Craft on the theme of a funny traffic light. A selection of crafts on the topic: Traffic rules

Natasha Starova

I'm with the guys kindergarten I do a lot of various creative works, so I had the idea to make an unusual and bright " TRAFFIC LIGHT". To do this, we need bright colored paper - red yellow and green, disks, glue, scissors and gold pens. We cut the paper into thin strips and glue it to the edge of the disk, and then glue it in the same way on the other side.

1. Take red paper.

it turns out to be a flower like this.

2 Then yellow

3 And green

We got three wonderful flowers, then we glue the middles of the disks with colored paper according to the color of the flower and they turn into a charming traffic light. And finally we find the base on which they will stick, glue them and now we have a big one ready traffic light.

Now this one traffic light occupies the most honorable place in our group and in our corner according to the rules traffic.

Thank you for your attention!

Publications on the topic:

In February, our group had a theme called “Pets,” and the guys and I went on an excursion to our living corner. The kids really liked it.

The path runs through the meadow, dives to the left, to the right. Wherever you look, flowers are around, Yes, knee-deep grass. Green meadow, like a wonderful garden, Pahuch and.

GOAL: development of children's creative musical abilities. OBJECTIVES: - to give an initial idea of ​​the wide possibilities of noise.

Hello, dear MAAMites! I hasten to make my contribution - kukuloskutok - to the country of "Corn". I, too, was eager to take part in.

As a rule, we think about gifts on the eve of the holidays. Currently, stores offer a rich assortment and selection of different ones.

There was a need to acquire screens in the group to divide the space. All options offered on the Internet, as a rule.

DECORATION FOR A HALL OR GROUP “FLOWER”. This is what a lush flower can be made from scrap material. To make it you will need:.

DIY traffic light from a box. Step-by-step instruction with photo

DIY craft made from waste material “My friend – Traffic Light”. Master class with step by step photo

Grinko Karina, student of the Kalacheevskaya Secondary School No. 6, Kalach, Voronezh region.
Supervisor: Lyudmila Nikolaevna Fedorova, Deputy Director for Educational Work of the Municipal Municipal Educational Institution Kalacheevskaya Secondary School No. 6, Kalach, Voronezh Region.
Master Class: designed for children 9-11 years old, organizers, educators and leaders of clubs according to the rules of the road.

Purpose: the craft serves as didactic material when studying and repeating traffic signals in kindergarten, lower grades. This master class can serve as a good help in preparing and participating in the school competition for the "Best or Original Traffic Light".
Target: making themed crafts from waste material with your own hands.
- repeat the rules of the road, traffic lights;
- develop fine motor skills hands, attention;
- to educate diligent pedestrians and future drivers, hard work, accuracy.

Materials for work:
- an empty tube of glue stick (or white cardboard);
- glue stick (PVA glue);
- empty tea box (can be used for toothpaste, cream, etc.);
- scissors, a simple pencil;
- ruler;
- colored sheets (format A 4) – 2 pcs.;
- dish sponges (red, yellow and green).


1. Take colored sheets. Using a ruler and pencil, measure the sides of the box, drawing a template.

2. Paste the template onto the box to create a monochromatic rectangle - a layout for a traffic light.

3. On the bottom side of the layout (bottom), use scissors to cut a hole with a diameter slightly smaller than an empty tube of glue stick (later it will be useful for attaching the traffic light leg).

4. Remove the cap from the empty glue stick tube - it is not needed for work. Using leftover colored paper and scissors, cut out a small piece of paper in accordance with the height of the glue tube (height does not include Bottom part the tube that serves to supply glue - red, and the part on which the lid was put on).

5. Cover the “leg” with colored paper.

6. Place the leg into the hole cut out at the bottom of the model - it holds well even without glue.

7. Draw 3 circles on one side of the traffic light. Take sponges - red, yellow, green. Starting with the red color, lay out along the contour, and then fill the middle of the circle using crushed pieces of a sponge, using PVA glue.

8. The result is a three-eyed traffic light made from waste material! This unusual traffic light layout is convenient to use to introduce kids to its signals!

