A test that determines the level of physical fitness. Physical fitness assessment - tests for women

Ecology of health: With the help of these tests you will be able to independently determine your physical fitness and draw up a training program ...

How to create an individual training program

With the help of these tests, you will be able to independently determine your physical fitness and draw up a training program.

When determining physical fitness use a calculator, when compiling an individual training program - an adder and a dispenser.

Calculator physical condition designed for a comprehensive assessment of the functionality of the cardio- vascular system and physical fitness according to the CONTREX-2 scoring system (express control).

The CONTREX-2 system was developed by Russian scientists S.A. Dushanin, E.A. Pirogova and L.Ya. Ivashchenko (1984), they created several diagnostic systems for primary (KONTREKS-3), current (KONTREKS-2) and self-monitoring (KONTREKS-1).

Indicators for determining the level of physical condition according to the CONTREX-2 system are given below.

CONTREX-2 includes 11 indicators and tests, which are evaluated as follows:

1. Age. Each year of life gives 1 point. For example, at the age of 50, 50 points are awarded, and so on.

2. Body weight. Normal weight is estimated at 30 points. For each kilogram in excess of the norm, calculated according to the following formulas, 5 points are deducted:

men: 50 + (height - 150)x0.75 + (age - 21) / 4

women: 50 + (height - 150)x0.32 + (age - 21) / 5

For example, a 50-year-old man with a height of 180 cm has a body weight of 85 kg, and normal mass body will be:

50 + (180 - 150) x 0.75 + (50 - 21) / 4 = 80 kg.

For exceeding the age limit by 5 kg, 5x5 = 25 points are deducted from the total points.

3. Blood pressure. Normal arterial pressure is worth 30 points. For every 5 mm Hg. Art. systolic or diastolic pressure above the calculated values ​​determined by the formula below, 5 points are subtracted from the total amount:

men: ADsist. = 109 + 0.5 x age + 0.1 x body weight;
ADdiast. \u003d 74 + 0.1 x age + 0.15 x body weight;

women: ADsist. \u003d 102 + 0.7 x age + 0.15 x body weight;
ADdiast. = 78 + 0.17 x age + 0.1 x body weight.

For example, a 50-year-old man with a body weight of 85 kg has a blood pressure of 150/90 mm Hg. Art.

The age norm of systolic pressure is:

109 + 0.5 x 50 + 0.1 x 85 = 142.5 mmHg Art.

Norm of diastolic pressure:

74 + 0.1 x 50 + 0.15 x 85 = 92 mmHg Art.

For exceeding the norm of systolic pressure by 7 mm Hg. Art. 5 points are subtracted from the total.

4. Pulse at rest. For each hit less than 90, one point is awarded. For example, a pulse of 70 per minute gives 20 points. With a pulse of 90 and above, points are not awarded.

5. Flexibility. Standing on a step with legs straightened at the knees, a forward lean is performed with a touch of the mark below or above the zero point (it is at the level of the feet) and maintaining the pose for at least 2 seconds. Each centimeter below the zero point, equal to or greater than the age norm given for men and women in Table. 1, is estimated at 1 point, if the standard is not met, points are not awarded. The test is taken three times in a row, and is counted best result.

For example, a 50-year-old man, while bending over, touched the mark 8 cm below the zero mark with his fingers. According to Table. 1, the standard for a 50-year-old man is 6 cm. Therefore, 1 point is awarded for meeting the standard and 2 points for exceeding it. The total amount is 3 points.

