Qigong: Chinese practice for weight loss. qigong exercises for weight loss chinese exercise for weight loss

Now winter is coming, and in a couple of months we all rush to lose weight in the halls, for training and jogging, which often does not have time or simply tires, makes life more difficult. Because of these stresses, all our attempts to lose weight are in vain. But what if we tell you that you can lose weight easily, simply and for your own pleasure?

What is Jianfei breathing exercises

Let's start with the fact that this combination three exercises(“Wave”, “Frog”, “Lotus”), the main emphasis of which falls on the correct and measured breathing. It affects not only the loss of extra pounds, but also the inner world, since you can achieve results only when you can concentrate on the lesson, cleared of all worries and problems (When we are under the impression of some kind of incident, our breathing becomes superficial, which is vice versa is not a good indicator, since then only twenty percent of the required amount of oxygen enters the body, which in turn slows down the metabolism, which means it contributes to weight gain).

In addition, Chinese breathing exercises reveal the secrets of the long life of people from the East, maintaining their youth and beauty.

Literally, "Jianfei" translates as "lose fat."

This result is achieved due to the fact that the three main exercises relieve us of hunger, take away all fatigue and anxiety, and also stabilize metabolism. Such a balanced complex improves health.


A little secret: you don’t need to buy subscriptions in order to take classes. GYM's because you can do everything at home.

The main benefits of Chinese breathing exercises

Many are strictly forbidden physical activity, or diets. Some "hunger strikes" can cause irreparable harm to your health, or even lead to irreparable consequences. What to say about surgery.

"Jianfei" is good in that it is universal, and moreover, it is mandatory for every person who respects himself and takes care of his health. The question "Why?" Because thanks to the correct transitions from “upper” to “lower” breathing, the entire body is saturated with the maximum level of oxygen, which is the start for the restoration of all damaged organs and tissues.

Also, Chinese breathing exercises provide:

  • improved metabolism;
  • normalization of acid-base balance (pH balance);
  • restoration of tissue gas exchange;
  • strengthening the immune system;
  • surge of strength and inspiration;
  • increase in working capacity;
  • relieve stress and fatigue;
  • improvement of the skin condition (it acquires the effect of freshness and elasticity);
  • disappearance of states of nerves.

An important plus can be called the fact that only comfortable clothes are required for classes.

Contraindications and recommendations for exercise

The main reasons not to do this gymnastics are:

  • the presence of hypertension;
  • back and spine injuries;
  • stones in the gallbladder and kidneys;
  • psychical deviations;
  • oncological diseases and neoplasms (malignant, with benign ones, you need to seek a recommendation from a doctor);
  • diseases of the cardiovascular system;
  • problems with pressure (both arterial and venous).

Children, the elderly and pregnant women should consult a specialist and a doctor so as not to harm their health. It is also worth refraining from classes for those who have recently undergone surgery.

You need to do the exercises smoothly, without sudden movements, or jerks.


If during a workout you feel dizzy, nausea, there was a feeling of sharp discomfort, then it is better to consult a doctor, as this indicates problems in the work of your body.

A set of exercises "Jianfei"

Exercise one: "Wave".

Ensures the disappearance of hunger. The best effect comes if you exercise on an empty stomach (some do the "Wave" instead of eating, just do not abuse it: there may be flushes of fatigue and loss of strength).

To move on to action you need to relax! The best position to perform is lying down, but you can do it in any other position (depending on the circumstances and your preferences).

Lie down on your back, belly up. Bend your knees so that you form a 90 degree angle. We put the first hand on the chest, and the second on the stomach. And we begin to breathe in this way: when inhaling, we open the chest and draw in the stomach, while exhaling, we do the opposite - we draw in the chest, and inflate the stomach. So the chest moves in the direction from top to bottom, and the stomach - from bottom to top, which provides a kind of illusion of waves. At the same time, the palms press either on the chest or on the stomach, thus helping to breathe.

Repeat forty times.

The main motto of the "Wave": "If you're hungry, do it, if you're not hungry, don't do it."
If you feel dizzy, then it is better to slow down the pace a little, or stop doing it altogether.

Exercise two: "Frog".

