How many we will walk on the day of the fisherman. Fisherman's Day is a holiday for all people who love to sit with a fishing rod

For many, fishing is associated with a variety active rest. But do not forget about the professional fishing which has become a difficult and serious work for many people.

In connection with the change in the usual methods of production, the emergence of poaching, the deterioration of the environmental situation in society, issues related to fishing that require attention have become acute. An excellent occasion not only to solve global problems of fishing, but also to congratulate people whose lives are closely connected with fishing, was the Day of the Fisherman, which is celebrated annually on the second Sunday of July.

Day of the fisherman: how did the fishery develop?

Fishing is one of the oldest traditional human activities, which appeared in the Paleolithic era.

Tribes living on the banks of water bodies and not having the opportunity to raise livestock had to look for ways to get their own food.

The proximity of water became a fundamental factor for such captives, who were able to find ways to catch fish.

The development of mankind, the emergence of new tools and types of economy could not force a person to leave his favorite and affordable way of obtaining tasty and nutritious food in the form of various fish.

Archaeologists have found that the history of the first fishing rod has almost 15 thousand years. And the first confirming facts about the existence of hooks are associated with the III millennium BC.

For the manufacture of primitive hooks, natural stone, animal bones, pieces of wood, and iron were used. Before that, fish were caught using nets or special baskets equipped with ropes.

Fishing was thoroughly engaged in people living in the Scandinavian countries and Alaska, North America and Norway. Fishing has become the main source of food for residents of the Far Eastern and Northern regions of Russia.

For the first time, attempts to take spontaneous fishing under control were made in the Middle Ages. Artels and processing shops appeared at the same time.

Edicts and laws are being created prohibiting the catching of certain types of fish, as well as not allowing ordinary peasants to fish in certain reservoirs and at certain times.

For fishing enthusiasts, unique manuals are issued, which describe in detail about gear and devices, types of top dressing and the intricacies of catching certain types of fish.

Currently, there are several types of fishing.

Commercial fishing is carried out on an industrial scale, which not only provides the country with gifts from the seas and rivers, but also makes a significant contribution to the economy.

Consumer fishing is characterized by a sole hobby associated not only with gastronomic pleasures, but also with aesthetic pleasure.

There is also sport fishing, where keen natures compete in tournaments in catching certain types of fish.

Such competitions are held under the auspices of public and state organizations and have their own rules and regulations.

Recreational fishermen who have become professionals in catching fish are proud of their achievements, especially captured in photographs, where they show their catch in own hands.

What date is Fisherman's Day: the history of the holiday

Industrial production of the inhabitants of sea, river and ocean waters is carried out by specialists in fishing.

Despite the presence modern means mechanization, location equipment, the profession of a fisherman remains difficult and even selfless.

The development of the industry requires certain knowledge from employees, which are obtained in specialized educational institutions and in the process of work.

In addition, the profession of a fisherman is associated with work in the open spaces of water, which is considered harmful and even dangerous to health, and sometimes life.

Despite the centuries-old history of fish farming, the professional holiday appeared only in the 20th century. This is one of the first holidays that were established by the Soviet government in the first years of government back in the 20s of the last century.

The date of the holiday according to the Decree of the Presidium of the Supreme Soviet of the USSR, which was signed on October 1, 1980, was the second Sunday of July. The date of the celebration of the Fisherman's Day did not change even when amendments were made on May 31, 2006 to the text of the decree "On holidays and memorable dates."

Fisherman's Day is celebrated annually in the middle of summer, when the weather in most regions of Russia is warm and sunny.

In addition, vacations fall at this time, which helps professionals and amateur fishermen to visit their favorite fishing spots on a holiday.

Fisherman's Day celebration: who is celebrating?

In addition to amateur fishermen who surprise their fellow enthusiasts with stories about unprecedented catches, on Fisherman's Day people are congratulated for whom fishing has become not a hobby, but a profession.

In addition to fishermen, both singles and professionals, the Fisherman's Day holiday is celebrated by employees of the fish inspection.

On this day, congratulations are also accepted by teachers and students of educational institutions that specialize in fisheries and water management. Every year, the Fishermen's Day coincides with professional holiday postmen -.

At the state and public level, forums and conferences are held on the Day of the Fisherman, where important issues related to fishing are raised.

These are, first of all, issues of poaching, water pollution, extinction of special fish species.

A good tradition on Fisherman's Day is to hold sports catching certain types of fish.

