Exercises after breast removal surgery. Allowed exercise therapy complex after mastectomy and exercises to restore arm mobility

A number of complications can occur after a mastectomy. One of these complications is the violation of the mobility of the arm from the side of the operation. A set of special exercises helps to restore mobility, which the patient needs to start doing even in the hospital, as well as massage and physiotherapy procedures.

Gymnastics as an important part of rehabilitation

After a surgical intervention to remove the mammary gland, a woman undergoes a rehabilitation course. Usually it consists of several components: physiotherapy exercises;

  • massage;
  • psychological recovery;
  • breast reconstruction;
  • medical treatment;
  • physical procedures.

For the first time after the operation, it is very difficult for a woman to perform even the most simple exercises exercise therapy. But you shouldn't give up gymnastics. You need to defeat yourself, and start doing exercises, in addition to doing them regularly.

Often, after breast removal, a woman begins to stoop and lower her shoulders to hide the consequences of the operation. As a result, this only complicates the situation, since such actions lead to a curvature of the spine or chest. The already serious condition in the postoperative period is complicated by depression.

Gymnastics after a mastectomy performs a therapeutic and prophylactic effect:

  • helps to restore the mobility of the hand;
  • does not allow curvature of posture, drooping of the shoulders, and so on;
  • eliminates pain that occurs in the arm, back or neck due to muscle strain.

Warming up the muscles

A set of exercises must begin with a warm-up. Muscles need to be prepared for exercise. If from the very beginning to load the body, it will do more harm than good. To warm up, do the following exercises:

  1. You need to start with your fingers. Sit down and put your hands on your knees. Squeeze your fingers as tightly as possible into a fist, and then unclench and be sure to relax your hands at the same time.
  2. Continuing to sit, raise your palms to the top, and then lower them. When doing this exercise, make sure that your fingers are relaxed.
  3. Put the cysts on your shoulders. Raise your elbows forward and up, then lower. Follow correct breathing and move very slowly.
  4. There is also no need to rush when performing this movement. Lower your arms at your sides. Slowly lift them up and to the sides, and then lower them.

A set of basic exercises

After warming up, the muscles are prepared for heavy loads, so you can begin to perform more complex exercises:

  1. Press your hands to the body, lowering them down for 2-3 seconds, then relax.
  2. Pull your hand forward, then to the side, then lower it. Perform the movements slowly. Breathe in as you raise your hand, and breathe out as you lower your hand.
  3. Put the brush on your shoulder and do circular motions elbow to one side and then the other.
  4. Lowering your hands down, connect them behind your back. Try to touch your shoulder blades. Do the exercise very slowly.
  5. Make circular movements with the shoulder joint in one direction and the other. In this case, the hand should be lowered down.
  6. Raise the injured arm up. You can do this sitting or standing. At first, the exercise is very difficult to perform, so you can support the brush with a healthy hand.
  7. Standing, lean towards the operated breast. Hold for a couple of seconds and rise. Inhale when bending, exhale when lifting.
  8. Lean back against the wall. Spread your arms out to the sides. Raise, hold for 2-3 seconds, then slowly lower.
  9. Stand against the wall. Stretch up with your hand from the side where the operation was. Mark the point to which you managed to reach. With each subsequent time, this point should move higher and higher.
  10. Take a stick, 60-80 cm long in your hands. Raise the stick up to shoulder level. Make sure that the stick rises horizontally evenly.
  11. With a stick in hand, make turns to the right and left. Increase the range of motion each time.
  12. Sit down and put your hands on your knees. Pick up the stick lying below. Raise the stick up. At the same time bend forward. Then take the starting position.
  13. Take a stick and lift it up. After that, wrap the stick behind your back. If there is no stick, then for this exercise you can take a towel that needs to be stretched between your hands.
  14. Raise your arm from the operated side up. Bend it at the elbow, then take the elbow to the side.
  15. At the last stage of the exercise, relaxation occurs, as well as restoration of breathing. To do this, you must perform the following steps:

    1. Inhale deeply and exhale slowly while straightening your shoulders.
    2. Stand up straight, bend down straight and lower your arms, relaxing them.
    3. Raise your arms up as you inhale, then slowly lower as you exit. Relax your hands.

    Massage is an aid

    Massage will help to enhance the effect of gymnastics and speed up the process of restoring arm mobility. It will be much better if a specialist does massotherapy. But if there is no opportunity to turn to a professional, do the massage yourself.

    By the way, massage not only helps to restore arm mobility, but also prevents the development of another complication after mastectomy - lymphostasis.

    When doing the massage yourself, make light stroking movements without pressure on the tissues of the hand. Movements can be along the arm from the fingertips to the shoulder, or circular around the arm. In some cases, a special cream or oil is used for massage.

    Massage helps restore muscle mobility, normalize blood circulation and lymph outflow.

    Gymnastics after a mastectomy is one of the most important stages of rehabilitation. The first exercises should be performed a few days after surgery. In order for physiotherapy exercises to give visible results, it is necessary:

    1. Start exercising almost immediately after surgery.
    2. Begin with simple movements. Do not forget to gradually increase the complexity of the exercises and their amplitude.
    3. Increase the number of exercises performed, gradually increasing the load. In this case, it is advisable to consult a doctor or specialist.
    4. For correct posture, perform movements not only on the arm on the operated side, but also on the healthy arm. Usually exercises are performed with two hands or alternately.
    5. Start with 10-12 repetitions.
    6. Do not delay exercise if it is difficult.
    7. Do therapeutic exercises daily. It is advisable to do this at the same time.
    8. Perform all exercises slowly. Do not make sudden movements that could harm you.

