Reduction of the shoulder blades while lying on your stomach. Let's create a beautiful back! Exercises for shoulder blades

Ecology of life: Health and beauty. With special exercises for the shoulder blades, you can strengthen your back, hide protruding shoulder blades and eliminate slouching.

With special exercises for the shoulder blades, you can strengthen your back, hide protruding shoulder blades and eliminate slouching.

Exercises for shoulder blades

Such exercises have the following goals:

1. stretching the spine;

2. strengthening the posterior muscles of the shoulders;

3. strengthening the stabilizing muscles between the shoulder blades;

4. stress relief;

5. elimination of protruding blades.

Exercise 1

Starting position: To perform the exercise, you need to lie on your stomach, put your feet shoulder-width apart, and your arms should be bent at the elbows and in contact with the floor.


  • Raise your arms up, while bringing your shoulder blades together as much as possible.
  • Concentrate on tension in your upper back.
  • When performing the exercise, to achieve maximum results, the torso and arms should not leave the floor.
  • Repeat 2-3 approaches, 15-20 times.

Exercise 2

Starting position: Take a pose lying on your back, bending your knees. The feet should be shoulder-width apart and the arms should be raised at right angles to the floor. In this exercise, it is important that your elbows are fixed and your arms are straight. The shoulder blades should be in contact with the floor.


  • Arms straight, shoulder blades raised as high as possible from the floor. Pay attention to how close your hands are to the ceiling.
  • Keeping your arms up, lower your shoulder blades until they touch the floor.
  • Repeat the exercise several times, you can practice both fast and slow execution.
  • After finishing, rest with your arms at your sides.

Exercise 3

Starting position: Stand with your back to the wall, leaning your back so that your heels, buttocks, shoulder blades and the back of your head touch the wall at the same time.


  • Inhale, exhale. Straighten your chest without leaving the wall.
  • You need to stand in this position for at least 5 minutes, if you can, stand longer.

Exercise 4

Starting position: Stand straight with your elbows slightly bent.


  • Take a deep breath, and as you exhale, bring your shoulder blades together as close as possible to one another.
  • Keep your head straight, looking straight ahead, continuing to breathe deeply. The duration of the exercise is 30 seconds, no more.

Exercise 5

Starting position: Position - lying on your back, on the floor. Raise your knees. The soles of your feet touch the floor shoulder-width apart. Arms are straightened, raised perpendicular to the floor, elbows are fixed. The shoulder blades are in contact with the floor.


  • Having tucked the sacrum, feel how the feet are in contact with the floor. The chin should be retracted.
  • Then, lower your chest while lifting your shoulder blades. After this, relax your sacrum, lower your shoulder blades, and place your arms at your sides.
  • Repeat the exercise several times.

And the most important exercise that needs to be performed constantly is not to let fatigue and bad mood make you forget that your back should always be straight and your head cheerfully raised up!

::: © Veretennikov S. ::: its prevention and strengthening of the spine" width="300" height="419" class="your_yoga_right">The problem of spinal curvature is now gaining momentum, and the most surprising thing is that this problem affects even leading people sports lifestyle. And often it causes panic, because scoliosis is a progressive disease, especially if we are talking about a young body, such as a child aged 5-15 years. You may not have time to blink an eye in 1-2 months the child will develop grade 1-2 scoliosis, the shoulder blade will begin to protrude, the shoulder will drop, etc.

According to statistics, the problem of scoliosis affects about 50% of people on earth. You can imagine the scale of the defeat.

Why does this problem occur? I can name many reasons. But I will name the main ones.

Of course, the most important thing is a tense neck. Life is stressful, over-emotional, tight, suppressed, etc. - this is immediately reflected on the neck. More precisely, on its muscles, which directly depend on our emotional state, like the muscles of facial expressions on the face. All tension accumulates primarily in the neck. And imagine that somewhere this tension becomes a little greater. Yes, literally by 1-2 percent. What will happen? The cervical vertebrae will begin to “swim” towards greater stress. For example, right or left. But they can also begin to curl.

Where 1-2 percent of curvature went, rest assured, 3, 4, and 10 percent will go. And since now people do little sports and the spinal muscles are weak, scoliosis progresses quickly, especially in children, whose skeletal growth always proceeds faster than their height. muscle mass and muscle strength.

