Russian boxer was injured at the Olympics. Anastasia Belyakova won bronze for Russia by leaving the ring in a wheelchair

The main hopes of the Russians on the 12th medal day of the Olympics in Rio were associated with women's wrestling, where awards were played in three weight categories at once, and in at least two of them our girls were among the favorites.

If for 21-year-old Milana Dadasheva the current Games became the first major tournament in her career and her departure to the 1/8 finals in the category up to 49 kg in by and large was predictable, then with Valeria Koblova (up to 58 kg) and Natalya Vorobyeva (up to 69 kg) we pinned certain hopes.

The first at one time became the fifth at the London Olympics, and two years later won the European Championship. The second one completely won two continental and one world championships, and also won gold in London, and in a heavier weight category - up to 72 kg.

At the age of 25, she has already earned a monument in St. Petersburg and a personal tournament in women's wrestling in Irkutsk.

Up to the finale, both girls went extremely smoothly. Vorobieva confidently coped with rivals from Kazakhstan, Mongolia and Egypt, each time gaining four points and not giving more than two. Koblova completely destroyed her opponents with scores like 11:0 and 9:2, and only the Kyrgyz athlete lost to her more or less worthily in the semi-finals - 1:4.

It seemed that in the finals against the powerful Japanese women, the Russians should show everything they are capable of and win gold medals, but something went wrong. The failure of Koblova, who led 2:1, but gave decisive points to last seconds, can also be explained by the experience of her rival - the great, without exaggeration, Kaori Icho, now a four-time champion of the Games.

But why the brilliant Natalia Vorobieva failed to maintain a two-point advantage against Sarah Dose, who has not yet won even the world championships, remains a mystery.

Until the sixth minute, the Russian woman did everything right, not allowing her opponent to carry out attacks, but at the decisive moment she staggered, and the Japanese woman, with a tie score of 2: 2, won the last action.

If we had a more offensive loss of gold at this Olympics, it was only in shooting, when Sergey Kamensky scored 0.3 points less than necessary with a decisive shot.

Note that the Japanese women won three gold awards at once on this day. The victory in the weight category up to 48 kg, and also in the last seconds, was won by Eri Tosaka, who snatched gold from the hands of Azerbaijani Maria Stadnik - 3:2. Our Milana Dadasheva took only 11th place in this category.


News from the boxing rings that day also evoked a feeling of annoyance mixed with excitement and anxiety among Russian fans.

Anastasia Belyakova in the semi-finals female category up to 60 kg fought with the Frenchwoman Estelle Mossley and had excellent chances of hitting decisive match. However, already in the first round, the opponent carried out a dirty trick, hitting the Russian woman in the elbow and breaking her arm.

The injury was so serious that Belyakova was taken straight from the hall in a wheelchair.

At the same time, the arbitrators considered Mossley's action acceptable and awarded her the victory by technical knockout. In the final, she will meet with the Chinese Yunhua Ying, and Belyakova will receive only bronze.

There will be no Russian representative in the men's final in the category up to 56 kg, where Vladimir Nikitin, who received a severe cut during the match with the Irishman Michael Conlan, refused the semifinal fight due to injuries and also remained only with a bronze medal. American Shakur Stevenson, who was supposed to be his opponent, passes this stage without a fight.

A day earlier, a scandal erupted over the result of the quarterfinal fight, in which Nikitin defeated Conlan by unanimous decision. The losing Irishman accused the arbitrators of bias, and many experts felt that his claims were partly justified.

However, now, after the controversial situation with Belyakova and the injury of Nikitin himself, this scandal will surely subside.

However, there is also good news. In the category up to 52 kg, Misha Aloyan defeated the Colombian David Avila with a score of 3:0 in the quarterfinals and guaranteed Russia another medal. For a place in the final, the Russian will compete with the Chinese Hu Jianguang.

We also note that the Russian Yaroslava Yakushina did not make it to the 1/2 finals in the weight category up to 75 kg, losing to the American Clarissa Shields by unanimous decision of the judges, and Kazakhstani Daniyar Yelyussinov brought gold to his country in the category up to 69 kg, being stronger than the representative of Uzbekistan Shakhram Giyazov - 3 :0.

Russian Andrey Zamkovoy in this weight dropped out of the tournament in the 1/16 finals.


Russian volleyball players continue to defend the title. In the quarterfinal match with the Canadian team, which sensationally took second place in Group A at the preliminary stage, Vladimir Alekno's wards left no chance for their opponents.