Mainly regulates the processes of restoration of the central nervous system. In addition, it has a beneficial effect on the processes of blood circulation in the body, which, consequently, increases the freshness and elasticity of the skin. Also, "Frog" can be compared with a kind of massage internal organs which stimulates the metabolic processes.

To perform, we sit on a low chair, about forty centimeters high so that the legs are bent to form an angle of sixty to ninety degrees. The legs themselves are shoulder-width apart. We squeeze the left hand into a fist, and grab it with the palm of the right hand. We put our elbows on our knees, and place our head on a fist. Close your eyes and relax as much as possible. There should be only pleasant thoughts in your head in order to bring all your sides (physical, mental, moral) into a state of calm.

After that, we inhale freely through the nose, and draw air to the abdomen, exhale also at ease through the mouth. You should get such a “run”: exhale, inhale, freeze for three seconds, quickly inhale and exhale again. Breathing during execution is abdominal.

Next, we raise our heads without opening our eyes so as not to start to feel sick. We rub the palms of the hands, after which we massage the head with our fingers. Only after that we open our eyes, stretching, take a breath, and slowly exhale.

The average duration is fifteen minutes.

Exercise three: "Lotus"

Provides relief from fatigue and tension, cures chronic diseases, and accelerates metabolism.

We sit down again on a not very high chair, or on a flat surface (floor, rug, hard mattress, mat) in the “sitting Buddha” position - tucking our legs under us. We put our hands on our feet in front of the stomach so that the palms look up ( right hand cover with the left). We straighten our back, lower our shoulders and a little chin. We close our eyes, and touch the palate near the upper teeth with the tip of the tongue. Relax. The main part of the exercise is divided into three stages.

First stage. Deep, even and natural breathing. This process must be conscious and controlled by you. All thoughts are concentrated on the execution technique. The chest and abdomen rise imperceptibly. Lasts five minutes.

Second phase. Now we exhale unconsciously, we do not regulate the process. And we exhale naturally and quietly, even silently. Also, the execution time is five minutes.

Third stage. Complete relaxation. Here, control of both inhalation and exhalation is lost. We breathe as usual.


Regularity and consistency are the keys to success. Repeat the exercises every day, and you will not notice how five kilograms have gone in a month, and the waist has become an aspen.

Since ancient times, the gymnastics of Chinese Shaolin monks has been known, which, with the help of exercises, brought the body into a combat state, maintained health and lengthened life. Its modern directions are popular, normalize respiratory processes, relieve stress, make it possible to lose weight and improve the spiritual state.

Chinese gymnastics for weight loss

enjoys great popularity Chinese gymnastics for weight loss, which is to perform simple exercises with a special breathing technique. By focusing on breathing and doing classes for 20-40 minutes daily, you can lose up to five kilograms in a month. If you add to gymnastics physical activity then it will be easier to lose weight.

General rules performance of recreational gymnastics:

  • do exercises in the morning if possible;
  • you can’t practice immediately after eating, experience hunger during execution, it’s optimal to start exercises a couple of hours after eating;
  • spend the first classes very slowly, repeating them a small number of times;
  • gradually increase the load, take your time;
  • breathe correctly - deeply, calmly, calm down and relax before starting the lesson;
  • for Chinese classes, loose, comfortable clothing that does not restrict movement is suitable.

Chinese gymnastics for the elderly

Great benefit provides Chinese exercise for the elderly, who with its help receive an influx of strength, get rid of arthrosis, problems with the musculoskeletal system, hernias. Eastern practices of gymnastics help people achieve longevity, get rid of chronic diseases. Ideal for the elderly, the Chinese healing technique of tai chi with smooth exercises is suitable.

Chinese health gymnastics

To improve the condition of the body in physical and mental terms, Chinese health gymnastics. It consists of respiratory and exercise, tones the body, makes it fit, normalizes the functions of internal organs. You can improve your condition by reinforcing the performance of Chinese exercises by giving up meat and following a special diet.

Gymnastics Qigong

The ancient Chinese breathing exercises Qigong aims to strengthen the state of the body. It consists of two points - diet and breathing. As a dietary restriction, it is recommended to give up meat, reduce calories, have dinner four hours before going to bed. Standings and simple movements are considered basic exercises, and breathing techniques are required when performing them. Chinese Qigong is not simple gymnastics, but working with energy, so you should take it seriously and do exercises regularly.

