Children playing outside with a ball. Children's games outside with a ball Ball games for children 10 12

Here are several outdoor games with the ball that improve not only the technique of movement, but also the technique of handling the ball. (football)

1. "Hunter". In a limited space (penalty area), the “hunter” tries to hit one of the fleeing players with the ball. Those he hits become his assistants. They can pass the ball to the “hunter”, but they cannot throw at other players. The remaining player becomes the "hunter".

2. “Two “hunters.” Each player has a soccer ball, which he dribbles in a limited area. Two “hunters”, passing their ball with their feet, try to touch the ball of one of the players in a favorable situation. If this is successful, then the player whose ball is hit becomes an assistant to the “hunters”. He can dribble and pass the ball, but he cannot hit other people's balls.

3. "Fake ball." Players stand in a circle and throw the ball, 2-3 drivers in the middle of the circle try to catch or touch it. The one who catches the ball or touches it leaves the circle. The one from whom the ball was flying when the driver touched it stands in a circle.

Variations: the game is played in a small circle with a medicine ball; the ball is only allowed to be rolled; the ball is only allowed to be thrown; the ball can only be passed with the foot; The game is played with two balls. This game - good workout for the goalkeeper.

4. Passing game. The game is played by two teams. The players of the team in possession of the ball pass it to each other with their hands so that the opponent does not touch the ball. For each accurate pass, the team gets a point. The other team strives to gain possession of the ball in order to also score points. The first team to score 30 points will win.

5. Tennis with soccer ball. The size of the playing area is determined by the number of players. When playing 1x1, the playing area should not exceed 10x5 meters. When playing 4x4, the recommended dimensions are 20x10 meters. A rope, stretched at a height of approximately 1-1.5 meters, divides the site into two parts. Each team strives to transfer the ball to the opponent's side so that the opponent cannot return it. It is a fault if the ball passes under the rope or touches it during the serve; if the ball touches the ground outside the court. The serve is carried out by lifting the leg from the back line. Each mistake counts as a lost point. The game continues until 20 points. If one team has 20 points down and the other has 19, then the game continues until one team reaches a 2-point advantage.

Variations: you can play with any part of the body and make no more than three touches of the ball, sending the ball over the rope with the third blow. One (two, three) touches of the ball on the ground are allowed, depending on the level of preparedness of the players.

Passes should only be performed by lifting the leg.

You are only allowed to play with your head. In this case, the rope rises to a height of up to 2 meters. Each team has the right to play the ball three times, but it must not touch the floor. You can change the playing court: between its halves, two stripes mark a neutral zone (in a 4x4 game, at least 3 meters wide), through which the ball is sent. The ball hitting the neutral zone is counted as an error. Players are not allowed to step on it.

6. Game with throwing the ball. All players stand on a limited area, and on the narrow side of the field there is a “hunter”. There are several balls in the middle of the field. When the whistle blows, all players run to the other side of the field, the “hunter” also runs, but only to the middle, takes the ball and tries to hit some player before he reaches the boundary line. The one who gets hit becomes the “hunter” and the game starts all over again. The winner is the last player remaining on the court.

And one more thing... (basketball and athletics)

"Calling numbers"

The players are divided into 2 teams, which line up in two columns along the front line, each player receives a number, on the other front there is a mace that needs to be run around. At the teacher’s command, the called numbers from the teams run around the mace, the winning team receives 1 point. The game can be complicated depending on the age of the students: (backward forward, duck step, with an object, etc.)

"Two Frosts"

The players are on one side of the site, the drivers (two) “frosts” stand in the central circle, at the teacher’s command the players begin to run across to the other side of the hall (site). Those who are insulted are eliminated from the game.

"Listen to the signal"

The teacher determines by what signal students perform this or that exercise while running around the perimeter of the hall or a certain trajectory of the hall. For example, on a whistle - stop, raised hand - jumping on the left leg, two hands, etc. Those who make mistakes are eliminated from the game.

"Fishing rod"

A player with a rope (jump rope) 3-4 m long, with small weights at the end, stands in the center of the hall and begins to twist at a level of 20-30 cm, from the floor in a circle, the rest must jump over the rope. The one who makes a mistake is eliminated.

"Relay Races"

With the ball, with obstacles, with weights, in pairs, threes, with elements of basketball (dribbling, shooting into the hoop, aiming for a pass), with elements athletics(push jumps one, two in length, height over obstacles, throwing). Various variations.

"Circle Hunt"

Players, divided into two teams, form two circles - an outer and an inner one. At a signal, the students begin to move with side steps in the opposite direction. At the second signal, the outer circle must run beyond the markings, the outer circle irritates them.

"Sharp on target"

Players from two teams line up in two lines opposite each other, and 10 clubs or towns are placed in a row at an equal distance from the players. At the teacher’s signal, one team throws small balls at the target, then the other team throws. The team that shoots down the most targets wins.

"Moving Target"

All players stand behind the circle line. In the center of the circle is the driver. One of the players has the ball. He throws it at the driver (at his feet). Each player who catches, in case of a miss, also makes a throw. The one who gets caught becomes the driver.

"Quick Feed"

Playing in pairs. The distance between students is 4-5 cm. At a signal, they begin to pass the ball in a given way. The pair that makes 10-15-20 passes wins.


The players are divided into two teams on an area of ​​at least 12 m. In the middle of the site, barriers are placed or a 6x6 line of teams stands against each other (chaotically) leading 1 student from the team stands against the opponents, behind the barrier line on the other side. Using a ball (volleyball), players try to knock out opponents from their zones (team or driver), the knocked out player goes to his driver and also takes part in the game. The team with the most participants left wins.

"Two Captains" or "A Flash to the Catcher"

Two teams play. In opposite corners of the hall there are two triangles. Parallel to the base of the triangle at a distance of 1.5 m. draw a line. The space between the lines is called the "neutral zone". Each team selects 2 captains or catchers. One team differs from another by having different uniforms. The team's catchers stand in triangles in the corners of the hall. The teacher throws the ball in the center of the court between 2 players. One of the teams, having taken possession of the ball, strives to get closer to its catcher with the help of passes and pass the ball into his hands. If he manages to catch the ball on the fly without leaving the triangle, he gets a point. Players on the opposing team try to intercept the ball in the same way and pass the ball to their catcher.

"Fight for the ball"

Two teams play. The game is played with a mini-basketball ball on a basketball court. Team players in different uniforms. All players are placed randomly on the court. The teacher in the center of the hall throws the ball into two players. The team players who have taken possession of the ball pass it to each other, and the players of the opposite team try to intercept it. The team that makes 10 passes without losing it gets a point. After this, the team that missed 10 passes starts the game from the side of the court. The team with the most points wins. This game is an introduction to basketball, constantly introducing new rules or technical actions, you can teach children to play mini-basketball. The game becomes more complex as students master technical methods basketball (throws, dribbles, passes, rules of the game of basketball).

And further...

"One is out."

The game is played on a football field. Up to 40 people can take part in the game. in each team, which are located behind the front lines of the field. At a distance of 40-60 cm from each other, flags (small pebbles, etc.) should be placed on the center line, one less than the number of players.

At the leader’s signal, players run to objects on the middle line, grab them with their hands and return back to the starting line. The player left without an item is eliminated from the game. After this, the game resumes, and another item is removed. The game continues until one person remains - the winner.

It is prohibited to snatch an item from the hands of another player or take more than one item. You can reduce the number of items by two compared to the number of players or allow two items to be taken.

"Drag in pairs."

The game is played on a flat court, which is divided into two equal halves by the middle line. At a distance of 3-5 m from the center line, two more lines are drawn to the right and left of it. Two teams from 5 to 50 people take part in the game. who line up by height at certain intervals on their halves of the court near the halfway line facing each other.

Players facing each other approach the center line and take each other's wrists with their right hands and place their left hands behind their backs. At the leader’s signal, the players begin to pull their opponents in their direction, trying to pull them over the line behind them. The player pulled over the line remains in place until the points are counted. The game ends when all players are pulled to one side or the other. The team that manages to win over more opposing players wins.

You can start tugging only at a signal and only in the established way. Having pulled over an opponent, you are allowed to help a friend in pulling, holding his left hand.


The game is played on any flat surface. All players are divided into pairs based on weight and height. Couples stand opposite each other, hands behind their backs, one leg bent. At a signal from the leader, the players try to push the opponent off balance with a shoulder push and force him to stand on both legs. For each successful attempt, one point is awarded. The one with the most points wins.

It is prohibited to push the opponent with your hands, head and chest; change your leg during the fight (this can be done after each attempt).


The game is played on a flat surface. The players are divided into two teams, which are divided into pairs based on height and weight. Each pair is assigned a “horse” and a “rider”. "Riders" sit on the backs of their partners.

At a signal from the leader, each “rider,” riding his own “horse,” tries to pull another “rider” from the opposing team. If this is successful, then the losing couple is eliminated from the game. The winner is the team that has at least one pair of “riders” left. You can only fight your opponent with your hands, without using rough techniques. "Horses" do not participate in the fight. The winning couple can help their comrades in the fight.

"Fight for the ball."

The game is played on a flat surface. The game involves two teams from 5 to 20 people. in each. Team captains stand in the middle of the court, and the rest of the players - in pairs (from different teams) - are freely placed within its boundaries.

The leader throws the ball between the captains, who try to catch it or hit it to one of their players. Having captured the ball, the player tries to pass it to one of the players on his team. The players' task is to make 10 passes in a row between their players. The team that succeeds wins a point and the game starts again from the middle of the court. Players of the other team rebound, intercept the ball from their opponents and pass it to their players. If the ball is intercepted by the opponents, the pass count starts again. Each time a team makes a successful pass, the player receiving it loudly calls out the number of the catch: “one”, “two”, “three”, etc. The game lasts 10-15 minutes, the team with the most points wins. It is prohibited to snatch the ball from the hands of opponents (you can only knock it out or intercept it). If the ball goes out of bounds, the opposing team throws it in at the point where it crosses the line. If two players grab the ball at the same time, then a held ball is played between them. If the opponent committed rudeness (snatched the ball, pushed the opponent, etc.), the game stops and the ball is passed to the opposing team.