Table 1. Norms of motor tests for assessing the main physical qualities

Age, years Flexibility, cm Speed, cm Dynamic force, cm speed endurance Speed-strength endurance General Endurance
10-minute run, m 2000 m, min.
husband. female husband. female husband. female husband. female husband. female husband. female husband. female
19 9 10 13 15 57 41 18 15 23 21 3000 2065 7,00 8,43
20 9 10 13 15 56 40 18 15 22 20 2900 2010 7,10 8,56
21 9 10 14 16 55 39 17 14 22 20 2800 1960 7,20 9,10
22 9 10 14 16 53 38 17 14 21 19 2750 1920 7,30 9,23
23 8 9 14 16 52 37 17 14 21 19 2700 1875 7,40 9,36
24 8 9 15 17 51 37 16 13 20 18 2650 1840 7,50 9,48
25 8 9 15 17 50 36 16 13 20 18 2600 1800 8,00 10,00
26 8 9 15 18 49 35 16 13 20 18 2550 1765 8,10 10,12
27 8 9 16 18 48 35 15 12 19 17 2500 1730 8,20 10,24
28 8 8 16 18 47 34 15 12 19 17 2450 1700 8,27 10,35
29 7 8 16 18 46 33 15 12 19 17 2400 1670 8,37 10,47
30 7 8 16 19 46 33 15 12 18 16 2370 1640 8,46 10,58
31 7 8 17 19 45 32 14 12 18 16 2350 1620 8,55 11,08
32 7 8 17 19 44 32 14 11 18 16 2300 1590 9,04 11,20
33 7 8 17 20 43 31 14 11 17 16 2250 1565 9,12 11,30
34 7 8 17 20 43 31 14 11 17 15 2220 1545 9,20 11,40
35 7 8 18 20 42 30 14 11 17 15 2200 1520 9,28 11,50
36 7 7 16 20 42 30 13 11 17 15 2200 1500 9,36 12,00
37 7 7 18 21 41 29 13 11 16 15 2100 1475 9,47 12,12
38 6 7 18 21 41 29 13 11 16 15 2100 1460 9,52 12,20
39 6 7 19 21 40 29 13 10 16 14 2000 1445 10,00 12,30
40 6 7 19 22 39 28 13 10 15 14 2000 1420 10,08 12,40
41 6 7 19 22 39 28 13 10 15 14 2000 1405 10,14 12,48
42 6 7 19 22 39 28 12 10 15 14 2000 1390 10,22 12,58
43 6 7 20 22 38 27 12 10 15 14 2000 1370 10,30 13,07
44 6 7 20 23 38 27 12 10 15 14 1950 1355 10,37 13,16
45 6 7 20 23 37 27 12 10 15 13 1950 1340 10,44 13,25
46 6 7 20 23 37 27 12 10 15 13 1900 1325 10,52 13,34
47 6 7 20 23 36 26 12 9 15 13 1900 1310 10,58 13,43
48 6 6 21 24 36 26 12 9 14 13 1900 1300 11,05 13,52
49 6 6 21 24 36 26 11 9 14 13 1850 1285 11,12 14,00
50 6 6 21 24 35 25 11 9 14 13 1850 1273 11,19 14,08
51 6 6 21 24 35 25 11 9 14 13 1800 1260 11,25 14,17
52 6 6 22 25 35 25 11 9 14 12 1800 1250 11,34 14,25
53 5 6 22 25 34 25 11 9 14 12 1800 1235 11,40 14,34
54 5 6 22 25 34 24 10 9 14 12 1750 1225 11,46 14,42
55 5 6 22 25 34 24 10 9 13 12 1750 1215 11,54 14,50
56 5 6 22 25 33 24 10 9 13 12 1750 1200 12,00 14,58
57 5 6 23 26 33 24 10 9 13 12 1700 1190 12,05 15,06
58 5 6 23 26 33 24 10 9 13 12 1700 1180 12,11 15,14
59 5 6 23 26 33 23 10 8 13 12 1700 1170 12,17 15,20
60 5 6 23 26 32 23 10 8 13 12 1650 1160 12,24 15,30

6. Speed. Assessed by the "relay" test for the speed of compression by the strongest hand of the falling ruler. For each centimeter equal to the age norm and less, 2 points are awarded.

The test is performed in a standing position. The strongest hand with extended fingers (palm edge down) is extended forward. The assistant takes a 50-cm ruler and sets it vertically (the number “zero” is facing the floor). In this case, your hand is approximately 10 cm below the end of the ruler.

After the “attention” command, the assistant must release the ruler within 5 seconds. The subject is faced with the task of grabbing the ruler with the thumb and forefinger as quickly as possible. The distance in centimeters is measured from the bottom edge of the palm to the zero mark of the ruler.

The test is carried out three times in a row, the best result is counted.

For example, for a 50-year-old man, the test result was 17 cm, which is 4 cm better than the age standard. For fulfilling the norm, there are 2 points and for exceeding it 4x2 = 8 points. The total amount is 10 points.

7. Dynamic strength (Abalakov's test). It is estimated by the maximum height of the jump up from a place. For each centimeter equal to and exceeding the standard value given in Table. 1 is awarded 2 points.

Test execution: the subject stands sideways to the wall next to a vertically fixed measuring scale (student ruler 1 m long). Without lifting his heels from the floor, he touches the scale as high as possible with his more active hand raised up. Then he moves away from the wall at a distance of 15 to 30 cm, without taking a step, jumps up, pushing off with both legs. With a more active hand, he touches the measuring scale as high as possible. The difference between the values ​​of the first and second touch characterizes the height of the jump. Three attempts are given, the best one counts.

For example, for a 50-year-old man, the result is 40 cm. This exceeds the age norm by 5 cm (see Table 1). For fulfilling the standard, 2 points are awarded, for exceeding - 5x2 = 10 points. The total is 10+2 = 12 points.

8. Speed ​​endurance. The maximum frequency of raising straight legs to an angle of 90 ° from a supine position in 20 seconds is calculated. For each lift equal to and exceeding the standard value, 3 points are awarded.

For example, in a 50-year-old man, the result of the test was 15 lifts, which exceeds the age norm by 4. 3 points are awarded for meeting the standard, and for exceeding 4x3 = 12 points. Total 15 points.

9. Speed-strength endurance. The maximum frequency of bending the arms in a lying position (women in an emphasis on their knees) is measured for 30 seconds with 4 points awarded for each bending equal to or exceeding the standard.

For example, when testing a 50-year-old man, the frequency of bending the arms in support for 30 seconds was 18 times. This exceeds the age standard by 4 and gives 4x4 = 16 points, plus 4 points for fulfilling the standard value. The total amount is 20 points.

10. General endurance.

1) Persons not previously engaged in physical exercises or those who have been exercising for less than 6 weeks can use the following indirect method.

Performing five endurance exercises (running, swimming, cycling, rowing, skiing or skating) for 15 minutes at a heart rate of at least 170 per minute minus age in years (the maximum allowable heart rate is 185 minus age) - gives 30 points, 4 times a week - 25 points, 3 times a week - 20 points, 2 times - 10 points, 1 time - 5 points, none and if the rules described above regarding the pulse and training equipment are not followed - 0 points.

For fulfillment morning exercises points are not awarded.

general endurance is estimated by the result of a 10-minute run for the greatest possible distance. For the implementation of the standard given in table. 2, 30 points are awarded and for every 50 m distance exceeding this value, 15 points. For every 50 meters below the age limit, 5 points are subtracted from 30 points. The minimum number of points scored on this test is 0. The test is recommended for self-exercised individuals.