    Be prepared for the fact that at first there will be no visible results from the exercise. But the sooner you start doing gymnastics, the less time you need for rehabilitation. Exercise is a great way to deal with problems in your arm or shoulder after breast surgery. No matter how difficult the exercises are, do not stop doing them. Otherwise, the rehabilitation period will be delayed.

    A set of exercises, as well as other rehabilitation activities, help a woman recover both physically and psychologically after breast surgery.


Gymnastics - the way to return to the previous shape after a mastectomy

beautiful chest- adornment of a woman. However, there are several dangerous diseases that it is advisable to treat by removing the mammary gland - mastectomy. The main indication for surgery is, of course, breast cancer, and a mastectomy is also done with breast sarcoma or a purulent process accompanied by gangrene. A complication after surgery can be a violation of the mobility of the arm in the shoulder joint. To achieve its full recovery, it is necessary to perform a special set of exercises. That is why gymnastics after a mastectomy is necessary for every woman who has undergone this procedure.

Rehabilitation after mastectomy

Mastectomy, of course, has a serious effect on the body of a woman. To return to normal after removal of the mammary gland, a number of rehabilitation measures are required:

  • therapeutic exercises (LFK);
  • physiotherapy;
  • drug treatment, the purpose of which is to increase immunity;
  • psychological assistance to the patient.

Why is gymnastics necessary?

After removal of the mammary gland, the arm and shoulder on the affected side are constrained in movements. Some patients note a feeling of tightness in the scar area. Some patients begin to reduce their shoulders and slouch.

Failure to exercise can lead to a number of unpleasant consequences:

  • to a change in posture, deformation of the chest, problems with the spine;
  • to the occurrence of depression;
  • to the appearance of excessive muscle strain, which leads to the development of pain in the shoulder, arm and neck.

To avoid such problems, women should start exercising while still in the hospital.

Exercise groups

All exercises performed during rehabilitation after removal of the mammary gland are divided into three groups:

  • Warm up. This group is necessary to bring the patient's muscles into tone and prepare the body for further stress. Warm up should be a must gymnastic complex, because otherwise the body may fail, thereby leading to a slowdown in the rehabilitation process. Warming up consists of about four simple exercises.
  • main complex.
  • Final part. It includes exercises, the purpose of which is relaxation and restoration of breathing.

warm up

All exercises of this part of the lesson are performed in a sitting position 6-8 times.

  1. Put your hands on your knees (palms pointing down). Squeeze and unclench your fingers, and squeeze tightly into a fist, and when unclenched, relax and spread.
  2. Turn the hands first with the palms up, then down, while the fingers should not be tense.
  3. Raise your hands to your shoulders. Without taking them off your shoulders, raise your elbows forward and lower them down. This exercise should be done slowly. Raising your hands, inhale, lowering - exhale.
  4. In the starting position, the arms are lowered at the seams. Then lift them to the sides and lower them down. Do the exercise slowly, without straining.

When all exercises are completed, the patient needs a little rest. To do this, you can take several deep breaths and exhale or walk along the gym.

Main part

The main part of the gymnastic complex after removal of the mammary gland includes the following exercises (they should be repeated 4-8 times):

  • IP (starting position) - standing or sitting.
    1. First, you should press your hands tightly to the body for 2-3 seconds, then relax.
    2. Stretch the hand from the injured side forward, then to the side, then lower it. There is no need to raise the shoulder. Taking it away, inhale, lowering - exhale.
    3. Make circular movements in the shoulder joints (first forward, then back). Exercise should be done slowly, raising your elbows high.
    4. Lower your hands. Connect your fingers behind your back and try to touch your shoulder blades. At the same time, do not tilt your head and shoulders forward. The exercise is done slowly.
    5. Clasp your hands behind your back. Through the movement of the shoulders, you need to spread and reduce the shoulder blades, try not to lean forward. Spreading to inhale, reducing - exhale.
  • IP - standing or sitting in front of a mirror.
    1. Raise the arm on the injured side. (If necessary, you can support the hand with a healthy hand). The exercise is performed slowly, when lifting, inhale, when lowering, exhale.
    2. Raise your arm from the side where the operation was, then bend it and take your elbow to the side, imitating the movement when combing your hair. Hold your hand in this position for a few seconds. In this case, you should not lean forward and lower your head.
  • Starting position - standing.
    1. Tilt to the operated side and straighten up. At the same time, swing back and forth with your hand from the same side. The muscles should be relaxed, the range of motion gradually increases.
    2. Stand against the wall with the damaged side. Raise your hand, trying to stretch it as far as possible along the wall. It should be noted the point to which you can reach, and try to gradually mix it higher.
    3. Rotate the torso towards the operated breast. Lean back, moving your hand back and to the side. Accept IP. Turning, inhale, returning to the IP - exhale. Perform slowly.
    4. Lean back against the wall. Raise your arms, spreading them apart and pressing them against the wall as much as possible, hold for 2-3 seconds, then lower them.
  • IP - sitting.
    1. Place the hand on the affected side on the edge of the table in the allotted position (palm pointing down). Then turn your palm up, then down again. The exercise is done with effort and slowly.
    2. Put your hands on your knees and take sticks down in them, the length of which is 60-80 cm. Then lift the sticks up, bending backwards, then lower the sticks. When bending, inhale is taken, when lowering the sticks, exhale.
    3. Raise the sticks up, while tilting, without deviating forward, in the healthy direction. Return to IP. When tilting - inhale, straightening - exhale.
    4. Lower your hands. Take a stick by the ends, then lift it up and move it behind your back. Return to IP. Instead of a stick, you can use a stretched towel. Perform the exercise slowly.

Final part

As already mentioned, the exercises in this part of the lesson are aimed at restoring breathing and relaxation. Each of them is repeated 5-6 times.

