Who is stronger boxer or karateka. Boxer vs wrestler: who is stronger

Boxer versus wrestler? Boxer vs Karate? Who is stronger wrestler, or boxer, or karateka?

All the boys in childhood asked this question. But even as an adult, many people wonder who will win in a face-to-face confrontation - boxer, karateka or wrestler. On well-known video portals, you can often see videos with the loud title "boxer vs. sambist", or "boxer vs. wrestler" and so on.

In these videos, as a rule, two guys sort things out in a rude way. And a wrestler “sticks a boxer into the ground with a backbend throw” or easily knocks out a wrestler or a karateka, a kickboxer defeats a Thai, and so on. All these videos and opinions of adherents of one or another school of martial arts do not correspond to reality.

We will not say that boxing is undeniably the strongest martial art. This is wrong. There is NO martial art that can rightly be call the strongest. All martial arts that claim so are usually among the weakest or just a scam. Of the most famous types of martial arts that have achieved the greatest success, which have a long history and which can claim to be the most effective martial art, are: sambo, wrestling, jiu-jitsu, Thai boxing, kickboxing, and, of course, boxing.

Today boxing is highest paid martial arts in the world. There is not a single martial art that has as much money as it does boxing. For one fight, top boxers receive 30-40 million dollars.

Stronger is the one who is better prepared. Boxer master of sports international class easily defeat a third-rate wrestler. A wrestler master of sports will defeat a boxer of the 3rd category.

Much more important than the type of martial arts is the level that you have reached in this sport. If it's about street fighting, then absolutely everyone can win here, regardless of whether he plays sports at all. In this regard, athletes have a great advantage and this advantage is not related to their physical force and the ability to hit hard. The most important thing is calmness and confidence own forces that inevitably come to a professional athlete.

Fights without rules

In a sport like MMA happened mixing styles. Karatekas (Lioto Machida), wrestlers (Brock Lesnar, Josh Barnet), jiu-jitsu fighters (Antonio Rodrigo Nogueira, Fabrizio Werdum), representatives of the Russian sambo school (Fedor Emelianenko, Alexander Emelianenko, Roman Zentsov) and pronounced drummers ( Mirko Cro Cop and current UFS champion Junior DOS Santos). Athletes from all types of martial arts went to fights without rules: from wrestling, from karate, from sambo, as well as from others, but did not go from boxing. Boxers did not want to go into fights without rules, as they pay much less and the risk of injury is much higher.

However, on this moment world champion in the most prestigious weight class (heavyweight) is a fighter who exclusively uses striking hand techniques. This Jinior DOS Santos. In his technique you will not see throws or submissions. He spends all his fights in a stance, attacking only with his hands and competently defending himself from legs and grabs. From this it can be concluded that boxer with ease could compete in fights without rules.

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Cruelty is a character trait of kind people, it occurs when they start to wipe their feet on your kindness.

In continuation of the previous article - how effective it actually is against other martial arts. It would seem a very powerful martial art - but in reality it is not entirely true. But in fact, as it turns out, boxers very rarely compete with representatives of other types of martial arts - just compared to the number of fights held by boxers in the ring - and the meager number of fights between boxers and fighters from other types of martial arts - and the level is so low Serious people just don't do that sort of thing. Yes and mixed martial arts during their development, they have already gone very far ahead that no one uses boxing or wrestling in fights in a “pure” form, so to speak. Although a very interesting point - how effective is boxing against other martial arts - in its purest form.

So, "Boxing vs..."

Boxing vs Combat Sambo- and also may well miss a powerful kick, even to the head. So really, how to say it.

That's actually all that can be found on the Web about the fights of boxers with fighters of other martial arts - statistically you can’t even get a general idea - such rather fragmentary information is obtained.

But I think the principle is the following: to deliver a powerful punch with a hand - at an average distance - while the opponent is moving forward - this is the main advantage of a boxer - to knock out an opponent who is inexperienced in boxing as quickly as possible, until this opponent takes advantage of his type of martial arts.

Boxer versus wrestler? Boxer vs Karate? Who is stronger: wrestler, boxer, or karateka?

All the boys in childhood asked this question. But even as an adult, many people wonder who will win in a face-to-face confrontation - a boxer, a karateka or a wrestler.

We will not say that boxing is undeniably the strongest martial art. This is wrong. There is none martial art, which could rightly be called the strongest. For all martial arts are strong in their own way. Although, the category of the most powerful can be attributed only to:

  • sambo;

  • wrestling;

  • jujutsu;

  • Thai boxing;

  • kickboxing;

  • boxing.

Boxing is the highest paid martial art in the world today. There is not a single martial art that has as much money as it does boxing. For one fight, top boxers receive $ 30-40 million.

Boxing is the highest paid fighting sport

Stronger is the one who is better prepared. A boxer-master of sports of international class will easily defeat a 3-rank wrestler. A wrestler-master of sports will defeat a boxer of the 3rd category.

More important than the type of martial arts is the level that you have reached in this sport. If we are talking about street fights, then absolutely everyone can win here, regardless of whether he plays sports at all. In this regard, athletes have a great advantage, and this advantage is not related to their physical strength and ability to hit hard. The most important thing is calmness and self-confidence, which inevitably come to a professional athlete.

Fights without rules

There has been a mix of styles in a sport like MMA. Went there:

  • and karate (Lyoto Machida);

  • and wrestlers (Brock Lesnar, Josh Barnet);

  • and jiu-jitsu fighters (Antonio Rodrigo Nogueira, Fabrizio Werdum);

  • and representatives of the Russian sambo school (Fyodor Emelianenko, Alexander Emelianenko, Roman Zentsov);

  • and even prominent strikers (Mirko Cro Cop and UFS champion Junior DOS Santos).

