Breeds of horses up to 150 cm at the withers. The most beautiful horses in the world

The horse is a very beautiful and graceful animal. There are more than two hundred breeds in the world, of which fifty are bred on the territory of countries former USSR. In this article will be discussed about their classification, as well as descriptions and photographs of some of the most popular.

In one of the developed classifications identified 3 main groups.

The first group included bred breeds of horses, with their inherent high performance, which were created under conditions specified by man. This group was divided into 4 types depending on the purpose and specialization :

  • heavy draft (Soviet heavy truck, Russian heavy truck, Vladimir heavy truck, Percheron);
  • draft (Russian trotter, Orlovsky trotter, Finnish breed and others);
  • riding (thoroughbred riding, Budyonnovskaya, Andalusian, Trakehner breed and others.);
  • riding - harness (Hungarian, Morgan, Wielkopolska, German "half-breed" and others).

In the second group, bred animals are distinguished, but already in conditions closest to natural ones. This group is also highly efficient. More homogeneous (mounted, riding - draft), however, they differ significantly in biological qualities and therefore their divided into zonal subgroups:

  • mountain,
  • steppe,
  • Southern Deserts.

The third group includes rocks formed by natural and artificial selection in the most approximate natural conditions.

In terms of productivity, they do not have specialization (workers and meat and dairy); distinctively adaptable to local conditions and are divided according to distribution zones :

  • steppe,
  • northern forest,
  • mountain and
  • island ponies.

In this article we will consider the most common breeds of the first group for each type. And since, today, horses are of the greatest interest in sports and riding, let's start with a riding horse.

Budenov horse breed

Budenovskaya - riding, pretty common half-breed. It was recorded in 1948. The breeding of this breed was carried out by the First Cavalry Army and other horse breeding companies located on the territory of the Rostov Region, their leader was Marshal S.M. Budennov, after whom this breed was named. Don and Black Sea mares crossed with thoroughbred riding stallions. Thus, Budyonny horses possessed power and racing qualities.

Initially, this breed was created for the cavalry, it was necessary to achieve the endurance of the horse when it was created. However, when the need for cavalry horses disappeared, the purpose of breeding became sports and horseback riding, and the infusion of blood of race breeds intensified.

Budennovskaya different standard stand She has an energetic temperament. It has a massive shape, well-developed muscles, a straight broad back and lower back, a broad chest, strong limbs, a proportional head, a straight and long neck. The height of the Budennovsky horse reaches about 170 cm.

The most common color of the Budyonnovsky horse is red (as in the presented photo), there are also brown, bay and raven colors.


Morgan is a riding and draft horse breed.

Surprisingly, American Morgans are descended from a single stallion named Justin Morgan. He was height no more than 142 cm, and weighing no more than 386 kg, however, became known in competitions for the transport of weights and horse racing under saddle and harness. In this he was an exceptionally strong horse.

In appearance, Morgans give the impression of a compact horse (see photo) - a deep body, short back, muscular croup. They have a wide forehead, large eyes, short protruding ears, a lush mane and tail. It has a light, springy stride, which is probably why they are considered the best pleasure horses.

Morgans reach an average height of 144-157 cm at the withers and a weight of about 450 kg. They can have black, bay, brown and red colors.

Orlovsky trotter

Orlovsky trotter is a draft horse, it is also called the Oryol trotting horse. A characteristic feature for him is that he is able to run at a brisk trot.

This Russian breed was bred at a stud farm at the end of the 13th - beginning of the 19th century thanks to Count A.G. Orlov-Chesmensky, after whom it was named. The Oryol trotter was bred by crossing about fifteen different breeds.

The head size of this animal is large, humpback trotters are often found. The neck of the Oryol trotter is straight and long, often swan-like, withers of medium height. They have small and erect ears, large eyes. The back is long with a laying, the croup of this breed is lowered, as can be seen in the photo.

