Teaching children physical exercises in the dow. Classification of methods and techniques for teaching children physical exercises

Characteristics of the methods and techniques of teaching children preschool age exercise.

There are three groups of methods: visual, verbal and practical.

Visual methods based on the direct sense of perception of physical. ex. and are used to create visual representations of movement in children.

Visual methods include:

  • direct display of ex. - when shown to children through the organs of vision, a visual representation of the movement is created. The show is used in all age groups when children are introduced to new movements;
  • imitation - imitation of the actions of animals, birds, insects, natural phenomena and social life - takes great place pi teaching the movements of preschool children;
  • visual aids (drawings, photographs, etc.) - when examining children, they clarify their visual representations of individual elements of movements and, thanks to this, perform exercises better in the classroom, during morning exercises;
  • assistance - when teaching movements, assistance is provided by the educator himself. Assistance is used to clarify the position of individual parts of the body in order to create correct visual and musculo-motor representations;
  • the use of visual landmarks - (subject and graphic marking) helps children to deepen their ideas about the movement being learned, master the most difficult elements of technology, and also contribute to more energetic exercise, stimulate activity;
  • the use of sound landmarks - for mastering the rhythm and regulating the tempo of movements, as well as a signal for the beginning and end of the action, for fixing correct execution exercises. Musical chords, tambourine beats, handclaps, etc. are used as sound reference points.

verbal method - helps to purposefully observe, more accurately perceive the exercise, activate the child's thinking, contribute to comprehension motor actions, contribute to the creation of more complete and accurate representations of the movement.

  • Name of the exercise. Many physical exercises recommended for preschool children have conditional names that to a certain extent reflect the nature of the movement, for example, “stretching an elastic band”, “pumping up a pump”, “locomotive”, “geese hiss”, etc. The teacher, showing and explaining the exercise, at the same time indicates what action it looks like and names it.

After the exercise is basically mastered, the teacher does not show, but only calls it. Children must complete the movement according to the word. The name of the exercise evokes a visual representation of movement in children. Titles reduce the time spent explaining an exercise or reminding you how to do it.

  • Description - this is a detailed and, moreover, a consistent presentation of the features of the technique for performing the movement being learned. A complete description, necessary to create a general idea of ​​\u200b\u200bthe movement, is usually used when teaching children of senior preschool age. The teacher, showing the exercise, simultaneously gives a verbal description.
  • Explanation - used when learning a movement. The explanation emphasizes the essential in the exercise and highlights the element of technique to which attention will be drawn in this lesson. Gradually, children are created imagining about each element. The explanation should be short, precise, understandable, figurative, emotional. Children are involved in the explanation of physical exercises, as a rule, while consolidating motor skills,
  • Explanations used to draw attention to something ordeepen the perception of children, emphasize certain
    sides of the movement being learned. Explanation accompanies
    showing or doing physical exercises. The word in this case plays an additional role.
  • Directions. - when learning movements, fixing motorskills and abilities. The content of the instructions varies depending on what tasks the educator sets: setting and clarifying the task; clarification on how to proceed; prevention and correction of errors in children; evaluation of the exercises (approval and disapproval); promotion. Instructions can also be aimed at arousing interest in the exercises, the desire to perform them clearly and correctly. Instructions can be given both before and during the exercise. Prior to the execution of the movement, instructions are used as a method of preliminary instruction.
  • Grade The quality of performance contributes to the clarification of children's ideas about the movement: they themselves begin to notice mistakes in themselves and their peers.
  • Teams. Orders. The command is understood as an oral order pronounced by the educator, which has a certain form and is accurate. content (“Attention!”, “All around!” Etc.). This is a form of speech influence, characterized by the greatest conciseness and imperative mood. The team is one of the main methods of direct management (emergency management) of children's activities. The goal of the team is to ensure the simultaneous start and end of the action, pace and direction of movement. The team consists of two parts: preliminary and executive. The preliminary part indicates what needs to be done and in what way; the executive contains a signal for the immediate execution of the action.
  • Questions to children encourage observation, activate thinking and speech, help clarify ideas about movements, arouse interest in them.
  • A story invented by a teacher or taken from a book is used to arouse children's interest and desire to exercise.

The plot (thematic) story can be used in the classroom. Under the story invented by the teacher, the children perform exercises. The themes of the stories can be "A trip to the dacha", "A walk in the forest", etc.