Master class on working with waste materials and paper, crafts for carrying out traffic rules events.

student of class 4 "B" MBOU "OOSH No. 2" Bortsov Artem
Supervisor: technology teacher of MBOU "General Educational School No. 2" Olga Vladimirovna Burova

Purpose: making crafts for events according to the Traffic Rules.

Use of the lesson will be useful:
- in work with children aged 6 years and older (with the help of adults), older children and adults.

Purpose of the lesson:
Creating conditions for creative self-realization of a child’s personality.

- generate interest in traffic rules;
- educate a competent pedestrian, reinforce traffic rules;
- consolidate and practice students’ ability to work with templates;
- develop accuracy and patience in work;
- encourage creativity and non-standard solutions when performing work;
- correction of general and fine motor skills;
- develop artistic taste and focus on the quality of products;
- develop cognitive interest in arts and crafts;
- to promote the formation of a comprehensively developed personality;
- master new technologies.

The Tale of the Traffic Light.

In one small town there lived the most ordinary Traffic Light. He stood on the most ordinary street and the most ordinary inhabitants of the city constantly passed by him. Days and weeks passed in succession. The seasons replaced each other, but the Traffic Light stood and stood. And he didn’t have days off or even a lunch break. The work at the Traffic Light was not very easy. The only pleasure for him was to watch pedestrians.

From day to day, the Traffic Light watched the townspeople and always considered the behavior of everyone. Most of all he liked to watch children.

Here is the girl Varya with her mother. He is capricious and asks his mother for a toy. I look at her with an angry red eye. Varya stopped crying, looks at me and extends her hand to her mother. That's good, that's smart! All young children should know that they need to cross the road by taking an adult by the hand.

Vika runs about her business. He runs and doesn’t look around!!! Stop, Vika!!!

You can't rush on the road!!! Look at me!!! It’s not in vain that I’m standing here, protecting your lives! Well, she’s so disobedient, her yellow eye is still burning, but she ran!

You can’t do this... It’s a pity that Vika doesn’t follow the traffic rules at all! In every kindergarten, in every school, they learn the rules, and parents at home also talk about how best to cross the road. Why doesn't Vika know them? Why doesn't he understand the danger?

But here is the boy Yegor, probably going to school. He has a backpack on his back. He's in a hurry, apparently overslept. I look at him with a red eye, and he stamps his foot with impatience, but stands still. My yellow eye made Yegor turn his head in all directions, I wink at him green. That's it, I ran as fast as I could.

The traffic light kept an eye on adults and children every day. He was upset and rejoiced. Sometimes I was very worried that I couldn’t scream. At times, I really wanted to scold careless pedestrians. And then the thought occurred to him: “Or maybe they don’t pay attention to me because I’m the most ordinary?” The traffic light firmly decided: “I need to change!” How to decorate yourself? Beautiful garlands and light bulbs will distract drivers and passengers. Flags can cover your eyes in the wind. And the Traffic Light decided to turn into a flower. He loved daisies very much; they grew nearby on the side of the road. It turned out to be a very elegant suit! Now everyone who passed or drove by looked at him very carefully. The traffic light was very pleased; there were no more violators on its section of the road.

Residents of the town fell in love with the Traffic Light and always smiled when looking at it. No one was in a hurry, no one ran across, and no one ran a red light. It's so nice when everyone follows the traffic rules!!!

Listen and remember
And always follow them.
The RED light came on
Stop, baby, there's no way through.
YELLOW light look on
Get ready says.
And the light turned on GREEN
Come in, my scientist friend.
Remember the traffic rules
Like a multiplication table!

I. Dal

Required materials and tools:
- scissors;
- disks;
- colored paper;
- glue gun;
- printed pictures;
- ribbon.

Execution steps:

For the traffic light we use colored foil paper. A4 printer paper and unnecessary discs.

Cut out the squares. We determine the size using a disk. Draw a circle on the square.

Cut the edges of the square to the line of the circle. We cut the strips arbitrarily, approximately 0.5 cm.
Then we bend all the strips towards the center of the disk.

We will print the pictures on the printer.