"Relay race with dribbling the ball."

The game is played on a basketball court. The players are divided into two teams, which line up one against the other at the side lines in the right corner. The starting line is the front line. The first players stand at the starting line and receive a ball. The others stand to their side on the sideline.

At the leader’s signal, the first players run forward, hitting the ball on the floor, run to the backboards on the opposite side, hit the ball against the backboard or throw the ball into the basket (as directed by the leader), return back, dribbling the ball, and pass it from hand to hand to the next player. The next players perform the same task. The team that finishes the game faster wins.

Players must not start running before receiving the ball. The ball must be dribbled, hitting it on the floor. If necessary, you need to get the ball into the basket; you cannot start dribbling it back without throwing it.

"Strike the shield."

The game is played on a basketball court. The players are divided into two equal teams of 10 people. in each and are randomly located on the site.

After playing the ball in the center of the court, the team that has taken possession of it tries to dribble and pass it into the 3-second zone and from there hit the ball against the opponents’ backboard. For a successful attempt, the team receives one point. The game then continues by introducing the ball from behind the end line of the losing team. The team that scores the most points in a certain time wins.

It is prohibited to use rough techniques and run outside the site. If the ball has not been passed to the partners within 5 seconds, a jump ball is awarded at that location.

"Mass Volleyball"

The game is played on a volleyball court. The players are divided into two teams and located on their halves of the court in random order. Each team receives 1-3 balls at a time. The game begins with the leader throwing the ball into the middle of one of the teams. The ball is in play until it touches the court, for which the opposing team scores one point. If the ball falls out of bounds, the team whose player last touched it loses one point. After a point is scored, the player closest to the ball puts it into play directly from the spot. The team with more points is considered the winner. Players on the same team can pass the ball to each other no more than five times. Players of one team can move arbitrarily on their half of the court. It is prohibited to catch the ball during passes.

"Relay race with volleyball elements."

The game is played on a flat surface. The players are divided into two teams and each line up in a column of two, one team parallel to the other at a distance of 3-4 m from each other. A starting line is drawn in front of the columns. At a distance of 10-15 m from the starting line, stands (clubs, medicine balls and so on.). Couples standing in front of the columns are given a volleyball.

At the leader’s command, the first pairs, passing the ball to each other through the air (volleyball pass), run forward to their stand, go behind it and return back, continuing to pass the ball to each other. Having reached the starting line, they hit the ball to the next pair in the column, who do the same as the first. Returning couples stand at the end of their columns. The team that finishes the relay first wins.

If the ball falls during a pass, the player who dropped it must pick up the ball and continue playing. You can pass the ball to the next pair only when the players reach the starting line or the designated place.

"Ball Riders"

The game is played on a handball (basketball) court. The game involves two teams of 20 to 30 people. in each. Team players split up in pairs and sit on each other’s backs. At the signal from the manager, the game begins from the center of the field by the team that won this right by lot. The “top” players throw the ball between the players of their team, while trying to throw the ball into the opponents’ goal. The gate is also defended by a pair of players. Players are changed at the command of the manager. The team that throws more balls into the opponents' goal (basket) is considered the winner.

If the ball falls on the surface of the court, then the “bottom” player can pick it up and be sure to give it to his “top” partner. Rough actions by players of opposing teams are prohibited.

"Relay race with elements of football."

The game is played on a football field. The players are divided into two teams and line up in a column, one behind the center line, each facing the opposite goal. There is a soccer ball in front of the first team numbers.

At the signal from the manager, the first numbers kick the ball towards the goal and kick it from outside the penalty area, pick up the ball and lead it in the direction of their team. Having brought the ball to their column, they pass it to the second numbers, and they themselves stand at the end of the column. The team that finishes the relay first wins.

Players must not start running before receiving the ball from their partner. If the ball does not hit the goal, you should pick it up behind the end line and start dribbling from there towards your team.

"Grassroots Rugby".

The game is played on a football field. The players are divided into two teams of 20-30 people each. Rugby ball. At the signal from the manager, a player from one of the teams (by lot), standing in the center of the field, passes the ball to his partners. Players are allowed to move and pass the ball with their hands in any direction with the objective of landing it behind the end line. If the ball lands behind the goal line, 3 points are awarded, and anywhere else on the goal line - 1 point. After the ball lands, play starts from the center by a player from the opposing team. The team that scores the most points in a certain time wins. It is prohibited to play with your feet or grab players with your hands below the waist. When the ball goes over the side line, it is thrown in with the hands at the place where the ball came out.

"Dodge the tennis ball."

The game is played on tennis court, having a training wall. The players are divided into two teams, each of 3-5 people. One team approaches the wall and stands facing it at a distance of 2 m with intervals between players of 3 m. The players of the other team are located behind at a distance of 5-7 steps from the wall, each of them holds a tennis ball in their hands.

At the leader’s signal, those standing behind throw balls at the wall in such a way that the rebounded ball hits the player standing in front, and he does not have time to dodge or hit the ball with his hand. For hitting a player with a ball (except hands), the thrower receives 1 point. After 10 throws, players change roles. The winners in pairs and the total number of points scored by the teams are determined. Those standing in front should not move from their places until the ball touches the ball. Those standing behind before the throw are allowed to take one step to the left or right.

All children love to play with a ball: some simply kick it around the yard, others try to play football, volleyball, basketball and other sports games.

How else can you spend an interesting time playing with a ball?

Let's remember what games we know for children on the street with a ball?

1. “Edible - inedible”

This game can be played with two or more players.

We choose a leader. All players stand in a row, and the leader stands in front of them, at a distance of 2.5-3 meters.
Rules of the game: the host throws a ball to each player (it can be thrown either in turn or chaotically), while naming something from food or any object. If the presenter names something edible, the player must catch the ball; if it is inedible, he must leave. With each correct throw, the player takes a step forward, and with each incorrect throw, a step back. The one who reaches the leader first wins.

If there are two players, they simply throw the ball to each other, saying the words. The one who makes the most correct throws wins.

2. “I know five...”

Rules of the game: players take turns hitting the ball on the ground, on each hit, saying:

« I know five boys’ names: Denis – one, Ruslan – two, Artem – three, Maxim – four, Oleg – five.” The theme can be different: names of girls, colors, names of cities, countries, nicknames or breeds of dogs, etc. The winner is the player who never gets lost.

3. "Names"

We choose a leader. The players stand in a row with their backs to him. The presenter throws the ball up, calling the name of any participant in the game, and he must turn around and catch it. If you don't catch it, you're out of the game.

4. “Catch and throw”

All players stand in a circle and randomly throw the ball around. Anyone who cannot catch the ball or, having caught it, drops it, continues to play on one leg. If in this position he catches the ball, he stands on both legs; if not, he stands on one knee. If he doesn’t catch you again, drop him on both knees. If in this position the participant catches the ball, he stands on both legs again and continues to play; if not, he is eliminated from the game.

5. "Throw the ball away"

All players stand in a circle, and the leader is in the center of the circle.

Children throw the ball to each other, trying to get rid of it as quickly as possible. The leader's task is to touch the player in whose hands the ball is. The player with the ball, touched by the leader, takes his place in the center of the circle.

6. "Team competition"

If there are a lot of children, you can arrange team competitions between them.

For example, divide the kids into 2 teams and put them in a line. The task of each line is to pass the ball over their heads from the first to the last participant and vice versa as quickly as possible. According to the terms of the competition, you cannot turn around, you only need to work with your hands. The team that completes the task faster wins.

7. "Ten"

Children take turns doing a series of exercises with the ball. As soon as someone makes a mistake, the turn goes to the next participant, and he stands at the end and waits until his turn comes again.

Here are 10 exercises to do:

7.1 throw the ball against the wall and catch it;
7.2 throw the ball against the wall and clap your hands as it flies, and then catch it;
7.3 throw it against the wall again, but already in flight have time to clap twice and catch it;
7.4 similar to the previous one, only clap three times;
7.5 throw the ball against the wall and, while it is flying, turn 180 degrees and catch it;
7.6 throw it against the wall again, but let it hit the ground, only then catch it;
7.7 throw the ball on the asphalt or the ground so that it bounces and hits the wall, then catch it;
7.8 throw the ball against the wall from under your left foot and catch it;
7.9 throw the ball against the wall from under your right foot and then catch it;
7.10 throw the ball against the wall with one hand and catch it.

8. Game "Samzhe". Description and rules

This game is essentially one of the varieties of “Edible-Inedible”. You need to sit in a row and choose a leader. A bench will do well. The presenter comes up with questions, for example: “What is your name?”, “What is your last name?”, “How old are you?” and so on, and then after voicing the question, he throws the ball to all players in turn, listing the answers. If the player likes the answer, he must catch the ball; if not, he must leave.

If the player catches the ball, then this answer is assigned to him.

For example, the presenter asks the question: “What is your name?” and, throwing the ball, lists different names. The player is given the name on which he caught the ball.

During the throw, you can say the word “Samzhe”. If the player catches the ball, he can offer the answer to the question which one he likes. If he doesn’t catch, he is assigned the answer that was given by the presenter before.

Questions can be asked of the following nature:

- "Where do you live?"
- "Where do you work?"
- “Your position”
- “The name of your husband (wife)”
- “What is your pet?”
- "How many children do you have?" etc.

You can play endlessly until you get bored or your imagination allows.

