Breathing exercises before childbirth. Preparing for childbirth: breathing exercises and exercises


The moment of the birth of the baby is about to come, and you are worried about how successfully everything will end. To be sure of the successful outcome of this important event, you need to prepare for it in advance. In particular, to learn what exercises for childbirth will help relieve pain, avoid tears, stimulate the uterus, relieve stress and tension.

This knowledge will come in handy when it seems that the torment will never end. They will allow the woman in labor to endure all the trials that have fallen to her lot with dignity and with the least losses.

Throughout pregnancy, for regular performance, special gymnastics is recommended to prepare for childbirth, which will allow the body to be fully equipped for such a responsible event. She will help:

  • develop mobility and flexibility of the pelvic bones, lower spine, which will greatly facilitate childbirth and avoid back pain during the birth of the baby;
  • stretch the muscles of the hips so that you can comfortably sit in the delivery chair for as long as you need;
  • keep the muscles of the pelvis and vagina in good shape to avoid urinary incontinence, hemorrhoids after childbirth and speed up the recovery period;
  • open the cervix in a timely manner (read more about it).

If you want to give birth to your baby with minimal complications, without pain and medications, find a set of exercises for each muscle group and start them. regular execution already at 4-5 months of pregnancy. This will allow you to perfectly prepare for childbirth.


For each group of muscles and organs, there are special exercises that prepare them exclusively for childbirth.

  • Preparing for the birth of the pelvic bones

Get on your knees, lean on your hands. Place your palms at a distance of about 30 cm from each other, knees - 20. The hips should be strictly perpendicular to the floor. Bend your back slowly, raise your buttocks as high as possible. Do all this while taking a deep breath.

  • Hip Stretching Exercises

Sit in Turkish (in the lotus position). Feet connect, knees apart. Wrap your arms around your ankles. Bend forward, put your forearms on your shins. Gently press on your knees with your elbows, as if trying to push them apart.

  • Vaginal muscle training

Most best exercises for childbirth without gaps - those suggested by Kegel (we are how effective they are after childbirth). From time to time, several times a day, squeeze as hard as you can intimate muscles and then slowly release, relaxing.

A simple but effective gymnastics, started during pregnancy, is a great help in childbirth, which you can appreciate when this moment comes. In addition to the exercises mentioned above, take note of those that can be performed during contractions and attempts to relieve pain, or to accelerate uterine contractions.

For stimulation

If all the deadlines have already passed, and the baby does not want to please you with his birth, gymnastics will help to stimulate childbirth, which will significantly speed up the process of resolving the burden.

  1. Walking is an excellent method of naturally inducing labor. It helps the child to gradually descend. There is pressure on the uterus, which leads to the expansion of its neck. This increases the release of oxytocin into the body, which induces labor.
  2. Not just walking, but going up and down the stairs contributes to an even faster delivery. When each subsequent leg is lifted, the pelvis opens, a larger space is created for the child. Shocks during the moments of descent help him to take a more comfortable position.
  3. Breaststroke is another great exercise capable of inducing childbirth. Water relieves tension and weight from the joints.
  4. Sitting and squatting are helpful when the baby is too high in the womb. They help him lower, while taking the correct position.
  5. Any swaying is an excellent gymnastics for the beginning of childbirth, which will not begin in any way. To do this, you can swing every day on a swing. Or, in front of the TV, sit not on the sofa, but on a large gymnastic ball and swing on it in different directions.

All of the above exercises can become a natural impetus for the birth of a full-term baby. so helpful exercise stress will help keep fit, relieve stress and help the baby to be born as soon as possible. And as soon as the long-awaited contractions begin, another question will arise: what kind of gymnastics will be needed during childbirth to relieve pain and ease the agony?

For pain during childbirth

Find out in advance how special exercises are performed that reduce pain. In classes for young mothers, they talk about how gymnastics helps in childbirth, what can be expected from it. Its functions:

  • mastery of conscious relaxation individual muscles body;
  • comfortable state during childbirth;
  • decrease in tension and activity at this moment of the nervous system;
  • removal of muscle fatigue;
  • reduction of pain;
  • getting the maximum amount of oxygen to the uterus;
  • consciously focusing your attention on exercises and relaxing muscles helps to take your mind off the pain.

Usually, gymnastics for easy childbirth is selected at the preliminary classes for young mothers. There are more simple complexes that you can find and work out on your own. In between contractions, try the following exercises.

  1. Put your feet shoulder-width apart, lower your arms along the body (the starting position of the exercise). On the inhale, spread your arms to the sides, on the exhale, lower, shake your hands.
  2. Take the same starting position. Pull your elbows back, lift your legs forward one by one.
  3. former starting position. Alternately take your arms to the side along with the torso.
  4. Starting position for the exercise: sit on the edge of a chair, bend your knees, connect the soles. Spread your knees out to the sides, return to the starting position.
  5. Starting position for the exercise: lie down on flat surface. Bend your legs alternately, tilting your knees in different directions.
  6. Slow, measured walking with normal and cross steps.