What I want to say with this is - don't make the mistake of trying to solve the problem of scoliosis in the place where the curvature is more pronounced. As a rule, the reason is at a completely different end. For example, in the neck or in the sacrum (and sometimes it even happens in the legs, or an uneven gait, or a sore knee, which forces the pelvis to shift in order to maintain balance - and then it goes on and on). A wave began and it intensified, for example, somewhere under the shoulder blades, in the thoracic or lumbar region (where we see, for example, the greatest bend). Don't try to do anything in this exact place. It is necessary to treat the entire spine, to work with it completely. And sometimes even with the whole body.

This is especially true when, God forbid, you come to these barbarians in white coats and they advise you or your child to undergo surgical intervention in the curvature area. They will not solve the problem, but will only produce another cripple.

Scoliosis can be treated at any stage. Yes, it may take a year if the case is complex, but systematic training proper exercises- they will heal you. Don't even doubt it. On this page I will give you just such exercises. You can make up your own complex of them, or even make them separately. Or do everything. I will only give the most important ones, so it's better to do everything.

First of all, I want to appeal to the parents. Keep an eye on your children. Your “sit up straight; don’t slouch, who did you tell…” - don’t give anything. They only make it worse, because... add stress to the child's neck. First of all, create conditions for your child to play sports. Ideal swimming. Athletics exercises. Fight and martial arts. But also become the child’s personal “doctor” - don’t be lazy to check the condition of the back and spine every month. Of course, when you notice a small curvature, it is already too late, but it is better when the child’s skeleton has already begun to be seriously deformed, and the correction may take a long time.

If it concerns you, take the pressure off neck muscles. Do self-massage. This is not difficult at all - remember the neck muscles with your right and left hands for a minute or two. Rotate your head, make forced stretching bends to the left, right, forward - with the help of your hands (with fixation in the final position). Don't sit at the computer in an unnatural position. You are surfing the Internet, something stresses you out, the tension transfers to your muscles; because the position is unnatural - the muscles get used to this position, are fixed in it - and then it’s a matter of time - then there is a reversal or curvature of the spine. And even further - there is an inevitable worsening of the curvature. And you probably already know what consequences all this can have: the apogee of all this is people who are so distorted that they become disabled.

This is what easy prevention is all about. But it’s better, of course, not to be lazy and do the exercises that will be given below and not wait for scoliosis to come. You need to strengthen your back; the specific muscles of the spine are the muscles that are responsible for holding it in the correct position. And I must note that not all sports put stress on these specific muscles. Therefore, even if you go to the gym, fitness club, etc. - this is not a fact that scoliosis will not visit you or will begin to disappear. Because you can pump your back as much as you like - but at the same time these specific muscles may remain undeveloped. And our goal is to develop them special exercises. And now I want to say that some exercises may be well known and familiar to you - but you need to do them correctly, as will be written here, because They are similar in appearance, but it is the specifics of their execution that makes them special. Let's do push-ups or pull-ups. It may seem to you - “oh, yes, I know all this, what should I do here? - do push-ups and pull-ups” - but this is not so. You need to do these exercises with the shoulder blades together. Something I will write about often. And if you don’t do this detail, for example, but simply raise and lower your body (during push-ups), then this may not give anything at all. So, I repeat again - do as written, everything is important.

Therefore, I will immediately write down two main rules.

Retracted shoulder blade rule

This is the position where your shoulder blades are moving towards each other. Moreover, this can even be an independent exercise. You are sitting at the computer - squeeze your shoulder blades together. Keep your body in this position. It could be five minutes, it could be more. But first of all, I will refer to this exercise further. So remember it right away. Moreover, now, by continuing to read the text below, you can do it. Those. Now bring your shoulder blades together and sit in this position. And we can say that your path to getting rid of scoliosis will begin right now.

