Is it possible to do yoga with coronary disease. How to get rid of spasms of cerebral vessels

The heart is one of the most important organs human body. It is pointless to argue with this, because it is the cardiac apparatus that transports blood throughout the body, providing each cell with nutrients and oxygen. Given the lifestyle of people today, we can definitely say that the heart modern man experiences enormous loads, in connection with which the resource of the organ is inexorably falling by the age of 30-40 in both women and men.

In order to prevent the development of cardiovascular ailments or to strengthen a system that already has these diseases, each person needs to take care of his heart apparatus from a young age. One of the types of such protection of the body is charging for the heart and blood vessels. In today's material, our resource will pay increased attention to it, highlighting the most best exercises for the cardiovascular system of the body.

Charging for the heart and blood vessels: when and why you need it

The heart is a muscular organ that experiences considerable stress every minute. In order to adapt the cardiac apparatus to the latter, it is important to train it, like any other muscle in the body. It should be understood that a trained heart not only works better, but is also a guarantee that diseases of the cardiovascular system will bypass a person and never bother. Also, charging for the heart and blood vessels has a positive effect on an already sick heart, as a result of which the therapy of a particular disease is somewhat faster.

It is important to note that the load on the heart apparatus should be moderate, otherwise the effect will not be positive, but only aggravating the health of the organ. Properly organized charging of the cardiovascular system helps:

  • reduce the amount of C-reactive protein, which is a provocateur of inflammation of body tissues
  • lower blood pressure and triglycerides
  • raise good cholesterol levels
  • clean the cavities of blood vessels from cholesterol plaques, which are formed due to an excess of bad cholesterol
  • regulate sugar and insulin in the body
  • reduce weight and generally improve the tone of the human body

Taken together, the properties of charging for the heart and blood vessels presented above help a person:

  1. firstly, to minimize the risk of developing ailments of the cardiovascular system
  2. secondly, in the presence of diseases of the heart and blood vessels, accelerate their therapy
  3. thirdly, bring the body into tone and increase its protective properties

Considering the overall effect of cardiovascular exercise, it can be stated that it is desirable for every person who wants to protect himself from diseases of the heart and blood vessels until old age to do it. It is important to pay the greatest attention to the loads on the cardiac apparatus for people who are predisposed to the development of diseases of the cardiovascular system, or who already have them (hypotension, etc.).

Basic rules and benefits

As noted earlier, charging for the heart and blood vessels will have positive effect only on the condition that it is carried out correctly and in compliance with basic principles this procedure.

In order to comply with the latter and, in general, competently carry out exercises for the cardiovascular system, you must follow simple rules:

  1. The main thing is to give moderate loads to the heart, which do not cause any discomfort and have a positive effect on the body. The best solution would be to carry out exercises that raise the pulse to 130-140 beats per minute, but also below 110 - you should not keep the pulse, otherwise the effect will be extremely weak.
  2. At first, it is enough to practice for 10-30 minutes, and only after strengthening the vessels and the heart apparatus, proceed to more serious loads.
  3. It is important to exercise systematically for the cardiovascular system, but it is not necessary to load it every day. The most successful heart training schedule includes 2-4 sessions per week, but no more. It is desirable to carry out each workout at least 1.5-2 hours after the last meal.
  4. You can load the heart and blood vessels different types exercise, but it is advisable to give preference to cardio, aerobic exercise, yoga and breathing exercises.
  5. If the health of the heart training worsens, it is necessary to stop and try to deal with the cause of the problem, and only after eliminating it, return to the exercises.

Proper exercise is a fundamental aspect in strengthening the heart muscle, so it is important to pay special attention to its correctness. In general, this type of training of the cardiovascular system is quite useful for the body, while you can devote it to no more than 1 hour a week, but what will be the effect ?!

Useful video: an overview of exercises for the cardiovascular system

Are there any contraindications to physical education aimed at strengthening the cardiovascular system? In fact, the answer is extremely simple - there are no contraindications to such a charge. But here it is important to take into account one point: a set of exercises and the general process of charging should be agreed with the attending physician, since only he can say whether specific loads are suitable for the patient or should be reduced. It is impossible to ignore such a consultation, since improperly organized physical education will only do harm.