Breathing exercises for childbirth help to reduce the pain syndrome, which will saturate both organisms with oxygen - both the woman in labor and the fetus. This is necessary for the normal course of the entire process.

  1. Relaxing breathing exercise (used at the beginning of labor). Inhale through the nose, make a short pause, exhale through the mouth. Breathing should be smooth, it is better to stretch the lips into a tube.
  2. superficial breathing exercise (required to ease contractions). Both inhalation and exhalation are performed exclusively through the nose or mouth. Movements should be light and fast, without the participation of the abdominal wall: make sure that it is motionless. Inhalation and exhalation should be the same in duration.
  3. intermittent breathing exercise (useful during the period of attempts). It is produced with the participation of the chest, at a constant but fast pace. Open your mouth, touch your lower teeth with your tongue. Outwardly, it should be similar to the frequent breathing of a dog.
  4. Deep breathing exercise (at the last stage of childbirth, already with the appearance of the baby's head). You need to take a deep breath through the nose, count slowly to 10, make a smooth exhalation through the mouth, while loudly pronouncing hissing sounds.

Read more about proper breathing during childbirth and contractions.

Now you know how useful gymnastics for childbirth is, which can provide an easy, uncomplicated birth of a baby into the world. She will allow at this crucial moment not to die from pain and weakness, but to help her own crumbs pass all the tests with the least losses. Both its further development and the condition of the mother will depend on this. Therefore, all pregnant women need to learn special exercises in advance and actively practice them during contractions and attempts. Painless, quick and easy childbirth without the use of medications in this case will not become a myth, but a reality.

The birth of a child is a natural process for the female body. But it is hard work, especially for the first experience of pregnancy. Breathing exercises during childbirth will help relieve tension, as well as reduce the pain of contractions. Therefore, the expectant mother should learn proper breathing techniques 2-3 months before delivery.

The benefits of breathing exercises

A woman who knows how to breathe correctly endures the birth process much easier. This method is effective and tested by many women in labor.

Positive characteristics of breathing exercises during childbirth:

  1. distraction from the pain of contractions;
  2. relaxation of the woman in labor;
  3. monotonous breathing during childbirth has a calming effect on a woman;
  4. relieves stress;
  5. saturates the blood with oxygen, which means it improves its supply to the baby;
  6. stabilizes sleep.

Precautionary measures:

  • do not be zealous;
  • inhale through the nose and exhale through the mouth;
  • do not exercise with hypertension.

You can start doing breathing exercises to prepare for childbirth from the end of the 1st trimester. The first weeks of training, the complex should last no more than 15 minutes, but you need to repeat the exercises every day. Over time, it is worth adding a load and reaching up to 30 minutes.

It should be remembered that excessively intense training causes dizziness. At first, it is better to be in a sitting position on the floor. You can turn on pleasant music to relax. A month later, you are allowed to start training on the go.

Breathing can be static or dynamic. Exercises performed in a state of calmness belong to the first type. Dynamic classes are held on the go.

Breathing by periods of childbirth

All pregnant women know that labor activity consists of three stages: the opening of the cervix, the birth of the baby, the release of the placenta. Each of them has its own characteristics.

At the initial stage of delivery, the task of the woman in labor is to learn to relax. This is necessary so that the process of opening the uterus does not become traumatic. It is important not to hold your breath during labor contractions, at such moments the baby does not receive enough oxygen and begins to suffer from hypoxia, which is fraught with consequences.

When the childbearing process enters the active stage, it is necessary to adhere to breathing exercises for childbirth. So mom will help the baby move towards the exit. As soon as attempts appear, it is time for the next breathing technique. It will be superficial at the right time, it will help intensify contractions. As soon as the attempts become the strongest, intermittent breathing is used, which is considered the most effective at the time the baby passes through the birth canal.

After the appearance of the baby, the woman needs to give birth to a child's place (placenta, fetal membranes). For this, apply deep breathing with an inspiratory delay.

To be able to stick correct technique, you should learn to perform breathing exercises during labor pains at the gestation stage. It is necessary to polish everything to automatism, so as not to get confused in a stressful situation and follow the doctor's instructions during the birth act.

Breathing during contractions

Each period of childbirth requires the presence of a special respiratory technique. At the stage of contractions, it is better to use economical breathing. When uterine contractions become more intense and long, it is recommended to change the breathing exercise to a "dog" one.

Doctors advise at the beginning and at the end of each contraction to do a cleansing breath. This is called a deep breath and a full exit. Between uterine contractions, you can breathe freely, that is, as you like.

