Stretching exercises. Slimming with stretching stretching Stretching when the result appears

Stretching is a series of exercises that are aimed at stretching ligaments, muscles, joint mobility, and weight loss. It is possible to make movements with the maximum amplitude of the joints only if the muscles and the tissues surrounding them are elastic. Stretching not only improves flexibility.

Every person who prefers meditative exercises to active fitness or aerobics receives health promotion, high stress resistance, and permanent weight loss. Let's take a closer look at what stretching is in fitness, and how you can lose weight with it.

The benefits and harms of stretching

Until recently, no one knew about stretching. This word comes from the English stretching, which means "stretching". The benefits of stretching for body shaping are enormous. Stretching for weight loss will help keep the body in shape and relieve some chronic diseases. As a result of a set of exercises to stretch the muscles, blood circulation in the ligaments improves, self-confidence appears, and mood improves.

The benefits and harms of stretching depend on properly selected and done exercises. If you regularly stretch your muscles for weight loss under the supervision of a professional, then you will get the following benefits from stretching:

  1. Improved circulation of lymph and blood, contributing to weight loss.
  2. The disappearance of pain in the spine.
  3. Relaxed muscles without clamps.
  4. Improved metabolism due to fast metabolic processes in the body.
  5. correct posture, muscle tone, excellent physical shape.
  6. Increased body skin turgor.
  7. Stop feeling tired.
  8. Get rid of cellulite, fat deposits.
  9. The problem of salt deposits in the joints will go away.
  10. There will be no extra muscle relief.

Clothes for class

It doesn’t matter where you will be doing stretching, at home or in the gym, the main thing is to take care of clothes in which it is convenient to stretch your muscles during weight loss exercises. Choose a durable sportswear so that it can withstand any stretch, so do not be shy about tight things. It is better to give preference to nylon, elastane, polyester, made according to the latest technologies to let the body breathe. Leggings, T-shirts, T-shirts, tops of various configurations are suitable for stretching. When choosing shoes for stretching, it is better to pay attention to soft sneakers, Czechs, sneakers or ballet flats that will not interfere with weight loss exercises.

Music for stretching

Stretching for weight loss is performed slowly, resembling yoga classes in terms of the pace of movements, therefore, you need to choose a slow, unhurried rhythm for stretching music. When melodies for stretching are selected, they should be divided into several blocks:

  1. Slow music that will accompany the warm-up of all parts of the body to stretch the tendons and warm up the muscles.
  2. Faster rhythms on the second block of stretching, when there is an intense load on the muscles for weight loss.
  3. The final block of stretching is a relaxing breathing exercises, requiring calm melodies corresponding to the rhythm of breathing.

A set of stretching exercises for stretching the legs

Stretching for weight loss includes two types of stretching: dynamic and static. Recommended for beginners static stretch muscle fibers, in which you can not make sudden movements, so as not to get injured.

According to the stretching method for effective weight loss, taking one position, a person should be in it for 30 seconds or more, feeling how the muscles are stretched. With dynamic stretching, the athlete performs all kinds of sharp swings, splits, rolls, in which it is easy to get injured. For stretching the legs, lunges and walking with lunges are effective. Consider effective exercises for stretching the leg muscles and losing weight:

  1. "Butterfly". Effective exercise for slimming legs. For stretching, you should sit on the floor, bend two legs and connect with each other, remembering to keep your back straight. Then grab your feet with both hands and lean forward with a straight back, straightening your legs. Purpose: lower both knees to the floor and lie on your feet with your body.
  2. Stretching the groin muscles. This exercise is effective for stretching the calf muscles, which are located along the lower leg. It is also performed on the floor. Spread both legs wide different sides, lean forward with your hands back. The back and neck should remain straight. After a minute, bend over to the right toe, and then to the left.
  3. Cross and longitudinal twine. Effective stretching for inside hips. Try to sit slowly and carefully, first on the longitudinal, and then on the transverse twine. Just do not force the results and use force. If you train regularly, then in the end you will definitely sit on the twine.

Best Hand Exercises

  1. "Swing". Great exercise for slimming hands. Stand up, straighten your back, take dumbbells. Perform upward and forward movements with your hands (pendulum). At the highest point, turn your thumbs down. Then make movements along the reverse trajectory back behind your back. The legs are constantly shoulder width apart. Do at least 30 times.
  2. "Compass". Stretching for the shoulder ligament and joint. Stand up, stretch your arms to the sides at shoulder level. Rotate your arms 10 times in a circle forward and then back. Increase the trajectory until the plane of the exercise becomes vertical.
  3. "Scissors". Lengthens the extensor and flexor muscles of the arms. Stand up and stretch your straight arms at shoulder level forward. Bring and spread your hands according to the principle of "scissors", performing the exercise with the top, then the right hand from above.