  1. Stand up straight and, inhaling and exhaling deeply, turn your shoulders.
  2. Make the slope as low as possible, while the arms should hang freely.
  3. IP - sitting on a chair, hands lie on your knees. Straighten your shoulders, straighten up, bend a little, pulling your elbows back, then relax. Bending to inhale, relaxing - exhale.
  4. IP - standing or sitting. Raise your hands up and inhale, lower - exhale.
  5. Standing, raise your hand to your shoulders and bend, then lower it. Do the exercise with effort and slowly. Lowering your hands down, they must be relaxed.

How to do the exercises

  • When doing exercise therapy, each exercise must be performed slowly, gradually increasing the range of motion and the number of repetitions of each of them.
  • With bilateral removal of the mammary gland, a set of exercises should be performed either with both hands at the same time, or in turn for each of them.
  • Initially, it is worth stopping at 12-14 exercises, then their number needs to be increased.

As already mentioned, you need to start exercising almost immediately after the operation. Of course, at first it will be difficult and painful to perform a set of exercises, but exercise therapy cannot be neglected.

For getting notable results you need to follow a few rules:

  • exercise regularly (without passes);
  • perform exercises, even if it is difficult;
  • do gymnastics daily at a predetermined time;
  • gradually increase the load (after consultation with a specialist);
  • exercise until the range of motion returns to its previous level;
  • try not to make strong and sudden movements;
  • do not demand immediately noticeable results from yourself.

After a mastectomy, women have problems with the movement of the arm and shoulder from the side where the operation was performed. Physiotherapy is an invaluable assistant in this situation, which can remove discomfort in the scar area and restore the previous joint mobility and muscle strength.


Gymnastics after mastectomy: description of exercises after breast removal

With the detection of a malignant tumor of the mammary gland, sarcoma, purulent processes in women, a mastectomy is prescribed - partial or complete removal of the mammary gland. The rehabilitation phase, which includes exercises and restorative techniques to avoid complications such as lymphedema, plays an important role in the recovery phase.

Rehabilitation in the postoperative stage contributes to:

  • tissue healing in a shorter period;
  • preventing possible complications.

Successful rehabilitation after removal of breast cancer and recovery is influenced by several factors at once.

Among them:

  • general and psychological state of the patient;
  • the complexity of the transferred surgical intervention;
  • the quality of medical care;
  • timeliness of gymnastics exercise therapy and special exercises.

It is important to follow all the procedures prescribed by doctors and take the prescribed medicines. Then the rehabilitation period will pass more quickly and smoothly.

At this time, the following recommendations should be followed:

  1. Quality care for the operated part.
  2. Hand massage performed by a specialist.
  3. Use of necessary decongestant medications.
  4. Use of physiotherapy procedures.
  5. Performance of special physical culture complexes.

Started immediately correct exercises for the hand after removal of the mammary gland is the main guarantee of a full-fledged rehabilitation process.

The role of gymnastics in the recovery process

Gymnastics after a mastectomy of the mammary gland, including correctly selected exercises, plays a major role in the rehabilitation process. It is difficult to achieve final and complete rehabilitation, refusing to perform therapeutic exercises.

Reluctance to use the right exercises after a mastectomy will cause complications:

  • bad posture;
  • depression;
  • muscle strain, causing pain in the shoulder, arm, neck.

To avoid these complications, women should start exercising while still in the hospital.

A set of exercises

The exercises used for successful rehabilitation are divided into three stages:

  1. Warm-up - exercises that increase muscle tone and preparing the body for more high loads. Warming up is an important and obligatory component of the gymnastics complex; without it, the body may fail, slowing down the healing process. Charging after removal of the mammary gland, aimed at warming up, includes about 4 simple exercises.
  2. The main complex of gymnastics after mastectomy.
  3. Conclusion - relaxing exercises with the restoration of breathing.

warm up

It is better to start exercises with a warm-up, preparing the muscles for exercise. When the body is stressed from the very beginning, you can do more harm than good.

This part of the exercises for the hand after a mastectomy is performed while sitting, 5 to 7 times:

  1. The fingers of the hands located on the knees are compressed and unclenched with force into a fist, followed by relaxation.
  2. Without straining your fingers, pull your palms up for a couple of seconds.
  3. Raise your elbows forward and up. The hands are placed on the shoulders.
  4. Hands up, to the sides, and down.

At the end of this stage, a break is taken, a few deep breaths and exhalations.

Main part

The main stage of gymnastics for the hand after removal of the mammary gland consists of exercises performed standing or sitting with a repetition of 4-8 times.

The execution order is as follows:

  1. Hands are pressed against the body for a couple of seconds and relax.
  2. The arm from the operated side is extended forward, to the side, lowered. The shoulder joint does not rise.
  3. Circular movements of the shoulder with high raising of the elbows.
  4. The fingers are connected at the back into a “lock”, reaching for the shoulder blades. Shoulders, keep head straight.
  5. The hands are clasped behind the back. With the movements of the shoulders, the shoulder blades are bred and reduced, without leaning forward. When spreading the shoulder blades - inhale, with the arch - exhale.
  6. Tilt with simultaneous swaying of the hand back and forth in the operated side.
  7. Turn towards the operated breast with backward tilt. At the same time, the arms are pulled back and to the side. When turning - inhale, with a return to the starting position - exhale.

Final part

The last stage is relaxing, as well as restoring breathing. Exercises are repeated at least 5 times.

Actions are performed:

  1. Standing up straight, you need to turn your shoulders with a deep breath and exhale.
  2. Low slope with arms hanging freely.
  3. Retraction of the elbows with a slight deflection while sitting. The deflection is accompanied by inhalation, relaxation - by exhalation.
  4. Raising the arms as you inhale and lowering as you exhale.

