Leg exercises with dumbbells for men. Exercises with dumbbells at home

Hello readers! Today I will tell you about best exercises with dumbbells on my feet and describe the correct execution technique. The article also contains a training program, helpful tips and analysis of common mistakes when pumping legs.

The legs make up 30-40% of body weight, which is why it is so important to keep them in good shape. The development of the legs should go in harmony with the development of the whole body, since weak lower muscles slow down the progression of the upper muscle groups. The pumping of the legs contributes to the launch of anabolic processes, which leads to a set of mass of the whole body.

Any man can accelerate the growth of muscle mass if he pumps his legs, chest and back. It's not all in vain basic complexes exercises are aimed at working out these particular muscle groups.

Is it possible to pump up legs at home

Most of the exercises for pumping them can be done at home. That doesn't make them any less effective. The main thing is to train regularly and follow the correct execution technique.

You can train your legs both due to your own weight and using weights. Performing exercises with a load will allow you to gain faster muscle mass and strength. Universal weights are dumbbells. With their help, you can work out almost all muscle groups.

Technique and types of exercises with dumbbells

  • Squats
  1. Take dumbbells in your hands and stretch them along the torso.
  2. Put your feet slightly wider than your shoulders.
  3. On an inhale, slowly squat down until the back of your thigh is parallel to the floor. Lock in the lower position for a couple of seconds.
  4. As you exhale, slowly return to the starting position.

You can squat by spreading your legs at different widths. At shoulder width or already more heavily loaded quadriceps. If you put your feet wider than your shoulders and.

  • Lunges
  1. Take dumbbells and place your arms along your torso. The back is straight throughout the exercise.
  2. Step forward with your right foot. On an inhale, squat until your right leg is parallel to the floor. The left knee is in the air, and the left toe rests on the floor. The right foot is completely flat on the floor. The step size should be such that the projection of the right knee to the floor in the lower position does not go beyond the foot.
  3. As you exhale, push off with your front foot and return to the starting position. Then do the same, but the left one is in front, and the right one is behind.

  • Rise to the platform

Exercise simulates climbing stairs with weights. The platform can be replaced by any elevation of 15-25 cm.

Dumbbells along the body. Place one foot on the platform. Then, pushing off with your upper leg, rise to the platform. Then repeat the same with the other.

  • Plie Squats
  1. Do 3 sets of 11 dumbbell squats.
  2. Do the "Deadlift" - 3 sets of 10-15 pulls.
  3. Complete power unit exercise to strengthen the calves, doing 2 sets of 12-17 repetitions.
  4. And for dessert, a light stretch.

In the gym

To warm up, run on a treadmill or pedal on an exercise bike for 5-10 minutes.

You can perform some exercises from the power section with a barbell, since the technique of the exercise remains practically unchanged. However, the bar, due to its length, also trains small lateral muscles involved in maintaining balance.

  • Perform squats - 3 to 12. If using a barbell, hold it on your shoulders behind your head.
  • Do plie squats - 3 sets of 9-11 reps.

  • Perform "Deadlift" - 3 sets of 9-11 reps.

  • Then do the rise to the platform 3 sets of 15 lifts on each leg.
  • As a hitch, do stretching or static exercises.

Warm up

Always warm up before training. This will prepare the muscles, joints and cardiovascular system for the upcoming loads. To do this, you can jump, run or pedal on an exercise bike.

Also, as a warm-up, exercises from the power section performed with your own weight are well suited.

Sets and Reps

The number of sets and repetitions you need to choose based on the level of your physical training and training goals.

For beginners, it is better to use light weights, and increase the number of repetitions to 15. This will allow you to work out the exercise technique correctly and prevent injuries.

If you already have training experience, then the number of repetitions should be chosen based on the ultimate goal. When training for mass, do 6-9 reps. If you are doing fitness for weight loss or increasing endurance, then do 17-25 repetitions.

The number of approaches mainly affects the duration of recovery after a workout. 3-4 approaches are considered optimal. However, if your body does not have time to recover by the next workout, then you can reduce them to 2-3.

It is enough to train legs 1-2 times a week.

Nutrition and sports supplements

You need to eat no later than 2 hours before training. Food should be healthy and complete. 30 minutes before training, you can eat something easily digestible, such as a banana.