At the end of the first period, the expectant mother has a desire to push. You should wait for the doctor's signal before starting to act. After all, independence can harm the fetus. If there is no full disclosure, go to new level childbirth is not worth it. It is quite possible to get cracks or ruptures of the vagina and perineum.

Obstetricians are advised to adhere to the "dog-like" technique, and then notify the doctor about the onset of attempts. It is important not to panic, listen to the recommendations of the gynecologist, so as not to injure yourself and not harm the baby. Breathing exercises during childbirth will help keep calm and contribute to the successful completion of the process, because then the woman hears and does what is needed for a quick, high-quality delivery.

Breathing while pushing

At the second stage of the childbearing process, much depends on the preparedness of the expectant mother for childbirth. Breathing exercises before childbirth for pregnant women will give excellent skills and knowledge that will be useful during the birth of the baby. If a woman knows breathing techniques, she will hear the doctor, perform the correct inhalations and exhalations.

Breathing rules in the second stage of labor:

  1. push on the exhale;
  2. breathe with your mouth wide open;
  3. try to strain to push the fetus out three times for an attempt;
  4. exhale slowly.

Pushing should be learned as if down, pushing the baby. Most women puff out their cheeks, pout in the face, which delays the duration of labor. For this reason, complications arise that affect the appearance of the woman in labor - small capillaries and blood vessels crack in the eyes, on the face.

At the time of the eruption of the head, they breathe "like a dog" so that it appears softly and slowly. So really bypass the gaps and cracks. After the appearance of the head, as a rule, the baby's body is born in 1-2 attempts. Then, within half an hour, the afterbirth comes out, usually it happens quickly and painlessly.

If you start doing breathing exercises during contractions and childbirth long before the due date, this will help to transfer the process of the birth of the baby into the world easier, faster. They learn breathing techniques at the schools of future parents or at the antenatal clinic. You can try watching video tutorials on websites for pregnant women.

Breathing exercises to prepare for childbirth

Even during gestation, most women begin to prepare for the delivery process. This happens by visiting specialized courses or schools for expectant mothers in a consultation where a pregnant woman is observed. In such classes, they teach how to behave during the birth of a child. Breathing exercises during childbirth will help a woman survive the process of childbirth, relieving pain and distracting her.

Breathing techniques:

  • abdominal;
  • complete;
  • economical;
  • lung;
  • variable.

Each species is used in its own delivery site. You should master the main points of all types of breathing exercises at least a month before the preliminary date of delivery.

Abdominal breathing improves blood circulation, reduces the tone of the muscle frame. The technique is used at the first stage of labor, with regular contractions. Put your hands on your stomach, slowly inhale and fill your stomach with air, and then exhale as much as possible.

Full (deep) breathing- the usual breath through the nose, only long and with the arms raised up. The exhalation is done slowly, through the mouth, and the hands go down.

Economical. This variant is characterized by an increase in the duration of exhalation and inhalation. It is used during the period of contractions, when the woman is tired and requires a break.

slow breathing added at the stage of contractions, namely between them. The essence of the technique is the ability to inhale and exhale much more slowly than usual. Such manipulations will help the woman in labor to relax, take a break. The regularity and rhythm of inhalations and exhalations will calm the expectant mother and distract her from pain.

Lung (superficial) breathing is used when changing contractions to pushing. Use the technique in this way: a light breath is taken, and then exhaled with a wide open mouth. This technique contributes to the rapid delivery of oxygen to the baby, which reduces the likelihood of fetal hypoxia.

The variable is considered a variation easy breathing. A woman in labor gets tired during labor, so she needs to periodically relax and take a breath so as not to turn off. The technique begins with rapid breathing 1-2 times per second. When performing 5-6 repetitions, a slow breath is taken and exhaled, after which everything is done again. A variable breathing technique is used at the end of the first period of delivery.

Respiratory gymnastics during childbirth is an element that helps to avoid the occurrence of cracks, injuries of the genital organs when the baby passes through the birth canal. The child will also be better if the mother knows how to breathe and relax properly. The entire birth act will pass faster and better.

Breathing techniques are taught in special schools for future parents or in a antenatal clinic where a woman in labor is observed. Perform exercises from 12 to 35 weeks. This is how the maximum benefit for the woman is extracted and the minimum harm to the baby is visible.

There is abdominal (filling the abdomen with oxygen), full (maximum inhalation and exhalation), economical (slower than usual), slow (very slow inhalation and the same exhalation), light and variable (sometimes fast, shallow, sometimes deep) breathing. Each type is used at a certain stage of the generic action. If you follow the recommendations of the gynecologist, do not be zealous in preparing for the birth of a baby, you can give birth to a full-fledged child without pathologies and complications.