3) With a group form of classes the level of development of general endurance is assessed using races of 2000 m for men and 1700 m for women. The control is the standard time given in table. 1. 30 points are awarded for meeting the regulatory requirement and 15 points for every 10 seconds below this value. For every 10 seconds more than the age limit, 5 points are subtracted from 30 points. The minimum number of points for the test is 0.

For example, for a 50-year-old man, the result of a 10-minute run will be 1170 m, which is 103 m less than the age standard. Therefore, the total score for this test will be 30–10 = 20 points.

11. Recovery of the pulse.

1) For those who do not exercise after 5 minutes of rest in a sitting position, measure the pulse for 1 minute, then do 20 deep squats for 40 seconds and sit down again. After 2 minutes, measure the pulse again for 10 seconds and multiply the result by 6. Compliance with the initial value (before the load) gives 30 points, exceeding the pulse by 10 beats - 20 points, by 15 - 10 points, by 20 - 5 points, more than 20 beats - Subtract 10 points from the total.

2) Exercising for more than 6 weeks heart rate recovery is assessed 10 minutes after the end of a 10-minute run or a 2000 m run for men and 1700 m for women by comparing the pulse after running with the initial value. Their coincidence gives 30 points, exceeding up to 10 strokes - 20 points, 15 - 10 points, 20 - 5 points, more than 20 strokes - 10 points should be subtracted from the total.

For example, in a 50-year-old man, the pulse rate before running was 70 per minute, 10 minutes after a 10-minute run - 72, which practically coincides with the initial pulse value and this provides 30 points.


After summing up the scores obtained for all 11 indicators, the physical condition is assessed as:

- low– less than 50 points;
- below the average– 51–90 points;
- average– 91–160 points;
- above average– 160–250 points;
- high- more than 250 points.

The main task in the process of physical education is to ensure the optimal development of physical qualities inherent in a person.

Increasing the level of physical fitness is a very important task to be solved in the process of physical education of schoolchildren.

The health of the child largely depends on the effectiveness of solving this problem. affects success in various types activities.

General readiness implies a versatile development of physical qualities, functional capabilities of organs and systems of the body. .

The physical training of adolescents is now mainly the responsibility of the school. For most students, the lessons physical education are not only the main and for many the only form of their physical education.

Special tests are used to determine the level of development of physical qualities of athletes. From the available literature, we concluded: the methods for determining the physical data of schoolchildren studying in grades 10-11 are described in different sources, which makes it difficult to carry out.

We have made an attempt to combine methods for determining the general and special physical training in the conditions of city secondary school No. 1.

Run 60 meters. Starting from a crouch to progress top speed on a short stretch. For a quick exit from the start, apply starting blocks. They provide a firm base for pushing off. Two attempts are given, the best result is counted. The result is recorded by a stopwatch, with an accuracy of 0.1 sec. .

Cooper test. The 12-minute run assesses the body's physical fitness based on the distance a person can run (or walk) in 12 minutes. The famous American physiologist K. Cooper developed standards that determine the state of the cardiovascular system (endurance), they are simple and convenient, they have been tested by many people of different ages and physical fitness. We used a table that assesses the level of preparedness.

Table 3

12-minute Cooper running test for fitness

According to the table below, you can determine the degree of preparedness of any person who has overcome a certain distance in 12 minutes of running. The test is carried out at the school sports ground, the circle is 400m, the number of circles that the participant has overcome in 12 minutes of running is recorded.

To determine the level of development of speed endurance, we used a 1000m run on earthen ground. Pupils ran two and a half circles, each circle 400 m. Girls in one race, for boys there were two races. The rhythm of the athlete's breathing must be fully coordinated with the frequency of steps - this allows you to maintain even breathing throughout the distance and eliminate the lack of oxygen in the last laps, when you need to make a finishing dash. The results were recorded by an electronic stopwatch with an accuracy of 0.1 second, after the finish, the data of the judges were averaged and the result was recorded in the protocol.

All remaining tests in general physical training were carried out in gym Secondary school No. 1 of the city of Rudny.

Dynamometry of the hand - the determination of the flexion force of the hand was carried out with a manual dynamometer (calibrated for 90 kg.). The dynamometer is taken in hand with the dial inward. The arm is extended to the side at shoulder level and the dynamometer is squeezed as much as possible. You can not make sudden movements, move away, bend and lower your arm. 2-3 attempts are made first with the left, then right hand. Dynamometers must be calibrated before testing. The average strength of the right hand in men is 35-55 kg, in women - 28-33 kg, the average strength of the left hand is usually 5-10 kg less. Any indicator of strength is closely related to body weight. Therefore, when evaluating the results of dynamometry, it is important to take into account both the main absolute force and the relative one. It is expressed as a percentage. To do this, the strength indicator of the right hand is multiplied by 100 and divided by the body mass indicator. The average indicators of relative strength in men are 65-70% of body weight, in women - 45-55%. The result is fixed at the maximum compression of the dynamometer, one attempt is given. Two measurements are taken - alternately with the left and right hand, the data obtained are recorded in the protocol.

Angle at emphasis: performed on the uneven bars. One attempt is given. The subject fixes the emphasis at an angle, while the arms and legs are absolutely straight, the legs are parallel to the bars, being in emphasis, the student raises his legs until they are 90 degrees with the body. Basically, the angle is held by the thigh muscles and by the press. The angle is held as long as possible, the exercise is performed for a while. The correctness of the performance is controlled visually, the time is fixed by a stopwatch with an accuracy of 0.1 second.