The criteria by which the winner of the competition for catching fish on a hook is determined can be both the weight of the catch and the size of the fish caught, its weight.

Winners receive valuable souvenirs and.

Fairs are organized where you can buy both unique gear and the gifts of the reservoirs themselves. Festive concerts are held, at which leaders with congratulatory speeches and creative teams perform.

Concerts are accompanied by quizzes, competitions and funny comic performances with the inhabitants of the water depths: mermaids.

Quite interesting are the personal celebrations.

Usually, on Fisherman's Day, outings are organized, where avid fishermen, together with friends and relatives, colleagues and close friends, arrange festive feasts directly on the banks of rivers, seas or lakes.

There are many interesting ways to spend Fisherman's Day in nature. The culmination of the event is an ear cooked from a fresh catch or a fish baked on a fire. The hero of the occasion is congratulated on the wishes of a big catch and presented with original ones.

On Sunday, July 8, 2018, Russia celebrates Fisherman's Day. When the celebrations usually take place, as well as the history and traditions of the holiday, experts tell.

In Russia, there is no exact date for Fisherman's Day: it is celebrated on the second Sunday of July. In 2018, the holiday of fishing professionals, as well as everyone who cannot imagine rest without fishing, falls on July 8th. On the Day of the Fisherman, Russians, as a rule, spend time near rivers or lakes with their families and friends, people go out into nature to chat with each other, taste freshly prepared fish soup and just spend time by the water.

history of the holiday

Fisherman's Day in Russia began to be celebrated in the 80s of the last century at the initiative of the Supreme Soviet of the USSR. The date - the second Sunday of July - was not chosen by chance. The fact is that by this time restrictions on fishing have been lifted throughout the country, in addition, good weather has set in throughout the vast state, and many seek to spend the weekend near water bodies.

Fisherman's Day, we note, should not be confused with World Fisheries Day on June 27th. This holiday was established at the International Conference on the Development and Regulation of Fisheries in Rome in 1984, is considered the professional holiday of workers in the fishing industry and is celebrated all over the world. Russian professionals, however, are happy to congratulate each other once again on Fisherman's Day.

Holiday traditions

Fisherman's Day in Russia is especially widely celebrated in cities whose citizens in most cases are professional fishermen, and for the rest, fishing is the main form of leisure. Local authorities organize various competitions, one way or another related to fishing, arrange concerts and folk festivals. In places of festivities, master classes are held, souvenirs are sold and, of course, chefs are invited to cook fish soup according to traditional recipes for a particular region. The ear is then tried by everyone.

Fisherman's Day is a favorite holiday celebrated by many in Russia and Ukraine. Officially, the date of the holiday was approved back in Soviet times, but after the collapse of the USSR, only Ukraine and Russia continued to officially celebrate it.

Fisherman's Day was proclaimed in 1968 by the Presidium of the Supreme Soviet of the Soviet Union to recognize the importance of fisheries and the fishing industry, which was one of the most important industries in some regions of the USSR. Let's find out when is the day of the fisherman in Russia in 2019.

When is the fisherman's day celebrated in Russia in 2019

The official date when the day of the fisherman is celebrated in Russia is flexible. Every year it falls on the second Sunday in July. In 2019, the day of the fisherman in Russia is celebrated on July 14.

The history of the day of the fisherman in Russia

Initially, Fisherman's Day in Russia was created as a professional holiday for people involved in the fishing industry, but now it is also celebrated by simple amateur fishermen who consider fishing as a hobby. Therefore, it is important for people whose loved ones are fond of fishing to know when the day of the fisherman in Russia is in 2019 in order to congratulate them on the holiday.

The most spectacular Fisherman's Day celebrations take place in coastal towns. For example, in Murmansk (a major port city in Russia), this holiday is celebrated with colorful fairs and open-air concerts, as well as other events.

When the day of the fisherman in Russia in 2019 comes, fishermen from all over the region will come to Murmansk. This is not surprising, since the port of Murmansk is one of the most important places for fishing.

Fisherman's Day in Murmansk

In many cities of Russia and Ukraine, fishermen celebrate their holiday with fishing competitions, trying to catch the biggest or heaviest fish. Therefore, it is important to know when the day of the fisherman in Russia is in 2019.

By the way, Latvians celebrate the holiday of the sea and Firshermen on the first weekend of July.

The professional holiday of fishermen - Fisherman's Day - is celebrated annually in Russia on the second Sunday of July. In 2017, this date falls on July 9th.

