Maria Kanovskaya Bioenergetic gymnastics is a super method of the third millennium. Energy meridians of the fingers

Body practice by Alexander Lowen
Lowen's bioenergetic exercises revitalize the human body, helping it to release repressed emotions and feelings, as well as resolve internal conflicts. Certain experiences of impact on different parts of the body increase a person's resistance to stress and harmonize the mind with the body shell.

Lesson Basics

The bodily practice of Alexander Lowen is aimed at generating certain vibrations in the human body. In fact, vibrational waves in this therapy are the general reactions of the physical shell, including the pulsation of both individual organs and entire organic systems. The main thing is only what factor became decisive in the appearance of these vibrations.

The creator of bioenergetics believed that the cause of flowing bodily sensations is excitement, which is a mixture of excitement, desire for intimacy and activity of intuition.

Lowen's bioenergetic exercises: harmony of mind and body!

It is in the vibrations that the natural mobility of the individual lies, which is characteristic of emotional activity or spontaneous actions.

Everything that belongs to the sphere of the unconscious is not controlled by the human mind or ego, which means that it is the most natural manifestation of the human essence. In childhood, all individuals are very mobile, but over time, their lifestyle more and more resembles a static one. An early loss of body activity occurs in stressful situations, during depression.

The ideal way of life implies a harmonious balance of conscious and partially conscious actions. A person with such a system of movement is a graceful person, but this grace can only be achieved by striving for higher self-control and self-consciousness. It is precisely bioenergetic therapy that is called upon to acquire such elevation, which weakens the rigidity of the body, increases the energy potential of the individual and deepens his breathing.

How to detect muscle tension
Before choosing a system of exercises, Lowen advises the therapist to diagnose the patient for bodily blocks. First, the client should lie on their back.

Breath analysis

The first stage of the examination is a breath analysis. It is necessary to assess whether the chest and abdomen enter the process of breathing and how often inhalations and exhalations enter the pelvic region. It is necessary to check the chest for the degree of rigidity by slightly pressing on it. It is also worth evaluating the skill of conscious breathing when the specialist asks the client to breathe under his hand placed on the patient's stomach.

Here, the soreness of the abdomen and chest, their bulge, and the reaction to tickling are checked. Then you need to evaluate the hips. The feeling of tickling, soreness, the degree of muscle tension or their excessive laxity are analyzed. Special attention given to the gluteal muscles.

Lowen's bioenergetic exercises: harmony of mind and body!

Examination of the muscles of the neck and shoulders

Then the condition of the muscles of the neck and shoulder girdle is examined. Muscles from the cervical spine are carefully studied, where they connect the neck and skull. The therapist looks at the level of soreness, sensitivity from tickling.

Attention is also paid to the throat blocks. They are evidenced by the quiet and high voice of the patient, as well as the occurrence of throat spasms in him during excitement, the appearance of lumps in his voice, frequent nausea with difficult to elicit vomiting.

Examination of the circular muscles of the mouth
Equally, like other muscles, the circular muscles of the mouth are checked, the tension of which is not recognized at all, but is manifested by specific wrinkles and tightly closed lips. Then the therapist checks the soreness of the masticatory muscles.

It is also necessary to diagnose blocks in eye muscles. They are indicated by radial wrinkles, rare tearing, blurred eyes.

Pelvic mobility study
On next step ask the person to stand up. It is necessary to check how mobile the pelvis is during the respiratory process. To analyze blocks in the pelvis, you can perform a simple exercise: take a standing pose with knees slightly bent and feet apart 25 cm apart.

It is necessary to transfer the weight of the body to the toes and set the pelvis as far as possible, while still bending the knees and moving, as in the process of defecation. At this moment, the muscles in the pelvic floor area relax, and then they contract. If a person does not feel the difference, he clearly has a block.

Tension in this area has to do with early teaching about cleanliness or masturbation inhibitions.

Grounding exercises
Alexander Lowen was a supporter of many Eastern practices that highly valued the lower centers human body as storage and conductors of energy. Bioenergy suggests that it is vital for a person to stand on the ground with both feet, and firmly and confidently. On a personal level, this gives a sense of independence and security, it also does not allow you to lose contact with reality and your own physical shell.

Grounding allows you to know your sexuality and tune in to receive true pleasures.

These exercises are aimed at focusing attention and shifting the center of gravity to the area below the abdomen in order to be closer to the ground and forever forget about the irrational fear of falling and losing support. In case of successful grounding, a person becomes the owner of a harmonious body, in which there are no barriers to the natural course vital energy.

In addition, a number of bioenergy experiments in this block allow you to realize which muscles are tense and why it is dangerous for the individual's breathing.

Checking the level of rooting
First, you should check the level of your own rooting on the surface of the earth and the degree of vibration signals.

Spread your feet at a distance of 45 cm from each other and turn them slightly inward so that the muscles of the buttocks tighten.
Bend forward and touch the floor with your fingers, slightly bending your knees. At the same time, transfer the body weight to the big toes, there is no need to put pressure on the hands.
Lower your chin as low as possible without straining your neck. Follow free and deep breathing through the mouth.
You can slightly lift your heels off the floor.
Then begin to straighten your legs, pulling the tendons under your knees. Hold the pose for a minute and then reflect on how you feel.
There should be vibratory activity in the legs, marking a wave of excitement in the body, all energy blocks temporarily subside.

For this experience to be successful, two rules must be observed:

Always bend your knees. The elasticity of this part of the body allows you to shift the load on the lower back, and this corresponds to the effect of a stressful situation on the body. It is the knees that absorb the shock of a person from any unexpected event and allow the pressure to sink into the depths of the earth.
Let go of your belly. Ideas about perfect figure almost inextricably linked with thoughts about the smartness of a person. However, tension in the abdomen blocks the spontaneous actions and skills of sexuality. It also significantly complicates abdominal breathing and simply wastes the energy of the individual. It must be remembered that physical tightness always provokes psychological stress, while the released stomach has little to do with the belly. The main block for the movement of energy is located in the navel.
Abdominal relaxation exercise

Lowen's bioenergetics, whose exercises help to feel chronic ailments in the body, pays a lot of attention to relaxing the abdomen. There are two techniques aimed at relieving tension in the abdominal region:

Method 1

Place your feet parallel at a distance of 25 cm.
Bend your legs a little.
Shift your weight onto your heels, pushing forward with a straight but not rigid body, and keep your feet on the floor.
Release your belly while maintaining even mouth breathing for a minute. You will feel tension in the lower half of your torso. Think about whether you are breathing with your stomach and whether it is possible to feel like a careless, slumped individual with such a released stomach.
Method 2

The second method of working on the abdomen is called the Arc (Arch, Bow) and is actively used in the oriental technique of Tai Chi. This exercise helps to open the breath in a stressful situation and create the necessary pressure on the legs.

Spread your feet 45-50 cm apart, slightly turning them inward.
Clench your hands into fists, place them on the lumbar region, turning the knuckles of the thumbs up.
Bend your knees as much as possible without lifting your heels off the ground, and bend back.
Move over the fists, shifting the weight only forward, onto the feet. Breathe deeply, engaging your belly.
If there is a feeling that the lower back is stretched, then there is muscle tension there. Please note that with relaxed legs, discomfort should not occur in the hips or knees.

Lowen's bioenergetic exercises: harmony of mind and body!

Exercise 2
Place your feet parallel, bend your knees, relax your pelvis and take it back a little. The upper half of the body should go forward without tilting, as in a fall. The body weight is transferred to the tips of the feet.

Keep your head and torso in line so you don't lose your balance. Raise your chin, look straight ahead.

Visualize a heavy basket on your head. Your chest is drawn in and your belly expands to make your breathing as full as possible. The earth supports you. Tight muscles in this position are slowly stretched, so you may feel pain at first.

Exercise 3
For maximum rooting, it is helpful to change your gait so that each step is associated with a conscious sense of being in contact with the ground. Move slowly and transfer your body weight to each foot in turn. No need to hold your breath or strain your shoulders, blocking the knee muscles also negatively affects.

When walking, a person should feel that his center of gravity is shifting down, from which a sense of security and grace grows.

Exercise 4
Place your feet 20 cm wide and squat down. Hold the position without external supports, in extreme cases, grab the furniture.

The feet should be pressed to the floor, and the weight of the body is transferred to the toes. You can facilitate the exercise with a soft roller under the heels. The task of such an exercise is to stretch the muscles of the legs, relieve them of tension, therefore it is useful to periodically shift the body weight back and forth. The soreness of this posture is associated with blocks in the legs, so you can sometimes kneel down and sit on your heels, but this also causes discomfort due to energy stagnation in the legs and feet.

Exercise 5
Take a seated position in a chair. Put your feet on the floor, start lifting the torso without resting on furniture, pushing from the ground. To do this, transfer the body weight to the front of the feet, then rest against them and spring up.

This exercise allows you to experience the closest contact with the ground and does not require as much effort.

Exercise 6
Place your feet at a distance of 30 cm from each other, bend your knees and put your hands on them. The purpose of this workout is to move the pelvis to the sides at the expense of the lower extremities, while keeping the upper half of the body passive.

It is necessary to transfer the body weight to the pads of the right foot, straighten the corresponding knee and tilt the pelvis to the right. Then the action is repeated with the left limbs, and the pelvis is shifted to the left.

The exercise must be repeated 5 times in each direction in order to realize that a true grounded movement excites and looks graceful, while forced turns of the pelvis with twisting of the entire torso do not bring pleasure.

Activation of the pelvic muscles
A tight stomach is a consequence of limiting one's own sexuality. However, the flow of sexual feelings may not even reach this area if the pelvic area is not free. Blocks in the pelvic area interfere with the necessary vibrations, they also negatively affect the way the head is held.

Alexander Lowen noted that most often a person tightens the buttocks, and the pelvis pushes forward, creating a strong stressful tension in the lower back, in the lower back. When the pelvis is pulled back, sexual feelings enter the genitals, and this helps the personality to be energetically discharged. Without relaxed pelvic muscles, a person is not able to feel grounded in the sexual area of ​​his life.

That is why, within the framework of bioenergetic therapy, one must learn to spontaneously rock the pelvis. At the same time, however, one should not forget about the need for vibrations in the legs and harmonious breathing movements.

Exercise 1
Stand up and bend your knees slightly, spread your feet 30 cm apart. Transfer your body weight to the balls of your big toes, release your stomach and calmly place your palms on your hips. Begin to rotate your hips from side to side, grabbing only the pelvis, and not the upper half of the torso or legs.

Breathe freely using only your mouth. Move 12 times to the left and the same number to the right. Try to keep the pelvic floor relaxed, as well as the anus.

Usually this exercise is not given to those who suffer from sexual problems or lack of grounding.

Exercise 2
Now try to become aware of the blocks at the base of the back and in the pelvis. Lie down on the ground, bend your knees and place your feet on the floor. With each breath, move your pelvis back so that your buttocks rest on the surface and your stomach comes out. As you exhale, the pelvis rises slightly, and the feet press into the floor, providing grounding.

After 15-20 respiratory cycles through the mouth (with the departure of inhalations and exhalations into the pelvis), you can finish the exercise.

The pelvis and breathing should correspond to each other, there is no need to strain the buttocks. Do not push the pelvic region up with tight hips and abdomen, because this blocks the sexual experience and all spontaneity of action.

Exercise 3
Stretch regularly too. internal muscles thighs that bring the legs together. To do this, take a supine position, placing under lumbar rolled blanket. Buttocks should touch the floor.

Bend your legs, spread them apart, but the feet should be in contact with each other.
Keep your hands on the sides of the body or on the inside of the thighs, and tilt your head back.
It is necessary to put pressure on the floor with your buttocks and spread your knees without tearing your feet apart.
Hold the pose for a few minutes, letting go of your belly and taking deep belly breaths. With severe pain, you can remove the roller from under the back.
You can continue the exercise by returning your knees to the starting position. The feet should be separated by 50-60 cm, followed by the knees.
Then begin to slowly bring your knees together, but do not squeeze the muscles of the legs. Feel the pleasant vibration of your legs.
Emotional Expression
From Lowen's point of view, bioenergetic therapy should help a person to realize the self. Closely related to the last term is self-expression, i.e. freedom of expression. It is not necessary to manifest the self consciously, sometimes a deep voice and bright eyes are enough, and this cannot be achieved artificially.

Lowen in his experiments teaches people to consider their feelings in a safe environment, expressing fear, anger, and sadness.

The purpose of such exercises is to master self-control, which will help in the future to save a large amount of energy even in a stressful situation.

Bioenergetics makes a person balanced, i.e. promotes coordination of actions and feelings.

Exercise 1
The first exercise introduces a person to protest expression and demonstrates the level of self-expression of the individual. The advantage of these actions is also that they involve in activity lower half torso.

Lie down on a soft surface, relax your legs.
Place your palms on the edge of the bed or mattress.
Raise your leg and start hitting with your heel from top to bottom, at first slowly and lightly, and then harder and faster (from 25 hits at the beginning to 200 times at the end). Strikes should be a solid movement, passing through the entire body.
You need to raise your head with each jump of the foot, and vice versa.
If it is difficult to perform the exercise, you can recall past unfair moments in life. You can also shout “No” while observing deep breathing.

Exercise 2
You can also hit a soft surface with your fists or tennis rackets.

To do this, you need to spread your feet 25 cm, bend your knees, shift your weight on your toes.
Hands are raised behind the head, bending the back and hitting the mattress or bed with screams that will help defuse the accumulated anger.
However, it is necessary to beat not with all the force, but very gracefully and smoothly, bringing the shoulders far back. Hitting is not a muscle contraction, but a free and calm action that gives excitement to the whole body - from the feet to the hands. As a result of the exercise, you can relax the upper half of the back and shoulders.

Exercise 3
If you are working with a partner or in a therapy group, be sure to refer to the exercise for developing trust and unity in a team. In a not too lit space, lie on your back on a soft surface, bend your legs at a distance of 45 cm from each other, relax, close your eyelids.

Focus on taking deep breaths in and out, and in a minute start remembering one event from your childhood when you were limited in your desire to learn something new, when you cried or were furious. Imagine the situation to the smallest detail and try to express your feelings for your parents through tears, screams, any actions.

Then you need to calm down and lie down, inhale and exhale 5-6 times. Then open your eyes, spread your fingers and toes, and after 2-3 minutes put a towel in your mouth. Clamp it with your teeth and begin to drag to relieve pressure in the jaw area.

After 5 minutes, remove the towel and start twisting it aggressively with both hands. Relax, then close your eyes and return to the memories. Think of a different reaction to your parents, voice it, and calm down.

After a couple of minutes, open your eyes and breathe deeply and gently. Change places with a partner whose goal is to calm the patient with his presence, to remind him of the need for verbal manifestations of feelings. It can also relieve tension by massaging certain parts of the body.

Breathing practices
Proper breathing is the key to exciting body vibrations, since oxygen forms the necessary energy in the body.

Lowen's bioenergetic experiences help you become aware of your breathing, make inhalations and exhalations more natural and relaxed.

In adult life, people often suffer from respiratory disorders due to emotional contradictions and, as a result, muscle clamps.

Ideal breathing must necessarily involve the throat, diaphragm, chest, abdominal cavity, and lower ribs. Incomplete breaths and exhalations represent a person's protection from fear and panic.

When working with breathing, it is also important to note the role of a loud voice, which provides confidence in the process of recruiting and assimilating oxygen.

Holding the sound creates blocks, and releasing it resonates in the body and leads to the necessary vibrations. Bioenergetics teaches a person to breathe effortlessly and loudly so that suppressed stress reactions and pain sensations are destroyed under the pressure of sound and freedom.

Sit on a hard surface. Extend the sound "a" for at least 20 seconds. Gradually increase the time of the sound to neutralize the blocks in the breath. As a result of the exercise, people usually notice intense inhalations and exhalations, as well as crying. Also, the sound “a” can be replaced by counting aloud at regular intervals.
Take a sitting posture, breathe relaxedly for a minute. Then make a sound throughout the exhalation. Repeat it as you inhale. Feel the air being sucked into the body, as before a sneeze.
Place a roll of a towel or blanket on a chair. Lie down on it to stretch your back muscles and release your chest while breathing through your mouth. There will be back pain, but it is not too noticeable if there are no problems with the spine. This action helps to release blocked emotions, so a person may sob or vomit.
To remove the throat clamps and deepen your breathing unconsciously, you need to sit down, relax and sound a long moan with each breath. Try to moan and inhale for three cycles. Then change your exhalation moan to “Wow” or fake sobbing to rock yourself into tears or a scream. Pronounce the sounds while inhaling, do not be afraid to cry, because this process perfectly relieves tension and corrects breathing.
Group lessons
With the benefit of breathing, you can also conduct group classes.

Stand in a circle, spreading your feet 90 cm and transferring the weight to the fingers of the lower extremities. Let everyone in the team bend their knees, relax, let the pelvis sag. One palm should be on the stomach.
Look at the opposite participant, inhale deeply through the mouth and send the air through the channel to the abdomen.
As you exhale, let the sound escape from the depths, which you can hold for as long as possible, but without straining.
After 16 slow inhalations and exhalations, you can shake yourself, shake your arms and legs.
As part of the exercise, you do not need to hold back, you need to monitor your feelings and possible obstacles in breathing. At the end, you can jump, taking your feet off the surface a little, walk in a circle, and then relax by moving your body weight forward and straightening your back.

Lowen's bioenergetic exercises revitalize the human body, helping it to release repressed emotions and feelings, as well as resolve internal conflicts. Certain experiences of impact on different parts of the body increase a person's resistance to stress and harmonize the mind with the body shell.

Lesson Basics

Body practice Alexander Lowen It is aimed at generating certain vibrations in the human body. In fact, vibrational waves in this therapy are the general reactions of the physical shell, including the pulsation of both individual organs and entire organic systems. The main thing is only what factor became decisive in the appearance of these vibrations.

The creator of bioenergetics believed that the cause of flowing bodily sensations is excitement, which is a mixture of excitement, desire for intimacy and activity of intuition.

It is in the vibrations that the natural mobility of the individual lies, which is characteristic of emotional activity or spontaneous actions.

Everything that belongs to the sphere of the unconscious is not controlled by the human mind or ego, which means that it is the most natural manifestation of the human essence. In childhood, all individuals are very mobile, but over time, their lifestyle more and more resembles a static one. An early loss of body activity occurs in stressful situations, during depression.

The ideal way of life implies a harmonious balance of conscious and partially conscious actions. A person with such a system of movement is a graceful person, but this grace can be achieved only when striving for higher self-control and self-consciousness. It is precisely bioenergetic therapy that is called upon to acquire such elevation, which weakens the rigidity of the body, increases the energy potential of the individual and deepens his breathing.

How to detect muscle tension

Before choosing a system of exercises, Lowen advises the therapist to diagnose the patient for bodily blocks. First, the client should lie on their back.

Breath analysis

The first stage of the examination is a breath analysis. It is necessary to assess whether the chest and abdomen enter the process of breathing and how often inhalations and exhalations enter the pelvic region. It is necessary to check the chest for the degree of rigidity by slightly pressing on it. It is also worth evaluating the skill of conscious breathing when the specialist asks the client to breathe under his hand placed on the patient's stomach.

Here, the soreness of the abdomen and chest, their bulge, and the reaction to tickling are checked. Then you need to evaluate the hips. The feeling of tickling, soreness, the degree of muscle tension or their excessive laxity are analyzed. Particular attention is paid to the gluteal muscles.

Examination of the muscles of the neck and shoulders

Then the condition of the muscles of the neck and shoulder girdle is examined. Muscles from the cervical spine are carefully studied, where they connect the neck and skull. The therapist looks at the level of soreness, sensitivity from tickling.

Attention is also paid to the throat blocks. They are evidenced by the quiet and high voice of the patient, as well as the occurrence of throat spasms in him during excitement, the appearance of lumps in his voice, frequent nausea with difficult to elicit vomiting.

Examination of the circular muscles of the mouth

Equally, like other muscles, the circular muscles of the mouth are checked, the tension of which is not recognized at all, but is manifested by specific wrinkles and tightly closed lips. Then the therapist checks the soreness of the masticatory muscles.

It is also necessary to diagnose blocks in the eye muscles. They are indicated by radial wrinkles, rare tearing, blurred eyes.

Pelvic mobility study

The next step is to ask the person to stand up. It is necessary to check how mobile the pelvis is during the respiratory process. To analyze blocks in the pelvis, you can perform a simple exercise: take a standing pose with knees slightly bent and feet apart 25 cm apart.

It is necessary to transfer the weight of the body to the toes and set the pelvis as far as possible, while still bending the knees and moving, as in the process of defecation. At this moment, the muscles in the pelvic floor area relax, and then they contract. If a person does not feel the difference, he clearly has a block.

