Scheme of pull-ups on the horizontal bar according to the program. Why you should learn to pull up on horizontal bars

The most difficult thing in pull-ups is to overcome the psychological barrier. For many men, pull-ups seem like a difficult, overwhelming exercise. There is a persistent fear: I won’t even go up to the crossbar, it won’t work out anyway.

The norm for a professional gymnast is from 50 pull-ups per approach. So, after all, there is such a technique that allows you to learn how to pull yourself up more than 10 times? In order to achieve desired result, act as normal successful people: we set a specific goal, take small steps according to the given program - we rejoice in our achievements.

When I trained on the horizontal bar, I strove for the following goal:

I pull up 30 times per set, I achieve this result after 2 years of training. I see how I approach the horizontal bar in my yard, I hear the rustle of poplar leaves, I hear the noise of cars behind the houses. In my palms I feel the iron cold of the crossbar, I feel the wind on my face. I see how I pull myself up, how the muscles work. The first time I pull up 30 times October 15, 20 ... year. Having reached the goal, I will feel pride in my chest, girls will adore my figure. First step: I go out to pull up now, do 7 sets of 3 reps. As soon as I get home, I write a training schedule for 3 months.

As you can see, the goal is quite imaginative and specific. You can use my example, you can write something of your own, but it is very important that your subconscious knows what you are striving for. There are many methods described on the Internet on how to pull up fifty dollars from scratch after 3-4 months of training. I don't really believe in it. I believe that the final result, full and fully embodied, can be achieved in two seasons, which usually begin in April and end in October.

general information

We define First level. If you don’t know how to pull up at all, then first check out this one. I give a program from the level of 3-5 pull-ups per set. If your results are higher, then just start with the more difficult one.

Briefly from what, most likely, the majority already knows. By increasing the number of repetitions in pull-ups, you will pump relief. The number of exits to the horizontal bars from 2 to 4 times a week. Quality rest and muscle recovery is the key to a successful workout. Smoking and alcohol are not compatible with sports. Even a small drinking party with friends on a holiday can spoil your many months of work. Relax sports, it's much more pleasant than drinking.

Change the way you pull up every week. Use all kinds wide grips so you will give different load all over the muscles shoulder girdle. Don't forget about .

Before training, write yourself a pull-up schedule for the next 3 months. The days and specific times of the classes should be precisely defined, then there is less chance that you will quit pulling up halfway to the goal. If the initial schedule turns out to be inconvenient, it can be changed, the main thing is that it be, and you use it.

Training program

First season (April-October)

First month

First week. For training, you need to pull yourself up 20 times. It is better to do this in 5-7 approaches, if it doesn’t work out, then do more approaches. Try to do the maximum number of repetitions in the first and fourth approach. In the first - because then the muscles are still fresh, and you need to use it. If you do the maximum in the fourth approach, then the body begins to look for reserves, which will allow you to quickly increase the number of repetitions in the future. An example pattern might be: 4-3-2-4-3-2-2.

Second week. For training, you need to pull yourself up 23 times. Approaches - 5-7 or more. Maximum for the first and fourth approach.

Third week. We pull up 27 times per workout. Approaches - 5-7 or more. Maximum for the first and fourth approach.

Fourth week - 30 times per workout. At the end of the month, we look at how many times you can pull up for a set, your result should be 5-6.

Second month

By the end of the month, we strive to pull ourselves up 40 times per workout. By weeks, for example, this can be distributed as follows: the first week - 32 times, the second - 35, the third - 38, the fourth - 40. If you can do 40 times in a workout, then 7-8 times per approach you should already be able to pull up.

third month

We fix the result. Now it is the number of repetitions that matters. The result of the month should be that 40 times you can pull yourself up in no more than 5 approaches.

Try this scheme:

First week: 7-6-5-8-4-5-5

Second week: 8-7-6-9-6-4

Third week: 9-8-7-10-6

Fourth week: 10-8-7-11-4

This month we learn the capabilities of our body, the conviction comes that it is possible to pull up a sick number of times.

fourth month

For training, we pull ourselves up 45 times. The first two weeks - for 7 approaches. The last two weeks for 5 approaches. Maximum for the first and fourth approach.

Fifth month- you need to pull yourself up 50 times per workout. We fit in 5 approaches.

sixth month. Your norm is 55 times in 5 sets.

seventh month. We pull up 60 times per workout. We fit in 5 approaches, maximum approach should already be 15-17 times.

Second season (April-October)

First month.

Restoring the form.

Week 1: 40 reps per workout.

Week 2: 50 reps per workout

Week 3: 55 reps per workout

Fourth week: 60 reps per workout.

