Sport in human life essay. The place of physical culture and sports in my life (past, present, prospects)

Municipal treasury educational institution"Berezovskaya secondary school"


"The role of physical culture in my life"

With. Berezovka,

year 2013

Problem situation: What role does physical culture play?

In my life?

Objective of the project: Show the role of physical culture in improving

functional state of the organism, preservation and

strengthening human health.


Involve students in regular physical education and sports;

Cultivate a love for physical culture and sports;

Improve physical fitness and sportsmanship;

promote healthy lifestyle life.

Subject area: Physical Culture.

Leading activity: search for information.

Form of organization of children: individual.

Presentation type: computer.

Project Manager: Yakimova Oksana Nikolaevna

Dates: September-November 2013.

Project activity product:

Conduct a presentation of the project "The role of physical culture in my life."

Temper your young body,
Achieve great heights
Courage and will to cultivate in yourself
Sports will help me.


    What is physical culture?

    Basic elements of physical culture.

    Components of physical culture.

    Indicators physical fitness.

    Research results.

    Six signs of a healthy and tempered person.


    Used Books.


The term "physical culture" appeared in England, but did not find wide use in the West and has now practically disappeared from everyday life. In our country, on the contrary, it has received its recognition in all high instances and has firmly entered the scientific and practical lexicon.

Physical Culture This is a human activity aimed at improving health and developing physical abilities. It develops the body harmoniously and maintains excellent physical state on long years. Physical education is part of the general culture of a person, as well as part of the culture of society and is a combination of values, knowledge and norms that are used by society to develop the physical and intellectual abilities of a person.

Physical culture was formed in the early stages of the development of human society, but its improvement continues at the present time. The role of physical education has especially increased in connection with urbanization, the deterioration of the ecological situation and the automation of labor, which contributes to hypokinesia.

Physical culture is an important tool"education of a new person, harmoniously combining spiritual wealth, moral purity and physical perfection." It helps to increase the social and labor activity of people, the economic efficiency of production. Physical education satisfies social needs for communication, play, entertainment, in some forms of self-expression of the individual through socially active useful activities.

The main indicators of the state of physical culture in society are the level of health and physical development of people, the degree of use of physical culture in the field of upbringing and education, in production, everyday life, and in organizing free time. The result of her activity is physical fitness and the degree of perfection of motor skills and abilities, a high level of development of vitality, sports achivments, moral, aesthetic, intellectual development.


1. Morning work-out.
2. Physical exercise.
3. Motor activity.
4. Amateur sports.
5. Physical labor.
6. Active - motor types tourism.
7. Hardening of the body.
8. Personal hygiene.

Physical culture has a beneficial effect on the neuro-emotional system, prolongs life, rejuvenates the body, makes a person more beautiful. Neglect of physical education leads to obesity, loss of endurance, agility and flexibility.

Morning work-out is an essential element of physical culture. However, it is useful only if it is used competently, which takes into account the specifics of the functioning of the body after sleep, as well as the individual characteristics of a particular person. Since the body has not yet fully switched to a state of active wakefulness after sleep, the use of intense loads in morning exercises is not recommended, and it is also impossible to bring the body to a state of pronounced fatigue.

Morning exercise effectively eliminates the effects of sleep such as swelling, lethargy, drowsiness and others. It increases the tone of the nervous system, enhances the work of the cardiovascular and respiratory systems, endocrine glands. The solution of these problems allows you to smoothly and at the same time quickly increase mental and physical performance body and prepare it for the perception of significant physical and mental stress, often encountered in modern life.

Physical exercise Thismovements or actions used for the physical development of a person. This is a means of physical improvement, transformation of a person, development of his biological, mental, intellectual, emotional and social essence. Physical exercises are the main means of all types of physical culture. They, acting on the brain, cause a feeling of cheerfulness and joy, create an optimistic and balanced neuropsychic state. Physical education should be done with early childhood and to old age.

