New technologies. What are the innovative business ideas (Know-how)

Recently American company came up with a new business idea based on DNA data analysis.

What is KICKIT!? This name was given to an unusual shoe rack that combines an object where you can store shoes, an original bench and a stylish lamp.

Not all types of earnings can bring fabulous wealth, but some can bring, albeit a small, but constant profit.
The idea that will be discussed was thought up by people who have some experience in real estate. As you know, buyers or tenants of apartments have a habit of inspecting their potential place of residence. At the same time, not all apartments are in good condition.

Good ideas sometimes come unexpectedly. For example, you come home from work one day. You glance at the digital clock that can be seen at any station. They seemed to be in a hurry. Looks like it's earlier now. You check the time on your wrist watch. No, everything is correct - the difference is literally two or three minutes. And suddenly an interesting idea comes to your mind.

Initial Jacqui's idea for a worm fertilizer business grew out of a business plan compiled for the competition of entrepreneurs.

A new invention that can make money is the Solowheel unicycle. Even more futuristic and attractive, created by Inventist under the leadership of the company's founder Shane Chen. What is this miracle of technology? The Solowheel is a simple Segway-style wheel with footpegs and a battery.

The art of growing small trees is deservedly appreciated all over the world. All of them, be it maple, pine, apple, are very beautiful and retain appearance their big relatives. However, to grow such a tree (it is called bonsai), you need to spend more than a dozen years.

Very often, only our lack of observation prevents us from getting into our hands millions of dollars. One has only to look and good idea will appear immediately. There are a significant number of problems, the successful solution of which will bring a lot of money. SoleMates did just that.

Everything new, which can be said in a nutshell, is brilliant. If she, in addition to everything, appears exactly when it is needed, her price will not be. Let's talk about this idea. Using the idea allows you to make the interior completely unrecognizable, the initial investment is minimal. But the profit is impressive.

And why don't you start measuring radiation, no matter how fantastic this phrase sounds, but making money on such services is quite real and possible. You do not even know how much people are interested in this issue, and there are practically no firms and companies that could provide such services. There are only state-owned enterprises that, even if they can carry out this procedure, are unlikely to carry it out for you.

We usually call mobile phone to arrange a meeting or find out a relationship, go to the World Wide Web from a mobile phone or earn some money by sending SMS messages to short numbers. However, Tata Teleservices, a mobile operator in India, found an agricultural business idea.

Every parent at some point in time discovers that their child is already striving for maximum independence. But, when the beloved child is only ten or twelve, it excites and makes younger family members interested in spending time. How to find out what the children are doing at the moment?

1. Adventure Tourism. Tourism is a huge area of ​​entrepreneurship. There are 2 main ways to enter this business. The first is to sell the offers of travel companies, and the second is to independently organize tours to places you know. Recommended only for those who have an excess of adrenaline.

2. Advertisement maker. - Many entrepreneurs do not have enough knowledge or talent to write their own advertisements. If you have this experience, this business is for you.

3. Sale of advertising souvenirs. Many companies use promotional marketing materials (such as pens, pencils, fridge magnets, desk calendars, etc.). By selling these products, you provide a service to entrepreneurs and earn money for yourself.

4. Agricultural Consultant. If you have useful knowledge in agriculture - this business may be for you!

5. Air quality consultant. Do you have experience in this area? You are on your way to success! Get Marketing Your Services - Industrial Executives Need Your Job!

6. Secretary on the phone . Many entrepreneurs and companies lack a 24/7 call answering service from cities located in other time zones, but not all have the appropriate equipment. You can do it - on your own computer!

7. Antiquary. You don't have to have a store to sell antiques. You can sell antiques online, through a network of agents, at home, through postal money orders. There are also stores that will take your product on commission or on contract.

8. Sales Agent for Vintage Books and Magazines. - Old books - your passion? If so, you could become a sales agent. Many rare books and magazines can be bought through advertisements, found in provincial markets or in villages at prices well below market value. Determine exactly what you are looking for - and you are on your way to a very profitable business!

