Shrugs with dumbbells on the trapezoid. Barbell shrugs are the best trapeze exercises! Shragi exercise technique in video format

Shrugs with dumbbells

Shrugs with a barbell

Video: shrugs with a standing barbell

Video: shrugs with dumbbells

What are scars?

Shrugs are perhaps the only exercise that develops the trapezius muscles of the back. Beginners usually don’t pay too much attention to this exercise and it’s completely in vain: after all, a beautifully defined “trapezoid” largely forms a sports figure, especially with enough developed muscles neck.

However, it is also true that shrugs are not included in the so-called "base". Therefore, some athletes do not use them in the initial period of training. As a result, it may turn out that with a fairly large amount of "mass" a person has a thin neck and an undeveloped "trapezium". The opposite also happens: when, with undeveloped deltoid muscles shoulder girdle trapezoidal markedly dominate. This leads to the fact that visually the shoulders become sloping. In addition, posture is noticeably deteriorating. So here it is important to observe the principle of proportional development and in time to “pull up” the lagging behind groups.

Shrugs - muscles

First of all, as already noted, these are the trapezius muscles of the back. The secondary muscle groups are the rhomboid muscles of the back and the muscles of the shoulder blades.

Shrugs can be performed both with dumbbells and with a barbell, both from a standing position and sitting, as well as lying on an inclined or horizontal bench.

Shrag technique with dumbbells standing

This is the classic type of shrag and the most common. The technique in this case is quite simple, however, there are a couple of subtleties that need to be taken into account.

  • The athlete takes a dumbbell in each hand, while the palms should look inward. The knees can be slightly bent, the back should be kept straight, the chin should be raised.
  • A uniform lifting of dumbbells begins without the participation of hands - only the shoulders and trapezius muscles. As you rise, you can lower your chin: this will ensure maximum amplitude.

Beginners often do this circular motions shoulders. It is not right! The movement must be strictly horizontal. You also need to ensure that the movements are smooth, without roars. Only at the end is possible easy cheating. In addition, you need to ensure that during the entire cycle of movement, the back is straightened.

As for repetitions, 10-15 with 3-4 repetitions will be enough.

Shrag technique with a barbell while standing

It is advisable to use a curved neck: it will prevent pressure in the groin area. However, if there is only a straight bar, you can use a versatile grip - one hand is straight, the other is reverse. Change hands after each approach.

  • The bar comes off the floor in the same way as with a deadlift.
  • Shoulders are relaxed, hands hold the barbell. It is desirable to bend the back a little in the lower back, and keep the chin parallel to the floor. Legs - shoulder width apart.
  • Pull the weight with the help of the shoulders and trapezium without using the arms. At the peak point, hold for 1-2 seconds and slowly lower the weight. Just like with dumbbell shrugs, you only need to follow a vertical trajectory of movement - no circular ones!

Don't work with maximum weights. This, firstly, will increase the risk of back injury. Secondly, it will not allow the trapezoids to completely shrink. If there is a feeling that the trapezius muscles have not fully contracted, you need to take the weight lighter.

Shrag technique while lying on an incline bench

The main difference between a shrag on a 45-degree inclined bench is that the muscles of the upper back are more involved. Therefore, this type of shrag can be recommended to anyone who wants to get rid of stoop. At the same time, the trapezius muscles themselves are loaded with exactly the same intensity as with standing shrugs.

  • You need to lie on an incline bench face down. In each hand, a dumbbell. At the same time, the hands do not need to be kept in a relaxed state, they should feel that they are holding weight. The chin should rest on the upper edge of the bench - this is how it is unloaded cervical region spine. The feet should rest securely on the floor or stand - this removes unnecessary stress from the knees and ankle joint.
  • Start moving vertically up until the shoulder blades close. At the peak point of the trajectory, make a delay for a couple of seconds and try to connect the shoulder blades even more strongly.
  • The reverse movement should also be carried out along a strictly vertical trajectory and be slow. In no case should you "throw" dumbbells. This, firstly, will reduce the load on the target group, and secondly, it can injure the shoulder joint.

It is also important to remember that the arms should be straightened during the entire cycle of movements.

Technique for performing shrag lying on a horizontal bench with a barbell

The peculiarity of this type of shrag is that in addition to the trapezius muscles, the pectoral and deltoid muscles are connected to the work.

  • The athlete lies on a strictly horizontal bench face up. The bench is set about 10 centimeters lower than for the bench press. Grip - only shoulder width apart. Feet firmly rest on the floor or a special platform.
  • The bar is removed from the racks and held on straightened arms. This is an ugly position.
  • The reduction of the shoulder blades begins. The bar will then drop slightly. The shoulder blades should be driven as far as possible. IN lowest point hold for a couple of seconds and slowly return the weight to its original position.

To achieve the desired trajectory, you can press the barbell against the uprights. This will prevent the bar from tilting back. Naturally, the weight itself should be less than with the bench press. It will not be superfluous here and a safety net from the partner.