Rule of simultaneity

Or the rule of two pushes. Now I’ll tell you what this means. Let’s say you’re doing pull-ups on a horizontal bar. Or you just see someone doing pull-ups on the horizontal bar. And if we look at it in slow motion, we can often see the following picture: a person from a hanging position below first throws one shoulder up, and then the other. You’ve probably even seen such a pull-up yourself, or maybe even now you understand that you yourself are pulling yourself up like this. The point is that you will now have to strictly control this process. There should be two pushing, two pulling. There are no distortions in the form - first one comes, and then the other. It will be difficult for you at first, but it is better to do fewer repetitions or take less weight and do it correctly than many times but incorrectly. I used pull-ups as an example. This principle works in many other cases. For example, push-ups. The man sank down on his hands and began to rise - but he pushed first with one hand, and then with the other - a kind of barely noticeable snake bend. The same thing happens when working on various simulators. I hope you understand what I'm talking about. Control yourself for two pushes, force yourself and your brain to give simultaneous commands to the right and left muscles to contract. No distortions. Only simultaneous and only together.

Five pillars of scoliosis treatment

  1. Relaxation. This also includes massage. If possible, go to a massage therapist (you can go to a specialized one who works specifically with the back and spine). To some extent, it can be replaced with self-massage, as well as various vibrating massagers.
  2. Stretching. The spine needs to be stretched. Hanging on a horizontal bar or inclined board. Just stretching on the floor. Yoga asanas (exercises) to stretch the spine.
  3. Correct load. Proper physical exercise.
  4. Correct posture. This also includes correct position body during sleep. The thing is, imagine, a person sleeps 7-8 hours a day, and if he lies this time with a deformed spine, then the process of its recovery will be significantly delayed (you can purchase a special anatomical mattress). This also includes the correct workplace, a chair with a concave surface in the lower back. If you don’t have one, you can put a pillow under your back so you can sit with your shoulders back.
  5. Removing stress blocks. Those. you need to stop entering stressful situations and conditions. Because you relax your muscles, do exercises, but if you are constantly nervous, then the whole story with new muscle tension and further new curvature of the spine repeats itself in a circle. You need to become calmer.

Of course, when you discover scoliosis, and even in an advanced phase, the first thing you want is to quickly return everything to the way it was. I must say that a lot here depends on what you already have sports training. But nevertheless, no matter what state you are in now, just start and do it. In any case, you have no other choice. Just start and do it. Every day. If you want faster, do these exercises three times a day. Especially in the morning. Because in the morning is asked muscle tone for proper fixation - and it will last all day. Of course, you won’t immediately reach the level three times a day. Your muscles will ache, your spine will even ache. And you may have to do it even every other day at first. But gradually work your way up to 2-3 times a day. And then the time to correct the spine will speed up.

Before I start giving the exercises, I want to write you a Russian proverb. I think it will stimulate many to correct body position. Because this is not just a proverb - it is a very deep truth.

Whoever is hunched over, the devil rides on him. And whoever holds his chest like a wheel carries God on his chest.

I don’t want to go into too much detail about the esoteric meaning of this phenomenon, but just understand that this is so, regardless of what you mean by God or the devil.

Exercise No. 1

The first exercise is suitable for any type of scoliosis and kyphosis. It's universal. But it needs to be done correctly.

Get on all fours. Squeeze your shoulder blades together (you don’t have to squeeze them together too much, it’s enough that your shoulder blades are noticeably pulled towards each other). Be sure to retract your shoulder blades and keep them retracted throughout this exercise. Keep them in good shape.

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The head can also be held vertically, i.e. when the face looks forward.

There are two types of this exercise. One - You simply lift one leg and one arm first and hold as long as you can. Then the second pair. The second option is aerobic - you lift many times in turns. You can do both options. For example, once - a static option. And the second time after rest is aerobic. Aerobic can also be of two types - when you do the exercise quickly and many times, the second - when you do it a few times, but hold the position longer.

Exercise No. 2

Push-ups. You need to do push-ups on stands.

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The stands can be like the ones in the picture, but you can simply put anything on them, such as a stack of books. Height is about 10 cm.

Don't spread it too wide, but don't spread it too narrow either. It should be wider than the shoulders, about one and a half times.

Now the most important thing is the execution technique. Do as I write. It is important.