Tension in this area has to do with early teaching about cleanliness or masturbation inhibitions.

Grounding exercises

Alexander Lowen was a supporter of many Eastern practices that highly valued the lower centers of the human body as stores and conductors of energy. Bioenergy suggests that it is vital for a person to stand on the ground with both feet, and firmly and confidently. On a personal level, this gives a sense of independence and security, it also does not allow you to lose contact with reality and your own physical shell.

Grounding allows you to know your sexuality and tune in to receive true pleasures.

These exercises are aimed at focusing attention and shifting the center of gravity to the area below the abdomen in order to be closer to the ground and forever forget about the irrational fear of falling and losing support. In case of successful grounding, a person becomes the owner of a harmonious body, in which there are no barriers to the natural course of vital energy.

In addition, a number of bioenergy experiments in this block allow you to realize which muscles are tense and why it is dangerous for the individual's breathing.

Checking the level of rooting

First, you should check the level of your own rooting on the surface of the earth and the degree of vibration signals.

  • Spread your feet at a distance of 45 cm from each other and turn them slightly inward so that the muscles of the buttocks tighten.
  • Bend forward and touch the floor with your fingers, slightly bending your knees. At the same time, transfer the body weight to the big toes, there is no need to put pressure on the hands.
  • Lower your chin as low as possible without straining your neck. Watch for free and deep breathing through your mouth.
  • You can slightly lift your heels off the floor.
  • Then begin to straighten your legs, pulling the tendons under your knees. Hold the pose for a minute and then reflect on how you feel.

There should be vibratory activity in the legs, marking a wave of excitement in the body, all energy blocks temporarily subside.

For this experience to be successful, two rules must be observed:

  • Always bend your knees. The elasticity of this part of the body allows you to shift the load on the lower back, and this corresponds to the effect of a stressful situation on the body. It is the knees that absorb the shock of a person from any unexpected event and allow the pressure to sink into the depths of the earth.
  • Let go of your belly. Ideas about the ideal figure are almost inextricably linked with thoughts about the smartness of a person. However, tension in the abdomen blocks the spontaneous actions and skills of sexuality. It also significantly complicates abdominal breathing and simply wastes the energy of the individual. It must be remembered that physical tightness always provokes psychological stress, while the released stomach has little to do with the belly. The main block for the movement of energy is located in the navel.

Abdominal relaxation exercise

Lowen's bioenergetics, whose exercises help to feel chronic ailments in the body, pays a lot of attention to relaxing the abdomen. There are two techniques aimed at relieving tension in the abdominal region:

Method 1

  • Place your feet parallel at a distance of 25 cm.
  • Bend your legs a little.
  • Shift your weight onto your heels, pushing forward with a straight but not rigid body, and keep your feet on the floor.
  • Release your belly while maintaining even mouth breathing for a minute. You will feel tension in the lower half of your torso. Think about whether you are breathing with your stomach and whether it is possible to feel like a careless, slumped individual with such a released stomach.

Method 2

The second method of working on the abdomen is called the Arc (Arch, Bow) and is actively used in the oriental technique of Tai Chi. This exercise helps to open the breath in a stressful situation and create the necessary pressure on the legs.

  • Spread your feet 45-50 cm apart, slightly turning them inward.
  • Clench your hands into fists, place them on the lumbar region, turning the knuckles of the thumbs up.
  • Bend your knees as much as possible without lifting your heels off the ground, and bend back.
  • Move over the fists, shifting the weight only forward, onto the feet. Breathe deeply, engaging your belly.

If there is a feeling that the lower back is stretched, then there is muscle tension there. Please note that with relaxed legs, discomfort should not occur in the hips or knees.

Exercise 2

Place your feet parallel, bend your knees, relax your pelvis and take it back a little. The upper half of the body should go forward without tilting, as in a fall. The body weight is transferred to the tips of the feet.

Keep your head and torso in line so you don't lose your balance. Raise your chin, look straight ahead.

Visualize a heavy basket on your head. Your chest is drawn in and your belly expands to make your breathing as full as possible. The earth supports you. Tight muscles in this position are slowly stretched, so you may feel pain at first.

Exercise 3

For maximum rooting, it is helpful to change your gait so that each step is associated with a conscious sense of being in contact with the ground. Move slowly and transfer your body weight to each foot in turn. No need to hold your breath or strain your shoulders, blocking the knee muscles also negatively affects.

When walking, a person should feel that his center of gravity is shifting down, from which a sense of security and grace grows.

Exercise 4

Place your feet 20 cm wide and squat down. Hold the position without external supports, in extreme cases, grab the furniture.

The feet should be pressed to the floor, and the weight of the body is transferred to the toes. You can facilitate the exercise with a soft roller under the heels. The task of such an exercise is to stretch the muscles of the legs, relieve them of tension, therefore it is useful to periodically shift the body weight back and forth. The soreness of this posture is associated with blocks in the legs, so you can sometimes kneel down and sit on your heels, but this also causes discomfort due to energy stagnation in the legs and feet.

Exercise 5

Take a seated position in a chair. Put your feet on the floor, start lifting the torso without resting on furniture, pushing from the ground. To do this, transfer the body weight to the front of the feet, then rest against them and spring up.

This exercise allows you to experience the closest contact with the ground and does not require as much effort.

Exercise 6

Place your feet at a distance of 30 cm from each other, bend your knees and put your hands on them. The purpose of this workout is to move the pelvis to the sides at the expense of the lower extremities, while keeping the upper half of the body passive.

It is necessary to transfer the body weight to the pads of the right foot, straighten the corresponding knee and tilt the pelvis to the right. Then the action is repeated with the left limbs, and the pelvis is shifted to the left.

The exercise must be repeated 5 times in each direction in order to realize that a true grounded movement excites and looks graceful, while forced turns of the pelvis with twisting of the entire torso do not bring pleasure.

Activation of the pelvic muscles

A tight stomach is a consequence of limiting one's own sexuality. However, the flow of sexual feelings may not even reach this area if the pelvic area is not free. Blocks in the pelvic area interfere with the necessary vibrations, they also negatively affect the way the head is held.

Alexander Lowen noted that most often a person tightens the buttocks, and the pelvis pushes forward, creating a strong stressful tension in the lower back, in the lower back. When the pelvis is pulled back, sexual feelings enter the genitals, and this helps the personality to be energetically discharged. Without relaxed pelvic muscles, a person is not able to feel grounded in the sexual area of ​​his life.

That is why, within the framework of bioenergetic therapy, one must learn to spontaneously rock the pelvis. At the same time, however, one should not forget about the need for vibrations in the legs and harmonious breathing movements.

Exercise 1

Stand up and bend your knees slightly, spread your feet 30 cm apart. Transfer your body weight to the balls of your big toes, release your stomach and calmly place your palms on your hips. Begin to rotate your hips from side to side, grabbing only the pelvis, and not the upper half of the torso or legs.

Breathe freely using only your mouth. Move 12 times to the left and the same number to the right. Try to keep the pelvic floor relaxed, as well as the anus.

Usually this exercise is not given to those who suffer from sexual problems or lack of grounding.

Exercise 2

Now try to become aware of the blocks at the base of the back and in the pelvis. Lie down on the ground, bend your knees and place your feet on the floor. With each breath, move your pelvis back so that your buttocks rest on the surface and your stomach comes out. As you exhale, the pelvis rises slightly, and the feet press into the floor, providing grounding.

After 15-20 breathing cycles through the mouth (with the departure of inhalations and exhalations into the pelvis), you can finish the exercise.

The pelvis and breathing should correspond to each other, there is no need to strain the buttocks. Do not push the pelvic region up with tight hips and abdomen, because this blocks the sexual experience and all spontaneity of action.

Exercise 3

Regularly also stretch the inner thigh muscles that bring the legs together. To do this, take a supine position, placing a folded blanket under the lumbar region. Buttocks should touch the floor.

  • Bend your legs, spread them apart, but the feet should be in contact with each other.
  • Keep your hands on the sides of the body or on the inside of the thighs, and tilt your head back.
  • It is necessary to put pressure on the floor with your buttocks and spread your knees without tearing your feet apart.
  • Hold the pose for a few minutes, letting go of your belly and taking deep belly breaths. With severe pain, you can remove the roller from under the back.
  • You can continue the exercise by returning your knees to the starting position. The feet should be separated by 50-60 cm, followed by the knees.
  • Then begin to slowly bring your knees together, but do not squeeze the muscles of the legs. Feel the pleasant vibration of your legs.

Emotional Expression

From Lowen's point of view, bioenergetic therapy should help a person to realize the self. Self-expression, that is, freedom of expression, is closely related to the latter term. It is not necessary to manifest the self consciously, sometimes a deep voice and bright eyes are enough, and this cannot be achieved artificially.

Lowen in his experiments teaches people to consider their feelings in a safe environment, expressing fear, anger, and sadness.

The purpose of such exercises is to master self-control, which will help in the future to save a large amount of energy even in a stressful situation.

Bioenergy makes a person balanced, i.e., promotes the coordination of actions and feelings.

Exercise 1

The first exercise introduces a person to protest expression and demonstrates the level of self-expression of the individual. The advantage of these actions is also that they involve the lower half of the body in the activity.

  • Lie down on a soft surface, relax your legs.
  • Place your palms on the edge of the bed or mattress.
  • Raise your leg and start hitting with your heel from top to bottom, at first slowly and lightly, and then harder and faster (from 25 hits at the beginning to 200 times at the end). Strikes should be a solid movement, passing through the entire body.
  • You need to raise your head with each jump of the foot, and vice versa.

If it is difficult to perform the exercise, you can recall past unfair moments in life. You can also shout "No" while observing deep breathing.

Exercise 2

You can also hit a soft surface with your fists or tennis rackets.

  • To do this, you need to spread your feet 25 cm, bend your knees, shift your weight on your toes.
  • Hands are raised behind the head, bending the back and hitting the mattress or bed with screams that will help defuse the accumulated anger.

However, it is necessary to beat not with all the force, but very gracefully and smoothly, bringing the shoulders far back. Hitting is not a muscle contraction, but a free and calm action that gives excitement to the whole body - from the feet to the hands. As a result of the exercise, you can relax the upper half of the back and shoulders.

Exercise 3

If you are working with a partner or in a therapy group, be sure to refer to the exercise for developing trust and unity in a team. In a not too lit space, lie on your back on a soft surface, bend your legs at a distance of 45 cm from each other, relax, close your eyelids.

Focus on taking deep breaths in and out, and in a minute start remembering one event from your childhood when you were limited in your desire to learn something new, when you cried or were furious. Imagine the situation to the smallest detail and try to express your feelings for your parents through tears, screams, any actions.

Then you need to calm down and lie down, inhale and exhale 5-6 times. Then open your eyes, spread your fingers and toes, and after 2-3 minutes put a towel in your mouth. Clamp it with your teeth and begin to drag to relieve pressure in the jaw area.

After 5 minutes, remove the towel and start twisting it aggressively with both hands. Relax, then close your eyes and return to the memories. Think of a different reaction to your parents, voice it, and calm down.

After a couple of minutes, open your eyes and breathe deeply and gently. Change places with a partner whose goal is to calm the patient with his presence, to remind him of the need for verbal manifestations of feelings. It can also relieve tension by massaging certain parts of the body.

Breathing practices

Proper breathing is the key to exciting body vibrations, since oxygen forms the necessary energy in the body.

Lowen's bioenergetic experiences help you become aware of your breathing, make inhalations and exhalations more natural and relaxed.

In adult life, people often suffer from respiratory disorders due to emotional contradictions and, as a result, muscle clamps.

Ideal breathing must necessarily involve the throat, diaphragm, chest, abdominal cavity, and lower ribs. Incomplete breaths and exhalations represent a person's protection from fear and panic.

When working with breathing, it is also important to note the role of a loud voice, which provides confidence in the process of recruiting and assimilating oxygen.

Holding the sound creates blocks, and releasing it resonates in the body and leads to the necessary vibrations. Bioenergetics teaches a person to breathe effortlessly and loudly so that suppressed stress reactions and pain sensations are destroyed under the pressure of sound and freedom.

  • Sit on a hard surface. Extend the sound "a" for at least 20 seconds. Gradually increase the time of the sound to neutralize the blocks in the breath. As a result of the exercise, people usually notice intense inhalations and exhalations, as well as crying. Also, the sound "a" can be replaced by counting out loud at a constant frequency.
  • Take a sitting posture, breathe relaxedly for a minute. Then make a sound throughout the exhalation. Repeat it as you inhale. Feel the air being sucked into the body, as before a sneeze.
  • Place a roll of a towel or blanket on a chair. Lie down on it to stretch your back muscles and release your chest while breathing through your mouth. There will be back pain, but it is not too noticeable if there are no problems with the spine. This action helps to release blocked emotions, so a person may sob or vomit.
  • To remove the throat clamps and deepen your breathing unconsciously, you need to sit down, relax and sound a long moan with each breath. Try to moan and inhale for three cycles. Then change your exhaled moan to "Wow" or fake sobbing to rock yourself into tears or a scream. Pronounce the sounds while inhaling, do not be afraid to cry, because this process perfectly relieves tension and corrects breathing.

Group lessons

With the benefit of breathing, you can also conduct group classes.

  • Stand in a circle, spreading your feet 90 cm and transferring the weight to the fingers of the lower extremities. Let everyone in the team bend their knees, relax, let the pelvis sag. One palm should be on the stomach.
  • Look at the opposite participant, inhale deeply through the mouth and send the air through the channel to the abdomen.
  • As you exhale, let the sound escape from the depths, which you can hold for as long as possible, but without straining.
  • After 16 slow inhalations and exhalations, you can shake yourself, shake your arms and legs.

As part of the exercise, you do not need to hold back, you need to monitor your feelings and possible obstacles in breathing. At the end, you can jump, taking your feet off the surface a little, walk in a circle, and then relax by moving your body weight forward and straightening your back.

Additional techniques

Exercise 1

To work on your own grace, it is useful to study spontaneous movements at the time of everyday activities, such as cooking in the kitchen or walking. Try to be aware of your movements, feel the steps, but do not think about them. The body must move at its own pace.

To understand the accuracy and grace of your movements, it is also useful to stretch out your hand, pressing your feet to the floor and bending your knees. At the moment of the gesture, you need to lean forward a little, feeling how the wave rises from the ground and passes through the body.

With such a supply of any movement, the isolation of the body disappears.

Exercise 2

Lowen pays great attention to the ability of a person to be in touch with his feelings and reality. You can not constantly use the body mechanically, so bioenergetics offers simple experiments to realize your own body. In particular, you can sit in a chair, raise your arms, bend back well and tip over the back of the chair. The bend of the body should be full, you need to hold the position for 30 seconds, while breathing through your mouth.

Practice helps to feel the tension in the shoulders, in the back. Most people intuitively want to hunch over again after exercise, although this should not be allowed. It must be remembered that a soft spine does not allow you to withstand stressful situations, and vice versa, a hard back does not allow you to bend easily if necessary.

Exercise 3

The harmony of sexuality and spirituality is achieved by several techniques. Firstly, you can admire your back in the mirror when you turn your head. In this case, you need to move the pelvis back and forth, placing the feet 15 cm apart. It is important to realize the difference between a compressed pelvis, which automatically reduces growth and ugly rounds the back, and a set back pelvis, straightening the spine. As part of this exercise, it is also useful to bend your knees, relax your pelvis and breathe as deeply as possible so that the wave reaches the lower torso.

Secondly, bioenergetics are advised to spread the feet by 20 cm, bend the legs, move the torso forward and relax. It is necessary to release the pelvis, inhale with the stomach and increase pressure on the pelvic floor. This should relax the sphincter. Then consciously tighten the anus, pelvis and buttocks. The tension will immediately rise several times. These movements will help develop sensitivity to your pelvis, make sexual sensations more pronounced.

Exercise 4

The overall dynamics of the body is often determined by the rotation of the head or the central transverse axis of the body, i.e., the waist. This exercise is repeated in the morning, 5-10 times. You need to stand up, bend your knees, spread your feet and look over your left shoulder so that your head turns as much as possible. The pose is held for several deep breaths and exhalations so that muscle tension is created from the skull to the back.

Then repeat the turns to the right. You can also raise your arms with your elbows apart and turn either to the right or to the left, keeping the spinal muscles and the waist in tension.

Don't forget about abdominal breathing and shifting your weight to the front of your feet.

Exercise 5

Do regular facial work as well. Bioenergetics advise to get up and push the chin for 30 seconds to strain the temporomandibular muscles. At the same time, you can move your jaw to the sides, feeling a slight pain in the back of the head. Then the mouth opens very wide so that 3 fingers fit in it.

After a few seconds, there is a period of relaxation of the chin, then it retracts. The task of a person is to clench his fists and shout “No!” convincingly.


Bioenergy favors massage, which allows you to feel muscle tension in different parts of the body. Together with a partner, therapists recommend performing a back massage when the client is sitting cross-legged, and the assistant massages him from the edge of the shoulders to the spine, while kneeling behind.

You need to press a little with your hands, and also knock with the ribs of your palms in places where energy tension is felt. You can even tap hard spots with your knuckles. Neck massage is also performed, but only the right hand works, while the left hand holds the head.

With a headache, bioenergetics are allowed to massage the line from the lower part of the skull to the top of the head with three fingers. And the so-called walking partner on the back of the patient is very useful, although this exercise has many contraindications.

Exercise 7

Bioenergetic therapy offers not only dynamic exercises, but also relaxation sessions. Sit somewhere in a quiet corner, press parallel feet to the floor, raise your head. Let your hands rest on your knees. Feel the contact between your buttocks and the surface underneath you.

Close your eyelids, think about your breath, allowing the process of inhalation and exhalation to flow freely. A wave runs through the body in each cycle of breathing, which goes on top of the breaths, and vice versa. On exhalation, the wave should reach the base of the abdomen and pelvis, so you need to let go of the stomach, and lower the buttocks as much as possible.

The exercise is performed for 10 minutes, while the pulsation in the body and the connection with the Universe are felt.

Lowen's bioenergetic exercises involve various manipulations with the body, the purpose of which is to understand oneself and one's character through energy and metabolic processes in the body.

These experiences synthesize consciousness therapy with physical activities to achieve resolution of emotional and psychological difficulties and increase resistance to stressful situations in life.

Working for muscle tone of your torso, it is important to never forget that the activity of consciousness always reflects the state of the body shell, as well as vice versa. Therefore, structured pressure on different parts of the body, as well as touching touches, always help not only to relax the muscles, but to free your life force from the shackles of social and personal restrictions.

Body Life: Bioenergetic Exercise

In the first chapter, I mentioned that before my meeting with the Reich, I was involved in sports and gymnastics. The life of the body has always had a special attraction for me: it is that which can usually lead to external existence. But I was equally involved in the life of the mind, so I could not fully devote myself to one side or the other of my personality. I sort of split in two, hoping to find a solution.

Of course, this problem is not unique to me. A large number of people in civilized cultures suffer from this dichotomy. And many cultures have had to devise ways to keep the bodily life alive against the conflicting demands of intellectual life. In Western culture, one of these paths has been and remains sport. The Greeks, one of the first to discover the importance of the life of the body, attached great importance to sports.

In direct proportion to the withdrawal (or removal) of culture from the nature and life of the body, there is an increasing need for special activities to occupy and mobilize the body. Thus, today we are witnessing a growing interest in sports along with a growing awareness of the importance regular exercise for physical health. Several physical education programs have gained wide popularity over the past ten years, among them the Royal Canadian Air Force exercises and aerobics, in which running at a warm-up pace is the main exercise. Unfortunately, American attitudes towards the body are heavily encrusted with ego considerations. The result of this is that, for most people, bodily pleasure and sport satisfaction come second to ego satisfaction from winning. Focusing on winning often increases the level of tension, activity, which directly negates its value in stimulating and releasing the body. We are all familiar with the golfer whose morning is ruined by a weak shot on the ball. Such an ego leads to the achievement of the goal and to staying on a par with fashion, it also gives rise to our physical education programs. We carry them out to support our appearance, contribute to our idea of ​​health or develop muscles. Is our perfect body has the qualities racehorse, sleek, tidy and ready to win.

The life of the body is feelings: a feeling of cheerfulness, fullness of life, health, excitement, anger, sadness, joy, and, finally, satisfaction. What leads people to therapy is a lack of feelings or a disorder of feelings. I have found that athletes, dancers and gym fanatics suffer from this deficiency or disorder just as much as anyone else. In the same way, I once, despite my passion for sports and physical education, through therapy was able to reach and open my feelings and thus restore some life in my body. Reichian therapy and bioenergetics are aimed at these goals.

