Starts according to traffic rules. Funny starts with elements of traffic rules “Attention, road! Now get ready to warm up.

Contests on the topic: "Rules traffic. “

    Competition “Did you know?”

The right to answer is granted to the team whose captain raised the emblem first. For each correct answer, the team receives 2 points, for an incomplete answer - 1 point. If the team answers incorrectly, then the right to answer passes to the team that raised the emblem second.


1. What is a sidewalk? (Road for pedestrian traffic.)

2. What is a zebra? (Road markings indicating a pedestrian crossing).

3. Who is called a pedestrian? (A person outside a vehicle that is on the road but not working on it.)

4. How to bypass the tram? (Front.)

5. How to bypass the bus and trolley bus? (Behind.)

6. Who is called a driver? (A person driving a vehicle.)

7. Where should pedestrians walk? (Along the sidewalks, keeping to the right.)

8. Where can children play outside? (In specially designated areas for games.)

9. At what age is it allowed to ride a bicycle on the roads? (From the age of 14.)

10. At what age can you get a motorcycle license? (At age 16.)

11. On which side of the road should pedestrians walk in places where there is no sidewalk? (On the left, towards the moving transport.)

12. What is a level crossing? (Point of intersection railway with automobile.)

13. Can children sit in the front seat of a car? (You can, upon reaching the age of 12.)

14. Is a moped driver allowed to drive on footpaths? (not allowed).

15. Who do we call "road users"? (pedestrians, drivers, passengers).

16. Can a cyclist ride on the road if there is a bike path nearby? (No).

17. What road sign is installed near schools? (children).

18. Which turn is more dangerous: left or right? (left, because traffic is on the right).

19. What is the name of the "zebra" on the road? (crosswalk).

20. Are people doing work on the road pedestrians? (No).

21. What signals does a traffic light give? (red, yellow, green).

22. Which intersection is called regulated? (the one where there is a traffic light or a traffic controller).

23. To whom should pedestrians and drivers obey if both a traffic light and a traffic controller work at the intersection at the same time? (regulator).

24. Why do you need brake lights on a car? (so that other road users can see the driver's intention to stop or slow down).

25. Which side should you keep when walking on the sidewalk? (right side).

26. Do passengers always need to wear seat belts? (yes, always).

27. How should a cyclist inform other road users of his intention to stop? (raise hand up).

28. How should you cross the road if you got off the bus? (you can’t go around the transport either in front or behind, you need to wait for it to leave, and the road will be visible in both directions, but it’s better to move to a safe distance, and if there is a pedestrian crossing, then you should cross the road along it).

29. Is it possible to cross the road obliquely? (no, because, firstly, the path becomes longer, and secondly, it is more difficult to see the transport that moves from the back).

30. What position of the traffic controller prohibits the movement of all road users? (hand raised up).

2. Competition of captains


1. What special traffic lights do you know?(Railway, bicolor (red and green), pedestrian traffic lights, cyclist traffic lights, traffic lights with directions.)

2. What should a pedestrian do if he did not have time to complete the transition to a permissive traffic light?(Go to the middle of the roadway and stay there, continue driving only when the traffic light turns green.)

3. Why is it dangerous to run across the street?(It is more difficult for a person running to observe what is happening. He may not notice a moving vehicle.)

3. Competition “Find violations”

Teams are given a picture with violations. The kids have to find them.

4. Competition “Guess the signs”

What is the name and meaning of this road sign? Showing road signs:

    cycling forbidden;

    Men at work;



    Movement Prohibition;

    Dangerous bend;

    overtaking is prohibited;


5. Competition “Traffic situation”

Teams are offered cards with situations that are most often encountered on the roads. After a three-minute preparation, students should present a plan of their action, based on a specific situation.


1. You were driving in the back seat of a car. After stopping the car on the roadway, you need to get out of the passenger compartment. How will you do it?

2. You are standing at the bus stop and waiting for the bus. The bus is delayed, and the number of passengers at the stop is increasing. And then the bus pulls up. What will you do in this case?

3. While driving in the bus, a fire suddenly started. What will you do?

4. While cycling, you drove up to the highway. You need to cross to the other side of the road. How will you do it?

6. Riddles


This horse does not eat oats
Instead of legs - two wheels.
Sit on horseback and ride it
Just better drive.
(Bike. )

Amazing wagon!
Judge for yourself:
Rails in the air, and he
Holds them with his hands.

By the side of the road
How the soldiers stand
Everything we do with you
What they tell us

Not alive but walking
Motionless, but leading.

Where the steps lead down
Get down, don't be lazy.
Pedestrian must know:
Here …?
(underground crossing!)

To help you
The path is dangerous
Burning day and night
Green, yellow, red
(Traffic light)

striped horses
They lay down across the roads -
All cars stopped
If we pass here.
(Zebra crossing)

The house is walking down the street
We are lucky to work
Not on thin chicken legs,
And rubber boots.

7. Problems

1. Imagine that you are a trolleybus driver. At the first stop, 5 people entered the empty cabin. At the second stop, they got in, two and one got off, at the third - 4 passengers got up, and two got off.How old is a trolleybus driver ? (as many years as the person to whom this question is addressed)

2. The boy was riding a bicycle to the city. A car was driving towards him, in which 5 women were sitting. Each of them carried one chicken and a pair of boots.How many living beings went to the city ? (1 - boy)

3. On a straight section of the path, each wheel of a two-wheeled bicycle traveled 5 km.

How many kilometers has the bike traveled? (5 km)

At the end, the results of the competitions are summed up.