9. Electrical Appliance Repair - If you have experience in the repair of electrical appliances - why not work for yourself? Why work for others?

10. Architect. This is one of the most lucrative careers for a self-employed person!

11. Art consultant. - If you know art - it can be a great career!

12. Art Gallery. Art gallery at home? Yes! Put the work of local artists in your home, and organize parties selling them. Holding such events once or twice a month can be very beneficial.

13. Managing the affairs of local artists. - Welcome to the Music Business! Artist management can be done from your home office!

14. Restoration of works of art. Although this business causes extensive discussion, you use this circumstance to your own advantage - causing increased attention to your business!

15. Artist- Not all artists are starving!. If your passion for the fine arts is strong enough, all that's left to do is advertise your work!

16. Astrological Charts. There are many programs that will do all the work for you. All you have to do is sell your services.

17. Author. Many people can write, but far fewer can sell their work - through a commercial publisher or on their own. Explore our guides and learn how to sell your own work!

18. Bicycle Repair. How many bicycles are stored in garages and not used due to breakdowns! If you have bike repair experience, why not give this business a try! This type of business is great for working in your spare time!

19. Bed and Breakfast. This type of business can be very profitable if you have the right vacation home. Bed and Breakfast is a very popular business among tourists! Explore our guides.

20. Home kindergarten. Parents have less and less time. Such a service would be a way out for them.

21. Balloon Animals. Very profitable and fun! You will be a guest at all holidays! We have even seen these people in restaurants, either for pay or free, distributing their cards! Great idea!! They earn up to $200. in a day!

22. Accounting and case management. If you have experience in business and bookkeeping, this business might be for you! Many entrepreneurs need accounting services !

23. Business Consultant for Business Plan Development - If you have experience in drawing up a business plan, this is a profitable business!

24. Cabinetmaker. Working to order is a great idea! Everyone is making home improvements now. Kitchen renovation is most profitable when selling a house or apartment.

25. Artistic decoration of cakes. Some have a special talent for this business. If you have such a talent, this business is for you! Make sure this is in accordance with local laws: in some areas, food production at home is not allowed.

26. Calligraphy. Calligraphy is a rare art. It will never be repressed

computer technologies. If you are a talented calligrapher - you could make wedding invitations, birthday announcements, IDs, etc!

27. Candles. Today scented candles - in big fashion! If you know how to work with wax, why not give it a try?

28. Cartoonist. Not every cartoonist will make it to the big papers. But local newspapers, magazines, etc. need cartoons to fill the space! Find a market niche and work in it!

29. Supply of products for special events. Supplying products for weddings, business meetings, any special occasions can be an interesting and profitable business! See our guides.

30. Upholstery and carpet cleaning. This type of business is good for franchising, although it is not required. You need a car - van or minibus, and cleaning equipment. Explore our guides.

31. Ceramic Design. A good tool and a feel for the material is all it takes to get started.

32. Help during pregnancy. Pregnancy is a time when qualified help and advice is needed.

33. Baby clothes. To sew or not to sew? What a question! If you know how to sew, great! If not, you can become a Reseller for many women who sew children's clothes at home.

34. Chimney cleaning. We know a man who used to be a fireman, but in his spare time he was cleaning pipes! Black top hat, coat with tail and more! Although it sounds like a fairy tale, pipe cleaning is serious business.

35. Cleaning Services (residential or commercial). One of our friends has such a business. She has two working cars 8 employees!

36. Instructor (personal or business) or mentor. Are you good at inspiring? Do you have enough knowledge to lead? You will become a good mentor!

37. Sales agent - numismatist. If you know coins, or collect them for fun, you can become a numismatist sales agent. A very lucrative business!

38. Commentator - Do you have your own view on events? A special point of view? How about a premonition of events? You could write a weekly or monthly strip for a local newspaper or magazine.

39. Computer Animation. More and more companies are going online. Communication lines are getting better and faster. Computer Animation is a good market! And there is a lot of money in this niche!