The result of the month - you can pull up 17 times per approach. Well, are we starting to storm the goal of 30 pull-ups?

For a more harmonious result, we include one general physical training every week. This will improve the metabolism in the body, add variety to training process, which means it will be easier to achieve the goal in pull-ups. We recommend running every week from 5 kilometers, or doing basic strength training, or doing home exercises with dumbbells.

Second month. 68 reps per workout, 5 sets, 4th is the maximum.

third month. 78 reps per workout, 5 sets, 4th is the maximum.

fourth month. 92 reps per workout, 5 sets, 4th max. This month I recommend taking measurements, your rate should be 22 times per set.

Fifth month. 105 reps per workout.

sixth to seventh month. 120 reps per workout. Well, accordingly - pull your result: 30 times per approach - should not be a problem.

After the achieved result, we go home, open the goal recorded last year, check whether everything has happened for you?

I look forward to your comments, stories about how you train, ready to give prompt advice in the course of your achievements. I will be glad if my article was useful to you. If it's not difficult, share it on a social network - together we are with you more people draw to healthy lifestyle life.

One of the most ancient and effective workouts pull-ups on the horizontal bar are rightfully considered. No wonder the horizontal bar is familiar to us from school, it is also in the army, but few people know that in order to achieve real results, you need to do more and better than they offer us in the army. We'll show you how to get the best results.

A bit of history and theory of pull-ups

It is known that even in ancient greece, and in other developed countries, pull-ups were included in basic complex exercises. Even then, people guessed that this type of training strengthens muscles better than anything else, helps to build mass, and form a harmonious relief.

The monks of Tibet further improved this technique, complicating and including a number of original elements in it, which made it possible to reach great heights in a short period of time.

Today we have the widest view different techniques, among which you can choose the most suitable for yourself.

And after you learn how to properly pull up on the horizontal bar, you can safely move on to ours. It will allow you to work out in detail all muscle groups.

On the horizontal bar, you can pump the following muscle groups:

  • Biceps.
  • Pectoral muscles.
  • Back muscles. Read more.
  • Muscles of the forearm -.
  • Press - .

Yes, the horizontal bar is really the most versatile sports equipment which allows you to perfectly work out the whole body. And now about how the professionals do it.

What exercises can be performed on the crossbar

The crossbar gives a wide field for sports fantasy. Here you can perform a huge number of exercises that develop different groups muscles.


Popular among athletes of different categories, especially among masters martial arts Those who prefer the development of endurance, agility and strength use the "burpee" exercise.

The execution method is as follows: you need to take the i.p. - stand in front of the horizontal bar, arms lowered along the body, legs shoulder-width apart. At a fast pace, we squat down, with a jump we take an emphasis lying down and do push-ups once. We also dynamically return to the squatting position with a jump, make a jump again and return to the SP, pull ourselves up, jump to the ground. Exercise.


Core is a set of exercises for the development of mass, strength and endurance, training different muscle groups.

Methodology for performing "kor" you need to take the i.p. - hands down, feet shoulder-width apart. We jump to the horizontal bar, pull ourselves up, raise straight legs perpendicular to the body, lower them down, raise our legs again, but already bent at the knees at a right angle. Then we lower our legs again and raise them again, already up, to touch the crossbar with our toes. We jump to the ground and repeat the exercise at least five times.

But among all existing techniques with the horizontal bar, the most popular is the pull-up training program, which, with due perseverance, will help build strength and endurance.

It is worth dwelling a little more on the issue of competently performing pull-ups on the horizontal bar, because the final result largely depends on the quality.

How to pull up correctly

The back and legs must be straight, you need to rise to the stop in order to touch the crossbar with your chin.

The crossbar is fraught with a lot of secrets, knowing which, you can quickly bring yourself into perfect shape.

  1. If you are going to build mass, then you need to go up slowly, go down quickly.
  2. If it is necessary to strengthen the muscles, increase power and endurance, then, on the contrary, you need to quickly rise and slowly descend.
  3. For good stretching and flexibility, you need to quickly perform both ascent and descent, and in between sets, give yourself about ten seconds of sagging.

There are several types of pull-ups, let's look at them.

How to learn to pull up for a beginner?

If you can't pull up even once, there are several options. Using one of them is much easier to learn how to pull up on the horizontal bar.