Breathing exercises and yoga

Breathing exercises and yoga are the most successful option for strengthening the heart and blood vessels for those people who, due to some circumstances, cannot perform more serious exercises (running, cycling, swimming, etc.).

Both types of such loads on the cardiovascular system can be carried out at least daily, because charging will take no more than 20 minutes. The following exercises are most effective:

From breathing exercises:

  • First exercise. Stand up straight, feet shoulder-width apart. Take a sharp breath through the nose, at the same time raising your hands up vertically, and then - sharp exhalation through the mouth, while lowering the hands down. The exercise is done in 3 sets of 15-30 repetitions each.
  • Second exercise. Stand up straight, feet shoulder-width apart. Take a calm breath through your nose, while raising your left or right hand (alternately) and touching the tip of your nose with your index finger, then, lowering your hand, breathe out calmly through your mouth. The exercise is done in 2-4 sets of 15-20 repetitions each.
  • Third exercise. It is done similarly to the first, but the hands rise up / down not vertically, but horizontally. The number of sets and repetitions is also similar to the first.

From yoga, you can use absolutely any exercises presented in the relevant reference books.

The main thing in any exercise from yoga is compliance correct breathing: before work - inhale, at work - exhale.

Undoubtedly, breathing exercises and yoga will help strengthen the cardiovascular system only for those people who are not particularly trained. For more prepared people, it is necessary to use appropriate loads, otherwise it will not work to strengthen the heart and blood vessels.

Despite the good effect of yoga and breathing exercises, to best practices strengthening the heart and blood vessels cannot be attributed to them. This is largely due to the small load that the cardiac apparatus experiences when performing relatively simple exercises. Another thing is the load of the cardiovascular system with a more serious exercise.

The best exercises to strengthen the heart and blood vessels are represented by just such techniques. More precisely, their list is as follows:

  1. Any kind of cardio. These fully include: running, swimming, cycling, walking, exercise bike and the like.
  2. Almost all aerobic exercises. An example of these is an ordinary exercise, consisting of squats, bends, spreading arms to the sides and other exercises of a similar nature.
  3. Intensive power training with small weights. These include a set of exercises from simple, but moderately intense strength training(lifting weights, dumbbells, barbells, pull-ups on the horizontal bar, etc.).
  4. Regardless of the chosen variant of classes for high-quality and maximum effective strengthening cardiovascular system, it is important to observe three main conditions:
  5. Breathe properly. As noted earlier, before work - inhale, at work - exhale.
  6. Drink water if your body requires it, there is nothing wrong with that.
  7. Try to keep your heart rate within a certain range. It is easy to consider it - just use the following formula: (220 - your age) * 0.6. Thus, in order to strengthen the heart and blood vessels, a 20-year-old person needs to adhere to a pulse equal to - (220-20) * 0.6, which results in 120 beats per minute. For example, this pulse corresponds to easy run jogging at a speed of 4-6 km / h.
  8. The duration of any workout should be at least 15 minutes, but as a maximum - no more than an hour. To get a real effect, it is enough to practice 2-3 times a week and, most importantly, do everything right.

Charging for hypertensive patients

It is important to understand that it is necessary to deal with hypertension and similar ailments, when the vessels predominantly suffer, in a special order. In particular, hypertensive patients are strictly forbidden to make sudden movements and, in general, heavily burden the body. In the process of charging, it is important to observe smooth movements and correct breathing. Otherwise, the exercises will not only not help, but will completely cause a new attack of increased pressure.

A typical example of charging for hypertensive patients is as follows:

  • First exercise. light walking for 10 minutes (you can even walk around the house).
  • Second exercise. Calm spreading of the arms to the side. 3-4 sets of 15-20 arm lifts are carried out.
  • Third exercise. Raising the legs alternately. The execution technique is extremely simple: stand up straight, spread your arms to the sides and slowly, in turn, raise your legs to a height of 30-40 cm. It is advisable to do 3 sets of 12-15 lifts.

At the end of the workout, you need to do light breathing exercises, but you can’t bend over, since blood flow to the head with hypertension will not lead to anything good.

In general, it is not so difficult to strengthen the heart and blood vessels with ordinary exercises. The main thing in the process of treatment or prevention is to adhere to the correct order of charging and its basic principles. We hope that today's material has answered your questions. Health to you!