Stretching for the back at home

  1. Sitting bends. Stretching for deep muscles spine. Sit on the mat, bend your knees, legs wide apart. Take a slow breath in, and as you exhale, begin to slowly lower yourself forward with a straight back and outstretched arms. Try to reach the floor with your chest. Breathe deeply while holding the stretch for 30 seconds. Repeat 5 times.
  2. Pitch-tilt. These movements will improve the flexibility of the back, help to lose weight in the buttocks, back of the thigh. Stand up straight, take one step forward, then bend over with a straight back, trying to touch your toes with your toes. Go down lower with each step. Take 14 steps with your left foot, then switch to your right foot.
  3. "Good morning". This stretch stretches the hamstrings and lower part back. Stand with a straight back, bend your arms at the chest. Slowly bend your back, arching at the waist as far as you can. Slowly return to the starting position. Do 12 times.
  4. "Dog". An excellent exercise for stretching the back and for those who want to lose weight: it removes fat from the hips. Place a chair with its back against a wall. At a distance of 60 cm from the seat, kneel down, and put your hands on the edge of the chair. Slowly rise on your toes, straightening your limbs, fix with a straight back, then return back to kneeling.

How to do chest stretch at home

  1. "Applause". Effective stretching for breast elasticity. Stand with a straight back. Raise your arms at shoulder level, press your palms together. Take your straight arms as far back as possible from each other, then bring them together again, imitating claps. Do 20 times, varying the intensity of the exercise.
  2. "Cobra". Exercise for weight loss in the waist area. Lie on your stomach. Touch the floor with your toes, pointing your heels up. Put your palms on the floor, your chin also lightly touches the floor, as if you were preparing to do push-ups. Slowly lift your body up and take your head back, arching your spine. Help push off with your palms and bend your legs trying to reach the back of your head with your feet. Stop for 30 seconds at the point of highest stretch, then come back.
  3. "Bridge". This stretch builds the quadriceps thighs and chest muscles. Lying on your back, bend your legs and place them side by side. Slowly lift your hips up, moving your shoulders and pressing your forearms to the floor. Hold for half a minute, and then come back.

The best exercises for the abdominal muscles

  1. "Onion". Such stretching stretches the muscle fibers of the abdomen and chest. During the exercises, the posture resembles a bow with a bowstring. Lie on your stomach, bend your legs. Bend your spine as much as possible, grab your ankles behind your hands. Try to raise your legs higher towards the ceiling, for this, bring your heels closer to your buttocks. At correct technique you will only touch the floor with your belly.
  2. "Awakening". It helps to stretch the muscles of the spinal region, oblique and anterior fibers of the abdomen, to lose weight in the waist area. Stand with a straight back, interlace your fingers together, then stretch your arms above your head, turning your palms towards the ceiling. Squeeze your abs and buttocks, inhale while stretching up. As you exhale, lean to the right, fix for half a minute, come back. Do the same with the left slope.
  3. "Turn of the Cobra". This stretching is effective in losing weight for the external and internal oblique muscles of the waist. Lie on your stomach, straighten your legs. Rest your palms on the floor, then push off with your hands, as if you were doing push-ups. Without lifting your hips from the floor, lift your torso up, bending at the spine. Turn your body to the left by bending your right arm. Hold the position at the point of resistance for half a minute, then come back. Repeat the same with a right turn.

How many calories are burned per workout?

Many people are interested in questions: does stretching help to lose weight and how many times a week you need to do it. Calorie consumption during stretching on average for an hourly workout is about 150 kcal. But these data are not absolute for weight loss, because they depend on many factors: body weight, metabolic rate, metabolism, and others.

To lose weight, you need to stretch at least 3 hours a week at the gym or at home. Training should be carried out 2 hours after the last meal, so that calories are burned more actively, and the main movement should begin only after a warm-up. You can lose weight with stretching if you do 6-8 sets for each exercise, giving yourself a short rest every 15 minutes.

What is the difference between stretching and Pilates and yoga

There are benefits for the figure from both stretching and yoga and Pilates. But these are different practices. Pilates weight loss movements are similar to yoga asanas, the difference is that there is no meditation in Pilates. During yoga and Pilates, the whole body works at once, and in stretching, weight loss exercises have been developed that work separately for all muscle fibers. Used during yoga and Pilates deep breathing, which saturates the internal organs with oxygen. Stretching gymnastics helps to relax, slows down aging, while maintaining the elasticity of joints and ligaments.

Contraindications to exercise

Stretching can harm people when losing weight with joint pathologies, spinal injuries, serious cardiovascular diseases. vascular system. It is not necessary to stretch the muscles with inflammatory lesions of the body, infectious diseases, at high temperatures. Stretching is not recommended after fractures, as muscle fibers and bones are stretched, which is dangerous for recently healed injuries.

Losing weight with stretching will not work with:

  • pregnancy;
  • hypertension;
  • arthritis;
  • osteoporosis;
  • hernias.