  • You can use a stool. Standing on it, it is easier to pull up on the horizontal bar. At the top point, you must try to stay in a pulled up position for three seconds, gradually increasing this figure to seven seconds, and jump to the ground. It is necessary to repeat this 5-7 more times.
  • There is another method - insurance with rubber. Tying himself around the waist with a wide sports rubber band and hanging it high to the horizontal bar, it is easier to return to the highest pull-up point. A week later, it will be possible to work on the horizontal bar without insurance.
  • Beginners perform pull-ups with jerks. This greatly facilitates the task at the first stage, but after five to seven days, this help must be abandoned and the training must be carried out according to all the rules.

A month is usually given for training. You can use the following table.

Pull-up program on the horizontal bar in the form of a table

As can be seen from the table, it is necessary to increase the load gradually, carefully, so as not to lead to injuries and overwork. After the first month of training, you need to increase the load by 2-3 times.

Before you start training on the horizontal bar, you should learn the following rules that will help you avoid injury and achieve excellent results.

The rules are known, now let's start studying serious, professional sports programs.

Scheme of pull-ups on the horizontal bar

To date, the most popular is the scheme of 50 pull-ups on the horizontal bar. To find out from which step of the program to start, you need to pass a test that determines the level sports training, by which you can choose the most correct mode.

The test is as follows: we pull ourselves up on the crossbar as many times as possible, performing the exercises with high quality (without cheating and jerking). If the maximum number of pull-ups is 7, then the 7-8 program will suit you (more on that a little later).

This program implies more rest than subsequent ones, it is - First stage, starting from which you need to go to perfection. Here it is important not to waste the energy reserve and the reserve of will, having reached the goal.

Rest between sets should be at least two and no more than ten minutes. You need to eat five times a day, only in this way the body can be worked out in the right quality. Realizing that this cycle of training is easy to perform, we increase the bar of achievements, moving on to the next cycle 9-11 and so on.

The ultimate goal is to learn how to pull up 50 times in one set. This ability, of course, is inextricably linked with the ideal appearance which is what we are striving for.

Pull-up table on the horizontal bar

The program is designed for ten cycles, from zero to perfection.
1. 6 (reps)

Reps and sets
Day 1 fit 2 fit 3 matches 4 matches 5 matches
1 4 times 7 times 6 times 6 times 9 times
2 5 times 9 times 7 times 7 times 9 times
3 6 times 10 times 8 times 8 times 9 times
4 6 times 11 times 8 times 8 times 11 times
5 7 times 12 times 10 times 10 times 11 times
6 8 times 14 times 11 times 11 times 13 times
Day P.p.
1 2 3 2 2 3
2 2 3 2 2 4
3 3 4 2 2 4
4 3 4 3 3 4
5 3 5 3 3 5
6 4 5 4 4 6

3. 9-11

Day P.p.
1 3 5 3 3 5
2 4 6 4 4 6
3 5 7 5 5 6
4 5 8 5 5 8
5 6 9 6 6 8
6 7 9 6 6 10
Day P.p.
1 7 8 6 6 8
2 7 9 7 6 9
3 8 10 6 6 9
4 7 10 7 7 10
5 8 11 8 9 10
6 9 11 9 9 11
Day P.p.
1 8 11 8 8 10
2 9 12 9 9 11
3 9 13 9 9 12
4 11 14 10 10 13
5 11 15 10 10 13
6 11 14 11 11 13
7 12 16 11 11 15
8 12 16 12 12 16
9 13 18 143 12 16
Day P.p.
1 12 16 12 12 15
2 13 16 12 11 16
3 13 17 13 13 16
4 14 19 13 13 18
5 14 19 14 14 19
6 15 20 14 14 20
7 15 20 16 16 20
8 16 22 16 16 20
9 17 22 17 16 21
Day P.p.
1 16 18 15 15 17
2 17 20 16 16 19
3 17 21 16 16 20
4 17 22 17 17 22
5 18 23 18 18 22
6 19 24 18 18 24
7 19 26 18 18 25
8 19 28 19 19 26
9 20 28 22 20 28

The 50 pull up program is training program which will help you develop your strength and physique. Most people can't do ten pull-ups, and few can do more than 15 pull-ups. This training program is designed to help you pull up at least 30 times.

So is it 30 or 50?