IN last years it became known that Yoga Nidra can be successfully used as a very effective, preventive and curative remedy for heart diseases from acute post-infarction conditions to heart failure. It turns out that Yoga Nidra has the same calming effect as Japa Yoga, which relieves the main causes of cardiac tension through the sympathetic nervous system. As a result of this impact heartbeat, blood pressure and workload on the heart muscles are significantly reduced.

heart personality

Psychologists say that people who are prone to heart disease, coronary heart disease, arteriosclerosis, myocardial infarction and angina pectoris (angina pectoris) belong to a special type of people and represent a certain psychological model, which is characterized by such traits as: tension, ambition, assertiveness and self-confidence. These are the so-called “lucky” people or type “A” personalities who prefer to take risks and achieve triumph at all costs, but often a heart attack stops their ambitious aspirations and turns them into helpless ones.

Such individuals eat, smoke and drink excessively and do not know how to relax. Unable to develop a positive outlet for the negative forces to escape, they undermine the work of the heart with excessive sensitivity, clogged on all sides. Most often, this leads to a breakdown, to fits of anger, violence and the collapse of all plans. The accumulation of stress increases the pressure on the heart, causing it to work hard and wear out prematurely. Here Yoga Nidra can help as an excellent protective and healing procedure for cardiovascular problems. It cultivates a favorable mental climate that eliminates bodily tension and emotional and mental stress.

Effects on cholesterol and lipid levels

The most important experiments carried out at the University of Tel Aviv showed a significant decrease in cholesterol levels in heart patients. Other studies have confirmed that it is possible to substantially lower the levels of metabolic and endocrine "stress hormones" as well, including lipids, lactate, aldosterone, testosterone, adrenaline, and dopamine beta-hydroxylase.

It is known that hypercholesterolemia (high blood cholesterol) is one of the most pronounced risk factors in the field of cardiovascular diseases and general atherosclerosis. In patients whose blood lipids and cholesterol levels are constantly elevated, the serum is milky, thick, cloudy and dense compared to the serum of healthy people who consume a diet low in animal fats, making their serum clear and clear, like water. If continuously for many months and years, the arterial tree overflows with a heavy, viscous and sticky fluid, the heart muscle overstrains and wears out faster in such a patient than in one who has a heart pump that pumps water.

In the recent past, medical scientists have tried to control hypercholesterolemia with a specific drug therapy (cholesterol gum) in conjunction with a low-fat diet, but little success has been achieved in this field. The time has come when Yoga Nidra offers its services, which can effectively reduce the critical risk factor for heart disease.

The influence of male hormones

Fluctuations in blood pressure due to unstable emotional states suddenly release emotional tensions that have always been considered detrimental to the normal functioning of the heart. In this regard, researchers at the University of Texas at San Antonio (USA) have recently discovered a certain relationship between male hormones and infringement of cardiac activity. Inside the walls of the aorta and in the heart cavity, specific cellular receptors for testosterone molecules were fixed, which were involved in the blood flow and caused damage to blood vessels and the heart.

Many cardiologists, including Dr. Christian Barnard, the founder of cardiac transplant surgery, have recognized the undoubted value of relaxation and other yogic practices in relieving emotional stress and harmful effects on endocrine secretion. They began to prescribe the daily cultivation of Yoga Nidra as a sure remedy against premature heart attacks and as an effective inducement of deep mental, physical and cardiac relaxation.

Small and large heart attacks

The so-called "angina pectoris", angina pectoris or "mini-heart attack" occurs when the heart muscle does not receive enough blood for its "pumping" activity. Such heart failure can occur with emotional or physical overload. Both physical stress and emotional stress (anger, addiction, etc.) are relatively easily suppressed by physical and mental relaxation. Not so long ago, scientists believed that the main cause of angina is the previous hardening of the coronary arteries, which directly supply the heart muscle with blood. Now it turned out that this factor is rather secondary in importance.

A myocardial infarction, or “maxi heart attack,” sends an acute signal of chest pain that simply cannot be relieved by rest, because the heart muscle is completely deprived of blood support. In contrast to angina pectoris, myocardial infarction was attributed to thrombophlebitis, or complete blockage of a blood passage in one of the thin heart arteries by a clot or accumulation of plaque.

Cardiac vasospasm (narrowing of the blood vessels)

In everyday clinical practice, it is sometimes difficult to distinguish between an angina attack and a myocardial infarction based on the characteristics of cardiac pain. Nevertheless, it was accepted that the cause of both attacks should be sought in artherosclerosis and thrombophlebitis.