40. The owner of the Computer Bulletin Board. BBSes were popular before the advent of the Internet, and many still operate - and profitably!

41. Computer Consultant. Consulting is a popular business. If you have experience - find a niche and get into this business!

42. Programming and sale of a software product. Go to - and see how others do it.

43. Computer Repair.

44. Computer training - With this type of business, you can maintain offices and train staff, or teach courses in schools, colleges and other educational institutions. Another possibility is to become a private entrepreneur and teach at home.

45. Teaching children how to use the computer. Many children have computers. Parents do not have enough time to help them learn how to work. If you are computer savvy and know how to work with children, this could be a good business.

46. Cosmetologist. If you are a good cosmetologist, you can do this business right at home. One of the niches of this market is the Bridal beautician.

47. Clothing design. Skill and good taste - this is your opportunity to start such a business!

48. Agent for the sale of handicrafts. Love these products but don't know how to make them? Sell ​​other people's products and earn commission!

49. Catalog of articles of folk crafts. - Many gatherers can't find certain items. Find out what they can't find, catalog it (on paper or online), and sell it to them!

50. Caring for the elderly. Many young families cannot take care of their parents due to employment and other circumstances. Offer your services.

51. Day groups for children. This is a very popular business. Nowadays, there is a high demand for daytime children's groups. Do you have the appropriate training? Do you love children? Do you have patience? This business is for you!

52. Pet room designer . People love to pamper their pets. Why not cash in on this? Create houses for kittens or dogs - that would look exactly like the homes of their owners!

53. Home publishing system. Home publishing is a range of services. From newsletters and brochures to promotional flyers, business cards, and sales letters. You must have a modern computer and a quality laser and color printer.

54. Publisher of a catalog or reference book. - This is a good idea, especially for those who live in resort towns or in places that are rapidly growing in popularity with tourists. Advertisers can be hotels, motels, restaurants, theatres, and even local businesses!

55. Dog instruction. Teaching the basics of raising dogs to owners, training dogs, or working with pets in the presence of owners is not a complete list of ways to make money in this business.

56. Making dolls . It's almost a lost art. From fabric to ceramics, the list of materials is endless. Handmade dolls can be sold at fairs, thrift stores, online, at exhibitions, and so on.

57. Delivery of things to / from dry cleaning. Target high-income families or busy parents. Can be very profitable!

58. Editor. Accept manuscripts for editing and preparation for printing.

59. employment agency. Explore our guides.

60. Order Service. By helping busy people and families with current affairs, you will create a profitable business. Explore our guides.

61. Destruction of domestic insects. Many do not know how or do not want to do it. Your employees will help them, and you will organize their work.

62. Financial planning. Many people are unable to make ends meet due to a lack of the most basic financial accounting and resource allocation skills. Explore our guides.

63. Fishing equipment. - Whether you sell fishing items on the market, through catalogs, or over the Internet - there is a lot of money in this niche!

64. Create special sound effects. You can create sounds for radio and television, computer games, and more

65. Food delivery service. This is popular new business service industries. Your customers order food from you. You order at restaurants, add the service charge, and deliver the order.

66. teleconferencing manager. - Many interactive services need managers. Contact the operator of your favorite Internet forum, he may offer you a job.

67. Making frames for drawings and photographs. Having a good tool, and material at wholesale or low prices, you can build a very profitable business!

68. Franchising Consultant. The choice of opportunity for fr. surgery can be difficult. You help the client to choose the best one!

69. Freelance photographer. Explore our guides.

70. Freelance writer. Talented people - attention!! This career is for you. Start submitting your work to magazines and newsletters, or publish yourself!

71. Furniture restoration. Used furniture is bought for a penny, and after restoration it is sold as an exclusive - expensive!

72. garden design -The business of creating an artificial landscape. This is a pleasant and demanded business in the market. Many wealthy families will pay a lot for a country plot project.

73. Family tree. Family history writing is very popular right now. Why not take advantage of this?

74. Nameless author. Writes stories of people's lives, describes important events, etc. - for those who are less gifted but pay more.

