such as cottage cheese, kefir, fermented baked milk with a fat content of not more than 2.5%.
  2. Salt baths. They will help improve metabolism, accelerate the burning and removal of fat. In addition, it is just a very pleasant procedure that has a relaxing and calming effect. After the bath, it is recommended to vigorously rub the fat deposits and lubricate the skin with a nourishing cream.
  3. Massage of fat deposits. Kneading, rubbing, pinching, help improve blood circulation and lymph flow. For massage, you can use a massage mitt. After active rubbing with a mitten, you need to lubricate the skin with cream. You need to massage only the areas of fat deposits. Carefully! It is not recommended to massage the joint itself - forceful effects are contraindicated! Only light strokes can be used.
  4. Daily active physical activity- walking, running, swimming in the pool, performing a set of physical exercises. This will help you drop overweight, strengthen muscles, energize the body.
This is interesting! Professor I.P. Neumyvakin has developed about the incredible which you can find on our website.

A few moves before bed

How to remove cellulite on knees yet? Before going to bed, in bed, you can do the following: Not difficult exercises for legs:

  • Lie on your back, relaxing your muscles. As you exhale, pull the socks towards you, while inhaling, relax the leg muscles. This simple exercise strengthens the muscles around the knees, improves blood circulation, promotes the alternation of “tension-relaxation” processes, thereby relieving muscle spasms and eliminating leg fatigue that has accumulated during the day.
  • Lying on your back, gently shake your raised legs for one minute. We do several repetitions. Exercise is the prevention of varicose veins, relieves fatigue. Helps improve blood flow and lymph flow.

Excess body weight and fat near and between the knees is not just an aesthetic issue. Each extra kilogram creates an increased load on the knee joints. In addition, it is also a risk of developing varicose veins. Your knees will become slim and healthy if you take care of them and pay attention to them!

The knee joint is one of the most complex and mobile in the human body. It carries a heavy load while walking, running, jumping, climbing stairs, static loads. As a result of injuries, inflammatory and degenerative-dystrophic diseases of the knee joints, blood supply and tissue nutrition deteriorate, the cartilaginous layer of the intraarticular surfaces of the bones becomes thinner, the menisci are destroyed, and the functioning of the musculoskeletal apparatus is disrupted.

Arthritis, osteoarthrosis, changes in the integrity of bones and ligaments lead to chronic progressive inflammation and impaired mobility of the knees. For the treatment of diseases, drug treatment, surgical methods of therapy, physiotherapy and exercises to strengthen the knee joints are used. Physiotherapy exercises (exercise therapy) are prescribed at different stages of the disease and significantly improve the function of the musculoskeletal system.

Tasks and rules for conducting training

A complex of therapeutic exercises is prescribed by a doctor depending on the nature and severity of the pathological process, concomitant diseases, and the age of the patient. Full-fledged training begins during the period of remission of the acute phase of the disease - a decrease in pain, normalization of body temperature, and a decrease in local inflammatory manifestations. The main task of gymnastics is:

  • increased elasticity of the ligamentous apparatus of the knee;
  • strengthening muscle groups thighs and lower legs involved in the process motor activity knee joint;
  • normalization of blood circulation, as a result of which metabolism improves, synovial fluid synthesis is activated, cartilage tissue cells are restored;
  • improvement of general well-being and emotional background, which favorably affects recovery.

Exercise therapy can be done in groups under the supervision of a specialist

At daily performance a set of exercises, the function of the knee joints is restored completely or partially, depending on the degree of violations of the anatomical structures.

During exercise therapy, you should adhere to the following rules:

  • training should be regular, the course of treatment is from 14 to 30 days;
  • gymnastics must be done 2-3 times a day for 10-15 minutes, the total exercise time is 30-45 minutes;
  • the load on the joints of the knees should gradually increase, the frequency of repetitions of exercises starts from 3-4, bringing up to 10-15 in one approach;
  • amplitude at the beginning of the workout is low with an increase towards the end gymnastic complex;
  • each exercise is performed carefully, muscles and ligaments are well worked out;
  • after physical education, you should rest in a prone position on a hard surface with knees bent, which helps restore blood flow in the trained joints;
  • after a set of exercises, you can take a contrast shower, perform self-massage of the affected joint and surrounding soft tissues;
  • gymnastics should not bring discomfort and pain, if discomfort occurs, you should stop training;
  • pain syndrome during subsequent workouts requires a visit to a doctor.