To date, studies at the University of Pisa (Italy) have led scientists to the conclusion that mini and maxi seizures are formed by the same mechanism, which is called (coronary vasospasm). It was found that the coronary blood vessels are blocked by partial or complete spasm precisely at the moment of emotional and mental stress.

The signal from the lymphatic (emotional) centers of the brain is rapidly sent by the hypothalamus to the walls of the coronary vessels and immediately a sympathetic reaction occurs. nervous system– special nerve fibers constrict the blood vessels leading to the heart. It was a revolutionary discovery! And the scientists made a reasonable conclusion that blood clots and arteriosclerotic hardening in the heart could have formed after the body was opened ... So it was found that the main cause of heart attacks and angina pectoris should be sought in emotional and mental overstrain.

Unfortunately, the understanding of the importance of introducing Yoga Nidra into the widespread practice of preventing and treating heart disease has not yet matured in medical circles. It is quite obvious to us that Yoga Nidra is able to change the mental-emotional climate of a cardiological patient with a complex of relaxation and distraction and avert incipient angina or heart attack.

As early as 1948, the American cardiologist Aaron Friedel described how concentrated nostril breathing (known to yogis as anuloma viloma, or psychic breathing) was the most effective and fast-acting, drug-free remedy that radically controlled and relieved chest pain in cardiac patients.

It is only now that many authorities are beginning to acknowledge that Yoga Nidra is arguably the best therapy for coronary heart disease. The patient who practices Yoga Nidra enters a state of deep mental peace and emotional relaxation, which in turn releases the patient from the trap of coronary vasospasm and deflects the guillotine of infarction.

The future role of Yoga Nidra in coronary care and medical management will become clear. By now it is widely known how important Yoga Nidra is in the science of prevention. cardiovascular disease. However, the potential of this ancient science is far from exhausted.

Hypertension (high blood pressure)

In today's society, hypertension is the leading cause of death. This psychosomatic disorder is associated with stress, which causes damage through hypertension to the heart, blood vessels, eyes, kidneys and brain. Instead of eliminating the main cause of hypertension, it is suppressed with antihypertensive drug therapy in order to slightly delay premature death.

Most of the patients (9 out of 10) suffering from hypertension are diagnosed as patients with significant hypertension, the causes of which have not yet been discovered by physicians. Most people suffering from hypertension do not feel any painful symptoms and at present they all widely use the drug method of treatment as the only effective method UHN, treatment with drug-drugs cannot be considered an ideal remedy, because such treatment has side effects, but patients still try not to stop taking dangerous drugs, neglecting the future consequences associated with a risk to life. Under these circumstances, Yoga Nidra, as an effective and inexpensive remedy, might be the most desirable for both doctors and patients in particular.

The clear benefit of Yoga Nidra in lowering the blood pressure of hypertensive patients has been evaluated in numerous studies. Since then, this practice has been recommended to doctors, who have begun to use it in some countries.

The benefits of yoga for the heart and blood vessels:

It is believed that yoga classes are identical to the classical physical activity that is used in official medicine.

With arrhythmia, the most effective exercise- in the lotus position, performed in the classical way. After a person lingers in this position for 10 to 30 seconds, you need to take a deep breath and tilt your torso forward - the best option is to touch your forehead to the floor. Holding the air in the lungs, you need to fix in a pose for 5-6 seconds. At overweight you can limit yourself to tilting the body down at the same time as taking a deep breath.

Second exercise from the yoga course- lifting straight legs alternately from a supine position. When lifting the right leg, a deep breath is taken, while lifting the left leg, exhale. Having fixed for 3 - 10 seconds with one lower limb raised, it is lowered to the floor and exercises are carried out on the second.

Yoga Rules:

    • breathing should be calm, even and deep;
    • 3 hours must have passed since the last meal;
    • the study room should be fresh; perform the complex with arrhythmia only 1 time per day.

Yoga is not a complete treatment for arrhythmia! It is impossible to interrupt the treatment prescribed by the doctor. Regular exercises with the described exercises will make arrhythmia attacks less intense and rare.

