Tasks for the development of memory attention. Concentration of attention: development, training, exercises

Concentration of attention - simply put, the ability to focus attention when required. It is easier for a person who is able to concentrate attention in time, without being distracted by external factors, to go through life and achieve success. Developing mindfulness through exercises and special techniques will help increase concentration.

Being engaged in an important matter, a person is distracted by extraneous sounds, switches to another activity, thereby straying from the right path. Poor concentration and loss of alertness can be triggered by the following factors:

  • insufficient sleep;
  • malnutrition;
  • included TV;
  • traffic noise;
  • extraneous conversations and actions;
  • fatigue;
  • stress and depression;
  • drug or alcohol effects.

To exclude violation of concentration of attention during work, and to ensure the development of concentration, protect yourself from the listed interferences.

How to assess the level of concentration

To understand the state of your mindfulness, a methodology has been developed for studying the concentration and stability of attention. Before answering the question of how to increase concentration, it is recommended to take a test.

  • Münsterberg method.

The test will help determine the level of concentration, selectivity of attention and noise immunity.

Among the indicated letters there are words that need to be highlighted. Two minutes are allotted for the test. Get the maximum focus.

In two minutes, they found all the encrypted words - concentration at the proper height. The allotted time for the test seemed a lot - an excellent result. Two minutes was not enough - the concentration of attention is low. Give yourself 5 seconds for each word you couldn't find.

  • "Ten Words"

This test tests the state of concentration and the work of short-term memory.

To pass the test, you need another person to read ten words for you. The chosen words cannot be related by meaning or associations.

Pillow, cake, snow, poodle, notebook, focus, slippers, autumn, ship, brick.

If after the first reading of the words you called 8 - the level of concentration is at a height. Repeated 7 words - a satisfactory state of concentration. Named less than 7 words - concentration at a low level.

Use one table for one try. In each of the tables, among the scattered numbers, you need to show and name the numbers in order from 1 to 25. Record the time spent on the test.

Concentration of attention is on top if you spent no more than 40 seconds on the test (one table). The test took 40 to 50 seconds - average level attention. Spent more than 50 seconds - low level of attentiveness. Schulte's technique - checking the level of concentration and at the same time training attention.

Exercises for the development of concentration

After checking the level of mindfulness, consider how to develop concentration. effective method increasing concentration is an exercise. Next exercises do not require much time and effort, are performed daily, at every opportunity.

  • Awareness of what is happening.

Being at home, on the street, at work, do not be in prostration. Try to focus your attention on what is going on around you. Focus on what you are doing, who is around, what people are doing, what the weather is like.

This exercise will help to easily increase the level of concentration.

  • Taking conscious action.

Learn to perform habitual actions consciously and attentively. Take every moment of life seriously, as if a lot depends on how you move your legs when walking, wipe the dust, put on clothes.

This kind of exercise will teach you to focus on things. The exercise will help increase the power of attention.

  • The ability to see the hidden.

Performing the exercise, look at the objects around and notice new properties, qualities of things, appearance items. Try to see things you didn't see before.

The exercise will form the skill of switching concentration from one subject to another without losing concentration.

  • "Line".

To complete the lesson, prepare a white sheet of paper, a pen or pencil. The line should be drawn smoothly and slowly. Concentrate on the line being drawn. As soon as you realize that you are distracted, draw a line up. It should look like a cardiogram. The exercise is carried out for 3 minutes.

The result is positive only if the line remains straight.

  • Music.

Classical music for concentration is a way to increase the level of concentration. The improvement of mindfulness during listening to music occurs due to the impact of the melody and harmony of the classical genre on the right hemisphere of the brain. When performing a task, you need to relax and distract from extraneous thoughts. The music of Haydn, Mendelssohn, Mozart and Tchaikovsky is suitable for the exercise.

Techniques for developing concentration

The development of concentration will go faster if you use exercises and special techniques to train your attention.

  • "Black dot".

This technique of mindfulness development implies a long-term retention of high concentration on the subject.

For the lesson, prepare a white sheet of paper with a black dot drawn in the middle. Fix the drawing at a distance of one meter from you. Accept comfortable posture so that the sheet with the dot remains at eye level. Close your eyes and let go of thoughts and images. After sinking into a state of rest, open your eyes and look at the point. Try not to look away, do not blink. Without thinking about anything, without straining, keep your attention only on the black dot. The technique is performed within 20-30 minutes. At the end of the session, close your eyes, observing the residual effect of the black dot until it disappears completely.