But the problem remained. How does a person keep the life of the body current and full after the cessation of therapy? Our life-denying culture provides no help for this need. This question was never considered by Reich. He believed that a person himself finds a solution, directing his energy outward. His philosophy was expressed in the saying: “Love, work and knowledge are the source of life. They must also manage it.” This statement leaves only sexual activity as the main way for expressing the life of the body - the way as a whole is too narrow and limited.

My personal decision was to use bioenergetic exercises designed to promote therapy daily at home. Now I've been doing them for about twenty years. Not only have they enabled me to stay in touch with my body and keep it alive, but they have also continued the growth that therapy started. I have found them so helpful that I ask my patients to do them at home in addition to therapy. The value of these exercises has been confirmed by everyone who has done them. We are currently developing regular classes with bioenergetic exercises for patients and other people who have trusted in the life of the body. Since this support to the body is continuous, we expect the person to make a similar commitment to exercise.

The release from the spell of anti-life Western culture has led many people to become interested in Eastern religion, philosophy, and other disciplines. Most of them recognize the need for bodily exercise programs for spiritual development. The widespread interest in yoga is a clear proof of this. I was interested in yoga before I met Reich, but it didn't appeal to my Western mind. However, during my work with Reich, I became aware of some similarities between practical yoga and Reichian therapy. In both systems, the emphasis is on the importance of breathing. The difference between the two schools of thought lay in their direction. Yoga is directed inward, towards spiritual development, Reichian therapy is directed outward, towards creativity and pleasure. The reconciliation of these two views is, of course, necessary, and I hope that bioenergy can help in this. Some of the foremost yoga teachers in India have expressed their personal attitude towards the bioenergetic understanding of the body - an understanding that enables them to adapt yoga techniques to Western needs.

More recently, other oriental body-oriented disciplines have become popular in our country. The most famous are the Chinese exercises tai chi chuan. Both yoga and tai chi emphasize the importance of body awareness, achieving coordination and grace, and acquiring spiritual consciousness through identification with the body. In this they are very different from Western physical education programs, which are focused on strength and control.

Where are bioenergetic exercises reflected? They are a combination of Eastern and Western approaches. As for the Eastern disciplines, they carefully avoid power and control in favor of the grace, coordination and spirituality of the body. They also seek to promote self-expression and sexuality. Thus, they serve to open the inner life of the body and also help to extend this life to the outer world. They are especially designed to help a person cope with his tensions, which hinder the life of the body. But like all Eastern practices, they will work if they become an activity that is performed not mechanically or forcibly, but with a sense of pleasure and a sense of meaning.

I can't imagine here full list exercises that we use in bioenergetics. I hope to do so in another book. I may add that they are not formal and can be modified to fit a particular need and a particular situation. However, I will describe a significant number of these exercises as we explore the basic principles to show their purpose. One of the core exercises was designed from the beginning to help me get stronger on my legs and feet and become more grounded. It is called an arch, or arc, and is considered as the main position of tension (Fig. 4).

The line superimposed on the figure shows the correct arch or curve of the body. The center point of the shoulders is directly above the center point of the feet, and the line connecting these points is an almost perfect arch through the center point of the hips.

When the body is in this position, its parts are perfectly balanced: dynamically - the bow is stretched and ready for action, energetically - the body is charged from the feet to the head. This means that there is a flow of excitation through the entire body. A person feels his feet on the ground and his head in the air, he also feels that he is a single whole. Because this position is an energetically charged position of tension, the legs will begin to vibrate.

We use this position to enable the person to feel a sense of wholeness and integration by standing firmly on their feet and holding their head up. But we also use this position for diagnosis, because it allows you to immediately detect a lack of integrity in the body and indicate the nature and location of the underlying muscle tension. Now I will describe how this affects the arch.

We have used this position and exercise in our work for more than eighteen years. Imagine my surprise when a patient showed me a photograph of Chinese people doing exactly the same exercise (Fig. 5).

The title and comments were the most interesting. Tao means the way. The path of tao passes in the formation of harmony of a person with his inner world, as well as with the outside world and with the Universe. External harmony actually depends on internal harmony, which can be achieved through a "combination of bodily movement and breathing technique." Bioenergetics aims to achieve the same harmony by the same means. Many of our patients have used various variations of tai chi exercises in combination with bioenergetics. The Chinese, however, started with the assumption that they did not have significant bodily impairments that prevented them from doing the exercise correctly. This assumption cannot be applied to Westerners. And whether it is fair for the Chinese today is a moot point.

A common problem I see with people is a general tightness and stiffness in the body that prevents people from bending their body. The line connecting the midpoint of the shoulders and the midpoint of the feet is straight (Fig. 6).

In this case, there is a noticeable inflexibility of the legs. The person is completely unable to bend their ankles. Tension in the lower back prevents arching. The pelvis is slightly retracted.

The opposite condition is hyper-compliance of the back, i.e. when it bends too much. This means weakness in the muscles of the back, which I attribute to insufficient sensation in the spine. When the body is rigid, then the person is too rigid, and in this case the body and the person are very easily influenced. In both cases, the arch is done incorrectly, thus there is no sense of integrity and smoothness of the lines, there is no sense of internal and external harmony. There is a break point on the arc line. The lower back does not serve to support the body; this function is taken over abdominal muscles, which are greatly reduced (Fig. 7).

Another common violation is a tear in the arch due to a strong retraction of the pelvis. This is in contrast to the previous condition, when the pelvis is too forward. Such a violation is shown in Fig. 8.

If in this position a person pushes his pelvis forward, his knees straighten. He can only bend his knees by pushing his pelvis back. Noticeable tension in the lower back, as well as along the back of the legs.

If you look at the body from the front, then sometimes the division of the body into segments becomes noticeable. The main parts of the body, head and neck, torso and legs do not lie in one line. Head and neck tilted to the right or left. The torso is tilted in the opposite direction, and the legs are at an angle to the torso. I have drawn this position with a line showing angularity (Fig. 9).

These angularities show that the body is not joined together. They represent fragments of the whole personality, typical of the schizoid or schizophrenic personality. Shizo means splitting. If a split exists in the personality, it must also exist in the body on an energetic level. Man is his body.

A few years ago, my assistants and I were invited to give lectures demonstrating bioenergy methods to a group of doctors and students of the National Institute of mental health(National Institute of Mental Health). My lecture touched on the close relationship between the body and the personality. After the lecture, we were asked to demonstrate our ability to make a psychiatric diagnosis from the body without knowing anything about the person. We were introduced in succession to several people who were being studied by doctors from the institute. I asked each person to assume the tense position described above to see how well their body lines up. After observing the patient's body for a short time, I and my assistants were placed in different rooms and called in turns so that we could not consult each other to announce the diagnosis.

We all made the same diagnoses, matching the conclusions of the doctors from the institute. In two cases the splitting of the line of the body was so clear that it was easy to establish the diagnosis of a schizoid personality. In the third case, excessive rigidity was the dominant quality. One of the schizoid patients showed an unusual quality: his eyes were of different colors. When I brought this to my attention, I was surprised that not a single person in the room noticed it. Like most psychologists and psychiatrists, they were trained to listen, not to look. They were interested in the patient's thoughts and life history, not in his body and what it expresses. They have not yet learned to read body language.

Bodily disturbances such as those described above support symptoms that prompt a person to seek medical attention. A rigid person will be stubborn and unyielding in situations that require softness and tenderness. A person whose back is too soft and bendy will lack aggression when needed. All patients feel out of harmony with themselves and with the outside world. For them, performing the arch exercise will not restore harmony until they can do it correctly. However, this will help them feel the tensions in the body that prevent them from doing this exercise correctly. These tensions can be found through other bioenergetic exercises; some of them will be described in later chapters of this book.

When I say that a person doing the arch correctly is in harmony with the universe, I have no doubt and no reservations, because I have not seen a person with a serious emotional problem who is able to do this exercise accurately. It does not depend on practice, since this position cannot be memorized. This is not a static position. The person in this position is asked to breathe deeply and completely. A person must be able to maintain the functioning and integrity of the body in tension. Regular exercise helps a lot. It helps a person find a connection with his body, feel violations and tensions and understand their meaning. It also helps to maintain a sense of harmony with the universe, if one has achieved it. This is a challenge to the technological culture.

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Seminar “First step. Power of Life” Energy structure of a person (first stage), cleaning of the Rivers of Life Force, “Fiery” and “Air” circles of rotation of vital forces. Work with the energy of the Air and the energy of the Earth. Working with products and things. Target programming of water.

The training is built on the basis of Vedic knowledge about the essence and structure of the human body and soul, presented through the prism of modern concepts of energy interactions, in the human soul and body, between souls, between people and other inhabitants of waking and navi. The technique is very effective for quick and high-quality restoration of the "Rivers of Vital Force" of a person, gaining skills to replenish the "reserves" of vital forces, mastering the skills of managing "subtle" bodies and interactions at energy levels. The basics of interaction with the information-energy matrix of waking objects are given. The basics of targeted water programming will also be shown.

1) you will learn how charms / charms are located in the human body. What organs are they associated with and how do they affect your life.

2) you will learn to determine your "leading" charms, strengths and weaknesses, as well as identify the leading charms of other people. This knowledge will help you communicate and interact harmoniously with other people in the community.

3) you will learn the diagnostics of the condition and the techniques of purification of the Rivers of Vitality. This will increase your immunity, spiritual potential and increase your sensitivity to "subtle" energies.

4) You will learn techniques for increasing sensitivity.

5) Activate the "Fire" and "Air" circles of rotation of vital forces. This will provide your body and soul with a constant supply of vitality. It will develop in your body the ability to store more energy.

6) With the help of "Fiery" and "Air" circles of rotation of vital forces, strengthen the work of your charms / chakras, energize them.

7) You will learn to determine what information is contained in products / things and how it affects you. Learn to correct it, fill products and things with energy that is useful to you.

8) you will learn water programming techniques. This ability can be used for healing, raising the physical tone of the body.

And most importantly, start cleaning yourself mentally, i.e. get rid of bad habits (smoking, alcohol, drugs, stimulants, tranquilizers), all kinds of harmful addictions (television, computer games, meaningless books, negative ways of thinking), stop complaining about your life once and for all (only then will you become a full-fledged creator of your life, when you take back the keys to your life from other people, egregors, spirits, etc. I will explain: when you blame someone for something, then you do not completely control this aspect of your life, but the owner of this part of your life is your “accused”, and you, although this is your life, cannot fully control your being). Remember, YOUR whole life, in all its aspects and forms, is only yours, and what happens to you happens “by order” of your soul or by its silent consent, all the events of your life are created by you, for learning and development, if if you don’t like something, learn how to do what you like;)) all the people you “face” are attracted to you by your soul and you have already met many of today’s acquaintances in other lives and worlds! And what is happening to you now, what material and spiritual “resource” you have now, is your “earnings” (karma / karna) and the result of the experience of all YOUR past lives.
With each of your “levels”, the power of your thoughts will be more material, therefore, the responsibility will also increase, be prepared. Think positively, help your family, communicate with your ancestors and they will help you to understand and master their knowledge.

and a bit of magic...

Magic and Bioenergetics are two sides of the same coin!
Remember: Magic is a very precise control of what you really are at the moment, and what you specifically know how to do. Only then do you have a chance to develop. And if you say that you have been for a long time, for three years already ... then it is impossible to teach you.
There is a danger of wishful thinking in magic. A person has read the table of contents of a book on magic he has just bought and, on the basis of this, considers himself omnipotent, he thinks that he can do absolutely everything. For such "almighty" the path to learning is closed. And it is closed for one simple reason - it is impossible to get to where you think you are already. Such a person cuts off the path to learning for himself.
Magic, as already mentioned, is a science and an art. But I would like to add one more point. Magic is also a lifestyle, a philosophy of life. It is impossible to be a magician for ten minutes, then become an ordinary person again, and then again a magician. That is why teaching this science is quite difficult.
A beginner only occasionally immerses himself in magic, a student uses it in 10-30% of his time, and a master in 95-100%.

Let's start with the Slavic understanding of Chara/chakra.
1. Energy center.

Chara (chakra) is a bidirectional energy vortex in a human shell, which is able to receive, transform, produce, accumulate and give energy.
An energy shell that separates us from the outside world. Accordingly, when it breaks, life ends.
Charms are possible positions for fixing the Consciousness.
There are 12 main Rivers of Life, each of which has a connection with the Big Kolo, and the same River is associated with one or another organ. That is, Big Kolo has a connection with any organ.
When Consciousness is fixed on any of the ten spells (Fig. 1), the circulation of energy in the Rivers of Life increases, associated with the organs located in this area and interconnected with this spell.
Performing the practice of concentrating one's attention on certain spells, they are activated and the Consciousness (concentration of consciousness) is shifted to a given position.
Seers can observe seven main luminous spots in the human body, and one spell is always more active than all the others. It is in the area of ​​this spell that a person has Consciousness.

In the Slavic tradition there is a teaching about the system of ten main charms. You need to understand that enchantments differ in energy saturation, tasks performed, etc.
There are ten main spells, but if you go deeper, then all organs and glands, all lymph nodes are also spells, but of a “lower” level, and if you go even deeper, then every cell of our body also radiates, absorbs, processes energy and is the most small spell. Therefore, I respect all other teachings and traditions that describe the structure of human charms / chakras, but I adhere to the tradition of our ancestors.

ROOTS - the first charm of the body, has a brown color, is located at the level of the feet, communicates with the Earth, is a source of filling bodily strength. Through foot goes in the Flesh body, the earth energy is blue. Through the Roots comes the “grounding” of a person, which is extremely important for health.
Element - Earth, Gods Veles and Makosha (each element has a male and female manifestation at the divine level, as well as its active and passive form, but more on that later ...)
In the Indian system (for example) there is no description of this charm, but the energy, passing through the legs of a person, still develops this charm over time. But if a person initially develops chara, then his development will be faster and more qualitative.

SOURCE (Muladhara) - the second chara, has one vortex flow directed from the earth. It absorbs the power of the Earth and radiates to the least extent. Gives energy to LIVE! It nourishes the function of survival, the color is red, it is located in the coccyx area, between the anus and the genitals. Responsible for security and bodily survival, for the energy necessary for the "building" of the body, determines confidence in the world and internal strength. The element of this center is Earth, which gives strength to our muscles and bones. This center neutralizes and calms the action of all other forces. If the work of the Source dominates in a person’s life, then the person is often overweight, while tolerating the actions and views of other people, people do not strive to live where “where the curve will take you”, they do not make any efforts to change life for the better. The type of behavior of such a person can be characterized - Storekeeper.

When the work of this center is disturbed, a person becomes an egoist with a capital letter, he overeats, sleeps too much, indulges in laziness. At the bodily level, this chara is responsible for the work of the adrenal glands, Bladder, spine, genitals, hence the responsibility for childbearing and reproductive ability. In this center is the source of the dormant Fiery Force.

The gods are Veles and Makosha.

Tuning technique

At first, perceive the color red by imagining concentrating on the charm. Tune in to his vibrations. Do this until you feel a slight movement of energy in yourself. Feel the waves of red energy spreading through your body.
The source (red chara) is located in men between the anus and the base of the penis, in women - on the back wall of the cervix. Put a red bud in this area, then a blooming flower.

Feel the lower abdomen filled with red energy.

The energy of each spell should spread evenly throughout the body and aura. It looks like a ball filled with red energy, in the center of which you are. There may be many blocks in your body that prevent red energy from spreading. Your task is to gradually dissolve them, increasing your saturation with energy. Or take them out of your shells, but the most important thing is to find the cause of their occurrence, the moment at which they arose.
Imagine how the surface of the Earth is located in the lower surface of the ball, connect with it, be filled with its power, call it. Earth energy is very important. It gives confidence, helps in achieving goals. The goal of our harmonization is for a person to stand on the ground. Then he will be able to successfully realize himself in life.

See how on outer surface ball reflects the sun. How it is filled with the power of the Sun, and its energy connects with the red energy of the bubble.

The ball is filled with a beautiful red color - inside and on the surface.

You are filled with the energy of life, health, youth, vigor (remember the pleasant moments of your life, joyful events, those moments when you were energetic, self-confident, felt your strength). Watch the distribution of energy throughout your body, pay attention to places where red energy does not penetrate, or penetrates poorly. Direct your attention to them, help the red energy to go there. If there are places of oversaturation, redirect energy from them to places of shortage.

Feel your connection to the Earth. Your red roots coming from the bowels of the Earth, nourishing and supporting you. With such roots, you will cope with any difficulties.

Tell yourself “I want to live. I have the power of life." Feel the agreement of your body with these words. If something resists, dissolve. See what's stopping you, ask why.

The theme of violence and survival.

Red energy (the energy of the Source enchantment) is responsible for survival, vitality. This means that it directly concerns the theme of violence, resistance to violence, the theme of defending oneself, one's vital interests, fears of violence. In order for a person to have a lot of energy, the issues of reaction to violence must be resolved at a subconscious level. This is directly affected by the memory from past lives with violent deaths, and the commission of murder by the person himself. For those who, during adjustments to past lives, had pictures of their own deaths, work through these pictures with the help of harmony, red energy and God the Patron. Restore red energy there, heal wounds. Make decisions about your ability to further defend yourself.

Who had pictures of how they themselves killed someone - to forgive themselves (and ask for forgiveness), to remove the feeling of guilt. draw conclusions for the future.

Others may recall incidents of violence from this life that cause an unpleasant feeling when recalling. It may even be a forcible compulsion to eat: in childhood, for example, in kindergarten. Unloved porridge or jelly. Physical punishment by parents.

Clean up these records, restore faith in yourself in them. Find a reasonable compromise. Fill yourself with red energy there.
"I can stand up for myself, I'm strong, I'm confident."

ZAROD (Svadhisthana) - the third spell, orange color, Element - Water, energy I WANT! The gods are Wodan and Dana. Responsible for childbearing, procreation and love power, sexuality, reproduction and consumption. It is sometimes called the "sex center". From here the sexual energy can be transformed into higher energies. This center determines satisfaction with life and the ability to give, physical pleasures and attractive aspects of pleasure. Feelings of guilt and humiliation are also hidden here - this is one of the habitats of the shadow "I". This charm is also called sacral, it is responsible for the functioning of the reproductive organs, genitourinary system, kidneys, genital glands, legs, prostate gland in men, mammary, Bartholian glands and ovaries in women. This center contributes to the production of sperm, body tissues, nerve cells, is responsible for the activity of the lymph glands that protect us from diseases. If the activity of this spell dominates in a person, then he is friendly, polite, disposes to himself, has pleasant, gentle manners, they are successful and have excellent health, they easily settle quarrels and riots. When the work of this center is disturbed, people become selfish, envy the achievements of other people, become painfully sensitive to everything that surrounds them, lustful and sometimes evil.

The type of behavior of such a person can be characterized - KVNshchik.

Tuning technique

At first, perceive the color orange in order to better feel the vibrations of orange energy, to feel their diversity, and to develop it in yourself. Not only through color, but also through the primary element “water”. Feel the waves of orange energy spreading through your body. Zarod (orange chara) is located three fingers below the navel, in the pubic area. Place an orange flower in the area. Feel the source of orange energy there.

Feel the lower abdomen filled with orange energy.

The energy of each spell should spread evenly throughout the body and aura. It looks like a ball filled with orange energy, in the center of which you are. But, there may be many blocks in your body that prevent the spread of orange energy. Your task is to gradually dissolve them, increasing your saturation with energy.

See how the surface of the Earth is reflected in the bottom surface of the ball. At this moment there is an alignment with the core of the Earth, the ball takes root. At this point, you can put it on Earth. The vibrations of the earth are very important. They give confidence, help in achieving goals.

See how the Sun is reflected on the outer surface of the ball. At this point, alignment with the field of the Sun occurs, and its energy connects with the orange energy of the bubble.

The bubble fills with a beautiful orange color - inside and on the surface.

Imagine and feel how orange energy radiates from the spell in all directions, fills the whole body and all shells.
For greater effect, start moving the orange flower up your body. You can put it in the joints and feel their filling with orange energy. It gives an excellent result if you put a flower of energy in each joint in your legs. Say to yourself, "My body and soul are opening to joy and happiness." Feel the agreement of your body with these words. If something resists, dissolve. See what's stopping you, ask why.

Setting for those who want to get pregnant.

Attune to orange energy first, fill with orange energy. I would like to draw your attention to the fact that if in the process of attuning to color, or during attunement to conception, you experience discomfort, these are blocks that interfere with the work of your orange spell, or prevent you from getting pregnant.