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So, you are in a horizontal position with outstretched arms, on stands. The body is approximately straight (torso and legs are approximately in line). You start moving down. When approaching downwards, move your shoulder blades as far as possible, chest forward, and go as low as possible. At the bottom the shoulder blades are brought as close as possible to each other, your chest almost touches the floor.

Then you go up (see the principle of simultaneity, which I wrote down above). When you go up, your shoulder blades move apart, your pectoral muscles contract, you push your thoracic spine up, your chest goes up and your shoulders down, you bend strongly in the chest area.

Don't do it too fast. These are calm, confident and controlled movements. If it is difficult to do on outstretched legs, then you can do it on your knees. This will make the exercise easier.

You repeat everything again. The shoulders “move” up and down (as if an arc is bent between the shoulders). This is very good exercise for the treatment of scoliosis.

Exercise No. 3

Abs exercise. And I repeat again - you need to do it right. Otherwise, it won’t be what you need at all.

You are lying on the floor. Legs are bent at the knees. The shoulder blades are pulled towards each other.

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Your hands can lie on your sides with your palms down (this is the simplest option; as you develop, you can place your hands on the back of your head in a lock, with elbows spread to the sides, precisely to the sides, or above the head, as in the picture above).

Next, raise your shoulders and top part torso. Those. Only the upper part of the spine bends (rounds), the lower part always continues to lie below. Flexion of the spine occurs due to contraction of the abs. I repeat once again - you need to round the upper part of the spine and then straighten it, lying head down.

I repeat once again - there is no need to bend the entire spine and lift the torso completely from the floor, rising to the knees. Do as in the picture. And control the movement - both shoulders should immediately go forward, and not just one first (see the principle of simultaneity).

Exercise #4

Basically everything is shown in the figure below.

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Hold this pose as long as you can in one direction or the other. Shoulder blades are tucked, don't slouch. Everything is on the same plane ( bottom hand looks forward only for balance). Can be done in approaches. We held one side, turned over, held the other side and then rested and repeated again.

Exercise No. 5

  1. Lie on your stomach. The body is elongated straight. You can even stretch your body.
  2. Place your palms on your shoulders. Just fingers touching shoulders. Elbows at the very bottom, on the floor. The forehead is on the floor. This is the starting position.
  3. Next, you understand your head, raise your shoulders, squeeze your shoulder blades very tightly, expand your chest, and your elbows are spread as far apart as possible. Hold this position for 5-10 seconds.
  4. Return to the starting position. Rest for 5-10 seconds. And you repeat everything again.

Exercise #6

  1. Lie on your back. The body is elongated straight. You can even stretch your body. Arms at your sides, palms down. This is the starting position. It is advisable to lie on a soft mat.
  2. Start by lifting your legs and then placing them behind your head.
  3. It is advisable to do everything with relatively straight legs. But it may be difficult at first - so you can keep them bent at first. Also, at first, you don’t have to lower your legs behind your head if it doesn’t work. Don't force anything.
  4. You need to do such leg swings rhythmically. In essence, this is an abdominal exercise, but with the second part - lowering your legs behind your head. Here, both the abdominal muscles and the back muscles work simultaneously. And also the back muscles are stretched. A great multi-faceted exercise.

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Exercise No. 7

Pull-ups. For this exercise you need a horizontal bar. I don't think this is a problem nowadays. Can be purchased at any sports store. Moreover, there are options that are mounted in the doorway using a simple design solution, i.e. without drilling, etc. - just insert it into the doorway and work.

This is one of the most important exercises in defeating scoliosis.

So, you hang on the horizontal bar. Hands are placed on the horizontal bar wider than shoulders, about one and a half times (as wide as possible). You can do a good stretch for a couple of seconds - just let your body hang under your weight. Release your spine, relax it completely.

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Do not jerk when pulling up, do not swing. Don't do it quickly. Full control of body position. It should be smooth without distortions. The fact is that when a person has scoliosis, he is more comfortable in a one-sided position. You must stop this and do everything smoothly.

Pull up different grips, including the reverse (i.e. the palms are not on your side, but on the outside). There should be a deflection in the back, at first there may not be one, but gradually the spine will develop and you will be able to bend when pulling up.

If it is difficult to pull yourself up, you can help with your legs: stand with your feet on a support and do squats and pull-ups at the same time.

