How to train yourself to walk with a straight back. How to keep your back always straight: tips

beautiful figure? In general, this is true, but there is something without which all of the above is unlikely to help you attract the admiring glances of others - correct posture and a straight back. Without it, you will look a little angular, even if otherwise you are the real perfection! Do you have the correct posture? How to get the right posture and not do without it a day?

How to acquire the correct and graceful posture?

Correct posture in combination with a graceful gait always distinguishes any woman from the crowd. Most of us slouch under the weight of problems, and rarely remember that you need to keep your back straight, pulling in a treacherously sagging tummy.

Violation of posture is not only a visually ugly back, but also harmful to your health. Pain between the shoulder blades, in the neck and lower back is a pattern of constant stoop. Therefore, it is time to straighten your shoulders and learn to keep the correct posture in all situations.

How posture is formed

Correct posture is supported by many muscles - from the neck to the muscles on the legs. If you straighten your shoulders now, straighten up and sit like this for several minutes, you will feel the muscles in your neck, along your spine and even in your lower back ache, and your body will want to return to its usual position again. Why is it so hard to keep your back straight?

In violation of posture are guilty:

Special design of the spine,
action of gravity,
undertrained muscles in the area cervical, zones abdominals and broad muscles in the back,
heavy head relative to the body.

If the structure of the spine were a monolithic structure, there would be no problems with posture in principle - the head would take an even position, the shoulders would be straightened, but we would not be able to walk normally. Due to the flexible design, the spine springs when walking, we can lean forward and to the sides, turn the body.

But if the back muscles are not trained, the spine begins to bend more than necessary - the back stoops, the stomach protrudes, the chest sags, the shoulders go forward. So much for bad posture and back pain!

How to check your posture

If you're not sure if your posture is correct, it's easy enough to check. Lean back against the wall. With proper posture, the body should touch the wall:

back of the head,
shoulder blades

Otherwise, your posture is broken and needs to be corrected. Straighten your shoulders, try to touch all these points to the wall, and feel your muscles with your problem areas in posture. Now take a step away from the wall, walk around the apartment and remember the position of the body. Believe me, at first you will not be able to walk for so long without constantly controlling yourself, the muscles will treacherously pull you into their usual position.

How to correct posture?

train your muscles

There are various sets of exercises for correcting posture, they are aimed at strengthening the cervical, dorsal (especially paravertebral) muscles and the abdominal area. This will help reduce the risk of posture disorders or correct existing disorders.

correct your posture

Second reason bad posture is the force of habit. Even with a well-trained back and neck, you take a comfortable and familiar position. It is necessary to systematically form new habits - to walk with a straight back, straightened shoulders. And believe me - any breast with beautiful posture looks very impressive!

Get and wear a posture corrector. Due to its design and dense dorsal part, it simply does not allow the back to bend, while pulling the shoulders back.

At first, wearing a posture corrector is difficult - the muscles ache, the back is uncomfortable, the straps interfere and put pressure on the shoulders. But as you get used to the corrector, your muscles are fixed in the correct position. Gradually, you can abandon the corrector - the body is already accustomed to maintaining posture.

How to develop a beautiful walk

carry the weight on your head

"Grandma's" method - carrying a book on your head: without maintaining an even posture and straightening your shoulders, it is impossible to hold a book. If you also want to have fun, replace the book with a plate of water, you need to hold it in the same way, placed on your head and fully straightening your back and straightening your shoulders. You can balance with your hands.

walk like a supermodel or an acrobat

Imagine yourself as a supermodel walking down the catwalk, they don't hunch over or stick out their belly, they walk absolutely straight, proudly raising their heads, gait from the hip. You can imagine that you are walking along a tightrope, and under it there is an abyss - it is not easy for a stooped person to walk along it without losing balance. In addition, such an exercise teaches a woman to walk in small steps, gracefully and gracefully.

pull in your belly

In order not to forget to draw in the stomach, imagine yourself squeezed from the back and stomach by shelves or bags.

watch your head position

Always keep your head up. But you don’t need to lift your chin high: the guideline for the correct position of the head is the location of the earlobes directly above the straightened shoulders.

don't carry weights

Forget about carrying heavy bags, they pull your shoulders forward and upset your balance, and carrying heavy things in itself adversely affects the condition of the back. A woman is supposed to carry no more than 2-3 kg of weight in each hand.

