Sports tourism direction. All about tourism as a sport


federal state educational institution

higher professional education

"St. Petersburg State University of Water Communications"

Faculty of Humanities

Department of International Business, Management and Tourism

Course work:

Sports tourism


4th year student

group EU-42
Kuznetsova N.N.


Divina N.A

Saint Petersburg


1.1 History of sports tourism……………………………………………...4 1.2 Types of sports tourism……………………………………………………6 tourism……………..……………………………...7 1.4 Types of movement in tourism……………………………………………..9

2. Classification of routes………………………………………….……10

3. Ranks in sports tourism……………………………………....…...10

4. Tourist and sports events………………………………………....11


Bibliographic list…………………………………………………....14


Sports tourism is an independent and socially oriented sphere, a lifestyle of a significant stratum of society; effective remedy spiritual and physical development of the individual, education of respect for nature, mutual understanding and mutual respect between peoples and nations; a form of "people's diplomacy" based on a real acquaintance with the life, history, culture, customs of peoples, the most democratic type of recreation, characterized by a specific form of folk art, a free choice of the form of own activity of all socio-demographic groups of the population, starting with children preschool age ending with retirees.

Sports tourism in Russia is a national sport with a long tradition. It includes not only the sports component, but also a special spiritual sphere, and the way of life of the wanderers themselves. Non-commercial tourist clubs (“tour clubs”) are still the centers for the development of sports tourism, although many tourists are engaged in it on their own.

The sport "Sports tourism" is included in the All-Russian register of sports under the number 0840005411Я (2006-2009).

1.1 History of sports tourism

Sports tourism is a sport based on competitions on routes that include overcoming categorized obstacles in the natural environment (passes, peaks (in mountain tourism), rapids (in water tourism), canyons, caves, etc.), and at distances laid in the natural environment and on artificial relief.

Sports tourism in the USSR, as a sport, was included in the Unified All-Union Sports Classification in 1949. When assigning sports categories and the title of master of sports, the number and complexity of completed trips, as well as the experience of independent management of them, are taken into account. Difficulty is determined by the duration and length of the routes, the number and variety of natural obstacles. Multi-day trips (walking, skiing, water, mountain, cycling, automobile, on motorcycles and mopeds) are carried out along routes of 5 categories of difficulty. Routes of increased complexity, especially of the 4th-5th categories, require good general physical and special training. Camping trips are carried out, as a rule, with the assistance of sports and tourist clubs, councils of sports societies, physical education teams. As a means of year-round training of tourists, the so-called. weekend hikes and competitions in types of tourist equipment (for some, all-Union competitions are held).

The procedure for the formation of tourist groups, the rights and obligations of their participants and leaders, paperwork, development and preparation of routes, etc. are regulated by the "Rules for organizing and conducting amateur tourist trips and trips on the territory of the USSR" (approved by the Central Council for Tourism and Excursions of the All-Union Central Council of Trade Unions in 1972).

Sports tourism is the preparation and conduct of sports trips in order to overcome an extended space wildlife on skis (ski tourism), by means of rafting (water tourism) or on foot in the mountains (mountain tourism). The sports trip is carried out by an autonomous group of 6-10 people. It happens that travelers do not meet any traces of civilization for a month. To complete the route, one must not only be strong, agile, courageous and stubborn, but also possess a wide range of special knowledge from the technique of overcoming obstacles to human physiology in extreme conditions. Unlike normal travel sports travel includes a set of natural obstacles classified by difficulty. As a rule, in mountain and ski tourism such obstacles are mountain peaks and passes, and in water tourism - river rapids. Classified obstacles form the basis of the methodology for comparing trips by their difficulty. It's like grading the difficulty of gymnastics programs or figure skating. The most difficult trips performed with brilliance are nominated for the championship of Moscow and the championship of Russia.

The organization and conduct of sports trips are subject to the Rules approved by the Tourist and Sports Union of Russia. These Rules accumulate the experience of many generations of travelers. Therefore, when they are carried out, the level of safety achieved in sports tourism is guaranteed. This is controlled by the system of route qualification commissions (MCC). In particular, the ICC checks the readiness of the group to enter the route and the compliance of the experience of the participants of the trip with its complexity. In accordance with the Rules, sports trips can have six categories of complexity (c.s.). If the travels of the first k.s. feasible for beginners, then travel sixth k.s. extreme even for the strongest and most experienced travelers. Indeed, mountain “sixes” in some areas can include climbing to peaks over 7000 m high, ski “sixes” are hundreds and hundreds of kilometers of travel in forty-degree frost along endless Siberian ridges, water “sixes” are breathtaking rafting along the frenzied rivers of Altai and the Middle Asia.