9. Game "11"

All players stand in a circle. The first one throws the ball to any other player and says "one". The second player throws the ball to the next one, and that one to the next one, but you need to count the throws silently, in your mind. That is, the ball is thrown in a chaotic manner, and throws are counted to 11. The player to whom the ball is thrown at number 11 must return it. If someone mixed up something and did not return the ball on the count of 11, or did not catch the ball during the count from 1 to 10, he sits in the center of the circle and the player who threw the ball must hit it. If he hits, he returns to the game, if not, the one who threw also sits in the center.

And what children playing outside with a ball do you know? Write in the comments. After all, if you keep your baby active, then the walk will be not only interesting for him, but also fun and useful.

Outdoor ball games for children of primary school and secondary school age

Ball games are among the favorites because they are very diverse. However, before you start playing them, in most cases, preparatory work is carried out: children are shown several simple exercises performed with the ball so that in the future these elements do not cause difficulties for them. Such exercises can be throwing the ball up and catching it with both hands (then with one hand), throwing the ball and catching it after completing a full rotation in place, etc. In addition, the leader provides the opportunity for future participants in the games to perform exercises of their own choice, participate in various kinds of competitions and contests.

Two fours

To play you will need a wooden stick or chalk. Two teams of four people each play. A square court approximately half the size of a volleyball court is drawn on the ground or asphalt. For younger children school age The site size may be smaller. Four people are one team, it is located inside the site (internal team). The other is outside, with one player on each side of the court - this is the outside team. Players must not cross the line; for violating this rule, the team is given a penalty point. The “outsiders” start the game: they throw the ball between themselves, trying to unexpectedly throw it inside the court and hit a player on the inside team with it. “Inners” try to dodge the ball or catch it. If the players of the internal team pick up the ball that fell on the court or catch it when the players of the external team tried to insult them, the ball goes to them. Now the “inners” throw the ball between themselves, trying to surprise the players of the external team with an unexpected throw, and the “outsiders” try to catch the ball or dodge it. The ball is passed in the same way as in the first case. For each shot that ends in a miss, the team receives a penalty point. Having scored four penalty points, the team removes one of its participants from the game - the one who violated the rules the most or missed the most. The team with the most players left wins if a certain time is allocated for the game. In any case, the team with one player left loses.

School of Agility

A ball ranging in size from tennis to soccer is suitable for this game. The number of players can be any, but the game is more dynamic and exciting when 3-5 people play.

The player stands at a distance of 3 m from the wall and performs exercises with the ball, the complexity and number of which increases by 10 classes. Exercises can be changed depending on the size of the ball and the age of the players. This game is played in turns.

1st grade: throw a ball against a wall and catch it after bouncing off the ground.

2nd grade: throw the ball against the wall, clap your hands, catch the ball. Repeat 2 times.

ry increases as you move from class to class. Total mother ball. Repeat 2 times.

3rd grade: throw the ball right hand, catch with both hands. Repeat 3 times

4th grade: throw the ball with your left hand, catch with both hands. Repeat 4 times.

5th grade: standing with your back to the wall, lean back and from this position throw the ball, turning your face, after hitting the ball on the ground, catch it. Repeat 2 times.

6th grade: standing facing the wall, raise your right leg high and throw the ball from under it with your right hand. Catch with your leg down. Repeat 3 times.

7th grade: the same as in the previous paragraph, only raise your left leg and throw the ball with your left hand. Repeat 3 times.

8th grade: throw the ball with your left hand, catch it with your right. Repeat 3 times.

9th grade: throw the ball with your right hand, catch it with your left. Repeat 3 times.

10th grade: throw the ball against the wall, turn around its axis, catch the ball. Repeat 3 times.

If a player does not complete the exercise, the ball goes to the next participant, and this one becomes the last in line and starts the game from the first class.

The winner is the one who completes all classes the fastest.

Once the exercises are performed easily by the players, they can be made more difficult.

Roll, apple!

Players form a circle and then squat or kneel. Two participants are in the center of the circle. The rest of the players begin to roll the ball so that it touches the feet of those standing in the center. The one who has become sore changes place with the one who has become sore.

The winner is the participant who has never been greased.

flying ball

Participants form a circle. They stand at a distance of arms outstretched to the sides. The driver is in the center of the circle. The players begin to throw the ball to each other, thereby preventing the driver from touching it. The driver runs in a circle, trying to touch the ball when it is in the air, as well as on the ground or in the hands of one of the players. If he succeeds, his place is taken by the player who tossed the ball just before the ball was dropped.

Run after the ball

To play you will need two volleyballs and a piece of chalk or a pointed stick. The game is played on sports ground. All players line up in two lines facing each other along the court. The distance between players is about 3 m, and between ranks - 5 m. The places of the first players in each rank are indicated by circles drawn with chalk or drawn with a sharp stick on the ground. The number of game participants in each line must be the same, then the players are divided into teams.

The first designated places are occupied by players of different teams, next to each of them there is a player of the other team, next to whom, in turn, there is also a player of the opposing team, etc. As a result, it turns out that in each line the players of one team stand through one, and in different ranks - diagonally. Players standing in the marked places receive a volleyball. Participants in the game must throw the ball from line to line diagonally to a player on their team as quickly as possible and run to his place.

In turn, the participant who received the ball must throw it diagonally to the next player on his team as quickly as possible and run to his place, and so on until the last player in the line.

The last player, having received the ball and dribbling it as in basketball, must run around the opposite line and take the first place marked in a circle, and all players in the line must move one place. It turns out that the last player in one line becomes the first in another line.

The order of the players of your team “through one” must be maintained. If a participant drops the ball or fails to catch it, he must pick up the ball, return to his seat and repeat the pass.

Throwing the ball and running to the places of teammates continues until the participant who started the game is back at the designated place. Then, with a shout and a raise of his hand, he announces that the game is over. The team that spends the least time playing the game wins.

This is a rather complex game, it is intended for children of middle and high school age. When learning it, it is advisable to identify the players of one team with some kind of sign.

For example, colored bands on the belt; one team has blue bands, the other has red bands. The basketball run of the last player in a line to the first place in another line can be simplified by replacing it with just a run with the ball in his hands. The most important thing is to follow the order of formation and movement, in this case less time will be spent on the game, so at first, until the children have mastered it well enough, it is necessary to play it at a slow pace, gradually increasing the speed of ball passes and runs.


To play you will need a wooden stick or chalk, as well as 2 tennis balls. This game is suitable for children of primary and secondary school age.

The participants in the game are divided into two teams, with boys competing against boys and girls competing against girls. A circle with a diameter of 6-8 m is drawn on the ground. One representative from each team is called into the circle.

At the signal, strictly simultaneously, they throw up tennis balls. The one who throws the ball higher, therefore, whose ball hits the ground later, gets a point. But if the first hit on the ground occurs outside the circle, the opponent is considered the winner: he receives one point and an additional point for his team. In this case, a team can get two points for one throw.

If both balls land outside the circle, no points are awarded. Each player makes 3-4 throws, and team members themselves decide who they will nominate for the next match. The points are added up. The team that scores the most points wins. To avoid misunderstandings and disputes, each team must have its own ball, marked in some way.

Catch the ball

This is very simple game with a ball. It can be played by 3 to 15 people. Consider the option for 3 players. The ball catcher is chosen by lot. Two players stand facing each other at a certain distance (4-6 m), and between them, approximately in the middle, there is a catcher.

The players throw the ball to each other, trying to hit the catcher, but so that the latter does not catch the ball. You can throw the ball at the catcher only if the player received it from another participant, and not on the first throw or immediately after losing the ball. If the catcher is hit by a flying ball, he is deprived of the right to move, but can dodge the flying ball or crouch. If players fail to hit the catcher the first time, it starts moving again. The catcher tries to catch the flying ball or be the first to pick it up after the player loses the ball.

If he succeeds, then he changes places with the player who missed the ball or whose ball the catcher caught. This is how the catcher changes. If several people are playing the game, then they stand in a circle, and the catcher stands in the middle of the circle. The catcher can move throughout the entire space inside the circle, but does not go beyond it. The game follows the same rules.


This game is for children of middle and high school age. It is played at a very fast pace, 8-12 people play.

Participants stand in a circle at arm's length from each other, facing inside the circle. They begin to throw the ball among themselves, and do not catch and throw, but hit it to each other, as in volleyball, trying to serve the ball in a way that is not very convenient for the batter. The one who drops or fails to hit the ball becomes a potato and squats in a circle. Participants sitting in a circle can return to the game if they manage to jump out and catch the ball or if one of the players hits the ball so that it hits a sitting player.

In case of a miss (an unsuccessful attempt to “knock out a potato”), the player who tried to insult the person sitting becomes a potato himself and sits in a circle.

Children of primary school age can also play this game, but do not hit the ball, but catch and throw it.

Throwing the ball

To play, you need a medium-sized volleyball or rubber ball, as well as a wooden stick or chalk. On the site, the presenter draws two circles with a diameter of about 3 m at a distance of 8-12 m from each other. The participants of the game are divided into two teams and take turns standing in circles, one person at a time. In one circle - a player from one team, in the other - from another. Participants in circles throw a ball to each other. You can throw it with force, but be sure to throw it accurately. If the ball flies from the person catching it to a distance greater than an outstretched arm, then the throwing team receives a penalty point.

Players must not go outside the circles. Having thrown the ball to each other once, the pairs change - this continues until the last pair throws the ball. The team that receives fewer penalty points wins.


To play you will need a wooden stick or chalk. This game can be played by 5 to 15 people. A circle with a diameter of approximately 3 m is drawn or marked on the ground or on the court. In the center of it is the driver with the ball in his hands, the rest are placed behind the outlined circle, but no further than two steps. The driver throws the ball, and at this moment all the players scatter, after hitting the ground, the driver catches the ball and shouts: “Stop!”, Everyone must stop. Then the driver tries to hit some player with the ball without leaving the circle. If the driver hits a participant, then this player becomes the driver, and the driver joins the other players, otherwise the game is repeated. The first driver is usually chosen using some kind of counting rhyme.