To make gymnastics more effective, use the following recommendations for its implementation:

  1. In exercise therapy classes after breast surgery, the entire complex is performed slowly, with an increase in the amplitude of movements and the number of repetitions.
  2. Classes are performed with the simultaneous participation of both hands, or with their alternation.
  3. Immediately after breast removal, do 11-15 exercises with a gradual increase in their number.


Massage after a mastectomy is needed to accompany a full-fledged set of exercises and should be performed even after discharge from the hospital. It is possible to use lymphatic drainage, compression, vacuum or pneumatic massage. An important condition for this procedure is the presence of a medical worker.

It is important to do massage at certain intervals, and not constantly.

Classes should be carried out immediately after the operation. Despite the complexity of the complex, the severity and soreness, exercise therapy after mastectomy cannot be neglected.

The rules, adhering to which, it is easier to achieve the desired results in gymnastics after removal of the mammary gland:

  1. Charging after a mastectomy should take place without gaps.
  2. Mandatory implementation of the complex, despite the difficulties.
  3. Gradual increase in loads (only with prior consultation with a specialist).
  4. Classes until the return of the volume of movements of the previous level.
  5. Exclusion of fast movements.


Watch how to do gymnastics after a mastectomy in the video, where the instructor will show in detail all the necessary exercises.

Below you can watch another complex of exercise therapy after a mastectomy on video.

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Breast reconstruction after mastectomy: exercises, rehabilitation, gymnastics and exercise therapy

According to statistics, every eighth woman on this planet can get breast cancer. This disease threatens lethal outcome if not treated.

In addition to cancer, a woman's breasts are prone to other diseases of a tumor nature:

  • fibroadenomas;
  • papillomas;
  • cysts.

All of them are treated with:

Consequences of a mastectomy

A mastectomy is a surgical operation to remove tumors that affect the breast tissue. There are several types of mastectomy:

  • Mastectomy according to Halsted - removal of the mammary gland, fatty tissue, pectoral muscles. It is performed very rarely: when the tumor grows into the pectoral muscle;
  • radical mastectomy - removal of the mammary gland, pectoral muscles, axillary lymph nodes, fatty tissue that is located around them;
  • mastectomy according to Madden - removal of the mammary gland, axillary fatty tissue, but with the preservation of the pectoral muscles;
  • gynecomastia - removal of a small part of the mammary gland, while preserving the pectoral muscles, areola and nipple, fatty tissue.

The first two types of mastectomy are used quite rarely: in the most advanced cases of infiltrative cancer and its relapses.

The last two are used much more often as women don't want to be breastless.

That is why scientists are busy developing more gentle methods of treating breast cancer, and doctors often offer a course of radiation therapy before removal. The fact is that after irradiation, the tumor is significantly reduced, which allows you to choose a more gentle type of mastectomy.

Well, if the course of radiation therapy is completed and the tumor has decreased to a small size, or the disease was detected in time, and the neoplasm was removed using gynecomastia, then rehabilitation will not take much time. It will be necessary to exclude heavy loads and use various ointments so that the scars heal faster. When more severe methods have been used to treat breast cancer, patients need more time to recover from surgery, as a host of complications can occur:

  1. Tightness and limitation in the movements of the right or left hand.
  2. Slouch.
  3. Problems with the spine.
  4. Pain with any movement of the arm due to strong muscle tension.

During rehabilitation, you need to perform special exercises. Sometimes they may prescribe massage courses. A set of exercises for the patient is selected by the doctor. They are designed to stretch and strengthen the pectoral muscles, accelerate blood and lymph circulation. In addition, exercise helps to improve overall well-being, align posture, and eliminate mobility problems. shoulder joint if required.

Each of the exercises should be performed 6-8 times. You can do more if your health permits. Often, doctors prescribe a set of exercises on an exercise bike and swimming in the pool. They are usually performed along with a protein diet that excludes the following products:

Sweet and confectionery products are significantly limited.

  • dairy;
  • fish;
  • meat (low-fat varieties of meat and poultry);
  • vegetables and fruits.

The process of rehabilitation and recovery after a mastectomy of the mammary gland depends on many factors: on the general physical and psychological state patient, from the severity of the operation, from qualified treatment,

from timely started therapeutic exercises (LFK) and special exercises.

The roles of special gymnastics and correct exercise, and after the healing of an open wound, also the role of swimming is very large and important. Rehabilitate without regular treatment - health exercises almost impossible. And the sooner you start therapeutic exercises after the mastectomy, the better. It should only be understood that the load should increase gradually, but you should not give yourself concessions in the regularity of exercises. Below are practical exercise therapy exercises that develop arm mobility, relieve pain and swelling.

A complex of therapeutic - gymnastic exercises after mastectomy.

All of the following gymnastic exercises should be repeated 5-10 times, depending on the duration of the operation and your physical condition. The load increases gradually. With a bilateral mastectomy, all exercises can be done with one hand alternately, and with both hands at the same time.

1. Take a seated position. Place your hands on your knees, palms down. Clench and unclench your fingers into a fist, then relax.
2. Sitting position. Place your hands on your knees, palms down. Turn your palms up, then down, without straining your fingers.
3. Sitting position. Spread your arms to the sides and lower down. Repeat slowly, without straining too much.
4. Take a seated position. Put your hands on your shoulders. Raise your elbows forward, then lower them down without lifting your hands from your shoulders. Repeat slowly. Raising, inhale, lowering - exhale.

A few days after the mastectomy operation, add the following gymnastic exercises:

Below is a well-known video tutorial on conducting exercise therapy exercises after a mastectomy from Vyacheslav Nagnibid and a detailed text description of this video. This option of presenting the gymnastic complex with video material will most intelligibly explain the principles and sequence of the exercises.