Standing long jump. Starting position before the jump - "swimmer's start" legs half-bent. It is not possible to tear off the legs from the floor before the jump. They push off with both legs with a simultaneous swing of the arms forward. In flight, the legs are bent at the knees and carried forward. At the moment of landing, the student squats and extends his arms to the sides, providing himself with a stable position and a soft landing. The measurement is taken from the point of contact with the ground by any part of the body. Three attempts are made in a row. The best result is recorded in centimeters.

Flexibility test. This test is designed to measure the active flexibility of the spine and hip joints. Determining the amount of forward inclination of the torso is carried out from a position standing on gymnastic bench, to which a measuring tape is attached, marked in centimeters. The scale of the ruler is graduated in such a way that "zero" corresponds to the plane of the bench, centimeters with the sign "-" go above the plane of the bench, and with the sign "+" - below. Feet shoulder width apart, without bending the legs in knee joints, the student should lean forward as much as possible, touching the ruler with outstretched fingers of both hands. The assessment in centimeters is made visually. Three attempts are given, the best result is recorded.

Hanging pull-ups (boys). Hanging is performed on the crossbar, hands shoulder-width apart, grip from below. The subject bends and unbends his arms, while hanging on bent arms. It is necessary to fix the position at the top point and return to the starting position. Run to the level of the chin above the crossbar, any movements of the torso or legs are prohibited. Indicators are recorded visually, the exercise is performed once.

Raising the body from a prone position (girls). The legs are bent at the knee joints at an angle of 90 degrees, the feet are fixed, the hands behind the head are performed to a sitting position, then it is necessary to return to the starting position until the shoulder blades touch the surface of the gymnastic mat. The exercise is performed for 1 minute, it is necessary to raise the torso as many times as possible.

If you can bench press 120 kg, you are probably very strong. However, there is no guarantee that you can, for example, push a stalled car uphill if necessary. Because pushing a Zhiguli requires different muscles than pushing a barbell. And during training, we all have a tendency to pump those muscles that already work best for us and neglect those that are poorly developed. Often we do not even know our weaknesses. This test will help determine your overall fitness level and find gaps in your muscle shield. And you can eliminate the shortcomings with the same exercises that are given in the test.

Check yourself every month and plan your workouts in such a way as to develop weak muscles.

Determines the strength and endurance of the muscles of the upper back and shoulders.

Lie down on the floor under the bar on a small rug. Grasp the bar with an overhand grip and, keeping your back straight, pull yourself up. Time yourself for the amount of time you can hold out in that position.

  • 1-20 seconds - bad
  • 21-40 seconds - medium
  • 41-60 seconds is good
  • More than 60 seconds - excellent

How to improve performance:

Regularly pull yourself up in this way, doing 3-4 sets. Perform as many pull-ups as possible during each set. This exercise should be alternated with the bench press.

Determines the endurance to dynamic loads.

Walk quickly up and down the stairs for 3 minutes. Count your pulse in 10 seconds. Multiply the resulting number by 6.

Age 20-30 years:

  • More than 160 - bad
  • Within 152-159 - average
  • Under 151 - excellent

Age 30-40 years:

  • More than 152 - bad
  • Within 144-151 - medium
  • Under 143 - excellent

Age 40-50 years:

  • More than 144 - bad
  • Within 136-143 - average
  • Under 135 - excellent

Age over 50:

  • More than 136 - bad
  • Within 126-135 - average
  • Less than 125 - excellent

How to improve performance:

Three times a week for half an hour do dynamic sports (basketball, tennis, football) in the fresh air. Then increase the workout time to 40 minutes. Your heart will gradually get used to the stress.

Determines the strength of the triceps and chest muscles.

Take the position "Lying Emphasis". Lower yourself for 3 seconds until your chest touches the floor. Hold this position for 2 seconds and then quickly return to the starting position. How many of these slow push-ups can you do?

Fitness level:

  • 1-10 - bad
  • 11-20 - medium
  • 21-30 - good
  • Over 30 is great

How to improve performance:

Do this exercise three times a week, gradually increasing the number of push-ups until you can do 30 push-ups in a row.

Determines the strength of the abdominal muscles (abs).

Lie on the floor with your arms along your torso. Raise your straight legs up. Keeping your straightened legs together, begin to slowly lower them, without lifting your back from the floor. If the back does come off the floor, pay attention to the angle that this moment your feet form with the floor.

Fitness level:

  • 90-60 degrees - bad
  • Less than 45 degrees is good
  • 0 - excellent

How to improve performance:

Do this exercise three times a week for three sets until you can lower your legs all the way to the floor without lifting your back.

Do not do this exercise if you have lower back pain!


Vinogradov Viktor Vyacheslavovich, Medical College No. 8, Head of Physical Education, Moscow

Monitoring is carried out not only to identify the level of preparedness of students, but also to determine the dynamics of their physical fitness for certain period time.

Explanatory note

Test Protocol

Test classification


Explanatory note

In accordance with the order of the Ministry of Education Russian Federation, the Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation, the Russian Academy of Education dated July 16, 2002 No. 2715, the discipline "Physical Education" should be presented in state educational standards and basic curricula as an essential component of the educational process. The leading areas in the work of teams of educational institutions in "Physical Education" include;

Creation of conditions conducive to the formation of skills healthy lifestyle life,

Preservation and strengthening of the physical and mental health students by means of physical culture,

Ensuring close interaction between the educational and extracurricular process of physical education for the development of the values ​​of physical culture,

Objectification of the assessment of the level of physical development and physical fitness for future professional activities,

Prevention of asocial behavior of students by means of physical culture and sports.