The winners receive awards.

Target: activate and test knowledge about the purpose and types of road signs; consolidate knowledge of the rules of the road and safe behavior on the street; develop the desire to study the rules of the road, educate attention, skills for the conscious use of the rules of the road in Everyday life.

Preliminary work: reading fiction; viewing illustrations on the topic; watching the video film "Road signs"; Board games according to traffic rules "Road signs"; dominoes with road signs; domino "Road".

Methodical methods: playful, visual, verbal.

Equipment and materials: road signs (prohibiting, indicating, prescriptive, service signs), red and green balls, hoops for the game “Light a light for a pedestrian”, a car for Dunno, posters on the rules of the road.


A ray of sun blinds and teases us,
We are having fun this morning.
Spring gives us a ringing holiday,
And the main guest on it is the game!

Guys, today we will compete in agility, accuracy, dexterity. And all our games will be dedicated to the rules of the road, because the streets and roads, day and night, in heat and cold, are vehicles moving in a continuous stream. Every day there are more and more of them. The number of pedestrians and passengers on transport is increasing. The risk of road traffic accidents is also increasing. And therefore, drivers and pedestrians need to be especially disciplined and attentive. Everyone should know and clearly follow the rules of the road, both adults and children.

So let's start our competition!

There are two teams involved: "Traffic light" And "Road signs" .

Team "Traffic Light"

Our house is a traffic light.
We are three brothers.
We've been shining for a long time
On the road to all the guys.
We are the Road Signs team
Helmet fiery hello
And we sincerely wish
Know the correct answer.

1.To help you
The path is dangerous
Burning day and night
Green, yellow, red.

2.Three traffic lights -
Obey without dispute.

3. Yellow light - warning
Wait for the signal to move.

4.Green light opened the way-
Guys can move.

5. Red light tells us:
- Stop! Dangerous! The path is closed!

6. Go ahead! You know the order
You won't get hurt on the pavement.

7. Spare health, spare life,
Follow the movement.

Team "Road Signs"

We came to you for the evening
Let's not be lazy
Answer questions
Sing and have fun.
We are our rivals
We say to the traffic light:
We will fight with you
So just don't give up!
Let's traffic rules
Perform without objection.

1.This sign is of this kind-
He is guarding the pedestrian.
Let's go with the doll together
We make our way to this place.

2. Sign "repair work"
Showed up ahead
There will be holes in the road
Go be careful.

3.see hanging
Prohibition sign!
To the crossroads
You won't get out.

4. Do you hear, it is heard
Wheel knock?
On steel rails
The steam locomotive is coming.
Here he is, signaling:
- I'm going, watch out!
You are at the crossing
Stop, stop!

5. And under this sign
no way
Don't ride kids
By bike!

6. Blue from red
Not hard to tell on a bike
You can ride here.

Games - competitions are evaluated by our jury.

Warm up

Leading: Now we will check if you know how to be attentive and know the traffic lights. I switch the traffic light. You can stamp your feet at the green light. On yellow - clap your hands. On red, keep quiet.

(Dunno runs in)


I bought a car
I will ride in it, friends!
Get in the car quickly
Come with me.

Leading:- Do you know the alphabet of traffic?
Dunno: Think! And I can do without this alphabet!

You have to listen without argument.
traffic light indications,
Need traffic rules
Perform without objection!

Dunno: Well, here's more! I already know!
Leading: Then we won't go!
Dunno: Well, don't, I'll go alone! (Dunno is driving a car)

The traffic light is red
Stranger, wait.
There is no way forward!

Dunno: You don't, but I have. I'm going to a red light.

Dunno, where are you?
After all, trouble can happen!
Stop, you don't know the traffic rules!

Dunno: I know! I know!
Leading: You know? Are you not boastful? Let's guys check how Dunno knows the rules and ask him questions.

1 team. What parts is the road divided into? What do you know about them?
Dunno: On the sidewalk and driveway. Cars drive on the sidewalk and people walk on the road. Dunno, how do you cross the street?
Dunno: How do I pass? I'm going and everything.

Leading: Here, you see, Dunno, you said everything wrong. So sit down and learn the rules of the road with the guys.

1 contest

1.How should you behave at the bus stop?
2. What do you know the rules of conduct in public transport?
3. What kinds of signs do you know?
4.when you walk on the sidewalk, who are you? And when you are on the bus, who are you?
5. Name the cars special purpose.
6.Where is it safe for a pedestrian to cross the roadway?
7. How many signals does a pedestrian traffic light have?
8.After getting off the bus, which side should you cross from?

2 contest

Riddles about road signs.
Our streets can talk, and road signs help them in this. They indicate, forbid, warn. Do you know road signs?

(the host makes riddles to the teams in turn. The children guess and show the desired sign).

1. A person is drawn
Man is digging the earth.
Maybe they are looking for treasure here?
and old coins
In a large chest lie /
They told me: “What are you, what are you!”
Here…(road signs).

2. Sign remember friends
Both parents and children:
Where it hangs, it is impossible
Ride a bike!(cycling is prohibited)

3. Neither in the yard nor in the alley
Not in a deserted alley
Do not pass here in any way - this sign will not allow.
Remember! He means... (cars are not allowed).

