Tests used to assess strength abilities. Speed-strength abilities

In practice physical education quantitative and power capabilities are evaluated in two ways: 1) using measuring devices - dynamometers , dynamographs, tensometric force-measuring devices; 2) with the help of special control exercises, strength tests.

Modern measuring devices allow you to measure the strength of almost all muscle groups in standard tasks (flexion and extension of body segments), as well as in static and dynamic efforts (measuring the strength of an athlete in motion).

In mass practice, special control exercises (tests) are most often used to assess the level of development of strength qualities. Their implementation does not require any special expensive inventory and equipment. To determine the maximum strength, exercises that are simple in technique are used, for example, a bench press, a squat with a barbell, etc. The result in these exercises depends very little on the level of technical skill. The maximum force is determined by highest weight, which can be lifted by the student (subject).

To determine the level of development of speed- power abilities and strength endurance, the following are used control exercises: jumping rope, pull-ups ), push-ups on parallel bars, from the floor or from the bench , lifting the torso from a prone position with bent knees, hanging on bent and half-bent arms , flip up high bar standing long jump with two legs , triple jump from foot to foot (option - only on the right and only on the left foot), raising and lowering straight legs to the limiter , swing up jump ) and without a wave of the arms (the height of the jump is determined), throwing a stuffed ball (1 - 3 kg) from various starting positions with two and one hand, etc. The criteria for assessing speed-strength abilities and strength endurance are the number of pull-ups, push-ups, the time of holding a certain position of the body, the range of throws (throws), jumps, etc.

For most of these control tests, studies have been carried out, standards have been drawn up and levels (high, medium, low) have been developed that characterize different strength capabilities.

In the practice of physical education, quantitative-strength capabilities are evaluated in two ways: 1) with the help of measuring devices - dynamometers, dynamographs, tensometric force-measuring devices; 2) with the help of special control exercises, strength tests. For most of these control tests, studies have been carried out, standards have been drawn up and levels (high, medium, low) have been developed that characterize different strength capabilities. Based on the results of these tests, you will be able to determine the degree of your physical fitness and create yourself or choose a training program for pumping up muscles.

Modern measuring devices make it possible to measure the strength of almost all muscle groups in standard tasks (flexion and extension of body segments), as well as in static and dynamic efforts (measuring the strength of an athlete in motion).
In mass practice, special control exercises (tests) are most often used to assess the level of development of strength qualities. Their implementation does not require any special expensive inventory and equipment. To determine the maximum strength, exercises that are simple in technique are used.
Sorokin Y. and Tenno G. determined the marks in strength exercises as follows:

Exercise Weight Evaluation of the maximum result (kg) category Satisfactory. Good Excellent 1. Squats up to 56 kg 90 105 120 with a barbell up to 60 kg 100 115 130 on the shoulders up to 67.5 kg 110 125 142.5 up to 75 kg 122.5 137.5 155 up to 82.5 kg 135.5 150 167.5 up to 90 kg 147.5 162.5 180 over 90 kg 162.5 177.5 195 145 165 187.5 up to 75 kg 160 182.5 205 up to 82.5 kg 177.5 200 222.5 up to 90 kg 195 217.5 240 over 90 kg 215 227.5 260 3.Lift up to 56 kg 35 40 45 barbells up to 60 kg 40 45 50 biceps up to 67.5 kg 45 50 55 up to 75 kg 50 55 60 up to 82.5 kg 55 60 67.5 up to 90 kg 60 67.5 75 over 90 kg 67.5 75 82, 5 4. Bench press up to 56 kg 60 72.5 82.5 lying up to 60 kg 70 82.5 92.5 up to 67.5 kg 80 92.5 102.5 up to 75 kg 90 102.5 115 up to 82.5 kg 100 115 127.5 up to 90 kg 112.5 127.5 140 over 90 kg 125 140 155