There are also simulators that are similar to pull-ups. You can use them, but the principle is the same - bringing the shoulder blades together as much as possible.

Exercise #8

And of course the sacred thing is the parallel bars and the parallel bars press. Everything is the same here - you need to bring your shoulder blades together (don’t forget).

If there are no bars, you can use two chairs.

Do the exercise calmly, without jerking or jerking.

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Exercise #9

Squats. The shoulder blades are strongly compressed, the spine is arched, the hands are on the back of the head, the elbows are looking to the sides (not forward). Doing squats. You don't need to squat all the way down. You can freeze for a little while in a sitting position, fixate in this position, then stand up. Do these squats 10-20 times. Do not hurry. Control your body position. If your scoliosis has already reached the pelvis and curvatures have already started there, then you will feel how you want to rise mainly from a certain leg. Don't allow yourself to do this - both legs should work equally. And don't bring your elbows together. Do as in the picture below.

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Exercise No. 10

Matsiasana. I have already spoken about this asana on the pages of the “Your Yoga” website. An excellent remedy for scoliosis. There is probably no muscle along the entire length of the spine that this asana does not strengthen.

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Exercise No. 11

Side bends. You can do any side bends. Those. there are just a lot of options here. You can do regular gymnastic bends with any leg width. The main condition is to do it in the same plane.

But I will highlight one exercise. Its importance lies in the fact that you need to not just bend over, but rather round the spine. Those. it bends in a semicircle to the side, and does not tilt.

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Those. remember once again that you need to strive to bend at the spine, and not bend over, while all this should be in the same plane, as if you were doing it against a wall.

This exercise can be done statically, i.e. holding it for a minute or more, and dynamically - like a pendulum. Control your body, do not allow any part of your body to protrude forward or backward.

- strengthen the stabilizing muscles located between and under the shoulder blades;

Strengthen posterior muscles shoulders;

Stretch the spine.
This is a very good exercise for strengthening the muscles of the upper back and shoulders, which in many people become flabby.

Be sure to consult your doctor if you have any back problems.

Basic moments
- The neck should be constantly stretched and relaxed.

Think about how your tailbone moves away from the crown of your head.

Legs should be bent at the knees and hanging over the feet.

Make sure that during the exercise you work the muscles of your shoulder blades, not your arms. There is no need to strain your arms; they should be straight, but not tense.

Initial position
- Stand correctly with your feet hip-width apart.

Bend your knees so that they hang over your feet.

Bend your torso at the hip joints.
Imagine that you are skiing down a mountain. The head, neck and back should be in one line.

Choose a point on the floor that is at such a distance from you that the back of your neck is not tense and stretched. Keep your eyes on this point.

Keep your arms at your sides and slightly behind. Turn your palms back.

1. Inhale as you prepare to exercise.

2. Stretch your torso.

3. As you exhale, “buckle and pull yourself up” and begin to lower your shoulder blades down your back, gradually bringing them together. Hands are attracted to each other.

4. Inhale and maintain the position.

5. As you exhale, relax your arms.

6. Repeat the movement 5 times.

7. Return to the starting position, remaining “buttoned and taut.” The spine and neck are extended. Try to straighten up gently without straining your knees.

IN beautiful girl combines a lot of attractive features. It is impossible to say that a girl is attractive if she slouches or hunches over. Therefore, good posture should be given Special attention from early childhood. What is included in the concept of “beautiful posture?” This is a proudly raised head, a long neck, straightened shoulders, a straight back with a natural arch. All this should look natural and beautiful. According to the definition of V.I. Dahl, posture is a combination of harmony, majesty and beauty.

To gain beautiful posture a super complex created by a real pro will help. This set of exercises is designed specifically to correct posture. With its help you can strengthen the muscles and ligaments of the spinal column!

Exercises to correct posture

This complex is designed specifically to help strengthen the muscles and ligaments of the spinal column. This will allow you to improve your posture and look more attractive. The first three exercises are introductory part- it prepares the muscles of the back and chest to perform the main part of the complex, which contains 5 exercises.

How does a training program for posture correction work?

