Silk threads. The third feature: the movements are spiral like winding the thread back and forth Chen shi taijiquan winding the silk thread

Jin chansi is the force of spiral twisting, the most unique and miraculous practice preserved in chen style taijiquan in its entirety. It is the continuous twisting of all the joints of the body in any movement, softly smoothly and continuously, which makes taijiquan a mesmerizing action for the observer and gives maximum efficiency to the performer in each movement. Taijiquan is not possible without spiral twisting.

What does the term "chansi jin" mean? "Chan" in Chinese is "winding" or "twisting". "Sy" - "silk", or - "silk cocoon". The Chinese word "Jin" cannot be accurately translated into Russian. Very roughly it means something like "a certain strength". Speaking of martial arts, this is a specific skill that can only be achieved through targeted training. To better understand what "Changsi jin" is - "Wrapping energy like a" silk thread "", you need to consider the technology of processing silkworm cocoons.

In the production of silk, silkworm cocoons are dipped into hot water, as a result of which the caterpillars die, and the cocoons are prepared for the best processing. Then, in each cocoon, the beginning of the thread is found in order to unwind the entire cocoon. And here lies the main idea for martial arts ("No more - No less"): if you pull the silk thread too hard when unwinding the cocoon, it will break, and if it is too weak, then you will not unwind the cocoon. The person who unwinds the cocoon must subtly feel the degree of tension in the thread.

"Wilting the silk thread" is an important skill in Tai Chi Chuan. Without it, all actions in Taijiquan will be just an imitation. You can, of course, do Tai Chi without "Chang Si Jin", but about 80% of it will be just physical education! Speaking of the martial aspect, "Changsi jin" allows you to freely and instantly change the direction and flow of energies in the body. It allows you to more effectively penetrate into the opening "gaps" of the enemy. It allows you to easily catch the enemy on "tricks", "wrap around" him in order to use his own energy to redirect it to our advantage.

This is the foundation of the basics. In the legs, spiral twisting is manifested by rooting, in the hands by wrapping, in the body by the gathering and release of energy or force. Not a single "trick" in taijiquan is done without jin chansi. The legendary fa jing is based on this effort - the release of strength, the unshakable rigidity and extreme softness of the body of a fighter, and of course, the swiftness of any blow. With the help of jin chan si, the result described in the Chinese proverb is achieved - " One liang shifts thousand jinei". This can be interpreted as " One gram shifts thousand kilogram".

In terms of health effects, "Chan si jin" is literally a "horn of plenty". This is a massage and stretching of connective tissues, which thereby help to restore and maintain the body in a healthy state. Many people who have mastered the wisdom of "Changsi jin" have even managed to get rid of chronic diseases or the consequences of various injuries. Also, "Changsy Jin" has a beneficial effect on the coordination of the body and on the nervous system. Its "winding" and "unwinding" movements are great for increasing muscle tone. If the rotational actions of "Changsi Jin" are carried out together with the "Body Wholeness" method, then they contribute to the "cleansing" of the lymphatic system, restoring the circulation of Qi in the body. The practice of "Changsi Jin" is a huge potential for prolonging the youthfulness of the body, promoting health and generating energy.

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Taiji chan si gong, also known as "silk thread" or "silk cocoon spinning", is the basic technique for mastering taijiquan, the ancient Chinese internal martial art of cultivating strength. Regular practice of "Silk Thread" gives an understanding of the basic principles of building the body, energy and consciousness in taijiquan, and also prepares you to understand tuishou - the "pushing hands" technique, which, in turn, teaches you to apply the principles of taijiquan in working with partner.

The video course "Silk thread" consists of two parts. The exercises in the first part of the film demonstrate the direction of movement of the qi energy relative to the energy center of the dantian. In the second part of the film, the principles of the movement of energy through the body are analyzed in more detail. Each movement in the exercise sequence is explained in detail by the 19th generation Chen Style Tai Chi Chuan master Chen Xiaowang.

Grandmaster Chen Xiaowang is one of the most famous taijiquan masters in the world, the bearer of the Chen style tradition in the 19th generation.

Chen Xiaowang was born in 1946 in the famous Chinese village of Chenjiagou to the eldest son of the legendary Chen Fake. Being a direct descendant of Chen Wangting, the founder of taijiquan, Chen Xiaowang deepened in the study of this art at an early age. As a result of persistent and consistent studies with his grandfather Chen Fake and father, Chen Xiaowang eventually reached a higher level than other representatives of this generation of the family.