10-20 people take part in the game. The players form a circle, disperse at arm's length, and stand facing the center. The ball is rolled on the ground inside a circle. Players hit the ball away from themselves with their hands, trying to hit someone else with it. The ball is a bee. In the event that someone does not return the ball and is stung, this participant is considered stung. He turns his back to the center of the circle and does not take part in the game until the next participant is defeated. Then the first one, who left the game, turns around again to face the center of the circle, and the second one turns his back. Catching the ball or kicking it is prohibited.

old lock

Children of primary school age play this game with pleasure. To play you will need a wooden stick or chalk, as well as 5 pins, volleyball. The leader draws a large circle on the playground. A driver is selected or appointed. All participants stand behind the circle line facing the center. However, the driver remains in the circle. In the middle of the circle, the leader places pins. This is a lock that the driver must protect.

The players throw the ball between themselves, trying to distract the castle defender, seize an opportune moment when the driver is gaping, and then knock down the pins with a quick blow ball.

The driver has the right to hit the ball in any way. The participant who manages to destroy the castle becomes the driver, and the game continues.

The castle can be made in the form of a tripod by tying a stick at the top, and placing a ball on top of it.

Catch - don't catch!

This game is for children of primary school age. A small children's rubber ball or an ordinary volleyball is suitable for the game. The players choose a leader using some kind of counting rhyme, stand in a circle at arm's length from each other. The driver takes the ball and stands in the center. He turns around himself and suddenly shouts: “Catch!” and throws the ball to some player. The participant must catch the ball. If the driver shouts: “Don’t catch it!”, the player to whom the ball was thrown must dodge it. If the driver shouts: “Throw it!”, then the participant hits the ball back to the driver, etc. The player who did not follow the voiced command or performed it incorrectly leaves the game, but continues to participate in it, observing. The fewer players, the faster the pace of the game.

The winner is the participant who remains last, he becomes the driver. At first, until the children have learned the game well, the driver can be an adult. The number of commands that players must follow depends on the age of the children and their experience in the game. It’s better to start the game with two commands: “Catch!” and “Don’t catch it!”, gradually introducing new ones.

Knocking out the ball.

The game is played against a wall or a high solid fence, you will need a ball average size, chalk or pointed stick.

The players line up in a line with a short distance from each other, a few steps from the wall with their backs to it. Opposite them, 8-12 meters away, a rectangular platform 3 m long and 1 m wide is drawn - this is the driver’s place. His goal is to hit any player with the ball while throwing, without going beyond the boundaries of the outlined area. Participants remain in place, but can dodge the ball, crouch, bend over and even jump. The player who is hit by the ball is considered to be out and is out of the game. If a player catches the ball thrown by the driver, throws it at the driver and hits, the participant becomes the driver, and the one who was the driver takes his place in the line. This is how the drivers change. When there are two players left at the wall, the driver is given the right to make two throws to knock out two players. If he succeeds, he is considered the winner, otherwise the remaining player becomes the winner.


In this fun game You can play on the sports ground, in the yard, in a vacant lot, in a meadow. To play you will need a medium-sized volleyball or rubber ball, chalk or a pointed stick. The number of participants in the game can be from 6 to 20 people. A large circle with a diameter of 3 to 8 m is drawn on the ground or site. The diameter depends on the number of participants and their age. All players are divided into two teams. Players of one team stand behind a circle in random order, they have a ball. Participants from the other team are in a circle, lined up one after another, each subsequent player holding onto the shoulders of the previous one. This is a centipede. Those standing behind the circle begin to throw the ball to each other, trying to hit the last centipede player with it, and all the players in the column, holding on to each other, try to dodge the ball, protecting the last player. Moreover, you can only hit the legs with the ball; the one who violated this rule changes place with the player standing at the end of the centipede, and the latter, in turn, stands behind the circle.

The upset player leaves the game. When all the centipede players are salted, the teams change places. This game is for primary school children, but older children can also play it at a faster pace.


To play you will need no big ball(can be tennis), sticks about 1 m long (for each player), can be used hockey sticks. The game should be played in a vacant lot or outside the city, in a place where there is a small field and holes can be dug. 5-10 people can play.

A hole with a diameter of 0.3-0.5 m is dug in the ground, the size of the hole depends on the size of the ball. This is a boiler. At a distance of about 2 m from it, small holes are dug in a circle. The number of holes is 1 less than those playing. The driver is chosen by lot.

All players occupy the holes with their sticks, only the driver without a hole. He must hit the ball into the cauldron with his stick, and the other players, using their sticks, try to interfere with him, hitting the ball in the other direction from the cauldron. But they must be careful as soon as they take their sticks out of the holes - they may be occupied by other players or the driver.

At the beginning of the game, if the ball hits the cauldron, the driver with the ball moves to the side approximately 8 m and hits it in such a way that the ball, rolling or flying low above the ground, hits the cauldron. If the ball hits there, all players must change holes.

The driver runs to the holes, trying to occupy any empty one with his stick. The unwary player, left without a hole, becomes the driver. If the driver fails to take the hole, he leads again. When the driver changes, the game is not interrupted. In this game, you can occupy a hole only with a stick and only when it’s empty. The game is suitable for children of middle and high school age.

Zebrus africanus

To play you will need an inflatable ball, a wooden stick or chalk. The presenter (adult) draws 7 or 9 lines on the court in advance (depending on the number of players) at an equal distance from each other.

The center line, which divides the court into two fields, is highlighted. The participants of the game are divided into two teams. Teams stand on both sides of the center line, facing each other, with three or four players from each team: one player for each lane. The leader is on the middle line. He throws the ball up, and one of the participants must catch it and throw it as far as possible onto the other team’s field, without going beyond his lane, along which the player can move. If a participant from the other team catches the ball, he throws it, in turn, onto the field of the first team. When the ball touches the ground, the team on whose field it happened receives a penalty point. The team with the fewest penalty points wins. Then the teams change players.

Catch the ball

This game can be played on a playground, in a park, in a vacant lot, outside the city. A volleyball or other medium-sized ball is suitable for the game. 15-20 people can play. Before the game starts, a driver is selected. The players form a circle, standing one step apart from each other. The driver remains behind the circle, 2 people before the player holding the ball. At the leader’s signal, the players pass the ball to each other, trying to do this as quickly as possible, and the driver runs behind the circle and tries to touch the player with the ball. If he succeeds, then the driver changes places with the player. If the driver cannot catch up with the ball for a long time, then it is replaced with another one. Players cannot throw the ball, they must pass it from hand to hand. When children have mastered the game well, the rules can be complicated - give a “head start” to the ball, that is, the driver stands 2 people before the ball, and 3 - 6 behind. Or the driver is given the task of not just catching up with the ball, but overtaking it and touching the player who has not yet taken the ball, then the player who has the ball in his hands at that moment becomes the driver.

Edible - inedible

This game is for children of primary school age. Before the game, the participants agree on which balls to catch and which to hit. In this case, the ball, accompanied by the name of an edible object, is caught, and an inedible object is beaten back. The players stand in a row, and the leader stands a few steps in front of them, facing them. The leader has the ball. He says, for example: “Pear!” and throws the ball to the player, who must catch it. If an inedible object is called, the player must hit the ball. The one who did not make a mistake moves one step forward. Whoever reaches the leader first wins. You can use the concepts: “living - nonliving”, “plants - animals”, “hot - cold”, etc. What theme will be used is agreed upon before the start of the game.

1) Game “Ball in a circle”.

Children sit on the floor (in the area) squatting in a circle. The teacher with the ball is in the center of the circle. He rolls the ball to each child in turn or to the one he calls: “Sasha, catch it!” The child catches the ball and sends it back, but at the same time he must complete some task: have time to clap his hands 2-3 times, name a quantitative or ordinal number. For example, the teacher says: “First”, the child answers: “Second”, etc. You can name any object included in the general concept (furniture, vegetables, fruits, etc.). The teacher makes sure that the children roll the ball and do not throw it.

Note. When the game is repeated, any child can be in the center.

2) Game “Ball on the floor”.

Musical accompaniment: the melody of the Russian folk song “Like ours at the gate.”


Children sit on chairs along the wall. The teacher calls three or four children and gives each a large ball (of a different color).

Children sit on the carpet facing the group at a distance two or three meters from it, place the balls in front of them (legs slightly apart). Everyone sings a familiar song.

I knock my palms, I knock my palms,

I knock my palms together.

I’ll swing the ball to Natasha (Masha, Sasha).

Children sitting on the carpet vigorously slap the ball with their palms to the beat of the melody. To the cry of “Oop-pa!” They roll the ball to the person whose name they say in the song. Game continues.

3) Game “Name it and don’t yawn!”

Goal: to develop the ability to quickly respond to a word in the game.

Game tasks. Children stand in a circle and take turns throwing the ball to each other. The child who throws the ball first says a word, such as “ball.” The one who catches answers with a consonant word (for example, “rook”) and passes it to the third, etc. If the child does not have time to find the word, he drops out of the game.

4) Game “Chase the ball”.

Children stand in a circle (possibly in two circles). The teacher distributes 3-4 colored celluloid balls to 3-4 children standing in different places in the circle. At the teacher’s signal: “Catch the ball!” - children simultaneously begin to quickly pass the balls to each other. If one child has two balls at once, he is eliminated from the game. After repeating the game 3-4 times, the child again stands in a circle and plays with everyone together.

Note. First the game is played with two balls. The teacher monitors the correct passing of the ball (you can pass the ball in front of you, behind your back, but you cannot pass it through one OR several players, you cannot move from your spot).

5) Game “Toss - catch”.