You definitely need to work with them, see what is written there, and remove them. This is especially true for those who are unable to get pregnant, because. this setting activates the blocks as an increased flow of energy is sent to them. If you can’t get pregnant, then there are reasons for this on a subtle level, and they need to be discovered and removed. Plus - to activate the orange energy, the work of the orange spell.

To work through the negative feelings that have arisen, you need to go through the adjustment, look at past lives - work through these pictures with the help of orange energy and God the Patron.

I open up to orange energy, activate my reproductive system, vagina, uterus, ovaries (imagine organs filling with orange energy). I allow myself to get pregnant, I open myself up to pregnancy - repeat this several times, listening to your feelings, to pleasant sensations.

Remember some pregnant woman for a long time, feel her state of pregnancy, the heaviness of the child in her stomach, and say - I WANT THIS! Enter this state, feel it, to a pleasant sensation, imagine a child in your stomach, feel, imagine.

Do everything on positive emotions If negative feelings arise, they need to be processed and released. No frustration, dissatisfaction and resentment, because. it will hinder the achievement of the goal. Do everything joyfully, easily and calmly.

Look at yourself pregnant from the side, in an orange bubble, and send this bubble up, release it into the sky with the words “I am pregnant”, thus communicating your desire to the Universe.

After that, you can finish the setup. Or continue by making a combination with yourself pregnant in all colors. This is a complete test of your subconscious readiness to get pregnant.

Imagine yourself pregnant in a red balloon. And myself in an orange balloon. Tell the bubbles to merge into one. Check if you are comfortable inside. If all is well, go out and send the red balloon with you pregnant into the sky. If something does not work out, it is uncomfortable, there are spots on the ball, shape violations, deviations from a beautiful color, the balls do not unite - these are manifestations of blocks.

Do this with yellow bubbles, green bubbles, blue bubbles, blue bubbles, and purple bubbles.

When you have done the adjustment for all the colors, all the bubbles have united, you feel comfortable in them - everything is in order, you have completely worked out the theme on a subconscious level.

STOMACH - (Manipura) the fourth Chara, the color is yellow, the energy of I CAN.

Gods Stribog and Nemiga (Nemiza) Element - Air, located between the navel and the solar plexus, is associated with our volitional manifestation, power and activity, and also manifests the simplest forces for life. This spell defines the core of a person, his "I - consciousness" and connection with the inner strength. It brings in and radiates outward the energy necessary for self-expression, it is inhabited by confidence and purposefulness, but also by anger and fear. The development of this spell is associated with the acquisition of strength and wisdom. An important role in its development is given in all types of martial arts and in meditation. In the Flesh body, it ensures the functioning of the stomach, liver, gallbladder, solar plexus, and glands such as gastric, adrenal, adrenaline, etc. this center provides the production of digestive juices, bile and other internal secretions. Moreover, these secretions burn substances as strongly as the strongest acids. With the help of this spell in our body, a normal temperature is maintained, food is digested, substances in the blood are processed.

People with a predominance of the energy of the spell Belly are very energetic, they superbly lead other people (political leaders, military leaders). If this spell is broken, a person becomes excessively voluptuous, aggressive, prone to antisocial behavior, conceit and vanity greatly increase, that even close people and relatives cease to sympathize with him and shun him in communication. Such a person is impatient for inconvenience and physical pain. These are people who do not tolerate restrictions, suffering from stomach diseases and high blood pressure.

The type of behavior of such a person can be characterized - Head.

YARLO (Anahata) - the fifth charm, yar, the color is emerald green, Element - Fire, carrying life energy to a person. Yarlo is located in the central part of the chest. In this spell, the fertile force manifests itself in unity and development, is responsible for the physiology of the heart and the work of blood circulation, lungs, glands that produce new cells and the thymus gland (thymus). In Jarlo there is a center of emotions, love for oneself and others, mercy, connection, creation of a single whole, peace of mind, disposition towards people, the ability to forgive, trust, spiritual development, compassion, joy, respect, the ability to make concessions. Spiritual guidance and higher Consciousness pass through the developed heart charm. After activating this spell, Zhiva enters the human energy system through this center. This spell does not have periods of activity and inhibition. If its work stops, the person dies. People with a well-developed heart charm have a healthy nervous system, they are balanced, they know how to control themselves and the situation, their thoughts and intentions are pure. They are distinguished by diligence and disinterestedness.

The type of behavior of such a person can be characterized - Emotional.

Attunements to the energy of the spell and its study are carried out under the guidance of a teacher.

MOUTH (Vishudha) - the sixth chara, color blue element Space (Ether), is located from the jugular cavity, in the throat area, almost under the larynx (between the collarbones and the seventh vertebra) to the middle of the nose. It is a connection with language, with mental structures, the ability to think with a certain understanding, a connection with mental images that we can sense or organize. This is the center of the creative manifestation of the Personality with the help of writing, speech and other types of creativity. The forces of growth, the sense of responsibility, the ability to communicate, the awareness of individuality are concentrated here. Here is the communicative aspect of creative activity. On physical level this chara is responsible for the functioning of the throat, top of the lungs, forearms, esophagus, such glands as the thyroid, parathyroid, almond-shaped, salivary. When the Mouth is developed, then such a person is extremely talented, is a very creative person, communicates easily, is prone to oratory, singing, drawing, etc. if the work of the spell is broken, the person turns into a critic, i.e. he cannot create himself, but shows his creativity through criticism of someone else's.

In women, this charm is more developed (by nature).

The type of behavior of such a person can be characterized - Orator, Critic.

Attunements to the energy of the spell and its study are carried out under the guidance of a teacher.

EYE (Ajna, Chelo) - the seventh spell, the celestial eye, is located in the middle of the forehead between the eyebrows, the color is blue (rich blue) energy is associated with self-awareness, wisdom, clairvoyance, clairaudience, visualization, etc. On the physical level, the work of the Eye is associated with pineal gland, pituitary gland, and the entire system of receiving and processing visual signals.

If the chara works well, then the person will be prone to scientific work, research in any field, can have strong intuition and foresight. It will be easy for such a person to develop clairvoyance. If this charm is developed “negatively”, then such a person will strive to create all kinds of circles, sects, movements. It is very easy to distinguish such people: you can often hear from them that they are not understood, they often (periodically) change sexual partners (they do not understand them) or try to pretend to be an ascetic (celibate) because they often “fail” sexual function and to hide their impotence they pretend to be "saints"

The type of behavior of such a person can be characterized as a Scientist, a Seer.

Attunements to the energy of the spell and its study are carried out under the guidance of a teacher.

SPRING (Sahasrara, Crown) the eighth spell, the color of purple, is located above the spring, through it the power of the Creator comes to us.
At the physical level of the gland, the thalamus, hypothalamus.

It materializes your thoughts in reality, works for one hundredth of all the lower spells, therefore, in order to develop it, a person needs to develop all the others, and harmoniously. More details in the workshops...

It is extremely rare for people to lead, this is already the level of Spasov, Svyatarov, Avatars.

SOUL - the ninth charm, the color is golden-white, located 10-15 cm above the head.

Responsible for communication with the divine worlds, spiritual travel, supports "mental-emotional" generators.
Feeling it is easy enough to raise your leading hand (right for right-handed people) above your head, set yourself the task of feeling the charm of the soul and lower it with your palm to the top of your head. And at a distance of about 15 cm, you will feel a slight resistance and a feeling that someone is digging in your head, this is the Soul charm. I just warn you that you can’t “dig” “strongly” in it, you can break the harmony ...
More details in the workshops...

SPIRIT - the tenth charm, the charm of the Spirit, is located on the outer periphery of the human light energy field, has no color: it is transparent like air, and bright, like daylight.
Always one with the Supreme Family.

Levels of fixation of Consciousness

Consciousness is constantly moving along the Charms and Rivers of Life, but it has a predominant, main, place of fixation, which determines the level of a person's consciousness and his abilities.

Fixation of Consciousness on the lower 2-4 charms produces changes inside a person, the mechanisms of self-regulation are switched on. Starting from the fifth spell, where the Consciousness is fixed at the level of the heart and above, there is magic, that is, an action directed outward - a person's energy affects the external situation.

Fixation of Consciousness in the area of ​​the heart spell makes a person very emotional and allows him to master clairvoyance. The fixation of Consciousness on the throat charm, that is, the charm of the mind, gives rationality and restraint. Fixation of consciousness on the spell of the Spiritual Eye allows you to see energies well and project images onto reality, that is, to make an active impact on the world around you. Fixation of consciousness on the Spring Chara is the materialization of any thought. With enough energy.

2 Increasing the sensitivity of hands to energies

To do this, a person must put his palms together and rub them quickly for 1 minute, this provides a rush of blood to the nerve endings of the palms, then he continues to rub, move, barely touching the fingertips of one hand, the surface of the palm of the other hand, but now he does it slowly, preferably with closed eyes, pieces of a palm pattern may even appear before your eyes. Then with the other hand. This exercise, in addition to developing the tactile sensitivity of the palms to energy, harmonizes the work of the left and right hemispheres, and contributes to the development of "skin" vision.
This exercise is done every day for a month. (You can do more, but not less, so to speak, to get a greater effect)


Of course, you noticed that for some time now such words as “aura”, “chakras”, “bioenergy”, “energy protection” have firmly entered our vocabulary. We hear them from different people, they often sound from the TV screen. But you must admit: if you ask us to explain the meaning of these words, the answer is likely to be very vague. For example, we will say that the aura is such a shell that can be good or bad, depending on how we ourselves perceive it. The answer, frankly, is very, very approximate... And even more so, few people know what needs to be done in order for the aura to be “good”. Our idea of ​​chakras is also rather vague - it seems that they are such holes through which energy either enters or exits ... With the concept of "bioenergy", the situation is even more complicated: it is usually associated with extrasensory perception - this idea, perhaps , can be called correct, although not exhaustive.

So let's try to understand the meaning of the words that have become so firmly established in our everyday life. And then we will learn the secrets of seeing the aura, learn how to heal out of balance chakras and establish bioenergetic protection.

To begin with, we will try to understand what bioenergetics is. The dictionary of natural sciences gives the following definition: “Bioenergetics is a scientific discipline that studies energy processes in cells, tissues, individuals, ecosystems, etc.”.

The esoteric encyclopedia gives two meanings of the word "bioenergetics": (1) "a discipline that studies the processes of energy transformations in the course of the existence of biological organisms and the functioning of the biosphere as a whole"; (2) "a branch of knowledge about a single information field, about its interaction with biological objects of all levels of complexity."

Bioenergetics studies such concepts as aura, chakras, as well as their normal functioning and interaction with each other. In addition, it reveals problems associated with their violation, leading to various diseases. Thanks to this information, we can avoid unnecessary problems and strengthen our spiritual and physical health.

Many of you have heard that each person has his own biofield, which must be protected, protected from harmful influences and not allowed to penetrate into it by extraneous (often unkind) energy. This is true, although there are certainly many people who consider any discussion about the biofield and energy protection to be charlatan antics. Meanwhile, in scientific circles, the nature of the bioenergetic field has already been studied quite well. Most scientists agreed that the bioenergetic field is the carrier of human consciousness. It controls biological processes, organizes the existence and vital activity of matter.

The energy-information field of each of us is a part of the unified energy-information field of the Universe. What does this mean? And the fact that each person has his own field, which, on the one hand, is subjected to external influences, and on the other hand, it itself largely affects the world around us.

It is clear that you cannot see the biofield with your eyes and you cannot touch it with your hand. At least, an ordinary person, not endowed with some kind of supernatural abilities or abilities, is simply not able to do this without preparation. But somehow even our distant ancestors guessed about the existence of the biofield! In ancient drawings found during archaeological excavations, you can see halos - glows that surround the human body.

Moreover, things also have their own bioenergetics. On the one hand, it depends on the material embedded in the object, and on the other hand, on the state and mood of the person who made this object or owned it for some time. Thus, by acquiring this or that thing, we also receive a certain energy - either positive or negative, depending on how good or bad the thoughts were that accompanied this thing during transmission.

No one can yet say with accuracy that it is possible to catch some kind of disease through energy, but many people obviously felt energy depletion.

How do people replenish energy reserves?

Some act not too ethically and simply take away energy from others (that is, they engage in vampirism). Others try to get energy from Mother Nature, which is not always possible: Nature has learned to defend itself against human vampirism, and therefore does not give away its energy as generously as before. Still others behave more nobly and make up for energy costs at the expense of their own resources. And, I must say, many succeed, which means we can safely say: almost everything depends on the person himself, on his thoughts, feelings, attitude towards himself and others.

And we decided to start our book with bioenergetic gymnastics, which will allow you to bring your body into a harmonious state. After all, as is well known, healthy body a healthy mind”, which means that it would be best to deal with physical health first, and then move on to spiritual. But remember, before you start any set of exercises, you should consult with your doctor.


Bioenergy gymnastics is a unique method of disease prevention, healing and cleansing of the human body. It was developed by Alla Grechikho, a folk healer and physiotherapy trainer.

Exercises of bioenergetic gymnastics have not just a general health-improving effect on the human body. When they are performed, salts and toxins are cleansed, as well as the straightening of the vertebrae and discs, and for a long time, since the entire muscular system is rebuilt.

It is probably not worth talking about why it is necessary to cleanse the spine. Everyone knows that the spine plays one of the main roles in our body - each of its vertebrae is responsible for the work of a particular organ. With age, the vertebrae inevitably flatten, and this happens not in extreme old age, but in the prime of life. Nowadays, few young people do not suffer from osteochondrosis and scoliosis. By cleansing the spine, we release the nerve endings, which means we expand the energy channels and restore the hormonal and vitamin balance in the body. After all, the so-called "blocks" (muscle tension) tend to weaken the function internal organs, and therefore, are the cause of various diseases and do not allow the body to be in complete harmony.

Rejuvenation and cleansing of the body occurs due to more intensive cell replacement, that is, strengthening the immune system. In addition to the fact that bio-gymnastics heals, cleanses and rejuvenates the body, it also allows people to manage their bioenergetics. And besides, bio-gymnastics exercises allow you to lose excess weight and improve your figure.


Attention! Exercises should be performed to music, since music sets the rhythm of the spatial movements of the spine and other parts of the musculoskeletal system. There is a resonant wave effect on individual organs, muscle groups, joints and ligaments.

Self massage

At first, the exercises from the Self-Massage complex may seem quite complicated to you. But you should not be afraid. You will definitely learn how to perform them, and you yourself will feel when this happens. Most importantly, do not take the time and effort - you will be generously rewarded!

Exercise 1

This exercise is very useful, especially for people with severe disorders of the musculoskeletal system. If you suffer from inflammation of the sciatic nerve, radiculitis or osteochondrosis of the lumbosacral region, then it will help you a lot. By the way, this exercise is also used in the treatment of prostatitis.

Initial position. Sit on the floor or on the edge of a chair, preferably with a hard surface. Legs - shoulder width apart. Place your hands on your knees on the inside. Press your chin to your chest.

Performing an exercise. Arch your back (if you are sitting in a chair, then pull your pelvis and back towards its back).

Push your pelvis forward. When moving the pelvis forward, the neck should move in the opposite direction.

Return your pelvis to its original position. The more amplitude, the better.

Did you master the exercise? Then try to do it without holding your knees with your hands.

Exercise 2

This exercise is even more conducive to the treatment of prostatitis, other urological and gynecological diseases, as well as diseases of the urogenital area.

Initial position. The same as in the previous exercise, only the knees are brought together and the hands hold them from the inside.

Performing an exercise. The movements of the exercise are the same as in exercise 1, only the knees move forward when the pelvis moves forward, and when moving backward they are brought together.

Exercise 3

This exercise reinforces the impact of the previous exercises. It can also serve as a self-diagnosis tool. If, during its implementation, discomfort is felt in any area, then there is a “block” there.

Initial position. The same as in the first exercise, but the straightened arms are raised up and placed behind the ears. The hands are in the lock with the palms up.

Performing an exercise. Try to stay in balance with the body tilted back as much as possible. Do not take your heels off the floor. On the count: one - roll back the pelvis, two - jerk the chest forward. Do not forget to exhale sharply for each count, but you can also when jerking your chest forward.

Hands during the exercise should be firmly fixed, as if they were a continuation of the back.

When moving the pelvis forward, the knees are divorced, and when moving backward, they are brought together.

Keep your hands still.

Exercise 4

This exercise has a beneficial effect on the work of most internal organs.

Initial position. The same as in the previous exercises, only straightened arms are raised up and laid back.

Performing an exercise. Try to stay in balance with the body tilted back as much as possible (as in exercise 3). Do not lift your heels off the floor. At the expense of one-two-three, make springy turns with your body to the left.

On the count of four, return to the starting position.

Repeat the same movements to the right.

Repeat springy movements two times without stopping in both directions.

Exercise 5

This exercise replaces the work of a chiropractor. When it is performed, the vertebrae and discs of the spine fall into place and remain in the desired position, thanks to the strengthening muscular system. The exercise is also very useful for body shaping: the waist is formed and the abdominal muscles are strengthened.

Initial position. The same as in the first exercise, only the hands are on the back of the head, the elbows are lowered, the knees are connected.

Performing an exercise. At the expense of one-two-three with springy movements, squeeze the back of the head with your palms, while pulling the pelvis back.

On the count of four - smoothly move the pelvis forward, spread your knees, straighten and raise your arms, and turn the body to the left.

Do the same, turning the body to the right side.

All of these exercises have a universal effect on the body.

Try to master these exercises as best as possible, bring their implementation to automatism.

A set of exercises on the Swedish wall with the crossbar

The exercises of this complex are of great importance for patients with curvature of the spine and will be especially useful for people of middle and older age (after 40-50 years). They prevent those age-related changes in the body that lead to the subsidence of the spine, and consequently, a decrease in human growth.

Exercises can be used both basic and as a warm-up before performing exercises of other complexes.

Each movement should end with a sharp exhalation, and you need to finish the exercises smoothly, that is, do not jump, but calmly descend from the horizontal bar or wall bars.

Exercise 1

Initial position. hang on wall bars or on the horizontal bar facing the audience. Hands at shoulder width.

Performing an exercise. Pull the heels of the legs to the floor, socks up. Pull your chin to your chest. Hang in this position for at least 4 minutes.

If you are doing this complex on a Swedish wall with a horizontal bar-cornice, then from time to time rest - put your feet on a comfortable step, but continue to bend so that the stretching of the spine is not interrupted.

The body must be held in a stretched position for more than four minutes - then the stretch will "fix" and the desired result will be achieved.

Exercise 2

Initial position. Same as in exercise 1.

Performing an exercise. On the count of times - swing your legs apart. On the count of two, cross and bring your legs together (then your body will turn around). Turn your head to the opposite side. On the count of three - swing your legs apart. On the count of four - the same as on the count of two, but in the other direction.

Exercise 3

Initial position. Same as in exercise 1.

Performing an exercise. Make springy paired turns of the pelvis to the right and left. At the same time turn your head to the opposite side. Do 4-8 pairs of movements in each direction. If your arms get tired, put your feet on a support and arch your back so as not to interrupt the stretch of the spine. After resting, continue with the exercise.

Exercise 4

Initial position. Same as in exercise 1.

Performing an exercise. Swing your legs to the sides strictly parallel to the wall.

The position of the hands and body is strictly fixed. Perform the exercise 8-16 times.

Exercise 5

Initial position. Same as in exercise 1.

Performing an exercise. Do circles with your legs 8-12 times in each direction. When changing direction, you can take some rest.

Exercise 6

Initial position. Turn around to face the Swedish wall, put your feet shoulder-width apart, spread your arms to the sides and grab them at the level of the pile. Rest your feet on the second step from the floor.

Performing an exercise. Make smooth paired swings back and forth, gradually bringing your arms and legs together as much as possible.

Exercise 7

Initial position. Stand facing the Swedish wall, stretch your arms up shoulder-width apart and hang on it. Feet together, toes pointed down.

Performing an exercise. For the count of times, bend over, simultaneously moving your legs and the back of your head back. On the count of two, return to the starting position. On a count of three, repeat with your legs out to the sides. On the count of four, return to the starting position. Make sure that the legs, when bending, are a continuation of the back.

Perform the exercise 8-12 times. If you are overweight, it is enough to repeat it three times. As you straighten your legs, pull your forehead towards your knees.

Rest 3-5 minutes before moving on to the next exercise.

Exercise 8

Initial position. Stand with your back to the Swedish wall, bend over and grab the bottom bar with your hands.

Performing an exercise. For the count of times, bend your elbows, pull your chest to your knees and at the same time pull the back of your head back. On the count of two, return to the starting position.

Repeat the exercise 8-12 times.