Video tutorials: stretching for beginners

Stretching is a way to lose weight. The main rule for beginners is not to load too untrained body and stretch less at first. Before you start systematically engaging in stretching, it is recommended to go for a consultation with a physiotherapist. So that when losing weight maximum effect from stretch marks, it is necessary to gradually increase the intensity of movements so that tension is constantly felt. We have prepared for you several video stretching workouts from YouTube, with which it is easy to lose weight without resorting to the help of a trainer:

Lesson with coach Olga Yanchuk

Strutching with Ekaterina Firsova

With fitness instructor Yegor Onegin

Pair stretching

People who are constantly involved in sports know that along with a power load, the body also needs calm stretching exercises, which cannot be neglected. A hitch of the main workout or an autonomous stretching training - everyone chooses the most suitable option for himself. But in any case, all stretching elements must be performed correctly. Therefore, today we will get acquainted with such a direction of fitness as stretching or cat gymnastics. Stretching exercises will not only effectively stretch the entire body, but also help you lose weight.

What is stretching?

Stretching is a type of fitness aimed at stretching the muscles of the whole body, developing their elasticity and flexibility. This is necessary, first of all, by the muscles themselves. Only stretching exercises will save a person from pain in the muscles and joints and make the main training even more effective. If we consider stretching as an independent training, then this is not just stretching before or after the main workout. This is a self-contained set of exercises aimed at strengthening the joints and muscles and maintaining the body and spirit in great shape.

Stretching does not require special equipment: only a mat is needed for classes. Therefore, you can stretch both under the supervision of a trainer, and on your own at home. An additional bonus to the training is the fact that it does not require physical training and suitable for almost anyone.

A set of stretching exercises can also pursue its goals. Prevention and treatment of a number of diseases, restoration of the functions of the musculoskeletal system, recovery after operations, body shaping - these are far from all areas with which stretching effectively interacts.

Who is stretching for?

Stretching exercises for stretching the whole body will be useful to absolutely anyone, even for beginner athletes. If you dream of doing splits, having flexible joints, or just being healthy, do stretching. Endurance for training is not needed, so both an experienced athlete and a person with minimal physical fitness can do it.

Stretching exercises are of particular relevance during the rehabilitation period. Even a physically developed person after injuries and illnesses is contraindicated exercise stress. And stretching will help you get in shape quickly. Stretching is also effective for young mothers after a cesarean who want to quickly remove their stomach, and for whom another type of fitness is unacceptable for at least six months.

There are no age limits for this type of training. There is no harm from exercise, but there are a lot of positive points:

  1. The study of all the muscles of the body, even those that are not involved in intensive training. Here there is a deeper and more concentrated effect on a particular muscle.
  2. Facilitate the movement of blood and lymph throughout the body, due to which saturation occurs internal organs oxygen.
  3. Improvement of metabolic processes in the body.
  4. Prevention of pain and tension in different parts of the body by removing nerve and muscle blocks.
  5. Beneficial effect on the cardiovascular system.
  6. Eliminate congestion and prevent diseases such as thrombosis and atherosclerosis.
  7. The resumption of the natural flexibility of a person, which affects the rejuvenation of the body.
  8. Favorable effect on the psycho-emotional state of a person: sleep becomes stronger, mood improves, mental stress and irritation disappear.
  9. Positive effect on the female body, prevention of cellulite.

And stretching is always beautiful posture, increased self-esteem and at least ten years longer life expectancy.

Stretching during pregnancy

Stretching is also ideal during pregnancy. If future mom feels good, then stretching will allow her to easily keep herself in shape while carrying a baby, it is easier to endure childbirth and recover faster after them. There is only one caveat - you can not perform slopes during pregnancy. Therefore, all stretching elements must be performed from a sitting position, and in no case standing. Also, the “blessing” of the gynecologist for the training will not hurt.

Does stretching help you lose weight?

Stretching for weight loss is also effective. The systematic implementation of a set of exercises helps to burn fat. In addition, stretching exercises for weight loss contribute to:

  • strengthening and improving the condition of muscle fibers, which leads to the displacement of a layer of fat around the muscles;
  • outflow of lymph as the main means of combating cellulite;
  • getting rid of sagging skin, even with rapid weight loss.

In addition, stretching improves digestion, which also contributes to the process of losing weight.

Basic rules for stretching

Despite the fact that stretching exercises are practically safe, beginners need to follow a number of rules that will reduce possible trauma and increase productivity:

Smoothness of movement

All movements should be smooth and slow. Jerks and sudden physical actions are unacceptable here. Try to linger in each element for at least twenty seconds, but you should not delay it for more than half a minute.

The slowness of the pace of training depends on sports preparedness person: the smaller it is, the slower the pace should be.

Warm up

Like any stretching workout, you need to start with a warm-up, which consists in the same stretching exercises, but no more than three seconds each.


Proper breathing is the key to the success of any training. If in strength training it is important to follow the inhalation and exhalation during the execution of the element, then the basis here is calm and measured breathing at the pace of gymnastics.

In no case should you hold your breath: when we bend, we exhale, and when we stretch, we inhale.

Feeling control

During the training, pain should not occur. If it happened, better stop, massage problem area and start executing the element again. If the pain continues, it is better to stop the session.

