Red Arrow. Red Arrow: train Children's railway red arrow with remote control

This famous train has long and rightfully become one of the symbols not only of the two Russian capitals, but of the entire state.

After the Civil War and the period of devastation, the country was going through a difficult period. Back in the early 1930s, one of the central newspapers wrote: “Train delays are still widespread; the dismissive attitude towards the passenger has not yet been completely burned out; the fleet of sick passenger cars is still unacceptably large; low, as a rule, the speed of movement; a huge number of delays; there are great organizational opportunities for accelerating passenger turnover.”

The appearance of the "Red Arrow" was a special event for a poor, devastated country. The Strela was the first branded train that radically changed the situation on the railway and revived the pre-revolutionary tradition of first-class trains. Back in the spring of 1931, it became known that a courier train was being put into circulation between Moscow and Leningrad.

On June 6, an announcement appeared in the Gudok newspaper: “June 9, at 1:30 am. night, from Leningrad to Moscow, the Red Arrow Express will go on its first flight. The express will cover the distance between Leningrad and Moscow in 9 hours 45 minutes. The average express speed is 70 km per hour. On separate hauls, the speed will reach 100 km per hour.

The Red Arrow set off on its first flight on the night of June 9-10, 1931. At the head of the train was a dynamometric car, in which records were made about the progress of the train. The express left Leningrad at 1:30 a.m. and arrived in Moscow at 11:20 a.m., covering the distance between the country's two largest cities in 9 hours and 50 minutes. From the newspaper reports of that time, it is known that the train passed the Leningrad-Malaya Vishera section (161.7 km) in 2 hours 20 minutes from average speed 75-80 km / h, the M. Vishera-Bologoe section (167.7 km) was overcome in 2 hours 38 minutes. Past the station Borovenka express "slipped" at a speed of 90 km/h, past Likhoslavl - at a speed of 93 km/h. The section Bologoe - Moscow (330 km) was completed in 4 hours and 40 minutes.

The Red Arrow set off on its return flight on June 11, 1931 at 1:30. At the Zavidovo station (about 100 km from Moscow), a bearing caught fire near one of the sleeping cars, because of which the train had to be stopped and the car unhooked. Despite a 30-minute stop at this station, the delay was quickly eliminated by a 100-kilometer speed on one of the sections of the track. The train arrived in Leningrad at 11:18 on June 11. The distance between Moscow and Leningrad took 9 hours and 48 minutes, which at that time was considered a great achievement.

The first composition of the "Red Arrow" consisted of 12 cars, painted blue: 7 rigid compartments, 3 soft, 1 sleeping with double compartments and 1 luggage.

The composition on the L-series steam locomotive was led by a locomotive brigade headed by Vasily Maksimovich Ivanov. The "Red Arrow" train was named for its beauty - at that time it was very different from most other trains.

For the first time in the history of Soviet railways, a SV car was created in the Red Arrow. For this, the four-seater compartments were improved: the upper shelves were removed, mirrors and lamps were hung in their place. The equipment and interior decoration of these cars were in no way inferior to their foreign analogues and even surpassed them.

The level of service in this composition was simply incredible for those times. For the first time, passengers were provided with checkers, chess and other Board games. Buffets worked on the train, where you could order dinner with delivery in a compartment. For the convenience of passengers, one of the cars was equipped with a telephone call center, from which, while parking at the Bologoe, Okulovka and Malaya Vishera stations, it was possible to contact not only the Kremlin, but even London and Paris.

The Red Arrow became not only the fastest and most comfortable, but also the most accurate train. If the "Red Arrow" covered the distance between Leningrad and Moscow in 10 hours, then ordinary passenger trains traveled at least 12 hours. In May 1931, the delay of fast trains by 100 km along the Oktyabrskaya road was only 0.2 minutes, while on many other highways it was at least 1.8 minutes.

From the first day of its existence, the Red Arrow was forced to compete with the aircraft, since almost simultaneously with the advent of the train, regular passenger flights began on the Moscow-Leningrad line. And the long history of the "Red Arrow" proved that the railway workers were able to successfully cope with this challenge.

In the 1930s and 1940s, the Red Arrow was ridden mainly by high-ranking Soviet and foreign officials. By the way, the train departure time - 23:55 - was set by the personal order of Lazar Kaganovich. Thus, he took care of seconded officials who received per diems for an extra day.

At the Red Arrow, the most modern equipment of its time was tested. For example, in 1933, the first model of electro-pneumatic brakes of the F.P. Kazantsev system was tested on a train. For the Strela, even special, high-speed models of steam locomotives were developed. So, shortly before the Great Patriotic War The Kolomna Plant produced two experimental steam locomotives of the 2-3-2 type, which since 1938 served the flights of the Red Arrow. The locomotive developed a speed of up to 150 - 160 km per hour.