Grandmaster Chen Xiaowang is recognized today throughout the world as the custodian and successor of the art of Chen Style Tai Chi Chuan. He not only preserved the tradition of this style, but also popularized it in the West. The master regularly conducts seminars around the world, including in Russia. More than seventy thousand people attended his seminars, many of them became winners of various championships and competitions.

In 1988, the Chinese government awarded Chen Xiaowang with a special award for his personal contribution to the development and dissemination of taijiquan.

Movie duration: 50 min
Screen aspect: 3:4
Cost: 1,200 rubles.

One of the favorite accessories for every woman is, of course, a bag. A handbag is an essential attribute of almost every woman, because this accessory performs not only a decorative, but also a very important practical function, acting as a capacious storage for a thousand and one little things. There are never too many handbags, so every woman will always have at least a couple of them in stock - and often the number of bags of all types and sizes reaches even several dozen. Today we invite lovely ladies to watch a short lesson that tells how to replenish your wardrobe with another wonderful handbag for the spring-summer season.

DIY bags master class

The authors of the lesson called “Bright Spring Bag in 15 Minutes” talk about how to make a stylish handbag with your own hands with minimal time and money. Even a novice needlewoman will cope with this task, so this video lesson will be of interest to all the fair sex, regardless of their level of artistic abilities and design skills. For work, you will need an old handbag, which, due to long-term use, has lost its original appearance, as well as unnecessary leather boots (for example, if they have become small or simply out of fashion). Do not rush to throw away these obsolete things - they can be given a new life! The authors of this lesson show how you can completely transform an old bag with a simple decor made with your own hands from everything that was at hand. One of the “highlights” of the handbag model shown in this master class is, of course, a stylish leather fringe, which has been considered one of the leading fashion trends for several seasons. As a result of the work of the craftswomen, an extremely fashionable and original women's bag in ethnic style has turned out, which has a universal purpose: you can take it for a walk, for work, and while shopping.

Sewing a bag with your own hands from fabric

We hope that this master class will help our viewers discover new resources for hand-made, have a good time doing needlework and, as a result, get a new thing in their wardrobe - a stylish handbag for spring

Every resident of a big city knows firsthand what the lack of natural surroundings and fresh air is. The same applies to many food products: if rural residents have most of the vitamins in fresh vegetables and fruits at hand, then it is more difficult for city dwellers in this matter - they have to buy everything, risking running into nitrates and other not very useful additives. Therefore, of course, everything that is possible to grow on your own is better - it is cheaper, more environmentally friendly, and healthier. This is the subject of the short video presented on our website.

DIY garden on the windowsill

Video tutorial called "How to make a garden at home? Growing greens and seedlings. This video will be of interest to a very wide range of viewers, since the issues of growing healthy seedlings at home are of equal interest to the inhabitants of both large cities and small villages. The invited expert in this video talks about how, with minimal financial investment, to create a special design at home in which you can successfully grow high-quality seedlings for planting in the country, and any greens for everyday consumption. What are the advantages of the method of growing seedlings proposed in this video lesson? Firstly, this method is extremely economical, both from the financial side (does not require large cash costs), and from the point of view of the rational use of time and effort. The arrangement of such a kind of room "bed" will not take much time, caring for it is also not at all difficult, and will not interfere with other daily activities. In addition, especially important for residents of city apartments is such an advantage of the above method as a compact design, which is used for growing greens and seedlings. The mentioned design has small dimensions, is easy to fold and carry, so it will not be difficult at all to choose a suitable corner for it even in a small apartment or a small house.

What can be grown on the windowsill in winter

We are sure that all our viewers who are interested in horticulture and who want to provide their families with fresh organic greenery will definitely learn a lot of useful things from this video.

All kinds of fraud and deception of gullible citizens flourished at all times, and usually scammers show enviable ingenuity, constantly coming up with more and more new ways to illegally take possession of other people's property. In full accordance with the latest trends in the development of society in the twenty-first century, virtual and mobile fraud has now become especially prosperous. It is about the latter that is described in this video lesson, which we recommend that everyone watch it without exception - regardless of gender and age.

How to avoid becoming a victim of SMS scammers

A small video called "How not to become a victim of scammers" is worth watching for all visitors to our website, because none of us is immune from the possibility of becoming a victim of SMS fraud sooner or later. In addition, the information heard in this video must be conveyed to your friends and relatives, especially to children and elderly family members, since it is they who most often fall for the bait of mobile scammers, sometimes transferring very large sums of money to them. The invited experts in this video lesson briefly, but very meaningfully and clearly talk about the most common methods of SMS fraud, about how to behave in such situations so as not to lose your savings. In addition, our viewers will certainly be interested in general recommendations on how to minimize the risk of falling into one of the fraudulent schemes. An extremely important nuance that experts focus on is maintaining composure and a sober look at things. Very often, scammers use the so-called "shock effect" - they try to stun the victim with unexpected information and demand immediate action (for example, urgent transfer of money) so that the person does not have time to recover and understand the situation. Therefore, in no case should you do hasty actions - it is better to think ten times before doing what your mobile interlocutor requires of you.