The strength of a chain is determined by its weakest link. Similarly, the strength of an unevenly developed athlete will depend on his weakest points. The ratio of the strength of different muscle groups, taken out of practice, will undoubtedly help you find out your weaknesses and more rationally distribute your efforts in training. Sorokin Y. and Tenno G. defined these ratios of maximum results as follows:
. Standing chest press (maximum result) = 100%
. Barbell curl (maximum result) = 65%
. Breeding hands with dumbbells to the side while standing (maximum
result) = 40% (20% for each hand)
. Breeding hands with dumbbells in the prone side (maximum
result) = 45% (22.5% for each hand)
. Lifting the barbell lying with straight arms from behind the head (maximum
result) = 60%
. Squats with a barbell on the shoulders (maximum result) =
215% bench press from the chest while standing (maximum result) - 50%
own weight
. Deadlift with a barbell (maximum result) = 235% bench press
barbells from the chest while standing (maximum result) - 50%
own weight
. Lifting the body from a prone position with weights behind the head
(Weight Limit weights) \u003d 75% bench press from the chest while standing
(maximum result) - 50% of own weight
. Cross with dumbbells or kettlebells, arms to the sides, palms up
(maximum result) = 56% (28% for each hand)

Distinguish between the actual power abilities and their connection with others physical ability(speed-power, power agility, power endurance)
Speed-strength abilities are characterized by non-limiting muscle tensions, manifested with the necessary, often maximum power in exercises performed at a significant speed, but usually not reaching the limit value. They are manifested in motor actions, in which, along with significant muscle strength, speed of movements is also required (for example, repulsion in long and high jumps from a place and from a run, the final effort when throwing sports equipment, etc.). At the same time, the more significant the external burden overcome by the athlete (for example, when lifting a barbell to the chest), the greater the role played by the power component, and with less weight (for example, when throwing a javelin), the significance of the speed component increases.
Speed-strength abilities include: 1) fast strength; 2) explosive power. Fast strength is characterized by unlimited muscle tension, manifested in exercises that are performed at a significant speed that does not reach the limit value. Explosive strength reflects the ability of a person in the course of performing a motor action to achieve maximum strength indicators in the possible a short time(for example, at a low start in running for short distances, in athletics jumps and throws, etc.).
Explosive force is characterized by two components: starting force and accelerating force. Starting strength is a characteristic of the ability of muscles to rapid development working effort at the initial moment of their tension. Accelerating force - the ability of muscles to quickly build up the working force in the conditions of their contraction that has begun.
Specific types of power abilities include power endurance and power agility.
Strength endurance is the ability to withstand fatigue caused by relatively prolonged muscle tension of a significant magnitude. Depending on the mode of muscle work, static and dynamic strength endurance are distinguished. Dynamic strength endurance is typical for cyclic and acyclic activities, and static strength endurance is typical for activities related to maintaining the working voltage in a certain position. For example, when resting the hands to the sides on the rings or holding the hand while firing a pistol, static endurance is manifested, and with repeated push-ups in the lying position, squats with a barbell, the weight of which is 20-50% of the maximum human strength capabilities, it affects dynamic endurance.
Strength agility is manifested where there is a changeable nature of the mode of muscle work, changing and unforeseen situations of activity (rugby, wrestling, bandy, etc.). It can be defined as “the ability to accurately differentiate muscle efforts of various sizes in conditions of unforeseen situations and mixed modes of muscle work” (Zh.K. Kholodov)

To determine the level of development of speed-strength abilities and strength endurance, the following control exercises are used: jumping rope, pull-ups, push-ups on parallel bars, from the floor or from a bench, lifting the torso from a prone position with bent knees, hanging on bent and half-bent arms, lifting with a coup on a high crossbar, long jump from a place from two legs, triple jump from foot to foot (option - only on the right and only on the left leg), raising and lowering straight legs to the limiter , jumping up with a swing and without a wave of the arms (the height of the jump is determined), throwing a stuffed ball (1 - 3 kg) from various starting positions with two and one hand, etc. The criteria for assessing speed-strength abilities and strength endurance are the number of pull-ups, push-ups, the time of holding a certain position of the body, the range of throws (throws), jumps, etc. For most of these control tests, studies have been carried out, standards have been drawn up and levels (high, medium, low) have been developed that characterize different strength capabilities.

Exercise Broy performances (or time) for evaluation Satisfactory Good Excellent 1. Classic push-ups 20 times 30 times 40 times 2. Pull-ups on the bar 6 times 10 times 13 times with an overhand grip 3. In time 2 minutes 10 times 20 times 30 times from lying position to sitting position 4. Repeat 6 times in 16 sec 12 sec 10 sec From a standing position, go to the lying position, from the lying position - back to the crouching position and then to the standing position.