Pain exercise:

      • "Heart Breathing" It must be performed before each pose, but it can also be used as an independent exercise: lie on your back, relax, even out your breathing; “get together”, stretching your arms along the body, connecting your legs, but do not strain your muscles; taking a deep breath, raise your left hand up, put it behind your head and put it on the floor with your palm up; simultaneously with raising the arm, the heel of the same leg should “move forward” forward; after 2-3 seconds, on a deep exhalation, the hand returns to its original position; the exercise is repeated for the other upper limb, then for both at once.
      • Kumbhaka. Helps relieve stress and irritation, calm down. Can be performed in any convenient position - lying, sitting, standing: close your eyes, relax; take a slow, deep breath and hold your breath for 30 seconds; exhale immediately - slowly and through the nose.

Important: you need to start with a short breath hold, literally for 5 - 8 seconds, but this indicator needs to be improved daily.

      • Ujan. It is used for pain on the background of arrhythmia. You need to sit comfortably or lie down, you can stand. A deep breath is taken through the nose, at the same time mentally you need to count up to 8, then the breath is held for 3-5 seconds. Exhalation is done through the mouth, the teeth are clenched and a lingering sound “ssss” is made - in the mind, the count is kept up to 16. The cycle is repeated 5 times. Forbidden to perform with heart disease associated with high blood pressure!

Asanas to strengthen the heart and blood vessels:

      • Tadasana. Stand straight on the mat, place your legs almost together. With your feet, try to stretch the mat to the sides, at the same time pulling the coccyx as far forward as possible and straightening your shoulders, your knees should “look” forward, looking straight ahead.
      • Reverse deflection. From a standing position, raise straight arms up, knee joints bend slightly. Perform a backbend while pushing the pelvis forward.
      • Ushtrasana. Get on your knees with emphasis on your toes, bend your back, grab your feet with your hands - the torso should be perpendicular to the floor. A deep breath - the stomach bulges forward as much as possible, exhale - a pose is taken while sitting on the floor.

Read more in our article on yoga for the heart and blood vessels.

Read in this article

The benefits of yoga for the heart and blood vessels

How yoga classes have a beneficial effect on the state of the heart and blood vessels is still not exactly clear. But the fact that this really happens is proven at the level of official medicine. Doctors say that yoga:

      • normalizes the state of hypertension, lowering blood pressure smoothly and safely for health;
      • cleanses blood vessels of "bad" cholesterol;
      • accelerates blood flow.

Additionally, classes stabilize the work of the respiratory system, improve the process of oxygen supply to the cells of internal organs and systems, and contribute to weight loss. It is believed that yoga classes are identical to the classical physical activities that are used in official medicine - jogging or interval training on a treadmill, cycling, active walking.

Exercise for diseases

Yoga can be used not only as a prevention of diseases of the heart and blood vessels, but also as a therapeutic measure for already diagnosed pathologies. Of course, you need to consult your doctor - not all diseases allow you to engage in such physical activity. It is highly advisable to seek help from experienced professionals, yoga instructors - they will teach you how to perform the exercises correctly.

With arrhythmia

by the most effective exercise with such a violation, there will be a position in the "lotus" position - performed in the classical way. After a person lingers in this position for 10 - 30 seconds, you need to take a deep breath and tilt your torso forward - the best option is to touch your forehead to the floor. If such an exercise is available for execution, then holding the air in the lungs, you need to fix in a pose for 5-6 seconds.

If a person is overweight, then you can limit yourself to tilting your body down at the same time as taking a deep breath. The more often and longer the classes are held, the faster it will be possible to complete the exercise fully.

The second exercise from the yoga course, which gives positive results in arrhythmias, is lifting straight legs alternately from a supine position. When lifting the right leg, a deep breath is taken, while lifting the left leg, exhale. Having fixed for 3 - 10 seconds with one lower limb raised, it is lowered to the floor and exercises are carried out on the second.

If permission has been obtained from the attending physician for regular classes yoga, then they must be performed, observing the following rules:

      • breathing during exercise should be calm, even and deep;
      • it is better to do classes in the morning, or 3 hours before a night's rest;
      • yoga is performed on an empty stomach - 3 hours should pass from the moment of the last meal;
      • the room for classes should be fresh so that the body is actively saturated with oxygen;
      • you can perform a yoga complex with arrhythmia only 1 time per day.