Athletes from all types of martial arts went to fights without rules: from wrestling, from karate, from sambo, as well as from others, but did not go from boxing. Boxers did not want to go into fights without rules, since they pay much less there, and the risk of injury is much higher.

Percussion technique

However, at the moment, the world champion in the most prestigious weight category (heavyweight) is a fighter who uses only striking hand techniques. One of these is Junior dos Santos.

In his technique you will not see throws or submissions. He spends all his fights in a stance, attacking only with his hands, and competently defending himself from legs and grabs. From this we can conclude that a boxer could easily compete in fights without rules.

See the best knockouts of Junior dos Santos:

Or you can rephrase exactly the opposite. The other day I came across an article “How to act as a boxer against a karateka”, where the author (Denis Sidorenko) gives recommendations for tactical actions of a boxer against a karateka. Since the article is written by a boxer, karatekas can also take this into account and take note of what their own mistakes they can make in a fight, and which boxers or fighters of a similar style can use.

So the article itself:
Today I will express my point of view on how a boxer should act in a fight against a karateka? Based on my experience, I can give you the following advice:

1. Move more in the "shuttle" around the enemy! Don't stand still and forget the "shuffle", if you stand like a statue hoping to get away from a kick, then you risk being beaten. Therefore, your tactics in a fight with a fighter who actively kicks should be based on constantly moving, jumping back or sideways from kicks.

2. Immediately counterattack after the enemy misses! When the opponent kicks, as a rule, his hands are lowered to maintain balance, i.e. it opens up! You shouldn't be yawning at this moment! Land a deuce on a jump to the opponent's head, plus develop your attacks further! I did exactly that, i.e. I used to shuttle around the opponent, calling him to kick and after his miss, flew at him with a hail of punches. A simple and reliable tactic!

3. Challenge your opponent to attack with your foot. Try to induce the opponent to kick with feints and deceptive maneuvers in order to make him open up and attack himself.

4. Glue your hands to your jaw! Oh… Too many fighters have ended up knocked out by neglecting this advice. If you box with your hands down (a la Roy Jones), then in a fight against an opponent who knows the technique of legs, it is advisable to keep these same hands closer to the jaw in order to block the blow at the right moment, although it is best to jump back from the kick back or in side.

5. Use a bunch: kick + deuce. Despite its simplicity, it is very effective combination! Just swing your leg to the abdomen or knee (the opponent lowers his hands) + punch a deuce in the jaw (you can do this on the jump). This simple combination allowed my friend to once win by deep knockout over a very experienced opponent.

6. Use my trick. This technique often brought me victories not only in certain moments of the battle, but in the battle in general. What I did? I made a jump in the direction of the opponent and at the same time raised the knee of the front leg, as if I was going to deliver a direct kick, but did not strike with the leg, but instead hit a series of punches. The bottom line is that the opponent was going to block my kick and at the same time opened his head, where my punches went. Reception is great! I recommend you take it on board!

Sometimes I get letters and people ask me what I think about this video:

I believe that this video is not an indicator of the superiority of a boxer over a karateka, because. and boxers and karateka in it are very mediocre. I once boxed with karatekas and I can say that it all depends on the fighter and that the most difficult opponents of them were those who had no fear at all, who were ready to tear me to pieces for winning the fight. Both a boxer and a karateka can lose, the only point is that karatekas usually have little experience in real fights, so boxers often win against them. I think that the spirit and attitude of a fighter is much more important than his extensive technical arsenal.

As V. Schlachter wrote, the one who wants to kill his opponent, and not just win, will win.

And here is how Vitali Klitschko acted when he performed in kickboxing:

Well, I hope that the information was useful to you.

Sincerely, Sidorenko Denis.

These two wonderful sports included in the martial arts system have a lot in common and, of course, some differences. Among other things, karate is also a type of martial art with its own traditions, budo philosophy and the presence of many styles and schools. The sport of boxing in this sense is monolithic. And only the differences in the styles of training athletes, which can be distinguished only by highly qualified specialists-experts, bring diversity to boxing (few can distinguish the Mexican school from the English one, they find differences between the former Soviet school boxing and Cuban, etc.).

As for karate, in this sense, many well-known masters, high-class instructors, for example, as part of the Japanese championship, being in the box of honored guests, can easily determine which school or style the athletes performing in front of them belong to. But this is given to few. And besides, these differences are much smaller among athletes performing at European or American tournaments.

What do boxing and karate have in common? Many coaches in the process of preparing athletes often use the same schemes: warm-up, shadow boxing, work with a sparring partner, endurance exercises, tests on paws, pears and bags, etc. Yes, and if we take for an athlete of the Russian national team in karate or boxing, the number of official tournaments is almost the same. But boxing representatives have an Olympic cycle - 4 years, where the coach and athlete can develop tactics and strategies that would lead them to participate in Olympic Games. In karate, there are fewer maneuvers for a coach and an athlete in this sense, since the sports recognized by the IOC live in a cycle from World Championship to World Championship (2 years). And once every 4 years, an athlete can compete at the highest forum for such a sport - WorldGames, having received a license based on the results of performances at continental championships and world championships.

Among the technical differences, the main one is that in boxing you can only strike with your hands, while in karate you can strike with both hands and feet. Of course, along the way, the question arises - what is the best way to do boxing or karate, who is stronger than a karateka or a boxer? At the same time, this question is both very complex and very simple. History of fights or test bouts or confrontations in mixed tournaments shows that representatives of boxing or karate periodically alternately win. Everything is very individual and subjective. Whatever works best for him is better for him. Most of those interested in martial arts and martial arts they themselves know many examples of relative victories and defeats of both representatives of karate and boxing. Why relatively? Simply because everything in this world is relative.