All these simple rules will allow you to look more beautiful, acquire a beautiful and correct posture and always feel at your best.

Imagine a ballerina, or a military man, the imagination draws first of all a person with a straight back, head held high, majestic gait. For all this, you need to say “thank you” to even posture. Of course, in the considered examples, the chosen profession leaves an imprint on the appearance of a person, but people who are far from dancing and military affairs also want to look and behave like a king. In order to achieve this, let's look at how to learn to keep your posture.

First, let's define what correct posture is. This is a position of the body in which a person keeps his head and back straight, while not experiencing discomfort, and feels at ease.
What does a person with an even, correct posture look like:

  • the head is raised, the chin is pushed forward;
  • the chin and neck form a right angle;
  • shoulders laid back, they are on the same level, symmetrical;
  • the chest protrudes slightly forward;
  • the stomach is drawn in.

In a person with this position of the back, the movements are smooth and relaxed, the gait is even. Under all these conditions, this position of the back is familiar and unconstrained.
This posture carries not only external beauty, but also directly affects general state human health. There are no problems with the spine, breathing and even digestion.

Posture as a sign of mental health

Posture can be judged psychological state person. So, if everything is fine with the psyche and mood, such a state is expressed directly in the posture itself: the head is raised high, the shoulders are straightened. Looking at such a person, one gets the feeling of his inspiration.
But when stress, fatigue and illness roll in, then a person involuntarily takes a defensive position - the back bends, the head retracts, a stoop appears, i.e. it seems as if a heavy burden has been hung on a person.

How to learn to keep your posture

To become the owner of a flat and straight back, you need to adhere to the following rules to maintain your posture:

  1. Control over the “straightness” of the back. At home, at work, while driving in a car, on a walk, in other words, always and everywhere watch the position of your back.
  2. For proper fit choose a hard chair, preferably with an anatomically correct back. The best option would be a special orthopedic chair, do not be afraid of the name, such a chair is suitable for everyone, including children.
  3. Pay no small attention to the mattress and pillow. The mattress should be of medium firmness, preferably orthopedic. Pillow - dense, low, which will provide correct position neck while sleeping.
  4. Along with the muscles of the back, the abdominal muscles support posture, therefore, in order to straighten the back, you need to keep the press in tension. A wide belt, trousers, or a high-waisted skirt can help with this, they will help maintain the abdominal muscles in the desired state.

In order not to forget about the need to follow the rules of good posture, you can make game elements and associations:

  • When walking, look not only at your feet, but a little higher, for example, at shop windows or windows, so that the chin and neck form a right angle.
  • In order for the brain to know how to maintain the correct posture and give commands to the muscles accordingly, a simple procedure must be carried out. Lean back against the wall, the touch should be at the following points: the back of the head, buttocks, shoulder blades and calves. At this moment, feel this position with your body - it is the most correct and natural. After a while, try to reproduce this position. In order to no longer slouch and strengthen in memory this position of the body, you can imagine that a board was taped to your back with tape, imagine how it will look from the outside. Try every time you feel that you are slouching to imagine this picture from memory - this will allow you to teach yourself to keep a healthy and beautiful posture in a relaxed manner with a bit of self-humour.
  • When writing, working at a computer or watching your favorite TV show, to maintain proper posture, learn to perform simple exercises: imagine that you have an expensive and rare Chinese vase on your head and you can’t drop it. Thus, the brain will instruct the muscles to maintain balance, thus achieving the correct position of the upper part of the spine.
  • Look at yourself in the mirror more often. no longer exists effective way straighten up how to see yourself hunched and stooped. A mirror on a psychological level will make it possible to straighten your back and immediately see the result.
  • To maintain the correct posture when working at a computer, you need to raise the monitor higher, and the chair, respectively, lower.
  • Keep your abdominal muscles in good shape - they are excellent back stabilizers.
  • Train your muscles in the workplace and at home in a chair. To do this, you need to sit on the edge of the chair, so as not to fall, you will have to maintain balance and balance, the spine straightens like an arrow during such training. In order to complicate the task, you can tuck one leg under the chair, and pull the other forward.