Properly controlled breathing during childbirth reduces pain, provides a normal supply of oxygen to the baby, facilitates and speeds up the course of childbirth. We are talking about breathing techniques with a certain depth and frequency. Having mastered the proposed breathing exercises during pregnancy, having adapted to the methods of inhalation-exhalation, you will undoubtedly choose the best method for yourself. breathing during childbirth and ensure the easiest for both of you the birth of a long-awaited child.


· Pregnancy and childbirth: breathing of a pregnant woman

It is useful for expectant mothers to know that breathing during pregnancy has some special nuances:

A) The uterus growing together with the baby shifts the diaphragm and abdominal organs of the woman upward, leading to a decrease in lung volume.

b) every week rib cage expectant mother expands, and the minute volume of breathing increases.

B) after finishing 24th week of pregnancy the body's need for oxygen increases.

D) A pregnant woman is characterized by shallow and more frequent breathing (physiological hyperventilation, as doctors call it).

Therefore, breathing exercises during pregnancy are important not only as preparation for childbirth, but also for the most favorable course of pregnancy and intrauterine development of the baby.

!!! IT IS IMPORTANT!!! The duration of breathing exercises for a pregnant woman should not exceed 10 minutes per day. longer or more frequent breathing exercises during pregnancy can cause a decrease in the concentration of carbon dioxide in the blood, dizziness and fainting.

FIRST PERIOD OF LABOR (opening of the cervix)

This is a very important period during which a woman must control her every inhalation and exhalation, concentrate precisely on breathing, on counting the duration of contractions and pauses between them, and not on sensations.The most important thing is not to strain and not to try to suppress the pain. Otherwise, you will only aggravate the condition and course of childbirth. If you strain with the beginning of each new contraction, you yourself will delay the process of childbirth, suppress labor activity, the cervix will not be able to open to the required amount, and it is possible that doctors will be forced to use medical anesthesia and labor induction. Moreover, the “tightness” of a woman blocks the full supply of oxygen to the baby, which threatens hypoxia . In contrast to this development of events, correct, calm, controlled breathing during childbirth acts as a natural pain reliever, contributes to the adequate flow of processes.

· Exercise 1: Slow breathing

In the early stages of labor, it is best to breathe slowly and keep it that way.breathing during childbirth as long as it helps. This type of breathing is most suitable for some women and for the entire birth period.

In any case, you can keep slow breathing during childbirth, until it "works", until intense contractions begin.

How to use slow breathing in childbirth:

- Take a deep breath as the contraction begins. Release all tension as you exhale.
- Slowly inhale through your nose (if this is difficult, you can inhale through your mouth) and exhale completely through your mouth. Now hold your breath. You need to breathe with a frequency of inhalations-exhalations 6-10 times within one minute. This is about two times slower than usual.
- Inhale calmly, but with noise, while the mouth should remain ajar. The sound of inhalation should be similar to a relaxed sigh.
- Now you just need to try to relax, relieve tension from the muscles of the abdomen and chest.
- When the contraction is over, you can do a full relaxing exhalation. After that, inhale, again, as if sighing. The ideal finale of the breathing exercise is a pleasant yawn.
- Now relax, change the position of the body, if you want. And at the next contraction, repeat the cycle of breathing exercises during childbirth.

!!! IT IS IMPORTANT!!! Practicing, doing breathing exercises during pregnancy, try to breathe in different poses: lying, sitting, standing, on all fours. Pay attention to the relaxation of individual parts of the body every time you go out - this way you can relax all the necessary muscles.

· Exercise 2: Light (rapid) breathing

When the contractions have already become clearly intense, and slow breathing no longer brings relief, you need to switch to acceleratedbreathing during childbirth .

Easy breathing exercise during pregnancy is as follows:

- Breathe in and out through your mouth, quickly, at a rate of approximately 1 time per second.
- The respiratory rate can vary from 2 times in one second to 1 time in 2 seconds.
- While you are rehearsing
breathing exercises during pregnancy try to breathe in different ways, with different frequencies - decide which is more convenient for you.

!!! IT IS IMPORTANT!!! the best way Respiration rate counting is the counting of complete respiratory cycles (i.e. inhalation + exhalation) focusing on a time period of 10 seconds. Depending on the frequency you choose, 5 to 20 breaths should be taken in 10 seconds.

Breathing in this way should be superficial.
- It is important to inhale quietly and exhale noisily.

· Getting more complicated: combine fast and slow breathing during childbirth !

If you already manage to establish the correct rhythm of accelerated, light breathing within 1-2 minutes, then you are quite ready to combine it with slow breathing.