It is very good to perform such shrugs in the Smith machine. In this case, the maximum vertical trajectory without deviations will be achieved. The work of the stabilizing muscles is not so important. However, since this does not require insurance from the partner, there is a danger of weaning from the “natural” movement of the bar. And when switching back to the racks and the traditional bench, you can injure the shoulder joint.

Many athletes, namely bodybuilders, try to take good care of the even development of everyone, but this is not so easy to achieve. From this article you can find out what dumbbell shrugs are, how to perform them correctly, what muscles the exercise is aimed at developing, and what is the use of this method.

What is the benefit of exercise?

Shrugs - isolated exercise aimed at developing the upper part of the trapezius muscle. Many people forget how important it is to evenly develop their body and this muscle. Most often this is due to the fact that it is not so easy to see, and the guys focus on the biceps and pectoral muscles, and the girls on the gluteal and abdominal groups. Only knowing all about the benefits of the exercise, a person will perform shrugs with dumbbells with perseverance and special attention.

TO benefits This method of muscle pumping includes:

  1. Greater volume and relief of the upper back areas due to the isolation of the trapezius muscles during exercise.
  2. Allows you to get good help when lifting large weights. This applies not only to new records in gym, but also, for example, lifting bulky bags in everyday life.
  3. Reduced stoop, straight posture. More more exercise to correct posture you will find.
  4. And, of course, it allows you to stand out from other athletes. If, in addition, to sweat over the development of the shoulders, then a person with inflated deltas and a trapezoid will look wider and more massive compared to other people.

Shrugs with dumbbells not only contribute to a visual increase in height and shoulder width, but also improve well-being. One of the functions of the trapezius muscle is to bring the shoulder blades closer to the spinal column. This ensures an even posture, which prevents the development of many pathologies associated with intervertebral discs, column bends.

What muscles can be pumped up?

The main goal of the exercise is the development of the trapezius muscles located in the superficial ball of the upper back. Their name comes from their conditional resemblance to a geometric figure.

In addition, the muscle that lifts the scapula and the rhomboid muscle on each side of the body also participate to a lesser extent in the exercise:

Read more about how to pump up the trapezius muscles and muscles of the forearm -.

Technique and variations

"Classic" technique performing the exercise - standing:

  1. Take the dumbbells in your hands, lower them down and hold them to the side of the body. The palms must be directed towards the body. The shoulder girdle should not relax and sag under the weight under your control over weights. We place our legs shoulder-width apart, straighten our back and look straight ahead.
  2. Dumbbell shrugs should be performed in time with the respiratory movements of the diaphragm, while exhaling, you need to raise your shoulders as high as possible. commit rotational movements, it is not necessary to move the shoulder back and forth at all, in the exercise it is necessary to do only vertical movements. When reaching the peak point, try to hold the position for a couple of seconds.
  3. We lower the dumbbells smoothly and slowly, without sharp throws, since such a movement with extra weight can cause damage to the shoulder joint. Relaxing the muscles when reaching the lowest point is not worth it, because it is also traumatic. For more easy control above the range of motion, you can stand between two stands with the same height.
  4. Repeat exercise required amount once. The recommended number of repetitions is 3-4 sets of 10-12 reps.

For a more visual example, you can watch this video, which shows the technique of performing shrugs with dumbbells.

In addition, this exercise has the following variations, such as:

  1. Shrugs on an incline bench. The exercise is performed sitting or standing in an incline. This method is best if you are a stooped person and want to fix it. It contributes not only to the maximum lifting of the shoulders, but also to the maximum reduction of the shoulder blades when performed correctly.

To prepare the bench for the exercise, set the angle of the latter to 45 degrees. Then we lay down on her stomach so that the head and chin remain in a free position. In this case, the exercise can be performed both sitting on the horizontal part of the bench, and in an inclined position. If you chose the option with an inclination, then the legs should be slightly bent, if sitting, bend the limbs at a right angle on the sides of the bench, ensuring stability.

  1. Shrugs lying down. Thanks to this method, in the exercise we will use and pectoral muscles to help them develop better.

Take a lying position on a horizontal bench, just like with a bench press. This time we will use either dumbbells or a barbell, which we wrap around shoulder width apart. It is not recommended to take it wider, as the exercise may result in injury.

Having reached the bottom point, you should hold the inventory above you on straightened arms, with the shoulder blades fully pressed and brought to the back. When spreading the shoulder blades and when raising the shoulders, we press the barbell or dumbbells up, helping with tension and bringing the pectoral muscles together. Despite the fact that the amplitude of the exercise is small, it is quite enough to provide a load on the trapezius and partially pectoral muscles. When performing shrugs lying down with a barbell or dumbbells, you do not need to take your head off the bench.