Pain is an indicator of the current maximum muscle stretch. If they occur, then the limit of stretching has been reached today.

Beginners should be careful about the implementation of any new element. Start gymnastics with the simplest exercises, lingering in each of them for no more than fifteen seconds. Overload untrained muscles can cause damage to them. An important point clothing is in stretching: it should not hinder movement and prevent stretching.

Types of stretching exercises

There are several classifications of stretching. Based on the degree of load on the muscles, there are:

  • soft;
  • deep stretching.

In the first case, the muscles are stretched only to their usual length. In the second, the length of the stretch will increase each time, as well as the delay time in each element.

According to the method of performing exercises, stretching is divided into:

  • static;
  • dynamic;
  • active;
  • isometric;
  • ballistic;
  • proprioceptive neuromuscular.

Stretching static exercises designed to relax muscles. They are performed smoothly and slowly and are suitable for beginners. Dynamic stretching consists of alternating tension and relaxation of the muscles. Stretching muscles that are in a passive form is the work of active stretching. Isometric stretching involves tension, relaxation, stretching and fixation. Here, muscle stretching occurs due to counteraction.

Ballistic stretching is considered the most unsafe and is suitable only for experienced athletes. Its essence is going beyond stretching through dynamic sharp movements. Such training is shown only under the supervision of an instructor. Proprioceptive neuromuscular stretching is aimed at restoring joints after surgery and injury. It is accompanied by peripheral elements and is carried out for therapeutic purposes under the supervision of a physician.

Workout program

It is better to build a stretching exercise program for beginners as follows:

  • neck stretch;
  • back stretching;
  • stretching exercises for arms and legs;
  • stretching of the pectoral muscles;
  • press stretching.

neck stretch

Neck stretching "releases" the muscles of the neck and shoulder area and allows blood to flow to the brain, so it is better to start training with it. To perform the exercises, you can stand up with your feet shoulder-width apart. You can also sit on your knees or in the lotus position. You can stretch your neck like this:

  • smooth turns of the head to the right and left;
  • in a circular motion heads;
  • holding the head in a tilt to the sides and up and down with pressing her hand.

Stretching exercises for the back

Stretching the back is our everything: flexibility, mobility, beautiful posture, healthy spine. Can be distinguished the following items back stretch:

  1. Stretching of the spine. We sit on the floor, spreading our legs wide. Slowly we begin to stretch our chest to the floor, so as to feel the movement of each vertebra. The goal is not to lie on the floor or reach your toes with your hands. The goal is to stretch the muscles of the spine as much as the body's capabilities allow.
  2. The cat is a cow. We get on all fours and begin to alternate backbends and arches in the back. We try to use the entire spine: from cervical to the waist.
  3. Back twists. Sit on a chair and put your feet together. We turn upper part body so that the shoulders also turn. It also stretches the entire spine. To maintain balance, you can hold on to a chair with your hands.
  4. Leg twists. Lie down on your back and raise your legs bent at the knees up. Place your hands on the floor, palms down. We begin slow turns of the knees in different directions. At the same time, the shoulders should not come off the floor, and the knees from each other.
  5. Stretching against the wall. We stand with our backs against the wall and firmly press the entire spine against it. We raise our hands up and begin to stretch them. The body should not come off the wall. Another variation of the exercise is squats, sliding your hands along the wall.

A set of exercises for legs and arms

There are many stretching exercises for arms and legs. We will select five elements for each part of the body. Let's start with the hands:

  1. Hand stretch. We get on our knees and in an inclination we get the floor with outstretched hands. We move our hands as far as possible. You can practice stretching first one and then the other hand.
  2. Stretch the forearms and wrists. We get on all fours, resting our hands and feet on the floor. At the same time, the fingers of the hands should “look” at the knees, and the palms should be firmly pressed to the floor. Lean back and stretch the front of the forearms.
  3. Stretching biceps c. We stand straight, feet shoulder-width apart. We clasp our hands behind our backs, palms down. Without bending the body, raise straight arms up.
  4. Triceps stretch. From a sitting or standing position, we put our hand behind the head, grab the elbow with the other hand and pull the working limb to the head.
  5. We stretch our shoulders. We press the straight right hand to the left shoulder, helping with the left hand in the area of ​​​​the elbow of the right limb. Side change.
  6. Leg stretch. We sit down with straight legs brought together. We begin to slowly bend over, trying to lay the body on its feet. At the same time, we do not bend the legs at the knees.
  7. Cross twine. We get up on our feet and begin to slowly spread them to the sides. At the limit point, we linger, put our elbows on the floor and stretch the body down.
  8. Stretching the muscles of the back of the thighs. From a standing position, lunge with one foot back. We bend the front leg at the knees and take it slightly forward, put our hands on the floor.
  9. Stretch the inner thighs. We sit on the floor and bend our knees. The feet are pressed against each other. We place the palms on the feet, and place the elbows on the knees. Leaning the body forward, we press our elbows on our knees.
  10. Quadriceps stretch. From a standing position, bend the leg at the knee, pressing the heel to the buttock. The knees should be on the same line, and the hips are brought together.

