Lifting dumbbells in the direction of the exercise technique. Dumbbell side raises are the best exercise for the deltoid muscles.

The exercise develops the middle part of the deltoid muscle, the supraspinatus muscle located under the deltoid muscle, as well as the upper part of the trapezius muscle.

Initial position

Stand straight, straighten your shoulders, back straight, feet shoulder-width apart. Take dumbbells in your hands neutral grip(palms facing each other). Lower your arms along the body and slightly bend them at the elbows. There are three options for the position of the hands at the bottom point. In the first version, the hands are located on the sides, in the second, they are located in front of the hips, in the third, the hands are held behind the buttocks. The middle part of the deltoid muscle consists of several bundles converging on humerus. For a better study of all the beams, it is advisable to change the position of the hands in the initial position (on the sides, behind the buttocks, in front of the hips).


From the bottom point of the arm with dumbbells, you need to raise it slowly, without jerking. There are two options for performing the exercise, which differ in the position of the hands at the top point. The load on the middle bundle of the deltoid muscle is maximum when the dumbbells are parallel to the floor, in this position the deltoid muscle does the main work.

If you raise your hands above the shoulders, then the work is included top part trapezius muscle and part of the load is transferred to it. Therefore, if you want to keep the load on the deltoid muscle, the lift should end at shoulder level, if you want to use the trapezius muscle, then raise your hands higher to the level of the crown. Pause at the top and slowly lower your arms back to the starting position.


At the beginning of the exercise, resistance to movement is minimal. Gradually it increases to a maximum. It is recommended to use not very large dumbbell weights. This will allow you to perform more precise movements necessary for full impact on the middle part of the deltoid muscle, especially in initial phase doing the exercise.

For greater effectiveness, you should also hold your hands at the top point. If you keep your arms slightly bent at the elbows and wrists all the time, you will achieve a much better effect on the lateral heads of your deltoids. When you lift the dumbbells, rotate your hands so that the little finger at the top of the movement is higher than the thumb. Follow this procedure in reverse when lowering the dumbbells.

If the dumbbells at the moment of movement are exactly on the sides of the body, then the load falls on the middle bundle of the deltoid muscle. If they are in front of the hips, then the front beam is included in the work, and if the lift is due to the buttocks, then the back beam takes on part of the load.

Execution technique

  • Stand up straight, holding dumbbells in lowered hands, arms slightly bent at the elbows.
  • Raise the dumbbells out to the sides at the same time until they are level with the crown of your head.
  • Slowly lower the dumbbells down to the starting position

However, there is one difference - the seated press is safer and easier to perform, therefore it is considered universal for any level of training. Beginners with weak shoulder girdle and people who have problems with lumbar, you need to stop your choice on it.

Set the back of the bench in an upright position.

Take dumbbells in both hands and take the correct position of the body on the bench: press the back of the head, lower and upper back to the back.

This option for pumping deltas will reduce the possibility of cheating, because the torso will be in a fixed position.

Mahi dumbbells to the sides while standing execution technique

To develop the middle beam deltoid shoulders, athletes include standing dumbbell swings in their training program, performed from a standing position. This muscle group is the main one in this exercise. In addition, there is a load on both the trapezoid and the rear deltas. The degree of difficulty of this exercise is medium, but quite a lot of mistakes can be made in the technique of its execution.

Lifting dumbbells while standing through the sides is considered one of the better ways working out the middle part of the delta, but requires a clear understanding of the correct technique. The absence of errors when performing this exercise allows you to ensure that the shoulders become as wide as possible. Development deltoid muscles- one of the most priority areas in which athletes work when visiting the gym. Powerful shoulders make the athlete's figure as wide as possible from the side, emphasize the upper part of the arms, allow others to declare how serious the mood of a bodybuilder with such powerful and developed shoulders is.

Some athletes prefer swings like this basic exercise like an overhead press. It certainly brings its certain results, since it is intended for training. shoulder girdle, but, being the main one, does not have the same effect on the average beams of the delta. The latter are worked out in the process of performing dumbbell swings to the sides from a standing position, since this exercise works out this part of the shoulders in isolation.

Inclusion in the program

Introducing this exercise into a program can be quite a challenge. There is an opinion that everything that is done with dumbbells should be done only after exercises with a barbell. This is true if the athlete, in principle, can do exercises with a barbell. When it comes to beginners or girls, it makes sense to leave only this movement in the program, and improve the technique.

Raises with support in the thigh, as well as on incline bench are performed with a lighter weight, and in a stretched amplitude. This means that it makes sense to include them in the program towards the end of it, that is, when the main lift for the biceps has already been done. You can combine a simple or pronated curl with dumbbells.

Biceps are usually trained on the day when traction to the body on the back is performed, this is rational in terms of getting the maximum load on the target muscle group. If you do biceps on back day, just a couple of exercises on it are enough.

Those who want to train it on a separate day should do 3-4 exercises to fully work out the muscle. In both cases, 3-4 working approaches are performed.