How to avoid becoming a victim of online scammers

We hope that this video tutorial will help reduce the crime rate and help our viewers to successfully resist SMS scammers in any circumstances.

One of the most important events in the life of every young girl is, of course, the prom at school. This event marks the end of an entire school era and is a kind of "bridge" to adulthood. In addition, this is one of the few holidays when you can give free rein to your imagination in choosing an outfit and turn into a real princess for your family and classmates for at least one evening. And, of course, what prom is complete without a prom dress? It is to him that our lesson is dedicated.

How to choose a dress for graduation 2017

Thanks to this video lesson "How to choose a prom dress", future graduates, as well as their mothers, grandmothers and girlfriends, will be able to get acquainted with the recommendations of leading stylists on what factors should be considered when choosing a prom dress and what rules should be followed. It's no secret that many young ladies start thinking about choosing a prom dress long before the event itself - sometimes even a year in advance. There is no single point of view about what a prom dress should be, because all girls are different, each has its own style, character and appearance features. Therefore, it is extremely important not only to blindly follow fashion trends, but to try to make the prom dress harmonize with the personality of the graduate, reflect her personality and emphasize her external advantages. Many girls prefer to follow the traditional rules in choosing a dress - they choose pastel colors, light fabrics, feminine silhouettes. Of course, this is already a classic, so these outfits will always be appropriate at the prom. However, if a girl wants to show off originality, then it is quite possible to get creative - choose more unusual colors and styles. As a rule, black is considered undesirable - it may turn out to be too heavy and gloomy for a young girl during a prom.

How to choose a dress according to your figure

We hope that this video lesson will help each of our spectators make the right choice in favor of the most beautiful and stylish prom dress that will make the girl feel like a real lady.

How to remove a girl's belly

It is no secret that one of the most problematic areas for most women is the tummy and sides, because it is there that all those “sweets” with which we actively indulge ourselves begin to be deposited in the first place. Nevertheless, the situation is not critical, and you should not completely give up your favorite foods - just eat them in moderation and not neglect physical activity. The authors of this video dwell on the last question in detail, telling and showing what kind of physical exercises will be most effective for getting rid of fat folds on the stomach and sides. It turns out that it is not at all necessary to exhaust yourself with many hours of training in the gym - such exercises can be successfully performed even at home, and this one does not take so much time. All these exercises can be done, for example, while watching a TV series - and thus, you can combine business with pleasure. The authors of the lesson offer the five most effective exercises that help to quickly and reliably make your waist thinner, and the figure as a whole - slimmer. Of course, in order to achieve a good result, it is necessary to adhere to several rules when performing such exercises: firstly, you need to do each exercise correctly, strictly following all the recommendations of the trainer; secondly, you should do it regularly, best of all - daily, or at least every other day. Under the condition of constant training, after a short period of time (1-2 weeks), the first improvements will be noticeable, a decrease in waist volume will begin.

How to get rid of belly fat at home

This video lesson will be useful and interesting for almost every woman who wants to have a good figure with minimal effort, time and money.

It's no secret that human health is the most important thing, so taking care of your own health and your body should start from a very early age. As they say, many diseases are much easier to prevent in time than to treat later, when the disease has already begun to develop intensively.

High-quality medical services are in demand everywhere and always: a thousand years ago, and at the present time. It is well known that the profession of an esculapius does not tolerate unprofessionalism and amateurism, therefore, one should seek medical help only from highly qualified specialists. Otherwise, poor-quality medical care may not only not bring the desired improvement, but, on the contrary, further aggravate the situation and harm health.

Today, the services of large medical centers of a wide profile, the so-called family medical centers (or clinics), which will provide high-quality medical services to all family members: both adults and children, are extremely in demand.

Among the numerous advantages of such medical centers, I would especially like to highlight the following:

  • Extremely high quality of the offered medical services. The entire staff of a large center - from the head physician to the nurse - is highly qualified, has rich practical experience and an impeccable reputation; therefore, specialists of this kind of medical institutions successfully cope with even the most difficult tasks;
  • Versatility. Clients of the above-mentioned family-type private clinics can safely come here with diseases of a wide variety of profiles - from therapeutic to gynecological. At the same time, an integrated approach to each patient is provided, his previous complaints and appeals are taken into account.
  • Comfort. One of the main shortcomings of public hospitals - the lack of necessary amenities for comfortable treatment - has been completely eliminated in private medical institutions. Both outpatients and inpatients can enjoy a pleasant environment and enjoy all the necessary amenities.
  • Availability of the most modern medical equipment;
  • A reasonable pricing policy, a fixed cost of services and the absence of any fees, additional payments and requirements for “thank you” in envelopes, which patients of the so-called “free” polyclinics constantly face.

