Deadlift - execution technique. Plinths Deadlift from supports

Table 4

Pulling exercises
gluteus maximus /ND/ gluteus medius /VD/ bench press with two legs, deep squats
biceps femoris / biceps femoris /; /ND/ bending the legs, lying on a special device; lying leg press; deep squats
quadriceps /ND/ lying leg press; deep squats; leg straightening while lying or sitting on a special device
a group of back straighteners / erectors of the spine /; /ND/ deadlift with straightened legs; forward bends with a barbell on the back; straightening the body, lying with the hips across the high bench
group deep muscles spine / VD / straightening the body, lying with the hips through a high bench; torso forward and sideways; twisting of the torso
broadest back / VD / thrust to the belt on a horizontal block; pull on the T-bar; thrust standing in an inclination "on horseback" at one end of the bar; bent over dumbbell row
trapezoidal /VD and C/ shoulder lifts with barbell in lowered hands
rhomboid /VD and C/ same exercises plus bent over rows
muscle group shoulder girdle/WITH/ see squat exercises
group of flexors of the hand and fingers /C/ work on the brush strengthener; squeezing a rubber ball; bending the arms at the wrists with the grip of the barbell top and bottom; forearms on thighs
  • ND - direct movers;
  • VD - auxiliary propulsion;
  • C - stabilizers. /3/
Group 5
1. Deadlift - competitive (classic).
The exercise must comply with all norms and requirements of international competition rules. It is performed in two ways, in the style of "weightlifting" /See. photo 51 / and in the style of "sumo" /See. photo 52/, as well as with intermediate options. Group 6
2. Deadlift standing on a stand, stand height 10-15cm. /Sm. photos 53 and 54/
Lifting the bar should be performed by the muscles - extensors of the legs, hip joints, torso (gluteal muscles and muscles rear surface hips). Then the extensors of the legs and torso are simultaneously involved in the rise.
photo 53 photo 54
When performing traction from the stand, the path of the bar lengthens, the load on the muscles - the extensors of the legs and torso increases. The exercise helps to increase the strength of the lift-off phase of the bar from the platform. It is recommended to spread the legs to the width that the athlete uses in competition. It is not recommended to use this exercise in training beginners and sportsmen, because the starting position here is different, which can lead to the consolidation of the wrong skill. 4. Traction to the knees with a stop- And. p. from the platform, the neck rises to the level of the knees, stop 3-5 seconds. The exercise complicates the previous exercise (see exercise 3)
5. Knee deadlift + competition deadlift. The exercise is aimed at improving the technique of competitive thrust. Promotes the development of the strength of the extensor muscles of the legs and torso, trapezius muscles.
6. Deadlift from the platform, with two stops (at the knees and above the knees).
7. Traction from the platform, with a slow lowering to the platform.
8. Deadlift from the platform + draft from the hang below the knees. The exercise contributes to the improvement of the technique of traction, the development of the strength of the extensors of the legs and torso, the development of speed in the final part of the traction.
9. Thrust from plinths, and. n. - neck
located below the knees.
/Cm. photo 56/
Exercise builds strength
Extensors of the legs and trunk,
trapezius muscles. Helps
practice the technique of performing the second
traction phase.
photo 56
10. Traction in the simulator "pyramid" from
knee level
- i.p. bar at level
knees. /Cm. Photo 57/ Exercise
helps to work out the second part
traction. The simulator "pyramid" gives
opportunity for the athlete to learn and
practice traction technique in any
photo 57
Exercise demonstrates 6-time world champion K. Pavlov.
10. Thrust from plinths, and. n. - neck
located above the knees
. /Sm. photo 58/
The exercise is aimed at working out
the final part of the pull. Recommended
perform with maximum weights, from
90 to 120 percent. high
the position of the bar at the start (at
plinths) makes it possible
focus on development
powerful effort in the final part of the thrust
photo 58.
11. Rib pull- i.p. on a narrow plinth
lays down the bar in the middle of the neck. grip
wide (jerk) / See. photo 59/.
The straightening of the body should be
as fast as possible, lowering
rods per plinth, max.
slow. When lowering the bar,
legs slightly bent at the knees.
Exercise effectively pumps
lower back.
photo 59.
Extra load exercises.

