Shaking trainer. Vibroplatform for weight loss: an athletic body without a bit of work? The muscles of the legs and waist are involved

A person has to look for methods that will help keep the body in good shape without effort. This is exactly what the useful biomechanical vibration machine offers, which is created for body shaping and maintaining an athletic physique. What are the benefits and harms of the vibration platform?

This article will help you understand the principle of the simulator, functional features, properties and will reveal negative points.

Description of the vibration platform

The complete set of a useful vibration platform exactly reflects the name and properties. This is a small area that, under the influence of current, begins to vibrate.

The process has useful properties. The amplitude of such vibration can reach 10 mm.

Vibroplatforms can be equipped with a special one, thanks to which you can successfully and profitably (without harm to the body) do fitness.

On the shelves of stores you can see two types of vibration platforms:

  • A compact model that consists solely of one useful vibrating platform. It can be easily put on a shelf or put in a closet, it does not take up much space, which is convenient for people with a small living space.
  • A more bulky option, as it has special handrails, a pen stand and even a computer. The model is more convenient for training, it has more diverse functions and even has special programs. A vibroplatform of such a useful configuration is much more expensive and requires more space.

Comment! From which one more benefit- a rhetorical question. Beneficial features devices are the same, and the result depends only on the regularity of training.

Why do you need a vibration platform

Before purchasing a vibration platform, it is necessary to thoroughly understand its purpose in order to understand whether a purchase is necessary and whether the state of health allows its use. Otherwise, exercises can bring not benefit, but harm - such a property of the vibration platform.

When a person stands on a useful vibration platform and starts a specific weight loss program, vibrations begin that spread throughout the body. Vibrations effectively affect all organs. Thanks to them muscle fibers tend to start working more actively and shrink (the same happens when sports loads). A person does not have to do a lot of exhausting exercises, while the result is the same as with a fairly long power load.

If we talk about the structure of cartilage, then it also tends to improve under the influence of vibrations. During training, the state of blood vessels improves: they expand. Thanks to such fluctuations, blood circulation is normalized, and tissues are actively enriched with oxygen, which has a great effect on the state of the cardiovascular system and, of course, benefits for weight loss.

If you combine the positive aspects, you get a picture of effective useful influence on the well-being of a person, and hence his psychological health will improve. The benefits are obvious.

Commercials promise that in a month of the course on a useful vibration platform, you can already lose several tens of kilograms. It is worthwhile to figure out whether such promises are true, and the properties of the apparatus are miraculous.

Benefits of vibrating platform for health

If we talk about the benefits of exposure to vibration, then it really is the cause of the destruction of fat cells. But in order to successfully remove them from the body, a special oxidizing agent is needed, the release of which cannot be achieved in a course on a vibration platform. Therefore, when classes are over, fat cells are successfully restored.

A useful vibration platform can become only a part of a workout, but cannot replace it completely.

Important! If you want to achieve a permanent result, you need to combine the simulator with physical education, then the effect will be fixed.

Advertising says that training should take no more than 10 minutes, but for weight loss this is incredible enough. The duration of classes should increase every day. You can start with 10 minutes and gradually increase the time to start the process of losing weight.

Another important nuance course on the vibration platform: daily exhausting exercises do not bring benefits. In this mode, they only cause harm. Vibrations can cause resonant vibrations in all internal organs person. Too long exercises not without harm affect the body and lead to visual impairment, negatively affect the functioning of the nervous system and blood circulation. There may also be problems with the spine and gastrointestinal tract, metabolism and sleep cycle.

Attention! To get the benefit, it is worth rationally and moderately approaching physical activity on the simulator so as not to cause irreparable harm to health.

How to exercise on a vibration platform

  1. If a person is full of desire to try the beneficial effect of the vibration platform, there is no need to exhaust yourself by overpowering the body.
  2. To get the maximum benefit from the vibration platform, and not harm, you need to familiarize yourself with the technical safety rules.
  3. Before performing useful exercises on a vibrating platform, it is necessary to do them on the floor, while following the instructions.
  4. To exercise on the vibration platform, you must wear cotton socks or shoes with thin soles. This will protect against the formation of corns and prevent injury.
  5. In order for the loads to be beneficial and effective, you need to properly stand on the simulator, placing your legs so that the amplitude of the oscillations is uniform throughout the body.
  6. Before starting the program, you need to do some regular exercises to warm up the body and prepare it for more serious exercise.
  7. In an apartment or house, it is important to choose a place specially designated for training, it is best if it is a free space that is well ventilated.
  8. Before using the simulator, you should consult a doctor to protect yourself from negative effects and from possible harm.