The well-known German-Ukrainian medical center Aurora fully possesses all of the above advantages, which offers everyone extra-class medical services, consultations and assistance from highly qualified world-class specialists.

Each representative of the fair sex strives to be beautiful and attractive, while following the latest trends in the world of fashion and beauty. It turns out that not only clothes or a handbag can be fashionable - but also eyebrows! Over the past years, well-groomed natural eyebrows of sufficiently large density and width have remained in trend all over the world. Such eyebrows make the look more expressive, and the whole face - more vivid and memorable. However, what to do if nature has deprived you of thick eyebrows? Do not worry, there is a way out - and you can learn about it from this video lesson "How to grow thick eyebrows."

How to grow eyebrows fast

This short video is dedicated to such an interesting question for any woman as eyebrow care, in particular - how to become the owner of sable eyebrows without extension, in a natural way. This is quite possible if you use certain traditional medicine to care for your eyebrows, namely bodyagu. Many have already heard about its beneficial properties in cosmetology. Now it can be successfully used as an effective tool to improve the growth and appearance of eyebrows. Qualified experts will tell you about how to use bodyaga for the above purpose, how often it is necessary to carry out such procedures and what precautions to take while doing so, as part of this video. A very important nuance is the availability of this method of eyebrow care. Bodyaga is a completely inexpensive, publicly available drug that can be purchased at any pharmacy. Therefore, each representative of the fair sex gets a wonderful opportunity to become even more beautiful at minimal financial cost. Carefully following the beauty tips and recommendations voiced in this video, every woman can see positive changes in the condition of her eyebrows in a short period of time - they will become thicker, healthier, it will be possible to give them a new shape in accordance with the latest world trends in eyebrow styling.

How to grow eyebrows fast at home

We hope that this video lesson will be useful for our viewers and will help replenish the arsenal of beauty products with another very effective

The violin is a wonderful musical instrument that has won millions of hearts thanks to its lyrical sound. However, violinists (beginners and professionals alike) are well aware that the violin is not only delicate and fragile. It is also in itself a rather whimsical instrument that requires a special approach and care.

First of all, it is worth protecting the violin from direct sunlight in order to avoid drying out. In no case should you leave this musical instrument under the scorching sun. The same applies to severe frosts: the violin generally does not like significant temperature changes, so you need to try to maintain a favorable temperature regime in the place where the instrument is stored. Remember that you can not leave the violin near open heat sources: fireplaces, heaters, stoves, and so on.

The second, no less important advice: the violinist must constantly monitor the level of humidity in the environment where the violin is stored. This musical instrument does not like either excessive moisture, because it makes the wood damp, perhaps even the appearance of mold, or too dry air, because in the latter case, cracks and other damage may appear on the wood - and the instrument will become completely unusable. Experts recommend maintaining the optimal level of humidity in the room at the level of 45-60 percent.

It is also an extremely important duty of the violinist to clean the instrument regularly, which should preferably be cleaned and wiped down after each use. Do not neglect this duty in order to avoid the appearance of dirt, scuffs and other unpleasant traces of operation on the violin body. To avoid this, we suggest using online stores, for example,

However, even if you fully comply with all the basic recommendations for caring for a violin, its owner is not immune from damage to the instrument. As a result of natural wear and tear (if the violin was used for a sufficiently long period of time), and as a result of some unforeseen accidents (bumps, falls, other mechanical damage).

If such troubles occur, you should not hesitate, but contact a qualified violin maker who can offer an extensive list of instrument repair services - from replacing strings to restoring the varnish coating.

Aligning the body includes setting the legs (rooting - generating an internal flow and expanding the field of internal energy), setting the back (forming the direction of the internal flow), setting the head and hands (completing the internal flow).

The generation of the internal flow starts from below, from the Earth. The position of the whole body and the intensity of perception of energy flows ascending from the Earth depend on how the feet, knees, and hips are placed.

With the correct setting of the legs, their own energy and the corresponding internal effort are naturally produced in them and in the whole body, which further nourish the entire body. This process of generating energy and spreading inner force resembles the nourishment of a tree from its roots, hence its name - "rooting".