The Orlovsky trotter seems to be high-legged due to the wide chest. These horses move beautifully look elegant and beautiful in harness. They have stamina and considerable strength. Oryol trotters are snow-white or gray in apples, gray, black, bay, red and, very rarely, caraca.

The Soviet heavy truck is an unusually strong and large breed of horses with a high carrying capacity.

They can weigh up to a ton and stand 170 cm tall. This breed has a muscular form (just look at the photo), large, broad chest, back, loin, very wide croup, legs of medium length, coarse hair in the mane and tail, head medium sizes. predisposed to body fat . Temperament is calm, phlegmatic, at the same time energetic. Mares are capable of producing large quantities of milk.

The Soviet heavy truck was bred more than 60 years ago by crossing Ardennes, Brabancons, Percherons and Bityugs.

The most common color is red, bay, less often black and brown.

An interesting and famous fact in the world about the record in weight lifting (which has not been broken to this day) is associated with a representative of this breed - a stallion named Force - he managed to take out a load weighing 22991 kg and walked 35 m with it.

And although interest in horses faded with the development of technological progress, and they lost their original purpose, thanks to connoisseurs who saved many breeds after wars and other troubles, the world can still enjoy the beauty and strength of horses to this day.

Since man tamed the horse, more than one hundred breeds of these animals have appeared in the world. They have different leg strength, body outlines, color, mane length, head shape and other parameters. Representatives of different breeds of horses are completely different from each other. The article contains beautiful, original and rare varieties. A photo and description will help to understand the diversity.

Ancient elite varieties

The horse has earned the characteristics of a beautiful and noble animal. A thoroughbred horse of a prestigious breed is valued at the level of an expensive car. Elite types include:

  • Akhal-Teke;
  • Frisian.

Arabian horse- a popular hero of old fairy tales, ballads and epics. This is a national treasure of the Eastern peoples. He has his own birth legend. Purebred representatives of the Arabian breed of horses are by far the most expensive. Animals are distinguished by intelligence, ease of training, devotion to the owner, endurance. They are graceful and characterized by a soft step, which does not interfere with the high speed of running. The unprecedented charm of the horses is given by the cock-like shape of the tail. The horses have a neatly planted head, extremely thin, slender legs.

Attention! Arabian horses became the ancestors of various European horse breeds.

Akhal-Teke got its name from the locality of the same name in Turkmenistan. Options :

  • chestnut;
  • black;
  • gray with silver, cream or chocolate hues.

The appearance explains the horse's popular nickname - "golden". Her fur shimmers in the sun. Blue eyes add beauty to the animal. In business, the Akhal-Tekes are quick-witted, fast and hardy - real oriental horses.

friezes bred in the Dutch region of Friesland. It is also an old breed of horse. Today, it is usually used for decorative purposes: photo shoots, cinema, ceremonies, royal carriages. The use in sports and for work tasks is limited due to the small number of purebred livestock.

The color of the horses is predominantly jet black. The mane is thick, flowing in curls. The figure of the frieze is powerful and beautiful. The animals themselves are kind, easily amenable to coach training.

Attention! A distinctive feature of the Frisians is a long woolen edging at the hooves.

Modern decorative horses

According to one of the versions, intentional derivation Azeri horse no one did. Animals appeared in the former Soviet republic. Now these horses are hardy, strong, active and undemanding in food. People use them to move around mountainous areas. The Azerbaijani horse is malleable for learning. It is customary to keep it in the herd.

American riding horse or the saddlebred has been bred in the US for several decades. The difficult process eventually paid off. The horse most often has a red color that is pleasing to the eye. The wool is glossy and soft. The muzzle of the animal is neat, proportional to the body, the ears are sharp, and the eyes are set wide. According to the estimates of horse shows and ratings, the breeders turned out to be a beautiful breed.