How did Fisherman's Day come about?

Fisherman's Day began to be celebrated in Soviet times. The date was officially set by the Supreme Soviet of the USSR on October 1, 1980.

Fishermen's Day can be considered their professional holiday not only by fishermen, but also by employees of fish inspections, fish breeding enterprises, ichthyologists and ichthyopathologists, teachers of special educational fisheries institutions and universities, border guards who protect aquatic biological resources in the economic zone of Russia, as well as amateur fishermen.

Fishing is one of the oldest forms of human economic activity.

Sunday fishing on the island of Senezh

Initially, fishing, like other early forms of collecting ready-made gifts of nature, was of a very primitive nature: they collected fish thrown ashore by the surf or remained there after low tide, and caught it with their hands. For many tribes, fishing became the main source of subsistence (for example, for some Indian tribes in the northwest of North America). However, it has never been the only form of economic activity; fishing was usually combined with gathering, hunting, and farming.

With the emergence of exchange and trade among many peoples, fishing gradually took the form of a trade, and in modern times it has acquired an industrial character.

Fishing in the Atlantic

The state and development trends of the world fish industry are currently characterized by increased competition among fishing countries for the right to use aquatic biological resources, especially the most valuable species of fish and crustaceans, as well as for markets for fish products.

Many countries consider fisheries as a component of strategic importance, ensuring food security, population and socio-economic development of certain coastal areas.

Fishing in Russia

Russia has historically been a leading maritime power based on its geographical features, place and role in global and regional international relations. Fisheries in Russian Federation is a complex sector of the economy, including a wide range of activities - from forecasting the raw material base of the industry to organizing trade in fish products in the country and abroad.

In the country's economy, the fish industry plays the role of a supplier of food, feed and technical products (fish meal and fat, fodder fish for fur farming, agar agar, various biologically active substances, etc.).

Preparation of snurrevod (bottom seine) on a small fishing seiner

Fisheries organizations are city-forming in many coastal regions of the country and provide employment for the population. This is of particular importance for the regions of the Far East and the Far North, where fishing is the main source of life support for the population, including indigenous peoples.

The domestic fishery industry in last years demonstrates a stable positive trend, increasing the volume of catching aquatic biological resources and the production of fish products.

How is Fisherman's Day celebrated?

Celebrate, as a rule, in nature. People go to the reservoirs and arrange competitions there to catch the inhabitants of the water depths. Participants of the competition compete in the number of prey caught, its weight and size. The winners are awarded with valuable gifts, souvenirs, fishing rods or themed postcards.

Open sport fishing championship in Vladivostok

The day of the fisherman is not complete without feasts. Fishing enthusiasts and professionals gather along the banks of rivers, lakes and seas. They are joined by friends, relatives, close people. Under the open sky, dishes are prepared on fire, fish soup is boiled from the catch.

Traditionally, congratulations, wishes of health and success are heard on this day. At the end of each toast, those present drink strong drinks. Fishermen discuss the news, share their experiences and tell stories from their lives, demonstrate tackle and talk about places where there is a good bite.

On television, programs about the masters of the fishing rod are often broadcast. Fishing footage recorded in picturesque places is demonstrated. News releases sometimes mention the memorable event.

Fish soup festival in the Saratov region

The holiday is celebrated not only by professionals, whose tasks include the management and maintenance of fishing, but also by amateurs, who regard the occupation as a hobby at their leisure. In many settlements of the Russian Federation, the date in honor of the fishermen is no less significant than the day of the city. In most countries there are similar celebrations.

Material compiled from open sources

Today, July 8, 2018 is a wonderful summer holiday - the Day of the Fisherman (Fisherman). This Day is celebrated every year on the second Sunday of July.

This holiday unites not only labor collectives - professional fishermen who are fed by fishing, but also amateur fishermen, who bring joy and pleasure to fishing.

On this day, competitions of fishing teams among professionals and competitions between amateur fishermen are held, the Therussiantimes portal writes. The holiday is very popular, because fishing is something that even those who are familiar with this craft only hearsay know about.

On Fisherman's Day 2018, be sure to congratulate everyone who has connected life with this romantic and difficult profession, as well as everyone for whom fishing is a sport, a hobby, a special state of mind, a way to merge with nature.

Short SMS with Fisherman's Day 2018 or a message on social networks with an animated picture and verses are short, but important signs of attention, Yu which every fisherman will be very pleased to receive!