4. I am walking in a circle in blue
And it is clear to the whole district, if you think about it a little, -

5. Hey driver beware!
It's impossible to go fast
People know everything in the world -
This place has children…(children).

6. If you are going to the zoo or to the cinema with your dad,
You will have to make friends with this sign anyway,
Without it, you will not get on a bus or a tram,
So you're walking! Guess the road sign?(children)

7. A person walks boldly along black and white stripes
How many of you guys know what he's warning about?(crosswalk).

8. Wonderful sign -
Exclamation mark!
So you can scream here
Sing, make noise, sing
Or run barefoot!
Or go with the wind!
People answer strictly
Here…(dangerous road).

3 contest "Choose a sign".

How many road signs! Help me, please, to make out these signs. The Traffic Lights team selects prohibitory signs, while the Road Signs team selects permitting or mandatory signs.

4 competition "Go through the underpass."

We run to the crossroads.
Ah, the annoying snag!
What should we do? There is no move - the red light is on.
But the underground passage will not let us down.

5 competition "Allowed - prohibited."

Go green light.
-Walk on the sidewalk, keep to the right.
-Be an exemplary pedestrian.
- Give way to elders in transport.
- At the bus stop, stand next to your mother.
-Play on the road.
- Cross the street at a red light.
- Cross the street in front of a nearby car.
- Make noise on the bus.
- Make noise on the road.

6. competition "Light a light for pedestrians."

(One team collects red balls, the other - green balls in a hoop of the same color).

7 contest "Tell me a word."

- Everyone, be true to the rule:
Keep right ... (sides)
-Must remember the pedestrian:
Crossroads ... (transition).
- If the traffic lights
Obey them without ... (dispute).
- Yellow light - warnings,
Wait for the signal for ... (movement).
- Lyosha and Lyuba go sometimes.
Where are they going? On the sidewalk).
- Getting on a bus or tram -
Senior place ... (give way).
Hockey is a game on ice in winter,
But do not play ... (on the pavement).
— An important exam
Keep by the rules ... (movements).

The final song "According to the rules of the road."
(perform both commands)


Aerobic dance.

Team awards.

Goals: in a playful way, introduce children to the rules of the road, teach them to quickly respond to a traffic situation, consolidate the knowledge gained during theoretical classes.

Members: 3rd grade students.


  1. 2 baton, traffic police inspector's baton;
  2. Scoreboard with certain points - 20 pieces
  3. Poster with the rules.
  4. Balloons or balls of red, yellow, green.
  5. Road signs.
    a) tunnel;
    b) Overhead crossing;
    c) uneven road;
    d) Road works;
    e) Roundabout Circulation;
    e) low-flying aircraft.
  6. Strips from the pedestrian crossing - 6 pieces;
  7. Cubes for traffic lights - 6 pieces;
  8. Cap, vest, wand, whistle;
  9. Triggers - 2 pieces, bandages - 2 pieces;
  10. Road signs:
    1. The movement of bicycles is prohibited;
    2. The movement of trucks is prohibited;
    3. Movement of cars;
    4. Pedestrian traffic is prohibited;
    5. Bike Lane;
    6. Overhead pedestrian crossing.
  11. Drawings: truck, passenger car, bicycle, pedestrian.
  12. Road signs:
    - forbidding - 6 pieces;
    - warning - 6 pieces;
    - mixed signs - 12 pieces.
  13. Toy cars - 2 pieces.
  14. Honorary diplomas, prizes.
  15. Music for competitions;
  16. Phonogram of songs.

Relay progress

The relay is held by type fun starts, but with tasks dedicated to the rules of the road. All relay participants take turns running given distance where certain tasks are performed.

There are two teams in the hall.

Captain of the 1st team: ONE, TWO,


Team Captain II: THREE FOUR


Captain of the 1st team: Who walks together in a row?

ALL: Our Judicial Squad

Team Captain II:

With us all in one line
Roads lead us forward.

Our motto: - "Always forward!"
Intruder - get out of the way
Get your feet up!

Captain of the 1st team: Stand still, ONE, TWO

Formation of teams in one line.

Leading: Good afternoon Dear Guys! Dear guests, Today two teams are taking part in the Road Alphabet game. Our competition begins with the greeting of the teams.

So, the first contest: "GREETINGS"

Report to team captains.

Captain Team, standing at attention!

Iteams : Comrade teacher!


Captain: for holding sports relay "Road alphabet" built.

Our motto:

To live without knowing grief,
To run, swim and fly
You gotta traffic rules
Observe always and everywhere.
We are the traffic light team
We send our warm regards.
And with all our hearts we wish
Give them the correct answer.
Know the traffic rules
Great achievement.

Our song:

Let run clumsily
puddle walkers
Well, I'm waiting for the green light!
You can't rush here
Here I will cross the road!
Chorus: And I step on the green,
I am an example to all passers-by
I know the rules of the road
I do not have problems!

Team captain____________. Report submitted.

The report is accepted, at ease!

Team captain: Team, at ease!

Team Captain II: Team, equaling at attention!

Comrade teacher!



The captain for the sports relay race "Road Alphabet" has been built.


Follow the simple law:
The red light came on "STOP"!
Yellow flashed - WAIT!
And the green light - GO!