Another representative of the rocks. A native of the Spanish Pyrenees has an ancestor - the Arabian horse - and often found herself in the saddle of European monarchs. It is beautiful to prance on it at the parade and move long distances. The Andalusian horse was harnessed to teams or used in sports disciplines. The horse is distinguished by a gray coat color, high growth, refined body shapes and a proportional head. In movement, he raises his legs high, so he looks graceful.

Rare and unusual varieties

The suit of a horse breed called knabstrupper similar to the coat color of Dalmatian dogs. Black spots on white look original. There are horses with red spots, as well as with a marble or trout suit. In the latter, the speckles are small, find each other and mix with white villi.

Breed Knabstrupper bred in Denmark, but the history of its appearance is vague. Now the spotted variety is considered rare due to declining numbers. The preservation of thoroughbred horses is carried out by a special private organization in Denmark. The body of the horse looks strong and slender.

Horses are classified as rare marwari or Malani, whose homeland is in India. Historians believe that the Arabian horse belongs to the ancestors of the breed. They fought on Malani, traveled, worked in the field, played polo. In the 20th century, the population declined. It was only possible to restore it last years, but even today the export of Marwari from India is limited. Piebald and gray specimens are especially highly valued.

Attention! The strong and graceful horse has unusual ears. They are bent inward, rotated 180° and often even intersect one with the other.

breed Falabella often confused with ponies. However, according to zoological features, this is a horse. The only similarity with a pony is its modest size. There are at least 4 versions of the origin of animals. It is believed that their size was influenced by genetic mutations, a lack of mineral components in pastures, or climate. The horses were bred in the mountainous regions of Argentina.

breeders Iberian horses proud of their purity. The Spanish breed was formed at a stage when the state was under the rule of the Moors. Black horses are born to ride. The characteristics of horses are lightness and speed.

Domestic decorative varieties

Russian horse breeders, commissioned by titled persons, also tried to breed beautiful thoroughbred horses. Notable examples include Orlovsky trotter, in the appearance of which in the XVIII century Count Orlov invested his strength and money. Today, the horse breed is included in the pantheon of the best in the world. Animals have a strong, graceful and light body. While running, they seem ready to take off, so the Orlovites are found in films and in the paintings of famous artists.

At the end of the 20th century, the breed almost ceased to exist. She was saved by enthusiasts from Russia and France. Now the Oryol trotter is again sold at auctions, exhibited at world competitions. However, the population size has not yet made a qualitative breakthrough.

Other types:

  • Donskaya. On the Don they are proud of the Cossack breed of the same name. The Don horse is strong and beautiful. Red mares are especially valued, whose hair casts a golden sheen. Animals are easy to care for, trainable, loyal.
  • Yakut. Aboriginal horse with long hair and thick undercoat. It has large dimensions, but a stocky physique. Adapted to life and work in the harsh climate of Yakutia: hardy, smart, capable of independent orientation in the snowy tundra. It is also used in meat and dairy farming.

There are separate stallions and mares in the world, which, due to their external data and show successes, are even known by their names. The rating of breeds is incomplete, since different peoples have their own standards of decorativeness. But horse breeders know: the most beautiful horse is well-groomed.

Rare breeds: video

Igor Nikolaev

Reading time: 5 minutes


All horses are divided into riding and draft. Among the latter, heavy trucks stand out for their huge size and incredible strength. However, the most beautiful and graceful are riding breeds of horses. The most popular of them will be discussed in this article.

The most ancient and noble breed. It was brought out by the Bedouins at the turn of the fourth-fifth centuries of our era on the territory of the Arabian Peninsula. To this day, representatives of this horse variety are considered the most beautiful. A special concave profile of a dry, chiseled head, huge eyes, incredible grace and a hot temper - this is a typical portrait of an Arabian horse.

The true origin of these animals is lost in the mists of time. Archaeological finds suggest that such horses lived in Arabia as early as two to three thousand years BC. Long-term life in the harsh conditions of a hot desert climate has made these horses strong and hardy.