Qigong exercises

Qigong exercises, which are divided into relaxing, sipping, hanging, breathing techniques, help to revive the vitality of a person and slow down aging. Thanks to gymnastics, a person increases the capacity of the lungs from a third to 100%, which improves blood circulation, makes thoughts calm and clear, and fat is burned. Home conditions are ideal to perform a set of Chinese Qigong exercises:

  1. Breath of fire - breathe with the diaphragm in rhythm, keeping the chest still. When inhaling, sharply push your stomach forward, exhaling, pull it back. Keep your head straight so that your spine and neck form a straight line.
  2. Deep breathing belly - gently inhale through your nose, pushing your stomach out, exhale through your mouth, pulling it back in.
  3. Stand up straight, bend your back, attach your chin to the jugular fossa, bend smoothly and slowly. Get up.

Qigong gymnastics for beginners

To master the Chinese technique, do the Qigong exercise for beginners:

  1. Shaking - spread your legs on your shoulders, relax as much as possible, rise on your toes, drop sharply.
  2. Raising the sky - lower your hands, form a right angle with your hands and forearms, point your fingers at each other. Raise your arms forward, inhale, move over your head. Hold, look at the sky, put your hands down, exhale.
  3. Support of the Moon - stand up straight, slowly bend forward, relax your arms. Stand up, raise your arms straight, inhaling, throw them over your head, imagine holding the moon with your fingers. Bend back, move the "Moon", hold your breath for five seconds.

Gymnastics Tai chi

Tai chi, tai chi or tai chi gymnastics - all these are the names of one direction, which translates as a great limit, and refers to a variety of martial arts. His task is considered self-defense, inner peace and finding balance. The latter is important for the elderly, who, due to loss of coordination, can get joint fractures. Learning Chinese techniques helps to normalize balance, increase body flexibility, get rid of osteochondrosis, scoliosis, and avoid relapses.

Gymnastics is characterized by smooth movements, similar to dance. Welded together in her martial arts, medicine, meditation and exercise. It is possible to engage in technique individually or in groups, without age restrictions and contraindications. The Chinese direction involves the use of special music that allows you to achieve a balance of body and spirit.

Slowness and smoothness are distinguished by Chinese Tai Chi exercises, done on a slightly bent legs:

  1. Immersion in Chi - inhale deeply, raise your arms to your shoulder, gently straighten in front of you.
  2. Horse mane - Alternately put your legs and arms in front of you.
  3. Embracing the Moon - mentally imagine that the Moon is above you and grab it with your fingers above your head.

Chinese gymnastics Tai chi for beginners

Chinese Tai Chi gymnastics for beginners will help to teach the correctness and smoothness of movements. You can do it on any non-slip surface in rubberized shoes or socks, on the street - barefoot. Light, non-restricting clothing will do. Beginners are engaged in groups of 10 people under the supervision of a master, doing Chinese lessons:

  1. Waterfall of freshness - standing straight, bend your knees, stretch out your arms, tilt your head slightly forward. Slowly tilt your shoulders forward, stretch your body. Make sure that the muscles are not tense. Slowly return back.
  2. Circles on the water - put one hand on the waist, put the other on the press. Gently turn the pelvis clockwise, twist it around.

Wushu gymnastics belongs to the martial arts, but it is also suitable for healing. Chinese technique develops endurance, breathing, strength, normalizes the work of the heart and blood vessels. By increasing the flexibility of muscles, a person prolongs life, normalizes the emotional state. Basic gymnastics exercises:

  1. Sparrow - spread your legs on your shoulders, bend your knees slightly, bend down, put your hands on your hips. Raise your head, turn your shoulders, look straight ahead. Jump slightly forward as a bird does. It is better to land on the front of the foot, but not on the heel.
  2. Panda - sitting on the floor, bend your knees, pull up to your chest, grab with your hands. Keeping your feet straight, round your back, let your chin rest on your chest, and slowly lean back. Breathe in, breathe out.
  3. Fox - kneel, stretch out your socks, put the outer sides of your feet on the floor. Rest your hands on the floor, arch your lower back, lift your pelvis, chin up. Gently lower yourself onto your forearms, step over with your hands, imitating the movements of a fox moving under a fence.