Exercise 9

Initial position. Same as in exercise 1.

Performing an exercise. On the count of times, pull your knees to your chest, thus stretching the spine. At the same time, lower your head, trying to connect your forehead with your knees.

On the count of two, return to the starting position. On the count of three, straighten your legs and lift them so that they are parallel to the floor.

On the count of four, return to the starting position.

With a large belly, perform the exercise only at the expense of one and two, up to 16-18 times, in 3 sets.

A set of exercises for weight loss and body shaping

Exercises for weight loss and correction of the waist, hips, abdomen and buttocks are usually chosen taking into account the existing concomitant diseases.

From 1 to 5 exercises - warm-up; from 6 to 13 - the main part.

Initial position- common to all exercises of this complex:

Get on your knees and lower your buttocks onto your heels.

Stretch your arms forward and fix them at the fulcrum. The buttocks should not come off the heels.

Without changing the position of the hands, go to the emphasis on the hands. The torso should be parallel to the floor, arms - hips.

Raise your head.

Exercise 1

Maintaining the position of the arms and legs, arch your back. Lower and raise your head at the same time.

On the count of times - lower your lower back down as much as possible, and pull the back of your head back.

On the count of two - rounding your back as much as possible, lift your lower back, and press your chin to your chest.

Exercise 2

Make rotations smooth circular motions waist around the longitudinal axis of the body; in this case, the head, as it were, serves as a continuation of the spine.

Exercise 3

Arch your back and raise your head as high as possible.

Lift your feet off the floor and make paired springy alternate movements to the sides, while turning your head in the same direction and trying to see your toes over your shoulder.

Rest in a sitting position on your heels, arms extended forward, head down.

Exercise 4

Do paired springy tilts of the pelvis and head to the sides. At the same time, try not to touch the floor with your pelvis.

Exercise 5

Do pelvic tilts to the left, as in the previous exercise.

On the count of one - the pelvis forward and down, on the count of two - the pelvis to the right, on the count of three - to the starting position.

Pay attention to the constant position of the hands and knees and touching the buttocks of the heels.

Repeat in reverse. The exercise is performed with springy movements.

Do the same, but with smooth movements, alternately in both directions. Try to touch your heels with your buttocks during rest.

Perform each exercise 8-12 times in each direction.

Exercise 6

On the count of one, arch your back and at the same time make counter movements of the left knee and head.

On the count of two, bend with the maximum swing of the left leg back and up. Raise your head up at the same time.

On the count of three, return to the starting position.

On the count of four, return to the starting position and arch your lower back.

Do the same with motion. right foot.

Perform the exercise 8-12 times on each leg.

Exercise 7

Stretch your left leg to the right and up while moving your head along the same trajectory.

At the same time, arch your back and move your leg in an arc to the left, and then back, in the same way, without touching the floor with your foot.

Exercise 8

Stretch your left leg to the right with an oncoming movement of the head.

On the count of times, jerk your left knee towards your left ear.

At the count of two - back, at the count of three - an oncoming swing of the left leg and head, at the count of four - back. It is desirable that the leg does not touch the floor.

Note 1. If you want to lose weight, then do exercises 7 and 8 in a row without stopping. Leg movements should be caused by efforts directed from the waist with the widest possible amplitude. This will lead to a significant correction of the figure (especially the hips and waist) and a significant healing effect.

Note 2. Repeat the exercises as many times as your body is ready for. To begin with, you can try to perform each exercise 8 times, and if it turns out easily, 12 times or more.

To proceed to the continuation of the complex from the other leg, we will perform a transitional (and most useful for weight loss and abdomen) exercise.

Exercise 9

At the expense of one or two, make paired springy movements of the pelvis forward, pulling your head back as much as possible.

Do not bend your arms or move your knees. On the count of three or four, do paired springy movements in the starting position - the buttocks are pressed to the heels.

Exercises 10 and 11

The same movements as in exercises 7, 8, but for the right leg.

Exercise 12

The same movements as in exercise 9, but for each count.

Finish the exercise in the position of emphasis on the hands with a bent back.

Spread your knees to the sides, connecting the feet. Strive to pull the feet towards the head, maintaining this position for 40 seconds to a minute.

Exercise 13

Initial position. Spread your knees to the sides, connecting the feet.

Bend your arms and lie down on the floor.

Bending force in hip joint pull the chin along the floor to the knees until the arms are fully extended. It is important that the movement is performed precisely by pulling back with the pelvis, and not with the hands.

Slightly bending your arms, crawl forward with your chest. Then, straightening your arms, bend back. Repeat this exercise 12 to 21 times depending on your fitness. Finish in a lying position, remaining in it for 1-2 minutes until you feel that strength has been restored.

A set of exercises "Awakening"

After waking up from sleep, it is helpful to do some stretching exercises. The proposed set of exercises of bioenergetic gymnastics is designed just for this. The exercises will take you no more than 10 minutes, but you will perfectly prepare the body for the start of the working day.

Exercise 1

Lying on your back, clasp your hands in the lock with your palms out and slowly stretch them up. Turn on your left side, bend, trying to stretch out into a string, and stretch springy 2-3 times. Hands should be behind the back of the head, which is pulled back as much as possible. Then do the exercise on the right side. Repeat 4-6 times on each side.

Exercise 2

Lying on your back, stretch your arms to the sides - up. Taking a deep breath, tear your back off the bed as high as possible - stretch your chest up. As you exhale, lower yourself onto the bed. Repeat 6-8 times.

Exercise 3

Lying on your back and clasping your hands behind the back of your head, do eight springy pull-ups of your head to your chest. At the same time, try to slightly tear your shoulders off the pillow. Repeat this exercise 3 times.

Exercise 4

Throw off the blanket. Lying on your back, pull one knee to your forehead with your hands, then the other, and so on 4-6 times with each leg.

Exercise 5

Continuing the previous exercise, hold the right knee at the chest and turn it to the left. With your right hand, take the elbow of your left hand and pull it to the right three times. Change the position of the legs and arms and repeat in each direction 46 times.

Exercise 6

Roll over on your stomach, grasp the toe of your right leg with your hands and pull it to the buttock 6-8 times. Then do the same with the left leg.

Exercise 7

Lying on your stomach, turn your head to the right, grasp the toes of both legs with your hands and count one-two-three, bending your elbows, pull your heels to your buttocks.

On a count of four, lift your chest and legs off the bed while pulling the back of your head back. Returning to the starting position, turn your head to the left.

Repeat 4-6 times and in the last "boat" sway back and forth several times.

Exercise 8

Roll over on your back, put your hands behind the back of your head and, without taking your hands off, try to sit on the bed, and then stand on the floor.


Please remember: what do we do when we buy this or that appliance or household appliance? First of all, read the instructions to learn how to use it correctly. In order to orient ourselves on the ground, we take out a map or a plan carefully drawn by someone. But a person is much more complicated than any structure that we call a miracle of technology, and understanding his energy structure is much more difficult than getting out of the most confusing labyrinth. This structure must be well known in order to skillfully manage it. Yes, but where is the instruction, the map, the plan?.. The chakras act in their role, which help to activate and balance the various levels of our consciousness and life experience.

Understanding the chakras is essential to reach the various levels of consciousness available to us. Chakras are an indispensable conductor in the inner world. Yogis call them rapidly rotating energy whirlpools, which are located along the spine and crown the head of a person.

Chakras are a kind of receivers and transmitters of universal energy, which, getting into our body, circulates there and fills us with a sense of life. Each chakra operates at a specific universal frequency, being a window to a specific energy level. The energy flow from the Earth, passing through the lower chakras, as through pipes, enters the higher ones and flows in both directions. At the same time, the energy flow of the Cosmos enters through the upper chakra and flows to the lower ones.

Each of the seven main chakras is responsible for a specific aspect of life and different life situations. Blocking the chakra leads to a restriction of the perception of this vital energy, and therefore to the disorder of the body systems as a whole. This is expressed in diseases, a feeling of discomfort, loss of strength, emotional imbalance.

Seven chakras, located from the bottom up, distribute vital energy in the spine through the endocrine glands and control the blood circulation of a person.

In order to monitor the state of the chakras, it is necessary to know their locations and the properties of the energy flows passing through them. With this information, you will be able to meditate with each of the chakras until you achieve a sense of complete balance.

The energy of the chakras is much subtler than the physical energy, but it permeates all aspects of our lives. It can be observed in the form energy whirlwinds, swirling around a central point like glowing circles. Each of the seven chakras has its own specific color of the rainbow: the first is red, the second is orange, the third is yellow, the fourth is green, the fifth is blue, the sixth is blue, the seventh is purple. From the combination of these colors, your aura is created.

first chakra

The first chakra (root) is located at the base of the spine. It is the source of our existence, since it closely connects our body with the Earth and is responsible for our survival - for food, clothing, shelter, protection and procreation.

The first sign of imbalance in the first chakra is a sense of danger. If you fail to provide yourself with what you need, then this chakra begins to manifest itself very strongly - so much so that you cannot concentrate on anything else.

Many people with an imbalanced first chakra try to live the lifestyle that others impose on them. But after all, the needs of all people are different, and you yourself must determine what you need in order to balance your desire for survival and feel safe.

Second chakra

The second chakra (sacred) is located in the pelvis. Its main driving force is the search for pleasure. The main desire is sensual and sexual activity. The desire to immerse yourself in the ocean of sensations, to feel attractive and to be able to get whatever you want is the needs of the second chakra. If the first chakra is associated with survival and security, then the second one is associated with the whole range of emotions and a feeling of fullness of life.

The peculiarity of the second chakra is magnetism. Life, controlled by magnetic energy, enhances even the most ordinary sensations, turns everyday events into something special. The advantage of magnetism is that it brings joy to life and releases from the fatigue associated with perceiving life as a duty. This is not about simply getting pleasure, but about the perception of your life experience as a source of pleasure. The ability to appreciate the beauty of the moment is truly a real art.

In order for the desire for pleasure not to become insatiable, you need to learn to immerse yourself in sensations. But this can be achieved if you look at life through the prism of the second chakra. With this chakra, we can find completely new ways to experience pleasure. We will learn to accept pleasure by being constantly aware of it.

Our task is not to lose our heads from this pleasure, but to remain fully conscious during the process of satisfaction. And this is much more important than just giving up a pleasant experience. By giving up something, we lose part of our “I”. At the same time, the longing for the lost sensation remains with us forever, driven deep into the subconscious. By focusing on pleasure rather than pursuing pleasure, we leave many temptations behind because they are no longer anticipation. The reality of what is happening is realized neither before nor after, namely during enjoyment.

With an unbalanced second chakra, the search for pleasure never ends with a feeling of pleasure. It turns into an endless pursuit of this pleasure.

third chakra

The third chakra (solar plexus chakra) is located in the solar plexus area. It is a source of self-confidence, awareness of one's own strength. Thanks to it, we are able to move away from the influence of the outside world and at the same time influence it. This center is responsible for the formation of our principles, ethical attitudes and beliefs.

The third chakra helps us say "yes" when we agree and "no" when we protest. We can direct our will where we want and avoid what we do not need. The most important property of the third chakra is the ability to choose.

This energy center promotes mastery in various forms of self-expression. It is responsible for self-control, self-discipline and self-restraint. Those who do not have sufficient self-control, constantly have to deal with energy conflicts - both small and very significant.

The third chakra gives life dynamics: we are able to act on our own, not obeying the will of other people. Each of us is able to protect ourselves from the aggressive outside world: it all depends on our willpower. Each of us has the freedom to choose whether to act or remain inactive. In other words, the third chakra forms in us a kind of code of honor.

If the first chakra needs a simple survival, the second - the eternal search for pleasure, then the third needs constantly developing self-control. And if it is directed not only at the outside world, but also inside ourselves, then we are using our will correctly.

fourth chakra

The fourth chakra (heart chakra) is located in the region of the heart.

The Way of the Heart is not a life strategy, but joy in all its manifestations. It allows you to live your life and influence the material world.

This level of consciousness is based on faith. We are used to the fact that life is a struggle, where it is necessary to have a plan for defense and self-sufficiency. This position is based on the fear of deprivation. But if we choose the path of the heart, then there is no room for fear in our mind. We believe that, being in the space of magnetic attraction, we have the right to count on a happy and prosperous life.

Here, perhaps, the basic law of the fourth chakra: "The more we love, the more objects and opportunities for love appear in our lives."

The purpose of the fourth chakra is the feeling of love, personal and universal. We must feel, if not love, then at least a harmonious connection that blurs the differences between us and other people. The three lower chakras interact with our personal energy, separating us from others. The three higher chakras strengthen our connection with universal energy. The heart chakra is where the personal and collective aspects of our inner selves meet and separate from each other.

Awakening the heart, we get the opportunity to bind personal life and spiritual life. The heart chakra is balanced both horizontally and vertically. This is where our soul lives.

When the fourth chakra is balanced, we have nothing to worry about. We are able to do good deeds and fully enjoy the small joys of life. We derive joy from full acceptance of life and other people.

Learn to listen to your heart, and soon it will become your habit! You will experience a sense of complete peace. It will become clear to you that harmony is not a rare happiness, as you thought before, but a natural state.

Fifth chakra

The fifth chakra (neck chakra) is located in the neck area. Having opened it, we begin to correctly perceive our own giftedness, no matter how it manifests itself. Each of us can awaken a certain creative gift in ourselves. Creativity and creation are available to everyone. You just need to accept your uniqueness, take a step towards your true nature. Try to open your own "I" and separate it from what others think of you.

The main property of the fifth chakra is the awakening of your inner voice that can tell you the truth.

Analyze everything that you believed in before. What were your ideas about life? After all, it was they who influenced your life, it was they who formed your point of view. Try to consciously change and expand your circle of beliefs; this will give a powerful impetus to the discovery of your uniqueness.

By opening the fifth chakra, we give a powerful acceleration to our internal energy. If we come to the fifth chakra without proper preparation, then at first we may experience some nervousness and anxiety. There will be a feeling that the internal energy is out of control. The only way to normalize the situation is to control it.

Since the fifth chakra is located in the throat, we must learn to speak our own truth as well as to be aware of it. We awaken the ability to think innovatively, and we encourage others to think in the same way. We are open to life in all its manifestations, and this is the essence of the creative approach.

sixth chakra

The sixth chakra (the “third eye” chakra) is located in the forehead, at the point between the eyebrows. The highest goal of the sixth chakra is inspiration and grace. This is the world of images that arise in our thoughts. However, she also has the opposite extreme - the desire to escape from reality into the world of illusions.

The sixth chakra leads us into a world that lies beyond reality, limited by our senses. Traveling into this world requires spiritual maturity and creative discipline. Otherwise, the sixth chakra will not be balanced.

In order to discipline the spiritual will, we must concentrate on the sixth chakra. In addition to the personal will inherent in the level of the third chakra, we also have a spiritual will. And we apply it when we strive to develop the strength of the spirit.

But how to develop this spiritual will? To begin with, one must recognize the natural tendencies of one's as yet undisciplined imagination.

Try to answer the following questions:

What are you dreaming about?

What is your imagination aiming for?

What images dominate your fantasies?

Do you seek to delve deeper into the world of fantasy, or is your mind overpowering your imagination?

Become a witness of your own life. This will mean that you have taken the first step towards the development of spiritual will. Describe your feelings and try to understand in which direction your imagination is moving - in a healthy or pathological direction.

Stop paying attention to what drains your energy field, direct it to what inspires you and awakens energy.

Be careful with the analytical mind - silence it. With an effort of spiritual will, divert your attention from analysis and move into a calm, balanced state that generates inspiration.

Gradually, your trust in your own intuition will escalate. You will learn to be aware of it and use it as a kind of warning system.

seventh chakra

The seventh chakra (crown chakra) is located at the top of the head. It represents pure, unclouded cosmic energy. Our desire to experience God is the main desire of the seventh chakra.

At this level, the knowledge of spiritual life is no longer enough for us, we need to merge with God and live under his guidance.

The energy received from the Universe is now coming back enriched with our personal energy.

All life is perceived by us as a spiritual experience.

From time to time enlightenment descends on us - a kind of spark of God at the highest level of reality. It exists for a moment, but we can increase the likelihood of its occurrence through prayer or meditation.

The seventh, highest, level of consciousness can be considered a reward for our righteous life. Keeping her is no easy task. Having reached the full perspective of the seventh chakra, we are clearly aware of our purpose, and this awareness implies responsibility. Accept it or reject it? This is our choice. Rejecting this responsibility, we will again return to the lower chakras; accepting it, we fall to an inexhaustible source of energy.


We can cleanse, heal and harmonize energy centers - chakras.

Agree that we often overreact to difficult life situations. Whatever we experience at the same time - anger, fear or aggression, we feel at this moment completely unprotected. At the same time, we do not even realize that we ourselves are the source of such sensations. External life only provokes us to the manifestation of our internal imbalance.

The situation can be corrected by learning to distract from external problems and concentrate on internal energy - the energy of the chakras. After all, it is precisely its imbalance that is the cause of the violation of our internal balance.

By harmonizing the energy flow of the chakras, we transfer consciousness to a qualitatively different level. And what is interesting: as soon as we begin to calmly and joyfully perceive life, external circumstances also develop more favorably.

Working with the chakras requires mental balance. You must believe that the balance exists, and believing, be sure to achieve it.

However, there is a paradox here: in order to understand whether a balance has been reached, you must be aware of the feeling of balance. Otherwise, you simply will not have a starting point.

Learn to live by accepting the grace of nature, and you will see how harmonious your existence will become. Life will be much easier and more meaningful. Balance will bring purification into your life. Your feelings will rise, and you will be able to enjoy the most subtle sensations, easily satisfy any of your desires.

You must be aware of the balanced state of energy and be able to merge with it.

Exercise 1. Self-healing with an unbalanced state of the first chakra

Go for a walk just to connect with Nature. Take a closer look at the life that boils around you. Feel how everything is permeated with vitality. Nature fills life with everything that exists - trees and grass, animals and birds, rivers and mountains. Its power permeates you too, feel it.

Realize that you are not living life, but life is living you. Understand that there is a force that gives you life, makes your heart beat, your lungs breathe, and blood runs through your veins. Become aware of yourself as part of nature, and the feeling of fear will leave you.

Exercise 2. Achieving a balanced level of consciousness of the first chakra

All your actions must be permeated with a connection with the earth. To improve this connection, imagine that your feet, like trees, sprout roots in the ground. Feel strength, wisdom and healing energy rise up through these roots to the abdomen. Imagine all this while meditating, on a walk, or anytime you want to replenish your energy.

Sports help develop the consciousness of the first chakra, especially those sports that are risky, competitive, aggressive in nature, such as skydiving, football or boxing. In general, any activities that take your breath away are useful.

The first chakra expresses the deep, personal aspect of the inner Self. It can be called the defensive, competitive, and "I" oriented chakra. After all, self-preservation is perhaps the strongest instinct, dictated not by faith, but by fear.

Thus, it turns out that this level of consciousness is far from spirituality and is built on the animal principle. And if you are at this level, then you are unlikely to be able to particularly enjoy life: you are now faced with a question that interests you much more - the question of survival.

Therefore, go to nature and give free rein to your animal nature. Feel the joy of life, only then will the manifestations of the second chakra become available to you.

You need to achieve balance in life - in the home, in the family, at work. And to do this, you must find resources sufficient to satisfy basic security needs.

The main thing is not to have dominant needs. You must be sure that all your needs are feasible and you are able to find resources to meet them. Only in this way can you achieve a state of balance. Only balanced energy can naturally rise to the second chakra.

If your needs become insatiable, if you always lack something, you will not be able to rise above the first chakra.

Exercise 3. Awakening the first chakra

Many things we do out of fear. If you are feeling restless, analyze the situation and you will surely find any fears dominating your mind. So your first chakra needs to be balanced.

Even the natural need to feel safe is evidence that you need to pay attention to the first chakra.

Take the “tree pose” (yoga) and try to achieve inner balance. It is best to go to nature and feel like a part of all living things. Try to understand that your roots are nourished by the same life force as the roots of trees. Imagine the color red and feel how its power fills you. If you have beautiful things, then wear them to achieve a greater effect. Wear garnet, ruby, or obsidian jewelry. You can even just put a pebble in your pocket and touch it from time to time to recharge its vitality.

Fear should serve as a signal, but not completely absorb your consciousness. By learning to activate and balance the first chakra, you will master the fear mentality. You will know that animal instincts are controllable. Just imagine that they are guarding your well-being; then you will be able to concentrate on things that are more pleasant - those that form the basis of the second chakra.

