A sign prohibiting cycling. Road signs for cyclists

The use of environmentally friendly and less aggressive vehicles for transportation leads to a widespread increase in the number of cyclists on the streets of cities and towns. However, cycling continues to be traumatic, especially in the conditions of heavy traffic in the metropolis. To designate a special section of the roadway intended for this transport, use a special sign " Bike Lane».

Bike lane definition and views

Bicycle lanes can be one-way or two-way

She represents independent element road infrastructure and is intended exclusively for the movement of two-wheeled vehicles (bicycles, scooters). Organization practice traffic provides three main ways of arrangement:

  • Distancing from the roadway with a lawn, a fence, a metal fence. As a rule, a part of the sidewalk is allocated for such a path, separating it from the pedestrian zone with a solid line and highlighting it with conventional signs.
  • The right edge of the carriageway is separated from the rest of the roadway by a continuous marking line, destining it for cycling.
  • Part of the street or square is closed to vehicles, allowing walking or cycling.

The intensity of the two-wheeled traffic led to the selection of two more types of tracks:

  • one-way traffic - bicycles and scooters travel in one direction, usually in the same direction as cars on the road;
  • with two-way traffic - the track is wider, divided into two lanes by markings, the direction of movement along them is indicated by directional arrows.

What does the sign look like and what does it mean?

Sign 4.4.1 visually looks like a white silhouette of a bicycle on a blue round background. His presence is a signal to drivers and pedestrians:

  • drivers of vehicles do not have the right to place a car on these sections of the road, using them as a parking lane, traffic is prohibited;
  • Pedestrians may only move on cycle paths if there is no pavement, and they must not create obstacles in the path of cyclists.

The sign indicates the intersection with the bike path

The sign "Bicycle path" is often confused with a sign warning about crossing with such a section of the road - 1.24. Each of them has its own functionality and its own rules for prioritizing:

  • If the driver, when turning to the right, must cross the cycling zone indicated by the sign 4.4.1, then he must give way to vehicles moving in this lane.
  • If, while driving along the street, the driver approaches the intersection marked with the sign 1.24, then the advantage is with the car.

Although in practice, usually in any case, a motorist lets cyclists pass, who do not always know the rules and do not consider themselves obliged to know them.

Where can you find him

A special sign is placed in the following places:

  • To the right of the path, if it is separated from the carriageway by a curb, lawn or fence.
  • Directly above the track, if it is a dedicated strip of the right edge of the carriageway. Additionally, table 8.14 "Lane" is placed under it.
  • At a standard distance from the beginning of a section of a street or square that is closed to traffic.

Sign 8.14. serves to determine the direction of movement


Unfortunately, only a small part of cyclists know traffic rules.

Riding a bike involves following the rules of the road. This allows to reduce injuries, avoid accidents, save life and health. Everyone is obliged to know and comply with these requirements, including young cyclists who are allowed to ride independently on the streets of the city only within specially designated areas.

Sign coverage area

The end of the cycle path can be marked with a special sign 4.4.2 or the nearest intersection

The presence of sign 4.4.1 instructs all road users to use the appropriate section of the road for its intended purpose: pedestrians do not walk, cars do not drive. The zone of its action is limited to the nearest intersections, i.e. if there is no this sign behind the intersection, then this indicates that a separate zone for cyclists has ended.

To limit the effect of this sign, a special sign 4.4.2, indicating the end of the cycle path, can also be used. It looks the same with a red slash across the diagonal. The black silhouette of a bicycle on a white background, edged with a red stripe, categorically prohibits riding a two-wheeled friend. In the zone of action of this sign, you must dismount and roll the vehicle behind the wheel.

If the cycle path is a dedicated section of the carriageway marked in the form of a bicycle, but the sign 4.4.1 is not installed, then both owners of two-wheeled vehicles and ordinary cars can move along this lane.

Speed ​​and order of movement

In Russia, special traffic lights for cyclists are rare.

In large cities with heavy traffic for cyclists, special traffic lights are provided, indicated either by a special table - a black silhouette on a white background, or by a separate traffic light window in which the silhouette of a bicycle of a certain color lights up.