As the contraction begins, breathe slowly, then gradually accelerate (breath more shallowly), continuing the accelerated pace for 30-60 seconds. When the intensity of the contraction decreases, slow down your breathing, and when it ends, breathe slowly and evenly.

little secrets

When breathing through the mouth, dry mouth almost always occurs. You can avoid this and help yourself with the following tricks:

A) While breathing through the mouth with the tip of the tongue, touch the palate at the top just behind the teeth. This way you humidify the air you breathe in and avoid drying out your mouth.
B) While breathing, lightly cover your mouth and nose with your palms, spreading your fingers - palms will retain moisture.

Of course, during home workouts on the rightbreath during childbirth, you can drink water or rinse your mouth periodically. Your partner in childbirth (in case) or medical staff (if possible) will be able to bring water in the maternity hospital. Otherwise, you can use the first two methods during childbirth, they are always available.

How to use the combined method in childbirth:

- As soon as the fight begins, on the exhale, try to relieve all tension.
- Slowly inhale through your nose and exhale through your mouth. Now gradually increase your breathing. Let the intensity of the contraction guide you - the higher the intensity, the faster the breathing.
- If the contraction reaches its peak gradually, you need to accelerate the rhythm of breathing gradually.
- If the contraction reaches its peak quickly, move to accelerated breathing earlier.
- During the decrease in the intensity of the contraction, you need to gradually move to slow breathing. Inhale through the nose and exhale through the mouth.
- Finish the fight with a deep breath.
- During the pause between contractions, try to relax to the maximum, change the position to a more comfortable one.

· Exercise 3: Variable Breathing

Such breathing during childbirth can be considered an easy option. It includes:

Easy breath;
Noisy, long breaths.

This type of breathing helps a lot when you are tired, when you are unable to relax, when you are already struggling to fight contractions.

So rehearse breathing exercises during pregnancy should be as follows:

- Start with fast breathing. Then breathe as in exercise easy breathing - quickly, with a frequency of complete cycles from 2 times in one second to 1 time in 2 seconds.
- Count every five cycles and inhale slowly, deeply.
- Periodically try to change the position of the body.

Considering that alternating breathing is used during the period of the most intense contractions (the duration of such contractions is up to 2 minutes with almost no intervals), you should train in advance to relax for no longer than 30 seconds, having time to relieve tension from the whole body.

How to use alternating breathing in childbirth:

- At the very beginning of the fight, try to relieve tension as you exhale.
- Then breathe through your mouth shallowly, that is, 5-20 inhalation-exhalation cycles in 10 seconds.
- After counting every third, fourth or fifth cycle (depending on the intensity of the contraction, increase or decrease the number of cycles), exhale slowly, you can do it with sound.
- At the end of the fight - 1-2 relaxing exhalations.
- Then finally relax.

In case intense contractions are very hard for you, try to focus your thoughts on something else, for example, think about how much harder it is for your child now. Thoughts about helping the baby give extra strength, and these are not empty words:

1. Each contraction of the uterus instantly accelerates his pulse to 140-180 beats per minute.

2. When the contraction peaks, the placenta shrinks, as a result, blood flow to the baby's brain is reduced, and for a few seconds the baby does not feel anything at all. As soon as the pressure caused by the contraction subsides, the blood supply is restored again and normalized.

Breathatcontractions, video 1:

Breathatcontractions, video 2:


During the second period of labor, the baby's head descends into the pelvic cavity. In this case, there is a desire to push, but it is still too early to do this, otherwise ruptures of the soft tissues of the female birth canal cannot be avoided.

You will have to be patient for about 15 minutes, this is how long this period will last. Contractions can be very intense, lasting from 1 to 2 minutes.

Now is the time to focus on proper breathing. You have already done a lot, there is only a little left!

With the beginning of the fight - a full exhalation and the maximum possible relaxation, then a deep breath.
- Followed by three superficial frequent breaths, accompanied by short, jerky exhalations - stretch your lips into a tube and blow out the air sharply.

Mentally keep count: One, Two, Three - exhale. And again: One, Two, Three - exhale. And so on.

When the doctor gives the command to push, it must be done with full dedication!

The duration of the push is about a minute. You need to push correctly like this:

- Start with a full breath, trying to press the uterus with all the volume of air inhaled into the lungs. The direction of the effort is in the perineum. In no case do not push in the head!
- If you feel short of breath during childbirth, immediately exhale quickly. Then - a new breath, and again attempts.

According to the comments of experienced women in labor, if everything is done correctly, then the process of childbirth usually takes three attempts. As soon as the fight begins, at the command of the doctor, take in air and push with all your might. In fact, attempts are a kind of relief in contractions, it does not hurt to push - nature has taken care of this. The main thing is to unquestioningly obey the midwife. If you push correctly, then the fight is almost not felt (however, everything is known in comparison). By the time of pushing, contractions are usually extremely intense, so the opportunity to push becomes literally a salvation for a woman giving birth!