75. Gift gastronomic baskets. This is an even more popular business. Find a niche and get rich! Explore our guides.

76. Grant Consultant. Have you already received a work grant and know how to get it? Why not help others and earn money?

77. Drafting grant applications. Do you already know how to do it? Create a documentation model and adapt to the needs of others. These services are expensive - because the supply market is narrow.

78. Computer graphics. Master the latest software products- and start marketing your services.

79. Production and design of greeting cards. Modern software packages make it possible to realize any artistic fantasy - and sell the result! Make money from your own imagination!

80. Services of a home craftsman. Are you a jack of all trades? Can you easily change a faucet? Quickly paint a room? Make money on it!

81. Transportation service. A minibus is what it takes to start this business. With the right marketing, you will be busy all day and earn up to 300 USD daily!

82. Health Care Consultant. Now people are worried proper nutrition, in a healthy way life and more. Study the question from books, and act as an expert. Very profitable!

83. Herbal wreaths and products. They are beautiful and smell good! In addition, they are a pleasure to work with. Hire workers and do marketing - supply them to shops, sellers in the markets, etc. - a very hot commodity!

84. Home or Office Organization Service. Optimal organization of work is an indispensable service for entrepreneurs and new companies. Organization of office work is an expensive service. Explore our guides.

85. Inspection of a house or apartment. When buying a house or apartment, people sometimes do not know what to look for and what to check. Provide them with such a service - and earn!

86. Homemade cakes. Use your own recipe - and there will be a queue outside your house!

87. Design of residential premises and houses. Contrary to popular belief, you don't have to be an architect to design houses. There are many computer programs on the market that will help you draw up a beautiful house plan.

88. Departure of horses. Love horses but can't buy? Many people buy horses but don't have time to ride them. They will need your work!

89. Empty house care service. We know several people who tried to urgently find such a service, but without success.

90. Image Consultant. Much needed business! It is necessary not only for photo models, but also for everyone else who cares about how they look.

91. Independent Contractor. Do you have connections in the supply of materials and services? Use them - and organize the work, earning commissions.

92. Infobusiness. If you have knowledge in a certain area, why not sell it? Explore our guides.

93. Infoservices. Many sell such a service on the Internet. You conduct research on a specific topic at the request of a client, and present the result in an easy-to-understand form.

94. Artist - interior designer. Computer programs will do everything for you - and you will sell the work.

95. Internet - commerce. Explore our guides.

96. Jewelry design. If you have artistic imagination - this business is for you! Very profitable!

97. Removal of used vehicles. You can build a big business by renting a special tugboat.

98. Own laundry. Investments pay off pretty quickly, and a profitable business is formed!

99. Garden maintenance and landscaping. The owner of such a business hires workers and sends teams to fulfill orders. With almost no investment, the business brings quick profits.

100. Accountant- Do you have experience in accounting? Then you are at the beginning big way! Many small business owners turn to independent accountants, so why not you?

Modern production is unthinkable without the use of advanced technologies. They play a decisive role in its development, and also contribute to the prosperity of the business and ensure its competitiveness. Innovation is mainly aimed at the rational organization of the workflow, at providing the latest technical equipment production and modernization of products. The funds invested in promoting your company are quickly compensated and turn into a stable source of income.


General concepts

The functioning of a business entity specializing in the production of products is impossible without the use of raw materials, materials and equipment. Their characteristics must comply with the requirements of international standards governing the rational use of natural resources and the safety of personnel involved in the production process. Certain requirements are also imposed on the result of labor, consisting in its characteristics and in ensuring the absence of harmful effects on the consumer's body during use.

The use of modern business technology makes it possible to improve all parameters and declare such an achievement in the industrial market, which will distinguish the entrepreneur from the general background of other participants and ensure an increase in his competitiveness. To maintain its advantageous position, it is necessary to constantly improve production and improve the quality of labor results due to this. This is ensured through the commissioning of modern machines and equipment, the use of industrial innovative technology, automation of the technological line, as well as the introduction of energy saving systems, industrial water treatment and industrial waste disposal.