Monitoring of physical fitness of students is carried out in order to increase the effectiveness of physical training and health improvement of students, and also in pursuance of the Decree of the Government of Moscow dated November 30, 1999 and the implementation of the program "Capital Education - 3" (Decree of the Government of Moscow dated November 20, 2001) and the implementation of the State Program nationwide monitoring.

To this end:

Monitoring is carried out at the beginning school year and at the end of each semester in all study groups with students of the main medical group,

Monitoring is carried out not only to identify the level of preparedness of students, but also to determine the dynamics of their physical fitness over a certain period of time,

The monitoring results form the basis for the attestation of students in terms of the average total score in points at the end of each semester (each course has its own average score),

The data obtained as a result of the monitoring form the basis of an analytical report, form a decision-making strategy on the effectiveness of conducting physical education classes.

Average assessment of test results

Note: in the testing table below, changes in the selection of tests are possible depending on the testing conditions.

Test protocol for general physical fitness

Group No. __________

Push-ups in an emphasis lying

number of times

Jumping rope, number of times in 1 min.

Hanging pull-ups, number of times.

Long jump s/m, cm

throw medicine ball from behind the head sitting on the floor cm. (girls 1.5kg. jun. 2.0 kg.)

Tilt forward from the main stance, standing on a raised platform cm,

Raising and lowering the body from a supine position, hands behind the head, number of times in 30 seconds.

Squatting on two legs for 2 minutes.

Number of points

Physical education teacher: _____________________________

Classification of test tests

Assessment of the level of development of physical qualities and motor abilities is carried out according to the results of testing on the basis of a complex of various exercises. The standard testing program for all sports includes:

- endurance tests;

running 1000 meters,

running 3000 meters,

continuous running for 5 minutes

- speed tests;

run 30 meters from the start,

shuttle run 3x10 meters,

10-second run in place with maximum frequency,

running 100 meters on the move,

jump rope in 1 minute

- strength tests ;

standing long jump,

jump up from a place,

jumping with "increases",

pull-ups from the hang on the hands,

lifting the torso into a squat in 30 seconds,

flexion and extension of the arms in an emphasis lying down,

throwing a medicine ball from a sitting position on the floor,

sit-ups in 2 minutes

- flexibility tests ;

twist with a stick,

standing forward bend,

sitting forward bend

When testing, you should Special attention to comply with the requirements of the instructions and create uniform conditions for the exercise for all college students. Testing is carried out at the end of each semester and serves as a form of current control over the physical condition of students. The test results are recorded in the protocol, which is stored at the department " physical education» college.

1. Test " Sitting Forward Bend"(to measure the active flexibility of the spine, hip joints and muscle elasticity).

The subject, without shoes, sits on the floor with legs apart, the distance between the heels is 20 cm, the feet are vertical, the arms are forward, the palms are down. The Methodist presses his knees to the floor. Three slow preliminary forward bends are performed. At the same time, the palms slide forward along the ruler lying along the subject's legs between the feet, the zero mark is at the level of the heels. The fourth slope is the main one - the subject must linger in it for at least 20 seconds.

The best result is counted at the fingertips with an accuracy of 1 cm. This figure is recorded with a (+) sign if the participant touched the number beyond the line on which his heels are located or with a minus sign (-) if his fingers did not reach the heel line. For a faster test, two cubes (supports) are used to support the feet and maintain straight legs without assistance. A cube is placed between the participant’s legs, which during the fourth, main tilt, he tries to push forward with his fingers towards the heels to the maximum possible distance. The participant is given 2 attempts.

above average

below the average

2. Test " Hand twist with a stick(cm.)"

On the stick divisions are applied with an accuracy of 1 cm / or a centimeter tape is pasted /. From a standing position, hands below the grip of the stick from above. Raise straight arms up and move the stick back behind the back. Without bending your arms elbow joints, return the stick to its original position. Determine the distance between the internal grip points.

Level of physical fitness

above average

below the average

35 and under

66 and more

35 and under

66 and more

35 and under

66 and more

25 and under

56 and more

25 and under

56 and more

25 and under

56 and more

3. Test " Leaning forward from a standing position on a gymnastic bench, legs together, straightened.

The depth of the slope is measured by the distance between the fingertips and the upper surface of the bench using 2 rulers fixed vertically to the bench so that the zero marks coincide with the upper edge of the bench. One line is facing up, the other is facing down. If the subject's fingertips are below the upper edge of the bench, the result is recorded with a plus sign, if above, with a minus sign. It is not allowed to bend the knees and make jerky movements.

Level of physical fitness

above average

below the average

14 or more

14 or more

14 or more

16 or more

16 or more

16 or more

4. Test " Lifting the torso into a sitting position in 30 seconds.(to measure the speed-strength endurance of the trunk flexor muscles, starting from the age of 6).

From the starting position lying on the back, the legs are bent at the knee joints strictly at an angle of 90 degrees, the feet are shoulder-width apart, the arms are behind the head, the elbows are spread apart, they touch the floor, the partner presses the feet to the floor. At the command "March!" perform the maximum possible number of torso lifts in 30 seconds, bending until the elbows touch the hips and returning to the I.P., spreading the elbows to the sides until the shoulder blades, elbows and the back of the head touch the floor.