Already the first set, which ended with a ten-point advantage of Tetyukhin and company, showed a huge difference in the class between the teams, and over the next two segments, our team quickly broke away in the score and confidently, almost without nerves, brought the matter to victory - 25:20, 25:18 .

And yet the impressions of this victory remained twofold. On the one hand, it is good that the team will retain enough strength for the decisive matches. On the other hand, I would not want this easy success to relax the Russians before the battle with real contenders for medals.

It should be noted that in the semi-finals Alekno's guys will fight with the Brazilian team and try to repeat the London final.

Water polo

The Russian water polo players, who also reached the semifinals, failed to get into the decisive match, losing to the Italians with a score of 9:12. None of the Russians was able to take on the function of a leader and start a team, and in the end, Ekaterina Lisunova and Evgenia Ivanova, who scored only two goals each, became the most productive.

On August 19, the Russian team will compete for bronze with the Hungarian team, which lost to the Americans in the semifinals.


The heroic Daria Klishina, who went through all the circles of hell before and even during the Olympics, was either admitted or suspended from the Games, unfortunately, could not compete for medals in the long jump. She completed three attempts at 6.63, 6.60 and 6.53 m, did not break into the top eight and dropped out of the awards ahead of schedule.

As a result, gold and silver were taken by two Americans Tianna Bartoletta and Brittney Reese, who were separated by only 2 cm, and Ivana Shpanovich from Serbia received a bronze medal.

It’s not that Daria had any real chances to get on the podium, but if it weren’t for constant stress and pressure, the ninth place of the only Russian athlete admitted to the Games could well turn into sixth or fifth.

On this day, athletes competed for several more awards. In the 3000 m hurdles for men, gold with Olympic record the Kenyan Conseslus Kipruto won, the “smooth” 200-meter race among women was won by Elayne Thompson from Jamaica, who sensationally outperformed the Dutch Daphne Scheepers, and in the 100-meter hurdles the entire podium was occupied by the Americans Brianna Rollins, Nia Ali and Christy Kastlin.

Rowing and canoeing

Russian Andrey Kraytor reached the final A in the 200m canoe singles, winning his semi-final with a time of 40.394 seconds. final race will take place tomorrow at 3:15 pm.


In the equestrian team tournament, the gold was won by the French, who received only three penalty points. The Americans won the silver, the Germans won the bronze.

In the final of the mixed doubles badminton tournament, Indonesians Ahmad Tontovi and Liliana Natsir defeated Chan Peng Sun and Guo Liu Yin from Malaysia - 2:0 (21:14, 21:12).

As for the team table tennis tournament for men, here China turned out to be stronger than Japan in the decisive battle - 3:1. The bronze medal went to the German team.

medal standings

The Americans, who won eight medals that day, including two gold medals, are even more firmly entrenched in the first line of the standings with 92 (30-32-30) medals, and China, which has achieved victories in table tennis and taekwondo, caught up in gold with the "resting" today the UK.

The fourth position of Russia (12-14-15) remained unchanged, but due to the lost gold medals, the gap from the top three has increased, and now not only the Germans (11-8-9) are breathing in the back, but also the Japanese who have risen in the women's wrestling ( 10-5-18).

You can get acquainted with other news, materials and statistics at Rio 2016, as well as in the groups of the sports department on social networks

Published on 17.08.16 22:40

Russian Anastasia Belyakova won the 39th bronze for the Russian team at the Olympics in Rio, leaving the boxing ring for wheelchair.

Olympics 2016 in Rio, boxing, women: Russian Belyakova won bronze and left the ring with an injury

Boxer Anastasia Belyakova took bronze in the boxing tournament in the weight category up to 60 kg. So, in the semifinal fight, she could not defeat the world champion from France, Estelle Mossely, due to a hand injury.

As noted, Belyakova was knocked out in the first round. elbow joint. After the battle, the Russian woman was taken to the hospital. This was reported Main coach national team Viktor Lisitsyn.

"Belyakov intcbatch was taken to the hospital, her elbow joint was knocked out. This is a very offensive severe injury that deprived us of gold. And the most offensive thing is that in this fight there should have been no problems at all, no problems at all," Lisitsyn said.

“Nastya immediately from the first seconds of the fight began to “nail” her. She set a high pace, breathed well. She would have simply interrupted the Frenchwoman, technically “removed” her. Especially since we know her well and are not afraid. Apparently, this is fate - our Golden medal gone," said the coach.