Exercise 4

Recall the feeling of satisfaction you received that made you feel guilty. Recall the object of pleasure in your memory and try again to experience all the sensations, but this time with full awareness of them. Describe your feelings. Did this experience bring you pleasure? In what place of your body are the experienced sensations concentrated? Become fully aware of them. Surely you will find that your ability to enjoy has become much wider. Now it is much easier for you to achieve it.

Let's take an example. The next time you eat cake, focus on the pleasure you get. Try to slow down the process of eating it to increase the feeling of pleasure. Savor every bite. Revel in its aroma. Let every cell of yours enjoy its fabulous taste. Let this feeling take you to ecstasy. Do not throw the feeling of pleasure into the past. You will see that you will be able to feel such complete satisfaction that there will be no need to finish the last bite. You have already achieved absolute fullness of sensation.

Exercise 5. Achieving a balanced level of consciousness of the second chakra

If your passion for life is creative and controlled, then your second chakra is balanced.

Show passion for nature, art, music, literature, in a word, beauty in any of its manifestations, and then you will achieve the balance of the second chakra.

Rising to this level of consciousness, you will feel a great need for creative activity. It will be based on two components - a deep admiration for beauty and the desire to bring as much pleasure into your life as possible.

The second important sign of balance is self-confidence. A positive perception of oneself, a feeling of confidence in one's attractiveness is a right given to us by God. It has nothing to do with physical beauty. It is about the inner feeling of attractiveness, which reflects the external magnetism.

While enjoying something (being in someone's arms, tasting something tasty, listening to beautiful music, or enjoying a magnificent scenery), close your eyes for a moment and concentrate on the feeling of satisfaction that you are experiencing at that moment. Feel how every cell in your body enjoys this moment. Develop a sense of satisfaction. Soon you will find that you are able to feel the fullness and completeness of your sensations.

The search for new pleasures, balanced by the ability to experience pleasure to the fullest, turns life into an endless series of pleasures.

Desire and the ability to appreciate are the two sides of the second chakra. Desire forces you to focus on what you want but don't have. In other words, you are in a state of insufficiency, you are constantly missing something. Satisfaction of desire in this case is not achieved when it is fulfilled, since it is associated not with possession, but only with aspiration.

But the ability to appreciate is the highest form of manifestation of the consciousness of the second chakra. Instead of focusing on what you don't have, you learn to enjoy what you have. You focus your consciousness on momentary sensations. You are able to appreciate them with every cell of your being. Only in this way can you saturate and balance the second chakra. When you learn to do this, you will live according to the laws of magnetism, that is, follow the energy without experiencing any anxiety. Because you realize that life flows around you, and you will never find yourself in a void. The calmness that comes from feeling that you are always able to enjoy will give life extra momentum. You will have new opportunities, and this is with the realization that life with all its pleasures is also at your disposal.

If you have awakened the second chakra, but still have not balanced the first, then a feeling of insecurity is projected onto the sensations of the second chakra. This leads to feelings of jealousy and envy. Let's take an example. The second chakra makes us communicate with people, with its balance, the ability to enjoy this communication increases. And envy of other people deprives us of this opportunity. Our task is to learn to accept people for who they are, and not demand more. Then any relationship will enrich us as a person.

The same can be said about sex life: if it meets our needs, then intimate relationships enrich us, and are not a source of constant anxiety.

Exercise 6. Awakening the second chakra

If it suddenly seems to you that life has lost its meaning and there is no place for joy in it, try to consciously feel pleasure. Make yourself a warm bubble bath, light candles, turn on your favorite music.

Focus on enjoyment. Feel how each of your cells responds to the gentle touch of warm water. Relax, enjoy the sounds of the melody and don't think about anything.

Open your eyes, look at the candle flame. Observe the light and shadow on the walls. Forget about business, drop the guilt and enjoy the moment.

Exercise 7

The unbalanced state of the third chakra can manifest itself in two opposite ways - in the excessive use of one's own will and in its underestimation.

Excessive use of the will is easy to spot. After all, our life is a constant competition. The imbalance of the third chakra leads to distrust, fear of being overboard, inability to control events. As a result, we are constantly in an alert state, always ready for new challenges.

With an unbalanced third chakra, the need for self-affirmation is so great that energy conflicts arise around you every now and then. They cause the release of adrenaline, which gives a feeling of a surge of energy.

It is very easy to fall into this adrenaline addiction, and then exploit the energy received. If this energy is not balanced, it conflicts with the outside world and leads to new conflicts.

A person addicted to adrenaline is constantly in a state of righteous anger. He believes that he has every right to do this, and implicitly creates situations for which, in his opinion, only anger can be the only fair reaction.

Thus, in order for conflicts to disappear, we simply need to become aware of our nature. We need to understand that our energy is primary, and events are secondary. It is energy that causes events, and not vice versa. Therefore, until we balance the internal energy, the events of the external world will not change.

The main signs of an imbalance in the third chakra are as follows: a feeling of guilt that covers us when we refuse something to someone, fawning over others, a constant feeling of being a victim, a feeling of helplessness and inability to stand up for ourselves.

The reason for this type of behavior is low self-esteem and lack of self-confidence, which lead to imbalance.

The life of a person with an unbalanced third chakra is governed by the desires of others, not his own.

An imbalance in the third chakra can be caused by an imbalance in the first two chakras. When we do not feel safe, we do not know how to enjoy, in our life there inevitably appears someone whose point of view on the world we accept unconditionally, and we resist everything that at least partially contradicts it.

If small energy conflicts constantly arise around us, we first need to analyze whether our sense of security is satisfied and whether we can sincerely and fully enjoy life.

In the event of a “failure” of one of these components, it is necessary to replenish it, and then balance the third chakra.

This is the law: if the energy of the lower chakras is not balanced, it is impossible to achieve the balance of the higher ones.

Exercise 8. Achieving a balanced level of consciousness of the third chakra

When the third chakra is in balance, we can concentrate to reach our goal and relax to enjoy the results.

This is the effective use of the will: it must always be used in such a way as to achieve a result, but never used more than necessary.

With a balanced third chakra, we are able to succeed without involving other people and without prejudice to their interests. At the same time, we feel safe and enjoy the results of our actions. We, as it were, are freed from the influence of the external world and concentrate our attention on working with our own energy.

We do not radiate energy imbalance, which means that energy conflicts do not arise around us. We become more flexible, looking for cooperation, not competition. We are confident that if the situation requires our intervention, we will be able to make a decision.

In a normal, non-critical situation, we can afford to relax and enjoy harmony.

“In order for our life to be calm and harmonious, we must give up the need to be right” - this is the motto of a person with a balanced third chakra.

Having awakened the third chakra, we will begin to attract people who are also working on their will. And only we ourselves decide whether to avoid unnecessary conflict or join the fight if the issue is really important to you.

Once in a conflict situation, we can balance the third chakra by asking ourselves two very important questions:

1. Am I really in danger? (Is my safety, or even my survival, really in jeopardy?)

2. Do I really care about the outcome? (If I win the fight, will it mean anything to me?)

The answers to these questions will help us understand whether this conflict is important to us or not. If nothing threatens our security, if the result is not important to us, then this is not our business. If it comes to our honor, then we must fight to the "last drop of blood." The main thing is to have absolute certainty that the conflict we are entering into is of vital importance to us. Otherwise, those around us will have a great opportunity to test their strength on us, and we will indulge them, allowing ourselves to be drawn into conflicts that are completely unnecessary to us.

If the answer to both questions is yes, we must join the fight and strive for victory. We have to combine willpower and reason, analyze the situation and think about what needs to be done.

The level of consciousness of the third chakra is the awareness of one's own strength and significance in the world around. The main characteristic of this level of consciousness is the assertion of one's will. Often it comes after a number of negative examples associated with the emergence of energy conflicts. When the time comes for positive examples, that is, the right use of the will, we realize our own strength and can stand up for our beliefs.

When we move to a balanced third level of consciousness, our life becomes clear. The ability to assess situations sensibly and own forces reduces chances to a minimum. We abandon the defensive attitude of life and understand that opposing points of view do not threaten us at all. We begin to effectively interact with the world without entering into conflicts.

Having achieved the balance of the third chakra, we do not stop thinking about energy and will; we begin to perceive intention as the energy of the third chakra; we analyze our own intentions, and do not try to understand the motivation of others.

The best way is diplomatic. In this case, we can defend if necessary, but we will not be constantly in a defensive position. Since we do not expect a dirty trick from others, conflicts cease to haunt us. Having sensibly assessed the reality, we understand the simple truth: "How many people, so many opinions." Now no one and nothing will prevent us from finding a business that we would like to do; others will seek to cooperate with you, rather than compete.

Exercise 9. Awakening the third chakra

When we need to make a decision, we rely on the energy of the third chakra. What should be done to awaken it?

When in a difficult situation, try to concentrate and balance the third chakra. Then, based on the sensations that arise within you, make a decision. And don't look back!

Often we need only a small push, and here the third chakra is indispensable. It allows you to concentrate energy. Fulfilling physical exercise, be attentive to the third chakra. It is she who will make you really want to do your job. Then you will get a second wind.

Use the third chakra when resolving conflicts, when playing sports, during exams. It will also help you when talking with the traffic police inspector, when he will stop you for speeding, in a word, wherever you need to defend your positions. Breathe deeply and focus on yourself. Throw away all reactions that distract you from the third chakra and act.

Exercise 10

The main manifestation of an unbalanced fourth chakra is sentimentality. When our heart is broken, we are unable to separate our problems from the problems of others. That is why connection with other people becomes painful for us. As a result, we strive to do something for others in the hope of a good attitude from them.

Disturbances in the balance of the fourth chakra also manifest in an exaggerated immersion in love and addiction. Love becomes a need and loses its luster.

We say, "I love you," meaning by that, "I need you." This is how the needs of the lower chakras are manifested at the level of the fourth chakra. The result is love, burdened with many conventions. Yes, it awakens in the heart, but it is deprived of freedom, as it is overshadowed by the imbalance of the lower chakras.

If you are worried about the object of love, realize that the reason for your anxiety is not love, but the lack of a sense of security. Try to find the source of the problem. Analyze the state of the first chakra. Go to nature, soak up the inexhaustible vitality that manifests itself in everything around you. And only after you gain a sense of security in relation to yourself and to life, enter into a relationship with another person. Now you do not have to strive for security in a relationship with your partner. Just keep the sense of security you get from nature.

The awakened fourth chakra can give rise to another problem - an exaggerated desire to give. This approach becomes a source of false morality: “It is better to give than to receive.” As a result, you refuse what other people offer you: their help, services or gifts. The people you push away in this way feel unappreciated.

Accept with gratitude what people want to give you. Let them feel the joy of doing a good deed.

There is another "lining" of the awakening of the fourth chakra - the so-called unconditional love. Experiencing it, we attribute qualities to others that they do not possess. We imagine a person as we would like to see him. This means that our heart becomes a source of distorted perception.

Restoring balance requires an honest attitude. How to check it? Ask yourself: “Do I love what the other person brings into my life with their efforts, or do I love him for what he can become if he changes?” If the last statement is true, then you love not a person, but your own idea of ​​\u200b\u200bhim. In this case, your life force is constantly flowing into your partner to match your perception. But when this perception does not match his own idea of ​​himself, a problem arises. You are constantly deprived of vital energy, and he cannot correspond to your ideas, because this is contrary to his will. He returns to the old image, and you feel that all your efforts were in vain.

The perspective of the fourth chakra is not only love and light. Such a spiritual quality as compassion awakens an increased sensitivity to other people's misfortunes.

If this sensitivity is not balanced, then you can sink into the abyss of grief.

People who have an imbalanced fourth chakra are familiar with feelings such as guilt and shame.

You can't take the suffering of others as if it's your fault. This problem is rooted in the lower chakras.

There is no life without suffering, and we need to learn not to exaggerate it.

Passing through the heart of the suffering of the world, we destroy ourselves, but this life experience, when it is already behind, paves the way for us to a new life.

Exercise 11. Achieving a balanced level of consciousness of the fourth chakra

Keeping the fourth chakra in balance requires full dedication. We are drawn to succumb to the call of the heart and plunge into the ocean of emotions. But we must emerge from this ocean in time and switch our attention to activity and awareness. That's the only way we can stay afloat.

When we begin to live through the fourth chakra, our life changes dramatically. We stop fighting with those around us, love and joy await us everywhere. Trials and difficulties are inherent in every life, but if your heart has awakened, then even these events will be illuminated by the light of grace, since they are connected with the subtlest levels, and life goes on as usual.

A balanced fourth chakra fills our lives with the deepest meaning. Compassion for universal torment develops into action.

We do not just suffer for everyone, but we strive to do everything in our power to relieve the pain of others.

Love consciousness is divided into three levels - personal, compassionate and universal.

Personal love. At this level, we experience the unimaginable pleasure of loving loved ones. This is a true feeling that encourages us to share our joy with those close to us. Personal love is closely related to the first three chakras, so on a personal level, the feeling of attachment is strong. We experience the fear of losing a loved one. But as we move towards compassionate love, this fear weakens. When we reach the level of universal love, it disappears altogether.

Compassionate love. Having passed to this level, we completely move away from personal love. Compassion can be experienced not only for close people, but also for complete strangers. This love is not based on possession, like personal love. It has nothing to do with our inner self. Compassion arises from the realization that the suffering of the world comes from the remoteness of people. The reason for this is the action of the three lower chakras.

One of the main attributes of a heart awakened to compassionate love is forgiveness. We are all not perfect and sometimes do not quite plausible deeds, and therefore we should not deprive ourselves and others of the right to make mistakes. It takes compassion to understand this.

However, the compassion generated by the fourth chakra can make us become too immersed in the suffering of others and lose interest in life. It's completely redundant and won't do any good. The fourth chakra does not require sacrifice. In order for compassionate love to do no harm, our inner self must be healthy, and the first three chakras absolutely balanced.

Realize the simple truth: if you plunge into compassion completely, then by doing so you only increase the suffering of the world, and do not reduce it. And compassionate love should not lead to additional suffering. Try to get rid of the pain caused by compassion. Finding support in your heart, you will find divine protection. You will be able to alleviate the suffering of others by passing on to them the goodness that you yourself are endowed with.

Universal love. Being at the third level, we approach the feeling of Heaven on Earth. This unbound, non-possessive love leads to the state we call unconditional love.

By balancing the consciousness of the heart chakra, we plunge into the ocean of love. Others aspire to us, and we generously give them our energy. At the same time, we feel how the universal energy permeates us.

This should not frighten us: the source of our energy is inexhaustible, and those around us will never completely absorb our energy. Even when tired, we do not feel exhausted.

If a feeling of complete impotence sets in, it means that we are simply acting incorrectly. There is an urgent need to address the heart chakra and personal levels of consciousness. Having restored strength, we will again be able to share them with others.

With a balanced heart chakra, we realize the inexhaustibility of life, we cease to be afraid of the lack of something. Universal love allows us to be grateful and generous. We are grateful for the countless gifts of life and generously share them with others.

Exercise 12. Awakening the fourth chakra

Open your heart and your feelings will be indescribable. By resisting anything, you deal a double whammy to your energy field. Firstly, you do not feel the influx of energy that occurs when you receive something, and secondly, you spend energy on resistance. When you remove the protection, you will feel how your strength returns to you.

During any conflict, focus on this chakra. Bless the attacker, move into a state of gratitude. All these feelings live in your heart. Feel compassion, because there is another soul in front of you. Concentrate on the heart connection that exists between you. Never cast anyone out of your heart.

Exercise 13

With an unbalanced fifth chakra, we are aware of our right to independent thinking, but we cannot put its manifestation in order. We are in a constant struggle for personal freedom and strive to contradict other points of view simply because we "have the right to do so." However, we are missing out on many new opportunities. Indeed, with this approach, we do not express ourselves, but only prove the fallacy of the judgments of other people.

What are we trying to achieve? Only the militant reaction of others. And this at a time when we need the approval of our actions!

Realizing this, we begin to constantly analyze our own and other people's thoughts. At the same time, our ability to share our thoughts and feelings with others is suppressed. It seems to us that our ideas are not interesting, and we refuse to take part in the discussion. And this does not mean that we become good listeners: we just do not know how to express our own thoughts.

We are unable to use the energy. We are suppressed by the energy of the crowd: we feel it from the inside and try to suppress it, which, of course, we do not succeed.

What to do in such a situation? You must immediately stop analyzing your feelings; feel free to dive into the energy; merge with the group mind! Then we will begin to freely express such thoughts that we had not even guessed before.

Exercise 14. Achieving a balanced level of consciousness of the fifth chakra

By balancing the fifth chakra, we acquire new knowledge, due to the fact that we begin to look at life in a new way. We gain a kind of insight: ordinary events and relationships suddenly become alive and evolving. A fresh perspective and a sense of reality help us make the most of any circumstance.

We move away from the logical perception of life and allow ourselves to see abstract connections between seemingly completely unrelated events.

Now we can safely discuss our ideas with others, even if they do not agree with us.

What needs to be done to achieve balance?

Concentrate on your breathing, as it is through it that energy enters you. Focus on the depth of your breath, try to make it even deeper and slower.

You will feel that your anxiety disappears. You are immersed in a state of peace and tranquility.

You must be very well prepared to realize the nature of universal energy. To do this, all previous chakras must be balanced in advance.

You will express your opinion, even if it contradicts the opinions of others. You should not care at all whether your opinion coincides with the generally accepted one or not.

Understand life as a set of possibilities. This philosophical outlook on life is the beginning of your creative journey.

Exercise 15

Do you know what creative blockade is? The most common example is stage fright.

Realize that the fear and joy of the stage are the same energy. The only difference is your reaction.

Don't try to resist the energy of the situation.

Let go of the separate "I" and let the energy circulate freely within you.

The fifth chakra will help you deal with this. Imagine that your energy is blocked and you cannot break this wall.

Breathe in through the fifth chakra and then let your creativity flow. And do not try to influence its manifestation.

Exercise 16

With an imbalanced sixth chakra, our imagination has nothing to do with everyday reality. Its effect is negative: we risk getting lost in the unreal dimensions of the astral plane.

An imbalanced sixth chakra allows fear to completely consume our personality. But if we are aware that we are in an unbalanced state, if we can look inside ourselves and find the source of this fear, then we are able to overcome it.

Having calculated our energy field, we will understand what state we are in - fear or faith, inspiration or illusion, creativity or escape from reality.

The main thing is to learn to understand your own energy, its nature. The sense of balance lies within ourselves.

Another sign of imbalance in the sixth chakra is an overestimation of one's own achievements in spiritual development. The feeling of superiority is inappropriate here, since spiritual development is not a competition.

Guilt is also one of the manifestations of an unbalanced sixth chakra. You feel your separation from God, and therefore consider yourself unworthy.

Another misconception occurs when you feel " an extra person thrown overboard of life.

The danger of an unbalanced sixth chakra is that a person can resort to alcohol and drugs to get away from a sense of internal imbalance. In fact, people with such reactions are better off trying to change their lifestyle and move into a cleaner energy field.

Exercise 17. Achieving a balanced level of consciousness of the sixth chakra

When your sixth chakra is balanced, you are in a state of complete harmony, which, combined with an elevated perception of everything around you, brings pleasure and relief to your life. Now you are able to feel the movement of energy before it actually manifests.

Once you become aware of the flow of reality, you can merge with it and develop your intuition. You easily adapt to situations that are out of your control. Your main purpose is to merge with the life force that exists outside of the personality.

Being in balance at this level of consciousness, you begin to understand what cannot be expressed in words. Now you think in images, pictures, intuition. You are guided by a higher voice, and you inspire those around you to listen to the voice within them. You have risen above conflicts, because you have abandoned the polar view of life and thus gained wisdom.

Exercise 18

If you do not see the meaning of your existence, feel lost and superfluous in this world, concentrate on the sixth chakra and start looking for the meaning and meaning of your life. Look for signs, ask for advice, interact with your higher self.

Develop the sixth chakra as much as you can: read books, listen to music, attend lectures.

In other words, make your life more meaningful, look for meaning in all its manifestations.

In any conflict situation, look for an opportunity to see a broader perspective, part of which is polarizing judgments. Realize that there is a path that lies between two opposites. Force yourself to find that path. Remember that your first step is to rise above the conflict. Do this and the path will open to you.

Learn to breathe life into yourself, be able to understand the divine providence, realize that depression and depression are contrary to it, and you will successfully cope with them.

Exercise 19

An unbalanced seventh chakra is a dangerous business. There is a threat that we will begin to live in an independent reality that has nothing to do with the outside world.