Does a set-rep scheme matter for weight loss or muscle building? In the classical theory of bodybuilding, we are recommended to do 8-12 repetitions during the period of mass gain and more than 12 up to 20 for drying.

In fact, human muscles are made up of fibers. different type, and what suits one athlete may not be very promising for another. Therefore, athletes should concentrate on their own feelings, and observe which particular bicep curl works best for them.

The technology of working out the biceps is to perform movements that involve the target muscle group as much as possible. It is necessary to actively contract the biceps so as to achieve significant hypertrophy, but do not swing with the whole body, and do not throw the dumbbells to the shoulder. Cheating can be used by professionals when they reach a plateau. For a beginner amateur, this is too harsh a measure.

Strength or volume

On the one hand, the shoulders must be strong. On the other hand, inflated shoulders look very nice. Which is better - strength or volume - is an ambiguous question.

And you also need to have a strong shoulder. To do some work above the head, to hold something for a long time and the like. Only power in this case is not enough.

Let's agree that deltoids need to be developed from all sides - so that they are both strong, and voluminous, and hardy. To do this, we will perform the sitting dumbbell bench press in different ways.

Strategy for developing endurance

Lifting dumbbells up in a sitting position is considered a more gentle exercise than, for example, army press, which every workout will not work. Everything is simpler here - you can take light dumbbells and “drive blood” at least every day.

The strategy for developing endurance will be as follows - dumbbell overhead press is done several times a week in 5 sets of 25 times with a weight that does not cause you severe fatigue during work. For example, if in power mode you press dumbbells of 25 kg, here you can take a weight of 15-16 kg. We work through burning.

Naturally, this scheme applies only to those who believe that the shoulders are not strong enough.

We develop the volume and strength of the deltoids

The seated dumbbell press is the second exercise after the military press that can increase the mass of the deltoids. To achieve strength and mass growth, we will perform this exercise once a week for 4 sets of 8 times. And you have to work hard. Then you will achieve the maximum effect.

The choice of weight is one of the main tasks. What weights to take: pick up such dumbbells so that for 7-8 times the bench press is very difficult, and you could no longer do the ninth on your own. For girls, this is not particularly relevant.

Shoulder vulnerability

Anyone who has injured the deltoid muscle at least once in their life knows why this can happen. Moreover, there are times when a person warmed up enough, smoothly approached the working weight (for example, in the bench press). And during one of the repetitions I felt pain.

Deltoids are not very well located. When moving, the tendons rub against the bone, gradually erasing their surface. This leads to inflammation of their membranes. Breakdowns occur due to wrong technique, poor warm-up and other violations. But inflammation is due to such features of the shoulders.

Breeding dumbbells while standing is also a relatively traumatic element of work with the shoulders. Therefore, technology is put at the forefront.

Another reason that it is the deltoids that are most often injured is their congestion.

When exercising in the hall, deltas work during all barbell and dumbbell presses, breeding at all angles. Therefore, when you pump your chest, your shoulders work. You swing the triceps with the base - they work the same. You do push-ups on the uneven bars or pull yourself up - and then the shoulders turn on. In the first case, of course, more. When pulling up, the posterior bundle of deltoids is involved. In any case, spreading hands on such days is not the best idea.

Lifting dumbbells through the sides

Exercise "lifting dumbbells through the sides" has a good effect on the middle part of the deltoid muscles.

Lifting dumbbells through the sides: options for performing

A video lesson on this exercise can be viewed in the Deltoid Muscles: Video Lessons section.

You can perform this exercise for the deltoid muscles in three ways.

Option one: standing, feet shoulder-width apart, dumbbells in lowered hands on the sides with palms facing you.

As you exhale, raise the dumbbells up to the level of your height.

On inspiration, return to the starting position. This is the cleanest version.

The second option is lifting dumbbells with a slight tilt back.

Dumbbells should be lifted on the exhale, keeping the inclined position of the back.

The middle part of the muscle located closer to the front is being worked out.

Of course, in this case, the weight will be used much less than in the previous version.

Also, this option can be performed on an inclined bench with different inclinations, ranging from a right angle to a horizontal bench.

Breeding on horizontal bench a bit like dilutions for the muscles of the chest, but if in the exercise for the chest the palms are directed upwards, then in the exercise for the deltoid muscles the palms must be directed downwards.

Dilutions on an inclined bench at different angles of inclination give a greater effect, since the muscle is worked out at different angles.

The third option is when the exercise is performed with a slight forward inclination. If the stance is correct, the front disc of the dumbbell touches the front of the thigh.

Dumbbells should be lifted on exhalation, keeping, if possible, the initial inclination of the torso forward.

Here the middle part of the muscle, which is located closer to the back, is being worked out.