Rooting, a very important process in all Taoist practices, is the basis for the accumulation of internal energy and the emergence of new deep internal states that arise as a result of such accumulation.

Subtle energy nourishment of the internal organs (liver and spleen, kidneys, stomach and gallbladder) is associated with rooting exercises, since the tendon-ligamentous meridians of these organs, passing through the legs, receive a soft and harmonious stimulating effect. Taiji's martial strength - dense strength - depends on rooting obviously. When we are able to control the situation and direct the flow of events according to our will, we find the fullness of the lower abdomen and the confident stability of the posture of the body. In ordinary life, day after day, we find ourselves in a state of rootedness in a moment of feeling a sense of balance and calm strength, when we find ourselves confidently and calmly standing on the Earth.

As a rule, the awareness and development of these states takes time, and we start with just the exact setting of the feet and a little squat. A whole set of special, perhaps previously unfamiliar, sensations arises in the legs. It is necessary to pay attention to them, as these are signs of the emergence of an internal process. First of all, it is a feeling of resting on a full foot, stretched tendon-ligamentous lines and a feeling of ever-increasing fullness and warming up of the legs from the foot to the thigh.

It will most likely be difficult at first. Therefore, at first, 10-15 minutes of exercise is enough. As the ligaments are strengthened and all connective tissues are trained, the stand will become more and more confident, and at some point the perception will change significantly: a completely new, special feeling of connection with the living Body of the Earth will arise. This moment can be marked by a kind of "push" of the force emanating from the Earth, which will "wash" all points of the body from the bottom up in a soft wave. Then it will be easy to do this exercise for 45-60 minutes.

In order not to lose, but to direct this force to work inside the body, it is necessary to learn how to correctly, that is, straight, collected and relaxed, hold the "trunk" of our "inner tree" - the spine - to raise the inner strength at rest and in motion. And at the same time it is correct, that is, relaxed and collected, to keep the chest at rest and in motion - to preserve strength and energy inside.

The condition (correct position, mobility and strength) of the spine, especially the lumbar, determines the possibility of transferring internal effort from the legs to the arms without loss, that is, the conservation of energy.

A straight, level loin connects the top and bottom of the body, creating the basis for the circulation of energy in a strong position of the body. The ability to properly hold the lumbar spine means the ability to collect and accumulate one's vitality in static exercises and set it in motion in dynamic ones.

Working out the spine and restoring posture with the methods of tai chi quan open the system of channels and meridians of the body, naturally change the state of body tissues, primarily internal organs.

Mobility training of the lumbar spine stimulates the vitality of the body, as it directly affects the condition of the kidneys and adrenal cortex through the connective tissue system.

Constant training in body alignment, posture training contribute to the restoration of energy flow. Gradually, the possibility of conscious perception of external flows of spatial energy and a kind of nourishment by them is revealed. The natural potential of a person is significantly increased.

The top of the internal structure is the head. Here, at the top, in the center of the nervous system, all its signals and energy flows meet. Many connections occur at the top of the head, at the point of "hundred meetings" (bai-hui). This is a natural center of management and organization of processes, a point of movement. In the exercise of building the body, the head is connected to the sky through the top of the head, as if suspended from it. The spine is stretched, the muscles relax.

Just as the legs are the vessels of the energy of the Earth, so the head is the vessel of the subtlest celestial energy. “Hanging” the head allows one to discern in oneself light, subtle states close to Heaven, expanding the space of the mind. In comparison, the sensations of the body are denser and heavier, closer to the Earth.

Thus the light (or empty) and the heavy (or full) unite into a unity. The bodily forces nourish the mind, and the mind controls the flows of internal efforts and observes the harmony of all nourishing processes.

The position of the hands completes the process of building the body. The palms are raised in front of you so that the shoulders and elbows are relaxed, the wrists and fingers are held gently, the palms are slightly open. The direction of the flow of sensations depends on the position of the palms. We can direct it in any direction in tai chi movements. In the "pillar standing" the palms are directed to the center of the body, that is, the energy is collected inside.

The practice of aligning the body while standing upright is one of the basic tai chi exercises and many other Taoist schools.

The body, built in a column from the feet to the crown of the head, is a kind of scale of states, on which heavy, dense ones gather below, in the region of the center of gravity of the body and in the feet, and light, thin ones soar upward, to the head and above. If the correct position of the legs and lower back ensures the emergence and collection of dense sensations that are important for creating strength, then the position of the head is the condition for the emergence of a light flow, which is necessary for controlling processes and generating states of high speed.

Harmony between heavy (dense) and light (transparent) vibrations is found in the heart. The combination of high and low, fast and slow, light and powerful and other opposites depends on the feeling of the middle area of ​​the body. Therefore, it is said that right movements are born in the heart, and regular practice of taijiquan improves character and destiny.

