Asanas for women's health. Basic rules for performing aerobics

their condition determines our appearance. creams and other procedures - this is a fake wrapper,
which I do not know what kind of people is designed. a layer of plaster will hide
only for a couple of hours, only in dark places, only from others what is inside. because
it is the internal filling of any system that determines the appearance of everything.
and she needs to be watched. in mechanics - disassemble and lubricate. in organics - massage.
I have been interested in this topic since I was 8 years old. perhaps because it was forbidden under the Union.
my father bought the book "home know-it-all" from the 60s - there were different recipes for dishes
and household items. and for some reason there was an application for yoga postures. from everything I've tried
I single out three: the peacock pose, the abdominal lock and the headstand. I do this a couple of times a day.

* this is the peacock pose at my dacha). when I was 8 years old, I was fascinated by this pose.
but I tried to do it - and it did not work. then tried as a teenager
in different years - it did not work. the muscles of the lower back and legs were weak.

I have been doing it for 15 years now and do it regularly. muscle is needed for training
I recommend this exercise. You can also move your leg to the side. *

Physiological effect of the peacock pose:

  • Strengthens the muscles of the arms, abdomen and back.

  • It has a major effect on the stomach and pancreas, stimulating the activity of the small and large intestines.

  • The pressure of the elbows on the abdominal aorta contributes to the proper blood supply to the abdominal organs.

  • Increases intra-abdominal pressure, cleanses, rejuvenates the digestive organs and glands associated with digestion, as well as the pancreas.

  • Well tones all the organs of the abdominal cavity, contributing to good digestion and active elimination of toxins ("As a peacock kills snakes, so this asana destroys poisons and toxins in the body").

  • Stimulates the cleansing of the liver and improves the quality of bile in the gallbladder.

  • Strengthens the nerves of the lower body.

  • Trains the vestibular apparatus.

  • Energy effect of Mayurasana peacock pose:

  • Energizes the navel energy center (Manipura).

  • Psychic effect of Mayurasana:

  • Gives a boost of energy.

  • Increases mental focus.

  • Teaches control over positive and negative energies.

  • Reduces anger.

  • Increases joy.

  • Gives self-confidence and psychological stability

  • Relieves stress, relaxes the head and eyes.

  • Therapeutic effect of the peacock pose:

  • It cures diseases of the stomach, spleen and pancreas.

  • Promotes the elimination of waste products accumulated as a result of improper eating habits.

  • Eliminates constipation.

  • Helps in the treatment of diabetes.

  • Helps with biliary dyskinesia and congestion in the liver. from here.


  • Get on your knees. Place your feet next to each other, spread your knees apart. Lean forward and rest your palms on the floor between your knees; fingers should be directed towards the feet. Press your forearms firmly together. Lean even further forward and rest your stomach on your elbows and your chest on your upper arms. Stretch your legs back. Tighten your muscles and slowly raise your torso and legs until they are parallel to the floor. The body should now balance only on the arms. Hold the final position for only a short period of time, avoiding excessive force. Carefully return to the starting position. When the breath calms down, the asana can be repeated.

  • Note: Try to raise your legs as high as possible. In the final position, the weight of the body should be supported only by the stomach, and not by the chest.

  • Breathing: Lifting the body from the floor, exhale. In the final position, hold your breath as you exhale. As you lower yourself to the floor, inhale. Breathe normally if the end position is held for an extended period of time.

  • Practice Duration: Hold the final position for as long as you can hold your breath. Those who hold the final position for a longer time should avoid muscle strain. from here.

Brief description of uddiyana bandha, aka abdominal lock.
Is basic technique Hatha Yoga:

  • Contraindications to performing uddiyana bandha are acute diseases of the abdominal cavity, as well as chronic ones - during the period of exacerbation, the period of menstruation in women and the period of pregnancy.

  • Uddiyana bandha (“flying up”, or “abdominal lock”). In the practice of uddiyana bandha, the organs in the abdomen are drawn up and inward, creating a natural upward flow of energy; therefore this word is often translated also as "raising the abdomen."

  • Uddiyana bandha should be performed on empty stomach. After exhalation, the breath is held, the windpipe is blocked, the chest opens, the diaphragm rises, and the abdominal wall is pulled up to the spine. But not due to muscle tension, but due to the creation of a vacuum in the abdominal cavity. This exercise is also called "vacuum udiyana". In addition, it should be mentioned that during some pranayamas (breathing exercises) uddiyana can be used while inhaling. But in this case, we are interested in a simple version, and in it uddiyana is performed while holding the breath after exhalation.

  • Uddiyana should be practiced carefully so that there is no pain. In experienced practitioners, when performing uddiyana, the spine can be felt through the abdominal muscles. Usually, in beginners, the abdomen does not retract deeply due to the fact that the intestines have not been cleaned. (There will be a special separate issue on how to cleanse the intestines.

  • For training the suspension of internal organs, the strength of the diaphragmatic muscles and the abdominal muscles.

  • For deep massage of the abdominal organs.

  • “Just as capacitors, fuses and switches regulate the electrical current, so do bandhas regulate the flow of prana (energy). In this bandha, prana or energy is directed from the lower abdomen to the head.” B.K.S. Iyengar.

Hold your breath for a comfortable amount of time, for a few seconds. It should be remembered that the task of the udina is not to hold your breath as long as possible - but the correct and high-quality massage of the internal organs. In the photo you see the final version of the uddiyana bandha. In order to complete the performance of uddiyana bandha, we first gently release the diaphragm and the abdominal wall to a natural position, take a small pre-exhalation (a small amount of air in the lungs still remains after exhalation) and then we take a smooth breath. You can do five to ten approaches. from here.

*my favorite pose*. The queen of asanas in yoga is the headstand, Sirshasana in Sanskrit. She was awarded such an honor because, having mastered it to perfection, she brings many benefits to the body and mind: it improves memory and concentration, strengthens the cardiovascular system, increasing the return of venous blood to the heart, frees the lower back from any tension, sends our tired large volume of oxygen to the brain.

« Sirshasana is a real pleasure. Words are not enough to describe its benefits. Only in this posture can the brain receive enough prana and blood. It is directed against gravity and delivers a large amount of blood to the heart. Memory improves tremendously...
Its benefits are countless...
It is a panacea, a cure for all troubles, for all diseases. It sharpens the psychic faculties and awakens the kundalini shakti, cures various diseases of the stomach and digestive tract, and increases the power of the mind. It is a powerful blood cleanser and tonic. nervous system. This asana cures all diseases of the eyes, nose, head, throat, stomach, urinary tract, liver, spleen and lungs... Wrinkles and gray hair disappear. “He who practices it for three hours a day every day “conquers time,” says the Yogatattva Upanishad.
". This is how Swami Sivananda speaks enthusiastically about this asana in his book “Yoga and Health”. from here.

* I confirm all the claimed effects. when I'm very tired, when I'm in a bad mood, when I want to, I don't understand why, I do a headstand. *

Perhaps, for many, this pose will seem too difficult and unattainable. However, almost everyone can master it. Don't be afraid that it will be too hard for your neck to support the weight of your whole body. The secret is that the main load falls not on the neck, but on the hands. Once you learn how to do this pose correctly, you will realize that it is very easy.

* actually, you need to be very careful about this so as not to break your neck. I prepared for a week, strengthening my neck muscles. I do with the position of the hands, which is in the picture above - and the whole weight of the body - yes - falls on my neck. the second option, which is lower, where the hands are in a boat, loads the neck less. if you decide to do this, google and read other sources regarding safety rules. maybe I was being too careful with that. just doing fitness, once every six months you will pull something somewhere. with a headstand - there were no problems.*


The unique set of exercises described in this book will help to improve the functioning of internal organs, which will serve as a prevention of many diseases. Already after the first workout, a person will feel a surge of strength, an improvement in mood and physical condition. You can perform complexes in any order, both for therapeutic and prophylactic purposes.

The book includes several complexes: therapeutic hatha yoga, aerobics, oriental gymnastics, Japanese gymnastics, Iyengar yoga. The exercises included in these complexes normalize digestion, functions of the intestines, kidneys, liver, gallbladder, adrenal glands, have a beneficial effect on the cardiovascular, nervous and endocrine systems, have a tonic and stimulating effect on the organs of hearing and vision, increase immunity and body resistance various infectious and viral diseases.

The publication is addressed to a wide range of readers, all exercises are described and illustrated in detail.

Therapeutic hatha yoga

The Hatha Yoga system has a therapeutic effect on the body by stretching the muscles, joints and ligaments. It is a natural method of stimulating the work of internal organs and systems, since harmonious exercise stress- the main condition for sufficient activity of the body.

Each muscle group through the nervous system is connected both with the whole organism and with a certain organ, therefore, with the right effect on the muscles, the corresponding organ can be cured. In order for such an effect to be harmonious, train all the muscles in turn, without exception. This is provided in the complex of relaxation exercises, breathing exercises and basic asanas. Perform all exercises in the order given.

The main condition for the implementation of exercises is compliance correct mode loads. Perform each exercise in such a way that it is a pleasure. It is in this mode that the flow of stimulating impulses directed to a particular organ will give the maximum therapeutic effect.