There is simply no other breed that has had such an impact on world horse breeding. Already at the turn of the seventh-eighth century AD, these noble animals began their triumphal procession around the world. In those days, there was no equal, and they began to be actively used to improve local types of horses. Until now, these animals are very popular in breeding. The breed itself continues to develop only on the basis of crossing representatives of pure blood, without impurities.

Average specs:

  • growth at the withers - from 140 to 156 centimeters;
  • oblique body length - 150.5 centimeters
  • chest in girth - 179 centimeters;
  • girth of the metacarpal joint - 18 centimeters.

As can be seen from the above figures, these are medium-sized horses. Their exterior is characterized by: proportional constitution; the head is broad-browed, but small; profile - concave ("pike"); ears are small; neck - long and swan-like curved; well-defined withers; chest - wide; the back is straight and short; the tail is high-set; limbs - slender and strong; hooves - strong, regular shape; luxurious soft mane and tail.

A unique feature of these horses is the structure of their skeleton. Arabian horses have 17 ribs (other breeds have 18); lumbar vertebrae - five (other horses have six); tail vertebrae - 16 (in other horse breeds - 18).

Health - strong, endurance - high, temperament - hot, oriental, but balanced. The main colors are red, bay. Gray and crow. Arabian horses are distinguished by good adaptability to different climatic conditions, therefore they have spread widely around the world.

The first such horses came to our country in the eighteenth century. Throughout the world until the middle of the nineteenth century, they served as the basis for the improvement of local breeds. In the veins of most of the new types of modern horses, both riding and draft breeds, Arab blood flows (thoroughbred riding, Oryol trotting, and so on). Thoroughbred Arabs are widely used in dressage and long distance racing.

In our country of Russia, purebred Arabian horses are bred at the Khrenovsky and Tersky stud farms, as well as in some private breeding farms. The total number of Russian livestock is five thousand, of which thirty are pedigree stallions and two hundred pedigree mares.

The brand of the Tersk stud farm, located in the foothills North Caucasus, to this day is considered a special "quality mark". For purebred Arabian horses, connoisseurs from all over the world come here.


Also a very ancient breed of riding horses. Height at the withers - 159 centimeters, oblique body length - 159 centimeters, girth of the metacarpal joint - 19.3 centimeters.

The exterior is very spectacular: a narrow, graceful torso; dry, lean constitution; noble head profile; big eyes; movable nostrils; long flexible and thin neck; extended back; high withers; dry and long legs; short coat; rather rare mane and tail.

The color is distinguished by rare combinations of colors: golden-dun, golden-salt, and so on.

The nature of these animals is complex, their temper is hot. Many Akhal-Tekes do not recognize anyone but their master. The Akhal-Teke breed also belongs to the purebred, since the selection carried out for several thousand years by the Turkmen tribes did not allow the admixture of blood from other types of horses. This breed got its name in honor of its homeland - the Akhal Teke oasis, which is located on the territory of modern Turkmenistan.

Akhal-Tekes are distinguished by a very smooth move, as well as their agility, energy and obedience. They have good agility, jump well over obstacles, and are very hardy. In hot climates, they drink little water.

Animals of this breed were used in breeding Don, Kabardian and many other horses.

Thoroughbred riding breed

General indicators:

  • height at the withers - 162 centimeters;
  • oblique body length - 162 centimeters;
  • the girth of the metacarpus joint is 20.3 centimeters.

Since the nineteenth century, this is the most popular improving breed, although the blood of Arabian horses flows in its veins. These horses differ from their compact and rounded ancestors by some angularity and an elongated body. In addition, they are taller than their ancestors, from whom they inherited a dry constitution and strong strong limbs.

The dry head profile is straight. The neck is also straight and fairly long. Withers - high. The coat is short and shiny. The tail and mane cannot boast of density.

This breed was bred on the territory of modern England in the middle of the eighteenth century. It was obtained by crossing the best representatives local horses with animals of the Arabian breed.

From the time of its creation to this day, the horses of this breed are the fastest in the world. average speed on short distances- 60 kilometers per hour.