Exercises on the vibration platform for weight loss

If all the preparatory operations for training have been completed, you can start the exercises.

Below is the order of a small workout that tends to tone the body:

  1. Stand on a useful vibration platform, while exhaling, bend your legs, and stretch your arms in front of you and linger in this position for a few seconds.
  2. Take steps (as if on a ladder), while holding each leg on the vibration platform for 30 seconds.
  3. Get on your knees and put your hands on the vibration platform, relax your back and stay in this position for 30 seconds.
  4. Lie down on the vibration platform with your stomach down so that the middle of the body is placed on the vibrating part, put your hands in front of you, stretch your legs, the body should be in one line. Hold in this position for 30 seconds.
  5. Lie on your back, and fix your feet on the vibration platform, arms should be extended along the body, while the lower back and buttocks are slightly raised.

Important! If you approach training on the simulator reasonably, adding them to a complex workout, while connecting proper nutrition, you can achieve a visible result without harm to health and get the maximum benefit.

Damage to the vibration platform

Even a harmless one can cause significant harm, classes should be approached moderately and reasonably.

Even if a person is completely healthy, there are factors that can negatively affect well-being when exercising on a vibrating machine. For example, if a woman is experiencing painful periods, during this period it is more useful to protect yourself from such activities, as this can be harmful.

The property of vibration, useful for losing weight and bringing the body into tone, can be harmful after recent fractures or surgeries, with open wounds.

Those who have disorders of the vestibular apparatus, a tendency to dizziness should be exercised with extreme caution on the vibration platform.

Contraindications for exercising on a vibration platform

The vibration platform also has contraindications.

The high-risk group also includes:

  • pregnant women;
  • people who have artificial organs or joints, pacemakers, prostheses, metal elements in the body;
  • patients with diabetes;
  • people with various inflammatory processes and high fever, with kidney stones or bladder patients with osteochondrosis.

Attention! With any of these contraindications, it is necessary to immediately stop exercising on a vibrating simulator and find a safer type of exercise, otherwise significant harm will be caused to health.

The benefits and harms of the vibration platform are obvious. The valuable properties of the apparatus help to bring weakened muscles and tissues back to normal, relieve subcutaneous fat. But classes should be carried out regularly, moderately and after consultation with a doctor.

Classes on a vibration platform can be an alternative option physical activity for those to whom its active form (for example, fitness) is not recommended or simply does not like it. But how to make the most effective complex exercise?

The vibrating platform is a simulator originally designed to strengthen and prevent muscle atrophy. It appeared thanks to the development of Soviet scientists, designed to support physical state astronauts at the proper level, especially after their long stay in space. Therefore, the first and main purpose of training on a vibration platform is to strengthen muscles in a passive way.

Korean scientists have improved the technology of the simulator, giving it additional modes aimed at losing weight and fighting cellulite. And for a given period of time, most types of classes on the vibration platform are considered alternative, effective method active physical activity. True, provided that the trainee knows how to properly conduct them.

Training rules

Before proceeding to use the vibration platform in general, you should make sure that the trainee has no contraindications for exercising on it. There is none of them? Then you can continue to study the instructions.

Firstly, you should know that exercises on the vibrating platform can be started with three workouts per week with a 10-minute duration. Gradually bring the time up to half an hour.

Wellness for the whole family

Vibroplatform- This is a new type of home massage simulators, invented in the USSR for the rehabilitation of astronauts, and later used for training the Olympic team. Now this massager simulator can be purchased for home use, it is presented on the market for health and beauty products in a wide price range and a variety of functionality. How to choose from this variety what is right for you?

Outline the scope of tasks

Why do you need a vibration platform? Think of all the members of your family. Perhaps, personally, you need to tighten your hips and make beautiful waist and your husband sits in the office all day without looking up from the keyboard. Mom is prescribed cardio, and teenage son has too much physical activity in sports section? If you correctly approach the solution of these problems, then with one vibration platform you can go far in solving them.