Raising dumbbells through the sides: using cheating

Cheating is also possible in this exercise. This method is applicable in the third variant. But if in the third option you stood with a slight forward inclination, now the inclination should be such that the dumbbells are located in front of you, on straight, relaxed arms, palms facing each other, touching the front of your thigh from the side of the little finger.

Simultaneously with the straightening of the back, giving this movement the first impulse to the movement of the shoulders, as you exhale, you raise your arms with dumbbells up through the sides, to the level of your height.

Cheating dumbbell side raises is an exercise for advanced lifters, and if you're not already, take care of your back and shoulder joints. Here, too, work is underway to hold the dumbbell raised up with the help of the movement of the back.

For proper development of the deltoid muscle and the preservation of anthropometry, it is necessary to develop not only the middle part of the delta, but also the front part (exercise - lifting dumbbells in front of you), and the back part of the delta (exercise - breeding dumbbells in an inclination).

Based on materials:

Dumbbell press sitting or standing

Read how to properly swing your shoulders with a dumbbell press while sitting or standing. Technique for performing these exercises and videos.

Beautiful developed shoulders are the pride of men and the privilege of women. Representatives of both sexes simply need physical training if they want to have a well-groomed shoulder girdle.

Standing and sitting dumbbell presses perfectly work out the zones of the deltoid muscles, making a significant contribution to the “building” of the dream body.

Wide and voluminous shoulders in men are one of the main advantages that others pay attention to. Elastic, slightly pumped up shoulders in women make her look complete.

Therefore this muscle group due attention must be given to physical training people of both sexes.

During the exercise, the elbows transform their position from a position below the shoulders to a position above the head. In contrast to using a barbell, during the press with dumbbells, the range of motion is the maximum possible. The shoulder girdle in this mode of operation creates a good hormonal background for natural muscle building.

Exercise features

Here are a few things to keep in mind when including this exercise in your training program:

Lifting dumbbells to the sides (wiring) is done with a precisely individually selected weight. If the weight is small, you will not get the effect. If it is large, the technique will suffer - you will bend your arms at the elbow even more to make the exercise easier.
If you raise your arms with dumbbells higher than parallel to the floor, the trapezius muscles are included in the work. Do this if you plan to train trapeze.
If you swing your arms with your elbows down, the load will be distributed between the front and middle bundles of the deltoids. As a result, you will not pump either one or the second.
If you swing your arms with cheating, for example, from a jump, there will be no sense either. Damage your tendons faster.
Raising the arms is done on the exhale, and return to the starting position on the inhale.
On the last repetition, you can linger at the top point for 5-10 seconds. This will strengthen your shoulders.
To check the technique of the exercise, do one approach, standing sideways to the mirror.

Notice if you are slouching. Is the lower back properly arched?
For greater efficiency, do not relax the muscles at the bottom point and lower the dumbbells to the hips.

Keep them at some distance so that the deltoids do not rest during the exercise.
There are no hands during supination abduction. Hands are fixed. Only the shoulders work. The hands are slightly lower than the elbows. This position will allow you to “pour the water out of the jugs” at the top.

Lifting dumbbells overhead through the sides


This exercise aimingly works out the middle bundles of the deltoid muscle. Its development will visually expand and lift the shoulders. Also, lifting the dumbbells over your head through the sides will help highlight the middle delts. And that's not all, by doing this exercise, you will significantly improve the mobility of the shoulder joint and strengthen the shoulder girdle as a whole.

This exercise must be performed by volleyball players, tennis players, swimmers and those involved in martial arts.

Exercise technique

Spread your legs shoulder-width apart and straighten your torso. The arms should be slightly bent and fixed at the elbows until the end of the approach, the dumbbells lightly touch the hips, the palms are turned to the side of the thigh - this position is the starting one. After inhaling and holding your breath, begin to raise your arms through the sides (without pushing them beyond the plane of the body), as a result, they should be above your head. When the dumbbells pass shoulder level, the arms should be slightly turned at the shoulder joint and at the top point of the palm should be directed forward. If it becomes uncomfortable for you to continue moving, after your arms become parallel to the floor and the dumbbells begin to “get stuck”, turn your arms more strongly - palms up. In this case, at the top point of the palm will look at each other.

Do not relax the lower back, the straight position of the torso should be fixed until the end of the set. Lower your hands down should be smoothly on the exhale. You must control the dumbbells at every point in the movement. Do not bend your elbows - this is traumatic.

The pace of the exercise is moderate. The only exception is low point, here, to move the dumbbells out of place and start lifting, you can do a slight acceleration.

Many athletes do not do this exercise, preferring to raise it through the sides to shoulder level (dumbbell breeding). This is an unacceptable mistake, because by constantly doing the exercise only in half the amplitude, you overload the shoulder joint, make it stiff and, in addition, do not reduce the deltas to the maximum.

The target muscles are the middle deltas. They begin to work at the moment when the angle between the arm and the body is equal to 30 degrees and reach the peak of their contraction when the arm is 45 degrees above the horizontal.