Some fail to gain weight or, conversely, lose weight overweight because of physiological characteristics organism. The first type of people are called ectomorphs, and the second endomorphs. In this case, sports nutrition comes to the rescue.

Ectomorphs are well suited to the use of a gainer and other high-calorie supplements.

Endomorphs should reduce the amount of carbohydrates and fats in their food as much as possible. At the same time, you need to eat a lot of protein food for muscle growth. good option will receive protein shakes.

You also need to consume enough vitamins and minerals with food. Their lack reduces muscle growth and prolongs the recovery period after training.

Common mistakes

  1. One of the common mistakes in leg training is rounding the back, which creates excessive load on the spinal column. Keep your back straight.
  2. Also, when squatting and lunging, the projection of the knees on the floor should not go beyond the feet. This leads to damage to the knee joint.
  3. You should not straighten your legs to the end. The knees should always be slightly bent to absorb the load.
  4. Avoid sharp jerks. Perform each movement smoothly.
  5. Don't be in a hurry to lift big weights. They distort the exercise technique and lead to injuries.
  6. Work out all movements first without weighting or with light weights.

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The best leg exercise is the barbell squat, and this has been proven time and time again. However, there are situations when, for various reasons, it is not possible to visit the gym. Some do not have enough time, some do not have enough money, which is not surprising given the current economic crisis, while others simply find it more convenient to study at home.

Well, as they say, man does not live by the gym alone. In the sense that you can train at home. A whole heap of sports literature has been written about the benefits of push-ups from the floor, pull-ups on the bar, exercises with an expander, all kinds of presses with weights and dumbbells. In the same article, we will talk about training leg muscles at home and look at the best exercises for leg muscles with dumbbells.

And then, you see, it looks somehow undignified, when, like, a strong, pumped-up young man comes to the beach, undresses, and ... it turns out that his legs resemble the legs of a chicken, which, moreover, was not fed very well . I'm not talking about women for whom to have Beautiful legs sometimes no less important than having a higher education or knowing a foreign language.

Leg exercises with dumbbells

Fortunately, in order to pump up this muscle group, it is not at all necessary to keep a heavy barbell on hand, because, in addition to barbell squats, there are others. effective exercises for the legs, such as dumbbell squats and dumbbell lunges. In addition, these exercises are much less traumatic, both for the back and for knee joints, especially since spare parts human body No, and you have to rely on your own resources.

Squats with dumbbells

Stand straight with the dumbbells in your lowered hands so that the palms are facing inward. The legs are shoulder-width apart, the back is straight, or better, slightly arched, only not like that of an office worker who is bent over another pile of documents, like a Miserly Knight over a chest with accumulated gold, but in the opposite direction. The head is raised. It is advisable to immediately outline for yourself a certain point in space, just above eye level, and during the exercise, without looking up, look only at it. By the way, this simple trick helps to keep your back better.

Now let's start squatting. While inhaling, we slowly bend our knees and, continuing to hold our back, we move the pelvis back, as if sitting down on an imaginary bench.

As you exhale, stand up, straightening your legs and returning to the starting position. Lifting can be done quickly, or you can do it slowly, or you can different workouts alternate these two ways of doing the exercise, for example, in one workout - at an average pace, in another - in a sharp, "explosive" manner, or vice versa, but you should always lower yourself slowly, while controlling every centimeter of the trajectory passed.

There are different opinions about the depth of the squat, in the lower phase a decent load falls on the gluteal muscles, which does not suit everyone, but, in any case, you should squat at least to the parallel with the floor.

The shins should be perpendicular to the floor. It may not work the first time, but, in any case, this should be strived for. Otherwise, you will "roll" on your knees, which is highly undesirable.

Squats with dumbbells - powerful exercise, but it must be done technically correctly. The main load should go to the heels, and not to the toes, that is, the weight of the body should be projected onto the heels. You don’t want to have problems with your knees and a shuffling old gait instead of powerful quadriceps, do you?