Stretching the pectoral muscles

Stretch pectoral muscles can be done as follows:

  1. We stand facing the doorway.
  2. We take both hands on the edges of the walls at head level.
  3. We lean forward, stretching the pectoral muscles as much as possible.
  4. At the limit point, we fix for a few seconds.
  5. We return to the starting position.

The same can be done, but with an emphasis on one hand. You can also stretch your chest like this: stand up straight, take your hands back and put your palms on your lower back. Mixing elbow joints to each other.

Stretching exercises for the press

The following elements can be used to stretch the press:

  1. Lie down on your stomach, resting your palms on the floor. Slowly we begin to bend the back, tearing off the floor first the head, then the chest and stomach.
  2. We sit on a chair, bring our fingers behind our heads to the castle. We make inclinations in different directions, while the elbows should not be retracted forward. stretched lateral muscles press.
  3. We stand straight, spreading our legs shoulder-width apart. Place hands on rear surface hips. Slowly bend back, while directing the hips forward, and straining the buttocks. We bend even further, while tilting our head back, and sliding our hands down our hips.

Contraindications to exercise

Stretching is a relatively safe form of fitness that is suitable for almost anyone. But there are still a number of contraindications to classes:

  1. Injuries and pathologies of the spine and joints at the acute stage of the disease.
  2. Oncological diseases.
  3. Recovery period after operations.
  4. Previous fractures.
  5. A number of diseases of the spine.
  6. Impaired joint mobility.
  7. Serious diseases of the cardiovascular system.
  8. Acute inflammatory processes occurring in the body and accompanied by temperature.


Stretching - exercises are one of the most effective ways improving joint mobility, stretching muscles and bringing the body into tone. They are suitable for people of any age and any physical fitness.

On this moment there is a huge number sports areas, making it possible to lose weight, tighten muscles, forming a relief contour, and also develop joints for easier movement. One of the trends in this area is stretching- This is a set of exercises that is similar to aerobics, but is performed with minimal stress. This allows you to do this sport even for people with muscle pathologies. The whole lesson is aimed at improving flexibility, stamina, softness of movements in the future. Further, the features of classes and the principles of home training will be considered in detail.

First, it is necessary to clarify the question of what stretching is in fitness, so that those who want to go in for sports can make their own decision. The word comes from the English "stretching", which translates as "stretching". Indeed, stretching is a special set of exercises that is performed smoothly and without sudden movements. Positions are aimed at stretching muscles, improving blood flow, the work of internal organs, strengthening tendons.

Differences between stretching and other sports

Stretching, or stretching, is comparable in effectiveness to the body with fitness. But its usefulness is largely based on safety in the absence of jumps, sudden movements.

The other differences of the presented sport include the following factors:

  • due to the specifics of the exercise, it is impossible not only to get injured, but even to pull a muscle - stretching in fitness turns out to be a common thing;
  • people of all ages can start classes - there are no restrictions, which has a positive effect on improving health in the presence of joint pathology and other health problems;
  • for muscle stretching, you do not need to use any additional devices - one fitness mat is enough;
  • presented sport improves general state organism, which is almost impossible to achieve in gym or cardio.

Gymnastics becomes more interesting if you spend it with pleasant and beloved music. There is no need to choose calm music for calm movements, but it sets you up more in a positive way.

Expert opinion

Egorova Natalya Sergeevna
Nutritionist, Nizhny Novgorod

Stretching is included in a comprehensive training program for almost all professional athletes. It is often included in rehabilitation programs, and individual exercises for the development of plasticity are included in all exercise therapy complexes. Stretching helps to increase the elasticity of muscles, ligaments and tendons, which in the future makes it possible to avoid sprains, tears and tears.

Properly performed exercises can significantly strengthen the articular and ligamentous apparatus. This significantly increases the resistance of joints and tendons to stress, and the risk of injury is reduced. This makes training safer.

I want to note that many girls who want to lose weight and get rid of cellulite resort to stretching. And the classes really help them in this. The fact is that stretching not only strengthens muscles and ligaments, but also improves the outflow of lymph from tissues. And this, in turn, accelerates the process of losing weight and "burning" cellulite. For girls who don't have excess weight and "orange peel", stretching serves as an excellent prevention of their appearance.


Stretching has its own classification, which depends on the intensity and characteristics of the workout. Training can be soft and deep - in fact, these are varieties of stretching, which means the degree of muscle load. The soft variety is the goal of stretching the muscles back to their original state. This helps maintain flexibility. Stretching each muscle during training occurs within 30-40 seconds. A deep variety of stretching makes it possible to increase the flexibility of natural intensity - this way you can sit on the splits and make more difficult positions. Up to 5 minutes are allotted for stretching one muscle.