Basic rules for performing therapeutic hatha yoga exercises

In order to therapeutic effect from the exercise was the maximum, be sure to follow the rules below.

1. Muscles that are not involved in the exercise, try to relax. The muscles involved in the exercise, also try to relax as much as possible. Remember that if the muscles are tense, they are more difficult to stretch, a tense muscle does not provide the necessary stimulation of the internal organs.

2. Try to stretch your muscles until the process brings pleasant sensations. When this feeling disappears, try to loosen or increase the stretch. If it does not resume, move on to the next exercise.

3. In the first days of classes, the load should be minimal. Increase it as you get used to the exercises.

4. Remember that the main thing when doing exercises is not the end result, but the process, that is, the therapeutic effect.


A person performs many elements of hatha yoga daily. For example, stretching, yawning are natural exercises for stretching the muscles of the cheeks, trachea, larynx (yawning), pectoral muscles (sipping).

5. When doing exercises, try to distract yourself from problems, everyday worries and concentrate on the process. You can say the following phrase aloud: “Now I will study therapeutic gymnastics, I devote this time only to myself, my body, getting pleasure. At this time, not a single thought, no matter how important it may seem, can disturb me, I leave all problems for later. My main focus right now is to enjoy stretching.”

6. During the exercise, breathe as you want (with the exception of exercises that affect the respiratory system).

7. It is best to practice on a hard and level surface, such as the floor, with a soft rug or blanket. Before training, be sure to ventilate the room in which you intend to practice.

A set of exercises

Exists general principle load dosage, which is as follows: the harder physical state, the less stretching should be and the greater the number of approaches. If possible, try to evenly distribute activities throughout the day.

Anyone who is forced to comply with bed rest should choose one of the following modes:

- every 20-30 minutes do 2-3 exercises in the sequence described;

- every 2-3 hours - 7-8 exercises;

- 3-5 times a day slowly perform the entire complex.

A person suffering from chronic diseases should perform the entire set of exercises 2-3 times a day. A healthy person should do hatha yoga 2 times a day: 10 minutes in the morning and 20 minutes in the evening.

Exercise 1. Shavasana (corpse pose)

2. Starting from the feet, relax the muscles, focusing in turn on the feet, shins, thighs, abdomen, arms, neck, head. Try to relax your body so that you don't feel it.


Shavasana has a beneficial effect on the circulatory system, cardiovascular system, normalizes blood pressure and respiratory functions.

3. Simultaneously with the relaxation of all muscles, try not to think about anything. Last thought before relaxation and first thought after activation motor function should be that you are completely at rest, lying down without the slightest tension, and that every muscle of the body is relaxed.

4. Breathe evenly and deeply without holding your breath.

5. Perform the exercise until you feel complete relaxation.

Exercise 2. Palm tree

1. Stand up straight, straighten your shoulders, raise your chin, lower your arms along your torso. Head, neck and back should form a straight line.

2. Simultaneously with inhalation, gently raise your arms up, stretch your spine and stand on your toes.

3. Hold the position for 5-7 seconds, and then return to the starting position at the same time as exhaling.

4. Repeat the exercise 5-7 times.

Exercise 3. Tadasana (mountain pose)

1. Stand straight, straighten your shoulders, lower your arms along the torso, connect your heels and socks.


Tadasana has a beneficial effect on the respiratory and cardiovascular system, strengthens the back muscles, and improves posture.

2. Straighten your chest, tighten your stomach, look straight ahead, breathe evenly and deeply.

3. Hold this position for 2-3 minutes.

Exercise 4. Mula Bandha

1. Get on your knees, then sit on your heels so that your feet from the tips of your toes to your knee joints touch the mat and bear the full weight of your body.

2. Keep your knees together, head, neck and torso should form a straight line. Place your palms on your knees.

3. Breathe evenly and deeply for 1-2 minutes.

4. After exhaling, hold your breath and contract and relax the muscles of the anus several times.

5. Do the exercise for 3-5 minutes.

Exercise 5. Bhastrika (fur)

1. Starting position is the same as in the previous (Mula Bandha) exercise.

2. Take 10 vigorous breaths at a fast pace.

3. Take a deep breath, hold your breath for 10-15 seconds and then exhale slowly and smoothly.

4. Repeat the exercise 3 times.

Exercise 6. Sarvangasana (candle)

1. Lie on your back, stretch your arms along the torso.

2. Take a slow breath and lift straight legs without bending them in knee joints to a strictly vertical position.

3. Raise your torso by placing the palms of your hands under your ribs and keeping it upright. Try to raise your torso so that it forms a vertical line with legs stretched up.

4. Press your chin firmly against your chest and breathe with your belly. Stay in this position until signs of fatigue appear.

Sarvangasana (candle)

5. To complete the exercise, slowly lower your torso and then your legs to the floor.

6. Lie on the floor for a few seconds, breathing slowly and evenly to restore proper circulation.

Exercise 7. Bhujangasana (snake pose)

1. Lie on the floor face down, bend your arms in elbow joints, put the brushes at shoulder level.

2. Take a full breath and at the same time raise your head as high as possible.


Bhujangasana Prevents Kidney Stones, Improves Functions Bladder and ovaries, improves intestinal motility, develops the muscles of the back and abdomen, and normalizes blood circulation.

3. Tighten your back muscles, raise your shoulders and torso as high as possible, and then, resting your hands on the floor, tilt your head back. In this case, do not tear your stomach off the floor.

4. Stay in this position for 7-12 seconds and hold your breath.

5. Exhale slowly as you return to the starting position.

Exercise 8. Vrikshasana (tree pose)

2. Bend the right leg at the knee joint, take the foot with your hands and place it on the left thigh closer to the groin. Take the bent knee to the right.

3. Connect the palms and slowly raise your hands up above your head.

4. Hold this position for 1-2 minutes.

5. Return to the starting position and repeat the exercise with the other leg.

Exercise 9. Vakrasana (twisted pose)

1. Sit on the floor, stretch your legs.

2. Pull your left leg towards you so that the knee is firmly pressed against the stomach and chest, transfer it over the right leg and place the sole on the floor near the right thigh. Place the palms of both hands on the floor.

3. Breathe evenly and deeply for 3 minutes, and then change the position of the legs and repeat the exercise.

Vakrasana (twisted pose) Exercise 10. Salabhasana (Grasshopper Pose)

1. Lie face down on your stomach. Touch the floor with your forehead and nose.

2. Place your fists on the floor next to your hips.

3. Take a full breath, hold your breath for 5-7 seconds and rest your fists on the floor, raising straightened legs as high as possible.

4. Return to the starting position, exhale and repeat the exercise 3-5 times.

Exercise 11. Ujjayi 1. Stand straight, put your feet shoulder-width apart, lower your arms along the body.


Ujjayi stimulates the endocrine glands, especially the thyroid gland, and normalizes blood pressure.

2. Inhale slowly and hold your breath for 8 pulse beats.

3. Exhale for 16 pulse beats. Exhale through your mouth, making the sound "s".

Exercise 12. Tadagi mudra (lake pose)

1. Lie on your back, legs together, stretch your arms along the body.

2. Inhale, then exhale slowly through your nose and draw your stomach in as far as possible.

3. Hold your breath for 5-8 seconds, then slowly inhale and return to the starting position.

4. Repeat the exercise 2-4 times.

Exercise 13. Sidhasana

1. Sit on the floor, stretch your legs in front of you.

2. Bend your left leg at the knee joint and use your hands to press the foot to inside right thigh.

3. Bend the right leg at the knee joint and place the foot between the thigh and calf muscles of the left leg. Place your hands on your knees, palms up, and connect your thumbs and forefingers.

4. Spread your knees as wide as possible, straighten your back. Try to keep both thighs flat on the floor.

5. Hold the pose for as long as possible.

6. Repeat the pose, changing legs.

Exercise 14. Dolasana

1. Lie on your stomach face down, stretch your arms in front of you so that they are parallel to the body.

2. Raise your arms and legs up, trying to bend as much as possible in the lower back.

3. In this position, linger for 20-30 seconds, while breathing as evenly as possible.

4. Slowly return to the starting position. Repeat the exercise 4-6 times.

Exercise 15. Yoni Mudra

1. Sit on the floor with your legs straight out in front of you.

2. Bend your left leg at the knee joint and use your hands to press it against the inside of your right thigh.

3. Bend the right leg at the knee joint and place the foot between the thigh and calf muscles of the left leg. Place your hands on your knees, palms up.

4. Breathe slowly and deeply, completely relax all the muscles of the body.


Yoni mudra helps to gain control over thought processes and mental energy.

5. Exhale and place your hands on your face so that the thumbs cover the ears, the index fingers cover the eyelids, the ring fingers cover the nostrils, and the little fingers cover the lips.

6. Hold your breath and contract the pelvic muscles several times, as if lifting the organs located there upwards.

7. Return to the starting position, take a deep slow breath. Repeat the exercise 2-4 times.

Exercise 16. Dhanurasana

1. Lie face down on the floor.

2. Take a slow deep breath, grab both ankles and arch your back. Try to stay in this position for as long as possible. Breathe slowly.