  • Conversation. It usually takes the form of a question and answer. The conversation helps the teacher to find out the interests of children, their knowledge, the degree of assimilation of movements, the rules of an outdoor game; children - to realize, comprehend their sensory experience. In addition, the conversation contributes to the clarification, expansion, generalization of knowledge, ideas about the technique of physical exercises.

Practical Methodsused to create musculoskeletal representationsabout physical exercises and consolidation of motor skills and abilities. Temporary connections are easily formed in children, but without repetition they quickly fade away.

  • Repetition exercises. At first, in order to create muscle sensations, it is advisable to repeat the exercises without change, and in general. Against the background of such a holistic implementation, the elements of technology are mastered. The most complex movements can be divided into relatively independent elements and, mastering them in facilitated conditions, gradually approach the mastery of the movement as a whole.
  • Conducting exercises in a playful way characterized by the organization of children's activities on the basis of a figurative or conditional plot, which provides for the achievement of a goal in changing conditions. The game plot is borrowed from the surrounding reality (imitation of hunting, labor, domestic activities, etc.), sometimes it is specially created as a conditional scheme for the interaction of the players (games - towns, tennis, etc.).
  • The game method is used in teaching complex movements, when they are already basically mastered, in order to consolidate motor skills and develop the ability to apply them in various situations. Game activity is complex and is based on a combination of various motor actions (running, jumping, etc.).
  • Carrying out exercises in a competitive form - a special physiological and emotional background enhances the effect of the exercise on the body. The competitive method is used when children have mastered the movements well.

Teaching methods are selected depending on the tasks, age features children, their preparedness, as well as the complexity and nature of the exercises. At the first stage the initial learning of the exercise is carried out in order to create in children the correct idea of ​​\u200b\u200bthe movement. To this end, the demonstration is combined with explanation and practical testing. The visual image of the movement and the words denoting its name and elements of technology are remembered.

Lyubov Danilova
Methods and techniques for motivating preschoolers in physical education classes

Today, the preservation and strengthening of children's health is one of the main strategic tasks of the country's development. It is regulated and provided by such regulatory legal documents as the laws of the Russian Federation “On Education” (Art. 51, "On the sanitary and epidemiological well-being of the population", Federal State Educational Standard DO,

As well as decrees of the President of Russia "On urgent measures to ensure the health of the population Russian Federation”, “On the approval of the main directions of the state social policy to improve the situation of children in the Russian Federation”, etc.

"A pressing task physical education , - the Concept says, - is the search effective means improving the development of the motor sphere of children preschool age based on the formation of their need for movement. Because the physical health forms an inseparable unity with mental health and emotional well-being, then the ways to achieve it cannot be reduced to narrow medical and narrow pedagogical activities.

At present, for the majority of children, kindergarten is the only haven where they have the opportunity to fully move, play with peers, and reveal their abilities for physical education and sports, to strengthen health, to form strong-willed qualities.

Kindergarten as a launching pad is designed to give each child the opportunity to feel in which direction to move on.

Physical education are not possible without an emotional mood and motivation.

Motivation for physical education and sport serves as an incentive to action; dynamic process physiological and psychological plan, controlling the child's behavior, determining its direction, organization, activity and stability; a person's ability to actively satisfy his needs.

The effectiveness of the formation of motor skills largely depends on the correct selection motivational teaching methods.

Methods learning is a system tricks in different combinations depending on the specifics of the content subject, specific didactic tasks, real means and learning conditions.

There are three groups methods: visual, verbal and practical.

Visual methods provide the brightness of sensory perception and motor sensations necessary for the child to have the most complete and specific idea of ​​movement, activating the development of his sensory abilities.

verbal methods activate the child's thinking, help to purposefully perceive the technique of exercises, contribute to the creation of more accurate visual representations of the movement. Practical methods are used to create musculoskeletal representations of physical exercises and consolidation of motor skills and abilities.

Any method, as we understood from the definition, is a system tricks that complement and refine method.

When teaching children to move, various visualization techniques. Consider tricks related to visual method.

To the visual techniques include showing physical exercises, the use of visual aids (drawings, photographs, cinematographs, films, film rings, the use of I.K.T., imitations (imitations, visual cues, sound signals, assistance.

to tactile-muscular techniques include the direct assistance of the educator, visual-auditory music, songs.

tricks pertaining to verbal method. Explanations, explanations, instructions, conversation, questions to children, giving commands, orders, signals, figurative plot story, verbal instruction

tricks related to practical method. Repetition of exercises without change and with changes, conducting exercises in a playful way, conducting exercises in a competitive way. (Complexes of various practical tricks, interconnected with visualization and word.)