Other types of stretching include:

  • static - slow exercises aimed at muscle tension during a long static position;
  • dynamic - the muscles are first strained, and then they are relaxed, which happens through a certain complex;
  • active - allows you to improve joint mobility by developing muscles located next to the fixed ones;
  • isometric - requires physical fitness and strength, since it represents the performance of exercises with resistance;
  • ballistic - starting on your own is not recommended, since sharp short movements are welcome here, allowing you to stretch the muscles faster (this often leads to injury);
  • proprioceptive neuromuscular - suitable only for those people who have previously undergone surgery or are recovering from an injury.

Important: Before choosing a type of stretching, you should consult a doctor if you have any pathologies, as well as an instructor.

He will determine the type of exercise in accordance with the physical data, health status and wishes of the applicant.

Benefits of classes

Stretch training has the following positive aspects:

  • significantly increases the mobility of joints and muscles;
  • the circulatory system is normalized;
  • the outflow of lymph improves markedly - it turns out the prevention of edema of the extremities;
  • formed correct posture- in accordance with physiology;
  • reduced pain in the spine;
  • prevention of stress and depression occurs;
  • it turns out the prevention of bad mood in women in premenstrual syndrome;
  • markedly improved mood and sleep.

Classes must be carried out in accordance with the recommendations and rules, so as not to provoke an exacerbation of existing pathologies. Properly performed exercises are flexibility and maximum efficiency from stretching training.

Contraindications for carrying out

The presented classes have the following contraindications for practice:

  • it is forbidden to resort to stretching during an exacerbation of joint diseases;
  • it is impossible to resort to muscle stretching loads if there are serious pathologies of the veins - the presence of blood clots, varicose veins veins;
  • there are disorders in the work of the heart and circulatory system;
  • it is forbidden to resort to loads if there are pathologies of the spine;
  • loads are prohibited in case of injury to the ligaments;
  • It is not recommended to resort to stretching immediately after removing the plaster.

Always consult a doctor before classes. If a person has the presented contraindications, training should be postponed or abandoned altogether in favor of another sport.

About the rules

Most citizens choose stretching for self-study at home. This is wrong, because it is necessary to undergo preliminary consultations.

But if the choice is made, it is important to learn the basic rules for home workouts with loads:

  • before starting exercises to stretch the muscles, it is necessary to warm them up by doing light gymnastics or resorting to classical aerobics;
  • breathing during training is even, movements are smooth, the load increases gradually;
  • inhale air when stretching, and exhale when bending;
  • if pain is felt during training, it is necessary to stop exercising;
  • after stretching, you can’t strain your muscles - they should be in a relaxed state, so you need to abandon physical activities after class.

In connection with the facts presented, it follows that stretching is recommended to be performed at home before going to bed or just in the evening. It is important to choose the right clothes for stretching. It is recommended to visit the shops sportswear where products of well-known brands are presented.

Basic complex

IN basic complex stretching includes the following exercises:

  • Stand up straight and squat a little. Raise one hand up, as if reaching for the ceiling, the other is held down. Then change the position to a mirror and repeat the movement 10 times for each hand.
  • Sitting on the floor, spread your legs wide apart. Remove your hands behind your head and tilt the body to each leg in turn, trying to touch your knee with your forehead.
  • Get on all fours and make a “flight”, stretching your leg back and the opposite arm forward. Change position and repeat up to 10 times.
  • In a supine position on your back, you need to pull your legs to your chest, wrap your arms around them and freeze for a few seconds - 20 seconds is enough. Stretch your legs and repeat the stretching exercise 10 times.
  • Lie on your side, bending your knees, creating a right angle. Next, you need to stretch your arms forward and turn the body with your arms in the opposite direction, while leaving your hips on the floor. It is necessary in this position to get the floor on the opposite side with the back of the hand.

It is only recommended to consult a doctor about the types of stretching and acceptable exercises, since some movements are prohibited. For example, tilts can provoke disturbances in the development of the fetus due to a lack of oxygen supply.

Classes can improve flexibility, reduce pain during back loads (especially in the presence of certain pathologies), and also improve overall well-being. It is easy to train at home, allocating only 20 minutes of time for this - during this period you can complete the basic stretching course. You can learn more about the specifics of the sport from the video.

Stretching(stretch)- exercises for stretching are useful and necessary for everyone, regardless of age and degree of development of flexibility. For achievement best results you need to incorporate a range of flexibility exercises into your daily training sessions. You can perform all the exercises in a row or a part of them of your choice, depending on your desire and needs.

While doing stretching, you should understand for yourself what specific benefits you get for your body:

Stretching has a stimulating effect on blood circulation and lymph circulation in the body.

Stretching exercises included in the final part training session, help muscles recover by returning from a contracted state to their previous length (at rest).

Stretching exercises have a relaxing effect on the muscles and relieve various pains caused by stress and tension of the nervous system.

Stretching slows down and makes gradual some of the processes in our body associated with aging.

Muscles that are regularly trained in stretching retain their elasticity and are well supplied with blood and nutrients.