Wushu gymnastics for beginners

In the morning or evening, it is recommended to do Chinese Wushu exercises for beginners, having cleansed the intestines in front of them. Beginners need to pick up loose clothes, perform exercises facing north, adhere to the principle of a gradual increase in loads. The first exercises of gymnastics will be the development of racks, then you can begin to perform the basic techniques. Basic lessons for warming up before wushu:

  1. Mabu - Spread your legs over your shoulders, sit down so that your thighs become parallel to the floor. Straighten your back, spread your knees to the sides.
  2. Gongbu - take a wide lunge forward, put your feet on the same line.
  3. Shuibu - spread your feet wide, sit down on one leg, transfer the weight of the body to this side.

Gymnastics Taijiquan

Tai chi chuan or Taijiquan gymnastics refers to a Chinese healing and healing technique that works with the psyche through body movements. It differs from yoga in a system of balanced movements, carefully calibrated for execution, which allows the yin energy to stabilize, to establish an optimal balance of exchange. Scientists have proven that when doing exercises, a person manages to improve his mental state, get rid of stress.

Taijiquan exercises

Here are some lessons and exercises of Taijiquan that help to gain strength and spirit, improve health and get muscle tone:

  1. Slowly rotate the body to the sides, parallelly wrapping your arms behind your back. The movement should resemble the work of a mower.
  2. Alternately lift half-bent relaxed legs with a parallel raise of the same arms.
  3. At the same time, stretch your arms out to the sides, up and back, rotating your torso, straightening and stretching your legs.

Jianfei breathing exercises

The secret of health, harmony, beauty and long life lies in jianfei breathing exercises for weight loss, which includes three basic exercises:

  1. Wave - lying on your back, bend your knees, place your feet straight. Fold the palm on the chest, the second - on the stomach. Inhale deeply slowly, pulling in the stomach, lifting the chest. Exhale by drawing in your chest and puffing out your belly. Repeat 40 cycles.
  2. Frog - sitting on a chair, put your feet on your shoulders, rest your elbows on your knees, grab your left fist (for men - right) with another brush. Rest your forehead on your fist, close your eyes, completely fill your stomach with oxygen. Inhale, exhale through the nose and mouth, alternating cycles. Repeat for 15 minutes.
  3. Lotus - sitting on a chair or in the Buddha pose, arrange your legs in front of your stomach, fold your hands on them with palms up (left over right for women and vice versa for men). Straighten your lower back, lower your shoulders, chin, close your eyes. For five minutes, breathe evenly, deeply, for a long time, following the minimum rise of the chest and abdomen. Breathe naturally for the next five minutes, and remain still for 10 minutes without focusing on the process.

Chinese health gymnastics Qigong - video lessons

The videos below will help you master the Chinese technique of gymnastics. From them you will learn how to properly perform qigong exercises for the spine, breathing exercises for beginners, and features of the recovery technique for women. Classes have differences in type and type of conduct - video morning exercises Qigong differs from evening qigong in its focus on awakening.

Qigong exercises for the spine

Breathing exercises Qigong for beginners

qigong for women

Morning qigong

An increasing number of people are looking for ways to lose weight without much physical and mental cost. But this article is not about all kinds of dietary supplements and weight loss belts. It will be about Chinese breathing exercises called Jianfei, which in Russian means "lose fat." And although you don’t have to pull heavy weights in the gym, you special exercises it will be necessary in any case, but at the same time, we will use not muscles, but lungs.

How to do exercises?

The idea that proper breathing can initiate and normalize metabolic processes in the body is not new and has scientific confirmation.

Why do athletes learn to breathe correctly in training in the first place? Because respiratory system takes an active part in the burning of fat cells, supplying the organs and tissues with the oxygen they need so much.

Thus, by performing a special set of exercises of Chinese Jianfei breathing exercises for weight loss, consisting of only 3 sessions, you can lose weight and more. It has been proven that such training promotes lightness, vivacity, provides an influx of vitality, and also increases immune protection.