Terek horses are very similar to their Arabian ancestors, but slightly larger than them. Main color: gray with silver and red. Terek horses are very beautiful, hardy, easy to move and very docile. All these qualities have made them the most popular breed of circus horse. There are many such horses in dressage.

Purebred Terek mare, elite class

Trakehner horses


  • height - 166 centimeters;
  • body length - 169;
  • metacarpus - 21.7.

These are very large horses with a massive elongated body and a large dry head.

The neck is medium but muscular. High withers. Dry, often short limbs.

Basic colors: red, bay, black and karak.

These animals owe their name to the Trakenen stud farm founded in 1732 (East Prussia).

These horses first came to the territory of our country in 1945. Now they can be found in the breeding farms of the Rostov region, as well as in the Republic of Belarus, Lithuania and Latvia.

It was on a traken stallion named Pepel in 1970 that our famous rider Petushkova won the world championship in the discipline of dressage.

Currently one of the most popular breeds in Europe. It was bred in 1735 in the city of Celle, which at that time was in the Duchy of Hanover (modern Germany) by crossing local horses with stallions of Arabian, Danish and Andalusian, and later with thoroughbred riding breeds.

Came to our country after the Great Patriotic War.

Average sizes:

  • height and body length - from 160 to 168 centimeters;
  • chest - 198.8;
  • metacarpus - 22.5.

These animals are distinguished by a large massive physique. Some individuals reach 175 centimeters at the withers. The head is of medium size, often hook-nosed. High graceful and long neck. The withers are high, well developed. Strong powerful body with muscular croup. Legs are strong developed joints, slightly bony and short.

  1. Arabic type (Arabic, English, Karabakh).
  2. Northern forest type (Finnish, Vyatka, Zhmudka).
  3. Mixed type (Orlovsky trotter, gonter).
  4. Mongolian type (Mongolian, Kyrgyz).

The step group is represented by the following types of horses:

  1. Large working western horses (Belgian, Percheron).
  2. Medium and small working horses (Ardennes, Danish).

Arabian racehorses

This is the best representative of its type of horse. Arabian racehorses were exported to all states with powerful horse breeding industries to improve the quality of local breeds. The homeland of these beautiful horses is Dibiya and the western banks of the Nile, from where they spread throughout Western Arabia.

The growth of the horse is not great - from 1421 to 1510 mm. Its broad forehead has a convex shape, large eyes are very expressive, small ears are very mobile, and wide nostrils are quite large.

Some important characteristics of the body structure of the Arabian horse are shown in the table:

Anatomical area


Not swan, but light enough

The muscles are well developed


Well developed, sharply defined

Strong have sharply defined tendons

Long and thin

Solid, cup

Most often, horses of this breed have a bay color (up to 35%) and gray (up to 30%). Everything is perfectly transmitted to the offspring of Arabian racehorses beneficial features breeds: strength endurance, low demands and dryness of the body.

English racing Arab type

English racehorses are distinguished by the beauty of slender forms, dry structure, energy and running speed taken from oriental horses, as well as a massive body and high growth, for which the locals should be thanked. English horses.

The growth of animals is from 1,510 to 1,730 mm. The offspring of the English racehorse inherits in full from their parents all their useful properties: high growth, large volume of lungs and heart, dense muscles, strong bones, dry build, ability to energetic and fast run.

Finnish race, northern forest type

These horses are capable of not only galloping fast, but also being used for various agricultural work. Most often, representatives of the Finnish breed have red suit. Their growth ranges from 1,480 to 1,550 mm.

Finnish racing horses are distinguished by a short, thick, well-muscled neck, rounded ribs, muscular and broad back. They have slightly drooping rump, medium-sized heads, and strong, dry legs.

Vyatka racing, northern forest type

Well-built Vyatka racehorses are notable for their small stature and quick running.