Expert opinion

Vera Chubeiko


Yoga is not a complete treatment for arrhythmia! It is impossible to interrupt the treatment prescribed by the doctor - taking medications, following the recommendations of specialists is mandatory. Regular exercises with the described exercises will make arrhythmia attacks less intense and rare.

For pain


Most often, this yoga pose is used for pain in the heart against the background. You need to sit comfortably or lie down, you can remain in a standing position. A deep breath is taken through the nose, at the same time mentally you need to count up to 8, then the breath is held for 3 to 5 seconds. Exhalation is done through the mouth, the teeth are clenched and a lingering sound “ssss” is made - in the mind, the count is kept up to 16. The cycle is repeated 5 times.

Ujan is forbidden to perform in case of heart disease associated with high blood pressure!

Asanas to strengthen the heart and blood vessels

If there is a desire or need to strengthen, improve the functioning of the cardiovascular system, then it is worth performing the following asanas daily:

The yoga complex for pain in the heart ends with the classic “shavasana” asana - lie on the floor, spread your legs, arms, palms directed upwards, your eyes are fixed on the ceiling, breathing is even and deep, eyes are closed. In this relaxed state, you need to stay for 5 to 10 minutes.

Yoga to strengthen the heart and blood vessels can be performed at any age and with any internal diseases. It is important to perform all the exercises correctly and regularly, for which it is worth going short course training with an experienced instructor and only after that do it yourself, constantly complicating the poses.

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Simple breathing exercises for the heart can work wonders. It will help with tachycardia, arrhythmia, aneurysm, to restore and strengthen the walls of blood vessels after surgery. What to do?

  • Options for how to strengthen the heart depend mainly on its condition. They also affect blood vessels and nerves. For example, in old age, exercise will support the heart muscle. After a heart attack, with arrhythmia, folk remedies can be prescribed.
  • The diagnosis of bradycardia and sports may well coexist. However, it is better to check with a cardiologist about whether it is possible to play sports, what exercises are better, whether running is acceptable for adults and children.
  • Quite a long time ago they began to eat pomegranate for the heart, blood vessels. Its benefits are simply enormous, even with little use. It is used to strengthen the walls of blood vessels, to restore heart cells.
  • In some cases, arrhythmia exercise can help control rhythm disturbances. It can be physical exercise, respiratory, nordic walking and running. Complete treatment of arrhythmias without a set of exercises is extremely rare. What complex should be done?

  • Yoga is one of the oldest systems, linking breath, flexibility and concentration into one whole. If for some reason a person is not allowed to play sports vigorously, but he wants to improve the functioning of the cardiovascular system, yoga for the heart comes to the rescue.

    Without training, the heart becomes weaker. The heart muscle is weakened by disease and a sedentary lifestyle. When the heart weakens, various pathologies can develop, as poor blood supply prevents the organs from receiving enough nutrition and oxygen. The condition of the vessels is also very important.

    A person with a weak heart has the following manifestations:

    • From small physical exercise fatigue and palpitations.
    • Climbing stairs or walking fast, there is a lack of oxygen.
    • Overweight appears, blood pressure rises, other organs suffer.

    How does yoga help with heart problems?

    Can you help yourself if your heart is bothering you? Yes, it is possible, thanks to special yoga asanas.

    But you need to start exercising only after consulting a doctor who will indicate the cause of the weakening of the heart muscle. It is important that there are no severe pathologies.

    Yoga classes can strengthen both the heart and the muscles of the body. Special asanas gently and delicately strengthen the heart muscle, blood vessels, rather than traditional sports.

    If a person wants to improve his health, yoga exercises should become systematic. It does not take much effort and time, but the result will be positive.

    Scientific Evidence for Yoga Productivity

    The California Institute of Science conducted special studies that proved that systematic yoga classes will help eliminate the development of diseases of the cardiovascular system. Picking up special exercises, you can lower blood pressure, normalize the pulse, strengthen the heart muscle without resorting to pills. Asanas will come to the rescue even after cardiological operations, they will reduce stress and anxiety. A yoga instructor and author of some yoga projects notes that complex classes excellent effect on all human organs. But to strengthen the cardiovascular system, it is important to use asanas that open the chest. It is these exercises that are presented in the complex proposed below.

    Features in the selection of asanas

    There are many asanas that strengthen the heart muscle, but they must be selected, taking into account the state of health, and how the muscles are developed.