Exercises 1 and 2 of the introductory part make up a superset. The main part of the superset consists of exercises 6 and 7. With their help, you will learn to synchronize and balance the work of the chest and back muscles. Exercise 6 works the small muscles of the upper back and shoulders, while exercise 7 focuses on strengthening the chest muscles that straighten the shoulders.

The spine is the basis of your health

The spinal column - without it, an ordinary person would not have a chance not only to walk and run, but even to stand without assistance. Nerve endings extend from the spine to every muscle and organ in the body. If you have poor posture, they get pinched between the vertebrae, and the “daughter” part of the body begins to act up: your heart and liver hurt, your shoulder hurts, and your vision deteriorates. If you set a goal to improve your posture, take the advice of a professional trainer.

Correctly formed posture through training and a strong muscle corset help us feel absolutely healthy, increase vitality and immunity.

The author of the complex is Vladimir Ryzhikov, developer of the fitness complex, master of sports, senior methodologist of the fitness department of the PETROVKA-SPORTS wellness club: “When performing exercises to strengthen the back muscles, the correctness of the movements and the pace of their execution are important. Work slowly, thoughtfully, monitor the tension in the right muscles, focus on working your back muscles and sufficiently stretching your chest muscles. It is very important to ensure that your shoulders are always lowered when performing any of the exercises I suggest, otherwise actions aimed at strengthening your back will not bring the desired result. Watch your breathing: exhalation occurs at the end of the effort.”

Exercises to correct posture

Training plan. Include these exercises as part of your general strength training routine (3 times a week, 1–2 days rest between workouts). For each exercise, the number of repetitions is indicated individually. For beginners, 2 approaches will be enough. Be sure to take 60 second breaks between sets. After 4–6 weeks regular training increase the number of approaches to three.
Warm up. Start each workout with 10 minutes of moderate cardio exercise. This could be walking or running on a treadmill.
Hitch. Be sure to do some stretching exercises. You can hang on the horizontal bar or, on all fours, alternately arch your back and bend in the lower back like a cat.
Equipment. This complex is designed to be performed in the gym.

You will need:

  • bench;
  • bodybar weighing 7 kg;
  • hyperextension simulator;
  • fitball;
  • lower cable pull simulator;
  • upper cable pull simulator;
  • a bench with an anatomical curve and a platform for resting your feet;
  • a pair of dumbbells 1-2 kg.

Superset 1

Perform 15–20 repetitions of exercises 1 and 2, take a breath and repeat 1–2 more times.

Trunk extension

The spinal extensor muscles, rhomboids and trapezius muscles work.

Stand on the stand of a hyperextension machine set at a 45° angle. Straight legs - shoulder width apart, knees not tense. The hips are pressed tightly against the pad of the machine, at the level of the pad or higher. But not lower! Tighten your abs, keeping your back straight, lower your upper body. Bend your arms at the elbows, almost at a right angle, cross your fingers; elbows tend to the floor. Keeping your abs tense and your shoulders down, use your back muscles to slowly lift your body while squeezing your shoulder blades. The body should form a straight line from the heels to the crown. Keep your arms bent at the elbows; bringing your shoulder blades together, bring your forearms to waist level. Rib cage straightened. While inhaling, slowly return to the starting position and perform required amount repetitions

Exercise technique: Do not press your elbows to your sides, control the contraction of your shoulder blades as you rise, pull your shoulders down, keep your back absolutely straight. In the top position, look straight ahead to maintain the natural curve of the spine.

Twisting the body

Abdominal muscles work.

To avoid spinal injuries, you need to strengthen your abs. This exercise is performed lying on a bench that completely follows the curves of the spine. Lie on it so that lumbar curve fell exactly on the bolster of the bench. Bend your legs at the knees, feet together and resting on the platform. The hands are clasped in front of the chest. Pull your stomach in; Using your abdominal muscles, slowly raise your shoulders and lift your shoulder blades off the bench. Pull your lower ribs towards your hips. Stay in this position for a moment and just as slowly, while exhaling, return to the starting position. Perform the required number of repetitions.

Exercise technique: Throughout the entire exercise, the lower back is pressed tightly against the bend of the bench. When lifting, do not stretch your neck forward, otherwise you will injure yourself. cervical region spine and overstretch the neck muscles, and the abs will work at half strength.