The health-improving and preventive effect of physical culture is inextricably linked with increasedmotor activity , strengthening the functions of the musculoskeletal system, activating metabolism. Motor activity is of great importance both for overcoming motor deficit (physical inactivity) and for maintaining and strengthening health. Flaw motor activity leads to a violation in the human body of neuro-reflex connections, laid down by nature, resulting in a disorder of the cardiovascular and other systems, metabolic disorders and the development of various diseases.

Moderatephysical work contributes to the functional and physical improvement of the body, in essence, to the improvement of a person. Functional and physical improvement provides high physical and mental performance, normal posture, high motor culture due to the formation of various motor coordinations, adequate development physical qualities(strength, speed, endurance and dexterity), necessary for the optimal adaptation of a person to working conditions and the environment.

Physical labor and amateur sports - excellent means of physical culture for the prevention and promotion of health. They are good for people with sedentary work as well as knowledge workers. The main requirement is that the loads must be feasible and in no case be overstressed.

Tourism as one of the types of leisure activities of a person has a complex impact on the development of personality,promotes health and life expectancy.



hardening is also one of the elements of physical culture. He plays a significant role in the prevention of colds and many infectious diseases. Hardening procedures include daily wiping the body with cool water or taking a shower, dousing, bathing followed by rubbing, air and sunbathing.

During the hardening process, it is first strengthened nervous system. Under the influence of external stimuli, the activity of the cardiovascular, respiratory and other systems of the body is gradually rebuilt, leading to the expansion of the compensatory functional capabilities of the human body. The main principles of hardening are gradual, systematic, taking into account the individual characteristics of a person, the integrated use of the sun, air and water.

Personal hygiene - a set of hygiene rules, the implementation of which contributes to the preservation and strengthening of human health.


Physical culture is a social phenomenon closely related to the economy, culture, socio-political system, health care and education of people. Its structure includes the following components:

1. Physical education.

2. Physical education.

3. Physical preparation for a specific activity.

4. Restoration of health or lost strength by means of physical culture - rehabilitation.

5. Physical exercise for recreational purposes, i.e. - recreation.

6. Prepare highly professional athletes.


1 . Aerobic endurance - long-term performance of work of medium power.

2. Strength Endurance - the ability to resist fatigue during prolonged loads of a power nature.

3 . Speed-strength - ability to perform for a long time strength exercises with maximum speed.

4. Flexibility - the ability to perform movements with a large amplitude, due to the elasticity of the ligaments, .
5. Rapidity - the ability of a person to alternate between muscle contraction and relaxation as quickly as possible.

6. Dynamic muscle strength - the ability to explosive (as fast as possible) manifestation of efforts with own weight body or heavy weights. The increase in muscle strength leads to an increase in muscle volume and density, which contributes to weight control, because. muscle requires more calories than fat, even during rest.

7. Agility – the ability to perform coordination-complex motor actions.

8. body composition - the ratio of muscle, fat and bone tissue.

9. Posture - complex morphological and functional characteristics of the musculoskeletal system.

10. Health - an objective indicator of health is a positive trend in all of the above indicators of physical development.


After reading a lot of literature about physical education and sports, I learned that in the aggregate they only bring benefits. I started exercising regularly. I began to feel much better. I rarely get sick. I don't feel tired at all. Sleep is very good, and dreams are only good. Then I decided to compare my physical data with the data of a healthy and hardened person, with the data of my well-trained peers.

    Height, weight and chest circumference of girls at 15 years old

To determine the normal weight, various weight and height indices are used. In particular, it is widely used in practiceBrock's index , Whereby normal weight body is calculated as follows:

For people 165-175 cm tall:

optimal weight = body length - 105

Chest circumference

(in cm)

Data on V.I. Khlopkov




My details

    Change in muscle strength in women at 15 years old

(according to the largest load lifted with both hands)

My details

    Change in lung capacity of women at 15 years old

To determine the optimal VC of a particular person, it is used inalignment

Ludwig :

Women: due VC = (40xL)+(10xP) - 3800 where L- height in cm, P - weight in kg.

For example, for a girl 172 cm tall, weighing 59 kg, the optimal VC is: (40 x 172) + (10 x 59) - 3800 = 3670 ml.

Breathing rate - number of complete respiratory cycles per unit of time

(in a minute).