The system of sports tourism, created over decades, limits the initiative of travelers to a minimum. Currently, a sports trip can be arranged to anywhere in the world, and everyone can become a team leader, as long as he has experience of participating in a trip of the same category of complexity and experience of leading a trip that is one category easier. The remaining members of the team must have experience of participating in a simpler (one category) trip. In addition to this basic principle, the Rules provide for exceptions to better take into account the actual experience of travelers (for example, mountaineering experience or experience in other types of sports tourism). The master level in sports tourism is associated with the leadership in travel of the highest (5th and 6th) categories of complexity. Therefore, making two trips a year, a gifted athlete reaches this level in 5-6 years.

1.2 Types of sports tourism

We can name the following forms of sports tourism, depending on its organization: sports tourism can be individual and mass.

Individual (custom) tours are tours that are formed at will and with the direct participation of the tourist. He is offered a choice different variants services for each of the types of services in the proposed place of rest. The services chosen by the tourist are formed into the tour program. Typically, such orders are formed in agencies and then come to the tour operator for implementation. The main advantage of individual trips is that they allow you to visit anywhere in the world and, even in classical Europe, find an original route. After all, such a product is created according to the requirements of each individual tourist.

Group tours involve the sale of a pre-planned standard set of services, focused on a certain type of holiday, as well as on the social class of tourists and their age, and sold to tourists in one package. The peculiarities of preparing and conducting this type of tour (a single program for all, strictly linked to the timing and schedule of the trip) do not allow making any changes to the composition of the services offered, so the tourist can either buy it entirely or refuse to purchase it altogether. This type of comprehensive service is called package tours (from the English package tour - package tour). Ready package tours allow tour operators to use special rates, and their cost is usually lower than the cumulative retail prices for the individual services included in the package.

1.3 Forms of sports tourism

It is customary to distinguish forms of tourism depending on the origin of tourists, on the length of stay, on the age of travelers, and on the time of year.

1. Forms of tourism depending on the origin of tourists. Depending on the origin of travelers, tourism is divided into internal (travel within the Russian Federation by persons permanently residing in the Russian Federation); and international (travels for tourism purposes outside the country of permanent residence. This is a travel system carried out on the basis of international agreements, taking into account existing international customs).




Main questions:

The history of the development of sports tourism



Compiled by: head of the department of l / a and l / s

Associate Professor, Ph.D. Gulidin P.K.

Vitebsk 2016

history of sports tourism development

Tourism as a mass social phenomenon began to take shape only after the Second World War, although the roots of tourism go back to the deep past. There are four stages in the history of tourism development.

The first stage is from antiquity to the beginning of the 19th century.

The second stage is from the beginning of the 19th century to the beginning of the 20th century.

The third stage is from the beginning of the 20th century to the Second World War.

The fourth stage - after the Second World War to the present day.

The first stage of tourism development is called the prehistory of tourism. The beginning of this stage belongs to the ancient period ( Ancient Greece and Rome), when the main motives for travel were trade, pilgrimage, treatment, education. During this period, sports trips were born. For example, participants and spectators Olympic Games reached the competition site from the most remote corners of Greece. Later, in the Middle Ages, a religious factor became an incentive to travel - the worship of the shrines of Christianity and Islam. As a result of the development of the productive forces of society, there is a distinction between working time and free time of the worker (vacation). This created the prerequisites for the second stage of tourism development.

The second stage of tourism development is called elite tourism. The most important role at this stage of tourism development was played by revolutionary changes in transport. The means of delivery and transportation have changed. In 1807, the inventor Fulton designed and built the first steamship. The first steam locomotive was created by Stephenson in 1814. The means of delivering mail were improved, and the road network was expanded. All this led to much greater reliability and speed of movement. At the same time, travel costs were reduced due to more economical means of transportation.

Scientific and technological progress and the social struggle of workers for their rights, as well as the growing welfare of society, have created the possibility of travel for most ordinary people.

The third stage marked the beginning of the formation of social tourism. First World War, the economic depression of the 30s and the Second World War had a negative impact on the development of tourism. At the same time, it was during this period that elements of mass tourism appeared, which reached its peak in the post-war decades.