Squat variations with dumbbells - with dumbbells on the shoulders, with jumping out (a great exercise for developing "explosive" strength), in the sumo stance (this is when the legs are wider than shoulders), with dumbbells behind the back (a kind of analogue of the Hakkenschmidt squat), and , finally, squats on one leg, with dumbbells in the opposite hand (The right leg is on a dais, right hand we lean against the wall or the edge of the table, in the left hand a dumbbell, after performing a series of squats we change the leg).

Lunges with dumbbells

The legs are slightly apart, the dumbbells are in the lowered hands so that the palms are turned inward.

We take a breath and step forward wide, while keeping the body straight, the back is straight or slightly arched. When the forward hip takes horizontal position, with a powerful energetic movement (and on exhalation) we return it to its original position.

When doing lunges with dumbbells, you can not step every time, but, holding one leg in front of the other, lower and raise the torso. Then we change the leg. Perform the negative phase, as in squats, you need to slowly. The legs are not placed on the same line, spread them a little to the sides in order to better maintain balance, while the socks look a little inward. The front leg rests on the entire foot, the back leg always stands on the toe. Your position must be stable, both in the negative and in the positive phase. Thus, most of the weight is projected onto the front, working leg.

But, as in squats, you should not roll on the toe, in this case, the front, working, leg. You absolutely do not need to overload your knees, since they will still be useful to you. Fulfilling this exercise, you should go down as low as possible, and straighten your legs completely. The greater the amplitude, the better the gluteal muscles are stretched.

If in squats the main working muscle is the quadriceps, then lunges load mainly the gluteal muscles and biceps of the thigh, and secondarily the quadriceps itself.

This exercise can be performed by taking a step either with the left or with the right foot, but it is better to do it alternately for each leg. To complicate this exercise, while adding to its effectiveness, you can perform lunges by placing your front foot on a slight elevation. Thus, the amplitude increases, and the gluteal muscles are stretched even more.

Beginners can use a simplified version of lunges with dumbbells. In one hand, a dumbbell, with the other hand, you hold on to the support.

We figured it out using squats and lunges with dumbbells. These two exercises can be used in one workout, or you can alternate. Dosage: 3-5 sets of 8-15 reps. For lunges, 3-5 sets of 8-15 reps for each leg. As you train, the number of sets, repetitions, and working weights gradually increase.

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Publication date:  01/15/2015 © site

In connection with the latest fashion trends, many people have a desire to pump up appetizing gluteal muscles. Pumped up buttocks look at us from TV screens, computer monitors and social networking pages. "I want those too!" - quite a healthy reaction in response to the viewed. How to get a? Leg dexterity and no cheating!

An excellent help to the priest's dreams will be long-proven, basic exercises. That's just the own weight for pumping will not be enough. Therefore, we have collected for you the best exercises with dumbbells for the thighs and buttocks.

The gluteal muscles are made up of three parts(large, medium and small) and are responsible for the elementary operations we perform: turns, tilts, bends. Difficulty in their implementation indicates the underdevelopment of your buttocks. This happens due to sedentary work and a sedentary lifestyle. How to fix? There is only one way out - to strengthen. Only regular workouts with weight will help both strengthen and tighten the buttocks.

The exercises below are suitable for both women and girls and for men.

Carefully! Never start exercising WITHOUT STRETCHING! This is not only ineffective and unpleasant, but also traumatic! We recall the basic warm-up from school physical education, carefully knead the joints and only then take weights in our hands!

2 types of squats

The absolute champions among exercises for the gluteal muscles are. There are many various kinds squats. Below we have listed two of the most effective options, but there are many more. .

1. Classic

The exercise is of medium difficulty and, if performed correctly, minimally affects the joints. The gluteal muscles, biceps of the thigh and quadriceps are involved.

How to perform:

  1. Starting position: take the dumbbells in your hands and lower them along the body, bend your back and bring your shoulders forward, your legs are shoulder-width apart, your gaze is directed forward, your heels are firmly pressed to the floor;
  2. When doing a squat, the knees look to the sides, as do the socks. On effort, inhale, rising - exhale. How deep to squat depends on your fitness level. Optimally - as if you are sitting on a chair.
  3. Be sure to stay in lowest point.
  4. When returning to the starting position squeeze your buttocks- the effect of the exercise will be even stronger.

It is recommended to implement a squat in 3 sets of 10-12 times. Over time, it is better to increase the amount of weight.