Anastasia Belyakova and her injury at the Olympics in Rio. VIDEO

In team standings Russia is coming in fourth place with 12 gold medals, 12 silver medals and 15 bronze medals.

Russian boxer Anastasia Belyakova was seriously injured in the semifinal match with Frenchwoman Estelle Mossely in the semifinal of the Rio Olympics. Belyakova won bronze, but the continuation of her sports career is in question.

Russian Anastasia Belyakova was forced to stop the semifinal fight with the Frenchwoman Estella Mosseli in the semifinal fight of the Olympics in Rio. The fight was stopped in the first round and the Frenchwoman was awarded the victory by technical knockout.

The Russian athlete thus won bronze in the weight category up to 60 kg.

The Russian woman was sent to the hospital with a knocked out elbow joint immediately after the fight. Medics on duty nearby took her away in a wheelchair.

According to the coach, Belyakova has an elbow joint injury. But there is no definite diagnosis yet.

Anastasia Belyakova was seriously injured

Director of the Russian Boxing Federation, AIBA international judge Evgeny Sudakov said that Anastasia Belyakova's injury, which she received in the semifinals of boxing competitions at the Olympics in Rio de Janeiro, could force her to leave the sport.

“It’s a shame that Anastasia received such a serious injury. God forbid that her shoulder doesn’t fly out. If her shoulder flies out, then it will probably be possible to finish boxing. For people who do not play sports professionally, this is nothing terrible. And for active boxers, this is everything. This can lead to the end of a career, "Sudakov said.

According to him, if the boxer leaves the sport, in this case, surgery is indispensable.

"Let's see what the doctors say after a detailed examination of Anastasia. It's a shame - the fight was ours, and Belyakova won it," said the director of the federation.

At the age of 9 she was left without a father, grew up without a mother, her grandmother was her guardian. Lives with her and her older sister.

From the age of 13 she has been boxing under the guidance of coach Evgeny Tarasov, who suggested that she switch to this sport from skiing.

At the 2010 World Championships in the weight category up to 60 kg, she took 5-8th place. In the same year, she won the European Championship among juniors, and the following year she became the world champion among girls under 18 years old.

Silver medalist World Games martial arts in 2013 and the winner of the All-Russian Youth Spartakiad in 2014.

Three-time champion of Russia in 2012, 2013 and 2015.

In 2014 she won the gold of the European and World Championships. In the final of the European Championship, Anastasia Belyakova defeated the Englishwoman Natasha Jonas, and in the final of the World Championship, the Englishwoman Sandy Ryan.

In 2015, Belyakova again won in her weight category at the European Games, and after that she moved to the category up to 60 kg in which she won the silver of the 2016 World Championship, losing to the Frenchwoman Estelle Mossely, but at the same time winning the Olympic license.

The program of today's boxing day was opened by girls, among whom were both Russians, Anastasia Belyakova and Yaroslav Yakushina. Both were considered

obvious underdogs, however, in the case of Belyakova, we could count on a sensation. The fact is that in the final of the World Cup she already met with a Frenchwoman Estelle Mosseli and lost in an equal fight, and according to some experts, even won. Yakushina was less fortunate. She was opposed by the phenomenal American Claressa Shields, who has won every major tournament since the London Olympics.

Opened the card duel of the Chinese woman Ying Junhua and Finnish Worlds Potkonen, which knocked out the once great and terrible Kathy Taylor. For four two-minute rounds, the Asian gave her such a beating that she did not save the helmet, which remains an integral attribute in women's boxing. The Finn entered the mix zone with a terrible face, in which blood, sweat and tears from an unfortunate defeat mixed up. As it turned out, this is not the worst thing that happened today.

From the ring to the wheelchair

Belyakova was the next to enter the ring with a smile and an attitude to win. She was not afraid of her formidable opponent and in the first round she met her well with deuces. It seemed that another unpredictable duel was waiting for us, where everything would again be in the hands of the judges. The judge's gavel signaled the remaining ten seconds until the end of the first round, when suddenly a loud scream broke through the noise of the hall. Belyakova, after the blow, doubled over in pain, and her left arm hung lifelessly.

She was given first aid by the referee, who immediately stopped the fight, and then the athlete was sent to an ambulance in a wheelchair, and then taken to the Olympic village for diagnosis and assistance. The special correspondent of the "Championship" managed to find a volunteer who made it clear that she did not have a clear fracture, but that her elbow or shoulder was dislocated. The same was confirmed in the mixed zone by the opponent. “I'm happy to reach the final, but of course I didn't want to do it this way. The opponent's injury overshadowed the joy of my victory, and I wish her good health,” said Mossely.