The exercise is performed on a gymnastic mat or carpet. For safety, a low (not higher than 10 cm) pillow or rolled into a roller is placed under the head. soft tissue. The participant is given 1 attempt.

Incorrect execution: failure to fully touch the floor with three parts of the body: shoulder blades, back of the head and elbows.

The participant, lowering the body into the I.P., must touch the floor sequentially, first with the shoulder blades, then with the back of the head and elbows. Thus, in the final phase, the body of the participant must come to the I.P., i.e. touch the floor simultaneously with three parts of the body: shoulder blades, back of the head with elbows.

Level of physical fitness

above average

below the average

5. Test " Standing long jump» (to measure the dynamic strength of the muscles of the lower extremities).

From the starting position, standing with the feet slightly apart, the toes of the feet on the same line as the starting line, jump forward from a place to the maximum possible distance. The participant preliminarily bends his legs, takes his arms back, tilts his torso forward, shifting the center of gravity of the body forward, and with a swing of his arms forward and a push of two legs, a jump is performed. The length of the jump is measured from the line to the point where the jumper's leg touches the line closest to the line.

The test must be carried out on a mat or soft ground surface (a sand pit may be used). The participant is given 3 attempts. The best score counts.

Level of physical fitness

above average

below the average

6 Test " jump up»

It is performed with a push of two legs with a wave of hands from the floor surface. The height of the jump is measured with a tape measure or centimeter tape according to the Abalakov method.

Level of physical fitness

above average

below the average

65 and over

34 or less

70 and over

39 and under

75 and over

41 and under

50 or more

31 and under

55 and over

36 or less

60 and over

41 and under

7. Test " Jumping with increments"- the number of minimum additions in long jumps from a place.

The testing procedure is as follows: according to the maximum result of the standing long jump, the boundaries are determined, within which the student will have to increase.

At a distance of 1/4 of the maximum result of the student, the first boundary is marked with chalk or another landmark that does not interfere with the exercise. The line of the second border is marked at a distance of 3/4 of the maximum result. In the range of marked boundaries, each time from the start line, the student makes jumps, successively increasing their distance. The calculation of increments is stopped as soon as the student has reached the second boundary (the reference point farthest from the start) or if in two jumps in a row he did not add the length of the jump. Jumps that are longer than the previous ones are counted. The subject has the right to a trial attempt.

Level of physical fitness

above average

below the average

26 and over

26 and over

26 and over

26 and over

26 and over

26 and over

8. Test " Hanging pull-ups on the bar”, the number of times.

It is performed from the hanging position with an overhand grip, hands shoulder-width apart. The pace of execution is arbitrary. A pull-up is considered completed if, when bending the arms, the chin is above the crossbar. Attempts with auxiliary movements of the legs and torso are not counted.

Level of physical fitness

above average

below the average

9. Test " Throwing a medicine ball weighing 2 kg (1.5 kg.)". forward over the head.

Performed from a sitting position, legs apart, the ball on outstretched arms above the head. Before the throw, the student takes a position at the start line in which the pelvic angle formed when spreading the legs does not go beyond the start line. Throw distance is measured with a tape measure.

Level of physical fitness

above average

below the average

10. Test " Squats in place».

Performed from a standing position in 2 minutes. The position of the hands is arbitrary (support with hands on the knees is not allowed).

Level of physical fitness

above average

below the average

70 or less

75 or less

80 or less

55 or less

55 or less

60 or less

11. Test " Flexion and extension of the arms in the lying position».

It is performed from the prone position. The pace of execution is arbitrary. Mandatory straightening of the arms in the elbow joint.

Level of physical fitness

above average

below the average

40 or more

15 or less

45 and over

20 or less

50 or more

23 and under

14 or more

16 or more

18 and over

12. Test " Running 30 m from a high start».

Level of physical fitness

above average

below the average

4.5 or less

6.1 and up

4.4 or less

6.0 and up

4.2 or less

5.8 or more

4.9 or less

6.5 and over

4.7 or less

6.3 or more

4.5 or less

6.1 and up

13. Test " shuttle run 3x10 m».

The test is carried out in the gym on a flat track with a length of at least 12-13 m. A 10-meter section is measured, the beginning and end of which are marked with a line / start and finish line / Behind each line are two semicircles with a radius of 50 cm centered on the line. A wooden cube /5cm/ is placed on the far semicircle behind the finish line. The athlete stands behind the near line on the start line and, on the “march” command, starts running towards the finish line; runs around the semicircle, takes the cube and returns to the start line. Then he puts the die / throwing is not allowed / in a semicircle on the starting line and again runs to the far - finish - line, running through it. The time taken to complete the task from the “march” command to the crossing of the finish line is taken into account.

Level of physical fitness

above average

below the average

7.5 and fast

9.0 and slow

7.1 and fast

8.6 and slow

6.6 and fast

8.1 and slow

8.2 and fast

9.8 and slow

8.0 and fast.

9.6 and slow

7.8 and fast.

9.4 and slow

14. Test " Running in place at the maximum pace: take into account the number of running steps for 10 seconds».

Testing is carried out indoors using the simplest device: an elastic rubber bandage is pulled between two racks at a distance of 1 m at the height of the athlete's knee, bent at a right angle of the leg. On the command “march”, the athlete starts with the maximum frequency of movements fast run in place, each time touching the stretched rubber with the thigh of the leg. Steps are counted by touching the rubber with the right thigh / and multiplied by 2 /.