Normally, the respiratory rate of an adult is 14-18 times per minute. When loaded, it increases by 2-2.5 times.

(40 x 166) + (10 x 60) - 3800 = 3440

My details


    Change with age in stroke volume of the heart (the amount of blood pumped by the heart into the vessels with each contraction) in women at 15 years of age

My details


    Some indicators of physical development girls, systematically engaged and not engaged in physical exercises at the age of 15 (data on S. L. Letunov and

R. E. Motylpnskaya).


Height (in cm)



Circle chest(in cm)



Right hand strength (in kg)




Deadlift (in kg)



Spirometry (in cm3)




The level of physical fitness of students aged 15


Physical ability

Control exercise



My results





30m run (sec.)



shuttle run 3×10 m (sec.)



Standing long jump (cm)



6 minute run (m)





Forward bend from a seated position



Pull-ups on the low bar from hanging lying down



(grades 5-9)

Run 30 m (sec) Run 60 m (sec)

Throwing a small ball (m) Lifting the torso from

supine position (times)

Standing jumps (cm)


1. Get sick very rarely.

2. Has clear skin, shiny eyes and


3. Has a good sleep.

4. Lives for at least 80 years.

5. Can run five without panting


6. If he falls ill, he quickly recovers.

    I rarely get sick.

    I have clear skin, shiny eyes and hair.

    I have good healthy sleep.

    I'm only 15 years old.

    I can run long distances without getting short of breath.

    If I get sick, I get better quickly.

Physical culture is multifunctional. During physical activity, almost all organs and systems of the human body are involved in active work.

Changing the nature and size training loads, it is possible to purposefully influence the course of adaptation processes and thereby strengthen various organs, develop the most important physical qualities.

The beneficial effect of regular exercise on the health and physical condition of a person of any age occurs as a result of:

    increase the tone of the central nervous system;

    improving the properties of nervous processes - the strength of the processes of excitation and inhibition, their mobility, balance;

    strengthening the activity of the cardiovascular and respiratory systems;

    an increase in the total volume of circulating blood, an increase in the number of red blood cells and hemoglobin content;

    development of the muscular system;

    improving the motor qualities of muscles: speed, strength, agility, endurance; development of motor activity and coordination of movements;

    improvement of blood circulation of muscle fibers;

    development of adaptive abilities of the body;

    thickening of bone tissue, its greater strength, greater joint mobility;

    normalization of metabolism in the body;

    improving the regulation of body functions;

    prevention of hypodynamia;

    getting rid of excess weight with systematic exercises with moderate nutrition;

    improving the functional state of the whole organism, a positive effect on well-being, mood, performance.

Physical exercises have a beneficial effect on the activity of the respiratory system, contributing to an increase in the vital capacity of the lungs, a more productive use of oxygen from the inhaled air.

Systematic exercises have a positive effect on the musculoskeletal system of the human body. For example, athletics exercises cause thickening of bone tissue, strengthening its strength, provide greater joint mobility, elasticity and strength of the ligamentous apparatus.

Due to the growth of muscle fibers, their blood supply improves. So, in a trained muscle, there are an average of 98 capillaries per 100 muscle fibers, and only 46 in an untrained muscle. In strong muscles, a larger supply of energy substances of glycogen, creatine phosphate accumulates, and the content of myoglobin is 2-2.5 times higher than in untrained ones. In addition, the excitability and mobility of the neuromuscular apparatus increases, the speed, accuracy and coordination of movements improve.

Physical exercises in middle age are primarily used to promote health and prevent diseases, increase general and professional performance, lengthen the working period of life, and prevent premature aging.


Physical culture, in unity with the norms of a healthy lifestyle, provides a practical solution to the issues of preserving and strengthening human health. Contributing physical development physical culture affects almost all aspects of human life: it develops the spiritual and moral qualities of a person, enhances the motivation for its self-development, implements social adaptation, helps to adequately respond to environmental stressors, creates a need for a healthy lifestyle, ensures the preservation and promotion of health throughout a person's life.Concept physical education and health of children and

M.: Fiz. culture: upbringing, education, training, 1996.