Children stand in two lines (opposite each other) at a distance of arms outstretched to the sides. The children in one of the ranks have a ball in their hands. At the teacher’s signal, the children simultaneously throw the ball up in front of them, catch it with both hands and roll the ball to the players standing opposite in another line. They, in turn, repeat the task of throwing and catching the ball.

Note. When repeated, the game can be complicated: throw the ball up and clap 2-3 times; catch the ball in a jump; throw the ball, have time to turn around yourself and then catch the ball; throw the ball with one hand and catch it with the other.

6) Game “Hit the ball.”


The players stand in a circle, the distance between them is 2-3 steps. A circle is outlined, in the middle of which is the driver.

Children standing in a circle, without going beyond the line, throw a small foam ball at the driver, trying to hit him. The driver, running inside the circle, dodges the ball. The child who hits the driver changes place with him.

Rules of the game.

1. Players must not cross the line.

2. The ball is taken by the child to whom it flies or rolls.

3. You can only throw the ball below your knees.

4. If the driver catches the ball, this does not count as a hit.

Note. It is advisable to play the game with a small group of children (6-8 people).

7) Game “Will the balls meet?”

We divide the children into pairs and give them the task: roll the balls so that they meet.

Children-spectators count in unison how many times the balls hit when they met for each pair of participants. The pair of players with the most ball matches wins.

8) Game “Run, Catch!”

Children stand freely on one side of the playground. The teacher with a large beautiful ball in his hands is in front of them at a distance of 1.5-2 m. Throwing the ball up and catching it, the teacher retreats a few steps, saying: “I throw once, throw two, throw three - run, catch!” Children run to the teacher, trying to catch the ball; The teacher catches the ball himself and says: “If you didn’t catch it, run back!”

The children return to their original places. The game is repeated 2-3 times, after which the teacher gives one of the children the opportunity to catch the ball. Having called this child by name, the teacher invites him to carry the ball, holding it with his hands above his head. The rest line up behind the child who caught the ball and follow each other.

The game can be completed or repeated 2-3 more times. During this game, children practice running and walking behind the leader; At the same time, they develop attention and endurance.

9) Game “Ride to me.”

Children sit on the floor in front of the teacher, legs apart. The teacher rolls a large ball to one child or another, saying: “Catch the ball and give it to me!” The child catches the ball and rolls it to the teacher. After 5-6 children have done this, the teacher suddenly raises the ball up, runs away from the children and shouts: “Come to me!” Children should quickly get up and run to the teacher. The teacher takes a few steps away from the children, hitting the ball on the floor, and says: “Jump like my ball!” Children are jumping. Then the teacher, saying “The ball is tired, he ran after the guys!”, rolls the ball towards the children. They must run away from the ball and sit in their seats. The game is repeated 3-5 times and ends with all children calmly walking behind the child who is carrying the ball. The one who completed all the tasks best gets the ball. While walking, the teacher can pass the ball to another child. At the same time, he says: “Whoever walks well will carry the ball.”

In this game, children practice rolling a ball, jumping on two legs, and running at a signal; At the same time, they develop the ability to jump softly, easily, and quickly change position.

If children play outdoors, the ball can be rolled from a standing position, squatting.

10) Game “My funny, ringing ball.”

Children stand facing the teacher, who is holding a large beautiful ball. The teacher, raising the ball high, says: “Come to me and look at my ball, and now go to your seats and look at the ball again.” Children approach the teacher and then return. The teacher repeats the invitation and invites the children to stand wider in a circle and watch the ball bounce. Beating it off with his hand on the floor, the teacher says:

My cheerful, ringing ball,

Where did you run off to?

Red, yellow, blue -

Don't chase you!

He invites the children to jump with the ball, and then throws the ball to the side: “The ball will catch up with you - run away from it!” The children run away. The game is repeated 3-4 times. At the end of the game, the teacher gives the ball to one of the children; everyone goes after the ball.

After this, the children stand in a circle. The teacher gives the signal to stop and takes the ball for himself. “I lift the ball high,” he says, “and you should too!” Children raise their hands up and, together with the teacher, lower them down. This is repeated 3-4 times. “I’ll put the ball on the floor, stand up and hide my hands,” says the teacher, showing the movements, “and you do the same.” Children repeat the movements 3-4 times. “I’ll sit down and roll the ball,” the teacher continues. Children imitate the movements of the teacher. “Now everyone should run, catch and throw the ball,” he says and runs, throwing and catching the ball. Children run after him, imitating his movements. The teacher switches the children to calm walking: “Quietly, quietly, we walk and put away our ball.”

The ball is taken to its place.

In this game, children practice a whole range of different movements: running, jumping, gymnastic exercises; At the same time, they develop the ability to act on a signal.

11) Game “Catch and throw - don’t let you fall!”

Children stand in a circle; The teacher is in the center with a large ball. He throws the ball to one child or another. The children catch it and throw it again to the teacher, who says: “Catch it and throw it - don’t let it fall!”

Then the teacher says: “Jump towards me like balls!” Children jump on their toes, approaching the teacher. He quickly picks up the ball: “Run away faster! The ball is bouncing after you." The children run away, and the teacher hits the ball on the floor, catches it and resumes the game, throwing the ball to those children who have not yet caught it. You can finish the game by walking. The person in front is given the ball.

Children practice throwing and catching a ball, jumping on two legs and moving forward.

12) Game “Ball into the goal”.

From 6 cubes (each 15-20 cm high), children build gates, that is, they place a thin 1.5-2 m long strip on top of the cubes. In front of the gates, at a distance of 1.5-2 m from them, on a line or a stretched cord There are 5-6 small balls lying around. The child, at the direction of the teacher, approaches them, takes one ball, rolls it into the goal and runs after it, crawling through the goal on all fours; then he straightens up, catches up with the ball and, putting it in its original place, sits down to rest and watches the children roll the balls.

This game strengthens the muscles of the arms, legs, back, and abdomen; Children develop coordination of movements and dexterity. The game helps organize a group of children.

13) Game “Ball from the slide”.

Children stand facing the teacher who is building a “slide”. To low gymnastic bench he places one end of the board (you can attach the board for running on the gymnastics wall, the other end of the board - on the floor). There is a large ball near the bench. The teacher calls the children. They take turns standing on the bench, approaching the slide, rolling the ball off it and running, catching up with it, then bringing the ball to its place and watching the players.

The game is played with a small group of children; they practice running on an inclined plane; Children develop courage, agility and speed.

14) Game “Don’t lose the ball!”

All children are given medium or small balls. The teacher says: “You can play with the ball as you want! But don't lose the ball! Play!" Children run away different sides and play freely with balls: rolling, tossing, catching. To the words of the teacher: “Don’t lose the ball, pick it up!” - everyone stops and shows their balls. The game is repeated 3-4 times. After this, the teacher invites the children to walk in a circle with the ball in their hands.

Having placed the children in a circle, the teacher invites them to perform several exercises with balls, for example:

1. Raise the ball up, look at it and lower it.

2. Spread your arms to the sides, then, bringing them together in front of you, transfer the ball from one hand to the other and lower them down.

3. Bend over, put the ball on the floor, straighten up without the ball, bend down again and pick up the ball.

4. Sit down, roll the ball from your right hand to your left hand and vice versa, then stand up, lifting the ball. After this, you can offer walking with balls. After finishing the game, children put the balls in baskets or boxes.

The game can be played with children of average and senior groups. Then in the first part of the game, children must perform certain movements, for example: throw a ball in front of them and catch it while walking and running, without dropping it; play the ball by hitting it on the floor; hit the ball on the floor and catch it. In the second part of the game, more complex movements should also be given. Children can be arranged not in a circle, but in pairs. This will make it possible to include an exercise such as rolling or throwing balls.

Sample exercises with a ball for older children:

1. Transfer the ball from hand to hand above your head.

2. Transfer the ball from hand to hand under your foot.

3. Holding the ball in your right hand, turn to the right without lifting your feet off the floor and transfer the ball behind your back to your left hand, turn to the left and place the ball in your right hand.

4. Sit down as low as possible and transfer the ball from hand to hand.

5. Sitting on the floor with crossed legs and holding the ball in an outstretched hand, bend to the right and left, touching the ball to the floor.

6. Sitting with your legs extended on the floor, lean forward, put the ball between your legs and take it back.

7. Sitting and leaning on your hands from behind, supporting the ball with both feet, lift it up and lower it.

8. Lying on your back, lift the ball up with your feet.

9. Lying on your stomach, lift the ball up with your hands.

10. Sitting on the floor, pull your legs to your stomach, hold the ball at your feet and, stretching them forward, push the ball away from you with your feet.

15) Game “Two circles with a ball.”

Children are lined up in two (older ones can be in three) circles. The teacher holds a big beautiful ball and, throwing it up, says: “I throw it once, I throw it twice, I throw it three - run in different directions!”

Children run until the teacher says: “In two (or three) circles!” The children quickly take their places.

Then the teacher throws the ball to one of the children in the circle in which the children gathered faster. The child catches the ball and returns it to the teacher. He throws the ball to another child standing in the same circle. After repeating the exercise 3-4 times, the teacher throws the ball and says: “Run!” The game is restarted.

In this game, children practice catching and throwing a ball; in a helter-skelter run; They learn to quickly gather in a circle when given a signal.

16) Game “Red, blue, who’s behind him?”

Children, lined up in two lines (each line should have no more than 10-12 children), stand facing each other on the playground or in the room. The teacher is holding baskets with red and blue balls. There are as many balls as there are players. Children in one line must run when the red balls roll, the other - when the blue ones roll. Distracting the children's attention and showing first one basket and then another, the teacher suddenly knocks over one of them; children run after the balls, collect them, then put them back in the basket held by the teacher, and return to their places.

The game develops attention, reaction speed, and dexterity.

17) Game “Ball over the net”.