The height at the withers of these horses ranges from 1,460 to 1,550 mm. The suit is savras or bulan. A small head on a muscular neck, a stocky body with a broad chest and a long, thick coat complete the look of this powerful horse, which can be used for various jobs where you need to make really big efforts.

Race Oryol trotter of mixed type

The breed was created by crossing representatives of many other breeds Orlov, in whose honor it was, in fact, named. On the territory of Russia, the dense type of the Oryol trotter is the most popular - large massive animals with a beautiful head, expressive eyes, a high beautifully curved neck, broad chest and strong hooves. Their height ranges from 1,550 to 1,740 mm, and their weight is up to 676 kg.

Oryol trotters are distinguished by the beauty of running, great strength, agility and endurance during hard work. At the same time, horses have a very meek disposition.

Mongolian racehorse Mongolian type

The main horse breeding base of the breed is located in the steppes of inner Mongolia, where excellent pastures are located. These horses are very numerous, their number is approximately 16,000,000 heads.

The size of representatives of this breed is not large. Their height is no more than 1220 mm. The typical Mongolian horse has a large head, broad forehead, straight neck, large ears, low, fleshy withers, broad chest, and straight back. The legs of these sturdy little animals are short, strong, muscular and dry.

Kyrgyz racehorse of the Mongolian type

The breed is similar to the Mongolian, but has some differences:

  1. Dryer head.
  2. Higher at the withers.
  3. Moderate neck length, dry and light.
  4. Very hardy.
  5. Not picky about food.

Although the constitution of the horse looks somewhat rough, it is characterized by agility, energy and high running speed. Korma absorbs very well, so in the absence of serious physical activity, against the background of abundant feeding, can quickly grow fat.

Walking Belgian horse

Large workhorse. Her height is from 1,550 to 1,650 mm, and her average weight is 800 kg. Belgian breed may have a different suit:

  1. I am nesting.
  2. Redhead.
  3. Chaluyu.
  4. Raven.
  5. Gray.

These horses are distinguished by precocity - by the age of two they can perform any work that is within the power of adult representatives of the breed.

Outwardly, the horse looks very impressive, with a short and thick neck, a muscular, not too long back, a forked, slightly drooping croup, dry, strong legs, with characteristic brushes.

Due to its great strength, the Belgian horse can carry heavy loads while remaining very agile. It has good immunity to colds, is not picky in terms of food, but uses its potential to the fullest.

Walking large Percheron breed

Representatives of this breed are bony, large animals of gray or black color. Their height at the withers ranges from 1540 to 1720 mm. Percherons are distinguished by great strength, mobility and good character.

They have noble heads, bulging wide foreheads, soft ears and lively eyes. A thick mane grows on a long, curved neck. The withers are pronounced, a wide chest, a short ridge, powerful dry hips. The croup is muscular and broad.

One of the biggest Percherons in history was the horse dr. Le Gear. Its mass was 1,370 kg, and at the withers it reached a height of 2,134 mm.

Danish horse

Horses of this breed can be used both for riding and for working with a team. These red animals have a height of 1,550 to 1,650 mm. The head is heavy, the forehead is wide, the eyes are large and the ears are long. The neck has a slight bend, the stomach and legs are quite wide.

The pronounced muscles of the legs, coupled with small hooves and wide joints, provide the animal with grace and grace.

For thousands of years, the ancient horse was nothing more than an animal hunted by prehistoric people to eat it. However, a fast gallop did not allow her to be easily caught with the primitive weapons that the ancient people had. However, later dexterity and carefully prepared ambushes allowed a person to catch wild horses.

Then came a relatively calm period in the life of mankind, the nomad began to lead a sedentary life as a shepherd and engage in agriculture. Changes have also taken place in the life of horses, for inexplicable reasons, the number of wild horses has decreased, although their living conditions have improved.

In the Bronze Age, man began to use the horse not only as a food product, but also as labor force. Since that time, the active domestication of this animal begins.