Stretching exercises are effective remedy reduce mental stress, as they tone the muscles but relax the brain.

Stretching classes will make you feel tall, slim and flexible, and improving the condition of the muscular apparatus cannot but affect the improvement of posture.

What to look out for

Always stretch to certain, characteristic "limits only for you. Feelings should be only pleasant and accompanied by a feeling of relaxation. Pain is a sign that the stretch amplitude is too large.

Never bounce, but do "holds".

The ideal time to practice stretching is immediately after exercise such as walking or other form of aerobic exercise. Also, since stretching relieves unnecessary muscle tension, you can use these exercises at any time to improve your mood and well-being.

During stretching exercises, do not forget to breathe properly. The most important thing in this is not to hold your breath and not to force the exhalation. It is best to breathe normally and calmly, and in between exercises, you can take a deep breath and exhale completely.

Stretching exercise 1

Raise your arms up and stretch, lifting your shoulders and chest up. Hold 5 bills.

Stretching exercise 2

Now put your hands back, clasp your hands, pull your stomach in and lean forward as low as you can. Hold 15 slow bills.

Stretching exercise 3

- Bending your knees, lean forward, touching the floor with your hands.

Straighten your knees as much as you can. Hold 15 bills. Slowly arch your back, bending your legs and returning to the starting position.

Stretching exercise 4

Straighten up, put your legs apart, pull in your stomach, chest is raised. Place your right hand on the top of your right thigh and your left hand up above your head. Reach with your left hand to the right as if you want to push a wall with your hand. Hold 15 bills. Slowly return to the starting position and do the exercise on the other side.

Stretching exercise 5

Spread your legs wider, lean forward and place your palms on the floor. Sliding your right foot to the side and bending your left leg, take the position shown in the figure. Feel the stretch throughout your inner right thigh. Hold 15 bills. Change legs and do the exercise on the other side. Control the position of the feet: they should touch the floor with the entire sole throughout the exercise.

Stretching exercise 6

Lie on your back, bring your right knee to chest. Hold 5 bills.

6-A. Now straighten right leg as best you can without causing pain, and try to pull it to the chest. Hold 10 or 15 bills. Lower your leg slowly. Perform the exercise with the other leg.

Stretching exercise 7

Lie on your back and pull both knees towards your chest. Tilt your head forward to your knees and hold this position for 10-15 counts.

Stretching exercise 8

- Lying on your back, pull both knees to your chest and grab your feet with your hands.

Gently and slowly straighten your legs to the position possible for you. Hold 10-15 bills.

Stretching exercise 9

Sitting cross-legged on the floor or standing, tilt your head exactly to the side, as if resting it on your shoulder. Hold 5 bills. Return to the starting position and do the exercise on the other side. Repeat twice.

Stretching exercise 10

Sitting cross-legged on the floor or standing, turn your head to one side so that you can look over your shoulder. Hold 5 bills. Return to the starting position, then turn your head to the other side and hold again. Repeat twice. At the end of a set of stretching exercises, take a few deep breaths.

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Stretching is one of the most underrated forms of fitness. Most often it is associated with simple exercises, such as “lean forward and touch your toes with your hands”, so its value is often underestimated, depriving yourself of the benefits of such a warm-up.

In the process of growth and aging in muscle tissue changes are taking place. Incorporating stretching into your regular workout schedule will ensure even muscle growth along the fibers and increase flexibility levels. This will give you the ability to move in any direction with ease and give you more energy to perform various actions.

In addition, stretching helps to achieve:

  • Increase joint flexibility
  • Improved circulation in muscles and joints targeted by stretching exercises
  • Increased energy levels as increased blood flow brings in more oxygen and glycogen
  • Improvements in motor coordination
  • Increases in speed and strength

There are seven various types stretching exercises and, although some of them overlap and some are part of the standard training complex, so they are nothing new, but it's better to take a closer look at them and figure out what they do.

Active stretching

Leg swings to the side, a typical element of active stretching

In active stretching, you take a certain position and hold it only with the help of your own agonist muscles (primary movers). To hold the body in the desired position, the agonist muscle groups have to tighten, while the antagonist muscles begin to stretch. For example, a typical martial arts stance in the position side impact leg promotes stretching of the adductor muscles (adductors), increases the flexibility of the athlete's body and the height of the leg during impact.

The effect of active stretching is based on a physiological response called reciprocal inhibition. If any one muscle group is held in a tense position for a long period of time, then the muscle groups opposite it do not need to remain tense, so they relax and stretch. Most often, the position needs to be held for no longer than 30 seconds, and sometimes results can be achieved in less than 10-15 seconds.

Active stretching is widely used in yoga. Martial artists and ballet dancers also use it heavily. Techniques active stretching improve performance in most sports.

Passive stretching

An example of passive stretching is the well-known twine

Passive stretching is a form of stretching ideal for performing with a partner. In this case, it is necessary that the body remains completely passive, and all actions are performed with the application of an external force (with the help of a partner). If training is performed without a partner, body weight and gravity are used as an external force. For this reason, passive stretching is also called relaxed stretching.