Group 9
13. Traction with chains- And. n. a long chain lies on the bushings of the bar, as the barbell is lifted, the weight will increase, along with it, the load on the muscles of the back and legs. The exercise helps to increase the strength of the muscles of the back and legs in the final final part of the thrust. When lifting the neck, the chains rise gradually from the floor, increasing the load, reaching a maximum at the top point. /Cm. photos 61 and 62/ 15. Lifting the barbell to the chest in a semi-squat from the platform without a squat -
i.p. feet hip-width apart, bend over, grab the bar with a grip that is comfortable for the athlete, bend your knees to an angle of 90-110 degrees, bend at the waist. The gaze is directed forward and down, the arms are straight, shoulder joints above the neck.
After taking a short breath, unbending the legs and torso, raise the barbell to the chest without squatting. Weightlifting exercise contributes to the development of the muscles of the back and legs. / 2 /

16. Raising the shoulders - "shrugs"- i.p. barbell in
lowered hands. /Cm. photo 63/
Exercise has a powerful effect
to the trapezius muscles. Executed as
with a barbell and with kettlebells and dumbbells.
photo 63.
17. Squat standing on plinths with
weight in the hands.
"Deep Squat"

/Sm. Photo 64/
Exercise promotes
strength development in initial phase traction -
detach from the platform. It is recommended to set
feet to the width of the legs in
competitive squat. The back should
be flat with a slight forward tilt.
photo 64.
18. Broach up, jerk grip -
i.p. feet hip-width apart, toes slightly apart. Bend over, grab the bar with a wide grip, bend your knees to an angle of 90-110 degrees, bend at the waist, shoulder girdle above the bar, look down and forward. After taking a short breath, raise the barbell to straightened up arms, unbending the legs and torso with the strength of the muscles of the arms. When lifting the bar, the elbows should move straight up. Weightlifting exercise develops the muscles of the legs, back and upper shoulder girdle. /2/
19. Pulling up from a straight rack, jerk grip -
i.p. feet hip-width apart, toes slightly apart. Bend over, grab the bar with a shoulder-width grip, without bending your knees, bend at the waist, shoulder girdle above the bar, look down and forward. After taking a short breath, raise the barbell on arms straightened upwards, unbending the torso, with the strength of the muscles of the arms. Weightlifting exercise develops the muscles of the back and upper shoulder girdle. /2/
20. Traction of the block to the stomach while sitting. Exercise has a complex effect on the muscles of the back: it thickens the latissimus dorsi, raises the tone of the trapezius muscles and extensor muscles. Indirect load is experienced by biceps and forearms. /1/.

Exercises for the muscles of the back.

Group 10
21. Slopes with a barbell on the shoulders
i.p. standing on legs slightly bent at the knees. Lean slowly, straighten your back, try to quickly.
The exercise affects the extensors of the body and indirectly on the biceps of the hips and buttocks, strengthens the back muscles well and develops their strength.
22. Tilts with a barbell on the shoulders while standing on straight legs
i.p. legs straight at the width of the pelvis. Performed at a slow pace.
Exercise affects the development of the longitudinal muscles of the back. A sharp forward lean with a bar behind the head is dangerous, as the athlete can stretch the intervertebral ligaments.
24. Trunk extension (hyperextension)
i.p. without weight/See photo 66/i with weight (bar, barbell, disk, etc.) behind the head. /Cm. Photo 67/ This exercise develops the extensors of the trunk and spine. The muscles of the back of the thighs experience great tension. Indirect load falls on the buttocks.

Photo 66 Photo 67 Photo 68
25. Extension, "hyperextensions" of the trunk with weights in straight arms
And. n. in lowered hands, the athlete holds a weight of 9 griffin, a barbell, a disk, a weight, etc.) / See. photo 68/. Exercise develops the extensors of the trunk and spine. 26. Tilts standing on plinths,-
i.p. feet shoulder-width apart, weights (weights, discs, etc.) in straight arms, forward bends. The exercise is performed with a flat back.
27. Inclines + squats- the position of the bar and the placement of the legs is the same as in squats.
On the count of times- tilt forward, to the level of the horizontal.
On the count of two- from a forward leaning position - sit down, while the shoulders and the bar remain motionless, and the pelvis drops to the lowest point.
On the count of three- from the squat position, again come to the forward tilt position.
On the count of four- straighten your back to the starting position.
This exercise is recommended by Honored Trainer of Russia G.V. Khodosevich.