Exercise Broy performances (or time) for evaluation Satisfactory Good Excellent 1. Classic push-ups 25 times 38 times 50 times 2. Pull-ups on the bar 12 times 18 times 24 times with an overhand grip 3. For 2 minutes 40 times 60 times 80 times from a lying position to a sitting position, alternately touching the knee of the opposite leg with the elbow (hands behind the head) 4. During 1 minute 20 times 30 times 40 times standing.

Based on the results of these tests, you will be able to determine the degree of your physical fitness and create yourself or choose a training program for pumping up muscles.

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And sports quantitatively strength abilities are evaluated in two ways: 1) using measuring devices - dynamometers, strain gauges; 2) with the help of special control exercises (tests).

1. Assessment of self-power abilities. With the help of modern equipment, it is possible to measure the maximum strength of all major muscle groups in static and dynamic efforts.

In the practice of physical education and sports, special control exercises are used to assess the level of strength. The maximum strength is determined by the greatest weight that the subject lifted in a particular exercise or by the individual maximum resistance on the simulators in each specific exercise.

2. Assessment of speed-strength abilities. When evaluating speed-strength abilities, it must be taken into account that the time for performing the control exercise should not exceed 15-20 seconds and the exercise should be performed with the maximum possible speed or power.

To assess the speed-strength abilities use the following exercises: track and field jumps, throwing, multi-jumping, high-speed movements of a cyclic nature (running from the start, from the move, shuttles, etc.). For example, one of the control tests: a multi-hop from 20 to 100 meters. The number of jumps and their execution time are fixed, the indicators of which are summarized. The smaller the sum of these indicators, the higher the level of speed-strength capabilities in this exercise.

Speed-strength abilities can be estimated by the value of the maximum traction force in or rowing using rubber band and strain gauge, the duration of the control exercise is from 3 to 8 seconds.

When assessing the speed-strength abilities in sports games and martial arts, the time required to perform standard techniques and actions performed in a short time (no more than 10 seconds), with high intensity, is fixed. For example, accelerations in sports games, starting actions, shock actions in, throws of a dummy in martial arts.

Strength abilities - this is a combination of individual characteristics of a person, which is a subjective condition for the success of the manifestation of muscle strength in motor activity.

Forms: actually - strength abilities (static strength, slow dynamic strength); speed-strength abilities (" explosive force”, dynamic force in fast movements); power endurance (dynamic and static power endurance).

Modes: 1.dynamic mode of operation- a) overcoming with a decrease in the length of the muscles, b) yielding with an increase in the length of the muscles, c) mixed - with a change in both the length and tension of the muscles; 2 . static mode- a) mixed - with a change in both the length and tension of the muscles, b) isometric (static) - without changing the length of the muscles.

Facilities: 1. exercises with external resistance - with weights; - with the resistance of a partner, - with the resistance of elastic objects, - with overcoming the resistance of the external environment. 2. exercises with overcoming the weight of one's own body - gymnastic strength exercises(push-ups, hangings, pull-ups, etc.), - track and field jumping exercises, - obstacle course. 3. isometric exercises- exercises in passive muscle tension, - exercises in active muscle tension.

Methods: 1. isometric– the basis of the method is muscle tension without changing their length, with the joint in a fixed position; 2. concentric- performance based motor actions with an emphasis on the transcending nature of the work, i.e. with simultaneous tension and muscle contraction. Exercises are performed at a constant low speed; 3. eccentric– performance of motor actions of inferior nature, with resistance to load, braking and simultaneous stretching of muscles. The amount of burden is usually 10-30% higher than that available during overcoming work; 4. plyometric- the method is based on the use of the kinetic energy of a projectile or an athlete stored when it falls from a certain height to stimulate muscle contractions; 5. isokinetic– the method is based on the mode of motor actions, in which, at a constant speed of movement, the muscles overcome resistance, working with near-limit stress, despite changes in the ratio of levers and torques in various articular angles. It involves the use of special training devices; 6. variable resistance method- associated with the use of complex simulators, design features which allow you to change the amount of resistance in different articular angles throughout the entire range of motion.