Reduction of the shoulder blades

The deltoid and trapezius muscles work, and the chest muscles are stretched.

Starting position - standing. Feet shoulder-width apart, legs slightly bent at the knees. The shoulders are lowered, the shoulder blades are brought together and also lowered. The arms are bent at the elbows, the hands are at shoulder level, the elbows are not pressed to the sides, but are removed by 15–20 cm. While stretching the pectoral muscles, move the shoulders down and back as much as possible and bring the shoulder blades together. Stay in this position for 10–12 seconds. There may even be pain. Smoothly return to the starting position. Perform the mixing 3 times, holding tension for 10–12 seconds each time and taking 15–20 seconds of rest between mixings.

Exercise technique: Make sure to keep your shoulders as low as possible throughout the exercise. When you keep your shoulder blades retracted, imagine that a pencil is clamped between them and you should not “drop” it. Retract and spread your shoulder blades slowly - this should take at least 5-6 seconds.

Vertical row in the simulator

Working latissimus muscles back, posterior deltoid and trapezius muscles of the back and shoulders.

Attach a long bar to the overhead cable machine. Sit on the machine bench so that the upper support rollers do not touch your stomach. Grasp the bar with an upper-medium grip, raise your shoulders, and fully straighten your torso. Drop your shoulders. Squeeze your shoulder blades together while simultaneously bending your elbows and lowering the bar of the machine below chin level. Return to the starting position. Perform 3 sets of 15–17 repetitions, resting 30–60 seconds between sets.

Exercise technique: When lowering the bar, do not tilt your back back - it is only permissible to arch your torso slightly to pull your shoulders back. The angle between the hips and the abdomen should not increase.

Press with bodybar

The pectoralis major muscle and the anterior head of the deltoid muscle work.

Lie on a bench, feet resting on the floor, legs bent at the knees at a right angle. The knees are located exactly above the ankles and do not extend beyond the toes. Take the bodybar with an upper-medium grip, tense your abs, pull in your navel, slightly squeeze your shoulder blades, straighten your elbows, raising the bodybar to about bust level. As you inhale, lower your shoulders, gently bend your arms elbow joint and, connecting your shoulder blades, lower the bodybar to your chest, to the level solar plexus. At the same time, tighten your upper back muscles as much as possible and stretch your pectoral muscles. As you exhale, use your chest muscles to lift the barbell above your chest again, returning to the starting position. Perform 3 sets of 15–17 repetitions; rest interval - 60 seconds.

Exercise technique: When bending your arms, do not touch the bodybar to your chest. At the same time, spread your elbows to the sides and down; control the stretching of the chest muscles.

Trainer's recommendations: as a weight, you can take a bodybar or a barbell with “pancakes” weighing 1–2.5 kg. If you use dumbbells, the distribution of the weight load will be incorrect, it will be difficult for you to hold the dumbbells at the required distance, and all your efforts will be in vain. When lifting a body bar or barbell in front of your chest, do not bend your wrists, try to keep them straight to avoid injury.

Superset 2

Exercises 6 and 7 are performed alternately, 1 set of 15–17 repetitions. As a result, you need to complete 3 sets of each exercise. The rest interval between approaches is 1–1.5 minutes.

Isolated traction

The latissimus dorsi muscles and the scapular head of the deltoid muscle work.

Sit on the exercise machine horizontal thrust. Straighten your back, lower your shoulders, grab the handles of the machine narrow grip(for the segments of the handles closest to each other); the legs rest on the stands of the exercise machine. Keeping your lower back straight and your shoulders down, without bending, spread your shoulder blades as far as possible and move your shoulders forward. Pull your shoulders back as far as possible and, bending your arms at the elbow joint, bring your shoulder blades together. Hold this position for a moment and slowly return to the starting position.

Exercise technique: Throughout the entire exercise, the abs are tense and the lower back is pressed against the bench. During the spread, the hands move exactly in an arc; Make sure your shoulders are always down. Control the retraction of your shoulder blades.

Dumbbell flyes

The muscles of the chest and shoulders work.