  • "Burning Candle"

The technique of concentrating on the flame of a burning candle helps to increase the level of mindfulness. Place a lit candle half a meter away from you. Sit so that the flame burns at eye level. Make sure the room is quiet so that nothing distracts you from your session. Turn off light and noise sources. Close your eyes and disengage from intrusive thoughts and images. When you relax and calm down, look at the candle flame. Without blinking, fix your gaze on the tip of the fire. The technique takes 30 minutes. Next, continue to look at the candle with your eyes closed until the picture disappears completely.

  • Meditation.

Learn to meditate. The meditation technique will help to achieve the highest level of concentration of mindfulness by distracting from the outside and focusing on inner sensations.

  • "Watch".

To complete the lesson, take a mechanical watch and put it on the table. Get in a comfortable position and relax. You need to concentrate on the clock hand, without thinking about anything. The technique is performed until, during a full revolution of the second hand, not a single thought visits you, nothing distracts from the process.

The Clock technique trains attention and helps to concentrate.

  • "Vipassana".

Take a comfortable position and relax. Breathe smoothly and freely. Move your gaze to the tip of the nose, and fix your attention on it. Follow only the sensations, breathing and gaze at the tip of the nose, distract from all thoughts. As soon as thoughts switch to something else, return to the starting point.

Each technique or exercise helps develop mindfulness and teaches you to focus, abstracting from extraneous noises, smells, and the actions of another person. Concentration training is the key to successful completion of tasks.

Now you know how to improve concentration and achieve high level concentration at work. By taking the time to train your attention, you will train your memory at the same time.

School of Yuri Okunev

Hello friends. With you Yuri Okunev.

Question from life. Your child comes home from school, does his homework, brings you to check. And then you find that:

  1. Something is missing in the solved problem - two actions, three numbers and one answer. You look into the draft, you see an exemplary correct solution, everything seems to be in place;
  2. The grades in the notebook have a certain geometric pattern: after the three comes the five, after the five the three (as an option: after the two the five and so on).

Is the situation familiar? Those who said "no" can only be envied. Discuss with others today effective method dealing with the problem: exercises for developing the attention of younger students.

In the first grade, our fidget still cannot gather his will into a fist and work.

Well, how do you get together if a fat fly is crawling on the windowsill, and the neighbor in front of you has a big white bow, which you just want to pull! But you have to work: if you don’t understand the material, you will get a deuce in your diary, or “a cloud with rain”.

A child of 7-8 years old is characterized by instability of attention and rapid fatigue. He is not able to do one thing for more than 30-35 minutes, he is often distracted by trifles. The more monotonous the activity, the more difficult it is for a first-grader. It is easier to solve the problem under an asterisk, but interesting. It is also difficult to switch from one occupation to another. Say, solve a problem and say its solution out loud.

By the end of the study period in primary school voluntary attention and the habit of working for a long time and with full dedication, that is, stability of attention, should be developed. I foresee someone's sigh of relief: well, the child will grow up and take up his mind, he will carry fives. Do not hope that everything will come by itself. Will not come, and there will be no freebies! No teacher will do your job!

Everything comes with training

Using the tasks given in this article to develop attention in elementary school students, you will achieve visible results after a month of systematic training. Practice for half an hour a day, stick to a certain schedule, be demanding but patient.

  1. Conduct the lesson in a playful way;
  2. Praise the child, notice his every achievement;
  3. Alternate tasks, thereby stimulating interest;
  4. Set a specific goal and achieve it.

Exercises for training attention are divided into 3 sections.

Concentration of attention

Concentration of attention is the ability of a student to fully concentrate on solving a problem.

  • "Letter from an Aboriginal". A card with a set of letters of the Russian alphabet is laid out in front of the child. This set contains encrypted words. The child must find them.


  • Cross out all the letters "B" and circle all the letters "E"

  • Walking through the labyrinths(lay a path from one point to another). There are two difficulty options in this developing task.

Lightweight (no crossovers)

Increased complexity (with intersections)

  • "Draw a picture". This task builds perseverance

  • Piano game. The number of people from 3 or more (the more, the more interesting). Children like this game very much. Everyone sits on chairs in one row. Hands are placed on each other's knees. You need to take turns clapping on the knee of a neighbor, observing a given pace. The last person in the row claps 2 times and the game is reversed. The one who fails or misses the clap is out of the game.