The fourth stage is called the stage of mass tourism. During this period, tourism becomes massive.

Tourism as a sport was included in the Unified All-Union Sports Classification (EVSK) in 1949. The USSR Tourism Federation, like tourism as part of the EVSK, existed until 1958, and then, for purely bureaucratic reasons, tourism was excluded from the EVSK, and the Tourism Federation liquidated.

After 1958, for the next seven years, sports tourism remained entirely in the care of tourism boards (i.e. trade unions). The number of accidents on hiking routes (namely, this was the reason for the exclusion of tourism from sports), however, did not decrease, but, on the contrary, increased significantly. And tourism was restored in EVSK in 1965.

All these years (from 1958 to 1976 inclusively at all levels - from regional to the Central Council for Tourism and Excursions - public commissions worked on types of tourism and sections of work (route-qualifying, competitions, preparation and certification of public tourist personnel, etc.).

By a joint resolution of Belsovprof and the Committee on physical culture and sports under the Council of Ministers of the BSSR on February 15, 1977, the Tourism Federation (FT) was created, which, in fact, had already existed for a number of years in the form of the Council for Mass Types of Tourism under the Belorussian Council for Tourism and Excursions and which was the predecessor of the current one ( since 1991) Sports Tourism Federation. When the federations of tourism were formed in 1977, there was no need to invent anything special, revolutionary. The structure already exists. Moreover, in Belarus, on the initiative of Yu. M. Kokorev, a tourist and mountaineer with pre-war experience, already in 1963 a body was formed that united the activities of all republican commissions by types and sections of work, including the commission for orienteering on the ground. Eduard Tochitsky was elected the first chairman of the Tourism Federation of the republic (1977). Five years later - Georgy Shishko, Alexander Bitus became the third chairman of the Federation (until 1991). The first two are masters of sports in mountaineering, A. Bitus is a master of sports in water tourism.

From 1971 to 1980 inclusive, all-Union (in a number of republics - republican) competitions for the best tourist trip are held. The form of carrying out - correspondence. This greatly simplifies the system of competitions, since any team that applied for participation and then submitted a report to the Ground Jury in a timely manner takes part in them.

Both the All-Union FT and the republican ones carried out a great deal of work by organizing sports and tourist gatherings. Already at the beginning of this period (1965-1980), the rules for competitions in the technique of water and mountain tourism, later - for all other types of tourism included in the sports classification.

By the end of 1980, the All-Union Federation adopted a number of decisions that qualitatively changed the nature sports events: since 1981, all-Union competitions for the best tourist travel have been transferred to the rank of USSR championships, and tourist rallies are held in accordance with the rules of competitions in the technique of types of tourism. The prestige of the competition has increased markedly, and consequently, the level of technical complexity of both tourist routes and competition distances has increased. The first three championships of the USSR in sports tourism (1981, 1983, 1985 - the championships are held every two years) indicate a significant complication of the routes of sports tourist trips. Belarusian tourists successfully perform in these championships, which, starting from the last all-Union competitions for the best tourist trip (1977-1980), are confidently among the leaders of the highest level.

In the period from 1977 to 1991, the FT, like federations in other sports, had its own regional organizations (regional FT), as well as, although not long-lived, tourism federations of the DSO. Each regional center had its own tourist club with small states. Tourist clubs have also been established in many areas. In parallel, the tourist sections of the DSO of trade unions, tourist clubs of enterprises, organizations and universities, as well as the entire system of stations for young tourists, worked.

But the time of the 90s turned out to be a completely different time. Strictly speaking, this “new time” began earlier than the last decade of the 20th century. After a rather calm, unhurried, but progressive development of sports tourism in the period from 1965 to 1980, a completely different period begins - the period of the struggle for the survival of sports and tourism activities and the structure that provided this activity.