Don't expect fast positive effect, exercise therapy improves the condition of the knees in arthrosis and arthritis as a result of long-term patient treatment, which does not exclude other types of therapy.

A set of exercises according to the Evdokimenko method

Effective complex Exercise therapy for the rehabilitation of inflammatory and degenerative diseases of the knee joints was created by the Russian academician, rheumatologist and psychologist Evdokimenko Pavel Valerievich. Based on his many years of experience, he developed exercises that positively affect the musculoskeletal system and improve the emotional mood to fight the disease.

Most often, dysfunction of the knees occurs in osteoarthritis, which is characterized by the destruction of cartilage and bone tissue, impaired synthesis of synovial fluid, and a decrease in the range of motion of the lower extremities. The disease develops after an injury, as a result of a metabolic pathology, an inflammatory process of the structures of the knee joint (arthritis, periarthritis, bursitis).

The complex structure of the knee joint and its mobility lead to the frequent development of pathology

Before you start physiotherapy exercises, you should familiarize yourself with the list of contraindications to classes:

  • arterial hypertension;
  • increased intracranial pressure;
  • abdominal hernia and inguinal hernia;
  • acute blood diseases;
  • severe chronic diseases of the heart and blood vessels;
  • acute inflammatory process internal organs;
  • increase in body temperature;
  • menstrual bleeding;
  • recovery postoperative period within a month.

The complex of physical education for arthrosis of the knee joint includes 9 exercises that must be performed in the proposed sequence.

  1. Lying on the stomach, arms are located along the body. Alternately raise the straightened leg up to a distance of about 15 cm from the floor and hold it on weight for 40 seconds. In this case, the pelvis is tightly fixed, and the movements are carried out due to the muscles of the thighs and abdomen.
  2. The starting position is the same. Bend your left leg at the knee joint at an angle of 90 degrees and slowly raise it to a height of up to 10 cm from the floor, holding it on weight for at least 10 seconds. Then do the exercise with your right foot.
  3. The starting position is the same. Slowly raise both legs to the highest possible height, then smoothly, without jerking, spread your legs apart and bring them together. Exercise can improve blood pressure therefore should be used with caution in patients suffering from ischemic disease heart and hypertension.
  4. In the position lying on the right side, bend the leg of the same name, and the left lower limb straighten and lift as high as possible, hold for 20-30 seconds. Then repeat the exercise on the left side.
  5. Sitting on a chair, alternately straighten and lift your leg, holding it in weight for up to a minute. If when doing gymnastics, reduce the range of motion until the feeling of discomfort stops.
  6. Turn to the back of the chair with your face in a standing position and, holding on to it with your hands, gently rise on your toes, linger in this position for 3 seconds and lower your feet to the floor.
  7. The starting position is the same. Now you need to stand on your heels, lifting your feet as high as possible.
  8. The starting position is the same. Raise your left leg on your toes while standing still. right leg, then do this exercise with the other leg. It turns out a roll from one foot to another. Feel the rush of blood to your knees.
  9. At the end of the gymnastics complex, self-massage the anterior-lateral surface of the thigh from the knee joint to the groin for 5 minutes. First, rub the skin, then knead the muscles, at the end of the procedure, stroke. After the massage, pleasant warmth should be felt.

Joint gymnastics according to the method of Evdokimenko is available for patients of all age categories

Exercises for osteoarthritis of the knee improve it motor function and relieve pain from the very first days of classes, however, to consolidate the positive effect, it is important to complete a full course of physiotherapy exercises. For correct execution gymnastics should consult a doctor who will help put the training technique. In addition, numerous visual videos are posted on the Internet that explain in detail the features of exercises for diseases of the knee joint.

Exercise therapy for the knees effectively restores their functional activity and is an important part of the complex treatment of diseases of the musculoskeletal system. The correct approach and following the recommendations of a specialist when performing gymnastics will help maintain the health of the knee joints and prevent the progression of the pathological process.