While there is still time before the birth, it is important to master everything breathing exercises during pregnancy, hone the stage of breathing. It may seem difficult, by exercising every day, you will achieve automatism for childbirth without any problems, and you will be able to breathe correctly without thinking about it at all. I am sure that breathing will become your assistant during childbirth.

And happy birth to you!

Yana Lagidna, especially for mymom . en

Breathing during childbirth, video 3:

Breathing during childbirth, video 4:

Pregnancy is one of the most important periods in a woman's life. To avoid serious problems and complications during childbirth and to eliminate some unpleasant phenomena, a variety of methods are used. One of the popular ways to prepare for childbirth and normalize a woman's condition is breathing exercises for pregnant women.

Such gymnastics allows you to improve your well-being, relax, stabilize your mood and avoid many difficulties. That is why during the period of gestation, many doctors advise women to perform special exercises.

It must be understood that an important aspect when using such exercises is their correct execution. Therefore, before doing gymnastics, you need to familiarize yourself with the rules for its implementation. It is best when a specialist teaches this. Since breathing exercises for pregnant women have certain characteristics depending on the trimester, you need to find out what is supposed to be done in a given period of time. You should also make sure that there are no contraindications, which also exist. Only in this case it will be possible to achieve improvements.

Proper breathing is very important during childbirth. It can help relieve contractions and reduce pain. However, it is better to master the breathing technique in advance.

Indications and contraindications for exercise

Breathing exercises are needed not only during pregnancy. Living in negative environmental conditions requires a person to pay attention to his respiratory system Therefore, mastering the technique of proper breathing will benefit anyone. However, for women in position, this is especially important, since during pregnancy, especially in the 2nd and 3rd trimesters, the load on the vessels and respiratory organs increases. To avoid adverse events due to this load, breathing exercises are needed during pregnancy.

Exercises should be done for:

If respiratory complex will be performed correctly, it will be possible to overcome many adverse events of this period, as well as contribute to the improvement of the condition of the expectant mother during childbirth.

There are no strict contraindications for breathing exercises. However, the features of the chosen method should be taken into account. Exist different complexes breathing exercises used in the 1st, 2nd and 3rd trimesters of pregnancy. They can be divided into 2 groups. This:

  1. Static gymnastics. It is performed in a position that is comfortable for a woman and does not require serious effort. It is suitable for all pregnant women, regardless of which trimester passes: the first, second or third. She has no contraindications.
  2. Dynamic gymnastics. This type of exercise involves not only working with breathing, but also making various movements. In this case, it is necessary to take into account the well-being of the expectant mother, since some types motor activity undesirable in the 3rd and even 2nd trimester.

    Breathing exercises for pregnant women in the 3rd trimester require caution. It is necessary to perform tasks slowly, with reduced activity, and if unpleasant symptoms are detected, it is worth interrupting classes immediately.

The main contraindications for performing gymnastics are:

  • poor health of a woman;
  • weakness, fatigue;
  • pain in any area;
  • heart or blood pressure problems;
  • the presence of serious diseases;
  • chronic diseases.

These contraindications are not strict, but before doing gymnastics, you need to consult a specialist.

Features of exercises and possible consequences

Breathing exercises during pregnancy involves the use of various exercises. Specialists develop different techniques designed to achieve different goals, so women can choose what suits them. It is also possible to develop individual complex suitable for a particular patient.

All exercises of this type are divided into 2 types: performed in motion and not requiring movement.

If a woman does not experience any health problems and easily tolerates pregnancy, then any tasks are suitable for her. The main thing is to follow the execution technique, then you can achieve significant relief during childbirth.

Basic principles of breathing exercises:

These breathing techniques can be combined with exercise: tilts, squats, steps in place, raising hands, etc. Each technique has its own characteristics that need to be mastered by choosing the right complex.

It is important to do breathing exercises every day, otherwise there will be no results, but it is unacceptable to overstrain: if a woman feels unwell, if she is tired, it is better to postpone the exercises.

Side effects when doing special exercises rarely occur. They are usually associated with wrong technique or if there are contraindications. Therefore, before doing gymnastics, you need to make sure that all the rules for performing are understood, and that you feel good. Otherwise, phenomena such as:

When such symptoms appear, you need to stop doing breathing exercises and rest. If the unpleasant symptoms do not disappear, you should consult a doctor.

Performing exercises depending on the duration of pregnancy

Different stages of pregnancy are characterized by their own characteristics, which should be considered when performing breathing exercises:

The ability to breathe properly helps women during childbirth. With the help of mastered breathing techniques, you can ease the pain during contractions. Also, performing breathing exercises at this time helps to calm the woman in labor, neutralize anxiety and anxiety.