It's up to you to decide what they are. You can choose emoticons)

In order for the traffic light to last longer, we will cover the top with film or tape.

Cut and glue in the center of the disks. The main thing is not to confuse the meanings)))

We glue the first three disks together with a gun.

Using a template, cut out leaves from white paper. Tighten with a stick or pencil.

Glue on the wrong side. You can glue them with double-sided tape.

We make leaves in two rows. Glue the disks. Glue a ribbon loop between the two red disks.

The traffic light has two sides. With one, we wrote down in words the meanings of the colors of the traffic lights.

On the other side they pasted facial emoticons.

A. Stroh
A traffic light has three eyes.
Well, remember them, my friend,
Walk the streets so that soon
You could do it on your own.
That red eye... Be afraid of it!
When it burns, there is no way.
Flashing yellow - get ready!
Green light - go!

Our Traffic Light can hang on the wall in the classroom. Children will always see it and will never forget what each color at the traffic light means.
With such a daisy traffic light you can visit other classes and tell our fairy tale)))

Thank you very much for your attention.
We are waiting for your feedback)))

Olga Pshenichnykh

Three colorful circles

Flashing one after another


They help people.

So he settled in our group traffic light. The story of its appearance is very simple and at the same time very unusual:we bought children's goats, but they didn't fit (because they were without handles) But the shape of these objects resembled eyes from traffic light. Invented and done.

We needed:

The basis (piece of plywood)

3 balls (red, yellow, green)

Decorative picture

Using a screwdriver, all 3 components were screwed to the base, one below the other. Decorated with a decorative picture and put in balls. Our the traffic light was ready.

Our traffic light in entertainment,NOD, in fun starts dedicated to traffic rules.

We use it as a stand for balls.

And of course, we love playing with our new “friend”:

1. taking out all the balls, the teacher rolls them to the children, those who catch them put each ball in their own cell (to make it traffic light)

2. children sit on chairs (the teacher has the balls, possible situations occurring on the road are discussed, the child gives an answer, takes the ball of the desired color and puts it in his cell.

For example:educator:children run out onto the roadway to get the ball (the red ball is placed in the top cell) Children cross the road with adults (the green ball is placed in its cell). etc.

I hope you like my idea. Perhaps you will play it in your own way. Good luck!

Publications on the topic:

DIY attributes. “Traffic Light” Purpose: To help create a game environment. To develop children's interest in role-playing games. For this.

Today I want to offer you Master Class for making a crocheted fly agaric. To make the fly agaric mushroom we will need:.

Allow me to present to your attention my master class on making an interesting toy that can be very useful in the classroom.

“The most important thing for a person is life,” wrote N. A Ostrovsky. And the life of a child is doubly precious. And about whether we, adults, will bring it to consciousness.

During preparations for the event “Road rules, we are all supposed to know,” the need arose to create a mobile “traffic light” suit.

Goal: Formation of artistic and creative abilities. Objectives: develop fine motor skills of the hands; practice working with templates; develop.

With kids preparatory group, we decided to make a scarf for the Voronezh matryoshka using the cutting technique. For this we needed:.

Inga Krylova

Dear colleagues. I want to bring to your attention

master class on making a traffic light

For work we will need:


Self-adhesive paper;

Double-sided tape;

Ceiling tiles;

Folders for files.

The work is not difficult. I made the traffic light in two hours. Good luck. So, let's begin.

1. Let's prepare four blanks from cardboard using a stencil. These will be the sides of the traffic light.

2. Now take one of the sides and cover it with self-adhesive paper. We do the same work with other parties.

3. When the sides of the traffic light are pasted over, on each side you need to make a cut at the top on one edge, and at the bottom on the other.

4. Now you can prepare the “eyes” of the traffic light. To do this, cut out circles of small diameter from the ceiling tiles.

5. "White eyes" are ready. They need to be "painted". To do this, you can use colored self-adhesive paper, but I used old file folders. Now there are also “colored eyes”.

6. Using double-sided tape, glue the colored eyes onto the white circles, and then using the same tape onto the sides of the traffic lights.

7. Now we connect our four sides of the traffic light. To do this, place the incisions on top of each other one by one.