Great exercise to straighten your back

The value of this exercise is that it does not require high physical training and special trainers. It will be possible to notice the result in half a month, subject to regularity in implementation.
For this exercise, you need to allocate 15 minutes a day. At the beginning this exercise it may not work due to the unpreparedness of the muscles, but this should not stop, after a while the muscles will get used to the load.
For convenience, we will divide the exercise into 4 stages:

  1. It is necessary to stand with your back to the wall so that the body touches in the areas of the back of the head, shoulder blades of the buttocks and heels. Look straight ahead. Imagine that a rope is tied to the top of your head that pulls you up, while trying not to change the position of your nose and chin relative to the floor. The effect of stretching the spine should appear
  2. Pull the shoulder blades to each other and lower slightly. Do it smoothly and without undue stress.
  3. Next, you need to fix the lumbar sacral, to do this, pull the stomach in the direction under the ribs, strain gluteal muscles- the pelvis should eventually move forward a little.
  4. Imagine that a plumb line comes from the navel, take such a position that it touches the front third of the foot.

In this position, you must stand for 15 minutes every day. Showing discipline and diligence in the exercise - the correct posture will not keep you waiting long.

Ways to keep your back straight for women

Here are some rules for keeping a straight back:

  • use of a corset;
  • dancing, swimming or gymnastics;
  • a new direction of fitness - Pilates, which has become popular for reasons of its safety, the ability to perform exercises with any level of physical fitness. Exercises focus on technique correct breathing and understanding which muscle group the load is directed to.

A beautiful posture, a straight back, a confident gait are the best decoration of every person. After all, no matter how richly or fashionably he is dressed, stoop and drooping shoulders will spoil the whole impression. And besides, slouching negatively affects the spine itself, internal organs. Over time, this threatens with back pain and disease. That is why the formation of correct posture is the key to health for each of us. The foundations of this process are laid in childhood. However, often the habit of slouching passes into adulthood or appears already in adulthood. If you notice that you often stoop or someone made a remark to you about this - it's time to change the situation!

The site will talk about seven steps to a healthy posture.

Step One: Correct Spine Position

Our spine best tolerates static and dynamic loads in a neutral position for it. What does it mean? You should not only slouch, but also arch your back too much. In this case, there will be an uneven distribution of the load on the vertebral discs and its departments, which threatens, at least, with pain.

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Practice a neutral position by standing against a wall. At the same time, the heels, buttocks, shoulder blades and the back of the head should touch it. And you can relax your spine by lying on the floor - stretch your arms and legs, keep your head straight. It is so useful to lie down after work - both sedentary and associated with physical exertion.

Step two: sit properly at the computer

For many of us, work is connected with a computer - and we spend at least 8 hours in a sitting position. And if this is not so, then we are sitting at a home laptop or PC. But you need to work for them correctly, observing some rules.
First of all, the laptop or PC screen should be slightly below eye level - but not too low. That is, in order to comfortably perceive information on the screen, you do not need to lower your neck, pull it into your shoulders, hunch over. The computer chair should have a natural deflection in the lumbar region - it will support the spine. Feet should be on the floor, knees bent at 90 degrees. This position will avoid slouching and pain from a long sitting position.

Step Three: Move More

Posture problems also arise due to a sedentary lifestyle. In this case, the back muscles do not receive the necessary load, as a result of which they weaken and cease to properly support the skeleton.
Therefore, every 20 minutes of work, take a break for 5 minutes, which you spend on a little warm-up. Also try to walk more - both on weekdays and on weekends.
The human body is designed to move - and if it is deprived of this activity, all body systems suffer. No wonder hypodynamia is called one of the main hidden deadly threats.

Step Four: Strengthen Your Core Muscles

We have already mentioned above that a sedentary lifestyle negatively affects the state of the muscles. Poor posture is the result of weak back muscles that are simply unable to maintain a level position. Therefore, they need to be strengthened, and this is possible only with the help of sports.

What is better to choose to strengthen the muscular corset of the back? Ballroom dancing is ideal for this purpose. Surely you remember how regal the posture of professional dancers looks. But in order to improve posture, get rid of stoop, it is not necessary to dance for many years. Sign up for the section - and the dance will help you not only gain health, but also give you a lot of positive emotions.

You can also strengthen the corset of the back by doing gym. Exercises for the muscles of the back and lower back will help align your posture, strengthen the correct position of the body.