After watching the video, it will become even clearer:

Life hack! Place vulture pancakes or any books/magazines under your socks. When performing a squat, it is with an emphasis on the heel that the fifth point is used best.

2. Plie

This type of activity differs from the previous one only by setting the feet. The complexity of doing the same, but in this embodiment, the inner surface of the thigh is also very well involved.

How to perform:

  1. Starting position: legs apart wider than shoulders, socks turned 120 degrees to the sides, straighten your back and tighten your abs. Dumbbells are located near the pelvis.
  2. When doing plie, we try to sit down parallel to the floor. Weights fall down between the legs.
  3. When lifting, you need to tighten your buttocks.

The above should be done 15-20 times in 3-5 sets when losing weight and no more than 10 times per set when gaining mass with a large working weight.

Be sure to check out with our .

More details on the video:

Note! The most important thing in doing weighted exercises is not the number of repetitions, but the TECHNIQUE! It is in compliance with the rules that your actions will give the desired effect on the muscles that you need. Otherwise, you may be injured.

3 more exercises for the buttocks with dumbbells

In addition to squats, there are some more very effective movements designed to tighten and pump up the muscles of the “fifth point”.

3. Lunges with dumbbells for the buttocks

The complexity of this load high. perfectly give relief to the gluteal muscle, biceps femoris and quadriceps, and also contribute to increased elasticity.

How to perform:

  1. Starting position: stand up straight and take dumbbells in your hands
  2. When performing a lunge, take a step forward with your right foot while inhaling, leaving the left in the same place.
  3. Watch your knee, it should not go beyond the toe of the supporting foot and should be strictly perpendicular to the floor.
  4. Then you should push off and on the exhale return to the initial state.

Perform 15-20 lunges on each side in 3 sets.

The following are possible lunge options:

  • You can make them alternately changing legs, and not first on one and then on the other;
  • You can also lunge from a position where one leg is already in front;
  • Another type of lunges - one knee is placed on some kind of support (chair, sofa, bench).

More on video:

4. Forward bends with dumbbells

This type of load involves both the biceps of the thigh and buttocks, and the rectifiers of the back. The difficulty level is very high. Be prepared for pain not only in the pope, the whole body will hurt.

How to perform:

  1. Starting position: take the weights in both hands and place your hands on the sides along the body. The back is straight, the shoulder blades are brought together.
  2. When performing, we tilt the straight back forward, while simultaneously retracting the pelvis. Hands slide along the body down. Keep your legs slightly bent, but if you can, straighten them completely. Fluency and concentration are the basis of correct execution.
  3. We return to the starting position.
  4. The main thing here is to feel the stretch in the hamstrings.

We repeat the thrust in 3-5 sets of 12-15 times.

Be sure to watch the video before doing it:

5. Glute bridge

The complexity of this type of load depends on the weight of the load. , This insulating exercise, it is aimed only at working out the priests.

How to perform:

  1. Starting position: lying on a rug on the floor, legs bent at the knees, we place the working weight in the pelvic area, the lower back is tightly pressed.
  2. Performing, we push the pelvis up so that it and the back form a single straight line. We squeeze the buttocks, while slightly arching the back.
  3. On the exhale, return back.

The bridge should be started from 15-20 times in several approaches, gradually increasing both the number of times and the weight of the weight.

Other types of bridges:

  • With additional weights on the calves;
  • Not only the floor, but also a higher surface (chair, table, bed) can serve as a support for the legs;
  • The initial support for the back is a bench against which the shoulder blades rest. You can also perform this movement.

More about the bridge on the video:

All of the above exercises for the buttocks and legs with dumbbells are effective and quite simple to perform. The main secret- the regularity of classes. You should do it at least three times a week, for at least 15-20 minutes.

Finish any workout should be calm and measured stretching, smoothly stretching each muscle. This will not only have a beneficial effect on your emotional state, but will also help reduce your strength, which will make your life much easier. And remember, in every business the main thing is constancy and work without fanaticism. Don't expect results in just one session. Gradually increase the load and the number of repetitions and you will be rewarded with excellent toned booty. After all, as they say - patience and work will grind everything!