5. Take the starting position while standing. Tilt towards the removed mammary gland. Swing back and forth with your hand from the side of the operation, without straining and gradually swinging the amplitude of the strokes.
6. Body position sitting or standing. Alternately then strain, pressed to the body of the hands, then relax.
7. The position of the body sitting or standing. Raise the hands from the side of the operation forward, spread them apart, then lower them down. The shoulder should not be raised.
8. Body position sitting or standing. In turn, make circular movements in the shoulders - then forward, then back. Raise your elbows when moving.
9 Take a position either sitting or standing in front of a mirror. Slowly raise your arm from the operated side. During the exercise, you can support the hand on the affected side with a healthy functional hand.
10. Take a standing position with the operated side against the wall. Raise and stretch the sore arm as far as possible along the wall, then gently move it up.
11. Take the starting position sitting or standing, with your arms hanging down. Putting your fingers behind your back, try to reach them to the shoulder blades without tilting your head.

12. Take a sitting or standing position, with interlocked fingers behind your back. Without bending over, slowly bring and spread the shoulder blades.
13. Take the starting position sitting, the sore arm is on the table, palm down. Slowly, with tension, alternately turn your hand palm up, then down.
14. Take the starting position sitting or standing by the mirror. Lift the affected arm up, bending at the elbow, then moving the elbow to the side. Then, without tilting your head, perform movements that imitate combing your hair.
15. Take the initial sitting position, placing your hands on your knees, pick up gymnastic sticks, about half a meter long, lowering them down. Slowly lift the gymnastic sticks up, while bending back elastically. Then drop down.
16. Take the starting position sitting, lowering your hands, gymnastic stick hold on to the ends. Slowly lift the stick up, move it behind your back. Then return to the starting position.
17. Take a sitting position, with your hands on your knees, in two hands hold the half-meter sticks lowered down. Raise the gymnastic sticks up, lean to the healthy side. At the same time, make sure that the slope goes only to the side, and not forward. Then straighten up and lower the exercise sticks down.
18. Standing position, legs apart. Rotate your torso towards the operation. Lean back and slowly move the affected arm to the side and back. Return to starting position.
19. Take the starting position while standing, with your back to the wall. Raise your arms to the sides, pressing firmly against the wall for two to three seconds. Then drop.
20. Take the starting position while sitting or standing. Slowly, with a noticeable effort, bring your hands to your shoulders. Also slowly, but already relaxing, lower them down.
21. Take a starting position on a chair with your hands on your knees. Straighten your shoulders and arch slightly. In this position, take your elbows back. Relax. Return to the starting position of the exercise.
22. Take the starting position sitting. Without straining, raise your hands up, take a breath. Breathe out as you lower. Repeat.

This video set of gymnastic exercises is not the only one. There are other methods, including video materials. You can successfully choose any of them to help you. All of them are aimed at ensuring the speedy recovery of the hand after breast mastectomy surgery. In addition to gymnastic exercises in recovery, swimming has proven itself well, thanks to its specific movements.

Caring for our little feathered friends - birds will give you the moral support you need to recover. Titmouse Day will give you some joy and smiles.

Mastectomy is a surgical removal of the mammary gland, carried out in case of severe oncological diseases, purulent processes, and mastopathy. This is a serious operation that disrupts the motor function of the hand. To restore it and return the woman to a full life as quickly as possible, special therapeutic exercises have been developed that contribute to effective rehabilitation after removal of the mammary gland.

The Importance of Exercise

The operation to excise the mammary gland is often accompanied by the removal of nearby lymph nodes and even pectoral muscles, which is why exercise therapy in the postoperative period plays a major role. It solves the following tasks:

  • Helps to recover muscle fibers and restore the mobility of the upper limb;
  • Corrects posture;
  • Reduces pain syndrome;
  • Prevents the development of lymphostasis after removal of lymph nodes;
  • Improves blood flow in the damaged area;
  • Accelerates the recovery of peripheral nerves affected during surgery.

Helpful advice!

Therapeutic gymnastics helps to improve mood and restore vitality. To effectively combat depression (which often develops in patients of oncology clinics), psychologists recommend visiting group lessons exercise therapy. Communication with comrades in misfortune will allow you to accept the situation and not be left alone with your misfortune.

Doing gymnastics after a mastectomy should be done with caution, following the basic rules:

  1. Rehabilitation after breast removal should begin as soon as possible. early dates as soon as the attending physician permits. Usually, elementary exercises can be started already 2-3 days after the operation.
  2. You need to train daily, at least once a day, at about the same time.
  3. During class, try to do everything correctly gymnastic elements. Moderate pain should not become an obstacle to dosed physical activity.
  4. Increase the duration and complexity of training gradually, do not start complex elements from the first days.
  5. Gymnastics is also necessary for the healthy side, so that the correct posture is formed.
  6. For the same purpose, try not to slouch in the period of time between workouts.
  7. Perform all movements smoothly and measuredly.

Not everything comes easy. Even if at first it will be difficult to complete the entire set of exercises without mistakes, this is not a reason to give up. You can always ask for help from an exercise therapy instructor who will correct your actions.

What types of loads are contraindicated

After surgery associated with the removal of the mammary gland, any sports loads with heavy lifting, sharp, jerky movements and increased injury risk:

  • Dynamic team games (volleyball, basketball, hockey);
  • badminton, tennis;
  • All kinds of wrestling;
  • Weightlifting;
  • Ice skating (including roller skating) and skiing;
  • Jumping from a height.

Moreover, in the first days after surgical treatment, it is generally forbidden to raise the arm from the operated side. And until the stitches are removed, you can’t carry anything in this hand, hold on to the handrails in transport, do active housework - vacuuming, manually washing floors, windows, etc.