    When selecting exercises, you need to be aware of priorities and limitations. So, in order to lower blood pressure, it is necessary to perform special breathing asanas, meditations to relieve internal anxiety. With excess weight, help yoga complexes working on specific muscle groups. When a person is sick, asanas are selected that affect the problem and have a beneficial effect on the entire body.

    Asanas for the prevention of cardiovascular diseases

    The complex is designed to strengthen the cardiovascular system. For those with heart problems, it is important to consult a doctor before exercising.

    All you need to practice is a mat. Repeat each asana 3-5 times.

    Mountain Pose (Tadasana)


    1. Stand on the edge of the mat, legs apart, feet parallel to each other.
    2. Slightly pushing the soles of the mat, direct your knees forward.
    3. Pull in the pelvis.
    4. Open your chest, pulling your shoulders back and down.
    5. Pull the crown up.

    Garland Pose (Malasana)

    1. Put your feet wider, toes slightly apart.
    2. Combine palms in front of you.
    3. Exhaling, do a full squat, do not move your heels.
    4. Spread your hips to the sides, helping with your hands. Lower the pelvis low, retract the tailbone.
    5. The crown is pulled upward, stretching the vertebral axis.
    6. Stand up on an inhale.

    Extended Lateral Angle (Utthita Parshvakonasana)

    Order of execution:

    1. While in the Malasana pose, place both hands on the surface.
    2. Take the left leg back and align, and turn the foot outward by 45 degrees. Right - bend at the knee so that a right angle is formed.
    3. Place the right hand in front of the right foot.
    4. The shoulder should be in exact projection over the hand. The right arm and lower leg are parallel to the surface.
    5. While inhaling, raise your left hand up, turning the torso. The upper limbs form an even vertical, look up.
    6. With subsequent exhalations, try to lower the pelvis lower, and bring the left arm back further away.
    7. The back muscles are relaxed, open the chest to the maximum.
    8. Exhaling, the left hand descends to the surface. Take a step back with your right foot, and pull your left foot to the left hand.
    9. Do the same in the opposite direction.
    10. After that, pull the right leg to the right hand and sit on the mat, legs bent (feet are on the surface).

    Table pose (Goasana)

    In a sitting position, take upper limbs back and lower to the surface, phalanges forward. Inhaling, push off the surface with your feet and palms. Raise the pelvis, stomach and chest up to the maximum so that the body is parallel to the surface. Look up, tighten the buttocks, direct the navel into the body. After staying in the pose for 10-15 seconds, lower the buttocks to the surface and lie on your back. Align the lower limbs, place the upper ones along the body.

    From the previous position, roll over on your stomach, legs apart, arms along the body. bend lower limbs on your knees, take hold of your hands outer part ankles, connecting the feet. Tighten the buttocks and while inhaling, tear off the lower limbs and chest from the surface. Don't tilt your head, look ahead. As you exhale, releasing your hands, gently lie down on the surface.

    Camel Pose (Ushtrasana)

    Execution sequence:

    1. Sit on your heels, straighten your back and kneel, which are slightly apart.
    2. The fingers of the lower extremities rest on the surface.
    3. With the tension of the gluteal muscles, exhaling, begin to gently bend back.
    4. Alternately place the brushes on the heels. Keep the thighs and upper limbs perpendicular to the surface.
    5. While inhaling, pull the stomach forward, turning the chest and trying to direct it upward.
    6. Look up, stretching the neck muscles.
    7. Exhaling, release your hands, straighten up and sit on your heels.

    Corpse Pose (Shavasana)

    Lie on your back, lower limbs freely spread 30 degrees apart. Close your eyes and 5-10 minutes. feel your own breath, freeing the brain from various thoughts.

    Performing the proposed complex at least three times a week, you will strengthen the cardiovascular system and feel healthier.

    A five-minute video of yogic exercises for healing the heart and blood vessels is also offered.

    Thanks to the variety of asanas, everyone can choose those that he likes best.

    A study by the California Institute of Preventive Medicine found that regular yoga practice can prevent the development of cardiovascular disease. Properly selected yoga asanas can reduce blood pressure without pills, strengthen the heart muscle and normalize the pulse. Yoga helps to recover even after cardiac surgery, reduces stress.