    Handbook of a physical education teacher: Reference manual /

Compiled by B.I. Mishin. - M .: LLC "Publishing House AST": LLC

Astrel Publishing House, 2003.

    Handbook of a physical education teacher: preparing schoolchildren for

Olympiads (all-Russian, regional, city, district,

school). Methodical manual / author-comp.: P.A. Kiselev, S.B. Kiseleva.

– M.: Globus, 2008.

Do not be afraid of rain and cold.

Come to the stadium more often.

Who has been friends with sports since childhood,

Always healthy, handsome, and dexterous and strong.

Physical culture and sports are an inseparable part of the culture of society and each person individually. At present, it is impossible to find a single sphere of human activity that would not be associated with sports and physical culture.

IN last years Increasingly, physical culture is mentioned not only as an autonomous social fact, but also as a stable quality of a person.

Historically, physical culture was formed under the influence of the needs of society in the physical preparation of the young generation and the adult population for work. At the same time, as the systems of upbringing and education evolved, physical culture became the basic type of culture that forms motor skills and abilities. Physical culture should accompany a person throughout his life.

Only 8-10% of the population is engaged in physical culture and sports in our country, while in the economically developed countries of the world this figure reaches 40-60%.

The importance of physical culture and sports in human life has increased significantly in recent decades. Sports and physical education significantly affect the state of the body as a whole, the psyche and status of a person.

In modern society, with the advent of new equipment and technologies, there is a reduction in the physical activity of people and at the same time an increase in the influence of adverse factors on the body, such as environmental pollution, malnutrition, and stress. In addition, immunity is reduced, which entails a significant susceptibility to infectious diseases.

Currently, the number of people with various diseases is growing, so the decrease in physical activity is an urgent problem.

Physical culture and sports are among the most significant factors in strengthening and maintaining health.

Physical education is necessary for a person in all periods of his life. In childhood and adolescence, they contribute to the harmonious development of the body. In adults, they improve the morphofunctional state, increase efficiency and maintain health. In the elderly, along with this, adverse age-related changes are delayed.

Systematic physical education and sports help people of all ages make the most productive use of their free time, and also contribute to the rejection of such socially and biologically harmful habits as drinking and smoking.

Abuse of physical activity can bring considerable harm, therefore, when choosing the degree of stress on the body, it is necessary to apply an individual approach.

One of the tasks of physical education in our country is the comprehensive, consistent development human body. A person must be strong, dexterous, hardy in work, healthy, hardened.

Regular classes physical exercises or sports increase the activity of metabolic processes, support high level mechanisms that carry out the exchange of substances and energy in the body.

Insufficient amount of motor activity or impairment of body functions with limited motor activity adversely affect the body as a whole. People can live with restriction of movements, but this will lead to muscle atrophy, a decrease in bone strength, a deterioration in the functional state of the central nervous, respiratory and other systems, a decrease in the tone and vital activity of the body.

In people who systematically engage in physical exercises, the potential of all human systems and organs increases significantly.

Purposeful physical training improves the circulatory system, stimulates the activity of the heart muscle, increases the blood supply to the muscles, improves the regulation of their activity by the nervous system.

In the process of physical culture and sports, the number of heart contractions decreases, the heart becomes stronger and begins to work more economically, pressure normalizes. All this contributes to the improvement of metabolism in tissues. Scientists have found that after intensive physiological expenditure, recovery processes follow.

Adrenal hormones, which are produced during physical activity, have a beneficial effect on the heart.

At physical activity body functions can selectively improve both motor (increased endurance, muscle strength, flexibility, coordination of movements) and autonomic (improvement of the respiratory and other body systems, improved metabolism).

Physical education and sports contribute to the expansion of blood vessels, normalize the tone of their walls, improve nutrition and increase metabolism in the walls of blood vessels. All this leads to an increase in the elasticity of the walls of blood vessels and the normal functioning of the cardiovascular system, which is an important component of the human body. Also, moderate physical activity has a positive effect on the kidneys: the load is removed from them, which leads to their better functioning.