The emergence of stable sensations in the areas of the center of gravity, the brain and the heart leads to special effects essential for all further development in tai chi chuan:

  • - gathering dense vibrations in the center of gravity creates the prerequisites for the emergence of a stable sensation of the center of gravity of the body and its activities;
  • - collection of light vibrations in the center of the brain - a condition for concentration of attention, the manifestation of special properties and activities of the mind;
  • - Gathering attention in the region of the heart is a condition for the development of intuition and subtle feelings of the heart.

The sensations around and inside these centers are like a continuous environment that arises as a result of serious work on oneself. Therefore, it is said about a cultivated field (Tian), in the center of which a grain, a seed, a drop of pure alchemical energy, cinnabar (Tribute) can be collected.

Chinese term "Dantian" denotes the corresponding center, filled with vibrations of pure energy, which has already become familiar to practitioners of internal styles.

All three Dan Tiens (lower, middle and upper) arise and are formed as a result of a fairly long training. The first sensations of these areas in the practice of pillar standing can appear quite quickly, but the stability and fullness of the sensations of the Dan Tiens, as internal cavities and open spherical spaces in which the corresponding vibrations condense, may require a long time. This is a serious result of work on yourself. Feeling of inner strength can be accessible, as it occurs at the stage of a built skeleton as a set of sensations of even tendon-ligamentous lines and internal balance.

In ancient China, silk thread was created like this. They took silkworm cocoons, cleaned them and soaked them in vats of water. The cocoon lost its density, blossomed. Then it was necessary to find the end of the thread and very carefully wind this thread on a wooden drum to dry. The winding was done with extreme care so that the thread would not sag, tangle or break. Winding a silk thread is an image of a continuous, neat circular movement made by the whole body without jerks and stops.

Jing - internal effort, chan - winding, sy - silk, silk thread, gong - work. Together it turns out - creating an internal effort similar to winding silk thread, or working with winding silk thread. This is how the method of training the continuous transmission of the internal force created in the “pillar” in movements is designated. Most Taoist schools have exercises of this type, but in taijiquan Chang si gong is one of the main.

Complex tai chi movements are built from simple. The element of construction is the circular rotation of the arm, leg or any part of the body.

In nature in general and in human movements in particular, there are no straight lines. Even when walking on a straight part of our body, including feet, hips, fingers, continuously move in circles of different radii. And the streams of the corresponding internal forces move throughout the body, winding it in spirals.

The exercise "winding a silk thread" is one of the basic ones, because it allows you to deal with all the details of building a simple circular motion with one hand. With this in mind, we can understand how build the correct movement of any complexity in further taijiquan exercises.

There is a “winding of a silk thread” for one hand (right and left), for both hands at once, there are varieties of “windings” - direct and reverse, “windings” for the legs are also practiced.

Having learned to stand correctly and create a flow of internal effort in simple movements, you can move on to mastering more complex actions - the main forms of the school.

Almost all schools of tai chi chuan, like most Wushu schools, transmit the tradition through sets of exercises (taolu). These are sequences of positions, poses and transitions between them - the so-called forms. In these sequences of forms, all the basic techniques are collected and the principles of the school are manifested. First of all, in each form, one must simultaneously stand powerfully, steadily, that is, be able to build the main pillar in different poses and root strength, and move easily, instantly, like a cat grabbing a mouse, or an eagle falling on its prey from above. At the same time, do not forget to continue the “winding of the silk thread” actions in order to keep the efforts gathered in the positions in motion.

IN Tai Chi Chuan by Grand Master Chen Xiaowang The following forms are currently in use:

  • - a short sequence of 19 forms (created by Grandmaster Chen Xiaowang specifically for quick login);
  • - the old sequence of 82 forms (Lao Jia);
  • - the old sequence of forms of explosive blows (Laojia Paochui);
  • - a new sequence of 82 forms (Xingjia);
  • - new sequence of explosive strike forms (Xingjia Paochui);
  • - a sequence of 37 forms;
  • - forms with weapons (with a curved Dao sword, with a straight Jian sword, with a pike, with a halberd, with two Dao swords, with two Jian swords).

Each form is studied as a set of movements and static positions. In any static position we line ourselves up body alignment principles- “pillar standing”, and we perform movements according to the principle of spiral guidance of internal force- “winding of silk thread”. The breakdown of the form into small movements is made for ease of study. These breakdowns reveal various structures that direct the flows of energy and inner strength, the understanding of which is fundamental.