Use only those weights that will allow you to perform the exercise technically correctly and in full amplitude. Heavy dumbbells will force you to bend your elbows and / or reduce the range of motion, and this will greatly reduce the load on the deltas. Hold your breath while lifting the dumbbells. Do not exhale prematurely - this will lead to the fact that the muscles of the back will relax and it will become much more difficult to complete the lift, keeping the back straight.

This exercise can also be done in a crossover, working with cables passing through the lower blocks. But this version of the exercise will not be as effective at all, because after the handles pass the level of the shoulders, the load on the deltas will drop significantly.

10 best dumbbell exercises for strengthening triceps

Setting the dumbbell behind the head - at first glance, this exercise seems very simple, but it is not! The movement itself (bend your elbows and lower/raise the weight) is simple. Difficulty keeping elbows in one position. At first, the movements feel unnatural and your body will try to force you to move your elbows to take the pressure off your triceps. Keep your elbows in exactly the same position, and all the tension will go to the triceps. This exercise can be performed even at home.

Holding the dumbbell behind the head with one hand alternately is a one-handed alternative to the previous exercise. It isolates each arm, which means it helps you focus on the muscles in one arm. The weight should be ½ of the worker, but the muscles will be worked out from a different angle. Such arm exercises with dumbbells for women are also possible, but the weights should be minimal at first.

"Crusher" - Be careful: if the technique is wrong, then the risk of injury is very high. You lower the dumbbell to your forehead, and if you do not have proper weight control, then you can hit yourself in the head or face. But, once you get the hang of the technique, you'll find that it's one of the most effective exercises for strengthening your triceps. Muscle isolation helps to work both heads, and this helps to round and strengthen the back of the hands.

Bent Over Arm Extension - This isolation exercise is one of the best triceps pumps if you do it right. The first desire is to swing the dumbbells, but you must focus on getting tight control of the movement. Another condition is to keep the elbow in the side area and use ONLY the strength of the triceps muscle.

The seated French press is a slight modification to the basic dumbbell behind the head setup. You perform the same movement, but sitting instead of standing. Support behind your back will support your spine and shoulders, making it easier for you to get up. heavy weights. The bench will also support your posture and reduce the risk of rocking.

The one-arm military press - the "military press" - is one of the most effective shoulder exercises. Overhead dumbbell raises work your shoulders, but did you know that your triceps do most of the work in the second half of the exercise. The triceps are engaged in lifting the weight from shoulder level to head level, after which most of the work is done by the shoulders. The military bench press on one arm will provide a load on the muscles of the triceps and deltoids.

Technique: Hold the dumbbells at shoulder level, in the correct position for the military press. Raise the weight only half way, no higher than the top of your head. Drop and repeat.

Extension of a dumbbell (barbell with a narrow grip) lying down is great exercise for those who want to pump up their triceps with double strength! The fact that you're lying down means that ALL the tension is on the triceps, and your shoulders barely engage. This is a simple movement, and very effective, the only condition is to keep the elbows stable.

Dumbbell Bench Press - The dumbbell bench press works the chest and triceps, but this variation of this exercise only focuses on the triceps. Instead of lowering the weight to your chest, you lower it to the level of your stomach. A few sets of this exercise can complete chest day.

Technique: Grab dumbbells and get into a bench press position (hands directly over shoulders). Lower the weight towards your belly, but don't touch it. Make an effort, lift the dumbbells and return to the starting position.

The Tate dumbbell press is one of the best tricep isolation exercises! This is very similar to the lying dumbbell extension, but with one noticeable difference: instead of lowering the weights behind your head, you lower them to your chest. The fact that your arms are turned inward means that the triceps work will be from a completely different angle.

The very close grip dumbbell press is another great exercise to add an end to your chest day! Use one heavy dumbbell. narrow grip takes the load off the chest and redefines it right on the triceps.

These muscle exercises are ideal for those who want to develop serious biceps and triceps. Incorporate them into any upper body workout and you'll see progress in no time.

Just remember: first focus on large groups muscles (back, chest and shoulders) and plan arm workouts AFTER. This will provide maximum power savings by preventing you from tiring too quickly. The above arm exercises with dumbbells for girls and men for biceps and triceps are the most effective in the world of fitness.

How better results the longer you will look fit and sporty. Discipline, focus and determination is the key to changing your body and life.

Lifting a dumbbell with one hand lying on your side. What, why and why

Let's talk garlic :), if I ask you to name the exercises on the shoulders, then most likely it will be the following - army bench press, sitting dumbbell press, standing breeding. I'm right? I think yes. The catch is that we have dismantled all of them and it would seem that there is nothing more to consider. However, we always try to somehow surprise our muscles and therefore we take into circulation unusual exercises, so it will be this time and an example for us will be lifting a dumbbell with one hand lying on its side. I am sure you are hearing about it for the first time and have never done it before. Is it worth it? We will find out later in the text.