The railroad workers of the Oktyabrskaya Road were proud of the Red Arrow and tried to keep the R1/2 train brand high.

The "Red Arrow" regularly set off for 10 years, until June 24, 1941, when the train had to be canceled due to the introduction of martial law. One of the Red Arrow trains was evacuated to Tsirulsk, the other was hidden in the former "royal pavilion" near the Obvodny Canal.

At the end of 1943, the Red Arrow carriages were returned from evacuation. They were in an extremely neglected state. The head of the wagon section, I.A. Zavyalov, managed to organize their repair in the absence of the most necessary materials.

On January 29, 1944, the Red Army completely liberated from the Nazis the territory along which the Leningrad-Moscow railway line passed, and on February 23 the first train passed through it. The first “Red Arrow” after the blockade set off from the platform of the Moscow railway station on March 20, the train was driven by the driver P.I. Volosyuk, the head of the train was M.G. Kardash. On the way, German planes could still attack the train, so an armored platform with anti-aircraft machine guns closed the train of cars. The train was accompanied by a doctor, police officers and border guards. The Red Arrow left Leningrad at 17:00 and arrived in Moscow 16 hours later.

The route for this flight to the engineer Volosyuk P.I. handed over on the platform of the Moscow railway station by the head of the Oktyabrskaya railway. Hero of Socialist Labor Salambekov B.K.

Here is what a participant in this flight, Leningrad journalist Matvey Frolov, writes in his diary: “If it weren’t for a machine gun on a freight car hitched at the tail of the train, it would be hard to even think that the war is going on. That there are battles on the Dniester. All train equipment is pre-war. When the Red Arrow came to Leningrad for the last time on June 22, 1941, the railway workers not only safely hid the trains, but also carefully hid all the equipment: linen, blankets, carpets, crystal decanters - come in handy! "Arrow" did not go over a thousand days. The entire household was saved, and it really came in handy.”

On the occasion of the restoration of the Red Arrow movement, the first hairdressing salon in post-siege Leningrad was opened at the Moscow railway station.

At the end of the 1940s, there was an active revival of the Oktyabrskaya railway. In 1944-1945, the Malaya Vishera locomotive depot was put into operation, as well as 48 km of main tracks. Stations were rebuilt at Chudovo, Lyuban, Bologoe, Malaya Vishera stations. By 1948, the railway workers were able to restore the second main track. In 1951, on the occasion of the centenary of the railway, the waiting room of the Moscow railway station was reconstructed.

The train crew, led by Alexander Ivanovich Ivanov, turned to the NKPS with a request to repaint the Red Arrow cars in red. The People's Commissariat approved this proposal, and the Red Arrow became the first train in the country to have red carriages. Since 1952, all-metal wagons have been used at the Red Arrow instead of the old wooden ones. After the war, the state of the railway did not allow trains to reach high speeds. The "Red Arrow" was served by steam locomotives S (Sormovsky) and S U (Sormovsky reinforced). The travel time of the express with these locomotives in 1954 was 11 hours and 15 minutes.

Only the work carried out on the Moscow-Leningrad line in the mid-50s to strengthen the track made it possible, in the summer schedule of 1956, to raise the permissible speeds for individual hauls to 100 km / h, and for a number of stations - up to 80 km / h.

The use of steam locomotives of the P36 series increased the speed of the Red Arrow from 58 to 69 km / h and reduced travel time by 1 hour 45 minutes. According to the new schedule, it was 9 hours 30 minutes and became the best in regular operation for steam traction on the Moscow-Leningrad highway. On December 5, 1957, on one of the hauls on the Leningrad-Bologoye section, the steam locomotive P36-028 under the control of the drivers P.I. Volosyuk and A.I. Shcherbinin reached a speed of 120 km per hour.

One of the first documents that determined the program for increasing the speed of train traffic on the Oktyabrskaya road was the order of the Ministry of Railways dated May 29, 1957 “On the preparation of the Moscow-Leningrad line for the movement passenger trains at higher speeds." In the same year, the first diesel locomotives TE7 entered the road, which, from the end of 1958, began to carry the Red Arrow express trains without uncoupling.

Since 1950, the electrification of the Moscow-Leningrad line began, but the entire highway was switched to electric traction only at the end of 1962. December 15, 1962 opened regular traffic"Red Arrow" with electric locomotives ChS-1, and then ChS-2.

For traffic safety high-speed trains in the early 1970s, a protective fence was built, which stretched along the entire railway route from Moscow to Leningrad.