Raise the bench 30–40°. Lie on it with your back, feet resting on the floor, legs bent at the knees, and knees directly above the ankles. Tighten your abs, pull your navel in. Take dumbbells weighing 1-2 kg. Bend your arms slightly at the elbows and raise them in front of your chest. Lower your shoulders, inhale and squeeze your shoulder blades together, spreading your arms out to the sides. Feel the stretch pectoral muscles. Continue to extend your arms, keeping them slightly bent at the elbows. Pause for a moment at the lowest point of the spread. After this, exhaling, using the force of your chest muscles, bring your arms together, raising your hands in front of your chest and straightening your elbows (not completely).

Exercise technique: This exercise will only “work” if you strictly control the position of your shoulders. They should remain as low as possible at all times, even when you straighten your arms.

Horizontal row while sitting on a ball

The latissimus dorsi, trapezius and rhomboid muscles work.

This exercise is useful for tightening the back muscles and helps get rid of unaesthetic folds. Place the fitball at a distance of 60–80 cm from the lower cable traction machine.

Sit on a fitball. The back is straight, the feet rest on the floor, the knees are directly above the ankles. The left arm is slightly bent at the elbow, the left hand rests on the left thigh and is located perpendicular to its surface. The left shoulder is lowered and fixed. With your right hand, grab the handle of the machine and slightly move your right shoulder forward. Keeping the body straight, using the force of the back muscles, move the right shoulder blade as far back as possible, as if trying to press it to the spinal column; bend slowly at the same time right hand at the elbow and pull the right hand towards the body. Pause for a moment and slowly return to the starting position: move your right shoulder blade away from your spine, straightening your right arm and slightly extending your right shoulder forward. Perform the required number of repetitions, change the position to the opposite (now the working hand is the left) and perform the exercise again. Do 3 sets of 15–17 repetitions, rest interval is 1–1.5 minutes.

Exercise technique: Throughout the entire exercise, the body remains motionless: do not bend the spine, do not rotate the torso. You should be “protected” from the last erroneous movement by the hand resting on the thigh opposite the working hand. Perform this exercise very slowly, breathe evenly and shallowly. Be sporty with!

Feel embarrassed to wear tight tops and choose your bra carefully to reduce back wrinkles? Alas, this alone cannot solve the problem - it requires comprehensive work! We'll tell you which one.

Even women of normal weight can have bra ridges on their backs. “This is one of the places where subcutaneous fat accumulates - just like the stomach, hips and back,” comments Natalya Kolesnikova, master trainer of group programs of the Planet Fitness club network.

The size of the folds on the back depends on the anatomical features (they are larger in those whose top is “heavier” than the bottom in principle), the condition of the muscles, the thickness of the skin and the amount excess weight- the latter is still capable of creating additional volume in this area. “The problem can be solved comprehensively: by reducing weight in general (through nutrition control) and actively involving this area in training,” adds Natalya Kolesnikova. - In addition to performing specific exercises for this area, it will also be useful to regularly include cardio exercise in your exercises, strength training or HIIT to stimulate fat burning.”

We asked an expert to show us the most effective exercises against folds on the back. These same movements will also be useful for those who would like to improve their posture.

How to build a lesson

*Start your workout with a short warm-up.

*Do the exercises consistently. “The optimal training regimen: 3 sets of 15 repetitions of each movement,” advises Natalya Kolesnikova.

*Do this program 3-4 times a week.

To perform the exercises, you only need a mat.

Reduction of shoulder blades with raising of arms

Stand straight, feet hip-width apart. Spread your arms to the sides and raise them to shoulder level, with your palms facing forward. With your elbows bent, move your hands behind your back so that your left forearm is located at the level of the back of your head, and your right forearm is located just below your shoulder blades. Make sure that your forearms are parallel to the floor, do not bend at the lower back. Then spread your arms out to the sides and bend them, switching your forearms. This is one approach. Complete the above quantity.


Lie on your stomach with your arms extended above the floor, palms facing down. Stretch your legs, slightly resting your toes on the mat. Lift your body off the floor and, bending your elbows, squeeze your shoulder blades together. Return to the starting position. Perform the required number of repetitions and approaches.

Elbow Raise