    “Complex practice qualitatively affects all structures of the human body,” says Rauf Asadov, yoga instructor, author of Organic people, Yoga in the Parks and I love yoga community. — But if you purposefully want to strengthen the heart, you should pay attention to yoga asanas that reveal thoracic region. It is them that we have collected in our complex.”

    The poses in this complex are given in such a sequence that you can perform them, smoothly flowing from one to another. However, you can also do asanas in any order. In each of them, linger for four respiratory cycles(inhale-exhale).

    To complete the complex you will need a mat.

    If you have heart problems, please consult your doctor before starting to practice.

    A set of yoga asanas for a healthy heart

    1. Tadasana (mountain pose)

    Stand on the edge of the mat so that it is behind you. Feet hip-width apart, outer edges of the feet parallel to the outer edges of the mat, emphasis on three points - heel, outer edge of the foot, base thumb. Lightly stretch the mat with your feet in different sides, to kneecaps were pointed straight ahead. Pull the tailbone inside the body, tucking the pelvis, open the chest, pulling the shoulders back and down, stretch the top of the head up.

    2. Bend back

    Standing in the position of the foot at the width of the pelvis, bend your knees slightly and, tucking your tailbone even more and raising your arms up and back, bend and open your chest up as much as possible. Return to tadasana.

    3. Malasana (garland pose)

    Stand with your feet about the width of the mat, with your toes slightly apart. Place your palms together in front of your chest and squat as you exhale. Spread your hips to the sides, place your elbows between your knees. Push your hips with your hands in different directions, while lowering your pelvis as low as possible, and stretch your crown up - stretch the line of your back. Tuck the coccyx even more inward into the body.

    * If your feet don't fully rest on the mat, place a block or folded blanket under your heels.

    4. Utthita Parshvakonasana (Elongated Side Angle Pose)

    In Malasana, place both palms on the mat and step back with your left foot. Straighten it and turn the left foot at an angle of 45 degrees. Its outer edge should fit snugly against the rug. Bend your right leg at the knee at a right angle. Place your right palm in front of your right foot and push your right shoulder with your knee from the inside away from you, and with your knee, your shoulder counterbalances inward. The shoulder should be exactly above the palm, right hand and right shin are perpendicular to the floor. As you inhale, turn your body to the left and open your left arm up. Hands should form a straight line. Look up. On each exhalation, try to lower the pelvis lower, and take the left hand further back, relaxing the back muscles and opening the chest as much as possible. As you exhale, lower your left hand to the floor, step your right foot back and step your left foot towards your left palm. Repeat utthita parshvakonasana on the other side. Then step with your right foot to your right palm and sit on the mat on your buttocks, legs bent at the knees, feet on the floor.

    5. Table posture

    From a sitting position, take your hands behind the line of the pelvis and lower your palms to the floor, fingers pointing forward. While inhaling, pushing from the floor with your feet and palms, lift your pelvis, stomach and chest as high as possible until the body is parallel with the floor. Look at the ceiling, point the navel inside the body and tighten gluteal muscles. Coming out of the asana, lower the pelvis onto the mat, lie on your back, straighten your legs, the left hand along the body, and the right hand goes back behind the head. Roll over through your right side and lie on your stomach, prepare for the next pose.

    6. Dhanurasana (bow pose)

    Take a position lying on your stomach: feet wide hip joints, hands along the body. Bend your knees and grab them with outside at the ankles, pressing the big toes to each other. While tensing your gluteal muscles, inhale as you lift your legs and chest off the floor. Look ahead, do not tilt your head back. Exhale as you lower your pelvis, hips, and chest to the floor. Release your grip on your ankles and rest your head on the floor, turning it to either side. Move your pelvis from side to side, relaxing the sacro-lumbar region. To exit the asana, release your ankles and lie on your stomach, push your palms off the floor, exhale lift your body, kneel and sit on your heels.

    7. Ushtrasana (camel pose)

    From a sitting position on your heels, straighten up, knees lie on the floor at the width of the hip joints. Place your toes on the floor. Tightening your gluteal muscles, begin to gently bend back with an exhalation. Alternately place your palms on your heels. The hips and arms should be perpendicular to the floor. As you inhale, stretch your belly forward, opening your chest more and directing it up. Look up, neck muscles are extended. As you exhale, release the grip of your hands, straighten up and sit on your heels.