What does a guest visit to a fitness club mean. Guest visit to a fitness club with a swimming pool

There are 3 fitness clubs with a network pool in Moscow. provides premium services. We try to tell in detail about ourselves on the pages of our website and groups in social networks, but the most complete picture of us can be obtained during guest visit. At guest visit our managers will tell you in detail and show you a huge fitness state, take you to the locker rooms, show you pools and saunas, tell you more about our club life. You will also get acquainted with our instructors, see with your own eyes the variety of our simulators and the group program room.

Why is a guest visit to a fitness club with a pool necessary?

This visit will help you get as much information as possible about fitness club and the services we offer. Personal communication with instructors will create an idea of ​​qualifications and knowledge. You will also be able to understand the principle of how training and classes are organized in a fitness club. The pool in the photographs can amaze with its scope and beauty. But only a direct visit to the pool will give you an opinion about its cleanliness, and decide whether this is what you dreamed of.

The gym has long been an obligatory item of the daily routine for me. I have been training for 10 years already: both on my own and with instructors, I tried and saw different centers and gyms in Minsk and Moscow (while I worked there for three years). I remember even practicing yoga for three months. Went to a pool that looked like appearance rather a school than a sports facility. Of course, there were also breaks, during which I trained at home using complexes from men's magazines, or in general, because of a busy schedule, I frankly "scored" on fitness, hiding behind the excuse "we'll catch up tomorrow." So the result of the last long break in training was this - in November 2015 I realized that neither more nor less - but added +15 kg. Taking will into a fist, I decided to return to myself sportswear- Fortunately, I have a lot of gyms in the area.

The first months I went to the halls, which is well known. The following is immediately striking - most owners of such fitness centers forget to take care of their equipment after a few years, and the staff frankly does not care about beginners. You have to train on worn benches or run on rickety paths, performing previously memorized complexes. Then I persuaded my friend (training together is much more fun) to buy season tickets in new fitness club next to work. He was bribed by a visually large area, a bunch of simulators in the power zone and a lot of options for cardio training. Although the price tag was an order of magnitude higher than that of competitors. Trained exclusively with a personal trainer - this is really important. At first, it may seem that they are trying to beat extra money out of you, although in fact you get a full-fledged set of workouts (which always included one or two new exercises). Plus he advised us on diet and sports nutrition. All my colleagues noted the progress from classes, and in six months I got rid of bonus extra pounds. The trainer, by the way, was not a full-time employee of the fitness club - in general, many incoming fitness instructors work there. Sometimes during peak hours it seems that there are as many trainers in the gym as there are clients. But from the middle of May our personal trainer began to regularly skip classes paid in advance, and send us a program for the day through social networks. At first, we treated this with understanding (well, you never know what situations happen in life), and then this technique began to frankly annoy. Therefore, when I was offered to come for a guest visit to a new fitness club, we naturally agreed. And here is the result of this visit:

1. Client meeting. At the reception we were asked to put on shoe covers. After that, a fitness consultant came up to acquaint us with the main areas of the club and offered free workout(not limited in time). We took a uniform with us just in case, although it is rare for our city when a guest visit is something more than just getting to know the hall. We received the key to the locker and a towel, which was a pleasant surprise. Usually for the latter in most clubs you either have to pay extra, or instead of a terry towel you get a disposable bath napkin. This is included in the price of the visit. The locker room is designed for 80 visitors. The lockers, in my opinion, are narrow, but, as we were told, the client will leave outerwear at the entrance in the cloakroom.

2. First impression. Although the fitness club is brand new, it doesn't have the lingering rubber smell that plagued us at other gyms. Maybe it's the coverage. Ventilation of the room at the level. But the club is not yet full of customers, and it is difficult to say whether she will cope with an unpleasant smell from a neighbor who sweats profusely during rush hour. The working area (about 600 square meters) is divided into three zones: cardio, strength and functional training. They promise that a fitness bar will open here soon (we didn’t find it, but we found three points where you can get water). In general, at first glance, it's just a very large Gym equipped with well-known brands. We started the workout with a warm up for cardio.

3. Cardio zone. The usual set of treadmills, ellipsoids, exercise bikes and steppers was supplemented here, for example, with lateral ellipsoids (in which the forward-back step is replaced by circular motions and the main load goes to internal muscles thighs and buttocks). I liked the TradeClimber, a hybrid of a treadmill and stepper, for a warm-up, and my friend decided to go for the StairMaster, which resembles an escalator. Fact: Cardio equipment has a smooth ride and is stable on the surface (you don't wobble to the sides if you use a high incline or run at high speed). Some models have built-in ventilation - no need to wipe sweat from your face every five minutes. During training, you can be distracted by the view from the windows of the forest park and the Slepyanskoye reservoir.

4. Strength training. Then we had an on-duty fitness instructor working with us. Unusually, of course, when a girl trains you - but she did a good job with the task: she picked up necessary simulators, exercises, number of repetitions and approaches to train the desired muscle group.

In the power zone, all equipment is from StarTrac (according to Internet sources, many well-known world network halls are equipped with it). There are a lot of simulators and they are quite close to each other. We were assured that everything was calculated in such a way as not to interfere with other clients during the exercise. I will not delve into the characteristics and biomechanics, I will note that you really train an isolated muscle group, without additional stress on the joints.

5. In the functional training area we did a superset on the press. functional training I haven't mastered it yet (I used to include a couple of TRX exercises in my workout) - but this part of the club should appeal to fans of functional training. Along the perimeter there is a large multifunctional frame with a handle, on which, depending on the training, you can hang any necessary equipment: for example, a punching bag or gymnastic rings. In the center is a special track on which the sled is pushed. Two boxing masters were placed nearby. Air bikes and ski trainer. Plus, there are a lot of different fitness accessories in this area. I was pleased that there are massage rolls that help to recover after a workout and relieve muscle tension.

6. The price of the issue. Since we were alone, after the guest training we were offered to buy the Friends club card - it is cheaper than the standard one, but it still cost more than we paid monthly for fitness now. I used to evaluate everything that concerns money rationally and made a traditional list of “pluses” and “minuses”. On the one hand, there is a spacious gym, with high-quality equipment, a beautiful view and a terrace, but without a sauna and a pool - and for many this is a nice bonus. On the other hand, there is a club that I visited regularly, with a price tag slightly higher than the average for Minsk, in which part of the SPA services is included in the subscription, and you have to pay extra for a lot. Then I remembered about the pillows on the uneven bars that were torn twice in a year, which could not be repaired for months, periodically breaking (which means not very high-quality) equipment, queues for cardio, problems with ventilation and drinking water. As a result, we came to the conclusion that comfort during classes is more important for us, an unlimited visit, and you can go to the sauna with friends on the weekends.

Now we just need to throw a sports uniform and a shaker into our work bag, and go for a workout at the class “A” fitness club “Aquamarine” on Filimonova, 20.

There are a lot of options for club cards, and the fitness consultants of the new sports facility Minsk

The material was prepared with the support of the fitness club "Aquamarine"

Aquamarine Fitness LLC, UNP192652841