Innovative production technologies

The structure of production development is carried out in all areas of activity according to an identical scenario. As a result of the invention or creation of know-how, an idea arises to use such an innovation in one's own enterprise, which, if successfully implemented, is transformed into an innovation. Its scaling generates positive results, resulting in innovation.

Search for innovative ideas

Theoretically, changes in the structure of production should attract the consumer, as they meet his requirements, and are the reason for the increase in profitability. However, in practice, most innovations do not translate into innovations. Without additional efforts, this effect is typical only for unique products, which have no analogues. We can talk about innovation if competitors cannot produce similar products due to lack of knowledge in the field of technology or because they do not have production subtleties that provide high profitability.

A business entity that has achieved a predominant position in the market should strive for a sustainable result, which is possible only if its invention is protected from copying by other manufacturers. To do this, you need to patent a new technology.

Cause of innovation failure

main reason unsuccessful activity is the promotion of products that do not meet regulated requirements or certain criteria.

Therefore, before starting the production and sale of a new product, it is necessary to carefully evaluate all the nuances, since if any fundamental moment is missed at the stage of developing a new project and preparing for the launch of a new technological line, the enterprise may suffer losses. Statistics show that most innovative solutions are not radical, but they can be the reason for success if the advertising information is properly presented to consumers.

Read also: How to make money in your free time

Rationalization of production

Risk factors in innovation

Manufactured products become obsolete, and the consumer is fed up with them. Therefore, the manufacturer must constantly work on improving its offer, monitoring sales performance and striving to ensure that they correspond to the overall demand for the product in the region of its promotion. Each product has its own life cycle, consisting of:

  • implementation of the proposal;
  • ensuring production using innovative technology;
  • increase in demand;
  • maturity due to peak sales;
  • decline in interest.

Changes in consumer preferences and competition significantly shorten the life cycle of products. A company that does not strive for improvement is forced to give up its positions to dynamically developing enterprises, whose leaders pay attention to the modernization of the technologies used and the results of labor.

If an entrepreneur makes every effort to improve production, but cannot achieve stable results, then he needs to think about a new sales market, since only in this perspective can we talk about the possibility of stable development.

The life cycle of products is not distinguished by high marks. Due to the many similar proposals, its obsolescence is fast. In order to maintain positions in the competitive market, innovative marketing activities are carried out. They are aimed at improving product quality, introducing new developments and timely removal of obsolete products from production and replacing them with new offerings.

The role of technology in business promotion

To date, the global industry has been placed in a rigid framework of competition, which can only be overcome by creating the best offer, which is distinguished by comparative reliability, safety and low cost. All these product qualities depend on providing production with innovative solutions.

Management Requirements

At large enterprises, production and marketing activities are always planned for several years in advance, so it is not easy to introduce new technologies into production, since already established processes must be rebuilt to implement the operation. For this reason, it is easier for small and medium-sized businesses to rebuild, because they are able to quickly respond to all innovations that would be useful to them in promoting an entrepreneurial idea.

New technologies in production provide cost savings for small businesses and increase their productivity. The introduction of innovations contributes to the growth of competitiveness, since they avoid the financial and economic costs of development.

How to stand out from competitors

The opening of any enterprise and the definition of a niche should be accompanied by a study of consumer demand and potential markets for the results of labor.

There are many companies specializing in the same activity, but each successful business entity has a secret that distinguishes it from competitors. Simple ideas with a little improvement turn into unique ones. Innovations are effective if they are aimed at transforming the way the results of work are promoted. To date, such progressive methods as vending, frontend and vanselling are known.


A great idea to announce your offer is a vending scheme. Its essence lies in the sale of products through the machine. In this way, you can sell any objects of a traditional and specific nature. Convenient sales of coffee, tea, soft drinks, fruits, sweets and chewing gums. A good example of the popularity of vending and the possibility of selling specific goods under such a scheme are sales of live crabs through vending machines in Japan.