Control exercises (tests) to determine the level of development of strength abilities. In the practice of PV, quantitative and power capabilities are evaluated in two ways: 1) using measuring devices - dynamometers: dynamographs, tensometric force-measuring devices; 2) with the help of special control exercises, strength tests. The most commonly used are special control exercises (tests). Maximum strength is determined by the greatest weight that the trainee (subject) can lift. To determine the level of development of speed-strength abilities and strength endurance, the following control exercises are used: jumping rope , pull-ups push-ups on parallel bars, from the floor or from a bench lifting the body from a prone position with bent knees hanging on bent and half-bent arms , ascent with a coup on a high bar, long jump from a place with two legs , triple jump from foot to foot, throwing a stuffed ball (1 - 3 kg) from various starting positions with two and one hand, etc. The criteria for assessing speed-strength abilities and strength endurance are the number of pull-ups, push-ups, the time of holding a certain position of the body, the range of throws (throws), jumps, etc.

Description of the presentation on individual slides:

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TESTS CHARACTERIZING THE PHYSICAL FITNESS OF CHILDREN AND ADOLESCENTS The lesson was prepared by a physical education teacher Kupriyanov D.A GBOU secondary school No. 1499

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Tests for measuring endurance * No. Test name Test procedure Measured type (variety) of endurance 1. 12-minute run 6-minute run The subject must run or run with walking, trying to cover as much distance as possible in a given time. Aerobic endurance

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Tests for measuring endurance * № p / p Test name Test procedure Measured type (variety) of endurance 2. "Lie down-sit down" test Evaluation criterion - the number of repetitions of lifting the body from a supine position to a sitting position in 1 min. The subject lies on his back, clasping his hands behind his head, then, without bending his knees, assumes a gray-haired position, alternately touching the opposite knee with bent elbows and returning to and. n. Strength endurance of the abdominal muscles

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Tests for measuring endurance * No. p / p Test name Testing procedure Measured type (variety) of endurance 3. Raising and lowering straight legs. The subject lies on his back on the mat, legs straight together, hands lie on the mat behind the head, fingers are interlaced. The partner is located on the side of the test subject's head and holds his hands. On a signal, the subject raises straight legs (45° angle) until the toes touch the installed gymnastic stick or another object suitable for this task, then lowers them until the heels touch the mat. Result. The examiner records touches and the number of complete cycles of movements performed in 30 or 60 s. Strength endurance of leg and abdominal muscles.

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Tests for measuring endurance * No. p / p Name of the test Test procedure Measured type (variety) of endurance 4. Hanging on bent arms Equipment: crossbar, stopwatch, whistle. The subject, with the help of a partner or a chair, takes and. p. - hanging on bent arms (grip from below), the chin is located above the crossbar. At the signal of the teacher, he seeks to hold this position for as long as possible. After the subject's chin falls below the pole, the stopwatch stops. The test is performed 1 time. Strength endurance of arm muscles (static)

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Tests for measuring endurance * No. p / p Test name Test procedure Measured type (variety) of endurance 5. Holding the body The subject takes and. n. lying on the back, legs bent at the knees at an angle of 90 °, torso at an angle of 40 ° to the floor surface, hands behind the head, fingers interlaced. The partner holds the subject's feet. The goal is to keep this position for as long as possible. Result. The time is specified in seconds. Strength endurance of back muscles

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Tests for measuring endurance * No. p / p Test name Test procedure Measured type (variety) of endurance 6. Flexion and extension of the arms in the lying position. The criterion of endurance is the number of push-ups: for boys - lying down; for girls - with support on bent knees. Muscle strength endurance shoulder girdle

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Tests for measuring endurance * № p / p Test name Test procedure Measured type (variety) of endurance 7. Holding certain postures with the help of muscle groups 1. The subject stands straight, arms to the sides, in each hand a load of 1 kg. 2. The subject performs a corner on gymnastic wall. The static endurance of the abdominal muscles is being studied. In those cases when the student is not able to hold the corner on the gymnastic wall, another exercise is offered - the corner at an emphasis. 1. Static endurance of the shoulder girdle 2. Static endurance of the abdominal muscles

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Tests for measuring endurance * No. Test name Test procedure Measured type (variety) of endurance 7. Holding certain postures with the help of muscle groups 3. The subject stands on his toes in a semi-squat position, the torso is held vertically. The angle between the thighs and lower leg is 90°. 4. The subject lies on the table with his chest so that the edge of the table is at the waist. His legs are extended parallel to the floor. The subject is held by the shoulders. 3. Static endurance of the muscles of the thigh and lower leg. 4. Static Endurance of back muscles.