An example of passive stretching is the well-known twine. By spreading your legs as wide as possible and releasing your body weight on them, you allow your feet to naturally slowly slide further to the sides. Studies have shown that passive stretching is ideal for muscle recovery after injury, as it is done gradually and requires some time for each position.

Static stretching

Static stretching is perhaps the most common type of stretching exercise. In this case, it is necessary to hold the body in positions that require tension, but do not cause discomfort, for about 10–20 seconds. This type of stretching is often used as part of a regular warm-up in various types sports, since during static stretching the body is not subjected to extreme loads. This has led to the misconception that stretching should be done during the warm-up to prevent sports injuries, and that stretching improves athletic performance.

In 2013, in three unrelated research projects This issue has been considered from different points of view. In the first study, published in the Scandinavian Journal of Medicine & Science in Sports, it was found that the inclusion of static stretching in the warm-up complex reduces muscle performance and causes instability in their work, which can lead to an increase in injury rather than reducing it.

The second study published in the Journal of Strength & Conditioning Research (Journal of research in the field of strength and general development) found that static stretching carried out as part of a warm-up leads to an immediate decrease in muscle performance. These findings were supported by a third study published in the same journal, which found that long-term positive effect of pre-workout static stretching was negligible at best.

Isometric stretching

An example of isometric stretching: “pushing the wall”

Isometric stretching is a type of stretching in which resistance is involved. muscle groups caused by isometric contractions of stretched muscles. Examples of isometric stretching: “pushing the wall” to warm up the calf muscles, bending forward with your foot on the bar and trying to reach your knee with your head, as well as stretching the biceps, resting your straight arm against the wall and applying force to it.

There is some evidence that isometric stretching performed over a long period of time contributes to the development of muscle hypertrophy (increase in volume). This is due to the fact that in this type of stretching, the resistance of muscle fibers is involved.

Dynamic stretching

In dynamic stretching, weak swings are used, with which the body and limbs make full complex movements. Since with dynamic stretching, the speed of the exercise increases gradually, and the range of motion remains within the comfort zone, this species stretching is most often recommended for use as a warm-up.

For golfers, boxers, martial artists and ballerinas, dynamic stretching is part of the standard intensive training complex. In 2011, the European Journal of Applied Physiology published the results of a study in which scientists found that dynamic stretching improves performance in sprinters and other hard-training athletes.

Program for dynamic stretching from the site (Clickable picture)

Dynamic stretching training program

Another study published in 2012 in the Journal of Sports Science and Medicine compared the benefits of dynamic versus static stretching for hard training athletes. It turned out that athletes who used only dynamic stretching in their warm-up showed better results than those who performed static stretching exercises. However, the greatest increase in the range of motion (ROM) was demonstrated by athletes who combined both types of stretching. This suggests that the best results can be achieved by composing a mixed warm-up complex.

Ballistic stretching

Ballistic stretching is a type of stretching that uses jumping and jerky movements. This form of stretching is strongly discouraged by the American Academy of Orthopedic Surgeons and is considered one of the most common causes of warm-up injuries.

Ballistic stretching exercises should not be started without an adequate warm-up, as they push your body out of your comfort zone. The use of ballistic stretching as a warm-up is unacceptable. Ballistic stretching after a good warm-up is widely used by martial artists, ballet dancers and gymnasts in order to increase the comfortable range of motion and increase the flexibility of the body.

Research ballistic exercises show that when performed after the main workout or as an independent complex, they help to increase the range of motion and improve performance. Martial artists, gymnasts and dancers know this very well.

PNF stretching

PNF stretching (Proprioreceptive Neuromuscular Facilitation) is a set of stretching techniques that help expand both active and passive range of motion and provide a significant increase in flexibility.

A study published in the journal Animal Science found that stretching (including PNF stretching) after a moderate-intensity workout helped promote growth. muscle mass resulting in an increase in muscle strength and size.

Concerning warm-up complexes, then PNF stretching is more suitable for them than other options, since it uses resistance to the applied force, after which the muscles relax, and then re-stretching occurs. This makes it possible to achieve an increase in the flexibility and strength of the joints through the stimulation of four separate, sometimes overlapping reactions: autogenic inhibition, reciprocal inhibition, stress relief, and the theory of pain blockers. All of this is explained in detail in a study on the benefits of PNF stretching published in the Journal of Human Kinetics.

When is stretching necessary?

If you use stretching to warm up before training, choose dynamic or PNF, all other types are performed after training, when the muscles are properly warmed up. Stretching can also be done in the form of an independent training complex, performed on a specially allocated day.

The bottom line is that stretching is definitely needed and will always help to achieve better results, but you should carefully choose when to do it and what kind of stretching to prefer. Nobody forbids you to do various stretching exercises, and not just stick to one particular type. But do not forget to consider possible undesirable consequences in order to maintain the health and elasticity of your muscles.

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