Moderate physical activity helps to keep the body in good shape and even fight pain, for example, special exercises for knee pain can significantly improve the condition. Pain in the knee joint can be caused by various reasons, but in any case, physical activity helps to reduce an unpleasant symptom.

Causes of knee pain

Why do my knees hurt? The pain can be rare and short-term or frequent and long-lasting, aching and sharp. It may be accompanied by other symptoms - redness, swelling. The causes of these pains are varied. There are five main reasons:

  • joint diseases;
  • trauma;
  • too active physical activity;
  • excess weight;
  • little physical activity.

The most common cause is trauma. It could be a minor bruise or a serious fracture. In any case, the injury leads to pain in the knee. If a fracture or rupture of the ligaments causes sharp pain, then a bruise or sprain usually manifests itself as a slight aching pain. Of course, with an injury, you can’t do exercises right away, but after a while, when the specialist allows, you need to start gymnastics.

Diseases of the joint are very diverse - from inflammation to the destruction of cartilage (arthritis, arthrosis). They can occur due to infections or due to metabolic disorders. In such diseases, the doctor usually prescribes medication, as well as therapeutic exercises. Exercise therapy is necessarily included in the complex of treatment of knee joints for various diseases. It is necessary to attend physical education regularly, then the improvement will be noticeable in a few weeks.

With regard to very large physical exertion, they contribute to problems with the tendons and cartilage of the knee joints. Gradually, the cartilage becomes ossified, and various bone outgrowths form on it, which, in turn, negatively affect the surrounding tissues. Low activity is also harmful, since the knee does not work at full strength, blood circulation worsens.

Being overweight puts a lot of strain on your knees. Therefore, in case of any diseases or injuries of the joints, attention should be paid to weight. If there are extra pounds, be sure to get rid of them with the help of physical activity and diet or proper nutrition. This will significantly improve not only the condition of the knees, but also the whole body.

Who can exercise?

Of course, exercise helps keep the body and body in good shape. However, not everyone can do the exercises. For example, it is necessary to stop exercising immediately after a knee injury. It is allowed to start a special set of exercises only after the appointment of a specialist, otherwise you can only worsen everything.

Important! Very often, exercises are prescribed after the plaster is removed from the leg. Do not ignore this appointment, exercises will help develop the joint and remove the feeling of stiffness.

When else is gymnastics banned? You should stop exercising after knee surgery. Only after a while you can increase physical activity. And here are some other reasons why you should stop charging:

  • ligament damage;
  • injury to the meniscus;
  • removal of the meniscus;
  • arthritis in the acute stage;
  • hemorrhage in the joint cavity.

In all other cases, special exercises will help with knee pain. It is best if the complex is appointed by a specialist. Since the patient himself may choose the wrong charge. But this applies to cases of severe pain. If the pain is weak, then you can choose a set of exercises yourself. You need to do it regularly, but if there is discomfort, you should stop doing gymnastics and consult a specialist.

Gymnastics for sore knees

In order not to hurt your knees, 15-20 minutes of physical education is enough. Of course, you need to practice regularly. You need to start with small loads, especially with severe pain. And gradually you can increase the activity. Exercises should not bring pain, if there is severe discomfort, then the exercise is not performed correctly.

What exercises are best for joint pain? Here exemplary complex physical exercises for the knee joints from a standing position:

  1. Walking on the spot - you can’t tear your socks off the floor, do it for two minutes.
  2. Kneeling, pull the left knee with the left hand towards the buttocks very slowly - then repeat with the other knee.
  3. Standing, knees slightly bent, perform circular motions knees in different directions.

The following exercises are designed to be performed from a lying position:

  1. Bend your knees, lying on your stomach, and pull up alternately to the buttocks.
  2. Lying on your back, raise your legs at an angle of 90 degrees and hold for a couple of seconds.
  3. From the same position, bend one leg at the knee and pull to the opposite thigh, then repeat the same with the other leg.
  4. Do the bike exercise.

And more simple exercises from a sitting position:

  1. It is necessary to sit high from the floor and chat with your legs for about 1-2 minutes.
  2. Straighten your legs, sitting on the floor, and slowly pull your leg towards you, bending your knee.
  3. Sit on the floor with a straight back, bend and unbend your legs.
  4. Sitting on a chair, raise one leg parallel to the floor, then repeat with the second leg.