Especially useful influence blood vessels are exercised by such types of exercise like swimming, running, cross-country skiing, cycling. Regular exercise helps to safely strengthen the articular-ligamentous apparatus. Prolonged moderate physical activity makes the ligamentous and articular tissues more elastic, protecting it from tears and sprains in the future. In the course of any activity, a person becomes tired and overtired. However, the implementation of even short-term complexes of physical exercises leads to an effective restoration of both physical and mental performance, as well as the removal of neuro-emotional overstrain.

It should also be noted that systematic physical activity dramatically reduces the incidence of the population, has a positive effect on the human psyche - on his thinking, attention, memory, contributes to the effective education of personal qualities, namely perseverance, will, diligence, collectivism, sociability, forms an active life position.

During physical culture and sports, the moral development of those involved is carried out. This development is aimed at establishing in a person socially valuable qualities that form his attitude towards other people, towards society, towards himself and represent what is commonly called moral education. This characteristic is the most important in determining personality. Its content is determined by the norms of morality, which are the main ones in society.

There are several ways to get involved in physical culture and sports: by participating in the sports section in any sport of interest, by participating in health group classes at the place of work or residence, and also by training on your own. The abundance of options gives each person the opportunity to choose the one that meets his requirements and preferences, and allows everyone to find perfect way keep yourself in excellent physical shape.

Recently, independent physical education has gained particular popularity - it is easy to do it in a place convenient for a person and at a convenient time. But in order to achieve the greatest success, you should study the basic theoretical knowledge in this area in order not to get injured in the process of training.

Thus, sports and physical culture are a multifunctional mechanism for improving people's health, self-realization of a person, his self-expression and development. Therefore, recently the place of physical culture and sports in the system of human values ​​and modern culture has increased dramatically.

Sport plays a huge role in our life. Every adult knows that an active and healthy lifestyle, as well as playing sports, is a useful pastime.

It is not only difficult to live without movement, it is almost impossible to live without it. Today, active pastime is included in the daily routine of almost every person. Everyone is engaged in physical education: adults and children, men and women. Even those who run our country and do not have free time give training a serious place. Sports are also a great way to deal with stress. However, it takes a lot of effort and dedication. Perhaps that is why people often look for all sorts of reasons why you can sit quietly in front of the TV instead of improving your health.

Children and their lifestyle

Parents should know and understand that the health of children directly depends on the level of physical activity. Previously, it was believed that for the formation of an even spine in children, you need to swaddle tightly. However, it has long been proven that this is not the case. If from birth the baby is in motion, then all its organs are fully and correctly formed. No, it is not necessary to run and exercise on simulators, the best effect in this case can be achieved by swimming or sports games. For children, it will be not only useful, but also exciting.

Mobile lifestyle

Often modern look life for many, especially for young people, is becoming more and more immobile. This is especially true for office workers. After a working day at the computer, the brain is oversaturated with various information, and the body is only capable of getting home. But there are far more reasons to go in for sports than reasons not to. The main advantages of a mobile lifestyle:
- burns fat;
- calms the nerves;
- invigorates;
- stimulates memory;
- normalizes the work of the cardiovascular system;
- speeds up metabolism;
- helps the body to be always in shape.

Proper nutrition and sports are the basis of beauty, strength and health

A beautiful, slender and attractive body .... Almost all men and women dream of this. Creation perfect figure requires a combination of various factors - a balanced diet, regular exercise, and sports nutrition. The main reason why it is necessary buy sports nutrition- the need for daily replenishment of the body with proteins. also in sports nutrition in addition to proteins, carnitine, gainers, glutamine, anabolic complexes, testosterone boosters, amino acids, vitamin-mineral complexes, fat burners, and more are included. All of these components serve different purposes. Online store of sports nutrition will always help you get exactly what you need, and the components included in this nutrition will radically change your life. Strength indicators will definitely increase, as well as the structure of muscle tissues will change. It is also very important to know that sports nutrition is very quickly and easily absorbed by the body and does not cause any side effects. Only those people who play sports should take such food, since without physical exertion it will not give any results.
Summing up everything, we can conclude that people involved in sports have a lot of advantages. They feel stronger and more confident, look at life differently, forget about health problems and like themselves more. And most importantly, it is advisable to do outdoor sports every day for at least an hour, and then you can forget what it is overweight”, “sleep disorder”, “depression” and “stress”!