This program is written up to 50 pull-ups. This is a lot and very difficult to achieve. To be honest, when you reach 30 pull-ups, it will already be an impressive achievement. And 30 pull-ups will be absolutely enough to maintain a healthy, developed musculature and you don't have to do more. However, if you want to do more, we have 50 pull-ups for you :)

Program Rules

  1. Test. Before starting the program, do as many pull-ups as you can. Don't try to embellish your results or you won't be able to run the program. The test will help determine your level of preparation.
  2. Choose a training cycle depending on the results. For example, if you have completed 7 pull-ups, then you should start with a cycle of 6-8 pull-ups.
  3. Continue with the cycle program. Remember to rest at least one day between workouts. And after every third workout - at least 2 days. If you do not give your muscles a rest, your results will only fall. Some people find that taking longer rests between workouts improves their performance.
  4. Rest 120 seconds or more between sets.
  5. If during your workout you couldn't complete all the sets, don't worry about it. Rest two days and try again.
  6. At the end of the cycle, rest for at least two days and test again. It will show you which cycle to do next. If you find yourself in the same cycle that you were in, then it is better to repeat it than to start the next one when you are not ready yet.
  7. Follow these instructions until you reach your last cycle (40+ pullups). After passing it, you will be in excellent physical form and you can try doing 50 pull-ups. But remember, 30 is already very good.

How to pull up correctly

Training cycles

Less than 4 pull-ups

If in the test you performed 0-5 pull-ups, then it is best to start with negative pull-ups. This will strengthen your muscles and prepare you for the rest of the cycles. They are performed as follows:

  1. Instead of pulling your body up, use a chair to hang onto a bar (with your chin just above the bar).
  2. Move your chair to the side and slowly descend until you are hanging with your arms completely straight.
  3. Try to descend as slowly as possible (at least 3 seconds).
Day Approaches Total
1 2 7 5 5 7 26
2 3 8 6 6 8 31
3 4 9 6 6 8 33
4 5 9 7 7 9 37
5 5 10 8 8 10 41
6 6 10 8 8 12 44

4-5 pull-ups

Here, as in the previous cycle, you need to perform negative pull-ups.

Day Approaches Total
1 4 9 6 6 9 34
2 5 9 7 7 9 37
3 6 10 8 8 10 42
4 6 11 8 8 11 44
5 7 12 10 10 12 51
6 8 14 11 11 14 58

6-8 pull-ups

Day Approaches Total
1 2 3 2 2 3 12
2 2 3 2 2 4 13
3 3 4 2 2 4 15
4 3 4 3 3 4 17
5 3 5 3 3 5 19
6 4 5 4 4 6 23

9-11 pull-ups

Day Approaches Total
1 3 5 3 3 5 19
2 4 6 4 4 6 24
3 5 7 5 5 6 28
4 5 8 5 5 8 31
5 6 9 6 6 8 35
6 6 9 6 6 10 37

12-15 pull ups

Day Approaches Total
1 6 8 6 6 8 34
2 6 9 6 6 9 36
3 7 10 6 6 9 38
4 7 10 7 7 10 41
5 8 11 8 8 10 45
6 9 11 9 9 11 49

16-20 pull ups

Day Approaches Total
1 8 11 8 8 10 45
2 9 12 9 9 11 50
3 9 13 9 9 12 52
4 10 14 10 10 13 57
5 11 15 10 10 13 59
6 11 15 11 11 13 61
7 12 16 11 11 15 65
8 12 16 12 12 16 68
9 13 17 13 13 16 72

21-25 pull ups

Day Approaches Total
1 12 16 12 12 15 67
2 13 16 12 12 16 69
3 13 17 13 13 16 72
4 14 19 13 13 18 77
5 14 19 14 14 19 80
6 15 20 14 14 20 83
7 16 20 16 16 20 88
8 16 21 16 16 20 89
9 17 22 16 16 21 92

26-30 pull-ups

Day Approaches Total
1 16 18 15 15 17 81
2 16 20 16 16 19 87
3 17 21 16 16 20 90
4 17 22 17 17 22 95
5 18 23 18 18 22 99
6 19 25 18 18 24 104
7 19 26 18 18 25 106
8 19 27 19 19 26 110
9 20 28 20 20 28 116

31-35 pull-ups

Day Approaches Total
1 20 25 19 19 23 106
2 22 25 21 21 25 114
3 23 26 23 23 25 120
4 24 27 24 24 26 125
5 25 28 24 24 27 128
6 25 29 25 25 28 132
7 26 29 25 25 29 134
8 26 30 26 26 30 138
9 26 32 26 26 32 142

36-40 pull-ups

Day Approaches Total
1 23 27 22 22 26 120
2 24 28 24 24 28 128
3 25 29 24 24 29 131
4 26 30 25 25 30 136
5 26 31 25 25 31 138
6 26 31 26 26 26 135
7 27 31 26 26 32 142
8 28 32 26 26 32 144
9 28 34 27 27 34 150

Over 40 pull ups

Day Approaches Total
1 25 28 24 24 27 128
2 25 29 25 25 28 132
3 25 30 25 25 29 134
4 26 31 25 25 31 138
5 26 32 26 26 31 141
6 27 32 26 26 26 137
7 27 34 26 26 33 146
8 28 34 26 26 34 148
9 29 35 27 27 35 153

Horizontal bar is the simplest and most affordable of all sports equipment. Regular workouts on the horizontal bar will allow you to develop strength, gain mass, develop endurance. Anyone can learn to pull up, the main thing is perseverance and desire, provided that there are no diseases and any injuries that prevent you from performing some physical exercise. As well as some reasons due to which pull-ups will not work right away.