Useful materials:

  • Learn about pelvic health from Professor I.P. Neumyvakin and check out.
  • through exercise?
  • How to spend just 20 minutes a day to lose weight in the lower body.

By performing leg exercises with dumbbells, you can give them a great shape even at home, no matter if you are a man or a woman. But first things first.

Squats with dumbbells.

This is one of the basic leg exercises with dumbbells. When it is performed, all the muscles of the legs are included in the work. Almost no training program is complete without this exercise. As a rule, squats are performed at the very beginning of the workout.

Try to take the pelvis as far back as possible, and not allow the knees to go beyond the “line of socks”. In general, the exercise should be performed as shown in the image.

As I said above, this is the main leg exercise with dumbbells, regardless of whether man you or woman. The exercises are the same for everyone. The only difference is in the working weights and the complex of the exercises themselves, that is, in their sequence, order, number of training days per week, and so on. “Pump up”, “Lose weight”, or “Get in shape” - will depend on the specific complex and nutrition plan. The main thing is a competent, clear approach, the right complex and technique.

Home program for muscle relief and fat reduction

Home program for maximum mass gain

Squat with wide legs.

This type of squat allows more engagement of the hamstrings and glutes. The technique is the same as in the classic squats, only the setting of the legs is wider. Both of these exercises fit perfectly into the training plan, and are performed either one after the other or on different days, depending on your training program.

Lunges with dumbbells.

If we talk about home exercises, then lunges will undoubtedly be one of the most effective. When it is performed, the work includes: the back of the thigh (below the gluteal muscle) and the gluteal muscles. This is the main exercise for the gluteal muscles, no matter where you do it, in the gym or at home.

When performing, try to ensure that at the bottom point the knee does not go beyond the toe (much forward). It is very important in this exercise to feel the stretch of the gluteal muscle and rear surface hips, because correct technique you should have that feeling.

Deadlift with dumbbells.

Deadlift- great exercise for feet at home. It, like the previous exercise (lunges), includes the gluteal muscles and the back of the thigh. When performing, we keep our back straight (do not twist) and go down the position of the dumbbell to about the middle of the lower leg. Similarly, in this exercise, you need to feel the tension in the back of the thigh.

Tilts with dumbbells.

This is analogous to deadlift. The muscles here work the same: the gluteus and biceps of the thigh (back surface).

Rise to the platform with dumbbells.

At home, you can replace the platform with any other hill. This exercise also predominantly involves the gluteal muscles. When lifting, we push with exactly the foot that is on the platform, and not the one that is behind.

Calves with dumbbells standing.

This exercise engages the calf muscles. It is performed simply: we rise and fall, standing on our toes, on some small hill.

These are basic leg exercises with dumbbells that can be done in both gym as well as at home.

All exercises are performed on average in 3 working sets, for 10 repetitions, according to your training program. If these are lunges, or tilts on each leg, we perform 10 times on each leg, and not just 10.

It is not necessary to work out with dumbbells in the gym, the complex is easily done at home. The lower limbs have many muscles, the largest, which change with exercise:

  • shin;
  • buttock;
  • biceps femoris;
  • quadriceps.

The exercise is aimed at strengthening the back and front of the thigh, gluteal muscles. Lunges are represented by walking, they are crossed, then they use a bench. Exercises are simple, dumbbells of small weight are preferred.

It is important to stand straight with dumbbells in your hands, step forward with your foot, taking up the starting position. The work of the buttocks depends on the width of the step, the more, the better the effect of the lesson. If the step is narrow, a large load goes to the quadriceps. The muscle is loaded from the performed squats, lunges performed during the exercise.

Then you need to go down, the body is held perpendicular, it turns out a right angle. The knee of the limb located behind touches the floor plane, if the exercise does not prevent the body from being straight. The toe, heel of one leg should be placed in different lines to the second foot. The heel of the forelimb is repelled from the floor, the tension of the gluteal muscles is felt, then return to the starting position. Repeat fifteen lunges in turn.