We will fight with you
But we just won't give up
Let's be traffic rules
Perform without objection.
May good luck accompany you.
Become a literate pedestrian
Here is our task.

Our song "The Bremen Town Musicians"

    There is nothing better in the world
    Than friends wander around the world.
    For those who know the rules of traffic,
    Do not threaten grief on the road (2 times)

    Traffic rules taught
    Friends are not afraid of cars,
    May the sky be blue above us
    Misfortune threatens us with you (2 times)

    Everyone should know without exception
    traffic rules,
    If you know road rules,
    We are not afraid of any anxiety (2 times)

Team captain: _____________________ Report submitted.

Feel free to accept the report!

Team captain: Team, at ease!

The teams greeted each other, it's time to get to know the judges!

Presentation of the judges.

Contests are evaluated on a 5 point system. Each member of the jury raises the scoreboard with a certain score. Before the start of our "Road Relay", I also want to pay attention to our rules. (The rules are written on the poster).

So, I ask the captains of the teams.

  • We play not for profit, but for the pleasure of ourselves and others.
  • We play fair!
  • Be persistent. Do not be discouraged by failures and do not gloat.
  • If you win - rejoice, but do not be arrogant.
  • Remain calm regardless of the outcome of the game.

Now get on the workout!

Warm up. "ADJUSTER"

On a signal, you need to run to the hoop, stand in the hoop, take the wand and raise it up, put it in the hoop and run back, passing the baton to another. Then the next one runs, and so on the whole team. The team that completes the task first and without violations wins.

So, jury's word.


The captains receive 3 balloons (balls are possible) of red, yellow, green color and, on a signal, they throw one over their head further to the last player. When the ball reaches the last player, he lifts it up - the first red signal is lit. The captain can pass the next ball. The team that lights all three lights the fastest wins.

We pass the word to the jury.

2. Competition "ROAD SIGNS"

Running in compliance with traffic signs. The team that completes the task first wins.

(Road signs attached to the back of a chair).

  • TUNNEL - climb into the hoop;
  • OVERHEAD PASSAGE - run along the bench;
  • ROUGH ROAD - run on the mat;
  • MEN AT WORK - first collect the scattered pieces of paper in a bucket, and scatter them on the way back;
  • ROUNDABOUT CIRCULATION - run around the chair;
  • LOW FLYING AIRCRAFT - run under the rope (the rope can be pulled between the chairs)

The jury asks to evaluate the competition.

3. Competition "SET THE ZEBRA"

This competition is for time and accuracy of execution. The winner is the team whose "zebra" and "traffic light" will be made faster and more evenly.

1 member- carries 2 strips from the pedestrian crossing, puts the strips, walks along them and returns to the team;

2 member- carries 2 stripes from the pedestrian crossing, walks strictly along the stripes of the first participant, puts his stripes and walks along his stripes and the stripes of 1 participant and returns to the team;

3 member- carries 2 strips from the pedestrian crossing, walks strictly along the strips of the first and second participants, puts his strips and walks along his strips and the strips of the 1st and 2nd participant and returns to the team;

4 member red, steps strictly along the stripes to put the cube on the right side and returns to the team; (the second team places the die on the left side)

5 member- carries a cube for a traffic light - yellow. Places a die and returns to the team;

6 participant - carries a cube for a traffic light - green. Places a die and returns to the team.

Then the teams run around this construction with a train.

Jury scores, please, for this contest

Music "DPS"

3a. Competition "INSPECTOR DPS GIBDD"

On command, one representative at a time runs to a chair on which the attributes of the traffic police inspector of the GIDBB are laid out. Cap, vest, wand, whistle. You need to quickly get dressed, blow a loud whistle, undress and run to the team, passing the baton to another participant.

And again we turn to the members of the jury.

4. First aid relay.

  1. The participant (team member) sits on a chair at the end of the hall opposite the team.
  2. Participant - runs to the first one, brings a jacket and puts on a jacket and returns to the team;
  3. Participant - runs to the first one, brings a bandage and returns to the team;
  4. Participant - bandages the leg;

5th and 6th participants - help the first participant to jump to the team on one leg.

Jury word.

5. Competition: “Attention! Road"

At the end of the course, road signs are folded.

  1. Bicycle traffic is prohibited.
  2. Truck traffic is prohibited.
  3. The movement of cars.
  4. No Pedestrians.
  5. Bike Lane.
  6. Overhead pedestrian crossing.

And at a distance there are drawings: a truck, a car, a bicycle, a pedestrian (it is best to attach them to the back of a chair so that it can be seen, and put the signs on a chair). The participant, having reached the end, takes one sign and on the way back leaves it at the drawing of the vehicle for which this sign is intended.

  1. Cargo - 2 car
  2. Passenger - 3 car
  3. Bicycle - 1; 5
  4. Pedestrian - 4; 6

Jury word.

6. Competition "ROAD SIGNS"

Task: you need to run to the hoop, take the sign and the name of the sign. Bring to your team. Then the second participant runs and does the same. It is necessary to collect one group of signs: I team - prohibition signs; II team - warning signs.

7. Competition. I am a driver

Several obstacles are set up along the course, and the participants need to drive a car tied to a rope between the obstacles as quickly as possible.

Formation of teams in one line.