Like any driver, the cyclist is obliged to warn in advance about the beginning of the maneuver:

  • a turn to the side is warned by a raised corresponding arm bent at the elbow;
  • braking is signaled by any hand raised up.

When driving on a dedicated section of the carriageway, you should pay attention to the signs near the intersection of streets:

  • if 4.4.1 hangs, then it is possible to continue driving straight, making sure that cars turning right let the bike pass;
  • if 1.24 is set, then the cyclist must slow down and let the car pass.

The speed limit is the same for all types of transport: within the city no faster than 60 km/h, in courtyards - 20 km/h.

In the absence of a dedicated lane for traffic, a cyclist can move:

  • along the roadside - as part of a convoy or when transporting bulky cargo on the trunk;
  • on the footpath - with a child under 7 years old.

Children under 14 years of age are not allowed to ride a bicycle on their own outside special sections of the road.

Penalties for breaking the rules

Entering the bike path by car, using it as a parking lot or a pick-up / drop-off zone is punishable in the same way - a fine:

  • two thousand rubles - movement along the path;
  • 2.5 thousand rubles (for Moscow and St. Petersburg) - using it as a parking space.

If a pedestrian, in the presence of a sidewalk, walks through a special area for bicycles and scooters, then the fine is slightly less - from 500 to 1000 rubles, taking into account the severity of the interference created. If the driver did not let the priority cyclist pass, then he will be fined in the amount of one and a half thousand rubles.

Since a cyclist or scooter is an equal participant in the movement, he can also be fined for non-compliance with the rules:

  • violation of traffic rules - 800 rubles;
  • driving while intoxicated - from one to one and a half thousand rubles.

The spread of two-wheeled vehicles was the reason for the allocation of separate sections on the road. Their goal is to prevent the occurrence of emergencies, especially in conditions of heavy traffic. Bicycle paths marked with a special sign can only be used by bicycle or scooter. For other modes of transport and pedestrians, their own zones are provided.

Nowadays, the bicycle is becoming more and more popular view transport both for movement and for maintaining a healthy shape. Accordingly, cyclists interact more and more with other road users.

Despite the fact that cycling is an intuitive and not complicated process, one should also remember such an important point as observing traffic rules for a cyclist.

Traffic rules are the rules of the road that apply to everyone who uses the roadway for movement.

To begin with, it is worth mentioning that a bicycle is a vehicle due to the muscular strength of a person, and the cyclist himself, according to the rules, is considered the driver of a two-wheeled vehicle.

A dismounted cyclist driving a bicycle to his side is considered a pedestrian with a load, and can use not only the sidewalk, but also part of the carriageway for transportation. In the latter case, it is necessary to move along the opposite edge of the roadway, towards the flow of cars.

Bicycling is allowed from the age of fourteen - on bike paths, a bike zone along the road and pedestrian sidewalks.

The movement of cyclists aged 7 to 14 years should be carried out only on sidewalks, pedestrian, bicycle and bicycle paths, as well as within pedestrian zones.

Movement in a column of cyclists also has its own restrictions and rules.

For example, riding on the roadway in only one row, a column of cyclists is allowed to move in two rows, if the overall width does not exceed 0.75 m, the column should be divided into groups of no more than 10 people, and the distance between them should be 80-100 meters, to facilitate overtaking vehicles.

  • A straight arm raised up with an open palm means "attention" and is used in cases where you need to give a sign to a column of cyclists riding behind.
  • A straight hand raised up, clenched into a fist means “stop movement”.
  • The left hand raised to the side and bent at the elbow means turning to the right, and turning to the right can also be shown with the right hand extended to the side.
  • The right hand, raised to the side and bent at the elbow, means a turn to the left, and a turn to the left can also be shown with the left hand extended to the side.

There are also a number of other signs that are appropriate to warn cyclists riding behind about the danger (pit, pothole, obstacle, etc.).

This sign usually looks like an outstretched hand, pointing to the right or left of the cyclist, showing which side is better to go around the obstacle.

What traffic rules are most often violated

This paragraph is too broad to attempt to cover all cyclist infractions.

The most common violations are considered to be incorrect crossing of a pedestrian crossing, driving on sidewalks, between people, crossing intersections incorrectly, as well as unexpected turns on the roads in the wrong places.