Children are divided into two groups. One stands on one side of the stretched mesh, the other on the other. The one on the far right throws the ball over the net to the person standing opposite. He must catch the ball, throw it to the person standing next to him, etc. The teacher counts the number of mistakes and failures in each group. When the ball falls into the hands of the last player, they begin to play again; Now the ball is thrown by the one on the far left.

In the game, children learn to throw and catch the ball well; They develop coordination of movements. All this serves as good preparation for playing volleyball.

18) Game “Ball from the hill and into the goal.”

Children stand or sit in front of the teacher, who, showing the ball, says: “Now we will roll the ball and catch up!” The teacher gives several participants in the game the task of building a slide and a gate. Children should bring a bench, a long board, a lath, and several cubes. The gate is built in front of the hill at a distance of one and a half to two meters. The goal is a rail placed on cubes, the height of which is 60 cm. At the teacher’s signal, the first player with the ball stands on the slide. He must roll the ball so smoothly that it hits the goal from the hill. Then the child runs down the slide, goes through the gate - crawls on all fours so as not to touch the slats, straightens up and runs, catching up with the ball. Having caught up, he lifts it high above his head, brings it to the slide and gives it or throws it to the next one.

The players need to be divided into 2-3 units; children from one unit simultaneously line up, approach the slide and complete the task one after another. When the last one completes the task, both the team’s achievements and mistakes are noted; When all links complete the task, the best link is noted. You can finish the game by walking. To do this, the teacher lines up all the children. The best line is in front, the leader carries the ball.

To speed up the game, you can take 2-3 balls; when one runs down the hill, the other begins the exercise with the second ball.

In this game, children practice balance while running on an inclined plane, climbing, catching a ball, throwing it; At the same time, they develop accuracy, dexterity, coordination of movements, speed and intelligence.

19) Game “Catch the ball!”

The players form a circle. The teacher brings two balls - large and small. Children must pass the balls in a circle when given a signal. At the signal: “Big, forward!” - a large ball is passed, followed by two people following the signal: “Small one, forward!” - small. After some time, at the direction of the teacher, they begin to pass the balls in the other direction, that is, the large ball catches up with the small one. The game continues until one ball catches up with the other.

This game develops attention, intelligence, speed, precision of movements; The muscles of the arms, legs, and torso are well exercised.

20) Game “Don’t let the ball go into the goal!”

Children stand in a circle; feet shoulder width apart; one of the players with the big ball stands in the middle. Having said: “I’m starting!”, he rolls the ball at someone’s feet, trying to get it outside the circle, but everyone to whom the ball is rolling must quickly bend down and hit it back with their hands. The one who misses the ball must catch up with him and stand with him in the center of the circle instead of the driver, who then joins the rest of the children. When standing in a circle, children should stay upright and bend over only when the ball rolls up.

The game develops attention, dexterity of movements, and the ability to roll the ball quickly and accurately.

21) Game “Behind the ball”.

Children are divided into four groups. A line is drawn along one wall of the room, near which two groups stand; the other two are on the opposite wall, also on the same line. The extreme players, on the right or left, are given one ball each. At the teacher’s signal: “Begin!” - they throw the balls to the person standing opposite and immediately run to the column where they threw the ball and stand behind them. The one who caught the ball also throws it to the person standing opposite, runs to the column where the ball flew, and stands behind. The game continues until everyone has changed places.

In this game, children practice catching and throwing a ball, running, speed, accuracy, and dexterity of movements.

22) Game “Ball on the floor”.

Children line up in four columns in the same way as in the game “After the Ball.” The game starts after the signal. The first in each column on the right or left run, hitting the ball on the floor; Having reached the first ones in the opposite column, they pass the balls to them, and they themselves stand behind. The one who receives the ball runs without delay, directing it with blows on the floor to the column in which the ball was previously, etc. When everyone switches places, the teacher must mark the column that completed the task better.

In this game, children practice running and hitting a ball on the floor; At the same time, they develop coordination of movements, speed, and accuracy.

23) Game “Hurry up to catch.”

Children line up in a circle, the driver is in the middle. Children throw the ball from one side of the circle to the other; The driver must catch the ball or touch it with his hand. If this can be done, he stands in a circle, and the one who threw the ball goes to the middle.

In this game, children practice throwing a ball, catching it, jumping, and making quick turns; At the same time, they develop coordination of movements and dexterity.

24) Game “Fetch the ball”.

Children line up one after another in three columns on one side of the playground or room. There is a basket in front of each column. Opposite the columns at a distance of 6-7 m there are balls on the floor. At the signal: “Run, bring it!” - the first from each column run to the balls; everyone takes as many balls as they can. The balls should not fall along the way. If the ball falls, the teacher marks it as a failure. The players place the brought balls in baskets and move to the side or to the end of the column. When everyone has completed the exercise, determine who has more balls; The quality of the exercise is also taken into account. In this game, children practice speed and dexterity of movements.

25) Game “We carry different balls.”

Children line up in two lines on opposite sides of the playground. Children in the same line have small colored balls (preferably soft, stuffed ones). The children of the other line turn their backs to the wall. The first line picks up the balls and approaches the second. The teacher says: “We go, we go, we go, we’re carrying different balls!”

Approaching the second line, children with balls stop at a distance of two steps and put the balls on the floor. The teacher says:

Whoever has the ball here doesn’t run after us, but picks up our ball and rather throws it at us!

After these words, the children in the first line quickly run to their places, and the children in the second line pick up the balls and throw them towards those running away. Throwers collect balls. The game is repeated 2-3 times; then the children change places.

In this game, children practice throwing a ball, running; At the same time, attention and endurance develop.

Exercise game for performances

Teacher's words:

1. Throw - catch,

Throw it - catch it

Throw it - catch it

Throw it - catch it!

2. On the floor - and in your hands,

On the floor - and in your hands,

On the floor - and in your hands,

On the floor - and in your hands!

3. Roll - pick up,

Roll - pick up,

Roll - pick up,

Roll - pick up!

4. Run and throw,

Don't let me fall

Run and throw

Don't let me fall

Don't let me fall

Don't let me fall!

Children's movements:

1. Children throw balls and catch them. The exercise is repeated four times.

2. Hit the ball on the floor and catch it. The exercise is also repeated four times.

3. Children squat down and roll the ball to the person standing opposite, pushing it with their right hand. Having received the ball from a friend, the child stands up and straightens up, raising the ball up with both hands.

4. Children stand behind each other’s heads and run, throwing and catching balls; one column runs to the right, the other to the left; halfway through they pair up and continue running; stop, put the balls on the floor, clap their hands and say: “That’s it!” Then they take the balls and run away.

In the game, children show their ability to control the ball, speed, dexterity, accuracy, and coordination of movements of all players.

26) Game “Ball downhill”.

Children stand in a column, one at a time, in front of the slides, 5-6 people each. There should be approximately 3-4 slides for the entire group of children. Each child rolls the ball down the slide, runs after it, passes it to the next one in the column and stands behind everyone. The team (column) that completes the task faster wins.

Note. The teacher stands on the side of the columns and makes sure that the children run after the ball on one side and return on the other (to avoid collisions). At a distance of 2-3 m from the slide, obstacles are installed to hold the ball.

The teacher can offer various options for rolling the ball: roll with the right, left, with both hands; roll it so that the ball accurately passes into a goal made of cubes, clubs, etc.; roll the ball not from your hand, but from a scoop (plywood, planks, rackets, cardboard, etc.); roll the ball and have time to catch it in the scoop.

27) Game “Ride to the wall.”

A corridor 40-50 cm wide is made from 6-8 sticks so that it reaches the wall. There should be two such corridors. A group of children is divided into two teams, which are seated on chairs (benches) on both sides of the hall.

Two from each team stand against the wall: one catches the ball, the other gets ready. At the teacher’s signal, the first person in the team rolls the ball along the corridor, the ball must touch the wall. The player standing against the wall takes the ball after the rebound and stands in the starting position for rolling. The next one takes his place, etc. The team that quickly and correctly completed the task wins.

28) Game “Catch the ball”.

From gymnastic sticks make 3-4 corridors 3-4 m long, 70 cm wide. Children are divided into 3-4 teams. Two people from each team stand at the beginning of the corridor. The rest of the children sit on both sides of the hall. The first one rolls the ball, runs after it, tries to catch it without letting it roll out of the corridor, then picks up the ball and throws it in any way to the next one in the column, and sits down. The winner is the team that not only quickly but also completes the task correctly.

Note. The teacher is at the end of the corridors and makes sure that the children follow the order and accurately perform the appropriate actions with the ball, gives specific comments: “Don’t throw the ball so hard, otherwise you won’t have time to catch it to the end of the corridor”; “To catch the ball, cover it with your hand on top of the boat; “Try to accurately throw the ball to your friend.”

The game can be played in more complicated versions: catch a rolling ball after the signal “One-two-three! Catch it!”; catch at the end of the corridor; at the flag; When throwing the ball to a friend, you have time to clap a certain number of times. The boundaries of the corridor can be lines drawn on the floor or ground. The game can take place without corridors. Children simply roll the ball in a straight direction.

29) Game “Roll the Ball”.

The children themselves lay out 3-4 rectangles from building material without one side facing the players (in the form of a gate). Based on the number of rectangles, children are divided into teams. Each player has one ball. At a distance of 2-3 m, the child rolls his ball into the goal of the rectangle. When everyone has completed the task, the number of balls that hit the goal is counted. The team that scores the most goals wins. After this, one of the children on each team collects the balls and distributes them to their friends. The game is restarted.

Note. When the game is repeated several times, the width of the goal gradually decreases (from 70 to 40 cm) or the distance from the place where the ball is rolled to the goal increases, but not more than 5-6 m.

30) Game “Ball towards the ball”.

A group of children is divided into two teams. Both teams stand opposite each other at a distance of 4-6 m. The captains are the first, each with a ball. At the teacher’s signal: “Start!” - children roll the balls towards one another, but so that the balls do not collide. Having caught the ball, the captains pass the balls to their comrades, etc. The team that made the fewest mistakes wins. The game is repeated 2-3 times.