So our “Road relay race” has come to the final. The final word for the award is presented by the jury. Presentation of certificates and prizes.

Before I say goodbye to you
I want to wish you
good health
smile more often
And follow the traffic rules
And there will be no accident!

And the last question for everyone: What should we not forget?

About the rules of the road!
Green light for you guys!
Goodbye! See you soon!

Irina Grigorieva
Fun starts "We know the rules of the road"

funny starts

"We "

Entertainment according to traffic rules for children of the preparatory group

Tasks: - consolidate children's knowledge about rules safe behavior in


Strengthen the ability to analyze situations on roads, reveal the level

theoretical and practical knowledge traffic rules;

Develop intellectual functions: memory, thinking,

orientation in space;

Raise children's interest in the accumulation of knowledge traffic rules

movements conscious attitude to their safety;

Stimulate interest in motor activity in children, develop

speed, agility, attention.

preliminary work: decorating the hall with drawings and posters made together with parents, making emblems, making models of traffic lights, pedestrian tracks, road signs, survey of parents "Me and my child on the streets of the city" advice for parents "Children and road» , learning riddles with children according to traffic rules, didactic games "Traffic light", "Find Your Sign", "Pedestrians and Vehicles", outdoor games.

Event progress

Children enter the hall in teams and sit opposite each other.

Leading: Good evening, Dear friends! We are glad to welcome you to our holiday "We know the rules of the road» . Our kindergarten and the houses where you live are located next to a busy Expensive, according to which moving cars. And you all, of course, you know, What road full of surprises. Therefore, we will remember and repeat Traffic Laws. To do this, today you are divided into two teams. And Svetofor Svetoforovich Svetoforov will help me. By the way, where is he? Traffic light Svetoforovich!

A traffic light appears.

Traffic light: Barely in time! Hello everyone!

What even children know

Confirm for clarity:

The traffic light is on guard

your safety.

To help you

The path is dangerous

Burning day, burning and night -

Green, yellow, red.

Leading: Where did you stay?

Traffic light: I'm going to a holiday in kindergarten. And there was so much snow today, the guys are very rejoiced: got sleds, sticks with pucks and let's play on road near the shop. Guys tell me Right do these children do?

The children answer.

Traffic light: I had to stop and tell these boys Traffic Laws, so it's delayed.

Leading: Thank you, Svetofor Svetoforovich, for not passing by. It could also be a disaster. But back to our holiday. Two teams of children will compete at our festival, their relatives will help them in the competition (name parents). The competition will be evaluated by a strict and competent jury. The jury included. (transfer). The jury will strictly judge, put marks in special forms and sum up the results of the competitions. When a person is born, he is given a name. Animals, streets and even cars have their names. Our teams also chose their names. So, I announce the first contest "Command View".

Team "Znayki": Team "Smarts":

We are a team - "Znayki". We "Smarts", Friends,

We've come to meet you, We can't lose.

And ingenuity, and skill, we will fight with you,

We brought with us. So let's just give up!

Leading: Thanks to the teams, and while the jury is evaluating the performances of the teams, we will ride on a fun bus.

A game "Here we are on the bus"

The jury puts marks for the first competition in the protocols.

Leading: And we continue our second competition "Think - Answer".

I will ask questions to each team in turn, and the jury will evaluate the number correct answers.


1) What parts does the street consist of?

2) What is the name of the part of the street along which the pedestrian is walking?

3) how Right get out of the vehicle?

4) What is an intersection?

5) If the traffic light is broken, how to go road?

6) How cross the road correctly?

Traffic light: Important signs road -

Compass for adults and children,

Children, be careful -

Do whatever the signs say.

The jury gives marks, announces intermediate results.

Leading: The next contest is called "Collect the Zebra". You need Right collect pedestrian crossings and go with the whole team to the other side roads, Svetoforovych will follow, are you collecting correctly?. And the jury must evaluate who is faster and do the job better.

Traffic light: Thank you guys for gathering helpers for me.

Leading: And now it's time for a musical break.

Song "Let's Be Pedestrians".

Leading: Lots of road signs. They are known all over the world and are the same everywhere. Let's check which road the signs know our commands. And now the next contest "Draw road sign» . Adult members of each team choose one child for themselves and draw one with them road sign. And while they are drawing, Svetofor Svetoforovich and I will make riddles for the teams. The team that guessed the most riddles will be given an extra ball by Svetofor Svetoforovich. Riddles will be guessed in turn, if the team finds it difficult to answer, right the answer goes to the opponents. Everyone understands rules? And our jury will count the number of guesses for each team.

Contest "Guess a riddle".

1. You walk - lies ahead,

You look around - running home. (road)

2. Here is a three-eyed fellow.

How clever he is!

Who will go from anywhere

Winks at both this and that.

Knows how to settle a dispute

Multicolored… (traffic light)

3. Does not fly, does not buzz -

Beetle running down the street

And burn in the eyes of the beetle

Two brilliant lights.

It gave the plant to him: and lights -

Look into the darkness

Both wheels and motor

Rushed to full speed. (automobile)

4. Look, what a strong man,

On the go with one hand

stop used to

Five ton truck. (adjuster)

5. What kind of horse, all striped,

On sunbathing on the road?