Gymnastics for the knee joint can also be done with a scarf. Two exercises are enough so that the knees do not hurt. The essence of the first is to pull the legs towards you, with the help of a scarf (you need to clasp the feet with a scarf) from a sitting position. And the second exercise is to hold the leg with the help of a scarf, from a position - lying on your back. Raise your leg high and hold for thirty seconds.

Nuance! Of course, you can do without exercises with a scarf, if you have the opportunity and desire to visit the gym.

All exercises should be done at least ten to twelve times. Gradually, you can increase the activity. However, you need to monitor your well-being: if pain or discomfort appears, you should again reduce activity and perform exercises 7-10 times. After all, the load should relieve pain in the knees, and not cause it again.

One original way to take away the pain

Exists Chinese exercise which helps to significantly reduce pain. Only one exercise and there is no pain in the knee joints, you should keep it and repeat it regularly. To prepare for the exercise, you need to prepare a soft rug, blanket or felt. Nothing else is required. It should be done for about 2-3 minutes, and after a couple of days or weeks, you can increase the time.

How to do the exercise correctly? During the process, it is necessary to feel warmth in the knees, and after execution, relaxation and comfort will be felt. Here are the detailed instructions:

  1. Kneel down, if the pain is severe, you can lean on your fists.
  2. Move your knees, stepping from one to another, lifting them up.
  3. Move in small steps back and forth.

You can get rid of pain in the knee joints only with regular classes. Therefore, you should not avoid charging, even if it is difficult. After a while, it will become easier to practice, the condition of the joints will improve, the pain will go away or decrease. Gymnastics will also improve general state body, raise the tone, relieve bad mood.

Knee workout. Best Exercises to strengthen, restore and reduce knee pain.

Include in your training program these exercises to strengthen your knees for optimal performance with heavy weights.

If you are suffering from knee pain, and during flexion you feel discomfort and burning, know that you are not alone. According to one of the studies about 26% The adult population suffers from knee pain.

The causes of knee pain can vary. Eg, overload on them, either limited mobility or muscle imbalance are some of the most important factors leading to knee pain. Whatever the reason, you don't have to live with it. Try to add these exercises to your daily warm-up and stretch.

Below are both very easy and more difficult exercises. Choose the right ones for you, because. each person may have different reasons pain and various problems with the knees.

Advice: I advise beginners to start with exercises in which the joint is not loaded (these are exercises where the weight of the body does not press on the joint). Later connect exercises with a loaded joint and progress the load.

  • Extension and rotation of the legs with an unloaded joint

At the initial stage, it is necessary not to heavily load the knee joints. Start your warm-up with regular leg rotations while sitting in a chair or lying on the floor. Also, sitting on a chair, you can bend and unbend your knees, keeping your leg in a straightened state. Perform exercises without load. If they are too easy for you, then include in your training program the following exercises with a loaded knee joint, described below.

  • Lunges to the side with your own weight

You need to stand up straight and put your palms on your hips. Bend your knees and lunge to the right. Then, without straightening your knees, lunge to the left and transfer your body to the opposite leg. Throughout the exercise, make sure that the knee of the supporting leg is always kept exactly above the foot. Fulfill 2-3 sets By 4-6 reps to each side.

  • Forward lunges with own weight

The technique for performing the exercise is the same as in ordinary or. However, at the initial stage, the exercise is performed only with its own weight.

Stand up straight, legs in the starting position on the same line. Take a wide step forward with one foot while bending your knees in both legs. Do not tilt your body forward, this increases the load on the knee joint. The amplitude of movement should be such that the knee of the back leg almost touches the floor. If the pain does not allow. Then do the maximum amplitude allowed for you without harming your health. Hands must be kept at the waist, at the end point of the movement you can put them on the knee of the front leg for balance, but do not overdo it, because. this increases the stress on the joint. IN lowest point stretch muscles rear surface legs. Then return to the starting position and straighten up. Then repeat the movement. Throughout the exercise, make sure that the knee of the supporting leg is always kept exactly above the foot. Fulfill 2-3 sets By 4-6 reps on each leg.