Exercises for the abdominal muscles.

Group 11
27. Press on the "goat"(or on the "Roman chair" -
And. n. sitting on the "goat", the feet are fixed in gymnastic wall, back bends, with weights on the chest or behind the head. Exercise affects the rectus abdominis muscles, in particular, on upper area. If lifts are combined with active rotations of the body, then the intercostal muscles will also be under load. /2/

Press on an inclined board upside down.
/Cm. photo 69/
Exercise has a strong effect on
the lower part of the muscles abdominals. At
help change the height of the bench
the angle at which it is performed changes
exercise, in connection with this, the degree
load on the abdominal muscles.
photo 69.
Press in the machine.
/Cm. photo 70/
Exercise works on muscles
abdominal press. Athletes who
have difficulty climbing straight
legs, we recommend doing exercises with
bent legs in my knees.
photo 70.
1. Vorobyov A.N. Weightlifting. FIS. Moscow. 1972 p.122-133
2. Vorobyov A.N. Weightlifting. FIS. Moscow. 1981 p. 85-95
3. Vorobyov A.N. Weightlifting. FIS. Moscow. 1988 p. 82-88
4. Jackson Larry Don't break your back. "IronMan", March 1982
5. Joe Weider This is how the Stars train. Weider sports. Moscow 1994. pp. 71, 117, 118.
6. Zale Norman Correct and wrong execution. "IronMan", November 1981
7. Koan Edward Add 30 pounds to your deadlift! “Muscle and Fitness”, July 1986
8. Laputin N.P. Special exercises weightlifter. FIS. Moscow. 1973 p.59,60,74.
9. Ostapenko L.A. Powerlifting. "Muscles - how their volume and strength grows."
Zh-l “Theory and practice of body building”. No. 5 1994 p.37
10. Pasanella David 850 lb deadlift record. Muscle & Fitness, June 1989
11. Pat Payne Deadlift- your main trump card. World of Power. №2 2000
12. Rossiglion Jay My deadlift program. Muscle & Fitness, November 1987
13. Snitkin Carlton Deadlift program. Muscle & Fitness February 1986
14. Philip L.. Some principles of training in power triathlon.
Bratislava. “trainer” №№9,10,11,12, 1974
15. Anton Michael Deadlift. “Muscle & Fitness”, May 1990
16. Bruner Timothy 700-ib Dedlift. Powerlifting USA, August 1998
17. Cuntrera Partick Tom Tinsman. “Powerlifting USA”, October 1998

The deadlift makes the whole body work great exercise for developing maximum strength, training ligaments and nervous system. This is a handy exercise for lifting heavy weights. The classic deadlift is one of the basic exercises for training back muscles! At the same time, of course, the powerful effect of traction on the muscles of the legs and arms should be taken into account in the training program.
Back– deadlift perfectly trains all the muscles of the back
Legs- the muscles of the thigh and gluteal muscles receive a greater load
Hands- the muscles of the hands work very intensively in a static mode, they hold the barbell like ropes. The muscles of the forearm and hand are very powerful.

1. Position the bar over the front of your feet. Place your feet about shoulder-width apart or slightly narrower, gripping the bar slightly wider than your legs. These are individual parameters, you should be comfortable.
2. It is advisable to use a grip on the neck from above and not to use straps. If the strength of the hand does not allow you to hold the desired weight, then take the straps or hold the bar in the “different grip” way - one hand takes from above, the other from below and change each approach. Use a special sports powder "magnesia" which greatly improves grip and grip strength.
3. The task of the exercise is to take the barbell off the floor and stand with it, fully straightening the body and legs. The very beginning of the movement is the removal of the barbell from the floor. Removal is performed mainly due to the strength of the legs, then the back is added. You can't jump start! First, create tension in your legs and back, stretch your arms and, building up strength, pull the bar up powerfully.
4. Legs and back straighten the whole body like a spring. Pull the bar up close to your feet. Having straightened up to a vertical position, do not bend back.
5. Important - keep your back straight, while pulling, try to arch your back. It is unacceptable in the process of traction to allow the weight to bend the back.
6. Performing several repetitions do not beat the bar off the floor. Calmly place the barbell on the floor and start a new lift.