Useful video - A set of exercises after surgical treatment of the mammary gland

A set of exercises to restore the functioning of the hand

For a full recovery of the chest muscles, you need to follow the stages during classes: start with a small warm-up, then give the maximum load, and at the end again do a little more simple elements to gradually return to a state of rest.

Charging for warming up muscles

The following exercises will help prepare the body for stress and minimize pain:

  1. Sit on a chair with a back, put your palms on knee joints. Clench your hands tightly into fists, then relax your fingers.
  2. In the previous position, carry out dorsiflexion of the hands, without straining the fingers.
  3. Place your palms on, raise your hands in this position forward and up as far as possible, and lower them back.
  4. Stretch your arms along the body. Raise them through the sides up, then lower them down in the same way.
  5. Stand along the wall for 45-60 seconds, forming correct posture: only the back of the head, shoulder blades, buttocks, heels should be pressed against the wall.

Water aerobics exercises

Physical rehabilitation after excision of the mammary gland may include not only classical physiotherapy exercises, but also other methods of restoring health. In particular, . Under water, gravity decreases, so many movements can be done in full with less pain.

  1. Spread your legs wider for stability. Take the hand from the affected side to the side and up, helping her with the other hand. Pull it higher and higher until pain appears. Repeat on the other side.
  2. Stand up straight, the water should completely hide your shoulders. Slightly move your arms to the sides and perform circular movements in the shoulder joints with straight limbs. First make circles clockwise and then counterclockwise.
  3. Stretch up the injured arm, helping her healthy one. Bend the elbow, bringing the forearm behind the head, slightly pull the fingers down, stretching the shoulder until pain occurs.
  4. Stand so that your hands are completely covered with water. Pull them forward with your palms together. "Push" the water with your hands alternately to the right and left.
  5. In the previous starting position, go into shallower water so that it reaches the waist. Do deep lunges forward on one or the other leg. At the same time, try to pull closed palms as far as possible.
  6. Pull the arm forward on the affected side so that you feel the tension of the muscles of the chest and neck. Now pull the other hand in the same way.
  7. Place your feet shoulder-width apart and bend slightly. Bend your arms at the elbows too. Push off from the bottom, bouncing low, while trying to press your knees to your stomach, helping yourself with your hands.
  8. Immersed in water up to the neck, place your palms on your waist, turn your shoulders to the sides. Walk along the bottom of the pool with your knees high. Control your posture at all times.

Repeat each task 10-15 times, stretching exercises (1, 3, 6) - up to 5 times with each hand.

Basic exercise therapy exercises

After warming up, we move on to the main part of the workout. All exercises are performed 8-15 times, depending on the level of training.

  1. In a standing position, we lower our hands at the seams and firmly press their torso. We linger in this state for 4-5 seconds and relax.
  2. We put the fingertips on the shoulder joints and rotate alternately clockwise and counterclockwise.
  3. Now we rotate the shoulder joints with relaxed and lowered arms.
  4. On the inhale, we try to connect the shoulder blades as much as possible, on the exhale we relax.
  5. We stand up straight, try to lift up the arm from the affected side, the range of motion should gradually increase. On early stages you can help with your good hand. Similarly, the hand is raised to the side. For clarity, you can do this exercise near the wall, daily marking on it the level to which the limb has risen.
  6. On inhalation, stretch straight arms forward, spread apart, lower on exhalation.
  7. We start the lowered hands behind the back, connect the brushes into the castle and try to raise them up as much as possible.
  8. Stretching our arms at the seams, we lean on the exhale either in one direction or the other (the limbs hang down freely), while inhaling we straighten up.
  9. We take a gymnastic stick, we clamp it with brushes spaced wider. Gently lift up, taking back alternately the right, then the left leg.
  10. In the previous position, we perform tilts to the sides of the body and outstretched arms with a gymnastic stick.
  11. Holding the stick in the same way, we stretch it over our heads. Then we bend our arms at the elbow and shoulder joints, turning sports equipment over the head, neck and, finally, over the shoulder blades. Then pull it up again.

Final part

At this stage, they do simpler exercises (at least 5 times), relax, restore breathing.

  1. We stand up straight, straighten our shoulders, pull our head and neck up. We breathe deeply and measuredly.
  2. Exhaling, we lean down, lowering relaxed hands.
  3. Raise your arms up while inhaling, as if stretching, return to the starting position while exhaling.
  4. We sit on a stool, bend elbow joints so that the forearms are parallel to the floor. Inhaling, we take our elbows a little back and bend the spine forward. Exhaling, we sit up straight again.

Video - Exercise therapy complex for women after breast surgery

Massage is an aid

Massage is an important part of rehabilitation after a mastectomy. It is necessary primarily to combat one of the most common complications of breast removal - lymphostasis. In particular, massage helps to activate the outflow of lymphatic fluid and eliminate edema. Also, this technique allows you to restore muscle mobility, normalize blood circulation and stimulate the nerve fibers affected during the operation.

Massage is recommended to precede the implementation of elements of therapeutic gymnastics in order to prepare the muscles for stress. It is desirable to undergo the procedure with a specialist, but in the future self-massage is also possible. The movements during the session should be smooth, the pressure on the tissues should be light. The hands of the massage therapist should move from the periphery to the center - along the course of the lymphatic vessels. Often, during the massage, a special cream or oil is used to facilitate sliding.


Massage after removal of a malignant tumor of the breast is often contraindicated. In such diseases, additional stimulation of blood flow can provoke a relapse and the appearance of metastases. Therefore, do not self-medicate, all procedures should be prescribed by a doctor.

Oncological (and purulent-inflammatory) diseases require the earliest possible diagnosis and correction, corresponding to the stage of the process. In some cases, mastectomy cannot be avoided, but this operation should not further limit your life and. Therefore, regular physical activity and a positive attitude - everything is in your hands.