Muscular atlas

The exercise belongs to the class of isolating with the type of force pull (pull) and has as its main goal the study of the middle bundle of deltas.

The muscle ensemble includes the following units:

  • targeted - lateral delta;
  • synergists - posterior delta, supraspinatus, trapezius (bottom / middle), serratus anterior;
  • stabilizers - extensors of the hand, top of the trapezoid, levator scapula.

A complete muscle atlas is such a picture.


Performing the exercise lifting the dumbbell with one hand lying on your side, you can count on receiving the following benefits:

  • targeted, isolated study of the middle bundle of deltoid muscles;
  • relief formation;
  • “toning” of muscles without a significant increase in the muscle mass of the deltas (relevant for girls);
  • the ability to perform with back problems;
  • the possibility of using as a "finishing";
  • increased stability of the entire shoulder joint.

Execution technique

Lifting a dumbbell with one hand lying on your side refers to exercises of an average level of complexity. The step-by-step execution technique is as follows.

Go to a horizontal bench and lie sideways on it, leaning on your arm (for example, your left elbow). Take a dumbbell in your free hand with an overhand grip and stretch it along the body. This is your starting position.

As you inhale, begin to raise your arm with the dumbbell vertically up to a position parallel to the floor (or slightly higher). At the top of the trajectory, linger for 1-2 counts and additionally squeeze the middle delta. Return your hand to the PI while exhaling. Repeat the specified number of times.

In the picture version, all this disgrace looks like this.

In motion (option lying on the floor) so ...


In addition to the classic version, there are several variations of the exercise, in particular:

  • lying on the floor with the full abduction of the arm up;
  • lying on a bench at an angle.

Secrets and subtleties

To get the most out of the exercise, follow these guidelines:

  • do not lift your hand with a dumbbell up too high, the best study of the middle beam is achieved by raising your hand to parallel or slightly higher;
  • lift the dumbbell only due to the deltoid muscles;
  • at the top point of the trajectory, linger for 1-2 counts and additionally squeeze the middle beam;
  • don't use a dumbbell heavy weight and cheating;
  • breathing technique: inhale - raise the projectile up, exhale - lower the projectile down;
  • numerical parameters of the training: the number of approaches 3-4, repetitions 12-15.

With the theoretical side finished, now let's look at some practical points.

Lifting a dumbbell with one hand lying on your side - effective exercise for deltas?

The effectiveness of this or that exercise allows us to judge the electrical activity of the muscles developed in it. Researchers from ACE Research (USA, 2015) found that the exercise of lifting a dumbbell with one hand lying on its side in terms of the effectiveness of the load on the middle delta is comparable to the abduction of the arm to the side while standing at the crossover block. EMG data is 70% versus 74%, which is very high. Thus, the expediency of including one-arm dumbbell curls lying on your side in your training program is beyond doubt. The best option would be to introduce the exercise after basic movements and doing it in the range of 3-4 sets of 12-15 reps.

Actually, we’ve finished with the main part, let’s move on to ...


The last technical note for 2016 was written and in it we talked about lifting a dumbbell with one hand while lying on your side. Do not disdain this exercise and diversify your workouts with it and you see your “shoulders” will play in a new way.

Well, the official notes are over, and this Friday a surprise awaits you ...

PS: Friends, what shoulder exercises do you have in your arsenal?

With respect and gratitude, Dmitry Protasov.

Barbell pull to chin

Basic exercises for working out the deltoid muscles, mainly the middle bundle. The trapezius muscles are also involved.

Stand up straight. Shot below. The grip is straight. The distance between the hands is about two fists.

  • As you exhale, raise the barbell to your chin.
  • Hold the projectile in the up position.
  • On an inhale, return the barbell to its original position.
  • Elbows should always be spread out to the sides and rise vertically.
  • Keep your back and neck straight, chin horizontal.
  • The bar of the bar should rise exactly to the chin, that is, above the shoulders.
  • The weight of the bar should not be an obstacle to proper exercise technique.

Seven Mistakes When Performing Dumbbell Side Swings

Knowing these important points will allow you to master correct technique perform and work out the middle deltoid muscles in isolation.

Elbow flexion during movement

This is a fairly common mistake, which can be avoided by creating a small angle in the elbow joint in advance. It should be approximately 10-15 degrees. It must be kept until the end of the set being performed. At the points of maximum contraction, the angle is held in the same way as at the very beginning.

Contraction and engagement of the elbows balances the triceps. This deprives arm swings while standing with dumbbells of status isolated exercise. It ceases to serve the purpose for which it is included in the training process.

Dumbbells should not move in a completely straight line, but go under an arc. If the exercise is not done in front of a mirror, you can ask a partner or gym comrade to check the correct execution technique.

Lowering the dumbbell too low

To develop the middle deltoid muscles to the maximum, tension must be maintained throughout the approach. When the dumbbell in the extreme position is lowered to the maximum, being opposite the hips, the stress exerted on the deltas drops to zero. To solve this problem, the range of motion is reduced by holding weights at a distance of up to 10-20 cm from the body.