Using dumbbells for squats

  • Holding dumbbells, stand straight, socks raised by 5 cm, heels are fixed on the floor. Use pancake rods or wooden bars when lifting socks. Then gently rise on your toes, reducing the calf muscles. If the balance is good, it is worth lingering for a few moments. Lower yourself, touching the floor with your heels. Do the exercise 10 times in two sets.
  • Rising on toes, take a deep breath, lowering - exhale. With the help of exercise, it is good to strengthen the calf muscles. To notice the result, dumbbells of small weight should be used. Dumbbells for men can weigh 30 kg. You need to approach the load gradually. At the end of correctly done exercises, the calf muscle will burn. Take 30 second breaks between sets.

Deadlift using dumbbells

Straighten the body evenly, take the dumbbells using a straight grip. Hands slightly bent at the elbows, located below in front of you. Fix the elbow bend, the position of the back. While the exercise is being done, the position does not change. The legs are placed shoulder width apart, slightly bent at the knees. Then exhale, bend forward. The lower back bends, the back remains straight. The dumbbells go down.

You need to go down as low as possible, as long as the back can stay flat with a arched lower back. We fix for a few moments, the hamstrings are stretched. Exhale, return to the first position. The exercise does not happen quickly, avoid sudden movements and jerks. The muscles of the back of the thigh, gluteal muscles work.

Inner thigh exercises with dumbbells

Spread wide lower limbs, turn out the socks to the maximum. Dumbbells are held below, near the feet, then we squat to the parallel line of the thigh. You need to feel how strongly the inner surface of the thigh is strained. Then we squat and push off the floor with our heels, the gluteal muscles remain tense.

It is worth trying to straighten the pelvis forward, such a position removes the extra load from the back, allows you to keep the buttocks tense. Occupation requires a straight lower back. No need to bend or round. Don't push your knees too far forward. When getting up from a squat, they should bend. Dumbbells are lifted due to the tension of the buttocks, you should not pull the weight with other parts of the body.

Leg exercises for men using dumbbells

Lunges with dumbbells are useful for men, quadriceps are trained in a similar way, gluteal muscle, back of the thigh. Dumbbells choose with a small weight.

  • A wide step is taken and a sit down to one leg, the second behind also bends. The weight is located at the toe, the knee of the second limb does not touch the floor. The body is straight, try to maintain balance. We get to the starting position, using the push of the front leg.
  • Good training session for men - squat with dumbbells. Stand straight, feet shoulder-width apart, holding dumbbells. Hands are located along the line of the body. The head is straight, a breath is taken, sit down, then slightly arch the back. The hips are bent at the knees. When the hips become horizontal, the legs become straight. The movement is over, a deep breath is taken. This good exercise on the buttocks, thigh muscles.

It is advisable to start doing leg exercises after consulting a sports instructor. The trainer will draw conclusions about physical form, will determine the necessary load of the body for the further benefit of the upcoming classes, avoiding harm to the body. After a series of classes, the body gets used to it, the number of repetitions should be increased, helping to achieve the desired results.

Training when using dumbbells in men should be done after physical activity. Muscles will warm up, blood circulation will increase, the body will prepare for stress. To avoid injury, exercises with dumbbells for men are performed very carefully, keep track of the technique of the tasks performed. It is necessary to avoid overwork, severe fatigue, use heavy weight dumbbells without prior training is not recommended. Make sure that the exercises performed do not lead to pain in the lower back, joints.

When the exercise designed for men is over, it is advisable to stretch a little. Stretching is beneficial for the muscles involved in the workout. Stretching helps to recover, remove muscle fatigue. For men, after a workout, it is important to restore lost energy. It is worth paying attention to foods with a sufficient amount of protein.

In order for the legs to have a beautiful appearance, look good, no matter for men or women, it is worth evenly pumping each muscle. Leg exercises with dumbbells are great. Exercises have been developed where the main muscles are involved, but not the entire load is distributed evenly. On individual groups muscles account for the maximum part, the rest receive a supplement with a minimum load. The above exercises are designed to improve the muscle structure of the legs.

Listed are well-known exercises that bring a positive result, performed at home and in the gym. Such classes are used by people who are far from sports, beginners, not professional athletes. The differences are in the weight of the dumbbells, the level of load involved. If constant, regular training is done for the legs, the desired goals and objectives are achieved. Classes should be done with light weight dumbbells, then the mass is gradually added, increasing the load on the muscles. Training improves the acceleration of metabolism, strengthens the structure of muscles, makes legs slim and beautiful.