The “perestroika period”, which ended in 1991 with the collapse of the USSR, is changing the established order of things step by step. By the end of 1990, a decision was made to dissolve the All-Union Tourism Federation and create the Tourist and Sports Union of the USSR, which a year and a half later was transformed into the International Tourist and Sports Union. At the same time, in the most developed (in terms of sports and tourism) republics, there are already former USSR(Russia, Ukraine, Belarus) republican tourist and sports unions are created and sports tourism federations are preserved, representing tourism in the sports committees (ministries of sports) of these republics. With regard to “trade union guardianship”, since the late 80s, the trade unions have been getting rid of amateur tourism step by step, and by 1990 they were quite successfully coping with this. Sports tourism federations of the republics of the former USSR are becoming independent federations of sovereign states - a new stage in their history has begun - in the tourism sports movement the commercial component has considerably increased. It consists in the fact that a fairly large number of entrepreneurs from the tourism business, etc., are trying to find themselves in the sports tourism sector, believing that in the future it can bring significant financial and other dividends. The greatest interest is associated with the organization of business in the field of extreme, and simply say sports tourism, including training for the relevant tours. This trend is understandable and it naturally reflects the state of development of the entire country in present stage. Therefore, we face a primitive, global privatization of the intellectual potential of sports tourism (ST), a complete disregard for security issues in the name of the main goal - to skim off the first cream as quickly as possible, to declare oneself, to privatize the promoted competitions. Any attempts on the part of the Federation to build a thoughtful and balanced system, taking into account all its features and searching for a niche for any actively thinking person, company, organization, etc. leads from the opposite side to a behind-the-scenes struggle, throwing mud at the leaders of the Federation and reproaches for their conservatism, delaying the release of long overdue guests, laws and instructions.

ST, like the whole country, enters the zone of greater state regulation of all processes, and as a result of this, there is more attention from the state for its development. Moreover, ST has become a kind of struggle zone of ministries and departments that are interested in its development and are in charge of sports, tourism and education. The reason for this lies in the ST itself, which, on the one hand, is a complex mass sports and recreation technology and, on the other hand, represents the fundamental basis for the development of commercial extreme tourism and the associated system of training a wide range of personnel: for national parks, recreation areas, the Ministry of Emergency Situations, the system of tourist and youth clubs, the management sector, and the traditional direction - organizing and conducting sports trips, travel and tours.

Hikers and outdoor enthusiasts in general do not even always know that they are engaged in one of the most interesting views, which is called sports tourism, what is it, what types are we now and consider.

What kind of sport

For a better understanding of what kind of sports tourism is, you should look at the Wikipedia electronic resource.

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It says here that:

sports tourism is understood as a whole range of events that take place along specially designed routes.

Moreover, the routes themselves have their own category of difficulty and are intended from beginners to high-level professionals.

Accordingly, athletes who have managed to overcome certain obstacles receive the appropriate sports categories.

Features of sports tourism

It is worth saying that there are no singles in sports. So is sports for the most part - a collective or team sport. He teaches to work in a team, while he will develop a sense of mutual assistance and mutual assistance. Like any sport, tourism is primarily a strict discipline. Experienced athletes will definitely share their knowledge and experience with beginners. Which is very important for all beginners and for children.

Another feature of sports tourism is relatively cheap equipment, which makes it especially attractive. Depending on the type of equipment chosen, the cost of equipment will be different.

Main types

Sports tourism, more fun, a hobby than a competition. There is no reciprocity here. And because such an occupation finds its followers all over the world.

To date, the most popular types of tourism are:

  • pedestrian- when all routes are designed for the possibility of overcoming them on foot. Moreover, the tracks are divided according to relief-landscape obstacles. The most difficult routes pass through places characterized by difficult terrain, as well as various climatic conditions;
  • ski From the name it follows that all routes pass through areas where there is snow. The complexity of the route will depend on the relief and landscape features, as well as on the level of snow and snow-ice cover;
  • mountain- these are most often hiking routes passing in mountainous areas where it is necessary to overcome paths and passes, it is possible to climb to the peaks, in which it is akin to rock climbing;
  • water is a rafting on various rivers, overcoming water spaces. In this case, boats or other special vessels are used. The most popular is rafting on mountain rivers;
  • speleotourism is the study of caves, including cave systems, both dry and partially flooded;
  • sailing- involves travel on ships equipped with a sail or a system of sails. For this, both rivers, lakes, reservoirs, and;
  • using various means of transportation . This includes: bicycles, equestrian tourism, the use of auto-moto transport;
  • combined tourism - routes suggest that various elements will be used, ranging from hiking, cycling and even water rafting.

Very often, sports tourism attracts people who are looking for thrills, since for the most part it is extreme view sports, especially when passing difficult routes.

It should be said that tourism can be divided into:

  1. children's and youth;
  2. adult;
  3. family;
  4. designed for people with certain disabilities.