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Tests for measuring endurance * No. p / p Test name Test procedure Measured type (variety) of endurance 7. Holding certain postures with the help of muscle groups 5. The subject stands straight. The straightened leg is raised forward to the limit. The static endurance of the muscles of the pelvic girdle is being studied. Result. The main indicator of static endurance is the time of holding the corresponding posture, and the permissible deviation from and. p. should not exceed 10 °. If the deviation is more than 10°, the recording of the time is terminated. Static endurance of the muscles of the pelvic girdle

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Description of the slide:

Tests for measuring endurance * No. p / p Test name Testing procedure Measured type (variety) of endurance 8. Throwing a stuffed ball into the wall. Equipment: medicine ball(3 kg), gymnastic bench, stopwatch. I. p. - lying on his stomach, stuffed ball in the hands of the subject. On a signal, he throws (passes) the ball with both hands from the chest into the wall above the gymnastic bench located near it (Fig.). Result. The number of throws of the medicine ball into the wall. The duration of the test for boys is 40 s, for girls 30 s. General instructions and remarks. Our additions: for children (11-12 years old) the weight of the stuffed ball should be 2 kg. The test can be performed separately for the dominant and non-dominant limb. The pause between attempts is at least 60 s. The number of throws is taken into account separately for each hand, the difference between them and the sum of all throws made with both hands and each hand separately. Multiple students can take the test at the same time. Speed ​​endurance of arm muscles

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Tests for measuring endurance * No. p / p Test name Test procedure Measured type (variety) of endurance 9. Jumping over the gymnastic bench. Equipment: gymnastic bench, stopwatch. Standing sideways to the gymnastic bench, the subject strives to make as many jumps over the gymnastic bench as possible in 20 seconds. General instructions and remarks. The duration of the test for trained boys and girls can be increased up to 40 s. Speed ​​endurance of leg muscles

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Tests for measuring endurance * No. p / p Test name Testing procedure Measured type (variety) of endurance 10. Jumps for a distance from a squat. Testing procedure. From this and n. the subject performs long jumps, trying to do it as quickly as possible. Test time 20 s. Result. The number of jumps made and the distance are taken into account. General instructions and remarks. Well trained children can complete the test for up to 40 seconds. Speed ​​endurance of leg muscles

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Tests for measuring endurance * No. Test name Test procedure Measured type (variety) of endurance 11. Squat on two legs Deep squats on two legs for 30 s. Speed-strength endurance of leg muscles

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Tests for measuring strength abilities * No. Test name Test procedure Measured type (variety) of strength abilities 1. Pull-up A simplified version of pull-ups is used when testing students with a low level of preparedness. The crossbar is set at the chest level of the subject, he takes it with a grip from above (palms away from himself) and lowers himself under the crossbar until the angle between the outstretched arms and the body is 90 °. After that, while maintaining a straight position of the torso, the student performs pull-ups. Strength and strength endurance of the muscles of the arms and shoulder girdle Development of strength and endurance of the flexor muscles of the elbow, hand, fingers, extensors of the shoulder, shoulder girdle. The indicator of strength is the number of pull-ups.

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Tests for measuring strength abilities * No. Test name Test procedure Measured type (variety) of strength abilities 2. Flexion-extension of arms on parallel bars and assumes a support position, after which he bends his arms at an angle of 900 or less, and then straightens his arms again. You need to do as many push-ups as possible. The strength of the flexors and extensors of the muscles of the arms and shoulder girdle

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Tests for measuring strength abilities * № p / p Test name Testing procedure Measured type (variety) of strength abilities 3. Flexion-extension of arms in a lying position A simplified version of push-ups is used when testing students with a low level of training. There are several modifications to this exercise. Here are the two most common: push-ups from a bench 20 cm high (Fig. 2); push-ups from the floor with bent knees (performed in the same way as push-ups from the floor, but with an emphasis on bent knees) (Fig. 3). The strength of the flexors and extensors of the muscles of the arms and shoulder girdle

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Tests for measuring strength abilities * No. p / p Test name Testing procedure Measured type (variety) of strength abilities 4. Lifting the body from a lying position with bent legs The subject lies on his back, legs are bent at an angle of 900, the feet completely touch the floor, the partner holds the feet, clasping his hands behind his head, then assumes a sitting position, touching his knees with his elbows and returns to the SP. Strength and strength endurance of the muscles of the press and the spinal column