At first, you will have to work a little and master the technique of doing breathing exercises at home, but later you can interrupt for such a useful five-minute at work, leisure, and other places where you find it convenient. Only three classes will help you return your former harmony - "Wave", "Frog" and "Lotus".


When performing this exercise of Chinese breathing exercises Jianfei for weight loss, you must lie on the floor. When you master it enough, it will be possible to practice in a sitting position, standing up and even on the go. "Wave" can be just a salvation in fasting days or evening hours, when hunger is simply unbearable, but you made a vow to hold on and not gorge yourself at night.

This activity eliminates dizziness and weakness and relieves hunger, allowing you to fall asleep.

  • To perform this Chinese gymnastics workout for weight loss, you must take
    horizontal position, bend your legs at the knees, placing your feet on the floor;
  • Place the palm of one limb in the navel, and put the other on the chest. On inhalation, draw in the stomach and round the chest, on the exhale, repeat in a mirror image, that is, round the stomach and draw in the chest;
  • Thus, in the process of your breathing, a wave will be created when the chest and stomach will rise and fall alternately. On initial stage do 40 repetitions of the whole cycle, gradually bringing this figure to 60.


Chinese gymnastics for weight loss in the abdomen, as it is also called Jianfei, includes the Frog exercise, which engages the internal organs, providing them with a massage, stimulates blood circulation and metabolism, improves skin color and gives vigor to the whole body.

  • This exercise prescribes in a special manner to fold the palms: the representatives of the weaker sex need to clench the left hand into a fist and cover it with the right palm, men vice versa. Take a comfortable sitting position, placing your feet on the floor shoulder-width apart, while the thigh should be parallel to the floor;
  • Rest your elbows on your knees, and rest your forehead on your hands folded in a special way. Close your eyes, relax your body and slowly inhale through your nose to gradually fill your lungs with air, while at the same time inflating your stomach;
  • Holding your breath for a couple of seconds, take another short breath and start releasing air just as slowly, but through your mouth.

This exercise for losing weight in the abdomen should be performed 3 times during the entire time of wakefulness, devoting a quarter of an hour to this. However, persons with internal bleeding, including menstruation, as well as those who are recovering from surgery, it is better to refuse to perform it.


Together with these breathing exercises, a training called "Lotus" is also performed.

If you know how to take this position correctly, take it, if not, then just sit on the floor with your legs crossed in front of you. In this case, for women, the left leg should be on top, and for men, vice versa. Hands with palms facing up, place on the hips or put one into the other. At the same time, women again give priority to the left, and men to the right. Lower your chin down, close your eyes.

This activity involves meditation, so you can imagine that you are near a clean deep lake, around which there is a lot of vegetation - trees and grass. Actually, you are this very lake, and your task is to calm the restless waters, reduce excitement, calm the “wind” that shakes the trees and flowers around you.

Think of something pleasant, how butterflies and dragonflies flutter over you lightly and weightlessly, how the warm rays of the sun warm you. Do not control your breathing - breathe naturally and calmly, but at the same time try to make the exhalation long and silent. Exercise for 15 minutes three times during the entire time of wakefulness, especially during strict diets.

The final stage of training

There are many Chinese and Japanese practices aimed at combating extra pounds. So Chinese gymnastics for weight loss with a towel has a lot of fans, because it does not require special devices and clothes. There is also no need to go to the gym: you can work out at home for your own pleasure. Actually, Chinese gymnastics for weight loss with the help of a roller is nothing more than a kind of stretching, which is customary to end any workout.

Therefore, after completing all three exercises of the previous complex, final stage do such a stretch and your contribution to the cause of reducing your own weight will increase.

  • Roll a towel or thin blanket into a roll and lie on the floor so that it is exactly under
  • Stretch your arms above your head, palms down, touching each other with your little fingers;
  • Also try to stretch your legs as much as possible, touching each other's feet with your thumbs;
  • Lie in this position for 5 minutes. When stretching with a towel, it is allowed to place it under the chest or in the area where the ribs begin.