In different age groups, the ratio methods of teaching physical exercise changes. At the beginning of the first year of life, exercises are performed with the help of a teacher. Gradually, the independence of the children increases, and they perform the exercises with a little help from the teacher or with support for objects. At this age, a large place is occupied by visual landmarks that stimulate children to perform movements. The word is mainly used to create a positive attitude in children about doing exercises.

Substantiation and implementation of expedient methods and techniques for the formation of movements and development physical qualities in children - the immediate task physical education.

In junior preschool age at training physical exercises to a greater extent use demonstration, imitation, visual, sound landmarks. verbal tricks are combined with the demonstration and help to clarify the technique of exercises.

In middle and older age, with the expansion of the motor experience of children, the role of verbal tricks(explanations, commands, etc.) unaccompanied by a demonstration, more complex visual aids are used (photography, drawings, cinegrams, the use of I.K.T., more often exercises are performed in a competitive form.

Considering all of the above, we have created an algorithm for the system physical education in which the children "moving in a spiral" form basic knowledge, skills, and then to achieve senior preschool age, "closing the circle"- learn the basics various kinds sports. This system allows our graduates to easily decide on the choice of sections and circles for further sports development, easily adapt to new psychological conditions and, taking steps of personal desires and opportunities.

No undertaking is possible without creating optimal conditions, and in our kindergarten, each room has a functional significance for physical education and sports.

Functional room Functional significance


Educational and educational physical education -

health work with children.

Music Hall

Organization culturally-mass sports events, family meetings, the development of social ties.

Psychological office with an interactive installation Providing psychological assistance to children, consultations of teachers and parents on the formation of sports and volitional qualities preschoolers.

methodical office

Rendering methodical support to teachers and families of pupils in raising a healthy and physically developed child.

Medical unit

Ensuring medical monitoring and the operation of an advisory center for valeology and health saving.

Group health-saving corners Stationary and permanent access to physical education and sports.

Foyer equipped for a gym table tennis and Swedish wall

Place of exercise muscle mass and dexterity, realization of hobbies and diagnostics physical skills of pupils, information and sports zone.

Sports ground, health trail, group areas

The development of a sports game in the air, hardening of children, the organization of mass entertainment, the expansion of spatial opportunities.

Currently, there is a transition of the organization of the pedagogical process to the construction of direct educational activities, taking into account the FGT. In the presented table, we propose a connection with 4 educational areas, methods and techniques of motivation, which will expand the area data. The presented table will help to see the model preschooler, when implementing methods and techniques of motivation on the end result.

Direction Educational area Methods and techniques of motivation, which will be directed to the development of the Model preschooler

Physical education development - hardening


Massage physically fit, mentally and physically healthy

Artistic and aesthetic development (music)-for the development of rhythmic movements AND EXERCISES

For simulation-sound exercises

For emotional mood Flexible,



Speech development - the right to choose

Games for imagination, creativity Peculiar to communication,


Cognitive development - learning the rules of the game

Using Game Fragment Projection Schemes

Modeling a game on an interactive whiteboard

Viewing the game of professionals

With biofeedback technology Knows sports games, has analytical thinking,

ability to use knowledge sports games in real life

Prospects for activities kindergarten in the direction physical education

1. Create Gym with modern equipment for the development of preschoolers physical qualities , skills

2. Providing tutor assistance through the creation of a single educational space Kindergarten - Youth School named after. Sokolova

Each stage of the skill corresponds to a certain stage of learning movements.


1) Primary - introductory stage (stage of initial learning) - 1 time;

At the stage of initial learning of physical exercises, children are introduced to a new motor action and form the ability to perform it in general terms. The teacher shows the exercise to the children and explains in detail all the elements that make up it.

The purpose of the initial learning: to introduce the child to a new exercise, to create a holistic view of the movement in him and to arouse interest. At the first stage, the teacher uses the method of initial learning: a) showing a movement pattern; b) a detailed display of the sample, followed by a word; c) joint exercise with children.

2) The stage of in-depth learning (corresponding to the second stage of the skill) - 2-10 times;

The teacher draws the child's attention to the correct execution of the movement, corrects technical errors; if the exercise is simple, the teacher uses complication; For example: the Heron exercise, simply and with complication, perform a familiar exercise by changing the starting position, using sports equipment, changing the pace; increasing the number of repetitions, etc.