Level of physical fitness

above average

below the average

68 and over

37 and under

68 and over

37 and under

68 and over

37 and under

66 and over

36 or less

66 and over

36 or less

66 and over

36 or less

15. Test " 100 meters run».

Held on the track of the stadium, athletics arena or a park in sports shoes. The number of starters in the race is determined by the conditions under which the runners do not interfere with each other. After a 10-15 minute warm-up, a start is given.

Level of physical fitness

above average

below the average

16. Test " jumping rope».

The number of repulsions with two legs is counted in 1 minute.

Level of physical fitness

above average

below the average

17. Test " Continuous running 5 minutes».

Level of physical fitness

above average

below the average

1400 and over

1150 or less

1450 and more

1200 or less

1500 and more

1250 or less

1200 and more

920 or less

1200 and more

920 or less

1200 and more

920 or less

18. Test " Running 1000 meters».

Level of physical fitness

above average

below the average

19. Test " Run 2000 girls (3000 boys) meters».

It is held on the track of a stadium or park (on a standard measured circle) in sports shoes. The number of starters in the race is determined by the conditions under which the runners do not interfere with each other. After a 10-15 minute warm-up, a start is given.

Level of physical fitness

above average

below the average


Yu.P. Bubble, A.N. Tyapin, "Physical health of students and ways to improve it" M. Center "School book", 2007.

Russian and foreign experience in building a system of educational testing, M., - Ed. NGO "Education from A to Z", 2000.

Orlov V.A., Fudin N.A., A comprehensive program for assessing the physical condition and functional capabilities of the human body. - M. Publishing group "ARiNA", 1996.


Are you planning to start playing sports? Experts advise to first check your physical abilities and level of training in order to choose the best for yourself. sports program. It will also help you not to overload yourself. extra exercise, and it will be easier for you to achieve the desired results without the risk of injury.

Perhaps you yourself know roughly at what level of physical fitness you are. However, if you have not been involved in sports for a long time, then it is difficult for you to assess what you can do and what you should wait. Knowing your capabilities will help you set realistic goals for yourself, as well as monitor your progress, which will strengthen your motivation. Knowing where to start will make it easier for you to determine what to aim for. Checking yourself is pretty easy. We offer you four tests that have been developed Presidential Council on Fitness, Sports and Nutrition.

What You May Need

In total, sports programs are usually of four types: aerobics, strength programs, flexibility programs and weight loss programs. To get started, you may need:

- Stopwatch or clock

Tape measure

Help from someone to test flexibility

You may also need a pen and notepad to record your results after each test.

1) Aerobic fitness test: brisk walking

To complete this test, you must walk at a brisk pace for approximately 1.5 kilometers. You can walk anywhere - along the streets, in a large store or on a treadmill. Before starting and after walking, you should measure your heart rate per minute and record the data.

You can check the pulse on the carotid artery. To do this, connect the index and middle fingers and attach them to the neck on the side of the trachea. Or you can check the pulse on your wrist by wrapping your other hand around it and placing your fingers on the side of the artery. thumb. When you feel for a pulse, time your stopwatch for 1 minute and count how many beats you will feel.

You can listen to the pulse for only 10 seconds, and then multiply the resulting number by 6.

2) Muscle strength test: push-ups

Push-ups will help you determine how strong your muscles are. If you haven't exercised in a while, try doing push-ups with your knees on the floor. If you think you have some training, do push-ups in the classic way.

-Lie on your stomach with your elbows bent and your palms on the floor.

Keeping your back straight, try to lift your arms up until your arms are fully extended.

Lower your body until your chest touches the floor.

Return to starting position.

Count how many push-ups you can do without a break. Write down the data in a notepad.

3) Flexibility test: body flexion

In order to test your flexibility, you need to stock up on a ruler, call an assistant and perform the exercise, reaching your toes with your hands in a sitting position. This exercise helps to determine the flexibility of the back of the thigh, hips and lower back.

- Sit on the floor with your legs stretched out in front of you.

Place a ruler in front of your heels at 0 cm.

Have a helper hold your legs so that you cannot move them during the exercise.

Bend over and try to reach forward with outstretched arms as far as you can, holding the position for 2 seconds.

Mark on the ruler the distance you can reach.

Repeat the exercise 2-3 times.

Write down your best score in a notebook.

4) Body composition assessment: measurement of waist size and body mass index

Use a measuring tape to measure your waist size. Write down the results.

Then determine your body mass index. This index allows you to determine the percentage excess fat in organism. To do this, you need to divide your weight in kilograms by your height in meters squared. Ideally, you should get a number between 18 and 25. This is considered normal. If more, then you have excess weight if less, you have a mass deficit. Write down the data in a notepad.

5) Monitoring progress

Now that you know your fitness level, you can start an exercise program and check back periodically to see your progress. Check back 6 weeks after starting training and repeat periodically after the same amount of time. Set realistic goals for yourself. You can also consult with a trainer and doctor about which programs are best for you and will give you the best results.

If you want to be healthy and start strengthening your body, it's good to first determine what your current fitness level is. How ready are you for intense physical activity. In order not to harm the body during the hardening process or active classes sports, it is important to clearly understand what reserves physical strength are at your disposal. Usually, to determine their level, they turn to professional trainers and doctors, but it is quite possible to test at home. To do this, you need to pass 3 simple tests. So, the topic of our conversation today is testing for the level of physical fitness.

Test No. 1 for the level of physical fitness

Let's check the level of support for balance and coordination of movements. Initial position. Stand straight, feet shoulder width apart. Feet in special sports shoes, and even better - barefoot. Put your hands on your lower back and do not move them, no matter how you want to, to maintain balance.