By exercising regularly, you can lose up to 10 kg per month excess weight, but nutritionists recommend combining exercise with a rational and balanced diet. Good luck!

Happy owners beautiful figures differ not only in healthy habits, but also in a certain way of thinking. Rejuvenate your body, achieve the coveted harmony and spiritual harmony Chinese technique - qigong.

REFERENCE Qigong is an ancient Chinese teaching that includes a set of psychophysical exercises, breathing exercises, some types of martial arts, spiritual practices, acupressure, a characteristic theory of nutrition, etc. The task of the system is to attract vital energy(Qi) and managing it to rebuild all levels of the body, create a positive environment in it, gain inner harmony and self-improvement.

Among the many forms of qigong, there is a separate trend, the purpose of which is the fight against excess weight.

Qigong for weight loss is aimed at:

warming up muscles and their development;

the formation of deep, full breathing;

energy activation gastrointestinal tract, nervous activity;

acceleration of blood circulation, metabolism;

decreased appetite, cravings for junk food;

weight loss, fat burning;

improved flexibility, strength of bones and joints;

prevention of stress, rapid fatigue;

strengthening the protective properties of the body, restoring the work of all its systems.

Qigong gymnastics for weight loss is based on the following rules:

  • gradual development of muscles (starting from the head, ending with the feet);
  • uniform intensity of the load on all parts of the body ( Special attention given hip joint and spine)
  • control over ;
  • positive orientation of thoughts, relaxation, concentration;
  • lack of haste, naturalness of the positions taken;
  • prevention of pain during exercise.

Qigong for beginners provides for the development of 3 basic exercises:

1. "Frog" ("Frog's Breath"). Sit on a chair, feet shoulder-width apart, feet pressed to the floor, elbows on knees, clench one hand into a fist, grab it with the other, tilt your head, lean your forehead on your fist, close your eyes, relax your whole body. Take a deep breath, filling the stomach as much as possible, exhale slowly, hold the breath, a new cycle. After the end of the exercise, you should remain in the same position for some time to avoid dizziness or nausea.

2. "Wave" ("The Frog Raising Waves"). Lie on your back, bend your knees, put one hand on your stomach, the other on your chest. On inhalation, the stomach is tightened, on exhalation it inflates with simultaneous retraction chest to keep her still.

3. "Lotus" ("Lotus Bud"). Sit straight, cross-legged, straighten your back. Close the palms of two hands (one on top of the other, with a boat), place them on the stomach, close your eyes, retract your chin, stretch your neck, relax your forehead, lower your head slightly. Alternate even, deep breaths and exhalations for 5 minutes.

According to those who have lost weight, qigong exercises, if performed regularly and given to them for at least 40 minutes a day, provide a smooth but stable weight loss - an average of 2–3 kg per week and up to 8–12 kg per month.


saliva absorption
This exercise is very useful to perform in the morning immediately after waking up, on an empty stomach, you can even lie in bed.

First, massage your gums with your tongue and lightly tap your teeth. Then swallow the accumulated saliva in several sips so that it goes into the stomach. At the same time, you should mentally imagine that you are absorbing a healing balm that will help to establish the digestive system and get rid of excess weight.

belly massage
Rub the stomach with smooth circular movements of the palms superimposed on each other. Perform the exercise clockwise. After circular motions gently tap on the surface of the abdomen with the knuckles clenched into fists.

Breathing for weight loss
Place your palms over each other on the lower abdomen and perform the following breathing exercise. On inhalation, draw in the stomach, on the issue, protrude. It is useful to perform this exercise in the so-called low stance, placing your legs with slightly bent knees at a distance of about 1 m from each other.

Hip movement
Place your palms on the solar plexus area and swing your hips back and forth. Then with hands on solar plexus you need to rotate your hips clockwise and against it.

Energy in the solar plexus
Try to mentally fill your palms with the energy of the earth and place them in the area of ​​the upper abdomen, one under the other, and tilt the body down, slightly pressing on the stomach with each tilt.

Hip movement while seated
These movements are performed while sitting on the floor or in a chair. You must first rotate your hips in a circle, and then swing your hips back and forth, from side to side.