ABOUT right choice“distance” is evidenced by a more difficult process of lifting dumbbells, when the load falls on the middle beams. The main thing is to choose the right weight. If it is too heavy, the likelihood of injury increases many times over.

All attention should be focused on technology. When it is fully mastered, then the increase in the lifted weight will pass without any problems.

Dropping elbows in different directions

Random and chaotic dropping is the most common mistake that novice athletes make. Elbows in the swings are a kind of pointers, always higher.

The omission of the moment of the correct movement of the deltas significantly slows down the process of development of the middle beams. To prevent this from happening, progress was rapid and of high quality, elbows should always play the role of pointers.

Restriction of hands in the top position

Most athletes, when performing swings, are limited to raising their arms to shoulder height. This position is not the maximum, since the middle bundles of the deltoid muscle can go higher. Increasing the height by another 45 degrees allows you to achieve maximum tension, which has a significant impact on the growth of the shoulder girdle. In addition, such a movement gives impetus to the development of the upper part of the trapezium.

There are some important points which should be taken into account. Athletes who experience pain, injury, or problems with their shoulder should first consult a physician before making a decision as to whether or not this exercise is acceptable to do at maximum load.

"T" position and blocking

IN gym quite often you can see how some athletes perform this exercise in such a way that a semblance of the letter "T" is formed in the upper position. This method leads to maximum load on the elbow joints, as it negatively affects the state of health.

Lifting more weight by reducing the camber angle

This is a misconception that many bodybuilders hold. The smaller the bend, the higher the lifted weight. However, given the main goal that an athlete pursues when performing swings, one should think about what is more important - technique or an illusory sensation. own strength. With a decrease in angle, it certainly becomes easier to lift weights, including maximum ones.

It may seem to a bodybuilder that lifting a lot of weight makes him stronger, but this is not entirely true. The more time they work on building muscle, the better the training goes. Therefore, one must always remember that technique is much more important than just a feeling of one's own strength without a significant increase in the volume and width of the middle delta bundle.

This exercise should not be called dumbbell lifting, not swings.

Some call the swings “wiring” or “lifting”, and the middle bunches are “external deltas”, which is absolutely incorrect. This, of course, does not have any effect on the performance technique, but it hurts the ears of experienced athletes, indicates ignorance or a frivolous attitude towards bodybuilding. You should not distort or name the exercise in your own way.


Standing Dumbbell Press Technique

Before proceeding directly to the dumbbell press itself, it is imperative to carry out general stretching on all muscle groups of the upper shoulder girdle and give Special attention warm-up of the muscles-rotators of the shoulders. You can also do a couple of bench press warm-up sets with very light weights.

Grab a dumbbell in each hand with an overhand grip.

Straighten your back, leaving a slight deflection in the lower back, straighten your chest, and take your shoulders back. Place your feet shoulder-width apart, with your feet slightly turned outward.

Tighten your abs and spine and keep your torso stationary throughout the entire set. The work will be done due to the strength of the muscles of the shoulders.

Starting position: place the dumbbells at shoulder level (hands slightly wider than shoulders), palms turned outward. The forearms are parallel to each other.

The head is fixed, the gaze is directed straight ahead.

Take a deep breath and, with a held breath, begin to squeeze the dumbbells in a straight line up (to the ceiling) until your arms are fully extended at the elbow joints.

At the top of the movement, the projectiles must touch each other. The conditional line connecting the two dumbbells will pass through the head. A second delay in the upper phase will allow you to feel the maximum tension of the muscles being worked out.

Saddle the exhalation and smoothly return to the starting position along the same trajectory of movement. Without stopping and relaxing, start again to perform the upward movement.

Do the planned number of repetitions.

How to do a dumbbell press

Find a free bench, take 2 dumbbells of 2–10 kg with you (an easy option for girls). It is advisable to turn the bench in such a way that when you sit on it from one side, you are opposite the mirror

This is very important when you do overhead dumbbell presses.

If you plan to work with more weight, you can use a bench with a back. Sit on the edge of a bench with your feet slightly apart for a more stable position.

Take dumbbells in both hands, spread your elbows to the sides. Your palms should be positioned as if you were holding a barbell with them. If you look at you from the side, then the elbows during the exercise will walk strictly along the vertical axis (OY):

  1. Sit up straight with your lower back slightly arched forward. The shoulder blades are brought together, the shoulders are straightened.
  2. Take dumbbells from the floor, spread your arms with them as mentioned above. Dumbbells should be at shoulder level. This is the starting position.
  3. Raise the dumbbells up as you exhale, you can touch each other with them (do not hit hard, after all, you don’t need to spoil the property of the gym).
  4. Lower the dumbbells to ear level or just below. Here is a nuance - when you lower the weight below the back of the head - the upper part of the trapezoid begins to work. If you want to use it, lower the dumbbells as far down as possible. If you are pumping deltoids ( great option for girls) - the dumbbell should not be lowered below the back of the head.
  5. Do 15 warm-up reps.
  6. Further, if the weight is large (25–40 kg), you can use an athletic belt.