Distribution of attention

This is the ability to engage in 2-3 activities at the same time.

  • "Julius Caesar". To do one action with one hand, the other - another at the same time and without straying:
    a) draw a circle with one hand, a square with the other;
    b) transfer peas from plate to plate with one hand, and leaf through the book with the other hand, etc.;
  • "Pair account". We count 1, 30, 2, 29, 3, 28 and so on;

"Counting Elements".The child is offered a card. It is required to count in this order: the first square, the first circle, the first triangle, the second circle, the second triangle, etc.

  • In turn, we show the student 4 cards with geometric shapes, each time calling a number from 1 to 9. Then, from memory, let him draw all the numbers and shapes, observing the same order.

attention span

  • City game. An adult calls the name of the city, for example, PENZA. The child repeats and adds another city: PENZA-MINSK. Adult PENZA-MINSK-MOSCOW and so on, until someone goes astray;
  • "Detectives". Game task, very exciting and useful. In a group of children in the amount of 3-6 people, a driver (Detective) is selected, who carefully examines everyone, remembers the details. Then he leaves the room, and the rest try to change 5 details in their appearance. The detective enters, his task is to find all the changes.

Wikium simulator for younger students

One of the reasons for the sharp deterioration in attention in elementary grades is the craze for computer games. This leads to distraction and transition to clip consciousness. The brain stops remembering, analyzing - it just “stupidly” accepts pictures in order to immediately forget them. Try asking your child to learn a poem or a rule after two hours of playing on a tablet - it will take a lot of time.

How to be? Of course, you can ban the game, but I will say that there is a better option. You will kill two birds with one stone! Suggest to your son or daughter instead of another shooting game simulator for brain development and attention correction Wikium. The child will definitely be carried away, the toy is very interesting, and also developing.

Wikium techniques were developed by Russian scientists in such a way as to act on a subconscious level, activating the brain. And the longer the child plays, the more his brain will work and develop. The results are noticeable within a week. blog is already dedicated to the Wikium service. Everything is described in detail. I recommend.

Allow me to bow out on this. If the article was useful, recommend it to your friends and acquaintances. Subscribe to blog news. Waiting for comments. Bye!
Yours, Yuri Okunev.

2 ratings

Arbitrary attention

Small child unable to focus their attention on a particular object.

His gaze glides over the things around him freely and naturally. Here, something interested the baby, for some time he peers at the object that interested him. Interest is gone, the child again examines everything around.

Such attention is called involuntary.

But a growing child needs to be taught to focus his attention on some things on purpose.

Arbitrary attention is a process that consists in the conscious and active concentration of the child in this moment time on any real object.

The ability to focus your attention is a very important component of the further development of the baby. By the way, learning languages ​​in an entertaining way is one of the methods that help a child learn to focus on a specific object and thought. Here you can find great English classes.

Voluntary attention should be developed as early as possible.

This collection contains 15 exercises for the development of voluntary attention.

But you can create your own exercises based on them.

Exercise 1

Find and connect the same objects with a line. In this task, it is important to find exactly the same items. In order to complicate the task a little for the baby, in the figure there are, for example, two identical mushrooms and another one that differs from them.

Exercise 2.

Find two identical umbrellas and color them the same too.

Exercise 3

Arrange the icons according to the pattern. In circles, you need to draw crosses, in triangles - dots, in squares - a strip.

Exercise 4

Find a pair for each picture and color them the same.

Exercise 5

Find and circle only the given figures.

Exercise 6

Draw the missing details.

Exercise 7

Find the same balls and color them the same.

Exercise 8

Carry out hatching according to the pattern.

Exercise 9

Color the pattern fragments marked with dots in red, marked with checkmarks in yellow.

Exercise 10

Transfer each figurine to a new house. To do this, go along the roads connecting the houses.

Exercise 11

Cross out on the page all the letters indicated at the top.

Exercise 12

Cross out the given number. You can print multiple copies of this job. And ask to cross out a different number each time.

Exercise 13

Find and color only the given figures.

Exercise 14

Find and count all the objects in the picture. Outline the drawings with colored pencils.

Exercise 15

Draw in each item your icon according to the model.

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