  • Stretching the quadriceps and anterior thigh

It is necessary to bend the leg back, bring the heel to the buttocks and grab the foot with your hand. Keep your knees together. You should feel how the muscles of the front of the thigh are gradually stretched. To better maintain balance, concentrate your attention on the ankle of the skating leg. If you find it difficult to keep your balance, then with your free hand grab onto any support. Do the exercise for 8-10 seconds2-3 sets.

It is necessary to bend the leg forward, bring the knee to the chest and grab the lower leg with both hands. The hip joints should be in line. Keep your torso straight throughout the exercise. If you find it difficult to keep your balance, then lean your back against a wall or other support. Do the exercise for 8-10 seconds, then switch legs. Fulfill 2-3 sets.

These exercises can be performed lying down or sitting, without loading the joint with your own weight!

  • "Martin"

You need to stand up straight, raise one arm up and stretch it forward. Bend the body at the hip joints and lean forward until parallel with the floor, while lifting one leg back also to parallel with the floor. Try to keep the body and always look down. Keep your extended leg and arm in line. To better maintain balance, throughout the exercise, concentrate on the ankle of the supporting leg. If you find it difficult to keep your balance, periodically hold on to any support with your hand. Hold this position for as long as you can. After do 1 minute pause and repeat the exercise for the other leg.

For more advanced, you can complicate the exercise "martin", and perform it in a semi-squat, i.e. slightly bending the knee of the supporting leg.

  • Knee abduction and ankle sprain

The ankle itself allows the knee and hip joints interact and work together while moving. Restricting ankle movement can lead to injury and discomfort. For this exercise you will need elastic bandage or an elastic band made of elastic material (as in the video), which will allow you to develop problem joints. They can increase the range of motion, which will allow the cartilage tissue to receive nutrients, therefore, we will relieve pain.

One end of the elastic must be fixed around a solid, stable base (for example, around the frame), and the other around the ankle. Place your feet in a checkerboard pattern (as in a lunge forward), the leg with the elastic should be in front. The elastic should be well stretched so that you feel a slight tension. This is the starting position for the exercise.

Move your knee forward as far as you feel comfortable. At the same time, firmly hold the leg with the elastic band, the foot should be completely on the floor (not on the toes). Feel free to rotate your ankle from side to side while moving your knee back and forth as if you were walking. The total duration of the exercise 45 sec

The video shows several examples of the exercise. For initial stage with severe pain, you can not bend the knee much, but only move it slightly back and forth. Later, you can fully bend the knee and use your hands to increase the range of motion of the knee back and forth, while turning the ankle to the sides. For more “advanced” ones, you can put a load (pancake or kettlebell) on top of the knee to increase the load on the knee joint and better range of motion.

  • Rolling out the lower leg

A soft cloth roller is an amazing tool for rolling out your lower leg. Fitness enthusiasts use it in a variety of exercises for their thighs, lower back, and other problem areas. However, there is an area that many athletes rarely pay attention to in their daily training - this is the lower leg. Perhaps because this is a difficult area to develop, besides, she practically does not participate in many exercises and does not get very tired. Even if this area does not hurt you and you do not feel tension and discomfort in it, this does not mean that you will not have problems with your knees in the future. As practice shows, almost 100% of people who suffer from knee pain feel great discomfort when performing this exercise.

Exercise technique:

Get on all fours and place a soft roller under your ankles. Stretch your toes to feel the calf muscles. Then start rolling the roller to your knee, while pressing your lower leg on the roller and creating a small and comfortable pressure for you. You must have full control of the pressure throughout the entire movement of the roller. Your body weight plays a big role in this exercise. If the mass is not large, then artificially create pressure on the roller with the help of the rest of the muscles of the body. Do the exercise for 45 - 60 seconds. This should be enough to relieve tension from the muscles in this area of ​​the legs.

You can change the position of the body and roll the lower leg on the roller from all sides. Work the sides of the lower leg and calf. To do this, simply change the position of the body: sit on the side or on the buttocks, etc. All movements remain the same - we roll the roller from the ankle to the knee joint.

  • Stretching the quadriceps femoris on the wall

This exercise can be performed by everyone, because. it does not require special devices, which will save your budget. You can perform this exercise anywhere: in the gym, at home, etc. The big plus of this exercise is that it includes a load on almost all the muscles and joints of the legs: the muscles of the front surface of the legs (quadriceps), the back of the legs (hip flexors), lower legs, ankles and knees.