Ask a trainer or more experienced lifter to watch over you - it is important that the dumbbell overhead press is performed correctly.

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Side raises are a popular exercise for pumping delts, traps, and even triceps. Here everyone will learn how to do the tilt dumbbell lift, the execution technique, instructions with photos and videos.

What is dumbbell breeding

A relatively popular exercise among exercises for the development of back muscles. Unfortunately, it has a controversial negative side due to the complexity of implementation. The athlete must concentrate as much as possible in order to engage non-target muscles. Really visiting any gym, you can see that this exercise is performed, but everyone does it in their own way.

This note is one of the mechanisms for building a large back. Here we will learn how to do it correctly for the growth of precisely those muscles that are shown in the picture. We will not go into the advice of amateurs, but rather let's see how real professionals do it.

The back delta is the most low-quality muscle that is always lagging behind. She was one of three who received a negative load. Few people know, but it helps to press, perform bench presses of various variations and much more.

Photo-instruction for muscle loading

Therefore, by breeding dumbbells, you will strengthen lagging muscles and improve strength performance. The back of the muscles will become more muscular and developed.

So, muscle mass rear deltas forms a prerogative in this way:

  • The main task is to pump the posterior and middle deltoid muscles;
  • Additional - rhomboid, middle, trapezius muscles;
  • The stabilizers are the hips, buttocks, spine, forearms, wrists and triceps;
  • In the picture you can see the working muscles during the execution of the wiring with dumbbells.

Benefits of Dumbbell Pullups

When wiring dumbbells, the athlete receives the following benefits:

  • Pumping the most lagging muscles;
  • Beautiful shape of the deltas;
  • Strengthening the deltoid muscles and back;
  • Reinforcement of a very vulnerable area of ​​the shoulders;
  • Reducing shoulder injuries;
  • Increase in power indicators;
  • These benefits can be obtained if you perform the exercise on the back muscle.

Execution technique

IN gyms There are many wiring options. Sometimes athletes, especially professional ones, add something of their own. Others try to perform exclusively by the book.

The dumbbell side raise is an isolation exercise for working out the rear deltoid bundles. Therefore, it is very important to exercise with correct technique, plainly and mind.

Lifting dumbbells through the sides with an emphasis on the head

To do this, you will need a portable bench to fix your head. Thus, the body of the body will not move when moving to the sides. A bench at an angle or a soft part of the wall is suitable for you.

Lean halfway forward against a wall or bench, resting your head against the wall. Hands with dumbbells should be perpendicular to the floor. You are in a bent position, palms facing each other.

With emphasis on the bench - wiring with dumbbells

Now take a deep breath and as you exhale, gradually begin to move the dumbbell to the sides. The forearms should get a slight bend. As you exhale, return to the starting position of the hands.

Sitting dumbbell raise

This type of exercise is similar to the previous version of sitting. Only you need to sit on the bench with your buttocks. Here you get a more stable exercise, where there is a concentration on the rear deltas.

Sit on a bench, take dumbbells, put your feet on the steps of the bench or on the floor. Place the dumbbells under your calves - this will be your starting position. Lean forward a little and look straight ahead. Take a breath and start spreading the dumbbells as far as possible to the sides. The weight should be average.

Incline dumbbell side raise

Here you will only have dumbbells in your hands. Difficult to perform due to the lack of supporting stabilizers. Sometimes you can alternate with the first exercise. Take small dumbbells, lean forward, look in front of you, palms with dumbbells are directed at each other and start spreading a little to the sides. The final phase will be twisting the dumbbell with your thumb back.

Side bend dumbbell raise

Climbing a crossover while sitting

You will need a crossover machine. It is available almost everywhere, but the old gyms most likely do not have it. Attach the handles through the bottom to the sides. Grab them or ask to be served. Start moving, to the sides, controlling the tension of the cable of the machine. Try hard to do it without jerking.

Breeding on a crossover sitting to the sides

The exercise looks funny, but concentration is also needed here. Dumbbells should be of medium weight so as not to damage the shoulder joint. Lie down on the bench with your stomach, your legs should stick to the floor, look in front of you and start spreading the dumbbells to the sides.

Lifting dumbbells lying belly on a bench to the sides

You should familiarize yourself with the nuances and the technical side:

  • The posterior deltoids do not respond well to large dumbbells. It is best to use small dumbbells;
  • For beginners, it's best to start with a head rest. This is due to weak torso muscles;
  • Elbows should always have a bent corner and not hang out on the sides;
  • The swing to the sides should resemble a bird;
  • Hold the brushes in such a position as if you were carrying heavy bags;
  • Wrists and forearms do not rotate;
  • "Cheating" with large weights with back momentum will not help to work out this muscle;
  • You should have a 20-degree forearm tilt;
  • Adjust the bench for yourself;
  • Shoulders are best done at the end of a workout, and not at the beginning, as famous trainers with diplomas advise;
  • These were the technical recommendations for the side raise technique.