According to statistics, every eighth woman on this planet can get breast cancer. This disease is fatal if left untreated.

In addition to cancer, a woman's breasts are prone to other diseases of a tumor nature:

  • fibroadenomas;
  • papillomas;
  • cysts.

All of them are treated with:

  • chemotherapy;
  • radiation therapy;
  • folk funds.
  • mastectomy.

Consequences of a mastectomy

A mastectomy is a surgical operation to remove tumors that affect the breast tissue. There are several types of mastectomy:

The first two types of mastectomy are used quite rarely: in the most advanced cases of infiltrative cancer and its relapses.

The last two are used much more often as women don't want to be breastless.

That is why scientists are busy developing more gentle methods of treating breast cancer, and doctors often offer a course of radiation therapy before removal. The fact is that after irradiation, the tumor is significantly reduced, which allows you to choose a more gentle type of mastectomy.

Well, if the course of radiation therapy is completed and the tumor has decreased to a small size, or the disease was detected in time, and the neoplasm was removed using gynecomastia, then rehabilitation will not take much time. It will be necessary to exclude heavy loads and use various ointments so that the scars heal faster. When more severe methods have been used to treat breast cancer, patients need more time to recover from surgery, as a host of complications can occur:

During rehabilitation, you need to perform special exercises. Sometimes they may prescribe massage courses. A set of exercises for the patient is selected by the doctor. They are designed to stretch and strengthen the pectoral muscles, accelerate blood and lymph circulation. In addition, exercises help to improve overall well-being, straighten your posture, and eliminate problems with the mobility of the shoulder joint, if necessary.

Therapeutic gymnastics and massage

exercise therapy - therapeutic Physical Culture. It is often prescribed to patients for recovery after various operations, including mastectomy. Gymnastics after a mastectomy may include the following set of exercises:

Each of the exercises should be performed 6-8 times. You can do more if your health permits. Often, doctors prescribe a set of exercises on an exercise bike and swimming in the pool. They are usually performed along with a protein diet that excludes the following products:

Sweet and confectionery products are significantly limited.

  • dairy;
  • fish;
  • meat (low-fat varieties of meat and poultry);
  • vegetables and fruits.

One of the complications that most often affects patients during rehabilitation is hand lymphostasis. Its appearance is provoked by a radical mastectomy. During this disease, one or two hands swell and increase in size. Often, lymphostasis complicates hand movements. Sometimes the disease is complicated by erysipelas.

Violation of the lymph flow is observed in the first days after the operation. To relieve unpleasant symptoms and eliminate the disease, prescribe:

Massage of the affected hand is first done by specialists, then, independently, using cooling and warming ointments.

Paired with this procedure, be sure to take special drugs and perform a set of physical exercises. Massage contributes to the therapeutic effect of venotonics and helps to completely eliminate the disease.

  1. Stroking.
  2. Kneading.

Before doing a massage, the sore hand should be smeared with therapeutic gel and kept in an upright position.

Other Breast Reconstruction Methods

Breast reconstruction after a mastectomy is not only gymnastics and massage. After surgery, women want to recover attractive appearance your chest. To do this, first of all, you need to stretch the skin on it. Means for stretching the skin of the chest:

Implants are silicone and saline:

  1. Silicone implant. It imitates the breast as much as possible. Implanted under the skin, it does not differ at all from a real mammary gland.
  2. Salt implant. The silicone rubber sheath is filled with saline. A breast with such a prosthesis always has a rounded shape, sometimes it can wrinkle, so it is easy to distinguish it from a real mammary gland. But the cost of such an implant is cheaper, and the gap does not pose a danger to the owner.

If a mastectomy was performed without preserving the skin of the nipple, then a tattoo is drawn on the chest that imitates the areola and nipple.

If you follow all the doctor's prescriptions, rehabilitation after breast cancer treatment is much faster. Recovered women will be able to return to their usual way of life, forever forgetting about the disease.

After completing courses that include massage, drug treatment, exercise therapy, patients usually completely get rid of the disease, although there may be side effects in the form of lymphostasis or erysipelas. But, unfortunately, lymphostasis is not the biggest problem that occurs after cancer treatment with a surgical operation.

The above methods are very effective for physical recovery after cancer treatment, but what if the patient is having a hard time psychologically, since she had almost all of her mammary gland removed? Immediately after the removal of most of the mammary gland, a woman often needs the help of a specialist, as there are various psychological disorders, depression, and an inferiority complex. And this is not surprising.

After all, she remains disabled, feels discomfort from an aesthetic point of view, and therefore in communication with the opposite sex, which significantly reduces the chances of getting married and having a baby, if this has not happened yet.

After surgical recovery and visits to a psychologist, exercise therapy and massage, the condition of the patients returns to normal, they can again live a full life: build relationships, get married, experience the joy of motherhood. It should be noted that pregnancy and childbirth are not only the best prevention breast cancer, but best method physiological and psycho-emotional recovery of a woman after an illness.

Removal of the mammary gland is the first step on the path to health in oncological diseases. After a successful operation, its results must be consolidated and multiplied.

Rehabilitation includes many factors that form a complex of rehabilitation measures. There are no secondary procedures and actions among them, all are equally important for a speedy recovery.

The Importance of Exercise

Gymnastics after removal of the mammary gland helps to restore the mobility of the arm on the side of the removed breast. Immediately after the operation, especially with the concomitant removal of lymph nodes (which happens in the vast majority of cases), the range of motion is very limited, attempts to perform the usual actions do not give desired result cause pain. As a result of restriction of movements in order to protect themselves from discomfort in the area of ​​operation, the patient takes a forced position of the body - stoop. Such behavior is fraught with serious troubles in the future:

  • violation of posture;
  • diseases of the spine;
  • pulmonary pathologies;
  • loss of function of the shoulder joint;
  • impaired coordination and limited mobility.