The athlete stands on the floor, and the barbell lies on two stands. Stands come in different heights, from low 5-10 cm, to high ones that allow you to pull from the knees or even a little higher. Stands are used to reduce the amplitude of the lift of the rod - reduced Bottom part movement in which the legs are loaded more. Stand deadlift allows you to take much more weight than deadlift from the floor and increase the load on the back and on the ligaments of the whole body. If there are no special supports for traction, then wooden linings or pancakes from the bar are used.
Why is deadlift from stands used:
1. To try a new weight. The athlete can first try to lift more weight from the supports, and then already lift this weight from the floor.
2. To prepare the ligaments and the nervous system for new weights.
3. If the lifter is having problems at the top of the movement when performing a deadlift from the floor. It happens that I eat from the floor and traction to the knees goes well, and then the athlete cannot fully straighten up. In this case, you can work on this phase of the movement separately with increased weight from the stands.

Performing thrust from the pit, the athlete stands on a raised platform, and the barbell lies on the floor, while the height of the barbell rises. In English, this exercise is called "Deficit Deadlift". Small stands 3-10 cm high are used. Increasing the lift height by just a few centimeters greatly complicates the performance of traction, especially since the amplitude is added at the very bottom.
Why is deadlift from the pit used:
1. If the lifter has problems in the lower part of the movement (lifting off the floor, pulling to the knees), then you can specifically work on the start by pulling from a lower point.
2. Pulling out of the pit forces you to start from a more difficult position and perform a rise with increased amplitude. This helps to better feel the acceleration of the bar and the whole movement in general.

From my point of view this is NOT a deadlift, but some other exercise. We can say that this is “a different way of lifting the barbell” with a reduced amplitude and with a different inclusion of muscles. This is a specific move that appeared in powerlifting because the rules allow you to take such a position. Athletes take advantage of this opportunity to lift more weight, especially those with significantly weaker backs than their legs. I think it's less spectacular in terms of sports and less effective for a total body workout than the classic deadlift. In addition, for training and testing the strength of the legs, there are effective exercise- squats, and deadlift should be considered as an exercise for the back muscles. By the way, many elite athletes in powerlifting, including world record holders, perform barbell deadlifts with the classics, and not with sumo.

Hey ferrum-body is back! And today we will talk about the exercise deadlift from plinths.

On the calendar 16 May, Wednesday, which means the time for a technical note on the ABC of Bodybuilding. After reading, you will learn all about the muscle atlas, the benefits and technique of performing the exercise, and we will also find out the degree of its effectiveness and analyze some practical points.

So, take your seats in the auditorium, we begin.

Deadlift from plinths. What, why and why?

April and especially May are the hottest months in gym. And all because people are waking up from hibernation and want at an accelerated pace, for 3-4 weeks, get yourself into a holiday-worthy shape. In order to make this a reality, trainers begin to rack their brains on how to “deal” a client in such a way in order to get a quick result - as they say, any whim for your money. Newcomers girls are offered, and the guys are discharged. One of its varieties is deadlift from plinths, we will consider further in the text.

For better assimilation of the material, all further narration will be divided into subchapters.

Muscular atlas

The exercise belongs to the class of conditionally basic and aims to work out the buttocks.

The muscle ensemble includes the following units:

  • targeted - gluteus maximus;
  • synergists - quadriceps, large adductor, biceps femoris, soleus;
  • dynamic stabilizers - calf;
  • stabilizers - extensors of the back, trapezium (middle / top), levator scapula, diamond-shaped;
  • antagonist stabilizers - straight m.zh., oblique.

Complete Muscle Atlas (option standing in a power rack) is the following picture:


By performing the deadlift from plinths, you can expect to receive the following benefits:

  • increase in the mass of the buttocks;
  • development of the back of the thigh;
  • increase in strength;
  • strengthening the lower back;
  • weight progression in a full range deadlift.

Execution technique

Deadlift from plinths refers to exercises entry level difficulties. The step-by-step execution technique is as follows:

Step #0.