Most recently, we talked about how today we continue the conversation we started. With their own experiences and thoughts on bringing inventions to market, shares inventor, entrepreneur Yuri Shidovsky(participant of the Zvorykinsky project, innovative project Flexible console "ShedyurFlex"). So, 12 practical advice to help an inventor start his own business

The Genius Guide: 12 Steps to Success

When I started to develop my first technical solutions, I could not even think where it would all lead me. I just wanted to improve those designs that were mass-produced, but did not satisfy me within the framework of the commercial tasks that my company faced. It was later, and much later, that the idea came to protect them at the state level and thus designate the decisions themselves as intellectual property.

Now I have a large number of patents for inventions, a huge, often laborious implementation experience, and the commercialization of real inventions. Over the years of this work, I have been fortunate to communicate with thousands of talented inventors, patent attorneys, implementation specialists and innovation managers.

At the same time, I drew attention to a number of mistakes and prejudices that seem to me to be a “rake” that many generators of ideas and inventions step on and step on. Be Of course, everyone is free to learn from their own mistakes, but it is still better to carefully plan the process of commercializing ideas and inventions.

Here are my experiences and observations:

1. At first, you will need advice from people who are professionally involved in the implementation of innovations. But be careful and take a balanced approach to seeking advice. The fact is that the topic has become very “fashionable” and .... very profitable for all kinds of specialists to “profit for free”. The growth of such companies is observed as an avalanche. You should not be afraid. But being careful doesn't hurt.

Do not ever give the details and technical subtleties of your invention or brilliant idea into "wrong hands". Walk around and around. If your idea is really worthwhile, and the specialist is not going to “breed” you, he will immediately understand and will put forward a proposal. Here it is desirable (in my opinion, it is necessary) to conclude a confidentiality agreement. It would be appropriate to say that one should not become paranoid either. It is not difficult to steal an idea, but it is much more difficult to implement it, which means that you need a team, you really need an initiator - an inventor. You understand the more ingenious your idea or invention, the more difficult it is to implement. There are, of course, exceptions, but they are exceptions to the rule.

But be prepared for the fact that many well-known companies will not sign confidentiality agreements with you. What does it mean? Procter & Gamble, a well-known company, claims that the majority of its innovation portfolio is made up of inventions purchased from innovators around the world at an early stage of the inventions themselves. The reason is that many talented inventors are not able, for various reasons, to independently prepare an invention in the form when the invention becomes a marketable product. So be prepared for your invention to be sold by you at an "early" stage.

2. Before you start working on the development of any product or solution, be sure to ask if there is already a ready-made solution on the market. This must be done first. In my opinion, it is best to use an Internet search. Through the search system, you need to carefully search, but are you inventing another "bicycle"? But even this is not enough. It is necessary to conduct a patent search for the purity of the invention. This part of the search is best left to a specialist. Yes, the service is paid, but it will be a guarantee that you will not spend a lot of time on empty chores.

3. It doesn’t matter if you are developing a market product for “internal use”, or planning to implement it with the help of venture companies or funds, at the first stage it is advisable for you to conduct independent, I call them partisan, market research. This is due to the fact that many inventions and ideas have a very limited market. So the first thing to do is to determine the nature and size of the market for your invention. And of course you need to "estimate" the estimate: production costs and unit costs. It is very important. And it is very important to do it yourself. Don't know how? Learn. I do not urge you to become candidates of economic sciences, but without an understanding of “what and where it comes from”, you are doomed to failure. Yes, and a serious investor will very soon bring you to clean water. Yes, a serious market analysis and the creation of a business plan must be ordered from a specialized company, but you must understand what and where it “grows”.

4. Don't be narcissistic. Many inventors and idea generators, especially in the early stages, literally fall in love with their own invention. Your obedient servant and the author of these lines was also ill with this disease. Having fairly “pouted my lips” in front of the mirror in the pose of a Napoleon, I received my first market slap in the face in just a couple of months. Then I got hundreds of them ... and still get them. The problem is an inventor and a businessman are completely different people. A business person is interested in making a profit and not a small one (otherwise, why take risks) and he is not at all interested in how smart, brilliant you are and what problems your family has on the financial front and the fact that you urgently need a new car.