Exercise technique:

Stand with your back against a wall and get into a lunge position. Place the back of your back foot on the wall. Correctly and comfortably position the knee of the back leg, because. the stretching force of the working muscle groups depends on its position. The closer the back knee is to the wall, the stronger the tension in the muscles will be. If you want to stretch your hip flexors, just lean your hips forward a little.

Place a towel under your knee soft tissue to reduce possible discomfort or pain in the joint.

  • Working out the muscles of the back of the thigh

All the muscles of the back of the thigh (semitendinosus and semimembranosus muscles and biceps femoris) are connected to the knee joint. Consequently, problems in any of these muscles can lead to pain in the knees, back of the knee, and lower leg.

Exercise technique:

Take a tennis or lacrosse ball, sit on a chair or any ledge that allows you to extend your leg. Place the ball under your leg in the hamstring area. This is the starting position for the exercise.

Extend and bend the knee, while pressing on the muscles from above. Move the ball back and forth with your hands across the back of your thigh while continuing to bend and straighten your knee throughout the exercise. Do the exercise for 1-4 minutes This should be enough for your hip and knee. Then switch legs and repeat the exercise for the other leg.

  • Ultimate knee expansion

Ultimate knee expansion - this is a classic rehabilitation exercise, which is optimal for the load on the knee, at the same time does not injure the ligaments of the quadriceps femoris. This exercise will allow you to increase blood flow to the knee and ligaments, thereby preparing you for more serious loads.

Exercise technique:

Take an elastic bandage or a special rubber band, make a loop and fasten the end of the elastic band around a solid base (for example, a frame). Step into this loop with one foot, and lift the loop of elastic just above the top of the knee. Step back and tighten the elastic band by bending your leg slightly at the knee. This is the starting position for the exercise.

Standing in this position, straighten the knee and straighten the front leg. Keep your leg in this straightened position for as long as you can. Then bend your knee again and repeat the movement. Complete 25 repetitions and get ready to feel the rush of blood to the area of ​​the knee joint. Then switch legs and repeat the exercise for the other leg.

  • Tension tensor fasciae lata (LFF) stretch

NSHFB(Tensor Fascia Lata Thigh) is a small muscle located on the side of the thigh, just below the crest of the pelvis. This muscle is rigidly connected to the knee and can affect it and cause pain with outside knee.

Exercise technique:

In this exercise, you can also use an elastic bandage or elastic band, but you can do without them. On video variant without rubber. Now consider the option of using rubber bands.

Make a loop and secure the end of the elastic around a fixed, solid object. Pass your leg through the loop and lift it up to the level of your buttocks. Get on one knee with an elastic band, and take a step forward with the other leg, position as at the bottom of the lunge. Place the foot of the front leg and the knee of the back leg in a straight line (cross over), while keeping the torso straight. In this position, you can make various movements: rotate your hips, lean forward and backward, raise your arms up and tilt the body to the left and right. You will feel a stretch in the knee joint. Do the exercise for 1 minute. Then switch legs and repeat the exercise for the other leg.


This article presented exercises to strengthen the knees and muscles leading to the knee of varying degrees of difficulty. Choose the right exercises for yourself and, based on them, compose your own individual program to restore and strengthen this problem area. Start with easy exercises, then connect more complex loads.

The next step to increase the load will be weights with weights. To get started, you can do the classic isolated exercise, in which I advise you to linger for a few seconds at the top of the movement. Start small! Also try .

Later you can switch to traditional basic exercises: or and . Many people think that with problems with the knees, these exercises cannot be performed. But it's not. As I said, first we must prepare our joints with the exercises described above, and then connect the basic ones. They will not injure your knees if you have the right technique for doing the exercise. Correct technique You can see their implementation by clicking on the links.

Knee pain is not a funny thing. It can deprive you of the pleasure of pleasant physical exertion. To begin with, I recommend that you carefully examine a doctor or physiotherapist. But, if you don't have the time or have financial problems, then hopefully these exercises and stretches will help reduce joint pain, and when you do them, you will have more experience in this matter.