Form two elevations on the floor, for example, from 2nd pancakes (one on top of the other) on each side of the bar. Equip the latter with the necessary weight right on the stand. Approach the bar and stand in position to remove it from the platform. Statically tighten the press. Look forward or up.

This is your starting position.

Step #1.

Inhale and as you exhale, without bending your legs, begin to pull the barbell to the “second floor”. Fix at the top of the 1-2 counting and inhale to return to the PI.

In the picture it looks like this:

On the move like this:


In addition to the standard version of the plinth deadlift, there are several variations of the exercise:

  • standing in a power frame;
  • standing on a stand.

Secrets and subtleties

To get the most out of the exercise, follow these guidelines:

  • do not tilt the body back;
  • when lowering, do not beat the bar against the platforms;
  • do not bend your legs and do not sit down behind the projectile;
  • do not round your back;
  • perform thrust while standing sideways to the mirror;
  • use sufficient platform height (minimum 2-3 pancake);
  • when working with large weights, use a weightlifting belt;
  • with a weak grip (especially true for girls) use wrist straps;
  • breathing technique: exhalation - lifting the projectile in the fae, inhalation - when lowering / returning to the PI;
  • numerical parameters of the training: the number of sets / repetitions - 3/8-10.

With the theoretical side finished, now let's look at some practical points.

What is the most efficient stand?

It should be understood that the effectiveness of traction primarily depends on the weight of the weight being lifted. The emphasis of the load received by the muscles is determined by the height of the barbell lift. In other words, if you pull from the plinths, then most of the load falls not on the back, but on the buttocks. And this option is preferable for girls who have as their goal an increase in priests. The power rack option shifts the focus to the back. in addition to the back, it actively loads the large adductor.

Do beginners need to do deadlifts?

On the Internet, as well as among coaches, there are diametrically opposed opinions on this matter. Which one you fall under depends on the gym from which you start your training path. Exercise becomes traumatic with a weak back and does not correct technique. If you still want to include this in your training program basic exercise, then start with a deadlift in a power rack and with plinths. As you gain experience in the deadlift, reduce the height of the plinths ( 3-2-1 ) or lower the limit stops in the frame below.

Actually, we have finished with the main part of the note, let's move on to ...


Deadlift from plinths - this is the exercise we have analyzed today. What place will it take in your training activity? Hopefully not the last...

PS: And what is your favorite stand?

PPS: did the project help? Then leave a link to it in the status of your social network - plus 100 Karma points guaranteed :)

With respect and gratitude, Protasov Dmitri.

It tells about the correct execution technique, the advantages of a deadlift stand, the muscles being trained, important tips and a training video for the perfect execution.

Description of the exercise

The movement technique is identical to the exercise, with the difference that the movements begin while standing on a stand at a height of 5-10 cm, discs, boards, thick pieces of rubber, in general, any surface that has a solid base, are suitable for this. This exercise is also called deadlift on a stand.

This allows you to lower the bar lower, increase the range of motion, better stretch the muscles and, accordingly, increase the effectiveness of the exercise. The deadlift from the pit is very good for the glutes, provided, but you need to squat quite low so that the hips are parallel to the floor. In this position, you will feel the full power of the exercise and immediately feel what kind of load the butt receives. However, performing the option on a stand is best done by experienced athletes, after learning the basics of performing a regular deadlift.

Trained muscles

A powerful load is directed to the quadriceps, and a large gluteal muscle, in addition, the biceps of the thighs, semimembranosus, semitendinosus muscles and trapezius are involved in the work.

1) To begin with, you can perform the exercise without supports, just take the barbell wide (20-30 cm wider than the shoulders on each side), this will force the barbell to lower and squat accordingly.

2) Do not immediately switch to a high stand, take a stand about 3-4 cm, believe me, this short distance will be appreciated by your legs, buttocks and back, immediately experiencing a more powerful load. And remember, deadlift on a stand requires a flat back, no stoop, the gaze is directed ahead of you. inhale evenly when lowering, exhale when lifting.

3) When lowering, do not let them move to the center, this keeps your back straight, if it doesn’t work out, then reduce it, use it in the last heavy ones, and if your hands can’t stand it and the barbell slips out of your hands, use hand straps.