Consult a doctor

Pay attention to the list of contraindications and restrictions. If there is even the slightest risk, be sure to consult your doctor. Of course, the vibration platform by itself will not do all the work for the user. The vibrations that it produces speed up the metabolism and contribute to the removal of excess fluid from the body. This will get rid of several extra pounds. But, if you are going to do health and appearance, you have to take it seriously.

Choose a comfortable place

Choose a place at home where the simulator will be located. Do not forget that you need to do exercises on the vibration platform so that you need a little more free space around. There is no way to put a large platform - it does not matter, manufacturers offer compact vibrating platforms without racks and handrails, which can be stored even under the bed. The main thing is the determination to practice every day and the lesson plan.

On the vibration platform, you can do exercises to correct weight, to stimulate and improve the work of the main vital systems of the body, to improve overall well-being. It is possible to stimulate muscles that have been motionless all day and, on the contrary, relax them in case of excessive physical exertion. After a hard day at the office or on suburban area- vibration platform will help to quickly drive away fatigue.

Start training

Start with small loads, listen to your feelings. Fight the reluctance to exercise every day, as soon as you start training, muscle fatigue will immediately go away, your mood will rise. Classes on vibration platforms help to improve the condition and elasticity of the skin, help to correct the figure in the desired direction, improve blood circulation and metabolism, increase the oxygen content in the blood and its access to various cells of the body. Stimulates the work of the cardiovascular system, stabilizes nervous system improves the condition of the lymphatic system.

With the right and conscientious approach, your investments and efforts will definitely pay off!

You can also exercise options for practicing on the vibration platform to compose your own.

Exercises on the vibration platform - options

Exercise 1

Feet on the platform, legs bent at the knees, hands on the handrails.

The muscles of the back, hips and legs are involved

Exercise 2

Sit on the platform with your back to the counter, fold your legs in Turkish, put your hands on the rails so that the knuckles are with outside handrail.

The muscles of the legs, shoulders, waist muscles are involved

Exercise 3

Feet are widely spaced. Stand on your tiptoes. The legs are slightly bent at the knees. The abdominal muscles are relaxed.

The muscles of the back and legs are involved

Exercise 4

Sit on the platform with your back to one of the rails, hands on the rail, legs straight.

The muscles of the legs and waist are involved

Exercise 5

Stand sideways with one foot on the platform, the other on the floor, put your hands on your waist.

The muscles of the press, hips and oblique muscles of the abdomen are involved

Exercise 6

Stand with one foot on the platform, leg bent at the knee. The other leg is straight on the floor. Hands on handrails.

The muscles of the press, legs and oblique muscles of the abdomen are involved

Exercise 7

Lie on the floor, place one leg bent at the knee on the platform, straighten the other up. Raise your hips off the floor, resting on your shoulder blades.

The muscles of the legs, hips and oblique muscles of the abdomen are involved

Exercise 8

Get on your knees, put your hands on the platform, your back muscles are relaxed.

The muscles of the legs, arms, shoulders and muscles of the upper body are involved

Exercise 9

In a face down position, place your feet on the platform with your arms outstretched resting on the floor. Keep balance.

The muscles of the chest, arms, shoulders and muscles of the upper body are involved

Exercise 10

Lie on your stomach on the platform, put your feet on the counter, put your hands on the floor.

The muscles of the chest, abs, hips and muscles throughout the body are involved

Exercise 11

Leaning with one hand on the platform, kneel next to the simulator.

The muscles of the legs, arms and shoulders are involved

Exercise 12

Lie on your back next to the platform, legs bent at the knees, lift your lower back and hips off the floor, holding on to your shoulder blades.

The muscles of the thighs and the press are involved

Exercise 13

Stand with your back to the bar, hands at your sides on the rails, one leg slightly forward.

The muscles of the neck and shoulders are involved

Exercise 14

Stand with your back to one of the handrails with your hand just behind the display on the opposite handrail. Legs are straight.

The muscles of the back and hips are involved

Exercises on the vibration platform in examples

Remember that you can always make own training based on your requirements and desires.

Cardiovascular exercises:

The cardiovascular training effect is achieved by performing exercise, which strengthen the heart, lungs, respiratory and cardiovascular systems. These exercises make demands on those systems of the body that supply it with oxygen.
Improvement of blood circulation, metabolism and stabilization of the nervous system.