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Tests for measuring strength abilities * No. Test name Test procedure Measured type (variety) of strength abilities 5. Hanging on bent and half-bent arms The subject assumes a hanging position on a high crossbar. Then, on his own or with the help of a teacher, he takes the position of hanging on bent arms (grip from above or below, the chin over the bar) or the position of hanging on half-bent arms (the angle between the forearm and humerus 90°). Result. The time of holding this position is determined from the beginning of its adoption until the termination of the exercise or change and. n. (changes in the angle of holding bent or half-bent arms) Strength endurance of the muscles of the shoulder girdle

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Tests for measuring strength abilities * No. p / p Test name Testing procedure Measured type (variety) of strength abilities 6. Lifting a coup on a high crossbar. The subject, after pulling up, does the lift with a coup and goes to the stop. Then it descends into the hang again. The strength of the muscles of the arms, abdominals, legs

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Tests for measuring power abilities * No. p / p Test name Testing procedure Measured type (variety) of power abilities 7. Rope climbing. In the first variant, the subject, with the help of only his hands (legs lowered), seeks to rise as quickly as possible to a height of 4 or 5 m. In the second variant, he tries to do the same, but keeping a right angle between the legs and the body (for students with high level strength). In the third version it is control exercise the subject performs with the help of the legs (for students with a low level of strength training). Strength of the muscles of the arms, abdominals and legs

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Tests for measuring strength abilities * No. test name Test procedure Measured type (variety) of strength abilities 8. Standing long jump with two legs Speed-strength abilities (leg muscles)

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Tests for measuring power abilities * No. p / p Test name Testing procedure Measured type (variety) of power abilities 9. Raising and lowering the torso and arms above the floor. Equipment: mat, 2 vertical posts, cord, measuring tape, stopwatch. The subject is in the prone position, the legs are fixed by the partner. Within 15 seconds, he must raise his torso and arms as high as possible above the ground, fixing this position by touching only the back of the head with the measuring tape, and lower them. Result. The number of correctly performed attempts (raising and lowering the torso and arms) is determined in 15 s. General instructions and remarks. 3-4 preliminary estimates are given. The measuring tape is set to the height of the shin of the subject to the upper edge patella. Strength and strength endurance of the back muscles

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Tests for measuring speed abilities * No. p / p Test name Testing procedure Measured type (variety) of speed abilities 1 Catching a falling stick. Equipment: a stick 60 cm long, 1 cm in diameter and marked on it in cm, a chair. The subject sits on a chair facing the back, on which his arm is horizontally located (Fig. a). The fingers are straightened. At 1 cm from them, the test subject vertically holds the stick by its upper end, which is installed near the lower edge of the subject's open hand (Fig. b). After 1 - 3 s, the person conducting the test releases the stick, and the subject must catch it (grab it with a brush) as quickly as possible. Result. The distance (in cm) that the stick will fly from the lower end to the lower edge of the subject's hand is measured. General instructions and remarks. The test is given. Of the two valid attempts, the best result is taken into account A) Reaction speed B) Reaction speed, speed of a single movement

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Tests for measuring speed abilities * № p / p Test name Test procedure Measured type (variety) of speed abilities Frequency of movements of arms and legs Evaluated using simple devices (tapping tests) Result. The number of movements of the arms (alternately or one) or legs (alternately or one) in 5-20 s. Frequency (tempo) of movements of the arms (separately leading and non-leading) and legs (legs)

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Tests for measuring speed abilities * No. Test name Test procedure Measured type (variety) of speed abilities Running in place for 5-10 s On a signal, the subject seeks to touch the rubber cord with his knees as often as possible. The cord is suspended horizontally at the height of the subject's thigh raised at a right angle. Leg frequency

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Tests for measuring flexibility * No. Test name Test procedure Measured type (variety) of flexibility 1. Tilt (torso) forward in a sitting position Tilt (torso) forward in a standing position Equipment: a stool or a stably installed gymnastic bench with a vertically attached to it ruler (board, in cm). It is better to set the zero mark on the ruler at the horizontal level of the stool or bench. The subject stands without shoes on a stool or bench so that the toes are exactly on the edge of the stool. The feet are connected, the legs are straightened at the knee joints. From this and n. the student performs torso forward so that the fingers fall as low as possible. This position must be held for 2 s. Result. The distance in cm (on a ruler or board) is taken into account, to which the fingers reached. General instructions and remarks. Of the two attempts, the best result is taken into account. The test is not counted if, during the forward bend, the legs are bent at the knee joints. The test subject receives a “+” rating (for example, +5) if his fingers dipped below horizontal level stools or benches, and a “-” mark if his fingers did not reach the zero mark. Measurements can also be taken from the +50 mark. Flexibility of the spine and trunk