Composition "Sport in my life."

Sport is an amazing opportunity for a person to maintain his own health. Regular exercise strengthens the body, trains endurance, favorable effects on muscles, cardiovascular and respiratory system, reduce the risk of development and occurrence of many diseases. In addition, physical education hardens character, develops willpower. So why neglect it?

In our country rapidly sport develops, national teams at the international level face off in various sports disciplines. Russia often takes prizes, which cannot but become a reason for pride. By instilling a love for sports in the younger generation, we make a long-term contribution to future his nation, his people. After all, classes develop not only physically, but also morally. Athletes overcome many challenges throughout their careers. This and grueling workout, and the bitterness of defeat, and discouragement. But in no case should this be a reason to give up, but rather should give an incentive improve and reach new heights. I sincerely admire such people!

My family is a big sports fan. All this thanks to dad, because he is a military man, and in this area physical training plays an important role. He developed in us the habit of exercising in the morning and eating right. Now I go to the pool several times a week and play basketball. I would like to achieve success in my business and enter the international level, where I can represent my country and defend its honor and the right to be called champion. My parents and younger sister and I love leisure: cycling, beach games with ball, hiking. Weekends often fly by behind such activities. I like to spend time like this, because it brings a lot benefit. People who do not exercise their body are much more likely to get sick, because their body is not so strong. In old age, such people often have problems with muscles, joints and internal organs.

I like sport! And how not to love him? After all, this is a way to control your health, look good, develop as a person, strengthen character. I am glad that in my family and the state this issue is given due attention, without this it is impossible to get healthy in all respects. generation, because in healthy body– healthy spirit!

Essay on the topic: "The role of sport in human life."

Completed by: Frelikh Marina Dmitrievna

Checkpoint tutor

In Kazakhstan, a lot of attention is paid to sports, starting with school physical education lessons, organizing sports sections and ending with the holding of major summer and winter world-class championships, on the example of the recently completed Universiade 2017. Every day, I watched with admiration every start of young guys who gave all their strength for the sake of victory, not only for their own, but for the victory of their country! They have strength of mind and perseverance. For athletes, sport is life!

But, there are statements of young people that it is not necessary for every person to go in for sports. Is it so? I will try to prove the opposite using real life examples.

I often meet young people who occasionally go in for sports, referring to being busy and lacking time, to having more important and interesting activities in their lives.

Walking or light jogging, which are great for strengthening joints, is replaced in their lives by renting a vehicle. Computer games, networking are addictive like a swamp, their brain is oversaturated with information, their lifestyle becomes more immobile. The same applies to office workers who sit hunched over at computers and the main goal for them, after a working day, is to get to the sofa. What does a person gain from his passive life? Tired look, lethargy, frequent illnesses, fatigue, overweight. They are most often depressed. What prevents each person from exercising? In my opinion - the usual laziness.

I do not belong to the category of professional athletes. I am an ordinary person on the planet Earth, but in my life, from an early age, sport plays a huge role, being not just some fleeting hobby, but a way of life and useful pastime. Despite my earlier injuries, it is much more pleasant for me to go for a run under the birds singing or the light crunch of snow, inhaling a sip fresh air. I try to instill these wonderful feelings of satisfaction from my passion for sports in my children.

Observing the younger generation, over many years of work, from my own experience, I know how sport has a beneficial effect on general development person. It disciplines, eliminates laziness and lethargy, makes it possible to receive joy from victories and educates willpower from defeats, strengthens health and teaches you to plan your time. Morning exercise, which takes only five minutes, can replace a cup of coffee, give vigor and energy for the whole day. Sport is the main remedy for stress, it is a drive that gives joy and good mood. It brings people together and strengthens families.

I am glad that I have a huge number of like-minded people different ages who share my point of view that sport is an integral and very important part in the life of every person! We are educators and we want to help raise a healthy generation for whom sport will be the norm of life and a daily need. After all, it is sport that helps a person to strengthen physical form, preserve the physical and emotional health for many years. Sport - is life!