Tui - push, show - hand. Tuishou is an exercise in pairs to develop the skills of creating a real inner effort, listening, hearing and understanding the inner effort of a partner, the ability to change the external influence towards general harmony and create an adequate response. Tuishou learn to interact. But, as in all tai chi exercises, first of all, learn to create an internal process that lies in basis of tai chi, a process that embodies the principle of the Great Limit.

In tai chi tuishou this is realized in thirteen steps of tai chi chuan. To comprehend the principle of the Great Limit means to learn to distinguish in the actions of a partner and create each of the thirteen actions yourself.

To implement the principle of the Great Limit in forms and to master the 13 actions in paired exercises is a necessary complementary practice.

IN system of Grand Master Chen Xiaowang 5 levels of increasing difficulty in learning tuishou:

  • - tuishou form for one hand;
  • - tuishou form for two hands;
  • - tuishou form with steps;
  • - a more complex form of tui shou with steps (Dalui);
  • - free duel tui shou.

At each level, sequentially processed 13 Action Principles of Tai Chi Chuan.

Shows balance of stance or movement in all directions. The pen principle teaches you to be absolutely balanced and keep your opponent at a distance. The force coming from the side is reflected in the same direction as from the wall, and you are unshakable.

The same principle of connecting the top and bottom of the body as in peng, but in the opposite direction. We are attacked, we make contact and pass through the structures of our body an external influence - into the ground. At the same time, we roll back, creating a void in front of the enemy, where he can fall and lose his balance. There is a soft powerful action of passing the enemy into the void without losing his strength.

A pair of pen-lui is Heaven and Earth of interactions, between which the whole variety of actions is born.

This action is born from peng, when we follow the partner's changes, accompany these changes in such a way as to unbalance him even more. Usually, the pressure is in the weakest diagonal direction, across the opponent's stance. The inner meaning of chi is the search for the weakest direction, the weakest point of the partner.

These are any techniques in which energy flows through the elbows or shoulders. Elbows mean not only the tip of the elbow joint, but also all three sides of the forearm. The shoulders have four sides of action - front, side, top, back up to the place between the shoulder blades. That is, pushing backwards is also kao.

Maybe a push or a kick up. This is a powerful action, similar to how a powerful, large animal takes off.

For example, let the opponent push you in the back, suddenly leaning forward. This action is the reverse teng.

The next - 12 and 13 - principles concern the general state of more than technology, they are the result of mastering all previous techniques.

You stand in the way of the enemy, and he is sure that you are what he sees, and you are where he sees you. But you are spontaneous and free, no plans or stereotypes bind you, so your reaction to his attack is unexpected and shocks the enemy. He falls into a cave that suddenly appeared on his way, emptiness.

In any actions, external and internal, slow and fast, in any situation, day and night, we do not change the principles of taijiquan.

IN tai chi tui shou Great Limit manifests itself in the state of Wu chi when we are absolutely calm and ready to accept interactions without distorting our ego. When we are separated in ourselves, preparing for movement, the inner Yin and Yang appear, when we enter into harmonious contact with a partner, we externally form a Yin-Yang pair. One gives birth to two.

Immediately after connecting the hands, the interaction of energies occurs, Qi begins to move. Two give birth to three.

We listen to these changes, realize, change in the direction we need in accordance with our intention and create our own adequate reaction. Three gives birth to four.

Achieving a single state with a partner (one), complementing each other to unity - the formation of a Yin-Yang pair (two), the manifestation of interaction energies (three) form the first trinity, with which the four necessary skills are naturally connected - listening, understanding, changing and releasing efforts (four).

These four internal actions manifest the efforts and energies necessary for successful interaction. They are found in each of the thirteen outer action-principles. In order to embody all 13 principles of the Great Ultimate in their actions, there is rule of six connections - three external and three internal.

Three external connections:

  • * shoulders - hips;
  • * elbows - knees;
  • * brushes - feet.

Fulfilling this rule in forms, we create conditions for the correct circulation of energy. In tui shou, these rules take on special significance - by following these rules, we can keep ourselves in balance and transfer effort in the required direction without loss.

Three inner connections:

  • * The spirit is the intention of the mind. The heart, a calm state of harmony - generates the right intention of the mind, clarifies the consciousness.
  • * Consciousness is energy. Consciousness leads energy in accordance with the principles of Tai Chi in the right direction.
  • * Energy - internal effort. First, a flow of energy arises, and the movement of internal effort follows this flow, sets in motion the mechanism of action of tendons and ligaments.

The rule of three internal connections expresses the internal principle of organizing all movements of taijiquan, the connection of the mind and body.