4) Girls usually use small weights, rarely when discs of 20-30 kg are used, mainly 5-10-15 kg., Since they are of small diameter, you can not use the stand, because for contact with the floor, it is necessary to go low, if this seems not enough, you can use wide grip, as described in paragraph 1.

5) If the stand is too high, and there is nothing below, then do not completely lower the barbell, leaving a few centimeters to the floor, but this will be more difficult, since there will be no minimal rebound from the floor and for a split second of relaxation at the bottom.

so ... In this article we will consider such an exercise as the "Deadlift".

The deadlift is an exercise that is used in three directions:
- Competitive traction
-To strengthen back muscles
-For bodybuilder frame

Based on this principle, we will build our goals:

1 Increase the weight on the bar
2 Increases in the muscles of the erectors of the spine
3 Increase back muscle strength

Exercises performed:

1 Sumo deadlift
2 Deadlift "Classic"
3 Deadlift "Dead"
4 Deadlift "From plinths"
* plinths are two special supports for both ends of the rod. They are needed so that the rod lies at the height of the knees.

Necessary equipment:
1 Olympic neck (20 kg) with thread for locks
2 Castles
3 Pancakes
4 Plinths
5 straps
6 Weightlifting belt with a wide back and a narrow belt
7 Magnesia/chalk
8 Chains

Let's go in order. The first thing I’ll tell you about is the deadlift technique, and then we’ll figure out what exercises are needed for what:

1 Deadlift "Sumo"

We spread our legs, using the deadlift technique, so wide that in the squat, when our thighs are parallel to the floor and our hands touch the neck, the tibia (shin) remains perpendicular to the floor.

The knees are in the same plane as the ankle and do not come inward when standing up.

Feet turned 45 degrees

The back in relation to the floor is tilted no more than 45 degrees (the smaller the slope, the better)

Grip at shoulder level (not wider, not narrower) so that the arms hang arbitrarily.

When holding the bar with a different grip, the arm that is palm away from you should be fully extended at the elbow joint (otherwise, a rupture of the biceps is guaranteed). Keep an eye on this before lifting the bar off the ground, this is very important in the deadlift technique.

The gaze is directed to the upper corner in front of you

We squat under the neck (perform a squat) and roll the barbell close to the legs.

We get up working exclusively with our feet without tilting the back forward

We straighten the back at the final stage of the movement, when the legs are fully extended.

Do not forget to bend your back at the end (it looks like you leaned back)

Inhale at the top, Exhale on the way up. Do not try to inhale when lowering the barbell.

Here is an example of the perfect Sumo deadlift technique:

Common mistakes:

Back tilt and pull done with the back, not the legs

The bar is not led along the legs (she needs to shave her legs ideally)

Knees converge inward during lifting (stretching is not enough)

Crooked back (where without it)

How to achieve stretching? Exercise "Butterfly" (don't know what it is? - Attend physics lessons in the first grade). There is no need to sit on the twine, what to learn to pull in "Sumo".

2 Deadlift "Classic"

During the deadlift, the legs are already shoulder width apart

The feet look perfectly straight or 20 degrees to the sides, but no more. (In no case do they look inside)

When performing a deadlift, the back is ideally bent and tilted relative to the floor by 45-60 degrees, no more.

Grip at shoulder level.

When taking the bar with a different grip, the arms must be fully extended at the elbow joints.

The gaze is directed to the upper corner in front of you

You need to sit down so that when you take the barbell in your hands, you do not cover the neck with your knees.

When performing a deadlift, you need to stand on your heels and only

The bar should be covered with shoulders, not knees (long-legged people have quite serious problems with this)

In appearance, the movement is similar to regular squats, but with a neck in front of the legs)

When lifting, we work exclusively with our legs and ass

We unbend the back when the legs are straightened enough (you need to feel the moment)

The bar moves along the legs (Bruises are common)

When the Grif is 5+ cm above the knees, it's time to straighten your back.