And, of course, the scourge of cycling is alcohol, but this applies more to irresponsible cyclists.

Actions of a cyclist after an accident

Unfortunately, the movement on the roads also has negative consequences, in the form of a possible accident involving cyclists and motorists.

Many people have the erroneous opinion that it is the cyclist who is most often to blame, since it is commonly believed that this particular category of people does not have information about the rules of the road.

IN case of an accident need to call ambulance and report the accident to the police station. At the same time, you must not leave the scene of the accident and move objects of collision (car, bicycle). It is advisable to photograph the scene of the incident and take the contact details of eyewitnesses of the incident.

It is necessary to wait for a police officer who, having studied the current situation, will be able to make the right decision according to the disputed parties of the participants in the accident.

Well, in conclusion, I would like to add that traffic signs for cyclists were installed for a reason, and if you take some time to study them, you can avoid a lot.

Video about traffic rules for cyclists:

As part of the operation "Attention, there is a cyclist on the road!" The traffic police of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia for the Ipatovsky district brings to the attention of a resident of the Ipatovsky district that from April 8, 2014, new changes in traffic rules regarding cyclists came into force in Russia.

Road signs for cyclists

4.4 "Bike Lane". Only bicycles and mopeds are allowed. Pedestrians can also move along the cycle path (in the absence of a sidewalk or footpath).

4.4.1 "Bicycle path or lane for cyclists."

"The end of a cycle path or lane for cyclists."

Pedestrian and bike path signs

4.5 "Footpath". Only pedestrians are allowed.

4.5.1 "Footpath". Pedestrians and cyclists are allowed to move in the cases specified in paragraphs 24.2 - 24.4 of these Rules.

4.5.2 "Pedestrian and bicycle path with combined traffic (bike path with combined traffic).

4.5.3 "End of combined pedestrian and bicycle path (end of combined bicycle path)".

4.5.4, 4.5.5 "Pedestrian and bicycle path with traffic separation". Bicycle path with division into bicycle and pedestrian sides of the path, allocated structurally and (or) marked with horizontal markings 1.2.1, 1.2.2, 1.23.2 and 1.23.3 or otherwise.

4.5.6, 4.5.7 "End of traffic-separated pedestrian and bicycle path (end of traffic-separated bicycle path)".

Road sign with lane for cyclists

5.11.2 "Road with a lane for cyclists." A road along which the movement of cyclists and moped drivers is carried out along a specially allocated lane towards the general flow of vehicles.

5.12.2 "End of the road with a lane for cyclists." The road sign is a road sign 5.11.2, the image of which is crossed out by a diagonal red stripe from the lower left corner to the upper right corner of the sign.

A cycle path is a section of the road specially designated for the movement of cyclists with signs and markings. In the classical version, a bicycle is understood as a vehicle driven by human energy or a low-power electric motor.

The norms of the Rules of the Road provide for the possibility of moving mopeds in a cycle lane.

In exceptional cases, in the absence of a formalized sidewalk, it is permissible for pedestrians to move along the lane allocated for cyclists, for this a series of signs from 4.5. In this situation, the cycle path is converted into a cycle path.

Sign designations

Sign 4.4.1, which shows a bicycle on a blue background, indicates the beginning of the cycle path. It is installed to the right of the lane or above it. Motorists with experience should pay attention to the changed numbering of the sign from 4.4 to 4.4.1.

Sign 4.4.2 corresponds to the end of a dedicated lane for the movement of bicycles and mopeds, looks like sign 4.4.1 crossed out with a red line.

Sign "End of the zone of the path for cyclists" 4.4.2

When crossing a cycling road with a carriageway, the indicated sign is duplicated in case of further continuation of the cycling path. In this situation, from the side of the roadway, the signs "Intersection with the bike path" 1.24 are installed, urging car drivers to be extremely careful. When passing through such an intersection, the cyclist must:

Now more and more sidewalks appear along with the road for bicycles and are marked with signs 4.5.2-4.5.7, and on some roads there are dedicated lanes for cyclists. Such sections of the road are marked with signs 5.11.2, 5.13.3 and 5.13.4.