1) Exercise 3 - 3 min.

2) Exercise 13 (left leg forward) - 1 min.

3) Exercise 1 - 2 min.

4) Exercise 14 - 1 min.

5) Exercise 13 (right leg forward) - 1 min.

6) Exercise 3 - 2 min.

General strengthening workout:

1) Exercise 3 - 3 min.

2) Exercise 1- 2 min.

3) Exercise 8 - 1 min.

4) Exercise 13 (left leg forward) - 2 min.

5) Exercise 9 - 1 min.

6) Exercise 13 (right leg forward) - 2 min.

Detox Exercises:

1) Exercise 13 (right leg forward) - 2 min.

2) Exercise 3 - 2 min.

3) Exercise 2 - 2 min.

4) Exercise 13 (left leg forward) - 2 min.

5) Exercise 14 - 1 min.

6) Exercise 3 - 1 min.

Exercises to shape the waist and strengthen the abdominal muscles:

1) Exercise 3 - 2 min.

2) Exercise 13 (left leg forward) - 2 min.

The invention by USSR scientists of the world's first vibration platform in 1975 was intended for the post-flight rehabilitation of Soviet cosmonauts with active regeneration of their skeletal system and restoration of weakened body muscles. Today, manufacturers of massage and sports equipment produce home vibrating machines to effectively combat physical inactivity and overweight. Which is better to carry out training sessions, and what exercises are compatible with vibration massage?

The purchase of a modern vibration platform makes it possible to organize a full-fledged fitness at home in accordance with the personal interests of all family members, for example:

  • women seeking to lose weight will be able to lose a few kilograms by the summer, reduce the waist and smooth out cellulite skin defects on the hips;
  • it will be easier for men to increase muscle strength and create a beautiful relief of their torso or abs by the beach season, moreover, passive training is beneficial for the health of people suffering from inactivity;
  • for high school students and students attending the gym, vibration exposure will help prepare the muscles for intense exercise, and after class, conduct a useful relaxation session;
  • for older people, procedures on a vibratory massager will improve joint tissues and increase the flexibility of the ligamentous apparatus, improve blood circulation and metabolic processes, normalize hormonal balance and stimulate immunity.

A set of general strengthening exercises on a vibration platform

Thanks to the device of the vibration simulator, inert muscle training is carried out in order to increase the overall tone of muscle tissues and form a strong, paravertebral frame. It is important to observe the sequence of positions and time static position on a vibrating platform:

  1. The first 3 minutes of the session, the vertical position of the back is maintained, the legs are straight, the feet are together, and the emphasis of the hands is on the massager supports. During this period, the general massaging of the body with vibration impulses is carried out.
  2. During the next 2-3 minutes, the hands are on the handrails, the feet are shoulder-width apart, the legs are half-bent at the knees. When performing this exercise, the vibration machine engages the muscle fibers of the back, legs and hips.
  3. For 1 minute, kneel in front of the platform, leaning on it with straight arms and relaxing your back muscles. In this case, the impact is directed to the area of ​​​​the arms, shoulders, legs and upper parts of the body.
  4. Stand for 2 minutes on a stand with your back to the counter, holding hands on the rails, while the spine is kept straight, and the left leg is slightly pushed forward. In this position, the muscles of the shoulders and neck are worked out.
  5. For 1 minute, hold the position face down as for push-ups in such a way that your straight arms rest on the floor, and your toes on the center of the platform. IN this moment the muscles of the chest, shoulders, arms and upper body zones will be trained.
  6. For 2 minutes, repeat the position of paragraph 4, but with the extension right leg forward.

Cardiovascular training on a vibration platform to improve the functioning of the lungs and heart

Physical exercises with a cardiovascular effect and massage on a vibrating platform strengthens the cardiovascular and respiratory system organisms responsible for supplying cells with oxygen. Application special exercises will improve blood circulation, stabilize nervous activity and normalize metabolism.