3. Return to the starting position and repeat the exercise 3-5 times.

Dhanurasana Exercise 17. Supta Vajrasana

1. Get on your knees, sit on the floor between your heels, lower your arms along the torso.

2. Using your arms and elbows, slowly lower yourself to the floor until the back of your head touches the floor.

3. Put your hands behind your neck, breathe easily and without tension.

4. Stay in this position for as long as you can do it without undue strain.

5. Return to the starting position and repeat the exercise 2-4 times.

Exercise 18. Ardha (screw pose)

1. Sit on the floor, stretch your legs.

2. Bend the right leg at the knee joint, place the heel on the left thigh. Wherein bent leg should be parallel to the floor.

3. Move your left leg over your right thigh and place your foot on the floor.

4. Turn your torso to the left, place your right hand in front of your left knee and grab your left ankle with it.

5. Slowly turn your body and head to the left.

6. Put your left hand behind your back and grab your left knee with it. Stay in this position for 10-15 seconds.

7. Change the position of the arms and legs and repeat the exercise in the opposite direction.

Exercise 19. Padmasana (lotus position) 1. Sit on the floor, stretch your legs.


Padmasana should not cause discomfort or pain. If you feel discomfort, slowly return to the starting position. When performing the exercise, concentrate on the spine.

2. Place the right foot on the left thigh and the left foot on top of the right leg on the right thigh. Try to pull your feet as close to your stomach as possible. Place your hands on your knees, palms down.

3. Breathe deeply and evenly, holding your breath for 5 seconds.

4. Return to the starting position as soon as you feel tired and tense.

Exercise 20. Sirshasana (headstand)

1. Get on your knees, interlace your fingers and place your hands on the floor in front of you.

2. Lean forward, put your head on the floor, supporting the back of your head with interlaced fingers.

3. Lift your feet off the floor, balancing and leaning on your head. Slowly straighten your legs, gently stretch into a straight vertical line.

4. Stay in this position until you get tired. Breathe calmly and slowly.

5. To return to the starting position, first gently bend your legs at the hip and knee joints, and then kneel down.


6. While lying on your stomach, put 1 fist on the other, lower your forehead on them and lie down for 1 minute. Exercise 21

1. Get on your knees, bring your legs together.

2. While inhaling, tilt the body back until the palms touch the heels.

3. Grab your heels with both hands and push your torso slightly forward, increasing the arch in your spine.

4. Continue tilting your body until your head touches the mat. Grasp your toes with your hands and pull your head towards them.

5. Stay in this position until you feel tension and fatigue.

6. Slowly return to the starting position and repeat the exercise 1-2 times.

Exercise 22. Jianfei (wave)

1. Lie on your back, bend your knees at a right angle, put your feet straight.

2. Place one hand on your chest, the other on your stomach.

3. Inhale as you pull your belly in, exhale as you inflate it. Breathe freely and effortlessly.

4. The movement of the chest (up and down) and the abdomen (down and up) forms waves, as it were. The respiratory rate should be close to normal (if during the exercise you have a slight dizziness, breathe a little more slowly). Perform 40 full breaths and exhalations.

Exercise 23. "Flower" 1. Sit on a chair 35-40 cm high so that the lower leg and thigh form a right angle (or slightly smaller). Spread your knees shoulder-width apart. If the exercise is performed by a woman, she should clench her left hand into a fist, and clasp it with her right. The man clenches his right hand into a fist, and clasps his fist with his left hand.


Exercise should not be performed within 3 months after surgery, and also if you suffer from serious diseases of the cardiovascular system.

2. Close your eyes, smile, relax your whole body, take the most comfortable position, bring yourself to a state of complete rest.

3. First, take a free breath through the nose and draw air into the abdomen, mentally imagining the process. Then exhale slowly through your mouth - while there is a feeling that the abdomen is gradually becoming relaxed and soft. Slowly exhale all the air and inhale through the nose again. Inhalation should also be light, even. During inhalation Bottom part the abdomen is gradually filled with air and inflated.

4. Do the exercise for 15 minutes.

Exercise 24

1. Sit on the floor, bend your legs at the knee joints and fold in Turkish.

2. Place your hands, palms up, one above the other, on your feet in front of your stomach, the woman - the left over the right, the man - vice versa.

3. Do not lean on the back of the chair, straighten your lower back, lower your shoulders, lower your chin, close your eyes, lift the tip of your tongue up and touch it to the palate near the incisors of the upper jaw, completely relax, take a comfortable natural position.

4. After that, take a deep breath and relax, exhale slowly.

5. Breathe in slow pace within 3 minutes.

Exercise 25

1. Sit down, bend your right leg at the knee joint and turn it back.

2. Raise your buttocks off the floor, place your right foot under them.

3. Put the foot of the right leg under the buttocks. Keep her in horizontal position so that it forms a seat and serves as a kind of pillow on which the buttocks can fall. Put outer part right buttocks on the heel, and the inside - on the sole.

4. Bend the left leg at the knee and place the shin next to the outside of the right leg so that the outside of the left ankle is next to the outside of the right thigh. Left foot and right knee should point forward. Keep your palms on the sides of your body.

5. Keep your balance. Take a few breaths in and out.

6. If the buttocks do not lie correctly on the right foot, or if the right foot does not form a reliable support, the body leans. In this case, take 1-2 breaths and exhale.

7. Exhale and twist your torso 90° to the left. Place your left palm 10-15 cm behind your left buttock. Turn so that the chest, abdomen and pelvis move to the left, behind the perpendicular left thigh.

8. Bend your right arm at the elbow, move it behind the outer edge of the left thigh so that the right armpit and the right side of the body come close to the left knee and thigh, then grasp the left leg right hand. Take a breath.


The pose of the god of fish stimulates the activity of the kidneys, has a beneficial effect on the endocrine system and improves immunity.

9. Exhale, lift your left arm off the floor, extend it away from your shoulder without losing your balance, swing your arm back and place your palm on your right thigh. Grasp the fingers of the right palm with the fingers of the left palm; while rotating the body, gradually grab the arm further, holding the palm and hand.

10. Turn your head to the left and look at your left shoulder. Hold in the final position for 20-30 seconds.

11. Release your hands, turn your torso forward, straighten your left and then your right leg.

12. Return to the starting position and repeat the exercise 2 times.

Exercise 26

1. Sit down, stretch both legs forward.

2. Exhale and tilt your torso slightly back while raising both legs at the same time.

3. Balance on your buttocks. Keep your neck, torso and legs straight. If your back drops, lower your torso to the floor as well. If your knees bend, lower your feet. Keep your leg muscles tense and keep your torso straight.

4. Raise your arms, stretch them forward parallel to the floor. Turn your palms inward, facing each other. Shoulders and palms should be in line.

5. Stay in this position for 30-60 seconds.

6. Return to the starting position and repeat the exercise 2 times.

Exercise 27. Virabhadrasana (warrior pose)

1. Stand straight with feet together, thumbs and heels touching each other. Make sure that the weight of the body does not fall on the heels or toes, but on the center of the arch of the foot.

2. While inhaling, jump your legs apart at a distance of 120-130 cm and stretch your arms to the sides so that they are on the same level with your shoulders.

3. Turn your palms up, raise your hands up, join your palms and lower to chest level.

4. Take 1-2 deep breaths and short exhalations.

5. As you exhale, turn your right leg and torso to the right 90°, and your left foot slightly inward. Take 1 breath.

6. As you exhale, bend your right leg at the knee at an angle of 90 °.

7. Take your head back, look up.

8. Breathe evenly, stay in this position for 20 seconds.

9. Inhale, return to the starting position and repeat the exercise on the other side.


Virabhadrasana is contraindicated in high blood pressure, pregnancy and radiculitis of the lumbosacral spine.

Exercise 28. Virasana (hero pose)

1. Get down on your knees, keeping them together.

2. Spread your feet apart and turn them so that the soles look at the ceiling. Keep your toes and feet in a straight line as you stretch them back.

3. Spread your feet so that the distance between them is 30-45 cm. Lower your buttocks down until they touch the floor (not your heels!). Take 1-2 inhales and exhales.

4. Hold your buttocks so that they touch the floor. Now the inner surface of the calves will be adjacent to outer surface hips.

5. Turn your palms so that they are facing down and place them on your knees.

6. Keep your body weight on your hips - back straight.

7. Spread your chest, raise your head and look straight ahead.

8. Stay in this position for 1 minute, breathe freely.

9. Place your palms on the floor, lift your buttocks and connect your feet. Then straighten your legs. Repeat the exercise 2 times.

Exercise 29

1. Sit straight on the mat, stretch your legs forward. Keep your hips, knees, ankles and toes together. Stretch your toes towards the ceiling.

2. Keep both palms on the floor near your hips, point your fingers towards your feet.

3. Keep your elbows straight, chest up, neck and head upright and looking forward.

4. Stay in this position for 5 seconds, breathing freely and paying attention to the following:

- pressing the knees and hips to the floor, raise the waist;


Dandasana has a beneficial effect on the abdominal organs, stimulates the functioning of the lungs and bronchi.

- keep your back, buttocks and head on the same line perpendicular to the floor;

- straighten up;

- tighten your stomach.