People go and go

And she doesn't run away. (zebra)

6. The night is dark. There is no sun anymore.

So that the night comes without trouble,

People need a beacon -

One-legged firefly. (flashlight)

Traffic light: And here are the signs ready. See what road signs were drawn by our artists. Name them.

Children name signs.

Leading: In the meantime, our jury is summing up the intermediate results, you and Svetofor Svetoforovich will play a game.

Small game mobility"Traffic light"

Children stand one after another in a column one at a time. The host reminds the children what each traffic light means.

P .: If the light turns red, it means to move.

D: Dangerous!

P .: Yellow light is a warning, wait for the signal for.

D.: movements!

P .: The light is green speaks: "Come on, way."

D: Open!

When the teacher shows the green circle, the children walk in a circle. When yellow, they clap their hands, continuing to walk in place. When red - freeze in place still. The one who confused the signal stands behind the column.

The jury sums up the intermediate results.

Leading: Well done! Keep it up, and catch up with the laggards.

Traffic light: To keep the hands intact,

To keep the legs intact

You need to know the signs

Signs must be respected.

Leading: Svetoforovich completely right. Therefore, we will now check how you know the road signs. So now let's do the relay "Find your road sign» (from each team, choose the number of children, how many signs are made). Overcoming the obstacle course, the teams need to choose among the many signs only certain ones. team "Znayki" select warning signs, and the team "Smarts"- forbidding. After that, the teams line up in columns and name which signs they have chosen, and Svetofor Svetoforovich will check whether you have done everything correctly.

A relay race is held, the jury gives marks.

Leading: And our next competition "Homework".

Children read pre-learned verses.

1. Anywhere and everywhere rules,

They must always be known.

They won't sail without them.

From the harbor of court.

2. Go on a flight rules

Polar explorer and pilot.

They have their own rules

Driver and pedestrian.

3. Hey, cars, full speed ahead!

I am an exemplary pedestrian:

I don't like to rush

To you give way.

4. Around the city, down the street

They don't just walk:

When not you know the rules,

It's easy to get into trouble.

5. ABC of the streets,

prospectus, roads

The city gives us

Lesson all the time.

6. Here it is, the alphabet -

Over your head!

The signs are posted

Above the pavement.

7. ABC of the city

Always remember

Not to happen

You're in trouble.

8. Be attentive all the time

And remember ahead:

They have their own rules

Driver and Pedestrian!

The jury announces the results.

Traffic light: Guys, you probably know that sometimes on road A lot depends on the skill of the driver. Which of your parents knows how to drive a car? Who wants to learn manage vehicle?

Leading: Then there will be a real test for you now, like driving at a school for drivers. It's called the driving test. "Snake". Each team will receive a car. Each team member in turn must drive the car between the obstacles "snake" without knocking down a single cone.

The jury counts the number of violations rules, speed - who finished the relay race faster, and gives marks.

Leading: And now a competition for adult team members. Contest "Right on Target". Adults take turns throwing tennis balls to the target. Target - road signs, attached to the wall, on the back of which glasses are written. Gotta hit the target, call road sign. Svetoforovich Svetoforovich will count points. The one who scores the most points wins.

Traffic light: Anyone who likes to walk,

Everyone, without exception,

Need to remember, need to know

Traffic rules.

Leading: But, Dear Guys, it also happens that an accident happens on the road. And it happens, and not infrequently, that people suffer in this accident. Therefore, everyone should be able to provide first aid to the victims. Let's see if our guys can do it. Contest "Help the victim". Children in each team are divided into an equal number of participants. Then each group on each team must bandage the hands of their adult participant. The one who quickly and accurately applies the bandages wins.

Leading: So all the tasks for the teams have ended. In the meantime, the jury is summing up, Svetofor Svetoforovich will play one more game with you.

Traffic light: I want to play a game with you "Fables". I ask you questions, and you ask me answer: Yes or no. Give me an answer quickly true or not?

This true or not that you can cross the street at a red traffic light? - No!

This true or not that the pedestrian can walk on road next to cars? - No!

This true or not what you need to know Traffic Laws? - Yes!

This true or not that you can play, litter and push on the bus? - No!

This true or not what with the ball on you can play on the road? - No!

This true or not, What road signs help drivers and pedestrians? - Yes!

This true or not that the crosswalk is called "Zebra"? - Yes!

Leading: Guys, today we repeated Traffic Laws that all of us need to know.

hold on road rules strictly,

Take your time, like a fire.

And remember: transport - road,

For pedestrians, the sidewalk.

Yes, and adults are also ordered -

After all, our children are watching us.

We will always be an example worthy,

And won't happen in trouble on the road!

Children sing a song "Merry Travelers".

The jury announces the results of the competition and awards the participants of the holiday.