Further, the ancient Greeks and Persians begin to actively use the horse in military campaigns and campaigns, the cavalry becomes a powerful military force. The conquests of Alexander the Great, Hannibal, the Crusades of the Middle Ages are closely connected and unthinkable without horses.

In peacetime, competitions and games are held to train riders and riders, to master the art of a rider, gradually these trainings and entertainments become sports competitions. Equestrian sports are popular these days.

Below are some rare breeds of horses and ponies. Most sources of information about horse breeds are Wikipedia.

Horse breeds with photos and descriptions


In the oases of the Kara-Kum, this horse appeared approximately 3 thousand years ago. She is the ancestor of many modern breeds. This is a real desert horse, which was used by Turkish horsemen in races and sports competitions thanks to its undeniable strength and endurance. Russians love this horse because of its gorgeous mane with gray tufts of hair.

Akal-Teke is racehorse and therefore appreciated all over the world. His mane hair and skin are thin, his tail is long and silky, and his limbs are long. All these characteristics give the animal an elegant look, it looks just gorgeous.

In 1935, these thoroughbred horses were the first to make the transition from Turkmenistan to the capital of Russia, Moscow. The transition lasted 84 days at a distance of 4154 km. Animals crossed the deserts, steadfastly enduring all the hardships of the journey and not showing excessive fatigue. This breed is one of the hardiest.

They can be of various suits:

  • brown;
  • bay;
  • dappled gray.

The breed is predominantly chestnut in color with white tufts of hair that glisten in the sun. Akal-Teke's height is 150-155 cm. Below is a photograph of Akal-Teke.

Arabian horse

Unlike other breeds of horses, the skeleton of an Arabian horse has 17 ribs, 5 lumbar bones and 16 tail vertebrae. This breed appeared 3 thousand years before our era and is one of the most ancient breeds of horses.

Arabian horse going on from the Arabian Peninsula. This horse has so far retained its thoroughbredness, so its offspring is the object of close attention and care and is included in the list of the most best breeds in different countries.

The true origin of the Thoroughbred horse breed is the Arabian horse, which has influenced almost all modern breeds. The Arabian horse is a beautiful, hardy horse, whose head is unlike its other relatives, since its nostrils are wider, and its ears are small, the mane and tail are soft as silk. This animal can easily turn its head in all directions. The growth of the animal is in the range of 145-150 cm.

This breed has spread throughout the world since the Arab conquests of Muhammad at the beginning of the 7th century.

Below is a photo of an Arabian horse.

Don breed

In the XVIII-XIX centuries. ekah Russians in the regions of the Don withdrew fighting horse breed. Its name is reminiscent of the Don Cossacks. Nevertheless, the true origin of these animals must be sought in the steppes where the nomadic Mongolian tribes lived.

The body of the Don breed has a massive appearance with a strong physique, developed chest and wide long ribs. The croup of the horse is rounded, the tail is set low. The head has a straight profile and medium size, the withers have a thin silky and long hair though not very thick. These animals can be kaura or chestnut color, and have a height of 150-155 cm.

Currently Don breed used to transport crops and other goods. It should be mentioned that this breed and its famous horsemen, the Cossacks, gained their fame in the years 1812-1814, when approximately 60,000 Cossack horsemen helped stop the invasion of Napoleonic troops into Russia. Since that time, Oryol, Thoroughbred and other breeds and varieties have been bred from the Donskoy. Below is a photo of this animal.

purebred breed

In the UK, the Thoroughbred is valued as a racing specimen. There are many different breeds that are meant to compete, but the real winners are These are Thoroughbreds.

This breed was bred in England during the reign of Enric VIII, thanks to the crossing of royal breeds of horses brought from the Arab countries, Italy, Spain, and subsequently from the East.

The purebred breed has an energetic temperament both physically and mentally, it is courageous, never avoids a fight, sensitive. Horses have expressive large eyes and a beautiful head with thin skin. The height of the horse is from 160 to 165 cm, the breed is quite tall and one of the most elegant sports horses.