Before starting classes, it is recommended to check the heart rate, the value of which at rest can be 60-80 beats per minute. An individual safe heart rate for training can be obtained by subtracting the 220 digits of your age from the maximum heart rate. When targeted body shaping is carried out with the help of cardio training due to the dynamic burning of body fat, the heart rate should not exceed 70-80 percent of the result obtained. If the state of health is beyond doubt, then you can proceed to the following exercises, in each of them holding the handrails with your hands:

  1. The first 3 minutes of vibration massage maintain a vertical position of the body, feet together and legs straight.
  2. For 1 minute, turn with a straight back to the monitor of the control system, slightly tilting the left leg forward.
  3. The next 2 minutes face the rack, the feet are widely spaced, and the legs are bent at the knees.
  4. In the side position on the platform for 1 minute with straight legs, hold with one hand behind the display of the opposite handrail. In this position, all the muscle fibers of the back and hips are worked out.
  5. Within 1 minute, repeat step 2 with the right leg extended forward.
  6. Repeat exercise p. 1 for 2 minutes.

Exercises for weight loss and modeling of the line of the hips on the vibration platform

Simple workouts on the vibrating massager help to create ideal body shapes without exhausting workouts. You can reduce waist coverage and pump up the press the following exercises, in which the hands are located on the handrail:

  1. Stand up straight on the vibrating platform for 2 minutes, legs straightened and feet connected.
  2. In the side position, stand straight for 1 minute and hold with one hand in front of you behind the display.
  1. Turn around with your back to the rack for 2 minutes, putting your left leg forward.
  2. Facing the monitor for 1 minute, be kept on half-bent legs.
  3. Repeat step 2 also for 2 minutes, but with the right leg abducted.
  1. Repeat the starting position of paragraph 1 for 2 minutes.

Correction of the lower body and cellulite treatment is performed using another complex of static gymnastics:

  1. Vibromassage 2 minutes in a position with hands on supports, a flat back and feet connected together.
  2. Take one straightened leg to the floor for 2 minutes, rest with the other leg bent at the knee on the massager stand, hands on the handrails. This exercise involves the muscles of the legs and oblique muscles of the abdomen.
  3. In the prone position for 1 minute, keep your back straight with your toes resting on the center of the platform, and with straight arms on the floor.
  4. Lying face up on the floor for 2 minutes, hold on to the shoulder blades, lifting the hips and lower back, arms extended along the body, legs bent at the knees, and feet resting on the platform. Thus, they are working muscle tissues press and hips.
  5. At the end of the session, stand on the stand for 2 minutes, turning your back to the counter and holding the handrails with both hands.
  1. Bend your legs at the knees and stand for 2 minutes, holding onto the handrails.

To achieve tangible results, classes on the vibration platform are held 3 times a week, and their duration is gradually increased from 10 minutes to half an hour. For clarity of execution of exercises on a vibrating stand, it is initially better to perform them on a hard surface. It is more useful to increase the intensity of training in stages after 2-3 days, and choose a vibratory massager model with built-in exposure programs, with options for controlling speed, time and burning calories.

There are many tips on how to get slim figure. In most cases, you have to exhaust yourself with hard training, malnutrition, or tasteless and expensive food. Recently, a fitness simulator - a vibroplatform - has gained popularity. Manufacturers claim miraculous effects with minimal effort to work with it.

Let's figure out how this device works, whether weight loss is possible, find out how others think about it and what are the contraindications.

Variants of vibration platforms and activities

The essence of the simulator is the frequent vibration of the base on which the person stands. As a result, the muscles reflexively contract and relax repeatedly, which leads to burning excess fat and losing weight. More than 1800 contractions occur every minute of training, shortness of breath and heart palpitations are not caused.

Vibration platform POWER-PLATE-MY7 - for home use

The vibration platform has additional devices that help to influence individual parts of the body for weight loss. By combining them with an increased frequency of vibrations, the effectiveness of training increases.

Vibratory platform control panel

The vibration platform is suitable for those people who value their time, strive for physical health and beauty. To achieve a positive result, the simulator is used 3 times a week for 15 minutes.

Positive and negative factors

Like any type of physical activity, long-term benefits will only be with a certain mode. If you deal with the projectile daily, the work of the body and organs may be disrupted. Therefore, you should carefully consider the instructions. After a certain time of exercise, bones are strengthened and muscle mass is built up.