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Tests for measuring flexibility * № p / p Test name Test procedure Measured type (variety) of flexibility 2. Raising hands with a gymnastic stick up in the supine position Equipment: tape measure, stick 1.5 m long, bench The subject lies on the bench with his stomach, resting his chin on her, and stretches his arms forward. With both hands he holds a stick. Without lifting his chin from the bench, he raises straight arms as high as possible above his head. Result. The teacher, using a tape measure, measures the length of an imaginary perpendicular from the stick to the bench. Mobility of the joints of the shoulder girdle

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Tests for measuring flexibility * No. Test name Test procedure Measurable type (variety) of flexibility 3. Departure from the wall The subject stands with his back to the wall, legs together, arms spread apart so that the little fingers of both hands touch the wall. Then, without taking his little fingers off the wall, he moves forward as far as possible. Result. The teacher measures at the level of the shoulder blades the distance from the subject's back to the wall. Mobility of the joints of the shoulder girdle

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Tests for measuring flexibility * No. p / p Test name Test procedure Measured type (variety) of flexibility 4 "Bridge" The procedure for performing this exercise is known. Result. The distance from the heels to the fingertips of the subject is taken into account. The shorter the distance, the better result. Flexibility of the trunk, hip joints and shoulder joints

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Tests for measuring flexibility * No. p / p Test name Test procedure Measured type (variety) of flexibility 5. Breeding the legs to the sides (twine). The subject seeks to spread his legs as wide as possible: 1) to the sides and 2) back and forth with support on his hands. Result. The distance from the top of the angle formed by the legs to the floor is taken into account. The shorter the distance, the greater the flexibility. Flexibility of the hip joints

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Tests for measuring flexibility * No. p / p Test name Test procedure Measured type (variety) of flexibility 6. Tilts to the right (left). From i. n. kneeling (knees together) touch the floor with a hand clenched into a fist (boys, boys), or a palm (girls, girls) Flexibility of the spinal column in the lateral plane

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Tests for measuring flexibility * No. p / p Test name Test procedure Measured type (variety) of flexibility 7. Twist in shoulder joints with a gymnastic stick in his hands n. standing holds the stick in horizontal position in hand. Then he twists in the shoulder joints with this object from front to back, and then returns to and. n. Hands remain straight. The task is to perform a twist with as much as possible narrow grip sticks. Result. Evaluated: a) the minimum distance between both hands on a stick (in cm); b) shoulder width with a compass; c) flexibility index: grip width (in cm) / shoulder width (in cm). General instructions and remarks. gymnastic stick 120 cm long, marked in cm. Compasses for measuring shoulder width. Of the four attempts, the best result is taken into account. It is necessary to pre-warm up the joint (warm-up). Shoulder joint flexibility

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Tests for measuring flexibility * No. p / p Test name Test procedure Measured type (variety) of flexibility 8. Bending back and touching the floor with your hands. In a kneeling position, bend back and touch the floor with your hands. Mobility of the spinal column, knee joints

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Tests for measuring flexibility * No. Test name Test procedure Measurable type (variety) of flexibility 9. Full squat on the entire foot, knees together, arms forward Mobility in the knees and hip joints

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Tests for measuring flexibility * No. Test name Test procedure Measurable type (variety) of flexibility ankle joints

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Tests to determine coordination abilities* Item No. Name of the test Testing procedure Measured type (variety) of coordination abilities 1. shuttle run 3x10 m, 4x10 m, etc. it is possible to run 3x10 m backwards and compare the time of running 3x10 m face and back forward (c) Running between two parallel lines; on each line a stuffed ball; from a high start, running around the ball from any side and finishing without stopping on the line. Absolute and relative indicators of the CS in cyclic locomotions (in running). Ability to adapt and rebuild

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Tests for determining coordinating abilities * No. p / p Test name Testing procedure Measured type (variety) of coordinating abilities 2. Three somersaults forward. It is also possible to perform three somersaults back and compare the time when performing somersaults forward and backward (c) The subject stands at the edge of the mats and takes ip. O.S .. At the command “You can!” the student takes the position of emphasis crouching and consistently, without stopping, trying to make 3 somersaults in the minimum amount of time. After the last somersault, you need to take i.p. cop in acrobatic exercises; ability to agree and adapt

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