St. Petersburg and Muscovites have many traditions associated with the "Red Arrow"; for example, in 1967, the custom appeared to meet and see off the train at the Moscow railway station to the music of R. Gliere's "Hymn to the great city." Since 1976, Ammendorf cars built in the GDR have been used on the train. These cars met the high demands of the Soviet elite - the Red Arrow served all the most status events of those times: party and trade union congresses, festivals, the Olympics. By the way, the Olympic flame in 1980 was delivered from Moscow to Leningrad in the Red Arrow car.

In 1998, the Tver Carriage Works manufactured a new generation car, model 61-4170, designed for use at speeds of 200 km/h. In the production of this model of the car, the most modern technologies, which made it possible to implement the most promising and bold design developments. In particular, stainless steel was used in the body structure, cradleless carts with increased smoothness were used, computerized information and life support systems were installed, environmentally friendly toilets and much more. Such trains as Nevsky Express (2001), Burevestnik (2004), Red Arrow (2005) were made and formed from cars of this series.

This car is a prototype of modern transformers of the 61-44* series. The car has 8 compartments instead of 9. Due to this, the compartments themselves have become noticeably wider. The windows in the carriage are also wider than in standard series carriages.


To the celebration of the 75th anniversary of the legendary and famous train " Red Arrow"October 9, 2006 from the station" Sparrow Hills» A unique train - a museum on wheels set off on the first line of the Moscow Metro — Sokolnicheskaya Red Arrow».

In the design of the composition, the corporate colors of the first domestic express were used. Especially for the festive train, a large collection of informational posters was prepared, telling about the creation, launch, formation of the train " Red Arrow”, about the impact of this event on the development of Russian passenger traffic. The museum exposition uses unique archival documents, rare photographs, paintings.

The creation of the museum train is part of the large anniversary program "Connecting the Hearts of the Capitals", which took place in Moscow and St. Petersburg throughout 2006.


The story of the Red Arrow is not just the story of a train. This is the history of our country, its defeats and victories, disappointments and new hopes. The history of Arrow is also the history of a great many people, famous and unknown, with their difficult destinies. The legendary train moves not just along the Moscow-Petersburg route. Having become a symbol of the era and great changes, it takes us through time with its worries, anxieties and joys.

"Red Arrow" - train number 001A/002A, which is one of the most comfortable and fastest means of transportation in Russia. The train runs every night on the route from Moscow to St. Petersburg and back.

June 10, 1931 is considered the birthday of the present symbol of the railway. Since then, this unique train has continued to hold a high position, and has also been distinguished by excellent service. "Red Arrow" is a living legend of RJ.

About the train "Red Arrow": description, characteristics

Dark red carriages were not always like this; at the beginning of its existence, the Red Arrow was distinguished by blue hues. Rebranding took place only in 1962, when the color palette underwent drastic changes. The first branded train in the USSR differed from the rest in that it included a SV class car. On this moment The Red Arrow remains one of the few railroad vehicles to retain its unique name and colors.

"Red Arrow"

The branded train runs daily throughout all year round. Two trains ride under the traction of an electric locomotive EP-20. The numbering of the wagons is always the same. When traveling from St. Petersburg, the first carriage is located near the head of the electric train, and when running from the capital Russian Federation- vice versa. An important feature of the train is the fact that when it departs from St. Petersburg, the song “Hymn to the Great City” is played, and when it leaves Moscow, Oleg Gazmanov’s musical composition “Moscow” is broadcast.

Features of travel by train, level and quality of service, services

The railway composition is distinguished by a high quality of service. The oldest branded train will please passengers with updated cars, each of which has double-glazed windows. Sleep and relax on the road will turn out on the best bed linen made of cotton and linen. This factor is very important, since the flight runs at night.

Important! Pretend to full set services can be provided by each passenger, and morning meals are included in the price of tickets. In the compartment there are sockets, the power of which is estimated at 220 volts. The conductors maintain a comfortable air temperature with the help of an individual air conditioning system.

The service is slightly different depending on the type of carriage. Men and women traveling in an economy class compartment can expect to receive a standard set of railway accessories. Slippers and napkins are also provided free of charge. Above each seat there are individual lighting lamps.

electric locomotive

Travelers traveling in the Red Arrow NE car do not receive bed linen separately, as the bed will be prepared in advance. Also included in the standard package is a unique travel kit, hot meals and a drink. Anyone can additionally buy a number of goods (newspaper, food, tea or coffee).

A special difference is the luxury VIP carriage of the first class. The composition includes only four similar double compartments, inside which the traveler will find:

  • shower cabin;
  • dry closet;
  • heating floor;
  • a set of napkins and other hygiene products;
  • TV with player;
  • explorer call button;
  • sofa that converts into a large bed;
  • own bar.