Note. This game is played only after children have learned to roll a large ball to each other with both hands. In this case, children are not divided into teams, but play independently in a group or on a site. The teacher shows how to roll and explains: “Everyone should roll the ball a little to the right, then the balls will not collide.”

31) Game “Catch the bounced ball.”

The game is played in a group room or in a hall. Two tables are moved together with the narrow side and placed closely perpendicular to the wall. The child stands at the edge of the table opposite the wall and rolls the ball across the table so that it bounces. After this, the child must quickly catch the ball and pass it to a friend. The game can take place in subgroups, then 2-3 playing fields are needed, that is, place 4-6 tables nearby.

32) Game “Pass the ball”.

Children are divided into 3-4 teams and line up in columns one after another at a distance of 2-3 m. Any object is placed in front of each column at a distance of 3-4 m: a chair, a large ball, a mace, a cube, etc. The first in the column with a celluloid tennis ball, he must run around the object, pass the ball to the next one in his column and stand behind everyone. If the ball is lost, the child must return, pick it up and run from the place where the ball fell.

Note. The teacher makes sure that the children follow the rules of the game: do not come out ahead of time to meet the player, try not to touch the object, do not pass the ball through the air and move into the columns on one side. If children often make the listed mistakes, the teacher can stop the game and explain the rules again.

The game can be played in another version: run around a chair, put a ball on it, and when returning to your column, touch your hand next player; he, running around the chair, takes the ball, passes it to another, etc.

33) Game “Throw the ball.”

Children line up in two lines. Children in the first row have one ball each. They throw the ball to the children of the other line.

The winner is the subgroup of children whose number of ball falls is the smallest.

Note. The game can take place according to the signal: “Start!”, which is given by the teacher. Children throw the ball at the same time.

34) Game “Hurry up to catch.”

The game is played with a small subgroup of children. They stand in a circle. In the center is the driver. Children throw the ball to each other, trying to prevent the driver from touching or catching it. If he succeeds, he takes the place of the one who threw the ball unsuccessfully. The last one goes to the middle of the circle.

Note. The teacher stands behind the circle, making sure that the children do not hold the ball for a long time or throw it to the same child. If the driver fails to catch the ball for a long time, a new one is assigned.

The game can be complicated: introduce two drivers and throw two balls.

35) Game “Get into the window.”

Children are divided into 4-6 teams. Each team should have no more than 5-6 children. Two teams play at the same time. The guys stand in a column, one at a time, on the side of gymnastic wall on both sides at a distance of 1 m. A line is drawn at the same distance.

One team gets the ball. The person standing first throws the ball into the lower span of the gymnastic wall - the “window” and stands at the end of the column. The child standing first on the opposite team catches it (or takes it from the floor or ground) and throws the ball into the same space. The next children throw higher into the sky, etc. If one does not hit the “window,” then the next child from the same team throws the ball into the same “window.”

Depending on which team and which side is facing the gymnastics wall, children throw into the “window” with their right or left hand.

When the ball reaches each “window”, the teams change places: those who threw the ball with their left hand throw with their right, and vice versa. The team that makes the fewest mistakes wins. After that, another pair of teams takes their place.

Note. The teacher makes sure that the children do not come closer to the gymnastics wall during the throw than the required distance.

The game can be played simultaneously with four teams, then one pair of teams stands on one edge of the gymnastic wall, the other on the other edge. This will shorten the playing time and most of the children will be occupied in the game.

Game "Ball in the net"

A volleyball net is stretched on the court at a height of 110-120 cm. Children are also divided into teams and stand on both sides of the net. Each child from the team takes turns throwing the ball into any cell of the net, the child standing opposite catches it.

36) Game “Ball on the floor”.

Children stand in two lines opposite each other. Children in one line have balls, they throw them on the floor, catch them with both hands and roll them to partners from the other line.

You can throw the ball up and catch it after it hits the floor.

37) Game “Ball in the basket”.

Children stand in a circle; depending on the number of children, you can form not one, but 2-4 circles. A basket is placed in the middle. Each child has a ball. You need to throw the ball on the floor so that it ends up in the basket.

The balls are thrown one at a time or all together. In the second case, the balls must be colored. The teacher stands behind the circle.

38) Game “Get in the circle.”

Children, just like in the previous game, line up in 4-6 columns against the wall. A hoop is placed on the floor 30-40 cm from the wall or a square is made from gymnastic sticks.

Everyone takes turns throwing the ball on the steppe so that it bounces into the circle, then catches the ball and passes it to the next player, and he himself stands at the end of the column.

Note. First, the teacher shows how to act: hold the ball easily with three fingers, throw from below, the left (right) hand is slightly put forward.

39) Game “Ball in a circle”.

Children are divided into several teams, each with 5-6 people. Colored paper discs or colored hoops, 3-4 pieces against each team, are laid out on the floor in any order. Children stand in front of the hoops at a distance of 1.5-2 m. At the teacher’s signal, the first throw the ball so that it hits the circle.

Each child makes two throws in any circle, or the teacher suggests a certain sequence: hit red, blue, yellow, etc. The team that hits all the colored discs wins.

Note. Children can throw the ball in any way, but the teacher must explain that throwing from below is more effective, and the ball must be held freely.

The game can be played with a feather ball (shuttlecock).

Game "Through the rope into the hoop"(as a variant of the previous game)

The game is played in the same way as the previous one, only it takes place on the court. A rope is pulled between two posts at a height of 120-130 cm.

On one side of the site, a circle with a diameter of 1 m is drawn behind the rope; a line is drawn at a distance of 50-70 cm in front of the rope. Children take turns throwing the ball (shuttlecock) over the rope, trying to get into the circle. You can distribute children into several teams. The team with the most ball hits in the circle wins.

40) Game “Hit and Catch”.

Divide the group of children into four teams. Everyone lines up in a column one by one. In front of each team, squares are drawn on the floor (ground) at a close distance from each other. At the teacher’s signal, the first players from each team run to the squares and, trying to hit the ball into the square, try to catch it. The movement is reminiscent of driving stakes.

After this, the ball is passed to the next player. You can hit the ball with your left hand and catch it with your right, or vice versa; or hit and catch with the same hand.

40) Game “Obedient Ball”.

A hoop is placed on the floor or a circle is drawn. The child hits the ball with his hand, trying to accurately hit the circle. You need to hit the ball lightly, but with a firm palm and after the ball has bounced high enough from the floor. This exercise can be done either while sitting on a chair; or without using a hoop (circle); or hitting the ball with each hand, either separately or alternately.

The exercise can be complicated by the fact that the child will hit the ball with each hand alternately into a triangle, the side of which is 40 cm.

Note. The teacher makes sure that the children not only hit the ball correctly, but also maintain a free, natural position of the body: the knees are slightly bent, not tense, the body is slightly tilted forward.

You can organize the game as a competition between teams or between children in pairs: who can hit the ball longer, accurately hitting a circle, triangle, etc. Each winner gets a point.

41) Game “Ball on the track”.

Divide a group of children into two teams, in front of each of which they draw or lay out a corridor 50-100 cm wide and 3 m long from gymnastic sticks and ropes. Each child has a ball in his hands.

You need to hit the ball on the floor, carry it along the corridor, come back, stand at the end of the column and pass the ball to the next one. If a player drops the ball, he must pick it up and continue dribbling from that point.

The next player in the column begins to move only when the previous player passes the corridor. You can only return to your column along a certain side.

The winner is the team that not only quickly but also completes the task correctly.

Note. Children can dribble the ball in a straight direction, first with their right hand to the middle of the corridor, and then with their left.

42) Game “Ball around the hoop”.

A group of children is divided into 4-5 teams. Opposite the team, at a distance of 1.5-2 m, there are hoops, each 1 m in diameter (you can use a hula hoop). At the teacher’s signal, the first ones begin to dribble the ball, heading towards the hoops, walk around it, pick it up, then run back to their column and pass the ball to the next one. If someone drops the ball, they continue to dribble it from where it fell.

Note. The game is played with children only when they learn to dribble the ball in a straight direction. You can dribble the ball with your right hand, your left hand, or alternately.

43) Game “Ball over bumps”.

Children stand 5-6 people in a column, one at a time. The first child has a ball. On the site, draw 6-8 circles with a diameter of 30-40 cm at a distance of 5-10 cm from each other. The first one must move the ball so that it bounces around the circles - “over the bumps”, and pass the ball to the next one.

Note. The teacher monitors the progress of the game, shows, as necessary, how to properly dribble the ball into each circle, and compares this movement with running over bumps. The game can be played with small variations: dribble the ball with each hand in turn; get into the circle that the teacher points to; dribble the ball between the circles.

Exercises with the ball.

It is not necessary for the teacher to play all ball games with the entire group of children. It can be individual sessions, in which it is good to use individual elements of games, their variations and sample exercises.

1. Roll the ball to each other at a distance of 1.5-2 m, alternately with your right and left hands.

2. Throw the ball up, catch it with both hands or alternately with each hand.

3. Throw the ball on the floor, catch it with both hands, having time to slam it. Perform exercises on the spot and while walking.

4. Throw the ball up, let it hit the floor, catch it with both hands, each hand, after throwing it, have time to turn around yourself.

5. Throw the ball against the wall, jump on one leg, catch it with both hands.

6. Throw the ball against the wall, after bouncing off the floor, catch it with both hands or each hand alternately.

7. Throw the ball on the floor so that it touches the wall and catch it.

8. Throw the ball on the floor so that it touches the wall, hits the floor again, and catches it.

9. Dribble the ball with one hand, like basketball bypassing objects.

10. Place the ball on your head and try to hold it for as long as possible. Perform the exercise on the spot, while walking. Exercise helps develop posture.