Now everyone is familiar with all the intricacies of oblique movements for deltas. Any athlete who wishes can save our article and pull up the lagging beam.

Ask questions below in the comments. We will help everyone pump up the body of their dreams.

Video instruction

There are several basic exercises. These are various presses and thrusts of dumbbells and barbells, lifting dumbbells through the sides in an incline and standing. Each exercise is effective and can be used both separately and in a superset.

Basic exercises

The position of the body at the beginning of the exercise can be either standing or sitting, the back is straight, in the hands of a dumbbell.

Technique: while exhaling, lift dumbbells through the sides to shoulder joints. On an inhale, slowly return.

Do not allow full extension of the arm throughout the exercise, keep the elbow joints slightly bent. To get the most out of your work muscle fibers deltoid muscle, when performing, the hand must be turned up with the little fingers. This position of the hands will provide a uniform load on both the front bundle of the delta and the middle one.

For a change training process you can change the position of the brush and expand thumb up. In this case, the load will shift to the front delta beam.

Not the most light exercise. Throughout the movement, it is necessary to control the position of the back (it should be flat), chest and shoulders (straightened and open). Do not allow dumbbells to be raised above the shoulders, although this option is allowed if you want to include a trapezoid in your work.

The trajectory of movement should be maximum - lifting to shoulder level, lowering to a position where the muscle is still in work and not relaxed. Perform the exercise until a burning sensation in the muscle.

follow the position elbow joint, the movement begins with it. The hand follows after and in the final position is below the elbow.

Rear delta training

Incline dumbbell side raises engage the rear delta and can be done from a standing or sitting position. In a standing position in an inclination, the back muscles are also involved in the work. In the initial sitting position, the work of the deltas is more isolated. This option is more complex and requires maximum concentration of attention when performing it.

Execution technique

Standing in an inclination, the head is raised, while exhaling, raise the dumbbells to the level of the ears. As you inhale, slowly lower your arms down. The technique is similar to the previous exercise and is performed in the same way, but standing in an incline. The thumbs are directed to the floor, the little fingers to the ceiling, to exclude movement in the elbows.

Along with the usual exercises for pumping deltas, there is another one that is maximally focused on working out the middle beam - lifting dumbbells through the sides. This exercise can also be called - swing dumbbells to the sides. In this article we will consider the technique and methodology for their implementation.

Execution technique

  • Before starting the exercise, you should stand up straight, feet shoulder-width apart, and socks slightly apart.
  • Take the dumbbells in your hands with a neutral grip (palms inward). Keep your hands straight. The gaze is directed in front of you.
  • Inhale deeply, hold your breath and begin the exercise.
  • When you lift the dumbbells, bend your arms slightly at the elbows.
  • The lift should be completed when the dumbbells have reached shoulder level.
  • Exhale and begin to release the dumbbells to the starting position.
  • Raising your arms, do not allow the body to move. The ideal is the execution in which the body remains straight.
  1. Choose your weight wisely. Too heavy dumbbells will force the upper back muscles to work, which will take most of the load from the deltas. In addition, according to anatomy, it is impossible to raise a very large one in this way, since there is a leverage effect here. Ultimately, excessive weight will cause you to bend your elbows even more, which will make the exercise completely ineffective.
  2. Do not lift the weight to a vertical position. Studies have shown that lifting dumbbells from the horizontal with the floor and above is carried out by the power of the trapezius muscles. There is almost no load on the deltas here. So raise your hands only to the horizontal.
  3. Complement dumbbell side raises with bench presses while standing and sitting. In this case, the deltas will be pumped more deeply and qualitatively.
  4. Lifting dumbbells through the sides can also be performed on the block. grab right hand for the handle of the lower block, which is located to your left, and with your left hand - for the handle of the block to the right. In the initial phase of the exercise, your wrists will be crossed. In general, the execution technique is similar to the technique with dumbbells. A one-sided version of this exercise is also perfect.
  5. Inhaling and holding the air will help you keep your torso straight. filled with air rib cage will serve as a support for the middle section of the spine.
  6. If you are pulled forward during the exercise, then the weight of the dumbbells is too large or the elbows are bent too much. Take the dumbbells strictly to the sides, and bend your elbows at an angle of no more than 10-15 degrees.
  7. Raise your dumbbell arms vertically for at least one set. This will have a positive effect on the flexibility of the shoulder joints, which, for example, will greatly help in performing a snatch.
  8. Professional athletes also advise periodically "shocking" the deltas with a lot of weight. To do this, take dumbbells weighing 10% -15% more than your usual ones. Raise them to a 45-degree angle with a slow, accentuated movement and slowly lower them.