Conversely, the inclusion of gymnastics in everyday life shortly after breast removal, will prevent stagnation, allow for a gradual increase in range of motion and create the conditions for complete physical recovery.

Success conditions

The efforts made to perform gymnastic exercises will be crowned with success only if they are carried out:

  • as soon as possible after the removal of the gland - already from the 2nd - 3rd day in the hospital;
  • systematically - daily, seven days a week, at least 1 time per day;
  • in compliance with the principle "from simple to complex" - unacceptable excessive loads without preparation, as well as the absence of a gradual complication of tasks;
  • with overcoming pain - within reasonable limits;
  • a long period - ideally until the full restoration of movements as in a healthy hand.

It takes time to organize daily gymnastics, and practice shows that it is better to single out a specific period of the day, and not to carry it out at will or according to the situation. In the latter case, omissions and dishonest exercise are most likely.

The mental attitude is equally important. The loss of the joys of life, although temporary, is sometimes perceived as a catastrophe. This provokes a decrease in the desire to change life for the better through their own efforts. Communication with a psychologist, and, mainly, working on oneself, accepting the situation and finding ways to improve it are important components of rehabilitation after breast removal.

Types of physical activity

Gymnastics is nothing more than actions aimed at developing and maintaining the physical capabilities of the body. Therefore, its elements are always used in everyday life, although sometimes they go unnoticed. After removal of the mammary gland, many of the actions available before this become problematic: hygiene procedures (washing, combing hair), adopting and maintaining body position (getting out of bed, maintaining posture), household activities (opening doors, removing objects from high shelves, carrying bags, cleaning, etc.). Therefore, in addition to the gymnastics itself, it is recommended to persistently strive to master the desired movement over and over again (for example, buttoning the buttons of a dressing gown or bra hooks).

The inclusion of some gymnastic exercises in everyday life without being separated into a separate block is a good addition to physical activities. Separate exercises can be carried out many times during the day (squeezing the fingers into a fist, bringing the shoulder blades together, controlling posture, etc.).

Gymnastic exercises

The daily block of classes is divided into three stages.

  1. Warm-up: provides a rush of blood to all muscle groups, prevents spasms. Proper preparation bodies for classes is an important part of gymnastics. Well-heated tissues lend themselves better to stretching and are less prone to injury. Pain in the muscles after a warm-up is less noticeable.
  2. Main: the constant performance of exercises of this group develops the motor capabilities of the hands after the removal of the mammary gland. This part of the charge takes 15 to 30 minutes.
  3. Final: serves to relieve stress after intensive classes prevents complications.

An approximate set of exercises is given in the table (options are possible).

Warm up
Sitting/ clenching and unclenching the fingers into a fistfrom 10muscles relax when stretched
Same brush rotation10 eachsimultaneously and alternately, in one and in different directions
brushes on the shoulders Raise elbows forward and upfrom 8
  • slowly;
  • inhale when lifting, exhale when lowering
hands at the seams, standing / sitting Raising arms without turning the hands to shoulder levelfrom 8
  • inhale while raising arms
standingwallPosture control: wall touch rear surface heels, calves, buttocks, shoulder blades, back of the headfrom 45 secondsthe neck is straightened, the chin is tucked up
Main complex
standing / sitting Tightly pressing the arms to the sides of the bodyfrom 10option: with simultaneous clenching of fists
standing (sitting) Raising outstretched arms forward with a pause, spreading to the sides and loweringFrom 8slowly; when lifting - inhale, during a pause - exhale, when breeding - inhale, when lowering - exhale
brushes on the shoulders Circular movements of the shoulders with the abduction of the elbows to the sidesfrom 10Smooth forward and backward movements
the brushes are connected in the back "in the lock" Raising the interlocked hands as close as possible to the level of the shoulder bladesfrom 5So slow; head and shoulders straight
Same Flattening the shoulder blades, straightening the chestfrom 10breath on the reduction of the shoulder blades; head and shoulders straight
standing (sitting)wall with markings, (mirror)Raising straightened arms (arms) through the sides up with the aim of full verticalfrom 8mark highest achievement 1 p. per week on wall markings; inhale on the rise
standing Tilts to the sides with swaying of freely located arms to the sidesfrom 10slow movements, gradual increase in amplitude
Samewall with markingsPulling up to a point on the wall with a hand on the side of the operationfrom 5previous achievement serves as a preliminary guideline
Same Turns of the body without shifting the feet with abduction of the arms to the sides backfrom 8 in each directionbreath on abduction; gradual increase in amplitude; slowly
standing, feet shoulder width apartstickRaising hands with a stick intercepted at a width slightly wider than shoulders and loweringfrom 8smoothly; Option: Simultaneous backbend and leg retraction
SameSameTilts to the sides with a stick raised above the headFrom 8slowly; increase in amplitude towards the healthy side gradual
SameSameLifting the stick up and transferring it behind the back to the shoulder bladesFrom 8fix the reduction of the shoulder blades; slowly
The final stage
standing Deep inhalations and exhalations against the background of posture controlfrom 5slowly
Same Forward bends with arms hanging freelyfrom 5exhale on the slope; gradual increase in depth
SamewallPosture controlfrom 30 secondspulling the body up
lying on your backrugRelaxation on a hard surfaceup to 20 minuteswith closed eyes

Classes are not always held at home. Training is organized by exercise therapy instructors in specialized centers or in a hospital. Some time after the operation (1 - 2 months), gymnastic exercises of increased complexity can be performed in the pool: in the water, the desired muscle stretching is easier to achieve and the load is not exceeded. In general, swimming in itself is an excellent rehabilitation procedure, if possible, it should not be neglected.