Step Five: No to Too High Heels

Women often sin by wearing high heels every day - to work, walking, dating or shopping. Of course, heels make the walk more feminine, visually lengthen the legs. However, they literally cripple the body if they are abused.

Remember that high heels and stilettos are shoes for a solemn, one-time exit. You don't have to wear them every day. And if you don’t like flat shoes, then for an everyday trip to work it’s better to choose a heel no more than 5 cm. A small heel will be good for the legs.

We all dream of a royal posture. But today, there are fewer and fewer women who walk proudly and with dignity. If we put aside the congenital curvature and various injuries, then all other causes of poor posture can be eliminated. Wrong working posture, bad developed muscles backs and even uncomfortable clothing can ruin your posture. Follow these rules so that you have perfect posture and avoid spinal problems.

Rule #1: Always keep your back

Whatever you do, your back should be straight: whether you are standing, sitting or talking on the phone. To take the correct position, stand for a couple of minutes standing, pressing against the wall with the back of your head, calves, buttocks and the entire plane of the shoulder blades.

Rule number 2. An imaginary stretched thread from the coccyx to the back of the head

For a beautiful posture, not only strong muscles are important, but also internal control. Therefore, always imagine that a strong thread is stretched from the back of the head to the coccyx.

Rule number 3. Turn your shoulders and lower your shoulder blades

Turn your shoulders, try to lower your head and look at the floor - you will not succeed, because correct posture obliges you to walk with your head held high.

Rule number 4. Control the bend in the lower back

When sitting, try to follow rule number 1. Try to get up from your normal sitting position without changing the position of your back, and look in the mirror. If you see a hunched old woman in the reflection, then you urgently need to do self-control and keep your back straight to avoid clamping in the lower vertebrae.

Rule #5

A light gait contributes to a beautiful posture. Walk like models - moving your feet in one line. But you don't have to twist your hips.

Rule #6

Try practicing the vacuum exercise. Do it in the morning on an empty stomach.

Rule #7

Perfect posture: doing exercises

Hanging in the doorway will help strengthen the muscles of the back and neck and correct posture. Put your feet on the line with the jamb of the doors, the heels can be torn off the floor, the main focus is on the shoulder blades. Keeping your hands on either side of the door frame, bend forward and hover for 30 seconds. It is important that you feel the spring return. After the exercise, stretch the muscles of the arms.

Lying back extension: lie on your stomach, arms along the body. Raise your head by arching your back.

plank- an exercise that helps out in many cases: look forward, back and legs form one line.

Roller exercise- Lying on your back, place a towel roll under your lower back. Connect the big toes and little fingers on the hands. In this position, you need to lie down for 5 minutes, gradually increasing the time to 10 minutes.

Rule #8

Don't be shy and don't hide your eyes from people. Always walk with your head up.

Rule #9

When walking, transfer the load from the heel to the part of the foot closer to the toe. You will see how soft your walk becomes.

Rule #10

Self-respect and self-esteem, coming from within, will help you always feel like a queen. So - and your gait will be royal.

To learn how to learn to keep your posture correctly, you should consider the causes of the formation of a pathological curvature of the back. Weakness and asymmetry of the muscular corset, curvature of the spine, metabolic disorders are the most common factors leading to spinal deformity.

According to official statistics, about 95% of people have some degree of curvature of the spinal column. At the same time, vertebral changes occur not only under the influence of strong physical exertion or carrying weights, but also due to a sedentary lifestyle. In modern conditions, learning to keep your posture is very important to prevent violations in the functionality of internal organs.

Causes of posture disorders

Poor posture in children is a major factor in serious problems in the future. If they are with early years do not keep their back straight, over the years, one can expect scoliosis (lateral curvature of the spine), spondylosis (formation of bone adhesions between the vertebrae), osteochondrosis (reduction in the height of the discs).

The main causes of curvature of the back in children:

  • Wrong landing at a school desk, computer;
  • Carrying heavy backpacks on one shoulder;
  • Sedentary lifestyle;
  • Metabolic disorders (lack of vitamin D).

It should be noted that the natural purpose of man is to stay in the natural environment. All body systems are prepared for this. In conditions modern look the muscular aponeurosis of the trunk and the spinal column are "used" by a person to carry loads and lift weights, although according to internal instincts it should be "used" for movement.