Subject to the rules of breathing in the body, both the mother and the fetus will have a sufficient amount of oxygen, which will ensure the active work of the muscles and the normal well-being of the child.

That is why it is necessary to study correct breathing. You can learn how to do this from a doctor, at special courses, or even on the Internet. But you should master this technique in advance in order to consolidate and automate the skill. In this case, childbirth will be easier.

So the period of pregnancy is coming to an end, the woman is waiting for when she finally sees her child. Contractions and the period of childbirth is the most important stage to which future mom should definitely prepare and come fully armed. Understanding the physiology of the processes occurring in the uterus and other organs of the reproductive system helps many to go through this stage with minimal discomfort.

Labor pains are associated with pain, but it can be significantly reduced by following a few simple rules. Massage techniques, the ability to relax and rest during periods of calm, change of position and other techniques will greatly facilitate well-being. But first, about what signs of contractions before childbirth a pregnant woman can feel.

Signs of true contractions

Contractions can be divided into and true. Training uterine contractions occur almost from the very beginning of pregnancy, but are felt only from the 20th week. With skillful influence, their intensity can be reduced (relaxation techniques, massage, warm bath, change of activity or posture). They do not differ in a clearly traceable frequency, they can disturb several times a day or a week. The interval between spasms is not reduced.

True contractions are more pronounced, accompanied by pain. A woman cannot influence their intensity and duration (no methods lead to relaxation of the muscles of the uterus). An important feature of generic contractions is their periodicity.

The first signs of contractions before childbirth may resemble pulling sensations in the lumbar region, passing to the lower abdomen, over time the pain intensifies. Attacks of contractions become longer and are observed more and more often. The interval between contractions at the first stage can reach up to 15 minutes, later it is reduced to several minutes. In general, there are several signs that determine the onset of true uterine contractions, signaling the onset of labor:

  1. Contractions appear with a certain frequency.
  2. Over time, the interval between attacks decreases.
  3. The duration of the contraction increases.
  4. The pain syndrome intensifies.

On examination, the obstetrician determines the gradual opening of the cervix, in parallel, a discharge of water can be observed.

Behavior during contractions

The onset of labor is certainly a very exciting period for a pregnant woman, but it is necessary to concentrate as much as possible and fix each contraction of the uterus, the duration of the contraction and the duration of the relaxation period. Between contractions, you need to try to relax, breathe deeply, in order to supply the muscles with oxygen as much as possible.

You should not immediately call an ambulance and go to the hospital - contractions can last up to 13-15 hours and it is better to spend part of this time at home with loved ones, and not in a hospital room. Households can support and tune in to positive, the husband can lend his shoulder and help in finding the most comfortable position.

Comfortable postures for waiting out the period of contractions

At home, you can look for a comfortable body position that will make it easy to wait out the period of uterine muscle contraction. Here are the most comfortable postures for this period:

  1. vertical position. You can lean your hands on the wall, headboard, chair and maintain an upright body position during the fight.
  2. Sitting on a chair. It is necessary to put a pillow under the buttocks and sit on a chair facing the back. During the fight, cross your arms on the back of the chair, and lower your head into your hands. It can be used only in the initial period, when the child is still high enough.
  3. Reliance on husband. A pregnant woman can put her hands on her husband's shoulders (both partners are standing), during a fight the woman leans forward, arches her back in an arc. The husband massages the lower back and shoulders.
  4. On knees and elbows. Get on all fours and relax all your muscles.
  5. On a fitball or toilet. Pregnant women are not recommended to sit during contractions, the baby is gradually moving along the birth canal and a hard surface can make this process difficult. Therefore, a fitball (a sports ball that you can sit on) is an indispensable item during contractions). In its absence, you can sit on the toilet.
  6. Lying on my side. It is often easier for a woman to endure contractions when she is in a prone position. In this case, it is better to lie on your side, put pillows under your hips and head.

Other tricks to wait out the fight

The question of how to facilitate childbirth and contractions worries every woman. There are several tricks to achieve the desired effect.


You don't have to take breaks. It is more useful for labor activity if the expectant mother is in motion (no need to overdo it - walking in moderate pace will suffice). While walking, the baby will put a little pressure on the muscles of the cervix with its weight, and stimulate its opening. In order not to interfere with the baby, it is better to keep your back as straight as possible (do not stoop). Heels can help with this, find the highest possible (contractions and childbirth are the only period of pregnancy when they can and even need to be worn). It is noted that in women who are on the move during labor, childbirth is faster and easier.

Concentration on a foreign subject

During contractions, look at some object at eye level (a vase, a picture, or any other). Distraction can bring relief from contractions. You can sing (even if there is absolutely no hearing and voice).