3) The stage of consolidation and improvement of motor skills; (corresponds to the third stage) The child performs movements automatically (by name). At this stage, it is advisable to use creative tasks, counting, music, etc.

Question 38: the method of conducting morning exercises, gymnastics after a daytime sleep.

morning exercises is considered as the most important element of the motor regime, a means for raising the emotional tone. It has a healing effect on the child's body. Morning exercises are carried out daily in the morning period for 8-10 minutes. The place of its holding can be a sports or music hall, a group room. During the warm season, morning exercises are held at the kindergarten site. Its content includes an introductory, main and final part. At the beginning - a warm-up, then a set of 5-6 exercises for the arms, legs, torso and, finally, walking or sedentary game to restore breathing. A set of exercises for gymnastics is compiled for 1-2 weeks. Its content usually includes exercises learned with children in a physical education class. At younger preschool age, morning exercises should be playful. It includes 2-3 games of varying degrees of mobility or 4-5 figurative-imitation exercises. Musical accompaniment is an important component of morning exercises. It increases the intensity of movements, positively affects the emotional mood of children.

After daytime sleep V preschool held gymnastics. It facilitates the awakening of the child, stimulates the activity of internal organs, and has a general strengthening effect. The complex of gymnastic exercises after sleep has two parts. The first part is spent in bed. She is short. Its task is to help the child gradually move from sleep to wakefulness. Then a complex of wellness and breathing exercises after sleep, which includes performing 4x-5 exercises, walking on massage mats, a ribbed board, salt paths, etc. It should be noted that all means of physical education are used in conjunction and act as a system of physical education and health work in a particular age group.

The process of learning to exercise
physical has the following stages.

Initial study, during which the ability to perform physical exercise in general terms is formed (mastering the basics of technology).

initial study. At this stage, the task is to teach children to perform the movement in general terms.

According to the physiological mechanism, the stage of formation of the initial skill is characterized by the fact that during its duration the basis of the cortical dynamic stereotype is created. At the same time, the selection of suitable congenital and acquired reflexes takes place, as well as the formation of new ones, which were not found in the student's motor experience. As a result, by the end of the stage, a system of motor reflexes is formed, corresponding to the basis of the technique of the movement being studied. Specific features of this stage: insufficient accuracy of movements in space and time, inaccuracy of muscle efforts, instability of the rhythm of movement, the presence of unnecessary additional movements; lack of fusion between the phases (elements) of a complex movement.

Taking into account the indicated features of the formation of the initial motor skill, at the first stage of training, the following tasks are set: to form a holistic idea of ​​the movement; to achieve the execution of the movement as a whole; eliminate unnecessary movements, excessive muscle tension.

In-depth learning. The purpose of this stage of training is to bring the initial skill to an accurate, worked out in detail. In the process of in-depth learning, it is necessary to refine the movements so much that the skill later turns into the skill of mastering the perfect action. This stage is characterized by the refinement of the temporal, spatial and power characteristics of movements. The physiological mechanism of this process is the refinement of both individual motor reflexes and their system as a whole.

The duration of the in-depth learning phase can vary. It depends on the complexity of the movement structure, on the general and special preparedness of students, on the stability of erroneous reactions, and on the type of nervous activity. The reasons for the delay in this stage may also be the phenomenon of "negative transfer" of other skills and difficulties associated with overcoming innate automatisms and defensive reactions. The tasks at the second stage of training are to: clarify the details of the technique of the studied movement; to achieve a clear, free and unified execution of the movement as a whole.

Consolidation and further improvement of the movement.

The task of this stage of training is to translate the acquired skill into a skill, as well as to develop additional skills and abilities to apply the learned movement in various conditions. Depending on the general direction of the process of physical education, the duration of this stage is different.

The learning process at this stage covers two stages of motor skill development: a) the stage of strengthening the skill in the main movement option and b) the stage of skills and abilities formation in additional movement options. In the first stage, the existing dynamic stereotype is strengthened, corresponding to the main variant of the technique of the studied movement, in the second, in addition to this main stereotype, additional motor reactions are developed and consolidated, corresponding to various variants of the technique. In some cases, these stages can be consistently distinguished quite clearly - when the types of movements are relatively standard (gymnastics), In other cases, when the movements are associated with the maximum manifestation physical strength or with a constant change in conditions, these stages merge together: the strengthening of the main dynamic stereotype occurs along with the development and consolidation of its variants. At the same time, the improvement of movement occurs on the basis of a partial restructuring of a previously developed skill, especially such movements that are associated with the progressive development of physical qualities.