Head coach of the women's team Viktor Lisitsyn at that moment was blacker than clouds. On the one hand, his thoughts were next to the injured ward. On the other hand, he was supposed to second in the ring to Yaroslav Yakushin. The representative of the heaviest weight category kept in the ring with dignity. Of course, the class and physical strength of the American left her practically no chance of winning, but in the third round, when there was nothing left to lose, Yaroslava evened out the fight and accepted defeat with dignity. If the lot had been more merciful to her, perhaps she could have won bronze.

Waiting for good news

Support Group Russian team in the stands was shocked by what happened. Coaches and athletes were even more in the dark than the correspondents, and were happy to hear the information that there was no fracture. The executive director of the Russian Boxing Federation Evgeny Sudakov was also worried. While there is no exact information, we are waiting for a call. "IN Olympic village will examine Anastasia. Most likely, the elbow flew out. It is possible that there will be surgery. She was the leader in her weight class. The fight started well, boxed well. But this is a sport, nothing can be done, ”he told the special correspondent of the Championship.

We can only hope that we are talking only about a strong dislocation, and not about a fracture that can put an end to sports career Nastya. With a favorable outcome, the day after tomorrow she will be able to climb into the ring and get her bronze medal. The attitude towards women's boxing after the incident will be even more ambiguous. Severe injuries can be in any sport, but sometimes girls have much more emotions, aggression and cruelty in battles than men.

from Rio de Janeiro

Anastasia Belyakova since childhood, he has been boxing with a rival named Life and by the name Ruthless. The blond girl Nastya was born in the Chelyabinsk region in the city of beautiful name Chrysostom. Nastya's father died when she was about nine, and her mother's bad habits turned out to be more important than her own child. The girl was raised by her grandmother, so Nastya is her grandmother's daughter. She skied, but later chose boxing.

I didn’t choose in vain - in 2014 Belyakova won the European Championship, and then the world championship. To break into the Olympics, she had to surpass herself in weight up to 60 kg. Sofia Ochigawa, sex symbol women's boxing Russia and the silver medalist of the London Olympics, as well as several other strong rivals within the country. As a result, Ochigawa did not get to the Games, having missed a lot of time for health reasons and completed amateur career. And Belyakova, before going to Rio, again went to the World Championships and became second there, losing Estelle Mosseli. She met her in the semifinals of the Olympics. By the way, after the quarterfinal Anastasia for some reason was in full confidence that she would get a Chinese woman, not a Frenchwoman.

Their fight ended in the middle of the first round. During the exchange of blows Belyakova damaged the elbow joint - either by herself, by an unsuccessful movement, or under blows Mosseli. Even after it has been announced TKO, an athlete from France will say that she is glad to reach the final, but did not want it to happen that way - through the pain and suffering of Belyakova.

The audience did not immediately pay attention to the elbow injury. Before that, the opponent dealt several more blows to the kidneys and liver. Belyakova screamed heart-rendingly and, holding on to her left hand, pressed herself against the ropes. The judge rushed to help her - he hugged the girl and took her out of the ring. Nastya did not see or hear anything around her, being in a state of pain shock. Next to the ring, she was surrounded by coaches and doctors. From this anthill, she appeared already in a wheelchair. She was taken away. Trainer Viktor Lisitsyn later said that the athlete's elbow joint was knocked out, and according to him, "this made it impossible to fight for gold."

Olympics for Belyakova completed, and she will fly away from Rio not only with an injury, but also with a bronze medal. Fights for third place in Olympic boxing No. Perhaps this result is not at all what she expected. After all, Nastya probably wanted the name of her hometown to be symbolic - Zlatoust, and the London achievement of Ochigawa turned out to be blocked.

But instead, the Olympics of the brave and strong girl Nastya ends with pain and tears. Sport is not always fair, it is often unpredictable and terribly cruel even to its most loving children. After all, the word Olympics hides not only "Olympus", but also "hell". We wish Anastasia health, let her go through this test. Let us believe that now is only the most bitter moment of history, which one day (for example, in four years) will end with a happy ending.

Rio de Janeiro (Brazil). Olympic Games 2016. Boxing. August 17th.
Women. Weight category up to 60 kg. 1/2 finals.