Exercise 30

1. Sit up straight, stretch your legs forward. Keep your hips, knees, ankles and toes together. Stretch your toes towards the ceiling.

2. Bend your right knee and place your right heel near the right side of your groin. Pull your right knee back.

3. Keep your left leg straight. The angle between the legs should be obtuse.

4. Stretch both hands forward behind the left foot and grasp the wrist of the right hand with the left hand. Breathe slowly.

5. Inhale, stretch the spine.

6. Press your right knee down and lift your hips. There should be a 45° angle between the left leg and the body. Pull your head back. Breathing freely, hold this position for 15 seconds.

7. Exhale, tilt your body forward and rest your forehead on your left knee. Stay in this position for 30 seconds.

8. Inhale, raise your head and torso, return to the starting position.

Exercise 31

1. Get on your knees, connect your ankles.

2. Stretch your right leg to the right and keep it in line with your torso and left knee.

3. Turn the right foot to the right without bending the leg at the knee joint.

4. While inhaling, spread your arms to the sides, take 2 inhalations and exhalations.

5. Exhale, move the torso and right arm down to the outstretched right leg.

6. Place the right forearm on the right shin, the right hand on the ankle, palm up. Place your right ear on your right hand.


Parighasana develops flexibility, the vestibular apparatus, activates the activity of the adrenal glands and the endocrine system.

7. Place your left hand above your head and reach your right hand with your palm. In this case, the left ear will touch the upper part of the left hand.

8. Stay in this position for 30-60 seconds, breathe measuredly.

9. Inhale, spread your arms to the sides, bend your right leg, stand on both knees, bringing your ankles back together.

10. Repeat the exercise on the other side.


The word "aerobics" comes from the Greek aero, which means "air". And the definition of "aerobic" literally translates as "living in the air" or "using oxygen." Therefore, aerobics is a set of exercises in which breathing is combined with body movements.

When performing aerobic exercises, learn how to correctly combine the phases of breathing with movements. For example, when leaning forward, to the side or crouching, inhale, while straightening - exhale. Raising your hands up in front of you or spreading them to the sides - inhale, and lowering - exhale. Raising a leg or both legs in a prone position or taking them to the side, inhale, lowering - exhale. For self-control, spend the first few workouts in front of a mirror.

You should not get too carried away with aerobic exercises, since forced ventilation of the lungs helps to reduce the carbon dioxide content in the body. This leads to a drop in the tone of the respiratory center, which manifests itself in the form of dizziness, weakness and other unpleasant sensations. Complement intensive aerobic movements with a special breathing regimen with general strengthening exercises that are performed with voluntary breathing.


The aerobic complex is designed in such a way as to involve all muscle groups and body systems as far as possible.

Aerobic exercise is good for the human body as a whole. Exercise reduces the risk of cardiovascular diseases, have a beneficial effect on the state of the nervous system, stimulate protein, fat and water-salt metabolism. In a constantly exercising person, all metabolic processes, including hormonal ones, are accelerated, mood and resistance to various infectious diseases increase.

Basic rules for performing aerobics

The lesson must necessarily consist of the following phases:

- a warm-up, which is of great importance, since it warms up the muscles and causes an acceleration in the rate of heart contractions, at which the pulse gradually rises to a value corresponding to the aerobic phase. On average, the warm-up should last approximately 3-5 minutes;

- aerobic phase, the main purpose of which is to achieve a healing effect. The phase consists of those exercises that make up the aerobics complex;

- a hitch, during which you need to keep moving, but at a slow pace, in order to gradually reduce the heart rate. The phase should last 3-5 minutes.

After aerobic exercise, keep moving to keep your blood circulating. In no case should you stand still without moving, even when measuring your pulse. It is not recommended to sit down immediately after the end of classes. static position can lead to disruptions in the functioning of the cardiovascular system, since the blood flow slows down faster than the heart beats.

Distribution of load during exercise

A set of aerobic exercises must necessarily include a power load. This phase of training should last at least 10 minutes and include exercises that strengthen muscles and develop flexibility. These are exercises with weights of various types or power gymnastics (squats, push-ups, pull-ups).

Weight-bearing exercises increase bone strength, keep muscles and internal organs in constant tone, and improve cellular respiration.


If after a workout you feel nausea and dizziness, after a hitch, you need to lie on your back for several minutes, lifting your legs up.

The set of exercises below should be performed in strict sequence. In the first workouts, as soon as you feel tired, reduce the number of repetitions and the time of the exercise. Gradually bring the number of repetitions to the specified. In the future, a set of exercises can be performed in 3 sets. Start the complex at a slow pace, gradually increasing the speed.

A set of exercises

Exercise 1. Head rotation

2. Follow rotational movements head, tilting back and forth and left-right (towards the shoulders) for 1 minute. Breathing is arbitrary.

Exercise 2. Hand rotation

1. Stand straight, put your feet shoulder-width apart, lower your arms along the torso.

2. Rotate with straight arms, first forward and then back 10-12 times. During the exercise, keep your back straight, look in front of you. Breathing is arbitrary.

Exercise 3. Torso twists

1. Stand straight, put your feet shoulder-width apart, bend your arms at the elbow joints and raise them at chest level so that they are parallel to the floor.

2. Perform turns left and right (10 times in each direction), trying to turn back as much as possible.

3. When turning to the side, exhale, when returning to the starting position, inhale.

Exercise 4

1. Stand up straight, put your feet shoulder-width apart, raise your arms above your head.

2. Bend to the right and left (10-12 times in each direction).

3. When tilting to the side, exhale, when returning to the starting position, inhale.

Exercise 5

1. Stand straight, put your feet shoulder-width apart, put your hands on your belt.

2. Tilt back and forth (10-12 times in each direction). When leaning forward, touch the floor with your hands; when leaning back, try to bend as much as possible.

3. When bending, exhale, when returning to the starting position, inhale.

Exercise 6

1. Put your feet together, stand on your toes, put your hands on your belt.

2. Sit down, then rise, first resting your hands on the floor, and then raising them above your head. Stretch up as hard as you can. Breathing is arbitrary.

Exercise 7. Leg swings

1. Stand up straight, grab the support with one hand, put the other on the belt.

2. Perform leg swings with a bent knee back and forth and to the side (10-12 times in each direction). When swinging your leg, exhale, returning to the starting position - inhale.

3. Having finished the exercise, repeat the swings with the other leg.

Exercise 8. Squats

1. Stand straight, feet together, put your hands on your belt.

2. Do 10-12 squats. In this case, the back should remain straight. When squatting, exhale, when returning to the starting position, inhale.

Exercise 9. Straightening the legs

1. Sit on the edge of a chair, pull your legs up to your stomach, put your hands under your buttocks.

2. Straighten alternately one or the other leg, keeping your back straight. Perform 10-12 swings with each leg. Exhale as you straighten your leg, and inhale as you return to the starting position.

Leg straightening Exercise 10

1. Lie on your back on a hard flat surface(floor), heels together, arms loosely placed along the torso.

2. Lift your shoulders and legs off the floor at the same time, keeping your back straight.

3. At the beginning of the workout, you can help yourself with your hands, resting them on the floor. When lifting your shoulders and legs off the floor, inhale, when returning to the starting position, exhale.

4. Repeat the exercise 6-8 times.

Exercise 11

2. Raise your legs 10-15 cm from the floor, swing your legs, bringing them together and spreading them apart (right leg to the right, left leg to the left). Breathing is arbitrary.

3. Repeat the exercise 10-12 times.

Exercise 12

1. Lie on your back on a hard flat surface (floor), place your hands freely along the body.

2. Raise your legs 30-40 cm from the floor, bend them at the knees and perform foot movements reminiscent of pedaling on a bicycle. Breathing is arbitrary.

3. Perform the exercise for 2-3 minutes, gradually speeding up the pace.

Exercise "Bicycle" improves the functioning of the lungs, liver, spleen, stomach, pancreas and intestines, improves immunity, stabilizes arterial circulation.

Exercise 13

1. Lie on your side, put one hand under your head, the other on your thigh or, bending your elbow, on the floor.

2. Bend your knees at a 45° angle and raise them 10-15 cm off the floor. Breathing is arbitrary.

3. Repeat the exercise 10-12 times on each side.

Exercise 14

1. Get on all fours, lean on your knees and outstretched arms.

2. Stretch your right arm forward and lift your straightened left leg. Keep your left leg and right arm at the same level.

3. Pull the straightened arm forward and the raised leg back, stretching the spine. Breathing is arbitrary.

4. Repeat the exercise, changing the arm and leg.

Exercise 15

1. Get on your knees, put your hands on your belt, straighten your back, look straight ahead.

2. Sit down to the right, then to the left. When changing the sitting position to the original one (kneeling), do not help yourself with your hands, rise, straining the muscles of the legs. Breathing is arbitrary.