These animals can be of several colors., its characteristic colors are as follows:

  • blackish;
  • dappled gray;
  • bay;
  • brown;
  • Karakovy.

Below is a photo of a beautiful Purebred breed.

Russian breed Orlovsky horse perfectly combines stature, light build, strength and elegance, mainly due to his proportions. The legs of the horse are thin and straight, with well-developed muscles. In Russia, the animal is used in the Troika team.

This breed is one of the oldest and most popular in Russia, bred in 1775 by Count Alexander Orlov as a result of crossing a thoroughbred Arabian horse with a draft Danish horse. As a result of crossing, the stallion Polkan appeared, which was then crossed with the Dutch breed.

Orlovsky horse has small blunt head, despite the influence of the Arabian horse. The forehead is wide, the ears are large, the eyes are lively and intelligent, the neck is long and high above the back, which is the hallmark of this breed. Height 160-165 cm, dominated by the color of gray in apples.

The characteristics of this animal, its quality and behavior are improved due to constant selection. Below is a photo of this horse.


The Mustang has given rise to a large number of North American horse breeds, it has the features of Spanish horses, in particular, with regard to their color. The name of the animals comes from the Spanish word "mestenho" - wild, untamed, which is associated with the herds of wild horses in the west of North America, which also served as a means of transportation for the Indians.

Mustang has an athletic and balanced appearance, a classic profile with a thick neck and thick mane. The modern animal is more attractive than its ancestors, which had a too heavy head. Horseshoes are usually not stuffed on the hooves of animals due to their natural hardness. Animals are able to jump on rough surfaces without damaging their hooves. The colors of animals can be very diverse, growth ranges from 135 to 150 cm.

After the disappearance of the Maya and Aztec tribes, when the Spanish conquerors settled in America, some Spanish horses ran away and became wild. This marked the beginning of the ancestors of the Mustang, whose herds spread from Mexico to the western plains of North America.

A photo of the Mustang is shown below.

Kabardian breed

The animal originates from the northern mountains of the Caucasus in Russia. It is believed that the age of this breed is within 400 years. The breed was obtained by crossing the steppe Russian horses of Karabakh, Persian and Turkish horses. Kabardian breed superbly adapted to mountainous terrain, its limbs and hooves are very strong and it has an obedient natural character. Her distinguishing feature lies in the ability to overcome long distances along narrow and winding paths.

Currently, nomads use these animals as pack animals. Since the beginning of the 20th century, the Kabardian breed has been crossed with the English Thoroughbred in order to breed faster and more elegant specimens.

These horses have narrow head, ears tilted inward, short muscular neck, height from 143 to 152 cm, suits can be as follows:

  • chestnut;
  • dark chestnut;
  • bay;
  • dappled gray.

Below is a photo of this elegant animal.


This class of not the tallest horses has several dozen different breeds, some of them are rare, others are used as draft horses, others are just for fun on various holidays. Listed below are just a few of them.

australian pony

Bred in Australia by crossing an Arabian pony with a Welsh mountain pony, the animal is an excellent riding pony with good character. It has a height of 120 to 140 cm, a head like an Arabian ancestor, short legs and strong hooves. The animal is quick-witted and is used as a horse for children.


A great example of a draft pony. Its habitat is harsh conditions with poor vegetation. The animal is strong and hardy, however it needs hay to survive the winter months. The horse originates from the UK, height is 120 cm, the color can be bay or dark brown. Dartmoor has thin and hardy legs, affectionate and sensitive character. It is an ideal pony for children and for competitions.

Pony Shitland

It has a name derived from the islands near the north of Scotland. These animals are small, strong, adapted to retain their body heat. The Shitland breed is very rare, as its purity is lost as a result of export and crossbreeding.

The height of the animal is about 1 m. Ponies can be of various colors, they have a small head, a strong body, short legs and a stubborn character. Nevertheless, this is a good pony for children and for harness.