Whatever form or type of tourism is chosen, it is very important that everyone follow certain safety rules and listen to experienced tourists. And most importantly, they realistically assessed their capabilities. For example, a beginner has nothing to do on tracks of increased complexity.


Anyone who wants to see the beauties of nature, learn a lot of new things, test their strength, can turn their attention to sports tourism, which we have considered in this article.

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There are several approaches to the definition of the concept of "sports tourism". Traditionally, the concept of "sports tourism" refers to a sport, according to another approach, sports tourism is distinguished as an independent direction of tourism and, depending on the purpose of travel, is divided into two varieties: active and passive. In the first case, the main goal of a tourist is the opportunity to practice any kind of sport, including those similar to sports tourism, but without a competitive component - sports and health tourism. In the second - the purpose of the trip is to visit sporting events and competitions as a spectator or fan - event-based sports tourism.

Sports tourism is a kind of sport that includes: hikes based on competitions on routes, overcoming categorized obstacles in the natural environment, and on distances laid in the natural environment and on artificial terrain.

A variety of sports tourism are tourist-applied all-around events - these are, first of all, competitions in the mastery of various tourist equipment and tactics. SST distances act as a kind of model of the route of a tourist-sports trip, and the technical stages of SST are models of individual classified sections of the route. With some degree of assumption, we can say that SST competitions are competitions in the technique and tactics of overcoming obstacles (technical stages) characteristic of sports tourism. As in the case of sports tourism, where trips are divided into hiking (mountain-walking), skiing, water and cycling according to the method of movement, TPM competitions are carried out in the technique of mountain-walking, skiing, water and cycling tourism.

Sports (categorical) hikes differ from recreational hikes, primarily in that their routes include sections of natural obstacles that require special skills. Such sections are called classified sections of the sports and tourist route. Depending on their difficulty and the number of sports hiking trips are subdivided into categories of complexity - from the simplest (1st category of complexity) to the most difficult (6th category of complexity) (table 1).

The main goal of sports tourism is to improve tourist skills, improve the technique and tactics of passing routes, develop various methods of insurance, master new types of tourist equipment, as well as actively promote tourism. Sports ranks and the title of master of sports in tourism are awarded taking into account the number and complexity of completed trips, as well as the experience of independent management of them. The complexity of the hike is determined by the category of difficulty of the route.

Table 1. Basic standards for categorical hiking trips in Belarus

Type of tourism and characteristics of hiking

Degrees of difficulty

Duration of trips in days (at least)

Length of hikes in km (at least)


water (on rowing vessels and rafts)

on bicycles

on motorcycles

on cars


caving (number of caves)

Sports tourism is characterized by constant self-improvement: hiking and traveling on remote and increasingly difficult routes require continuous improvement in physical, technical and tactical readiness sports tourists.

The natural conditions of Belarus allow organizing sports tourism routes of only I and II categories of complexity, which limits the possibilities of offering routes for sophisticated travelers, but makes hiking around the country accessible to all tourists, including unprepared beginners and youth groups.

The main requirements for the areas of categorical hikes are inaccessibility and sparsely populated areas, the presence of natural obstacles on the route, the overcoming of which requires the development of certain skills, mastery of sports tourism techniques.

In Belarus, sports tourism is a national sport with centuries-old historical traditions. Like any other sport, it is characterized by the complexity and diversity of competitive exercises that form the basis of tourism techniques in overcoming natural obstacles associated with active motor activity, the manifestation of basic physical and moral-volitional qualities.

It should also be noted that sports tourism includes such types of tourism activities, in terms of forms, means and content borrowed from sports tourism, but not related to the preparation and performance in sports competitions(non-categorical or health trips). They are aimed at physical development and education, preservation and strengthening of health, leisure and functional recovery of the human body.

Event sports tourism is a very wide and dynamically developing type of sports tourism in which trips are timed to coincide with any sporting events and events (participation of a tourist as a fan in various championships and competitions, or his direct participation in amateur or staged competitions within the framework of such called "adventure tourism"). This type of tourism is called passive sports tourism. The target audience is sports fans, competitors and sports managers. For them, the level and significance of competitions are important: the Olympic Games, World or European Championships, qualifying matches or professional sports league finals. It is very numerous and varied. the target audience, therefore, sometimes sports event tourism is taken out as a separate type of tourism with its own characteristics of organizing and holding events.

Sports and health tourism can be classified as amateur (amateur) hiking trips, as well as tourists traveling for the purpose of practicing any kind of sports.