Composition is different high level comfort. The windows are covered with curtains and blinds. Also, a special atmosphere is created by clean red carpets, which are located in each compartment and corridors. Breakfast is included in the ticket price, you can choose from several menu items.

It is possible to pay for some additional goods not only in cash, but also with a bank card. Before the departure of the train, the head of the train addresses the passengers by radio. There are two toilets at the end of the car, you can see on the screen of the electronic scoreboard whether they are free.

Note! The train has a top-class dining car around the clock. Any position from a well-developed and varied menu will be served directly in the compartment.


Scheme of wagons and location of seats

The Red Arrow train has 4 various types wagons:

  • compartment (cars 1 to 6);
  • dining car (41);
  • lux (SV) (7-15);
  • VIP car (16).

There are only 32 seats in the economy class compartment, 16 passengers in the business class suite, and only 8 people in the VIP carriage. Also, when purchasing a travel document, there is a chance to choose a seat by gender.

Important! You can only buy tickets for the VIP carriage in two copies.

Schedule, route, stops

A fast train departs daily from St. Petersburg-Glavny railway station at 23:55 Moscow time. The exact time of arrival of the flight to Moscow is 07:56. The total travel time is exactly 8 hours.

The official timetable for this route has not changed for many years. In the opposite direction, the "Red Arrow" starts its journey from the station "Moscow-Passenger-Oktyabrskaya" and is on the road for the same time. This railway train travels along the route without intermediate stops.

Purchasing a train ticket online and at the ticket office of the railway station

Passengers can purchase a ticket at any convenient way. It is possible to do this not only at train stations, but also with the help of the Internet in just a few clicks. The passenger needs to choose one of the available methods.

Important! It is better to book a travel document in advance, as the fare depends on it.

Below is a description of the most popular solutions to the ticket buying problem.

Cash desk at the railway station

This method is the oldest and most proven. Here tickets are sold at the original cost, for this it is enough to contact the box office. The disadvantage of this method is that the client of Russian Railways will have to go to the station on purpose. Also, the traveler must clearly indicate to the cashier the exact day of the planned trip.

Cashier located in the city

It is really possible to buy train tickets for the train at the box office, which are located in the central regions of large Russian cities. A boarding pass for the Krasnaya Strela train is sold in St. Petersburg and Moscow. Potential buyers may be repelled by a commission, which consists of a couple of hundred rubles.

Russian Railways cash desk

Using a mobile application

This method is suitable for travelers who have installed a special mobile application on their smartphone. The program will help you view the availability of tickets at any convenient time, as well as familiarize yourself with the location of empty seats. The fare when choosing this method of payment may differ slightly, the client will have to pay a small commission.

Official website of Russian Railways

Buying a ticket for a train running on Russian railways (even for an electric train or other suburban electric train) is possible in a few seconds. To do this, go to the official website of Russian Railwaysto select the route and date of travel. The client is advised to find the Red Arrow train in order to reserve a free seat for the desired date. You don't need to pay additional commission.

Buying a ticket for the legendary Red Arrow is very simple. Travelers can choose any available way to purchase tickets. All those who wish will cover the distance between St. Petersburg and Moscow in 8 hours. The trip will be very comfortable and fast.

The direction Moscow - St. Petersburg has always been one of the most popular. It was in this direction in 1931 that the first branded train in Russia appeared - the "Red Arrow".

Despite its considerable age, this train is still a model for all branded trains in Russia, because during all this time it has been updated more than once and now offers passengers all the best and most modern.

The Red Arrow train fully justifies its corporate status and provides passengers with full complex services along the way, as well as the refined interiors of the carriages and a comfortable, calm atmosphere. The service on this train is one of the best on Russian railways.

The train runs daily, speeds up to 160 km/h, travel time is 8 hours. This is a night train: the schedule of the Red Arrow train is designed in such a way that passengers have the opportunity to rest on the road.

Travel time is 8 hours 00 minutes.

Train Composition

  • 1 wagon LUX;
  • 9 SW;
  • 5 compartment cars;
  • 1 staff car (with space for persons with disabilities);
  • 1 dining car.

Service center services

Class car passengers luxury may for free use the services service centers(Moskovsky railway station (St. Petersburg) and Leningradsky railway station (Moscow)) on the day of departure/arrival:

  • stay in the waiting rooms of increased comfort;
  • personal hygiene room services;
  • information and reference services;
  • printed publications;
  • charger mobile phones and computers;
  • watching satellite TV;
  • WiFi;
  • hot and cold soft drinks.

Attention! The train scheme may differ from the one shown depending on the season (winter, summer).

The exact scheme for a specific date can be viewed in the "Purchase tickets" section by clicking "Schedule" at the bottom of the page.