Testing for the level of physical fitness. Notice the time. Close your eyes, lift your leg off the floor and stretch it high up. The goal is to keep the balance as long as possible. Then fix the time again.

Evaluation of results

Great. Easily maintain balance for more than 20 seconds.

Good. Maintain balance for approximately 10 seconds.

Satisfactory. Maintain balance for approximately 5 seconds.

Weak. Maintain balance for less than 5 seconds.

Test No. 2 for the level of flexibility of joints and ligaments

Initial position. Sitting on the floor, stretch your legs and lift your feet at a right angle up.

Testing for the level of physical fitness. Exhaling, raise your hands up and, slowly lowering, pull them to the feet. The task is to stretch the torso towards the foot as far as possible.

Evaluation of results

Great. Easily, without tension, you can wrap your palms around outer surface stop at heel level.

Good. You can wrap your hands around your toes.

Satisfactory. You can wrap your hands around the outer arch of the foot at the level of the Achilles tendon.

Weak. You can only clasp your calves with your palms.

Fitness Level Test #3

Find out your level of endurance and preparedness for physical activity. Initial position. Stand facing a low step or stable bench. Note the time - 4 min.

Testing. Within 4 minutes, carry out the ascent and descent from the platform at a fairly fast pace. At the end of the test, take your pulse immediately.

Evaluation of results

Good - up to 90 beats per minute.

Satisfactory - more than 90 beats per minute.

Good - up to 92 beats per minute.

Satisfactory - more than 92 beats per minute.

Good - up to 94 beats per minute.

Satisfactory - more than 94 beats per minute.

Based on the test results, you can calculate the level of physical fitness and, accordingly, choose the appropriate ways to strengthen immunity. With a weak and satisfactory result of tests for the level of physical fitness, it is recommended to start with passive forms of hardening (pouring, wiping, sunbathing, air baths). Excellent and good health gives grounds to start physical activity (gymnastics). Be sure to follow all the conditions for proper healing of the body, and then you can achieve the desired level of physical fitness.

Editor's Choice

Test for the level of physical fitness. What form are you in now?
Everyone knows that the key factors healthy life are regular classes sports and proper nutrition. But, how to determine how well you are physically developed?

Here are 8 easy ways to find out what level of fitness you have reached. If you can complete all the exercises below and answer yes to all of the items, then you have a high level of fitness.

1. You can push yourself off the floor several times with confidence.

Push-ups aren't for everyone, but being able to do them can say something about your physique. It is worth noting that push-ups develop many muscles, including the muscles of the chest, shoulders, triceps and abs.

A physically developed woman aged 20-25 years old is able to do about 15 push-ups, and a man of the same age about 25 push-ups.

2. In a minute, you can do 45 to 65 twists.

If you can do 45 crunches in a minute, then you are in pretty good shape. The main thing in this exercise is not to cheat. Feet should fully touch the floor, and heels should be 45 cm from the buttocks. Hands are on the sides with palms on the floor. This way you will prevent neck strain.

3. You don't have trouble falling asleep at night.

Physical development contributes to good sleep, because exercise keeps your daily biorhythm in a normal state.

Exercise has also been shown to help combat sleep disorders. If you're having trouble sleeping, add a brisk 30-minute walk to your routine.

4. You can touch your toes without too much trouble.

If on straight legs you can touch your toes, then you have normal flexibility. Stand up straight, then bend at the waist until you feel slight discomfort. Hold this position for 30 seconds.

You can also sit on the floor, straighten your legs and put a long ruler between them. Start stretching until you realize you can't go any further. For men, it is ideal to stretch 50 cm, and for women, 70 cm.

5. You can run 3 km in a maximum of 18 minutes.

If you can run 3K, that's already a sign that you're fit. But if you can run that distance in 18 minutes or less, then that's it. good result. Don't worry if you're having a hard time long distances. Start with easy runs and gradually increase the pace. Over time, you will have higher speed and you will improve your endurance.

6. You have a normal body mass index.

This indicator is measured using the ratio of a person's body weight and height. Thus, you can understand whether your mass is insufficient, normal or excessive. The risk of developing diabetes and other health problems is higher in men, in general, with a waist size greater than 100 cm, and women who have this figure greater than 89 cm. In athletes, this figure may be higher due to greater muscle mass.

How to measure body mass index

1. Measure your weight.

2. Measure your height.

3. Divide your weight by your height squared. For example, your height is 1.8 meters and your weight is 89 kg. We consider: 89 / (1.8 x 1.8) = 27.47.

4. Check out the table.

7. When at rest, your heart rate is low.

During an intense workout, your heart should be beating fast. If you are in good physical form, your heart rate should slow down to between 50 and 100 beats per minute while resting. A good indicator is a quick return heart rate back to normal levels after exercise.

8. In a week, you accumulate 2 hours of quality training.

Research has shown that when it comes to physical training, the main thing is not how much time you spent on them, but how intense they were. For a week, it is desirable to accumulate 150 minutes of active walking or 75 minutes of running or active exercises.

There are also other chips that can increase the load. For example, you might take the stairs more often instead of taking the elevator, or you might park a couple of blocks away from your destination for a little walk. Such small details can be very beneficial for your health.

Important: All information provided on the Greatpicture website is for INFORMATION ONLY and is not a substitute for advice, diagnosis or professional medical care. If you have any health problems, contact a specialist immediately.