3. Repeat the exercise 10-12 times in each direction.

Exercise 16

1. Sit on the floor, bend your legs, connect your feet sole to sole.

2. Pull your feet towards your groin and hold your legs in this position behind your shins, keeping your back straight.

3. Lean forward, relax your legs and start moving your knees up and down.

4. Sit in this position for 2-3 minutes. Breathing is arbitrary.

Exercise 17

1. Stand straight, bend your elbows, put your right hand on your left shoulder, your left hand on your right shoulder.

2. Walk in place, try to raise your hips as high as possible. Inhale for each hip lift, exhale for each lowering.

3. Gradually increase the pace of walking.

4. Do the exercise for 2-3 minutes.

Exercise 18

1. Lie on your back, connect your heels, put your hands on the back of your head.

2. While inhaling, spread your arms to the sides, while exhaling, bring them back.

3. Perform the exercise 10 times.

Exercise 19

1. Lie on your back, put your hands along the torso.

2. Alternately bend your legs at the knee joints and bring them to your stomach as you exhale. Breathe in and straighten out.

Exercise 20

1. Lie on your back, lower your arms along the torso.

2. Raise your torso, bending thoracic region spine during inhalation and lowering during exhalation.

3. Repeat the exercise 10 times.

Exercise 21

1. Lie on your stomach, put one hand on the back of your head, the other on your chest.

2. Raise upper part body with your hands, while inhaling, lower, exhaling.

3. Repeat the exercise 10 times.

Exercise 22

1. Lie on your stomach, lower your arms along the torso, palms down.

2. Raise your legs alternately while lifting your torso, leaning on your hands and inhaling. When returning to the starting position, exhale.

Exercise 23

1. Lie on your side on the roller.

2. Throw your hands behind your head while inhaling, lower while exhaling.


Finish the set of exercises with a contrast shower.

3. Perform the exercise at a slow pace 4 times.

Oriental gymnastics

This is a set of exercises that not only strengthen the most important organs, blood vessels and the central nervous system, but also develop the joints and spine.

According to data obtained in the course of many studies, people who practice oriental gymnastics have a measured heartbeat and normal blood pressure. In addition, special physical exercise in combination with correct breathing strengthen the nervous system and stimulate the cerebral cortex. Training contributes to the restoration of all body systems, eliminating various disorders. As a result, the body is freed from a number of diseases, becoming healthier and more resilient.

A set of exercises

Exercises should be performed in strict sequence. If it is not indicated how to breathe at a particular stage of the exercise, you can do it arbitrarily. Try to perform each exercise carefully and correctly.

Exercise 1. Slow breathing

1. Stand straight, put your feet shoulder-width apart, feet parallel to each other, lower your arms along the body, look forward.

2. While inhaling, slowly raise your arms forward with your palms down so that your hands are slightly above your shoulders.

3. As you exhale, press the brushes down vertically to the level of the navel.

4. Return to the starting position. Repeat the exercise 6 times.

Exercise 2. "Lord of the Wind"

1. Stand up straight, bend your legs slightly at the knees.

2. While inhaling, raise the hands parallel to the floor forward to the level of the chest, while smoothly straightening the legs at the knees.


The exercise "Lord of the Wind" has a beneficial effect on the nervous system, strengthens the muscles of the back and hips, improves posture, and prevents diseases of the uterus and ovaries in women and the prostate gland in men.

3. Palms pointing down, turn to each other and spread apart in both directions.

4. As you exhale, bring the separated hands horizontally forward, connecting them in front of the chest, and turn your palms down, as if pressing them, bend your knees again.

Exercise 3. "Dance"

1. Stand straight, bend your knees, lower your arms along the body.

2. While inhaling, raise the hands to the level of the chest, slightly straightening the knees.

3. Raise your hands above your head, straighten your arms with palms forward.

4. Transfer the center of gravity to the right leg, bend it slightly and touch the floor with the entire foot.

5. Straighten your left leg, while lifting your heel off the floor and touching the floor with your toe.

6. Pull the left hand to the left, lowering the hand to shoulder level with the palm up.

7. Bend your right arm at the elbow and raise your hand to the top of your head, palm down. Move the body to the right.

8. As you exhale, transfer the center of gravity to the left leg, bend it slightly and touch the floor with the whole foot.

9. Straighten your right leg, while lifting your heel off the floor and touching the floor with your toe.

10. Pull the right hand to the right, lowering the hand to the horizontal with the palm up.

11. Bend your left hand at the elbow, raise it to the top of your head with your palm down. Move the body to the left.

12. Repeat the exercise 6 times.

Exercise 4

1. Stand up straight. Stretch the right hand to the right, lowering the hand to the horizontal with the palm up. Bend your left arm at the elbow, raising the hand to the top of the head, palm down. Move the body to the left.

2. While inhaling, mentally transfer the center of gravity to a point in the middle between the feet.

3. Point the palm of your left hand up.

4. Raise your right hand, cross your arms over the top of your head. In this case, the palms should be directed upwards.

5. As you exhale, turn your hands palms down, lower your arms through your sides and cross them in front of bottom belly. In this case, the right palm should be on top.

6. Bend your knees.

7. While inhaling, raise your arms out to the sides, palms out, and cross them over your head.

8. Straighten your knees.

9. Repeat the exercise 6 times.

Exercise 5. "Weaving silk"

1. Stand up straight. Bend both arms at the elbow joints, lift above the crown and cross. In this case, both palms should be directed upwards.

2. As you exhale, release your hands, lower your arms and cross your hands in front of your lower abdomen.


During the exercise "Weaving Silk" concentrate on the movements of the hands and on the spine.

3. While inhaling, stretch your left hand forward with the palm up.

4. Draw the right hand to the right past the lower abdomen to the waist, then draw back, lower and raise, describing an even arc. Turn your body to the right as you move your hand.

5. As you exhale, bend your left arm at the elbow and stretch it forward.

6. Move your left hand horizontally to your chest. While moving, squeeze the brush into a fist.

7. While inhaling, continue moving the left hand back, moving it down, back and up. Rotate your body to the left.

8. As you exhale, bend your left arm at the elbow, move your hand forward.

9. Move the right hand horizontally to the chest, while clenching the brush into a fist.

Exercise 6. "Canoe"

1. This exercise continues the previous one, so its starting position is the final position of the Silk Weaving exercise.

2. While inhaling, straighten and raise your arms in front of you.

3. Exhale as you bend your torso forward.

4. Hands, without bending, lower down and move back in an arc to the limit.

5. While inhaling, straighten the body, straight arms with palms facing forward, raise in an arc forward and up above your head.

Exercise 7

1. Stand straight, straight arms with palms facing forward, lift up above your head.

2. As you exhale, lower your arms down.

3. Leave the left hand in the same position, with the right hand continue to move to the left shoulder. In this case, direct the palm along the line of motion up and slightly to the left.

4. When the hand is against the left shoulder, inhale and perform a pulling movement. At the same time, shift the center of gravity to the left foot and rest the toe of the right foot on the floor.


When performing oriental gymnastics exercises, follow the principle of gradualness: start small, slowly increasing the load.

5. Turn the right hand palm down and slightly to the right, lower your hand as you exhale.

6. Transfer the center of gravity to the right foot, resting on the floor with the toe and lifting the heel.

7. Leave the right hand motionless, and with the left, move to the right shoulder.

8. When the hand is against the right shoulder, inhale and perform a pulling movement.

9. Simultaneously with the exhalation, return the left hand down to the left side.

10. Repeat the exercise 6 times.

Exercise 8. Stretching the spine

1. Get on all fours, bend your knees, straighten your arms.

2. Exhale, arch your back up, lower your head, tighten your neck and buttocks.

Spinal stretch

3. Return to the starting position, inhale, then exhale, bending at the waist and lifting your head up. 4. Repeat the exercise 10-12 times.


Stretching the spine is like stretching a cat. Watch how this animal stretches sweetly and slowly, and try to repeat.

Exercise 9

1. Stand up straight, lower your arms along the torso.

2. While inhaling, raise your arms to the left to chest level, stretch your arms to the side, take them to your chest and lift them up. At the same time, turn the body to the left and, simultaneously with the movement of the hands, move the head to the left, straight (starting position) and up.

3. Exhale and lower your arms.

4. While inhaling, raise your hands to the right to chest level, stretch to the side, take them to your chest and lift them up. At the same time, turn the body to the right and move your head to the right, straight and up.

5. Exhale as you lower your arms. Repeat the exercise 6 times.

Exercise 10

1. Stand straight, bend your arms at the elbows, lower them to the sides with your palms up so that the hands are at the level of the waist.

2. Squeeze your hands into fists, pull back the elbow of your left hand, while turning the body to the left.

3. Squeeze the right hand into a fist, unclench and with force, but smoothly push the open palm forward.

4. As you exhale, squeeze both hands into fists, place them at your sides, open your fists so that the palm is pointing up.

5. Pull back the elbow of the right hand, turn the body to the right.

6. Unclench your left fist and with force, but smoothly push your open palm forward.

7. As you exhale, clench your hands into fists and place them at your sides at waist level, palms up.

8. Repeat the exercise 6 times.

Exercise 11

1. Stand straight, feet shoulder-width apart, join your palms at chest level.

2. While inhaling, separate your hands, turn your left hand with the palm inward.

3. Point the right hand forward and lower it to the level of the navel.

4. As you exhale, raise your right hand to eye level, turning your palm inward.

5. Lower your left hand to the level of the navel (the palm should be turned to the right).

6. Repeat the exercise 6 times.

Exercise 12

1. Stand straight, move your left leg forward half a step, tilt your body forward. Raise your right hand to eye level, turning your palm towards your body. Lower your left hand to the level of the navel, turning the palm to the right.