The practice of "pillar standing", "winding of silk thread" together with the performance of the forms of taijiquan and tuishou lead to understanding all the principles of Tai Chi Chuan. All these techniques are connected not only with the training of correct posture and movements of the body, but also with the sensations of micromovements, vibrations, flows of effort and energy. Therefore, such work is usually called Qigong (Qi - energy vibrations, gong - work). Qigong is the work of cultivating and nurturing energy.

Qigong is a set of sequential exercises. In all exercises, in addition to external physical movements, there is internal work based on concentration and attention training. If we focused on the top of the head, then the amount of Qi increased in this place. Qi is directly related to our thought. Wherever the thought is directed, there Qi gathers. If our attention smoothly moves along a part of the body in some direction, Qi moves in the same direction. If we stare at another person, we give him some of our Qi. Qi exists objectively, and its development and quality are subject to our thought.

Qigong practitioners are many, and each complex serves a specific purpose. tai chi qigong moves Qi around the body and leads the body along with the energy, which is essential for performing and practicing tai chi techniques.

For example, we can understand the “pillar standing” and “winding silk thread” exercises as qigong if we concentrate on working with the sensations of energy flow in them more than on working out all other principles. Working on the forms of taijiquan, digressing from the principle of the Great Limit and the thirteen principles-actions in favor of working out internal structures with an appropriate sense of the flow of Qi, we practice taiji qigong, but not taijiquan, since the latter must include the entire system of principles .

Working with the internal structures of the body, feeling the energy flows, cleansing the energy, filling the internal structures with energy, however, is an important part of the practice. Qigong elements are always present in the training process, since with this approach, progress in tai chi quan is much faster. This system of exercises develops the energy flow and the quality of human vibrations, promotes the purification and transformation of Qi, gives the skills to receive energy from the environment and its radiation from the human body to the outside world, conscious energy-informational communication with oneself, the outside world and the entire Universe.

The healing effect of Qigong is based on its ability to restore vitality, preserve and increase the energy resources of the body, massage internal organs, harmonize the work of the cerebral cortex and calm and balance the mind.

A guide to "winding silk thread"

Mike Sigman
Translation: Fattakhova Svetlana

The meaning of "Nei Jia" or "internal" martial arts is how the body is used. All Nei Jia have non-combat exercises that are designed to train this type of movement. All "styles" (Xinyi, Taiji, Bagua) are actually sets of coherent martial arts (or were originally) that use an "internal" form of movement...however, the movements of internal styles can be performed separately from martial forms.

There are different types of qigong that emphasize the basic movement style of Nei Jia: Yang style Taiji qigong, Xinyi Neigong, Chen style silk winding qigong, and others. All these types of qigong and all internal styles are quite capable of creating “inner strength”.

Because of the sophistication of the Chen-style silk winding exercises, and because they are becoming widely known nonetheless, let's focus on some suggested criteria to remember while doing the silk winding exercises. These instructions are for those who are already doing the silk winding exercises; you cannot learn to do them from words.

1. Concentrate on constantly maintaining a full and relaxed path of Peng to the moving part of the body; move this part of the body by “pushing” it with Pan, and “pulling” it back along with the vectors of gathering/closing/lowering the weight.

2. Always imagine that someone has their hand on a moving part of your body; someone who constantly observes the completion of the main path (Peng) and the relaxed state of the transferred energy.

3. In the beginning, make big movements with the whole body. Gradually, over several months, make the movements smaller and smaller (also imagining "observation"). Since the path of Peng passes through the Dan Tien and is controlled by this area, the effectiveness of the impact will increase with a decrease in external movements.

4. Do as many exercises as you can with your knees slightly bent (but don't go too low so that your hip angle is less than 45 degrees). This will significantly strengthen the muscles of the legs and buttocks.

5. Do exercises from your head down to your toes.

6. One of the main goals is to train the power of Peng, lowering (closing) the force and transferring the inertia of the body to the arms ... so that the arms become the "transmitters" of this force. Staying "very" relaxed and concentrating on keeping these forces in your hands will get them there. Local effort in the arms and shoulders will only hinder progress.

7. There are actually six directions of force: pushing (Peng), pulling (Peng behind and contracting), lifting (Peng vector), pulling down (vector of closing and lowering the weight), turning the waist forward (Peng connected to closing), and back rotation of the waist (Peng connected with closing). All movements are varieties of these six directions. These six directions are really just different combinations of Peng and closing.

8. In all downward or back/down movements, there should be very little accumulation in the lower back.

9. The exhalation is done along with the imaginary application of force, and during the inhalation there is an accumulation.

10. Peng should be constantly felt during the entire cycle of movements (without breaks, without stops).