Large own weight, which creates additional stress on your muscles. First, pay attention to weight, strengthen the heart system. Even if a person's weight is normal, or less than normal, he may still face difficulty with pull-ups. It's about lack of stamina and physical strength. Nothing serious. The matter is quite fixable. Also, not correct technique performing pull-ups. Improvement and correctness of technique must be constantly worked on. And remember, always prioritize the quality of the exercise over the quantity.

There are a large number of pull-up programs. Today we will tell you about program 30 pull-ups.

Program 30 pull-ups per month

Week 1

  • The first approach - 6 pull-ups;
  • The second approach - 5 pull-ups;
  • Fifth approach - 3 pull-ups.

Week 2

  • The first approach - 7 pull-ups;
  • The third approach - 5 pull-ups;
  • Fourth approach - 4 pull-ups;

Week 3

  • The second approach - 6 pull-ups;
  • The third approach - 5 pull-ups;
  • Fifth approach - 4 pull-ups.

Week 4

  • The first approach - 8 pull-ups;
  • The second approach - 7 pull-ups;
  • The third approach - 5 pull-ups;
  • Fourth approach - 5 pull-ups;
  • Fifth approach - 5 pull-ups.

Do daily pull-ups on the horizontal bar, but leave one day for rest and muscle recovery. Rest between each set, but no more than 3 minutes each time. Never do more than one program at the same time. Because the effectiveness of programs is very much reduced. Pick one, stick with it. Otherwise, do not complete any, you will be disappointed and lose interest.

achieve good results It is the correct technique for performing the exercises that will help you. Do not swing in the hang, for this you can bend your knees and cross your legs. Never arch your back when pulling up. Remember about correct breathing, pull up, exhale, lower - inhale. Before pulling up, be sure to do a warm-up to warm up your muscles and prevent injury. After pull-ups, do relaxation exercises. Weights can be used, but not required. Weights can be in the form of a dumbbell. A belt or even a backpack with books.

Pulling up on the horizontal bar is one of the main exercises for strengthening the muscles of the back and the entire shoulder girdle. Only the strongest can pull up 30 or more times, and today we will tell you how to do it.

Pull-ups on the bar are mandatory school curriculum and this is no coincidence. Each young man should pull himself up without jerking at least 12 - 15 times, only then can he be considered physically developed. But there are people who different reasons they can’t pull themselves up even once, don’t believe me, there’s nothing wrong with that.

How to learn to pull up on the horizontal bar from scratch in a week

For those who do not know how to learn how to pull themselves up on the horizontal bar from scratch, we will reveal the secret of two fairly productive methods. All it takes is desire. You should exercise every day until you achieve the desired result.

Before each lesson, do not forget to do a warm-up. It will not take much time, but it will significantly reduce the risk of sprains and joints, as well as warm up the muscles, preparing them for the upcoming loads.

Learning at home

The first method will help even a beginner and it means that you will study at home without having a partner or training assistant. Since we cannot pull ourselves up yet, here we will use the so-called negative phase of the exercise: lowering down.

Place a chair behind the bar so that you can freely lower and rise on the horizontal bar. Stand on it, grab the horizontal bar with a direct grip shoulder-width apart (palms pointing away from you) and bending your elbows, holding your chin just above the crossbar, hang in this position for a couple of seconds. Then, as slowly as possible, resisting the weight, straighten your arms to the starting position, lowering your body down.

Rest for a few seconds and repeat the exercise. Ideally, you should do 5 to 6 straight sets and the same reverse grip.

This training scheme implies that in a week you will learn how to pull up from scratch. If before that you could not pull up a single time, now you can do it at least two or three.

Do not stop there, at the beginning of the workout, pull yourself up in the usual way as much as you can for 3 sets, and then move on to the negative phase of slow lowering your own weight.

Learning with a partner

The second method implies that you will use the services of a friend or training partner:

  1. Grasp the horizontal bar with a direct or reverse grip shoulder-width apart;
  2. Hang on it;
  3. Bend your knees and cross them at the level of the calf muscles.

While you are trying to pull yourself up, your partner, holding your legs, should help you up with a little effort. Thus, he takes part of your weight on himself. Try to go down slowly, without jerking.