The exercise "Quenching Thirst" normalizes the functions of the respiratory organs, improves the blood supply to the organs, and alleviates the condition with pleurisy and pulmonary tuberculosis.

2. Cross your arms in front of your knees, straighten up and tilt your body back.

3. Inhale, raise your crossed arms above your head.

4. Exhale deeply, straighten and spread your arms to the sides, turning your palms towards each other.

5. Repeat the exercise 6 times.

Exercise 13

1. Stand up straight, put your right foot back half a step. Bend your arms at the elbows, join your palms in front of your chest.

2. With the heel of your extended left foot, rest on the floor and lift your toes.

3. As you exhale, transfer the center of gravity of the body to the left leg, rest the entire sole on the floor. At the same time, move the body slightly forward, touch the ground with the toes of the right foot, and lift the heel.

5. Repeat the exercise 6 times.

Exercise 14

1. Stand straight, put your right foot back, lift the heel of your left foot, spread your arms to the sides horizontally at shoulder level.

2. As you exhale, transfer the center of gravity to the foot of the left foot and lift the heel of the right.

3. Bring your hands together in front of your chest.

Exercise 15

1. Stand straight, put your feet shoulder-width apart, clench your hands into fists and place them on the side of your lower back, pulling your elbows back.

2. As you exhale, make a sharp lunge with your right arm and leg.

3. While inhaling, return them to their original position.

4. As you exhale, lunge with your left arm and leg and return them to their original position as you inhale.

5. Repeat the exercise 6 times.

Exercise 16

1. Stand up straight, spread your legs as wide as possible, spread your socks to the sides, sit down slightly, leaving your back straight.

2. Bend your arms at the elbow joints, clench your hands into fists and move your fists to the lower back.

3. While inhaling, open your fists, stretch your arm slightly forward, raise your hands with fingers pointing towards each other to eye level.


Exercise "Calming the energy of qi" improves the functioning of the endocrine glands, normalizes the functions of the genital organs and respiratory system improves blood circulation.

4. As you exhale, turn your hands palms down and lower in front of the lower abdomen, clench your hands into fists and move them to the lower back.

5. Repeat the exercise 6 times.

Exercise 17


2. Move your right foot to the left, pointing the toe in the same direction, tilt the body in the same direction.

3. Lower your right hand down.

4. Put the toe of the left foot perpendicular to the foot of the right foot.

5. Raise your left hand up, turn your head up.

6. Hands should form a straight line.

7. Maintain body position for 1 minute, breathe slowly and deeply.

8. Return to the starting position and repeat the exercise on the other side.

Japanese gymnastics

This gymnastics is a set of exercises that arose on the basis of karate-do. All exercises at first glance seem quite simple, from such movements consists of any traditional charging. However, the exercise technique is special: the load on the muscles is created due to tonic tension and does not require any additional weights.

Depending on the difficulty, the exercises last from 10 to 90 seconds.

Japanese gymnastics allows not only to maintain muscle tone, but also relaxes, restores and heals without special massage, strengthens ligaments and tendons well.

Basic rules for performing Japanese gymnastics exercises

The main rule that allows you to successfully perform all the exercises of this type of gymnastics is the ability to concentrate on internal sensations, to feel your body.


Japanese gymnastics strengthens muscles, ligaments and bones, thereby reducing the risk of injury.

During the exercises, try to breathe evenly, deeply and evenly, at a slightly slower pace.

Do the exercises in the order in which they are given. If after this or that exercise there is a desire to stretch or perform an exercise from another complex, you can do it, since Japanese gymnastics is easily combined with others. sports complexes.

A set of exercises

Perform gymnastics for a few minutes in the morning or evening. Do the exercise until you feel trembling in the muscles. Return to the starting position slowly, without sudden movements. If you feel pain in the muscles, relax them and massage.

Spend the next day training these muscles Special attention, reducing exercise time to a minimum, but do not interrupt training.

In the first workouts, as soon as you feel tired, reduce the exercise time.

Gradually bring the run time to the specified and increase the number of repetitions.

Exercise 1. "Rainbow Encounter"

1. Stand straight, put your feet shoulder-width apart, lower your arms along the torso.

2. While inhaling, raise your hands to shoulder level with your palms up and, holding your breath, tighten your abs.

3. Exhale, lower your hands with your palms down.

4. Repeat the exercise 10 times.

Exercise 2. "Month"

1. Stand straight, move your left leg to the left, turning the toe to the left too, bend at the knee joint. Straighten your right leg, rest your toe on the floor, tearing your heel off it. Turn the body to the left and tilt, leaving your back straight. Place both hands on your left knee.


Exercise "Month" perform in front of a mirror to check the correct posture.

2. Raise both hands and pull to the left, joining your palms, lift your leg, turn your head to the left.

3. Maintain the body position for 1 minute, then slowly return to the starting position and repeat the exercise on the other side.

Exercise 3. "Swimmer"

1. Stand straight, connect your heels, lower your arms along the body.

2. Bend your knees as if you were sitting on a chair.

3. Lean forward slightly, raise your arms up parallel to each other, tighten your hands, turn your palms towards each other.

4. Keep the position of the body until you feel tension in the muscles of the legs and arms.


5. Return to the starting position and repeat the exercise 4 times. Exercise 4. "Ball"

1. Stand straight, push your left leg forward, bend it at the knee joint, spread your arms to the sides.

2. Imagine that you have a ball in your hands that deflates when pressed.


For greater effect, before performing the “Ball” exercise, stretch up from a standing position and do a light self-massage of the lower back.

3. Press down on the imaginary ball with your hands, tensing the muscles of your arms and chest and gradually deflating the ball.

4. Imagine that the balloon is gradually inflating. Start slowly spreading your arms to the sides, first tensing the muscles of the hands, then the forearms, and then the shoulders.

5. Return to the starting position and repeat the exercise 6-8 times. Increase the exercise time to 5 minutes.

Exercise 5. "Bridge"

1. Lie on your back, lift your lower back and buttocks off the floor, arching your back. At the same time, press the feet and hands to the floor, strain the front surface of the thighs.


2. Try to bring your fingers as close as possible to the heels.

3. Contract the muscles with which you delay urination 2 times.

3. Get down on the floor and repeat the exercise 10 times.

Exercise 6

1. Sit on the floor, bend your legs at the knee joints and connect them, rest your hands on the floor.

2. Raise your shins parallel to the floor so that your knees remain together.

3. Raise your arms to chest level and stretch them forward.

4. Inhale slowly, then return your legs and arms to the starting position.

5. Exhale and repeat the exercise 10 times.

Exercise 7. Stretching

1. Squat down.

2. Bend your arms at the elbows and press your forearms to the floor so that the hands are parallel to each other.


Stretching has a positive effect on the cardiovascular system and respiratory organs, strengthens the muscles of the back, and stimulates the activity of the liver and adrenal glands.

3. Spread your knees to the sides as wide as possible, trying to touch inside floor thighs.

4. Hold the position for 90 seconds, return to the starting position and repeat the exercise 4 times.

Exercise 8. "Bow"

1. Stand straight, feet shoulder-width apart, arms lowered along the torso.

2. Lean forward, rest your hands on the floor with both hands.

3. Lift the heels of both legs off the floor, stretch your tailbone up, and your chest to your knees.

4. Maintain this position for 30 seconds, then return to the starting position and repeat the exercise 4 times.


Iyengar Yoga

This type of yoga originated in India. Its popularity is explained by the fact that exercises have a beneficial effect on both the body and the human soul. Regular classes Iyengar yoga can significantly improve health, get rid of mental disorders and achieve inner harmony.

A set of exercises

It is recommended to perform the exercises in the order in which they are given. Their uniqueness lies in their accessibility. Yoga Iyengar has no age and level restrictions physical training. Even after you have done all the exercises, you will not feel very tired, because this complex built on the alternation of tension and relaxation.

Assume a meditation posture before class. To do this, sit on the floor, keep your back straight, bend your legs at the knee joints and pull them to the pelvis (one foot above the other). Turn your palms up and put on your knees, breathe evenly and calmly. This pose allows not only to feel peace, but also to tune in to the implementation of the entire complex.

Exercise 1. Touching the knees

1. Sit on the floor, bend your knees, lower your hips to your heels.


Touching the knees has a beneficial effect on the activity of the gastric tract.

2. Bend over, touch the floor with your forehead, straighten your arms forward.

3. Relax the muscles of the whole body and stay in this position for a few minutes. Breathe naturally, without strain.

Exercise 2. Emphasis with palms

1. Lie face down on the floor, arms bent at the elbows, palms resting on the floor near the chest.

2. Focusing on the palms, straighten your arms. Bending back, stretch the top of your head up.

3. Feel how the back muscles are stretched, breathing is arbitrary.

Exercise 3. Twisting

1. From the end position of exercise 2, do slow crunches looking over your shoulder and trying to see both heels.

2. Perform such twisting 7 times in each direction.

3. Lower your body and catch your breath.

Exercise 4. Raise the pelvis

1. Lying on the floor face down, rest your palms on the floor and lift your pelvis, first resting on your knees, and then straightening your legs.