The body's response to vibration

Although the main message of advertising is to lose weight, the vibration platform machine is focused on something else. It normalizes the condition of the fatty layer, so you can get rid of cellulite. To reach positive effect you will need to accurately perform all the exercises, otherwise you can get injured.

Before and after classes on the vibration platform - a period of 1 month

After working with the simulator, there is a feeling of fatigue, as after any physical activity.

But unlike classic exercises the amount of fatigue is much lower. The only downside is the lack deep breathing during the procedure.


Reading reviews on specialized sites and forums, you can see that people are divided into two camps: those who have a positive opinion and those who do not like the device. And this is normal, because when working with any object, you cannot expect approval from all users.

Types of exercises on vibration platforms

Positive Opinions

Many people like the fact that the duration of training has been reduced by four times compared to classical aerobics. There is a certain result from training. One woman writes that after a month of classes, she managed to lose three kilograms. In another review, they wrote that losing weight is not the main advantage, but due to the work of the muscle, it turned out to improve the figure.

Classes sitting on a vibration platform for weight loss

It also says that you have to make efforts to achieve a positive effect. The first classes are unusual and do not bring pleasure. These words can be attributed to any projectile.

Most often, work with a vibroplatform occurs in combination with other methods of losing weight. It is interesting that at regular classes weight loss is possible even if you do not follow the diet.

Classes on the vibration platform X-TREND-LV-1800 for hand training

In a separate review, the girl says that weight loss is possible and the effect will last for a long time. She has been on the simulator for three years, for 15 minutes three times a week. Once I had to leave training for 6 months and during this time the figure remained unchanged.

Negative opinions

Users from the second camp do not always have an objective opinion. Some, speaking about the device, have never even used it, while others speak of personal experience.

Exercises with weights - dumbbells

Often the reviews mention the appearance of pain, difficulty with stools, nausea. Someone did not like the feeling that the vibration platform causes. There are those who simply did not notice the positive effect.

Why negative reviews appear:

Most often this is due to ignoring the operating instructions. Many, having learned about the miracle remedy, do not make an effort to understand the contraindications.

Instructions for exercises on the vibration platform

Another appearance option negative reviews- a thorough medical investigation has not been carried out and the user has not consulted a physician.


In order not to injure yourself and leave a good impression of the workout, you should familiarize yourself with the contraindications.

During pregnancy, it is better to refuse the vibrating platform.


Under a certain state of health, work with the simulator is strictly prohibited. Such a state may include:

  • thrombosis - with vibration, there is a possibility of the movement of blood clots through the vessels, which can lead to a heart attack or stroke;
  • epilepsy - the operation of the simulator can lead to an attack of the patient, at this moment it is possible to fall and get injured;
  • pregnancy - the vibration platform affects the whole body, which may cause problems with the development of the fetus, placental abruption. This prohibition is valid for the entire period of pregnancy.
  • lactation - a violation of the process of milk production is possible;
  • shunting - the impulses sent can disrupt the operation of the implant;
  • skin diseases - to perform some exercises, you need to hold on tightly to
  • handrails, which may be contraindicated in certain diseases;
  • stones in the gallbladder or kidneys - their movement is possible due to vibration;
  • diseases in which heating is prohibited, these include various tumors;
  • the presence of artificial organs and prostheses;
  • severe stage of osteoporosis;
  • diabetes.

Correct foot position on the platform


When certain diseases occur, work with the simulator is allowed. But with their exacerbation, the use of a projectile is not recommended. These diseases include:

Cardio problems vascular system. Even if the heart is healthy, you should not abuse training, as after them the heart rate may change.

Metal implants are a contraindication to exercise on the vibration platform

  • metal implants. Vibration impulses can move the element. Such a ban is categorical in the first two months of installation.
  • Migraine. Headaches may get worse after exercise.
  • Hernia.
  • Inflammation.
  • retinal dysfunction.
  • Female symptoms

Pregnancy and lactation were mentioned above as a condition in which exercise is prohibited.

Position during vibration training

In addition, there are additional contraindications:

  • Myoma. The work of the projectile can cause heating of the tumor and the onset of bleeding. Therefore, classes on a vibration platform with a similar problem are prohibited.
  • Spiral contraception. It is not allowed to use the projectile in the first 8 weeks after implant placement.
  • period of menstruation.

Here are the highlights, for more detailed information you should consult with your doctor.