5. Understand that at the first meeting with a potential investor, you need to briefly tell: HOW MUCH money can be made from your invention. The second, and also quickly and convincingly: HOW! For example, the advantages of your invention will reduce the cost by 20%, 30%, etc. But only with arguments, and not dreams and projects (here you need to remember the statement - it is better to calculate the economy yourself). But at the same time, the advantage should not include a change in technology that entails such costs that "eat" the expected profits. Do not expect enthusiastic responses to your proposal if the restructuring of production entails the complete demolition and construction of a new plant. For example, as happened when replacing magnetic cassettes with CDs. And more importantly: the product must have competitors. No competitors - no implementation.

6. Before you start negotiating with an investor, understand a simple thing - the investor also wants to eat.. He came to meet you not out of a desire to look at the next genius and take his autograph. He wants to make money.

So, in advance you need to determine the lower bar of concessions. To do this, it is better to refer to the experience described in various sources. This question is very complex and much depends on how you raise money for the project, at what stage the project is, etc.

7. At a meeting with an investor, behave yourself. Dress in uniform. Be careful not only in clothes, gestures and manners, but also in the documentation that you submit. Keep in mind that there is a strong opinion in the world: 99% of inventors and idea generators are people…. to put it mildly, inadequate. Your task is to show the opposite. Be punctual and do not come to the meeting late, speak without strain, calmly and confidently. To make it clear what I'm talking about, I will give an example from my own practice: at my first presentation in front of Russian business angels, I felt a real tremor in my knees, complete and instant dryness in my mouth. Stuttered and turned pale. It soon passed. I calmed down when I saw how doctors of sciences, associate professors and candidates presenting projects also turned pale and blushed.

8. Personal opinion. I personally never respond to an offer to make an advance payment for the provision of reimbursable services to attract investments to a project. I don't know if this is correct or not. It's just that I'm familiar with frequent cases when a lot of money is spent when attracting investments in a project, but "things are still there." No wonder, the money has been received, the offer has been sent to the addresses with the help of a primitive postal mailer, but what happens next is not their concern. Often they don't even use the mailing list. I emphasize: this refers to the PREPAYMENT of services to attract an investor to the project. Does not apply to preparatory activities: development of a business plan, memorandum, etc.

9. And finally, I suggest joining the profile group on social networks to learn more about building a business around innovation, the challenges of implementing and commercializing ideas and inventions. You can learn a lot in these groups... if you listen more... than talk.

10. You can have thousands of ideas and dozens of patents. But to get the status - GENIUS, this is absolutely not enough. Besides, it doesn't mean anything. Understanding is required here. the MARKET makes a man a genius. Exactly. Only when a business is created on the basis of your invention or a brilliant idea, only when the idea offers huge advantages to the market, only when the idea creates a marketable product that is sold in large quantities, can you safely call yourself a genius and sign autographs. In any other case, your name is a smart person.

You don't even have to go far for examples - Windows, Google, etc.

11. Never despair. If you sent dozens of proposals during the implementation process and did not receive proper understanding, this is not a fact of defeat and lack of demand for your invention. This says, for the most part, two things.

First, the format of your proposal has not been finalized. It is necessary to look for flaws in marketing tactics, change the form of submission of the proposal, or re-examine the main indicators of the project.

Secondly, it often happens that your idea or invention simply does not fit the tasks that the venture company you applied to sets for itself. The topic is not theirs, the market is small or too large, there is no knowledge from your field, etc. Look for your niche. Let me give you an example: just the other day I made a proposal to a specialist I respect. He looked through the whole range of my proposals with interest, decided that he was interested in my latest development and offered to tell about it in more detail. I refused. Why? This was not part of my strategy. Yes Yes. I have my own strategy. It is simple: I introduce the simplest and most inexpensive invention and, on the basis of this implementation, I bring other inventions to the market, using the ladder method: from simple to complex. This will allow the most "tasty" invention to be implemented independently or with the least loss for oneself personally. Is it right or not? Don't know. I decided so.