2. The palms and feet should rest on the floor, while the arms and body form a straight line, the legs are straightened.

3. Stay in this position for 5 full breaths.

Exercise 5. Jumping

1. From the end position of exercise 4, perform a light jump to the hands. Bend your legs slightly at the knee joints, place your hands in line with your heels.

2. Slowly straighten your legs and press your body against your legs. If you can't put your hands on the floor, you can touch it with your fingertips.

3. Repeat the exercise 4 times.

Exercise 6. Twisting Leg Raise

1. Sit on the floor, straighten your legs.

2. Pull the right leg to the stomach and perform twisting, while turning the body to the right.

3. Perform 5 twists in each direction.

Exercise 7

1. Sit on the floor, straighten your legs forward.


2. Slowly bend forward, rest your stomach on your hips, pull your hands to your toes.

3. Repeat the exercise 8 times.

Exercise 8

1. Stand straight, feet together, feet parallel to each other.

2. Inhale and raise your arms up, move your head back, bend the body back as much as possible from the neck to the shoulder blades.

3. Hold this position for as long as you can and reverse the movement as you exhale.

Exercise 9

1. Place your feet shoulder-width apart and bend them slightly at the knees.

2. Place your palms on your thighs slightly above your knees with your fingers inward.

3. Relax your back, transfer the main emphasis to your hands.

4. In this position, retract and protrude the stomach with a maximum amplitude of 10 times.

Exercise 10

1. Stand straight, put your feet shoulder-width apart, feet parallel to each other, lower your arms along the body.

2. Inhale and quickly lean forward, while the arms should hang freely down.

3. Imagine you are lifting a heavy barbell. Straining all the muscles of the body, unbend the body, as if performing a barbell lift.

4. Do not bend your arms at the elbows, focus on the extension of the spine.

5. Straighten up, hold for a few seconds in this position, then sharply open your fingers and relax your whole body.

6. Repeat the exercise 4 times.

Exercise 11

1. Stand up straight, put your feet together, fold your palms at heart level.

2. Inhale slowly, then exhale slowly, while drawing in the stomach, tilting the head and pressing the chin to the chest.

3. Hold this position, then relax your muscles, straighten your head and inhale.

4. Repeat the exercise 6 times.

Yoga is an ancient system of healing and self-knowledge. Many modern methods of development and improvement are based on the knowledge of yoga. In this article I want to offer effective exercises, regular execution which ensures the coordinated work of the whole organism and, with constant practice, replaces exercises for the abdominal muscles, many of which are a strong load on the spine.

These practices are done on an empty stomach, so the morning is the best time to practice, but you can choose another time, provided that the stomach is empty. These are the so-called internal locks - in yoga they are called bandhas (in translation it means “hold”, “restrain”, “bind”). On physical level there is a soft massage, tone and cleansing of internal organs, stagnant processes of blood and lymph are eliminated, which improves general health organism. At the energy level, bandhas allow you to accumulate and consciously redirect energy within the body. There are four locks in total: three of them are not tied to breathing and have practically no contraindications. The fifth exercise is the same locks, only in dynamics.

Root lock (mula bandha)

To perform this exercise, you need to strongly compress the pelvic area, perineum, anus, as if you are delaying urination. The abdomen and buttocks do not tense up, only internal muscles. The easiest option to create the necessary effort is in the toilet, temporarily delay the process of urination, and you will immediately understand which muscles are included in the work (you don’t need to do this regularly, only in the form of a test). Mula bandha improves blood circulation in the pelvic area, prevents prolapse, incontinence, stagnant processes (which is especially important in our time of a sedentary lifestyle for many).

There are two modes of root lock execution:

  • Dynamic. We strongly compress these muscles, then completely release, but without strain. You can imagine that you raise the elevator to the last floor, then lower it to the first.
  • Static. Muscles are compressed and kept in good shape for a certain amount of time. I recommend not only in the morning, but also during the day to practice both options: for example, ten times - dynamics (squeezed and released) and ten accounts - statics (pulled up and held).

The number of approaches depends on motivation, at least five times a day, remember this exercise and perform it in any position of the body - lying, sitting, standing. Great option- do it in transport, in line, instead of languishing with boredom and annoyance. It should be noted that the pelvic floor muscles can be weakened after pregnancy, certain diseases, and due to some physiological features. In this case, it is recommended to train lying down, and over time you will feel the strength of these muscles.

In addition to the physiological effect of moola bandha, it increases energy levels and enhances attractiveness.

Neck lock (jalandhara bandha)

It is necessary to pull the chin to the collarbones, stretching the top of the head up. This stabilizes intracranial pressure. This exercise should also be performed if the head is spinning. On an energetic level, this lock helps to cope with stress and anxiety.

Tongue Lock (Nabho Bandha)

Press the tip of the tongue against the upper palate just behind the teeth. This allows you to prevent energy dissipation and work with attention. Practice this lock often throughout the day. Especially if you feel that you can say too much.

Abdominal lock (uddiyana bandha)

This is the fourth lock that has contraindications - pregnancy, critical days, acute diseases of the abdominal organs, and is performed while holding the breath after exhalation along with the rest of the bandhas.

Technique. We exhale completely, hold our breath and, without tension of the abdominal muscles, pull the stomach under the ribs, it turns out to be concave inward, like a deep plate. At the same time, the ribs expand, the diaphragm rises, as during inhalation, but no air enters, and due to the vacuum in the abdominal cavity, the abdomen is drawn up and back. Simultaneously with the retraction of the abdomen, we squeeze the muscles of the pelvic floor, press the chin to the collarbones and hold the tip of the tongue in the upper palate. When you want to inhale (breath holding is comfortable), first gently let go of the stomach, then the chin, and keep the root lock in good shape throughout the entire inhalation.

In this exercise, a powerful massage and cleansing of the internal organs occurs, with regular practice it promotes weight loss and tone of the abdominal muscles.

Body position options:

  • lying on your back (especially if the pelvic floor muscles are still weak and you cannot keep them in good shape while holding your breath and during inspiration);
  • On knees;
  • sitting (this is the most difficult option, you should move on to it when you have mastered the retraction of the abdomen);
  • standing, legs bent, hands resting on the hips.

Technique. We exhale, hold our breath and tighten the muscles of the pelvic floor, the stomach under the ribs, press the chin to the collarbones, keep the tip of the tongue in the upper sky behind the teeth. When you want to inhale, let go of the stomach, chin, keep the pelvic floor in good shape.


Thus, the first morning ritual is the inner locks.

Belly wave (agnisara-dhauti)

In fact, these are the same locks, but the abdominal one is performed in dynamics - while holding the breath, we retract the stomach and release it without tension of the abdominal muscles. This creates an even more powerful massage of the internal organs. Contraindications are the same - pregnancy, critical days, acute diseases of the abdominal cavity.

Technique. We exhale completely, hold our breath, tighten the muscles of the pelvic floor, press the chin to the collarbones, the tip of the tongue in the upper palate, pull in the stomach and release a comfortable number of times. When you want to inhale, we fix the last retraction for a second and release the stomach, raise the chin, the root lock remains in good shape during inhalation. The body position is similar - lying down, especially if the pelvic floor muscles are weak, on all fours, sitting (only if the exercises are well mastered), standing with support on the hips.

Times: up to 30 - with a fragile physique, 100 or more - with a normal and dense.

For a better understanding of these techniques, watch this video:

There is another powerful practice, which in yoga is called nauli. It is worth starting it only if the bandhas and the belly wave are well mastered. I will definitely write about this exercise in a separate article. In the meantime, practice your morning health rituals and be happy!

Due to a sedentary lifestyle and lack of exercise, fat often accumulates on the hips and buttocks, and the muscles lose their tone and become flabby. And that makes us feel unattractive. But don't worry! In yoga, there are several simple asanas, especially for strengthening and tightening the hips and buttocks - this is yoga for beginners at home. The proper combination of diet and yoga will remove fat from these problem areas.

1. Utkatasana

Also Known As - Chair Pose

Benefits - This asana stimulates the muscles of the legs, especially the thighs and buttocks. Sitting in a chair is easy, but not in an imaginary chair when you use your muscles to support your body weight. You use your body weight to tighten the muscles in your hips and pelvis. This not only tones and trains the legs, but also acts as a general strengthening exercise, that is, it is yoga to strengthen the muscles.

How to do it - Stand straight in Tadasana position. Gently bend your knees and lower your pelvis as if you were sitting in an imaginary chair. Inhale and stretch your arms above your head. Hold this position for a few seconds, remembering to breathe evenly. Straighten up.

Note - Listen to your body. If you are just a beginner, go as low as you can, but gradually increase the depth. Once you feel comfortable in the pose, sway a little to increase the intensity of the exercise and stretch the muscles.

2. Virabhadrasana II

Also Known As - Hero Pose II

Benefits - This asana definitely works the entire legs, but especially the inner thighs. This pose may seem simple at first, but it actually engages muscles that are not often used in Everyday life. The best thing about it is that you work both legs in different ways at the same time, so more different movements are involved in this asana. muscle groups- what you need for people who want to learn how to pump up the ass.