It's stormy for days
The wind blows overboard
And the waves measuredly, in earnest,
They run towards us in a group.

Having fixed everything in a stormy way,
We're waiting for the time to come
Neptune will satiate his malice,
Leaving us alone again.

The cyclone passes and subsides
Not so rampant wave
The trawlmaster disassembles the trawls,
And waiting for commands from the bridge.

The search has already begun and sonars
With might and main they disturb the depth,
Ships breaking into threes, pairs,
They make noise breaking the silence.

Here someone shouted, eat, got,
Gone on a secret wave
But there is one who heard everything
And he gave a move to the square to him.

And the trawls go overboard again,
And someone first beats the path,
And the captains gossip again
How not to draw a large crowd.

Yes, everything happens in the sea,
Who calls everyone, and who does,
But no one forgets honor
And everyone knows that he is a fisherman.

Now he will be silent, another time he will shout,
And everything goes on again,
And our friendship grows stronger
Fisherman's hard work.

And upon arrival at the port, having gathered,
Let's discuss, the difficulties can not be counted,
For a cup, maybe embracing,
We will remember the fisherman's honor.

That through storms and hurricanes together,
We walked this path
But we were together again
And don't forget about it.

Short congratulations, SMS Happy Fisherman 2018

Fishing rod, spinning - our weapons!
On the day of the fisherman, I congratulate my colleagues!
There is no better entertainment for me...
Do you like to fish? So our man!

Happy Fisherman's Day! Let fishing always end with a serious catch! Let the trophies cause admiration and envy of others! Good luck and tasty fish soup!

On the day of the fisherman, I heartily congratulate:
Fishing rod, fish, ear, bonfire,
The squeak of mosquitoes, well, and vodka, of course ...
Who does not understand - far from fishing.

Day of the fisherman - Day of the real man! I wish you continued good luck on this holiday, both in fishing and in life, may Neptune favor you and always give you a generous catch!

On the day of the fisherman, I ask you to give me the floor:
Let our peaks and networks
Will be full of precious catch,
The most abundant in the world!

Fisherman's Day in 2018: congratulations in verse, prose, pictures

All those who know what a whip is,
Makukha, boilie, bait, leash ...
I want to congratulate you on a wonderful holiday
And wish you fish in the garden!

Happy fisherman's day, congratulations,
To celebrate this holiday bravo!
Go fishing without a doubt
So as not to scare the fish with uncertainty!

Learn new fishing techniques!
Save up your fishing experience!
Let the emotions in your heart be hot!
Hold the spinning with a strong hand!

I know and, believe me, firsthand
About your unmeasured experience!
As from childhood you are still quite a boy
He went with his fishing rod to the pond ...

And now you are teaching others
How to properly cut...
May you receive all your honors
On Fisherman's Day, to celebrate cool!

And I wish I was fishing
Great success awaited you in life!
And, thanks to your ingenuity,
You always caught the most fish!

My beloved has a passion
The kind that brings fish into the house...
On Fisherman's Day with great inspiration
I also want to congratulate him!

I want to wish that only in fishing
He has always been successful!
So that the fish that swims in the wild
You managed to catch it the fastest!

So that you go fishing with joy
And with joy, with a catch, he went home ...
And, so that thanks to its hardening,
You caught fish in summer and winter! ..

How many fishermen in the world
And everyone celebrates on this day!
Meet the fisherman's day on the river now
For each of them there will be no laziness!

And I'm in a hurry, so that with a fishing rod too
To sit by the lake with bait…
Let the spirit of the lake always help
I can see trophies in the water column ...

And I want to congratulate everyone on this holiday
I am very kind and simple verse!
I wish you to meet the dawn on the river
And catch fish with everything!

We shared the territory with you -
Divided into squares the water area
And everyone catches in the allotted place,
But we actually catch with you together!

On Fisherman's Day, I am glad to congratulate you,
To wish you a big catch!
Let the fish be the best reward
For those who are ready to fish again!

And let the baited hooks under the water
They leave smoothly to lure the fish ...
Let nature please us with the weather,
To go fishing every day!

We have also prepared for Fisherman's Day 2015 SMS congratulations

Happy Fisherman's Day, congratulations,
So that you have success in everything, in everything ...
Today is Sunday
And, therefore, I announce the rise!
Let's hurry to the dawn of the morning,
To catch a lot of fish!