The sign "Bicycle in a red circle" provides for the impossibility of further cycling. Citizens are advised to follow the pedestrian route or take a detour.

Rule Changes

The legislative activity of the state did not stop at specifying the basic concepts from the Rules of the Road. Innovations await in general all cyclists. We note the main transformations:

  1. Expansion of the list of grounds that allow the cyclist to move along the right edge of the road (for example, due to the speed of 30 km / h, which is significant for this type of equipment).
  2. In the conditions of an unregulated intersection, a cyclist is obliged to give way to vehicles moving along the crossed road or leaving residential areas and yard areas.
  3. The movement of cyclists outside the cycle path should not interfere primarily with pedestrians.

Video: The concept of "bike path"

Be honest, cyclists, how many road signs do you know? Hardly even half of all three hundred. We have prepared a selection of road signs for cyclists - more precisely, the most significant for drivers of pedal vehicles.

The slightest mistake on the road can cost a cyclist health, or even life - probably, it is not necessary to explain why. Therefore, cyclists need to know at least the basics of traffic rules, in particular, at least those road signs that directly concern them.

Priority signs

Sign 2.1 “Give way”. If you see this overturned triangle in front of you (and in the absence of a working traffic light), you should give way to traffic that is approaching an unregulated intersection on the main road. The main road is either the one that runs perpendicular to yours, or the one that is drawn in thick line on the additional plate 7.8.

Sign 2.2 “Non-stop driving prohibited”. This sign is popularly called "Stop", and in simple terms, it means the same as the previous one - to give way to vehicles that move along the main road that intersects with yours. Regarding which road is more important, see above.

Sign 2.3 “Main road”. If there is such a sign in front of the intersection on your way, everyone else should let you through. True, we must take into account the same plate 7.8 (if available) and the fact that cyclists are not very respected by car drivers.

prohibition signs

Sign 3.8 “No cycling”. The sign prohibits the movement of bicycles in the area from the sign to the nearest intersection behind it, and in settlements without intersections - to the end of the settlement. Exits from the territories adjacent to the road (green zones, parking lots, recreation areas, etc.) and unpaved field roads that are not preceded by priority signs are not considered an intersection. If you live in the area covered by the sign, you may ignore it, although you must enter and leave the area at the nearest intersection.

Sign 3.1 “Movement prohibited”. Forbids movement to all vehicles, with conditions and reservations, as well as at the previous sign 3.8.

Sign 3.21 “Entry prohibited”. As a rule, it means that it is impossible to go from your side, and the transport will move towards you freely. The conditions for the coverage area are generally the same as for the two previous signs.

Sign 5.1 “Motorway” and sign 5.3 “Road for cars”
Direct movement of bicycles on these express roads is not prohibited, however, it is forbidden to move transport here, which technical specification or according to the state has a “maximum speed” below 40 km / h. It is unlikely that your “great” can be written in another category of t / s. However, do not worry too much - there are very few roads worthy of carrying one of the above statuses in our country.

Other signs important for cyclists

Sign 4.12 “Path for cyclists”. The most desirable - and also the most rare in our country - sign for cyclists. Indicates a dedicated lane where only bicycles are allowed. However - attention! – if there is no pavement or footpath in the given place, the movement of pedestrians on the bicycle path is also allowed.

Sign 4.14 “Path for pedestrians and cyclists”. A path (or regular sidewalk) that allows both pedestrians and cyclists to travel. Not the best option for a "great" option, but still better than nothing.

Sign 1.34 "Departure of cyclists". Warns drivers that there will soon be a section of the road where bicycles are likely to appear. For a cyclist, this sign can be a signal that ahead is the intersection of the highway with the bike path, along which you can continue moving in more comfortable conditions.

Plate 7.5.7 “Type of vehicle: bicycle”. The plate is placed directly under this or that sign and makes it clear that its effect applies only to cyclists.

Plate 7.21.4 “Type of danger”. The plate is installed with the sign 1.39 “Accidentally dangerous area” and informs about the possible type of accident - a collision with a bicycle. Why bicycles have received such honor is not entirely clear.

The bike is definitely dangerous view transport, but to a large extent, your safety on two wheels depends on how you adhere to the Rules of the Road.