At this stage of training, the following tasks are set: to consolidate the mastered movement technique along with further refinement of its details; ensure the correct execution of the learned movement in various conditions, in combination with other motor skills and with maximum physical effort (in outdoor games).

Thus, we see that when teaching physical exercises, one should take into account the stages of the formation of motor skills and abilities.

See also...
Methods of physical education and development of preschool children part 1
History of the development of the theory and methodology of physical education
Development of the theory of physical education of a child in tsarist Russia
The system of physical education of the child in the Soviet period
Tasks of physical education
Means of physical education
Methods and techniques for teaching children physical exercises
Visual Methods
Visual and auditory techniques
verbal methods
Practical Methods
Value in the use of methods
Features of the development of psychophysical qualities in preschoolers. Characteristics of psychophysical qualities: speed, dexterity, strength, flexibility, endurance. Means of their development. Diagnostics of psychophysical qualities.
Endurance education
Development of flexibility
Development of agility
Physical exercises are the main means of physical education.
Spatial characteristics of motor actions
rhythmic characteristic
Classification of physical exercises
Gymnastics and its main components.
The main types of movements.
Methods of teaching children of different age groups to run.
Methods of teaching children of different age groups to run
Quantitative and qualitative indicators of the correct execution of the movement
Wellness run
Methods of teaching children to walk, exercise in balance.
Walking training methodology
Qualitative and quantitative indicators of correct walking
Balance exercises
Methods of teaching preschoolers to jump.
Standing long jump
Running long jump
Standing high jump
Running high jump
Qualitative and quantitative indicators of correct jumps
Methods of teaching preschoolers throwing.
Lead-up exercises for throwing
Methods of teaching children of different age groups to climb.
Outdoor games
Game classification
Place of outdoor games during the day
Methods of conducting outdoor games with children of primary and secondary preschool age
Methods of conducting outdoor games with children of senior preschool age. Game difficulty options.
Methodology for conducting relay race games with preschool children.
All Pages

Methods and techniques for teaching children physical exercises (classification and general characteristics teaching methods and techniques. visual method. Techniques for providing visual clarity: showing physical exercises, imitation, using visual landmarks, demonstrating visual aids. Techniques for providing tactile-muscular visibility: help from a teacher, using lead-up exercises. Techniques for providing auditory clarity: the use of music, percussion instruments, other sound signals. Verbal techniques: explanation, explanation, indication, order, command, questions, conversations. Practical: repetition of exercises, game and competitive method).


Ways of transferring knowledge and skills to children, ways of influence of a teacher on pupils, ways of work of children themselves - all this refers to methods(from Greek.methodos- way, way) and methodological methods.

METHODS,used in the process of physical exercises, are developed taking into account pedagogical patterns teacher action systems, the purposeful application of which allows organize in a certain way the theoretical and practical activities of those involved, which ensures the development of motor actions by them, the directed development of motor abilities and the formation of physical culture of the child's personality.

The basis of physical education methods is load regulation and their harmonious, thoughtful combination with relaxation.

According with a specific task and conditions of employment exercise each method is implemented by using METHODOLOGICAL TECHNIQUES , incoming part this method . For example, the demonstration method can be carried out in different ways: showing the exercise in profile or full face, showing it at the required pace or in slow motion, etc.

Hence, inside each method used it a variety of methodological approaches. Outside the method, the reception loses its meaning. Reception allows you to apply the appropriate method in specific conditions. With the same method implementation it can be carried out different methods.

That is why one method or another used in solving a wide variety of tasks And when working with any contingent of children. And the richer the stock of methodological techniques, topics wider range of application of the method.

A special system of methods and teaching methods for training, development , and sometimes forms of organizing classes, created to solve a specific problem, it is customary to call METHOD

In connection with the specifics of physical culture and health-improving work in a preschool institution, those methods, which reflect features of training, education and development of preschoolers.

Based on the classification of methods used in physical exercises with preschoolers, is used a sign of the child's perception of information.

Widely used in the system of physical education general didactic methods: visual, verbal (verbal), practical.

Visual Methods form ideas about movement, the brightness of sensitive perception and motor sensations, develop sensory abilities.

IN verbal (verbal) methods activate the child's consciousness, contribute to the understanding of the tasks, their content, structure, the conscious performance of physical exercises, their independent and creative application in various situations; practical methods provide verification of the child's motor actions, the correctness of their perception, motor sensations.

Practical Methods strictly regulated.