Here is an example of a fairly correct "Classic Deadlift" deadlift performed by a strong female:

Common mistakes:

Back tilt more than 60 degrees (almost 90)

crooked spine

Support on toes, not heels

3 "Dead" correct deadlift

Legs at the knees are slightly bent to relieve the load from the spine

Legs and arms as in the classics

We lower the bar along the legs by moving the ass back (no need to tilt)

The bar moves in one plane (therefore we do not tilt, for slopes there is a "Good morning")

We lower the barbell below the knees and immediately up (do not even lower it 3 cm below the knees)

Throughout the exercise, the legs are bent at one angle (can only be straightened in the upper position)

We work exclusively with the muscles of the back and biceps of the thighs.

Here is an example of the correct deadlift and mistakes right away (but don’t bend so low):

Deadlift "From plinths"

Put the plinths under the rod pancakes

Follow the style you use - Classic or Sumo with dropping to the plinths - this will allow you to work out the upper phase of the lift. When working with a lot of weight in this exercise, your one-time result in traction will depend only on the strength of your legs in the initial stage (it's like pressing on a bar).

When performing a deadlift from plinths, there is no need for an extra load on the legs (on the first repetition, when you take the barbell from the floor.

So what are all these proper deadlift exercises for:

1 The Sumo deadlift allows you to lift more weight due to the fact that it works mainly the Quadriceps, Butt and Adductors of the thigh. This style is very convenient for people with long arms and legs (high ectomorphs are better off pulling in sumo style).
This style is extremely competitive. For general body building (even the same pumping of the legs), it is better not to use it. ONLY competitions. Of course, you can use it for yourself, but do not forget that there are squats for pumping legs (they work better), and deadlift for the back.

2 Deadlift "Classic" - exercises for competition and strength development. In this exercise, every self-respecting kachik is simply obliged to overcome the bar of 150 kg (even with a height of 150 cm). This exercise creates a reliable frame for all the muscles of the body. It applies to life more than all the other exercises put together: Need to lift something? - in the classics and more! Boxes, bags, Cabinets, Tables, Cars. The well-known builders Arnold, Franco, Roni performed deadlifts. So it's mandatory for everyone to do it.

3 Deadlift- This is the frame of the back muscles. From my own experience, I was convinced that this exercise is simply necessary for all beginners. I recommend that all recruits who come to the gym reach a weight of 140 kg in this exercise in the first year of training. Do this exercise from the plinths so that you do not stop at the weight when your legs cannot lift you. What will these 140 kg give us? And here's what:

When performing all kinds of pulls (rod in an incline, dumbbell, block to the belt), we will be able to feel comfortable and not push while standing in an incline, but pay attention to the target muscles.

When doing squats, we will only think about the legs.

When performing a deadlift, we will work to the fullest, because. the back will no longer be the weak link in this exercise (like triceps during the bench press)

In everyday life, we will not worry about our back by lifting weights.

4 Thrust from plinths is needed for the following purposes:

Working out the final phase of the deadlift (like working out the booster in the bench press)

To facilitate lifting in Deadlift and, as a result, a greater working weight in it.

All about technology. Now let's talk about how to train.

2 Deadlift is performed 1 time in 6-10 days. Preferably the last workout.

3 In deadlift, perform 10-12 reps

4 In "Sumo" and "Classic" 4-6 each

5 We lift the weight each workout by 2.5 kg

6 per cycle (12-16 workouts) the weight should be lifted no more than 20 kg and no less than 10 kg.

7 When performing the exercise, we use straps, not a different grip. When wearing straps, your attention and strength will go to overcoming the weight, and not to holding the bar.

8 To develop a "steel" grip, we take the bar in our hands (not with a different grip) with a weight of 105-110% of the working one (not the maximum) and hold for 5-15 seconds (we could 15 seconds - increase the weight and so on up to 125%) overcoming torque. Don't forget to use magnesia/chalk.
Here is an example of a steel grip:

9 Some athletes use chains. We hang two EQUAL chains at an EQUAL distance and perform the exercise. With a greater separation from the chain, there are more chains in the air, thus in the final phase (when it is necessary to load the back), the weight of the bar is maximum. But I prefer skirting boards, because. in this option, a bias on one of the sides may develop, but that's up to you to decide. If you do this, then in one exercise you will work everything out, and when doing from plinths, you lose training (lifting the working weight) due to the fact that you replace traction with traction from plinths.