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1 Fun starts according to traffic rules "I am an expert in Road Science" for grades 2-3. Host: Hello, dear children and dear adults! Today we met with you to spend time with pleasure and benefit! There are many roads in our country. At any time of the year and in any weather, cars, buses rush along them, motorcycles rush, bicycles roll, pedestrians go. Since ancient times, people have dreamed of speed. Remember how the heroes of fairy tales in an instant were transported far away to the distant kingdom on flying carpets, in walking boots, on wonderful ships. Time passed, and the fairy tale became a reality. The flow of cars is growing, the streets are becoming unsafe. Music sounds, the sad Old Woman Shapoklyak comes out. She is limping, her arm and leg are bandaged. Host: Hello, Shapoklyak! And what happened to you? You do not know! (Shakes hands). Old Shapoklyak: Oh, dear, don't ask! The trouble happened to me ... that's when I was at school, I remember, the teacher told me about the rules of the road, but I was fidgety and naughty even then (sighs). Well, it flew into one ear and flew out into the other, I thought these rules would never be useful to me. And then the kids invited me to visit, how can I refuse (crying). Host: Don't be so upset, what happened is gone. Old Shapoklyak: Yeah, it's over! Backfired! Here, listen guys! As soon as I approached the road, it all started! Cars scurry back and forth, well, there is no way to cross the road. And some people are standing on the sidewalk, waiting for something, it seems like they are called pedestrians. Well, I think they attacked the wrong one! Never in my life have I been standing in line! Now I'll slip out between the bus and the passenger car, a matter of seconds! And I rushed at the speed of light! Then, imagine, some kind of turbidity, sclerosis or something, I don’t remember anything, I’m already old. I open my eyes, and what am I, bandaged all over in your medical office. Thanks to Tatyana Anatolyevna, your nurse, she saved me, dear! Leading: Yes, our school cares about the health of children! Old woman Shapoklyak: And I look (examines the children), you have them here without crutches, and without bruises, and even without scratches. Does it happen? After all, they probably have to cross the street several times a day until they get to school and home? Host: Of course, Shapoklyak, our children know well how and where to cross the street, because they study the rules of the road at school. Old Shapoklyak: Yes? Well well! Are they really that smart? I don't even believe it!

2 Host: So we can teach you these rules so that you can visit us from your home for every holiday without fear. Old Shapoklyak: Wow! Great! Guys, can you really help me? I will be very grateful! (Whispers) I will not stay in debt! Host: Guys, let's help Shapoklyak learn the rules of the road so that she doesn't get into trouble anymore! The children answer. Old Shapoklyak: Oh, sons, how glad I am! Host: Guys, I suggest you make a journey through the stations, which is called "I am an expert in road science." Now the teams need to submit a readiness report and receive route sheets. You are ready? Children answer, hand over a report of readiness. Teams receive route sheets. Leading: Before the road, we need to tune in! Let's do a little exercise. Fizminutka "Machines". Started the car, Sh sh sh sh, Inflated the tire, Sh sh sh sh, Smiled more cheerfully And drove faster, Sh sh sh sh. (Repeat 3 times at an accelerated pace). Good luck guys! 1 station "Inspector". The team is divided into two groups, stand in a column one after the other. On command, the first representative runs to the chair, on which the attributes of the inspector's clothes are laid out: a baton, a cap. You need to quickly get dressed, make a couple of movements with the rod, undress and run to the team, passing the baton to another participant. 2 station "Did you call a taxi?". The team is divided into two groups. The first participant, putting on a hoop, runs around the rack, grabs the next player in the hoop and runs with him to the rack, disembarks himself, and the second one runs after the next participant until all team members are “transported”.

3 3 station "Relay race of cyclists". On a two-wheeled bicycle, the player must go around the obstacle course in one direction, get off the bike. The host makes a riddle, after which the participant drives the way back. 5 people participate. Riddles: 1. You can't take this ribbon And you can't weave it into a pigtail. It lies on the ground, Transport runs along it. (Road) 2. They stand on the roadside, Silently they speak to us. Everyone is ready to help. The main thing is to understand them. (Road signs) 3. Two roads walked for a long time And they approached each other. They didn’t quarrel, they crossed paths and ran further. What kind of place is this, We are all interested. (Crossroads) 4. Our bus drove and drove, And drove up to the platform. And people are bored on it, Silently transport awaits. (Stop) 5. The car won't go here. The main pedestrian here. To not interfere with each other, You need to keep the right path. (Sidewalk) 4 station "Signs of service". Service signs are placed on the highway: “Hospital”, “Food point”, “Resting place”. And at the beginning of the track there are items in a box: a first aid kit, a book, a telephone, a spoon, etc. At the beginning of the course, the participant takes any item from the box and places it at the sign where it should be. For example, first aid kit

4 at the sign "Hospital", etc. Then he runs back and passes the baton to another. 5 station "Nimble drivers". The team is divided into two groups. Each group is given a box of paper balloons. On a signal, the first players take the ball, running around obstacles (pins), there is a stop sign on the way (a strip is drawn), they throw the ball into the bucket, return and pass the baton to the next player, each hit "ball" brings the team 1 point, the pin is knocked down minus 1 point. 6 station "Let's go by car". There is a warm-up. Presenter: We are driving a car (Stomping walking in place, hands represent the steering wheel). We press the pedal (Lunges with legs forward). Turn on the gas, turn off We look intently into the distance. (Slight bends forward, hands with a "Peak" at the forehead). "Wipers" clean off the drops (Mahi hands to the right, left). Cleanliness to the right, left, The wind ruffles the hair (Stroking the head) We are drivers anywhere! (clapping hands). The team is divided into two groups. Line up in a column one after another. The first player runs around obstacles (pins) with a snake, returns and takes the second player, they run the distance together with a snake, return for the next participant, etc. Teams return to their original position. Host: Guys, did you like the trip? And you Shapoklyak? Old Shapoklyak: Yes, I liked it very much. So much fun with your kids! Leading: Come to us more often, and most importantly, follow the rules of the road and you will not get into trouble! Old Shapoklyak: Yes, I'll try now! Leading: Guys, another guest is in a hurry to celebrate our holiday. Who is he? Solve the riddle. He has three eyes, three on each side,