Massage for digestion
With the pads of three fingers (index, middle and ring fingers), rub the point on the top of the head clockwise. Then rub the index fingers and little fingers from the bases to the tips of the fingers. At the end, massage the legs from the ankles to the toes.

Related videos


Perform each exercise from 3 to 7 times, and more, it all depends on how you feel. During the exercises, try to focus your attention on the abdomen. Breathing should be natural.

Breathing exercises is a complex breathing exercises aimed at the prevention and treatment of various diseases. It will help to fully utilize the entire volume of the lungs, teach you to control the depth and frequency of breathing, and help you lose extra pounds.

Breathing in most people is superficial - it does not use the entire volume of the lungs, so a person does not receive oxygen in full (the lungs can hold 2-3 liters of air, but usually a person inhales 400-500 ml). Depending on the intensity and severity of the loads, breathing deepens and quickens.

The benefits of breathing exercises

Thanks to correct breathing more oxygen will enter the body, which, interacting with fat cells, oxidizes them, thereby helping to burn excess faster. This burns more calories than normal exercise.

Benefits of proper breathing:

  • calms the central nervous system;
  • stimulates the performance of the heart muscle;
  • activates blood circulation;
  • improves the work of cerebral vessels;
  • improves intestinal motility;
  • reduces fatigue;
  • promotes rapid burning fat;
  • normalizes metabolism;
  • improves the quality of sleep;
  • gives a charge of vivacity and excellent mood;
  • helps to free the body from toxins and metabolic products;
  • tightens weakened muscles.

What you need before starting training

To master breathing exercises, you do not need a special physical training It can be done by a person of any gender and age.

Basic principles:

  • you need to do it with desire;
  • it is necessary to concentrate as much as possible;
  • before training, ventilate the room well;
  • it is highly desirable to breathe only through the nose;
  • exercise in clothes that do not impede breathing;
  • perform exercises without effort and stress;
  • After each exercise, be sure to rest.

Before starting classes, you should seek the advice of a doctor. It is forbidden to do breathing exercises after operations and certain diseases (brain pathology, high pressure, serious diseases of the musculoskeletal system, during pregnancy, etc.) If there are no contraindications, then you can start gymnastics.

It is necessary to comprehend the basics of breathing exercises gradually in order to prevent the appearance of dizziness and other unpleasant symptoms.

It is desirable to engage in solitude, so that no one interferes with concentrating on the exercises. They are best done daily for 20-30 minutes. You need to start with those exercises that do not cause difficulties.

It is necessary to learn how to breathe with the diaphragm, this breathing will provide the maximum supply of oxygen to the body. It involves the muscles of the press, chest, shoulders, neck. This will strengthen them and improve posture.

Execution technique

To achieve optimal results when losing weight, you need to breathe in such a way that required amount oxygen was supplied to problem areas of the body with the largest fat accumulations.

The Jianfei respiratory gymnastics complex, consisting of 3 exercises, will easily cope with this problem. Regular classes using this technique will help to lose excess body weight and improve overall well-being.


Performed in the supine position, legs straight. The left palm is located on the chest, the right on the stomach.

At correct execution inhalation, the chest should straighten out, and the stomach should be drawn in, while exhaling - vice versa. In case of unpleasant symptoms, slow down breathing and stop performing. Do up to 35 times.


The exercise is done while sitting, put your legs straight, feet parallel to each other. Close your eyes, clench your left hand into a fist and clasp it with your right palm - for women, for men - change hands. Place your elbows on your knees, rest your forehead on folded hands. Close your eyes and relax, inhale through your nose, filling your stomach with air. Do not breathe for a couple of seconds, then take another short breath. Slowly exhale air through the mouth until the abdomen is completely relaxed. It is recommended to do 15 minutes several times a day.


A classic meditation posture that helps to normalize the functioning of internal organs and reduce irritability. 5 minutes it is necessary to keep breathing smooth and silent. The chest and abdomen remain motionless. For another 5 minutes, keep breathing normally, but exhale as deeply as possible without sound. Perform without stress. At the end of the exercise for 10 minutes, concentrate only on breathing. Duration 20 minutes or more.

Any complex of this exercise is not only an effective method in the fight against excess body weight, but also helps to strengthen and heal a weakened body.