The ratio of contractions and processes occurring in the body, methods of independent psychological training

Experience each fight separately, try not to think that the next one will come soon. Associate the pain with some positive memory. One can imagine that this is a wave that rolls onto the shore and then disappears. Correlate the contraction with a flower bud, which blooms more and more from each attack, and in the center of it is the long-awaited baby. Some women are helped by awareness of the processes that occur at this time in the body. Think that this pain is not an injury, but just a reaction of the body to the opening of the cervix and the tension of the uterus itself. Think about the child, the more it hurts you, the easier it is for him to be born into the world.


Try self-massage techniques:

  1. Press during the period of muscle tension on a point that is located in the most protruding zone of the pelvic bones. The pressure should be strong enough to cause discomfort and some pain.
  2. Stroke side surface belly with palms. You can do this both from the bottom up and from the top down.
  3. You can do circular strokes of the center of the abdomen with the hands, this will also reduce pain.
  4. Spend rubbing the lumbar region with fists (knuckles). The movements should be vertical, and the hands should be located approximately at the level of the sacral dimples.

Impact on biologically active points

Try distraction techniques and other areas of the body to relieve pain. Some may not see the connection between pressure points and muscles contracting during contractions, but it has been practically proven that such a connection exists.

  1. Influence the skin of the forehead - carry out smoothing movements from its center to the temples. The pressure should not be strong.
  2. With your fingers, smooth out light movements from the wings of the nose to the temples, this will also allow you to relax.
  3. Make patting movements in the lower part of the face in the chin area.
  4. Act on the point between the index finger and thumb on either hand. Movement should be pulsating. If it is correctly determined, in response to pressure, you will feel pain.

Breathing exercises

Breathing differs depending on the phase of contractions. There are 3 stages in total:

  1. Initial, it is also called latent or hidden.
  2. Active.
  3. transitional.

After passing through all the phases, the period of fetal expulsion begins directly. Breathing during contractions and childbirth has its own differences. Consider each stage of contractions, childbirth and breathing during these periods.

Breathing during the initial and active phase of contractions

Duration initial phase can last from 7 to 8 hours, during this period, uterine contractions occur regularly every 5 minutes, the contraction itself lasts from half a minute to 45 seconds. Cervical dilation is observed up to 3 cm.

Then there is an increase in seizures and the active phase begins. It lasts up to 5-7 hours. The intervals between pain attacks are reduced to 2 minutes, and their duration reaches 60 seconds. The cervix continues to open, and the size of the pharynx reaches 7 cm.

During these periods, a woman should alternate periods of deep and shallow breathing.

When a contraction comes, it is necessary to inhale and exhale through the mouth at an accelerated pace (like a dog), during the calm period, it is necessary to breathe deeply and evenly, making the entrance through the nose, and exhaling through the mouth.

Breathing during the transitional phase of contractions

Then comes the period of slowdown (transitional phase). In its length, this period rarely lasts more than an hour and a half. Contractions last up to one and a half minutes, and the interval between attacks is from half a minute to a minute. During this time, the cervix should open as much as possible (10 cm) in order to let the baby through. Often a pregnant woman feels unwell, dizzy, chills, nausea. For a woman, this is the most difficult phase, attempts are already being felt and they must be restrained until the obstetrician allows you to push. Otherwise, swelling of the cervix and its numerous ruptures are possible.

Breathing during this period can help control the pushing. To do this, you need to breathe in the following sequence: first, two short breaths, and then a long exhalation.

Breathing during expulsion

After the uterus is fully opened, the woman should help the baby and start pushing. Contractions during this period are replaced by only short periods of muscle relaxation, but in general they are less painful.

Breathing should oxygenate the muscles as much as possible. To do this, during the period of attempts, you need to take a deep breath, hold your breath and strongly strain all the muscles of the abdomen. If one breath is not enough, then the woman needs to exhale, take a deep breath 2 times, then hold her breath again and tighten all the muscles. When the fight is over, you need to breathe evenly and calmly.

After the birth of a child, the work of the mother does not stop, there is another crucial stage ahead - the birth of the placenta. The process is almost the same as the birth of a child, only much faster and less painful. The doctor can additionally inject oxytocin intravenously, which will allow you to give birth to the placenta in just one attempt.

Do not be afraid if, after the birth of a child, a woman experiences uterine contractions - this is a normal process that allows you to stop bleeding and significantly reduce the size of the uterus.

With the right psychological attitude, the necessary knowledge about the birth process, some help from households and medical personnel, the sensations during contractions before childbirth and during childbirth are tolerated quite steadfastly. By combining breathing techniques and other relaxation techniques, you can reduce pain to discomfort. Many women describe the postponed childbirth something like this: “I didn’t wait for severe pain”; "I thought it would be worse."