Ball games for children from 5 years old. Every man for himself


This game is played mainly by boys.

To play you need: at least two people (each playing for himself), a blank wall of a building and a football (or regular) ball.

Players stand in a column one after another in front of the wall. The first player kicks the ball against the wall; his task is to hit the ball above a certain level. To indicate this level, a line is drawn at a distance of approximately 30 cm from the ground. The player who threw the ball stands at the end of the line, now the next player throws the ball against the wall.
Anyone who hits the wall below the line with the ball is assigned the letter “K”, in next time- “O”, etc.

The first person to collect the entire word “GOAT” is eliminated from the game.

The last player remaining in the game wins.

Nowadays, in order to prolong the pleasure of the game, modern children sometimes collect “KOZEL.RU”.

Instead of a line, you can draw a circle or goal on the wall of a certain size, beyond the boundaries of which you cannot hit the ball.


This game is also called “Frog”, and is played mainly by girls.

To play you need: a blank wall, at least 2 players, a ball.

The players stand one after another in a column. The first child throws the ball with his hands against the wall at his level or slightly above himself. When the ball flies back and hits the ground, you need to jump over it without touching it with your hand or foot. The player behind him catches the ball and does the same. After the jump, the player goes to the end of the line.

If the player did not jump over the ball or touched it, then the letter “K” is assigned to him, then “O”, etc., until the entire word “QUEEN” (or “FROG”) is typed.
The one who types the entire word is eliminated from the game. The last player remaining in the game wins.


Children stand in a column one after another. The first player throws the ball against the wall above him and runs back to the end of the column. The player behind him must have time to catch the ball. And throw it in the same way for the next player. A player who fails to catch the ball is eliminated from the game.

Edible – inedible

All children stand in a line or sit on a long bench. The leader stands opposite them. He throws the ball to all players in turn and names various objects: “soup”, “crane”, “apple”, etc. If the named item is edible, the player catches the ball and pretends to eat it; if it is inedible, he hits the ball back to the driver.

"I know five names..."

This game can be played when a small number of girls gather (boys do not really like this game).

The first player takes the ball, hits it on the ground, hitting it with his palm and says (for each hit you need to say one word): “I know five names of boys: Vanya - one, Lyosha - two...” - and so on until “five” (repeat it is forbidden). Then the next player pronounces his five names in the same way, etc.
The next “steps” list the names of girls, names of flowers, birds, trees, fish, insects, cities, countries, car brands (this is in case the boys suddenly want to play).

If the player gets lost (missed the ball or didn’t remember the right name), then he remains on the same “step”, i.e. when it comes to his turn next time, he will again list the names of objects from the category on which he got lost. As a result, the players seem to be “stretched” in a line along the “steps”. The first one to reach the last “step” wins.


This game is very good to play when there are not many people walking, from three to six people. More is possible, but then particularly impatient participants may get tired of waiting their turn. This game has many varieties.

We play like this:

Everyone stands in a circle. The driver with the ball in one hand stands in the center of the circle, closes his eyes and extends his free hand forward. The rest of the participants walk around him. At some point the driver says: “Stop!” and opens his eyes.

The one to whom his hand is pointing runs after the ball, which the driver throws somewhere with all his might. When he takes the ball in his hands, he needs to shout: “Stander-stop!” The driver at this time had already run far in the other direction.

The one with the ball must estimate the distance to the driver and say how many giant (huge) steps, Lilliputian steps (small steps when the heel of one foot is placed immediately in front of the toe of the other), human (ordinary), “umbrellas” (turn to one leg around you), “frogs” (jumping), “camels” (you need to spit and stand in the place where you spat).

You can name several types of steps, for example: “To Yegor - 15 “giants”, 3 “umbrellas” and 2 “camels”.

After this, the player with the ball performs all the steps mentioned, approaching the driver.
When he has approached the driver, having taken as many steps as he called, the driver clasps his hands in front of him in a ring, and the player with the ball must hit this ring with the ball. If he hits, then he becomes the driver. If not, the driver remains the same.


Number of players – from three people, but the more participants, the more interesting.

Everyone stands in a large circle, a “dog” is selected (if there are a lot of people, you can choose 2-3 “dogs”), which should stand in the center of the circle. Players throw the ball to each other in random order. The goal of the “dog” is to intercept the ball or at least touch it when the ball is in the air, on the ground or in the hands of the players.

From whom the ball was intercepted, he takes the place of the “dog”.


Children stand in a circle at the same distance from each other and begin to throw the ball to each other. The one who did not catch the ball or dropped it squats in the center: he is a “potato”.

This way you can accumulate quite a lot of “potatoes”. In order for the “potatoes” to enter the game again, one of them needs to contrive, jump without getting up from his haunches, and intercept the flying ball. Then all the “potatoes” stand in a circle with the other players, and the one from whom the ball was caught becomes a “potato”.

Potato-2, or Eleven

Children stand in a circle and throw the ball to each other. The first one to throw the ball says: “One!” The players calculate the remaining throws to themselves: “Two, three, four...”.

The one who did not catch the ball sits in a circle: he is a “potato”, and the counting begins again. The one to whom the eleventh ball is flying must say: “Eleven,” and, without catching it, hit it with your hands so that it hits the ground in the center of the circle or one of the players (if there are already any in the center). Then all the “potatoes” cease to be “potatoes” and stand in a circle. If the one who hit the eleventh ball forgot to say: “Eleven,” or did not hit anyone, then he joins the “potatoes.”

Crippled, Disabled, or Sick

Children stand in a circle and throw the ball to each other in random order. If someone does not catch the ball, then the one who threw “takes away” some part of his body or face.

For example, a leg - then the player needs to stand on one leg, or a hand - then you need to catch the ball with one hand, an eye - play with one eye closed, a mouth - be silent, if the second leg is taken away - you need to kneel. If a “disabled person” threw a ball to someone, but he did not catch it, then the “disabled person” can, instead of “taking it away,” return the missing part of his body or face.

Anyone who can no longer catch the ball (“no” two hands, two eyes, two legs) is out of the game.

Any other player can help a disabled person by throwing him a first aid kit. If a disabled person catches this ball, he can regain one missing part of his body or face.
The one who remains the most “healthy” at the end of the game wins.

cheerful family

This game has many names - “Sam Zhe”, “Sadzho”, “Sabzhe”.

The children line up and the driver throws the ball to each of them in turn. First, the names of all participants are determined. The driver throws the ball to the first player and says: “Your name is Light Bulb” (or any other word). The one for whom the ball was intended can catch it - then his name is “Light Bulb” - or throw it away. Then the driver again throws him a ball with a new name. And so on until that person catches the ball.

Sometimes the driver can throw the ball and say: “Family” (or “The Same”). If a player catches the ball, he is given the right to choose his own name. (As a rule, children choose their real name.) The rest of the players receive their names in the same way.
On the second round they begin to choose a surname, on the third - a middle name. Then they select: the “husband’s” name, his last name, profession, etc.

Sometimes you get funny combinations: Lisa Sapogovna Utkina, her husband is Clown Fedorovich Blinov, they have 100 children, etc. As you understand, you can play endlessly until you get bored.

Tens or Tithes

To play you need: a high blank wall, at least two players and a ball. Each player has to go through 10 “steps”, each “step” is a specific task that must be completed. Moreover, the rest can interfere with the player who is currently performing the task: make him laugh, ask something, pretend that they are about to take the ball away, etc.

Tasks can be as follows:

1. Throw and hit the ball against the wall with a straight palm once.

2. Hit the ball against the wall twice with your fists clasped together (you can clasp your hands like this: clasp the clenched fist of the other hand with the palm of one hand).

3. Hit the ball against the wall three times with your palms cupped.

4. Throw the ball against the wall so that it bounces off it onto the ground, catch the ball from the bounce from the ground and throw it against the wall again. Do this 4 times.

5. Standing with your back to the wall, throw the ball between your legs, quickly turn and catch it in your hands after hitting the wall. Do this 5 times.

6. Standing facing the wall, throw the ball from behind between your legs on the ground so that it bounces towards the wall, hits the wall, and then catches it in your hands. Do this 6 times.

7. Standing facing the wall, throw the ball from under your left foot so that it hits the wall, and catch the ball with your hands as it bounces off the wall. Do this 7 times.

8. Standing facing the wall, throw the ball from under your right foot so that it hits the wall, and catch the ball with your hands as it bounces off the wall. Do this 8 times.

9. Throw the ball against the wall nine times, hitting it with your palms from below.

10. Hit the ball against the wall ten times in a row, returning it, like in volleyball.

All tasks must be completed in order.

The player who completes the task moves to the next “stage”. As soon as a player drops the ball, makes a mistake, laughs or says something, the turn goes to the next player, and he will then have to start from the point where he left off.
The one who completes all the “steps” the fastest wins.

Burned out

Everyone stands in a row with their backs to a blank wall. The driver is at some distance from the other players (as in dodgeball), he must kick the ball and hit someone. Players can dodge. The driver is replaced by the one who was hit by the ball.


This game is played in the same way as "burn out". The only difference is that the ball must be thrown with your hands (as in dodgeball), rather than kicked.

four squares

This game needs to be played with four players. A square with a side of approximately 5-6 steps is drawn on the asphalt with chalk, which is divided into four cells. Each cell houses one player. You cannot leave your cage.

At the beginning of the game, a ball is played: it is thrown up, on whose territory it falls - that’s the one to start. This player must kick a pass to any other square. There the ball is received and immediately sent to someone else.

If the player did not have time to receive the ball - the ball bounced off his cage and flew beyond its boundaries - then he is counted one point.

If the one who passed the ball missed and the ball flew immediately outside the general square, then this is his mistake and he is awarded 1 point. The first one to score 20 points loses. And the one who scores the fewest points wins.

Material for the lesson.