12. Don't listen to anyone. Nottons of bad, petty and primitive inventions! There are amateurs who do not understand this. All inventions and ideas are ingenious. Many inventions of a utilitarian nature are not given due attention. This is not a reason for your defeat. I assure you, when you introduce your new “clothespin” to the market, “spiteful critics” will bite their elbows.

Example? In fact, there are many examples, but for me personally, the most striking example is this: one lady thought about how to change the approach in the fight against sweating and created a symbiosis of two technologies. Invented pads - "armpits" based on conventional pads. I don't remember exactly, but the idea was bought for $5,000,000. And the inventor of the ALS profile (such a primitive piece of iron), is now the most successful capitalist in Belgium.

Have you once again opened the hot water faucet, left the tub to fill and forgot? Then new invention in the form of a water meter with a lock made just for you.

This device is mounted on a tap, on it you set the volume of your bathroom and turn on the water. After the volume of water that you specified flows out of the tap, the meter will simply turn off the water.

What is a good idea?

The idea is good because the use of the meter allows you to achieve significant savings. This business know-how will insure you both from flooding your neighbors from below, and from overspending very expensive hot water.

Bicycle with hand pedals

Reinventing the wheel is pointless, that's a fact. However, the same was said about the bike. It would seem, how can you change the design of a two-wheeled transport familiar to everyone?

And like this - now you can buy a bike with pedals, which are located instead of the steering wheel. That is, you will set the wheels in motion with your hands. Although the inventors did not abandon the foot pedals, offering to combine both options if desired.

Who needs it?

Anyone who cares about their health. Thanks to this design, now not only Bottom part torso, but also the upper. So, health will be twice as much.

Airbag for cyclists

Continuing the theme of two-wheeled transport, we will touch not only on the health of cyclists, but also on their safety. If motorists are protected by both belts and a body, then cyclists are completely defenseless.

But now they sell a scarf that hides an airbag. The situation is monitored by special sensors, which, if necessary, give a signal and in 0.1 seconds an air cushion is formed around the cyclist's head.

What is the price?

The cost of the accessory is quite high, about $450. But, as they say, they do not save on health.

Electronic plaster

If, nevertheless, injuries are received, electronic gypsum will help to survive the time of bone fusion. The gadget differs from the usual one in absolutely everything - the material of manufacture, functionality and capabilities. At the same time, the main task is to fix the hand, the electronic plaster performs perfectly.

Who will suit?

To everyone who just can't appear on the street with a regular cast. The electronic version does not cause regret, but interest. If you have broken your arm and have a business meeting ahead, this is for you.

dog communication device

Did you want to understand your pet as a child? Now there is such an opportunity. And it provides a headset, which is a very complex device.

The point is that the device reads the readings of the animal's brain, and then translates them into a language understandable to humans. Your pet is hungry or wants to walk - now he will report it himself.

Constructor car

Do-it-yourself dream car? This is a reality, thanks to one Italian company. You choose a kit, complete it with components for assembly and get spare parts.

Of these, the car you will have to own. By the way, this is a great gift for a man. True, to be able to handle tools in this case is simply necessary.

Interactive sandbox

Imagine that you create mountains, volcanoes and depressions with your own hands from sand. Interesting? The creators of the interactive sandbox thought so too. It is based on ordinary sand, which is illuminated by a complex device, which gives the illusion of the reality of what is happening.

Surely in schools, and in entertainment facilities, the demand for it will be enormous.

snow clearer

This is the last one I would like to mention today. Because nothing could be more brilliant. The invention is a hybrid of a snow blower and a conventional sprayer. Only the latter does not supply water, but salt.

Can you imagine how easy snow removal is? And it was invented by two seventh graders. There is something to think about, right?