Another imbalance of this level is called the "shopping list" mentality. Suppose we have an idea of ​​what we would like to see own life. For example, we have a list of requirements that we would like to meet when entering into a marriage relationship or getting a new job. We compose it and meditate on it until our desires are fulfilled. The method may be effective, but this list is compiled by our Ego. In other words, our ego claims to know more about what we need than God does. We do not surrender to the will of providence, but try to independently direct the course of our lives. With this approach, equilibrium cannot be achieved.

In this case, there is a simple mantra: "Go and go to God." What does this mean? And the fact that you first need to find your true "I" by establishing control over your life and awareness of responsibility, and then completely surrender to the will of a higher life force. Only then can we feel merging with God.

Exercise 20. Achieving a balanced level of consciousness of the seventh chakra

In order to balance the seventh chakra, surrender completely to the will of providence and submit to a higher power. You no longer have to wonder about your path. You just live, stay in this world, and your consciousness is at the divine level.

At this level, we come to the realization that we will have to answer for our actions in the face of Eternity.

In general, the seventh chakra cannot be felt at will. Most often this happens as a divine intervention that does not require our participation.

After you feel a surge of new strength, crouching to the source of vital energy, everything around you will take on a new meaning. Up to now you have been trying by all means to achieve spirituality. But after merging with God, your whole life has turned into a spiritual path.

Exercise 21

If it seemed to you that life “turned away” from you, try to determine the measure of your despair. Absolutely put up with it. Move forward and fully submit to what is happening; and not just submit, but with faith that you can have a higher power that will come into you. Your old path has failed, so why not try again? A moment of desperation is like the eye of a needle that one must pass through in order to reach a higher level of consciousness.

If despair has not yet taken possession of you, there is no need to wait for its appearance. Try to reach this level of consciousness without waiting for the driving force in the form of some negative circumstances. And then brilliant opportunities will open before you!


We know that every person has an aura - a kind of energy that envelops the physical body. But not everyone knows that the aura is divided into several energy layers, each of which has its own color and performs a specific function.

There are seven main layers, but there are others located above and responsible not only for individual functions of existence in the physical body, but also for the evolution of the entire essence of man.

Each layer of the aura is closely intertwined with the layers below, including the physical body. Each subsequent layer has more high level vibrations and goes a little beyond the previous one.

All layers of the aura are different from each other and perform specific functions. And each layer is associated with a specific chakra.

1. The first layer of the aura and the first chakra are associated with physical functions and physical sensations of pain and pleasure. The first layer is associated with the involuntary and autonomous functions of the body.

1. The second layer of the aura and the second chakra are associated with the emotional aspects of our being. They can be called the environment through which our emotional life is carried out.

2. The third layer of the aura is associated with mentality, linear thinking. At least the third chakra is associated with linear thinking.

3. The fourth layer of the aura is associated with the heart chakra. He is responsible for our ability to love - both our loved ones and all of humanity. The fourth chakra is responsible for the transformation of the energy of love.

4. The fifth layer of the aura is the level of the higher will, connected more with God than with man. The fifth chakra is responsible for the implementation of what has been said, turns words into reality. Thanks to her, we take responsibility for our actions.

5. The sixth layer of the aura and the sixth chakra are associated with heavenly love - one that goes beyond ordinary human love and personifies something higher. Thanks to the sixth auric layer and the sixth chakra, all life phenomena bear a divine imprint.

6. The seventh layer of the aura and the seventh chakra are associated with higher intelligence and knowledge. They are responsible for the integration of the spiritual and physical aspects of a person's essence.

* * *

If a person has high energy, then his crown can rise even higher, beyond the seventh layer - to where the cosmic plane is located. This plane is characterized by very subtle vibrations - subtle eighth and ninth layers associated with the eighth and ninth chakras located above the head. The eighth level is composed primarily of liquid substance, while the ninth is a crystalline structure - the template for all forms below it.

The first layer of the aura. etheric body

The word "ether" means a state intermediate between energy and matter. The etheric body consists of the thinnest rays, through which flows of energy propagate. It is arranged in the same way as the physical body - it even has anatomical formations and organs of our earthly physical body.

The etheric body is a kind of energy matrix on which the material substances of the physical body are attached. Moreover, the physical tissues of the body exist because they are supported by the field of vital energy. Esotericists believe that the primary is just the biofield, and matter is secondary. They insist that the matrix appears first, and the matter only fills in the already existing template.

The structure of the etheric body is in constant motion. The sight of a clairvoyant is able to move light blue glare of light along the lines of the etheric body, penetrating into the physical body. The color of the etheric body changes from light blue to gray. Bright blue is associated with a more subtle structure of the etheric body than gray. How does this manifest itself in life? And so, that a more gentle, sensitive personality will most likely have the first layer of the aura of blue, and for a tougher personality this layer will be gray.

All the chakras of the first layer have the same color as the etheric body. They can also change in color from light blue to grey. Chakras look like swirls of light, from which the etheric body is also built.

Only a clairvoyant can see the etheric body by itself. Probably, it represents a certain figure, consisting of luminous lines of a bluish color.

And if a clairvoyant looks in the dark at a person against the background of a white or black wall, then he will see the pulsation of the etheric body, which undulates down the arm from the shoulder. He will then notice an empty space between the shoulder and the vague blue light, and after that, a gradually fading layer of bright light. Try doing this too! But keep in mind that this luminous cloud is moving very fast, and as soon as you fix your eyes on it, it will immediately disappear. You only slightly held your gaze on the shoulder, and the pulsation has already moved down the arm ... Try again, and perhaps you will be able to catch the next pulsation.

The second layer of the aura. emotional body

The emotional body is an even thinner auric layer compared to the etheric body. It is associated with feelings and only approximately repeats the contours of the physical body, and its structure does not repeat at all. Its structure is more mobile than that of the etheric body, and it looks like a constantly moving cloud of light.

The emotional body penetrates into the denser bodies it surrounds and comes into contact with. The colors of this layer vary from bright transparent shades to the darkest, depending on the state of feelings and the energy that generates them. Transparent shades correspond to light and clear feelings, while dull, dark dirty colors indicate that a person is in confusion or confusion.

As feelings become clearer, the color of the emotional body changes - it becomes brighter, lighter and more transparent.

The emotional body is painted in all the colors of the rainbow. Each chakra, accordingly, also looks like a swirl of the color surrounding it. We can say that the emotional body is colored clots that go a little beyond the etheric body. Sometimes these clots of light spill out of the emotional body into the surrounding space.

The third layer of the aura. mental body

The mental body is made of an even finer substance than the emotional body and goes beyond it. It is connected with thinking and mentality.

A person endowed with the ability to see the auric layers will be able to see bright yellow rays emanating from the head and shoulders and spreading around the entire physical body. If the owner of this body thinks about something with concentration and intensity, then the third layer expands and becomes brighter. In general, the third layer of the aura looks like cloud-like clots of various brightness and shape. The effect of the emotional body brings a variety to the coloring.

The mental body is made up of our ideas and mental images. The color of a particular clot depends on the emotional coloring of this mental image. The more clearly the idea is formulated, the brighter the clot of energy corresponding to it in the mental body.

The fourth layer of the aura. astral body

The astral body is amorphous and has the same colors as the emotional body, only pierced with a pleasant soft pink color of love. The chakras of the astral body are colored in all the colors of the rainbow, but with a predominance of pink. So, a person in love has a pink heart chakra.

An experienced observer can easily see a pink arc connecting the hearts of two loving people. Connecting threads are stretched from their chakras, which become stronger and more numerous as the relationship strengthens. Relationships end - threads break. That is why we experience burning, sometimes unbearable pain, parting with a loved one.

Relationships and interactions of people are carried out in different ways on the astral level. In the space between them, a lot of light clouds fly - clots of energy. Some of them are very pleasant, some are not, and this difference is very well felt. For example, we sometimes feel some discomfort or awkwardness from the presence of some person in the room who does not even notice us. Have you been in such a situation? Then you can confirm that you experienced inexplicable negative sensations - just at the level of ordinary consciousness. And at other levels at this moment there is communication - a stormy dialogue between people who seem not to notice each other.

Fifth layer of the aura. Ethereal Double (template)

The fifth layer of the aura is called the etheric double. It contains all the forms available in physical plane in the form of a template or drawing.

Perhaps this layer can be compared to a photographic negative. The fifth layer of the energy field contains in the form of a negative all the forms that are in the plane of the physical body. Only this negative exists not on the plane of the film, but in the form of a shaping space. If a person falls ill, his etheric body is deformed. In this case, the task of the ethereal template is to maintain and update the first layer of the aura.

It is on the fifth layer that sound treatment is especially effective, since at this level sound creates matter. The fifth layer of the aura has the appearance of clear or transparent lines on a cobalt background.

The sixth layer of the aura. Heavenly body (celestial)

The sixth layer of the aura is the emotional aspect of the spiritual plane.

At this level, we experience spiritual ecstasy evoked through meditation and other techniques. When we enter this state, we realize our connection with the entire Universe. We see the light, we plunge into its element, we become a part of it, we feel love in everything and for everything.

If we feel our unity with God, it means that our consciousness has risen to the heights of the sixth level of the auric field.

When a connection is established between an open heart chakra and an open heavenly chakra, unconditional, unselfish love arises. Its flow connects earthly love with spiritual love, which goes to other worlds, beyond the boundaries of physical reality.

The celestial body appears to the eye of the clairvoyant as a flickering, beautiful light in pastel and iridescent mother-of-pearl colors.

The shape of the sixth layer cannot be clearly defined: the celestial body simply radiates light, like a candle flame.

The seventh layer of the aura. Keter, or causal body (causal)

The seventh layer of the aura is the mental aspect of the spiritual plane. It is also called the keter template. The seventh layer is shaped like an egg and contains all the auric bodies associated with all aspects of the individual, with his present incarnation. This template is highly structured. It consists of weaves of golden-silver threads of light. These threads are so rigid that they can support the entire aura intact. We can say that the seventh auric body is the crystal lattice of the structure of the physical body and all chakras. If you tune into the frequency of the seventh level, you can see a beautiful golden "shimmering" light. The field pulsates at the seventh level with such a high frequency that this pulsation is perceived as flickering. The golden layer of the causal body directs the main energy flow, which moves along the spinal column and contacts the bases of all chakras and unites all the energies that circulate through the chakras into a single whole. Simply put, it is the main source of energy that feeds the entire body. Under the surface of the seventh layer are colored belts - stripes of past lives. For example, near the neck is a belt representing that past life that we experience in our present life.


Why do some people endear themselves, while others in some incomprehensible way repel or alarm? After all, it happens like this: a person has done nothing wrong to you, and when you communicate with him, you feel some kind of danger or simply inexplicable hostility. Perhaps the fact is that his aura affects you negatively. If you learn to see the aura of another person, it will be easier for you to understand your attitude towards him, and most importantly, his attitude towards you. And if necessary, you will be able to establish energy protection when communicating with him (we will talk about how this is done later). There are several ways to see the aura. Let's consider some of them.

Exercise 1

1. Sit comfortably and try to relax.

2. Close your eyes and stare into the void for a while. Open your eyes. Try to focus your eyes on one point - so that the image begins to double.

3. Repeat this exercise several times.

Exercise 2

1. Take a colored piece of paper (best - dark green or blue) measuring 10 x 10 cm.

2. Hold the paper at a distance of approximately 50 cm from your eyes. The background behind it should be dark, preferably black.

3. Peer at the piece of paper, now zooming in, then deleting the image.

4. Concentrate your eyes on the corners of the paper. In acute forms, the strongest energy accumulates.

5. Try not to look at the piece of paper itself, but as if through it. Try to generalize. If you did everything right, you will surely see a faint, barely noticeable white glow around the paper. This is not yet an aura, but only its first layer - the etheric body.

Exercise 3

The biofield is best viewed on a completely black or white background. The fact is that in the dark, the eyes adapt better and lend themselves to defocusing.

You can wait until dusk and go out to the balcony. The room should be well lit. That is, a bright light should be burning behind your back, which will illuminate the object of observation well. Look with a defocused gaze at your well-lit hand against the dark sky. Then, when you see a white glow along the contours, wave your hand sharply without focusing your eyes on the position of the hand. The result will be obvious. Look at the aura of your hand from time to time. Why not once again make sure that you have learned to see the aura? This will give you confidence in your ability to see other people's auras.

Exercise 4

A good way to practice is to look at the outlines of the trees against the sky. You have probably noticed that at night the trees are always darker than the sky. If you peer with a defocused gaze into the crown of a tree, you will certainly see a white glow along the contour. This type of training is very effective and does not tire the eyes.

Exercise 5

If you want to see the aura of a person, start looking at him from the head. Usually, the strongest glow is on the head, and when you “grab” it with your eyes, you automatically see the aura of the whole person. It is desirable to look at a motionless figure. For example, you can try to see the biofield of a person riding an escalator in the subway. And the background is suitable - white. On it you can not only see the glow, but also consider its range.

Some Helpful Tips for Improving Your Spiritual State

Try to think positive.

Relax the brain, stop waiting tensely for the vision of the aura.

Believe that you will see an aura. Say to yourself, “I know I can see her. There is nothing supernatural about it."

Give yourself this attitude: “I am in harmony with the world, I am its integral part. And the world is a part of me.” And even better - look at yourself and at the world from the outside.

Try to see the aura in everything. Take a closer look at various things and analyze what you saw in them.

Don't stop halfway. Be sure to finish the job. Putting it off until next time doesn't mean giving up. If it does not work out, do the exercise the next day or every other day.

If at first it doesn't work, don't despair! Success will come with experience. Each of us develops sensitive abilities in different ways.


Each person can use his biofield to protect himself from unwanted extraneous energy. The fact is that there are invisible energy flows from which people draw information and are energetically fed. You've probably heard more than once about energy vampires, haven't you? This is exactly what it is about. We have already said that not everyone receives energy from the Cosmos: many use other people's biofields. The victim of such vampirism worsens general state, irritability, various fears appear, a sharp decline in strength is felt. And imagine how dire the situation can be if the vampire and the victim are members of the same family or the same collective? They have to constantly contact, which does not leave the victim a chance even for a short respite. In a word, if you do not want someone to feed on your energy, learn to put up an energy barrier. To extinguish the negative energy of others without losing your own, you need to be able to put up protection. In this case, you will never be zombified, will not suffer from damage, evil eye, love spell, which your ill-wishers may try to bring on you.

Building a bienergetic barrier requires a special approach and attitude to life. The barrier itself requires a huge expenditure of energy and strength. Therefore, your main task is to learn how to keep it constantly, spending minimal effort and achieving maximum efficiency.

Some Helpful Tips for Maintaining the Energy Barrier

First of all, raise your spiritual level. Remember that highly spiritual people have an undeniable advantage over the unspiritual. They have the ability to extinguish the negative energy of soulless people.

Think only about the positive, and try to expel negative emotions and thoughts. Enjoy life, smile more often! Remember that even with the slightest manifestation of anger, a person's aura retains a negative state for two days. And experiencing the strongest indignation, anger, rage, you can cause serious harm to your health - get a heart attack or some other disease.

Try to get rid of such qualities as touchiness and envy. These shortcomings devour us from the inside. Learn to be happy for others and forgive other people's mistakes.

Feel in harmony with nature and the world around you.

Mentally repeat: “This is just the material world, a secondary phenomenon. And the main thing is the soul and spiritual development.”

Don't reject anything. Everything that exists in the world has its own significance and right to exist.

Bring people only goodness and positive energy.

Be optimistic even in critical situations. With such an attitude, you will never become a carrier of negative psychic energy.

It's not easy to change yourself. Do this gradually, periodically engage in self-hypnosis and introspection. If you cannot achieve a truly wise attitude to life, try to at least achieve a neutral state - neither evil nor good.

Everyone can have their own methods of achieving a positive psychological attitude. Try to identify them - then it will be easier for you to overcome yourself. By doing this, you will be freed from complexes and ignorance.

Believe in yourself and remember that thought is material. The main thing is to learn how to implement it correctly.


There are various methods for installing energy protection. The simplest of them are different kinds shields - energy structures that are formed due to the compaction of the biofield area. Shields are installed so that destructive energy impulses do not penetrate into your aura.

How does an energy shield work? It is created within the biofield with the help of an appropriate thought form. Shields are diffuse or reflective. Diffuser shields are easier to install, so they are used more often. When you create a deflection shield, you don't have to trace the direction of an attack after it's deflected, as is the case with reflective shields. True, scattering shields are less effective than reflective ones. The latter help to direct the charge of energy back to the enemy, adding a share of their own energy.

Methods of protection are not universal - each person has his own option. Your task is to determine which method is more suitable for you. Choose a shield that you can use everywhere. In order to keep it always, you must feel it - then it will protect you from troubles and negative energy.

Here are some examples of energy shields.

Methods for installing shields associated with closing the contour of one's biofield

When talking to a person who causes dislike or fear in you, sit with your arms or legs crossed. Thus, you will close the contour of your biofield. This method is the simplest. And besides, he will not cause any alertness in the interlocutor: the pose is the most natural, and therefore no one will think that this is a way of protection.

The thumb and index fingers of one hand are connected to the thumb and index fingers of the other hand, forming a ring. The other three fingers overlap each other. Ring defense is stronger than crossing arms and legs. It is no coincidence that this technique is often used in China and Japan.

A technique called “ring insertion” is commonly used by yogis. First, form a ring with the thumb and forefinger of one hand and put it in the palm of the other hand. Then, with the thumb and forefinger of the second hand, they form a ring and put it into the palm of the first.

This cycle should be repeated three times. The insertion of the ring not only closes the contour of the human biofield, but also thickens it several times. After completing this technique, you will feel an increased density around you. You may feel as if your head is being squeezed by a hoop.

Shield installation methods based on visualization

The following ways to install energy shields will be based on a technique such as visualization. In order to master this technique, perform one simple exercise.

Think about what you would like to achieve. To begin with, choose something very simple - an item you would like to have, an event you look forward to, or a situation you would like to be in.

Choose a moment when no one can disturb you. Make yourself comfortable - sitting or lying down, in a quiet place where no one will disturb you. Relax your body completely. Imagine that all the muscles in your body relax and the tension goes away. Breathe deeply and slowly into your belly. Count from ten to one, feeling more and more relaxed.

When you feel completely relaxed, start imagining what you have planned. If it is an item, imagine that you have it and you can use it. Imagine how you enjoy and admire it, show it to your friends and acquaintances. If you have a situation in mind, imagine yourself in it. Everything around you happens the way you want. Imagine what people are saying about the current situation. Let your imagination tell you any details that can make the picture more real.

Devote some time to this activity - a few minutes will be enough. The main thing is that this process brings you joy. Enjoy, savor the details. If you have doubts or conflicting thoughts, don't fight them or try to get rid of them. Let them pass freely through your consciousness. In the meantime, you return to your positive attitudes and images. Finally, with the thought or image still in your mind, give yourself a positive affirmative statement (out loud or mentally) about what you are imagining.

Repeat the exercise as often as possible. In order to learn how to use it truly effectively, you need to constantly improve.

Imagine that a thick brick wall is being created between you and the enemy. Now all the enemy forces will go to fight this wall, and they simply will not reach you. The shield will work as long as you hold the render. The wall is the most common energy shield. It is built on a fairly simple mental image and consumes little effort. However, it will not save you from an opponent stronger than you.

Imagine that a silver-white web is enveloping you, forming a cap-shaped dome above you. The threads of this web become thicker and thicker until they turn into a solid wall.

This is a fairly simple shield, and more reliable than a wall, since it surrounds you from all sides. In addition, it is very comfortable because you can easily move around with it.

Imagine that somewhere inside you, behind the solar plexus, a blue ball is formed, which inflates with a sharp exhalation, “squeezing out” all the negativity. It forms a protective crystal shell around your body. This shield is quickly installed and performs not only a protective, but also a cleaning function. True, it does not last very long.

In order to learn how to install this shield, you must first develop the ability to sense objects at a distance.

First, master the "eye touch". Mentally touch various objects and catch the sensations arising from this. Now try to do the same without looking at the object, but also without closing your eyes. These exercises should not be done for more than 1-2 minutes. Having mastered the “eye touch”, proceed to install the shield. Try to feel, and not imagine, that there are four warm golden peas at the level of the intercostal space in front, behind and from the sides at arm's length. In other words, it turns out a cross lying in a horizontal plane. The axis runs along the midline of your body. Imagine that this cross began to rotate, forming a hoop.

This hoop can easily be turned into an egg that surrounds your body. It will not allow any negative influences to penetrate inside, since its walls are very dense. Imaginary egg shells can be one-color or two-color. It is best to use golden, orange, blue colors. The main thing is to clearly spatially feel all your actions.