5 And although he has never looked all at once - He needs all the eyes. It has been hanging here for a long time. What is this? (Traffic light). The traffic light comes out. Red: Hello guys! Girls and boys! The most important for a long time On the road - a traffic light. He will show everyone the way, Where and how to pass, he will show. Green: Proudly it stands, blinking. See who walks and how. A true friend will help everyone. Everyone who is near and around. Yellow: Here, he blinked his yellow eye, Pedestrians stood up at once. Everyone is standing, silent and waiting. What light will they go to? Red: But the red light blinked here. So all the roads are gone. Stand you boldly here without a dispute, Smile at the traffic light. Green: Everyone has to stand And wait for the green light. Well, we'll wait, And we'll go to the green light. Host: Hello, dear traffic light! We are very glad to see you! Thank you for visiting us! We just got back from a trip and had a lot of fun. Yellow: Have fun! This is good! And now, according to a good tradition, elementary school students make a solemn promise and receive memos in their diaries. You are ready? Children make a solemn promise. Before a strict traffic light

6 We promise that we will always go to green, And never to red! Promise? (We promise!) We promise that we will play ball in the yard, And not on the roadway. Laws must be followed! Promise? (We promise!) If there is suddenly a car Passing by quickly, On the side of the road, we must wait out That car! Promise? (We promise!) And we promise not to be rude on the roads! Very important of the rules - You must be polite! Promise? (We promise!) And today, before school, we make a promise: What we always take with us on the road. We take these rules! Promise? (Promise!) Yellow: Well done guys! Green: And now it's time to reward you all! Presentation of diplomas. Host: And it's time for us to say goodbye! Guys, be careful on the roads and follow the rules of the road! Goodbye! See you soon!

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Tasks: -expand and consolidate children's knowledge about traffic signals; -enrich children's vocabulary; - develop children's play activities; -expand knowledge of the names and designations of road signs for pedestrians

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The content of education and development of children of preschool age

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Synopsis of an open GCD on traffic rules in the middle group. Theme "Country of Road Signs" Prepared by Ponomarenko E.A. teacher of MBDOU "Novonazimovsky kindergarten 5". 7.04.2017 Purpose: to form representations

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Musical leisure "The Wolf and the Bear get acquainted with the rules of the road" educators: Burdykina E.A., Zhuravleva L.N. MOSCOW 2015 Purpose: Review the rules of the road: the meaning of traffic lights,


Journey to the land of road signs. Purpose: 1. In a playful way, consolidate knowledge about the rules of the road, road signs. 2. Deepen knowledge about the rules of behavior on the street. Bring to the attention of children

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middle group. Educator: Kazakova M.L. Summary of traffic rules in the middle group "Green, Yellow, Red" Types of children's activities: gaming, communicative, motor. Objectives: to expand children's knowledge about

Respect traffic lights! (a holiday for children of senior preschool age, dedicated to the rules of safe behavior on the streets of the city)

“We are all supposed to know the rules of the road” Goals. Educational: to consolidate the knowledge of children about the safe behavior of a pedestrian on the street, about the rules for crossing the road, about road signs for pedestrians and drivers. Developing:

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1 Scenario of the holiday "Initiation of first graders into pedestrians." Tasks: 1. Strengthen the skills of safe behavior on the roads, repeat the basic rules for pedestrians. 2. Cultivate a sense of responsibility.

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Synopsis of directly educational activities on the topic: Prepared and conducted by: teacher-speech therapist Bizyaeva N.N. Purpose: to repeat the rules of the road: the meaning of traffic lights, safety rules

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State preschool educational institution child development center kindergarten 115 Nevsky district of the city St. Petersburg"Shapoklyak and road signs" ( sports holiday for older age

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Lost Signs Characters: Host, Dunno, Traffic Light, Vodyanoy, Baba Yaga, Pirate, Traffic Police Inspector Host: Hello guys. Look who came to visit you, did you recognize who it is? Children: Traffic light.

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Team "Give youth" school 28 Miass, Chelyabinsk region Holiday traffic rules in primary school Objectives: 1. acquaintance and consolidation of previously acquired knowledge about the rules of the road; 2. development of attention,

Entertainment according to traffic rules in the second junior group"How Piggy learned about the rules of the road" Purpose: - to acquaint children with the elementary rules of the road; - learn to answer questions on the text;

MUSICAL LEISURE "Red, yellow, green" Objectives: - to clarify children's ideas about the street, road, transport; - educate the culture of behavior on the street; - expand and consolidate children's knowledge of the rules

Municipal preschool educational institution kindergarten 41 r.p. Petrovskoe. Abstract of the GCD on the rules of the road on the topic "Competent Pedestrians". Middle group. Educator 2 qualification

Synopsis of GCD in preparatory group according to the rules of the road "These rules are needed, these rules are important!" Prepared and conducted by the teacher Feoktistova N.A. Purpose: generalization of children's knowledge about the rules

State budgetary preschool educational institution kindergarten 97 compensating type of the Central district of St. Petersburg Nomination 2 "Organizational mass work(cultural and leisure

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