How to do it - Spread your legs slightly wider than your hips. Turn your right foot outward, use your left foot to keep your balance. The middle of the left foot should be in line with the right foot. Lower your pelvis and turn around chest, spreading your arms so that they form one straight line with your shoulders. Look forward and make sure that the pose is performed correctly. Breathe slowly and strongly while doing this, then relax. Repeat for the other side.

Note - For best results work on stretching, lower the pelvis as low as possible. Make sure the posture is balanced and collected.

3. Natarajasana

Also Known As - Dance King Pose

Benefits - This graceful pose stimulates and stretches the hip flexors. The muscles of both internal and outside. This asana strengthens the lower body as you have to balance on one leg. From the pelvis to the feet, every muscle is tensed and stretched. The hips open and all the energy blocked in the legs is released. Blood circulation improves, which means a surge of oxygen and nutrients to them.

How to perform - Stand in Tadasana position. Raise your right leg and bring it back so that your thigh is parallel to the floor. Bend your knee, grab your right foot with your right hand and understand. When you take a stable position, stretch your left hand forward. The palm can be kept straight or Gyan Mudra can be performed. Look at the fingers of your left hand. Hold the pose for a few seconds while taking long, deep breaths. Repeat for the other side.

4. Ushtrasana

Also Known As - Camel Pose

Benefits - This asana perfectly opens up your pectoral muscles and hip flexors. It also tones all parts of the body, especially the thighs. This asana works the front of the body so that the muscles of the front of the thighs get a great stretch and stimulation.

How to do it - Sit in the Vajrasana pose. Raise your pelvis and torso so that your calves and thighs are at right angles. Open your chest and bend back. Extend your arms well and touch your palms to your feet. Gently tilt your head back. While holding the pose, breathe slowly and deeply. Relax.

5. Upavishtha Konasana

Also Known As - Sitting Angle

Benefits - This asana works great on the upper part of your legs. Besides being a great stretch, it also brings attention to the inner thighs, which is often overlooked. Increases strength and flexibility.

How to do it - Sit in Dandasana. Spread your legs as wide as you can. Then stretch your arms between them. If you are flexible enough, bend your body and try to touch your head to the floor. If not, bend your elbows and relax your neck so that your head hangs down freely. Take a few breaths, then slowly return to the starting position and move your legs.

6. Janu Shirshasana

Also Known As - Head on Knee Pose

Benefits - Janu Shirshasana helps to develop flexibility in the hips and pelvic joints. It stretches the muscles and improves blood circulation. This allows you to nourish the muscles and maintain health in this area. This asana also helps to strengthen the legs and is good for buttock enlargement.

How to do it - Get into Dandasana. Bend your left knee so that your left foot is under your right thigh. Stretch your arms up, bend your body and stretch your hands towards your right foot. Breathe in with your belly. Hold this position, then repeat with the other leg. Although this asana is supposed to touch your head to your knee, it is more important that your back stays straight throughout the exercise.

7. Baddha Konasana

Also Known As - Shoemaker Pose, Butterfly Pose, Bound Angle Pose

Benefits - This asana is a great way to open up the hips. This expands the range of motion of the pelvic joints. Stretches and tones the inner thighs, promotes muscle health. This asana works the hips and pelvis and literally works wonders there.

How to do it - Sit on a gym mat with your legs extended. Bend them at the knees, bring your feet to the center. Connect the soles and straighten your back. Grab your feet with your palms. Now push your knees to the floor as hard as you can. Hold the pose for a few seconds, then relax.

8. Malasana

Also Known As - Garland Pose

Benefits - Malasana is another pose that has an immediate effect on the leg muscles, especially the hips and pelvis. It improves blood circulation and stretches the surrounding tissues, ideal for elastic buttocks. It opens the hips and strengthens the muscles, making them strong and flexible.

How to do it - Squat down, but keep your feet together and your buttocks off the floor. If you feel more comfortable, you can rise on your toes. Join your palms in front of you, rest your elbows on your knees. Then try to spread your legs with your elbows as much as you can. Hold the pose for at least three breaths, then relax.

9. Navasana

Also Known As - Naukasana, Boat Pose

Benefits - If you practice this asana regularly, it will affect not only your body, i.e. organs, nerves, bones and muscles, it will penetrate to the very center of your being. When you need to balance your entire body weight on your buttocks, your entire being begins to flutter. But here, you apply strength and perseverance, and after a few seconds of concentration, you reach the goal. Asana has a great effect on blood circulation, and also stretches the legs well.

How to do it - Sit in Dandasana. Then lift straight legs off the floor. When you get your balance, lift your arms off the floor and stretch them out in front of you. Try to make the top and bottom of the body form a "V". Take deep and long breaths. Then relax.

10. Salabhasana

Also Known As - Locust Pose, Grasshopper Pose

Benefit - It effective exercise from yoga, aimed at getting rid of fat from the hips and buttocks, it also works out many other parts of the body. Strengthens the legs and improves blood flow so the lower body stays strong, flexible and healthy.

How to do it - Lie on your stomach and lift your legs off the gym mat, starting at your hips. Stretch your arms back and also lift your chest. Raise your chin and look ahead.

Hold the pose for a few breaths before lowering yourself to the floor.

11. Setu Bandhasana

Also Known As - Bridge Pose

Benefits - This asana improves blood circulation. Stimulating the muscles in this way brings them into tone, while opening up and releasing internal energy.

How to do it - Lie on your back and bend your knees. Gently lift your pelvis and back up. Straighten your shoulders and stretch your arms so that you reach your feet. Breathe slowly and deeply. Hold the pose for a few seconds, then relax.

12. Ananda Balasana

Our expert: Tatyana Dudina, yoga instructor, yoga therapist, teacher of the TV channel "Live!", Leading trainer of the international project "Yoga & Seychelles" -

Why yoga is good for women

After starting the practice, many women, at first with surprise, and then with delight, notice positive changes in their well-being. After a course of yoga therapy, it is quite possible to normalize the cycle, reduce the intensity of menstrual pain, smooth out the manifestations of PMS, and even stop taking hormonal drugs regularly. For healthy women, yoga helps maintain and maintain their reproductive health.

Everything in our body is interconnected: organs, tissues, joints and muscles. Yogis have long understood (and physiologists have proven) that by influencing the muscles in a certain way, we can also influence the internal organs. The mechanism of this effect is quite simple. The muscles, ligaments and joints of our body have sensitive nerve endings, through which we feel our body. These same nerve connections play an important role in maintaining the health of internal organs.

Important information about women's health: if you do not lead a sufficiently mobile lifestyle, the pelvic region will be in a state of stimulation deficiency, and this will have a negative impact on the condition of the internal organs of the small pelvis. What can be done? There are a number of postures in yoga that the best way affect the muscles in that area.

Baddha Konasana - Bound Angle Pose

Technique: sitting on the floor, put your feet together with the soles to each other, pull them towards you and try to lower your hips to the floor. Straighten the spine, pay attention to the lower back - it should not be rounded, the gaze is directed in front of you. If you can't lower your hips, put a rolled-up blanket under your buttocks: find a position that is comfortable for you, in which the hips do not experience tension. The duration of holding the pose depends on your state of health and the level of stretching: on average, 3-5 breath cycles (1 cycle: inhale-exhale).

Depending on the state of the joints, flexibility, the monthly cycle of a woman, it is possible to perform various kinds this asana (against a wall, with a yoga bolster and a yoga strap, lying on a bolster or yoga mat). This pose is recommended during pregnancy: you can try the described version or choose the right one with a yoga teacher.

Effect: improves mobility hip joints, relieves tension in the pelvic area, normalizes the menstrual cycle, promotes the proper functioning of the ovaries.

Trikonasana - triangle pose

Technique: in a standing position, legs apart, stretch your arms to the sides, palms pointing down. Turn your right foot 90⁰, wrap your left foot inward. Tilt the body to the right, stretch your left hand vertically upwards, and lower your right hand to the floor or to a support (see photo). Expand upper arm and chest towards the ceiling, do not pinch the right side. Try to calm your breathing, watch your inhalation and exhalation.

The duration of holding the pose depends on your well-being and the level of stretching: 3-5 breath cycles. Slowly return to the starting position. Do the same on the other side.

Effect: relieves stiffness in the hip joints, has a positive psycho-emotional effect during stress, depression.

Virasana - Hero Pose

Technique: kneel, then slowly sit between the heels, feet pointing up, located on both sides of the pelvis. Stretch your crown up, stretching your spine, open your chest. Breathe calmly and evenly. Performing classical Virasana requires a good stretch of the hip joints, so for starters, you can sit on a roller or a folded blanket. Stay in the pose for 3-5 breaths. Warning: Do not do Virasana if you have knee problems!

It is possible to perform Virasana during pregnancy in different variations, but under the supervision of a trainer. Depending on the state of the joints, flexibility, monthly cycle, women do one or another version of the pose (with a yoga roller, sitting on a support, lying on a roller or yoga mat) and determine the holding time for themselves.

Effect: stretches the muscles of the thighs and perineum, improves digestion.