What conditions are unnatural for the spinal column:

  1. Prolonged flexion and extension;
  2. Long stay in an upright position;
  3. Unnatural hunched posture;
  4. Excessive tension (when carrying weights);
  5. Displacement of the center of gravity of the body (for example, when walking in high heels);
  6. Excessive compression pressure (with obesity).

Any of the above factors leads to asynchronous development of skeletal muscles, in which the position of the body is shifted towards the maximum number of contracted muscle groups.

If this condition persists for a long time, there is a curvature of the spinal column and compression of the segments. To the pathological factor affecting the spinal column, one should add overweight, walking in high heels and other "achievements" of modern civilization.

The result of the pathology is natural - a crooked back, chronic diseases and atrophy of skeletal muscles at an early age.

Answering the question of how to learn to keep the posture of girls and men correctly, one should take into account not only the influence of pathological factors, but also the individual characteristics of a person (the nature of metabolism, diet, rest and work regimen).

With age muscle loses functionality, muscles become flabby, gradually "dry out". Without therapeutic gymnastics and daily exercises, it is difficult to learn how to keep your posture correctly after 50 years, since the body is not adapted to intense stress in this age period.

To develop the right approaches to the development of the spine, you should consider some important tips from specialists:

  • Constantly monitor the condition of the back and keep it straight (at home, at work, while standing and moving). Over time, correct posture will become the norm for you, and will be automatically maintained by the body;
  • Walk frequently to improve blood circulation in the spine and prevent muscle spasms;
  • Do not wear shoes with a heel of more than 4 cm. They break the stability and shift the center of gravity of the torso from lower extremities on the spine;
  • Sleep on a semi-hard mattress. For children, it is better to choose a rigid model. Sagging beds and featherbeds make it difficult to keep your posture and lead to excessive muscle relaxation, “sagging” of the spine;
  • Place soft toys and cushions under your lower back and head. Sleep more on your right side;
  • When sitting at a desk, keep your back upright and choose a chair with a hard seat. Use armrests to prevent shifting of the shoulder girdle;
  • In a sitting position, the person's legs should be at a right angle. They should not hang freely or "cling" to the legs. Do not stack one leg on top of the other - this position displaces the pelvic structures;
  • When working at a computer, you should develop correct posture and do not strain the muscular corset of the back;

  • Do not sit or stand in one position for more than 30 minutes. When you feel that your back is tired and numb, perform several tilts to the sides;
  • To relax tense back muscles, bend to the sides. If possible, it is advisable to swim breaststroke several times a week;
  • Do not lift objects weighing more than 5 kg. When carrying heavy bags, the weight should be evenly distributed between both hands. After performing exercises for stretching the spine, you need to walk on all fours. At the same time, during movement, raise your legs above the level of the body. Rest for 15 minutes in this position;
  • Fulfilling physical exercise do not make jerky movements. Lift weights with bent knees and keeping your back straight. Remember that she is experiencing maximum load when lifting weights, when it is in a bent state;
  • When cleaning the apartment, use a vacuum cleaner and a mop with a long handle. They will help keep your back from straining. When doing work in the garden, you should use tools with a long handle;
  • Position your makeup mirror so that it is easy to reach for. This will eliminate the tension of the muscles, which often tear when performing sharp jerky movements;
  • Include plenty of bone-healthy foods rich in calcium and B vitamins in your diet.
  • Reception of egg shells in a crushed state and fish oil will increase the content of calcium and vitamin D in the body, which is necessary to strengthen the structure of bone tissue;
  • Children in the period of rapid growth should include more boiled legs, jelly, jelly and other products in the diet that will contribute to the optimal formation of cartilage tissue.

Thus, it is not enough to learn the principles of how to develop the correct posture. Many rehabilitation centers for this have to teach an adult to keep his back straight, walk, sit and even lie down. No data physiological foundations it is impossible to eliminate defective conditions in the region of the spine and back.

It is also necessary to constantly monitor the diet and exercise regularly physical exercise. This is the only way to acquire a “royal back”, which will optimally affect your health. If a person has made up his mind or “life forced him” to learn to keep his back straight, he will have to prepare for long and constant physical exercises.