Along with the "protective shells" it is good to use the so-called "rotation of the biofield". The technique of this form of protection is similar to the technique with the "egg". The difference lies in the fact that in this case there is no dense shell, and the entire space between the body and the conditional edge of the shell is filled with a viscous medium that rotates counterclockwise around the body axis. If the rotation is performed correctly, then the feeling of the body disappears, and instead there is a feeling of a homogeneous mass, rotating in the form of a cocoon.

For the purpose of protection, you can surround yourself on all sides with crosses, placing them close to the body. Slowly, with effort, starting from the head, move the crosses away from you up to a distance of one meter. Feel how they strengthen and form a single whole. Compare your condition before and after moving the crosses aside.

First, perform the “cross defense” described above, moving the crosses a distance of 11.2 meters. After that, establish protection with the help of "rotation of the biofield".

First install the protective shell, but not in the shape of an egg, but in the shape of a ball. Firmly fill the balloon with silver-violet bioenergy.

Imagine that on the surface of the ball there are ribbons in the form of parallels and meridians, on which it is written "You don't need me (you don't need me)".

very popular and effective method. In addition, it is very simple in execution and does not require special physical and energy costs. It seems to exist separately, and this is its advantage. Imagine yourself from all sides and from above surrounded by a wall of several rows of bricks. Outside, the wall is covered with mirrors facing the outside world.

Now, from whichever side the enemy tries to attack you, he will always receive a retaliatory strike reflected and reinforced by a mirror. This technique is popular all over the world and has proven its effectiveness more than once.

Just never show that you are defensive. Be calm and friendly. The enemy will lose his vigilance and begin to inflict more and more powerful blows, which will return to him with more and more force.

The only disadvantage of this method is that it cannot be applied while moving.

Send short brain impulses to a person in the form of messages: "You don't need me" or "I'm protected" or "You can't get me." This method is the most energy intensive, because you must mentally accumulate all the energy of the body in the solar plexus, then transfer it to the brain, and with the help of the center of the brain, project an impulse onto the attacking person. This method is dangerous in that you may not be able to keep the enemy's return pressure.

Pass negative energy vibrations through yourself. This method requires careful preparation.

In order to apply it effectively, it is necessary to control both your consciousness and energy state so that it is stable and unshakable. You must be sure that all negative energy passes through you and does not linger.

By transforming your own biofield, you can ensure that you seem to stop being noticed, you become invisible to others. In any company, you can sit quietly in the corner and watch what is happening without receiving any outside influence.

You can create a different target for the energy vampire chasing you. It will be a kind of trap using the energy of egregor.

Form your energy double, which will become your shell. Figuratively speaking, this outer layer will cover your main energy body like a layer of varnish. The varnish shines, and your main energy shell, located under it, accordingly, grows dull. In this case, the main vampiric energy strike will fall on a target built with certain response properties. When hitting such a target, the vampire seems to fall into an energy "bag" consisting of high-frequency energies, while the energy vampire's reception channels are tuned at that moment to receive low-frequency energy. It will be very difficult for a vampire to recover from the shock. Using this method, you will help other people, because a vampire who has experienced an energy shock will approach any victim with caution. In the subconscious, fear will arise in him, and therefore the act of vampirism simply will not take place. Of course, if the energy vampire you meet has a strong will, he will be able to overcome the fear of energy shock, but this is unlikely, since vampires, as a rule, do not differ in too strong will.

Try to practice a quick, stinging, whiplash-like look into the vampire's eyes, coupled with the release of a compressed clot of energy through the eyes. Great way to protect! It's like suddenly turning on a bright light bulb in front of a person's nose. The energy vampire will feel as if a handful of sand was thrown into his eyes, and he will be forced to stop contact with you in order to recover. He may even have a temporary partial visual impairment.

You can defeat an energy vampire very in a simple way. It will be difficult for him to resist you if he sees a kind and completely open expression in front of him. People with an open, sincere look are usually not attacked by vampires. Goodwill and sincerity at the first moment disarm the vampire, and then completely discourage you from attacking you. The main thing is that if you feel that an “attack” is being prepared for you, do not wind up yourself - this way you will save your energy reserve, while the vampire will aimlessly waste his strength on you. The most difficult thing is to withstand the first onslaught while the enemy is still full of strength, and then it will be much easier.


Energy is distributed throughout our body along the so-called "energy paths". Energy flows from Heaven, through a person, along the energy lines of his body to Earth, and then back - from Earth to Heaven. These energy paths were first discovered by clairvoyants in antiquity. As a result of the study of energy paths, also called meridians, a traditional Chinese medicine and acupuncture.

Man is made up of Yin and Yang. Yin symbolizes the feminine, passive, dark principle. Yang is masculine, bright, active. And these two opposites do not oppose each other at all, but, on the contrary, closely interact with each other. So to speak, there is no top without a bottom, light without a shadow, there is no absolute Yang just as there is no absolute Yin. When Yin reaches its maximum, Yang is born within it, and vice versa. Endless process.

It is believed that Yin and Yang interact through the energy of Qi, which fills all things with vitality.

Ideally, in any being, there should be a harmonious balance of two opposite principles. The universe, according to the ancient Chinese sages, also consists of Yin and Yang.

Based on the teachings of Eastern philosophers, any process of life activity is caused by changes and movements of energy.

The main energy storage is the lower Dan Tien, the “brain of the abdomen”. You can feel it. Divide the area of ​​the abdomen from the navel to the pubis into five parts.

Lower Dan Tien is located in the second part from the pubis, or in the fourth part from the navel.

Central Dan Tien is at the level of the sternum.

Upper Dan Tien located between the eyebrows. It is also called the "third eye" of man and a spiritual center of great importance.

A person constantly “throws out” spent energy into space and feeds on fresh Qi. Therefore, the following gates of energy are very important: the gates of Earth, Man and Heaven.

The Earth Gate is located in the center of the foot under the pads; the gates of Man are in the center of the palm, and the gates of Heaven are in the center of the head (parietal chakra). No less important is another "point" of the human body: the Hui-yin point, which connects the gates of the Earth through the central channel with the gates of Heaven.

Exercise "Life Energy"

You will see for yourself what a beneficial effect this exercise has on your body, since it normalizes metabolism.

Hand movements stimulate different meridian points. And a closer look at the palm - the center of Lao-Kun, located in the middle of the palm. Thanks to this, the heart meridian begins to work, positively affecting the activity of the heart. Performing the exercise, you can feel how the hand warms up from a close look. And this quickening warmth will then ripple through chest.

Fulfill this exercise not worth it to women on critical days or during pregnancy.

Raise your arms to chest level. So, as if you are holding an invisible ball in your hands. The right hand is on top (the palm “looks” down), and the left hand is below (the palm “looks” up). Take a half step back and move your hands to the left. Extend your left leg forward and place your body weight on it two-thirds.

Look carefully at the palm of your left hand, as if warming it with your gaze, and then slowly clench your fingers into a fist. Clenching a fist is necessary as follows: first squeeze the little finger, then the ring finger, and so on, the thumb should become the “closing” one. Hold your hand in your fist for a bit - as if you are threatening your sores with this fist. And then open your hand.

Now take your body weight off your left foot, take a half step to the right, and repeat the same with your right arm. And so on in turn, eight times.

Exercise "Pump up energy"

Thanks to the simplest movements of this exercise, you massage the Yang Kuan point located in the center of the foot. It is through it that the energy of the Earth rushes into your body.

Yang-Kuan is called a "sparkling, seething source": if this "source" is clogged or dried up, energy cannot penetrate the body. As a result, a person will constantly freeze his legs, his back will hurt. The simplest movements help cleanse the "source" and open the way to energy flows that lower blood pressure.

Hands pressed to the sides massage the meridian of the gallbladder, and the tips of the fingers lie on the points of the meridian of the spleen. Gentle hand pressure is of great importance - it favors the good work of the whole digestive system. And squats strengthen the muscles.

Stand up straight with your feet together. The arms hang loosely along the body.

How it resembles kindergarten gymnastics, when the teacher said: “Come on, hands on hips!”

So, hands on hips. In this case, the thumbs should look down. Squeeze your arms lightly around your waist. Slightly bend your knees. Transfer your body weight to your heels, then straighten your legs at the knees. Squat down a little again, straighten up again. Feel how you bounce? Repeat the exercise eight times in a row.

Meditation "Healing"

Lie down comfortably and close your eyes. Lower your arms along the body. Slightly tilt your chin to your chest, count to 12 and relax again.

Now focus on your own breathing. Let it flow through the body without any interference, imagine that it is covered with a warm cloud of energy. And this energy flows into the toes, into the heels, into the feet, into all the joints.

Breath energy flows, pleasantly pinches your body. Now imagine that this energy has a color. She is bright and joyful.

The energy of the breath flows down the calves of your legs, flooding your knees and thighs. She enveloped your genitals with warmth, pierces them through and through, warms up, cleanses from any diseases. Spreads gently along the lower back. It sparkles, shines, and everything black, sick, painful and unkind goes away.

The energy floods your entire spine, your entire back. With thin, gentle, magically healing fingers, she goes vertebra by vertebra, massages your back.

And now her stream fills the stomach. Spread across the chest. The breath energy reaches the shoulders, arms, wrists, fingers. It becomes more and more hot, more and more multicolored.

A wave of energy powerfully invades the back of the head, strokes the neck, head, face. Now you are ready to withdraw into yourself.

Count slowly from five to one. With each number, your body will relax more and more.

Call your spiritual guide through the labyrinths of the soul and ask to accompany you along the way.

A huge white wall will appear before your eyes, and the letters “PROBLEM” will turn red on it. your problem. your disease. your pain. Your trouble. Take a closer look at each letter of this terrible word. And after that, say goodbye with all your heart and with all your heart to this word. Wipe it off the wall.

It is up to you what you write on the white wall. After that, the time will come to say goodbye to your spiritual guide, who guards you on the difficult path into the depths of your own soul. Don't forget to thank him.

Count to twelve slowly.


You have a great opportunity to strengthen your bioenergetics. Stones with certain energy properties will help you with this. Choose the stone that best suits you according to astrological indications and, as far as possible, do not part with it. The stone will become your talisman, bringing good luck, and a talisman - a reliable protector from dark forces and negative emotions.


A stone of powerful energy; promotes a positive attitude, well-being, prosperity; brings good luck, helps in travel; gives self-confidence, independence, cleanses the aura; saves from gullibility, which threatens with the loss of property and even health.

Gives self-confidence, gives a clear understanding of the situation, brings wealth and fame, gives the location of others. White and yellow agate promotes kindness, gentleness, calmness and inner confidence. White agate with black veins protects from danger, gives courage, makes a person eloquent.

Black agate protects from dangers and evil forces, gives determination, gives prosperity, but causes sadness and can create an unforeseen situation.

It sharpens perception and intuition, gets rid of old schemes and restrictions, enhances creative activity, gives courage, reduces fears. The priests of Ancient Egypt used this stone to expand their consciousness.


Sharpens intuition, relieves attitudes and restrictions, reduces fears. Gives men courage and courage. According to Eastern legends, aquamarine personifies beauty, honesty, fidelity, cools passions, gives peace of mind. It is also a stone of lovers, but it can bring discord into the family. Aquamarine - youth, hope, health.


This is the stone for strong people, only they can wear it and wear it on purpose. A person who owned the stone for five to seven years and overcame all difficulties becomes very strong. If you wear alexandrite for a long time, the stone can bring happiness, but on condition that the person will do good.

Alexandrite acts on hidden emotions and, like a magical barometer, with its color shows the states in which a person will be in the near future.

This stone gives confidence, strength and power, brings wealth and good luck in all matters, sharpens intuition, enhances energy and business activity.

Diamond is a symbol of innocence, firmness, courage. The ancients believed that the king-stone cast out sinful thoughts.

In the East, it is believed that the contemplation of a diamond disperses the blues, removes the veil from the eyes, and tames rage.


Strengthens courage, gives optimism, can lead out of an internal impasse, restore harmony. It is considered a stone of pampering, it can make life a continuous holiday, because it has the ability to drive away sadness and bring joy.


Brings good luck and wealth, helps to successfully complete business. Amazonite has been a symbol of beauty and independence since ancient times. It removes the feeling of anxiety, self-doubt. In women, amazonite shows femininity, promotes a good mood.

Amethyst is a magical stone. It helps to find peace of mind, inner harmony, develops clarity of thinking.

Amethyst brings harmony to all levels of consciousness, promotes an increase in intelligence and the multifaceted development of personality, drives away bad thoughts, directs abilities in the right direction, and relieves nervous overexcitation. It brings good luck and happiness, especially to selfless and selfless people.

This stone is magically connected with the human mind. He "loves" people with a philosophical mindset, promotes clarity of thinking and the development of a sense of responsibility, helps in research and philosophy, relieves laziness, makes a person sociable and cheerful. This stone brings its owner to interesting and necessary people, helps to reconcile enemies and strengthen shattered friendships. Beryl is hope, eternal youth, love in marriage, happiness.

Turquoise attracts reliable friends, takes away the anger of high authorities, gives strength.

Since ancient times, it was believed that wearing turquoise provides longevity, well-being, protects from poverty, strengthens peace in the house, takes away fear, gives victory over the enemy, protects against floods and lightning strikes, and helps to get rid of nightmares. If the owner is in danger, the turquoise "dies".

The main task of the jet is to protect a person from nightmares. It helps to comprehend the hidden foundations of karma, the secrets of the ancestors, makes it possible to see the inside of life, reveals deception. It protects from evil spirits, ghosts, witchcraft. Protects against possession and bodily weakness, poisoning, dog and snake bites. Removes excitement.

Hematite (bloodstone)

This is a strong magical stone, which, in addition, has healing properties. Hematite helps to concentrate and direct energy, increases self-esteem, protects, gives strength and courage.


Reproduces, activates, saves energy, promotes the development of intuition. This clairvoyant stone makes it possible to obtain secret information, is used to concentrate the third eye and energy in general. Rock crystal has always been associated with the supersensory perception of a person, so balls from this stone were used in magical sessions to “see the light” of the past, present and future.

Rock crystal protects from freezing, from nightmares, removes the negativity of the environment. Faceted crystal eliminates unpleasant events.

Red garnet increases the tenacity and strength of the owner, makes him energetic and gives power over people. This stone brings good luck in business and helps to achieve a high official position, it gives a great mood and cheers like good wine.

Pomegranate gives vitality and energy, protects against natural disasters and accidents. It is a stone of love, devotion, constancy, friendship and fidelity.

Pearls are a powerful symbol of light, purity, femininity. The luminous purity made the pearl a symbol of spiritual wisdom and esoteric knowledge. Pearls are the emblem of both fertility and femininity, perfection.

Pearls protect from troubles and misfortunes, protect against deceit and unfaithful friends, banish melancholy and care. Affects dreams: makes them more vivid and alive.

On the one hand, the emerald is a stone of wisdom and composure, health and longevity; on the other hand, the emerald has always been considered a stone that gives fun, joy, love. Emerald is also a stone of hope, spring, youth, fidelity.

The stone helps only a person with a clear conscience. For a person with pure thoughts, the emerald is like a guardian angel, providing support and assistance in difficult and confusing situations. To evil and deceitful people, he brings misfortune and illness - physical and mental.

Promotes clarity of thinking, improves memory, facilitates adaptation to change, relieves fear, fatigue, stressful situations.

Causes a joyful mood, a state of lightness and looseness.

Coral of red tones has long attracted the hearts of people, enjoyed the love of the peoples of the whole world. He was endowed with iconic magical and healing properties. Since ancient times, coral has been considered a remedy for misfortune.

Red coral carries male energy. It symbolizes passion and love. White coral carries female energy. This is the stone of women.

Lapis lazuli develops wisdom and creativity, enhances thoughts, increases energy, promotes longevity. This stone softens the explosive nature, egocentrism, excessive criticality, protects from evil fate.

Lapis lazuli is a unique stone. It helps to carry out unexpected plans, brings good luck in the game, success in business, develops friendliness. This is a stone of people who seek to expand their circle of acquaintances.

Moon rock

The stone brings good luck, it is given to lovers. He assists in love affairs, helps lovers restore peace after a quarrel.

In difficult situations, the moonstone helps to make reasonable decisions, helps to overcome obstacles, brings good luck, attracts abundance, gives a person eloquence and the power of persuasion.

It is believed that the moonstone develops intuition, balances mental and emotional states, promotes deeper sleep.

A stone of attraction, a symbol of life and growth. In ancient times, it was believed that this is a stone of wisdom and even cunning, helping to make the right decisions. It promotes the development of willpower, strengthens relationships and attracts financial success, gives a sense of satisfaction.

Malachite attracts people's attention to those who wear it, makes its owner more noticeable, brighter, more charming.

In ancient times, jade was called the "stone of life." It gives vitality, helps to easily endure difficult situations. Jade is a talisman of longevity, prosperity, health. It provides a long, meaningful life in full health, attracts good luck and wealth to its owner, and protects against fatigue. This stone should not be worn by people who do not work on themselves. Jade makes such people lonely. It creates the conditions that make a person change.


A very strong purifying stone with a powerful supply of energy. It cleans all low vibrations well, dissolves "energy plugs". Obsidian brings good luck, deprives a person of the opportunity to sin, protects from committing crimes. But this is also a very dangerous stone, since its magical power can manifest itself uncontrollably: the most secret desires of its owner will be fulfilled even when he does not want it at all.

In ancient times, onyx was called the "stone of leaders", since with its strength it provided power and might, sharpening the mind, allowing you to unravel the enemy's plans. Onyx is a stone of fighters, helping a person to concentrate energy in himself.

Onyx transmits information, helps to build life plans, create a certain system in life. It is a stone of joy and life-affirmation.

Opals were admired, opals were loved and endowed with magical and healing properties.

It was believed that opal brings good luck in business, protects, enhances intuition and insight, protects against low passions and irritation.

Ruby symbolizes abundance, success and true love, kindles the desire for leadership, develops intuition and creativity, helps to develop perseverance, clarity of thinking, and energizes. The Romans believed that the ruby ​​establishes justice, honest relations and makes you play by the rules, and also protects - it changes color at the slightest danger to the owner.

Since ancient times, sapphire has been revered as a symbol of fidelity, chastity and modesty. It brings divine favor, happiness, peace. It is called the most "spiritual" of all stones. In ancient times, sapphire was considered a stone of contemplation and reflection. Sapphire is also a symbol of firm faith and protects the owner from betrayal.


It increases the vitality of a person, brings luck and good luck, promotes the receipt and adequate perception of the necessary information. Protects while traveling. Gives the owner courage, the concept of honor, renewal, brightness, liveliness, self-control.

Selenite helps a person gain an understanding of personal truth, allows you to achieve a state of deep inner peace. It can be used for spiritual improvement. They also believed that it awakens love in a person. Helps with dreams.


At all times, carnelian was considered an unusually lucky stone. This is a stone of the color of blood, the color of life, a stone of harmony and health.

It is believed that carnelian gives its owner courage, self-confidence, gives strength and courage, helps to remain calm in a dispute, protects from quarrels and intrigues of enemies. This wonderful warm stone activates energy, promotes creativity and concentration, helps to keep secrets, and restrains talkativeness.

Eye of the Tiger

Eye quartz contributes to the accumulation of strength, develops intuition, helps a person to reveal hidden abilities, believe in himself and achieve goals. Tiger's eye relieves fatigue and irritability, enhances the ability to concentrate, strengthens sound thoughts, and stimulates pedagogical abilities. It distracts from petty matters, directing the energy of the owner to significant matters.

Topaz gives the owner prudence, directs to good deeds, pacifies anger and passions, promotes friendship. People wearing topaz become honest, decent, generous. Topaz protects any person from madness and the evil eye, gives men wisdom, and saves women from infertility and helps them maintain beauty.


In the old days, chalcedony was considered a talisman of love, attracting the hearts of men and women to each other. In addition, they believed that he relieves the owner of outbursts of anger and bouts of melancholy, helps to cope with mental weakness and despondency, and ensures safety while traveling.


Since ancient times, this stone has been a symbol of hope, wisdom, wealth and success. Keeps from unnecessary acquaintances and unsuccessful deals. Very favorable for new business, plans and projects. Develops insight and intuition, helps to adapt to a new environment and new situations, promotes creative activity.

Amber is the stone of the Sun, frozen light, a clot of magnetism. It has always been believed that this stone brings prosperity and good luck, protects from evil spells and the evil eye. Amber, in which there is an insect, protects from magical effects.

Jasper is a stone of joy and happiness, its energy corresponds to the time of the awakening of nature, the realm of light and warmth. Jasper protects from evil fate and amuses the heart, drives away the torment, preserves the mind and honor, strengthens the memory of a person. Jasper is still the embodiment of sincere and wise heart noble husband.