  1. Scars on bars. Take a starting position on the uneven bars with your arms fully extended. We position the body in a vertical position and hold it in this way during the exercise. You need to stay straight, without pulling your head into your shoulders, without sagging. On exhalation, it is necessary to push the body to the top, and while inhaling, return to its original position. The exercise is good in that it can be performed by anyone who passes by the bars. This method involves using the weight of your own body when performing, without dumbbells or a barbell. To complicate the task, you can use a weighted vest.
  2. Shrugs using simulators. Given that the exercise includes only a slight movement in the shoulder girdle, it can be reproduced, for example, on a calf simulator. Just do not forget that now you will need to press not with calves, but with a trapezoid. When performing the exercise, the arms should be lowered down along the body.

Execution safety rules

Consider rules, adhering to which you can not only bring the correctness of the exercise to 100%, but also protect yourself from injuries:

  1. Try not to include the biceps and forearms in the work, no matter how tempting it may be. It is better to do fewer exercises, but load the trapezoid with high quality. The biceps and forearms in the exercise should only support the weight in the hands.
  2. Abduction of the shoulders back and forth, rotational movements by them are prohibited.
  3. We raise the shoulders as high as possible, and at the highest point we make a peak contraction.
  4. We hold the vertical position of the body from the beginning to the end of the approach.
  5. After you have reached the peak point, do not drop your shoulders sharply.
  6. You can raise the dumbbells up at a greater speed, but you need to lower them smoothly.
  7. If you have taken big weight, you can use lifting straps to help hold it up.

Do not neglect the help of more experienced athletes. If you are in doubt whether you are doing the exercise correctly, it is better to ask the trainer for advice, otherwise the possibility of injury increases, and shrugs will not give the desired results.

Failure to follow these rules may result in injury:

  1. Back overload. It can happen if it is not in an upright position, instead of which a person is standing stooped. As a result, there is no isolation of the trapezius muscle during the exercise, and the load passes to the middle sections of the back, overloading them.
  2. Rotator cuff injury. It may occur to an athlete if he decides to supplement the exercise with rotational movements of the shoulder.
  3. Neck overload. If during the exercise a person does not keep his head straight, tilting it forward or backward, then he can create excessive load on the neck muscles, which will cause an overload.

Trained trapezius muscles give the shoulder girdle massiveness and make their owner more self-confident. Shrugs are an exercise that will help you pump trapeze in a fairly short period of time. The main thing is to adhere to the correct execution technique and not to “play” with large weights.

When contemplating the bodybuilders who took the stage, the visual and aesthetic significance of the trapeze skyrockets. During competent posing, the trapezoid is the visual center of attraction for the athlete in the rear view. And even in frontal poses, this brutal muscle group can surprise with its power. The development of the trapeze is also of great importance for achieving competitive results in other explosive sports, because the muscles are involved in all movements of the shoulder girdle.

There is no universal tool for the complex development of trapezoids. The structure of the trapezius muscle is such that for its pumping it is necessary to simultaneously involve three different bundles in the work, and this cannot be done with more than one known movement.

3 functionally independent areas of the trapezium muscles - top, middle and bottom must be purposefully trained separately. The middle bundle of the trapezium is worked out when the athlete performs a variety of bent over rows. The lower beam is pumped by lifting the weight above the head. Workout upper muscles pass with the use of shrag.

Barbell shrugs are the most popular exercise for pumping the trapezius muscles. It is the basis for mass gain and an increase in the thickness of the top of the trapezium along with the neck. In bodybuilding and fitness, scars increase the volume of the upper back and neck, emphasize the muscles of the trapezius muscle and deltas, draw a clear separation between them during the drying period. There is another option -.

Shrugs are performed in different ways, but in any case, the lion's share of the load falls on upper area trapezium, and other muscle groups that act as stabilizers receive an indirect load. The most famous option is shrugs with a standing barbell.

Shrugs with a barbell in front: execution technique

The essence of shrugs is to raise and lower the shoulders with weights without involving the muscles of the hands. The execution technique is simple and even a beginner can easily cope with it, but deviating from the prescribed action plan and recommendations, you can easily earn an injury.
Before starting the exercise, you need to do a good 10-15 minute warm-up complex so as not to tear the muscles and not provoke the stretching of the tendons.

  • Come to the bar, place your feet shoulder-width apart, slightly bent at the knees. This will be the starting position.
  • With a straight grip (from above), remove the bar from the racks, keeping the distance between the palms slightly wider than shoulder width. If the bar is initially on the floor, lift it with a deadlift.
  • Standing straight, straighten up, straighten your shoulders, bend a little in the lower back, push your chest forward.
  • Raise your chin to parallel with the floor and look straight ahead.
  • Inhale, hold your breath and without bending forward or backward, without bending your elbows, raise your shoulders as high as possible towards your ears. Imagine that you just shrug your shoulders, not knowing the answer to the question being asked.
  • At the top, exhale and hold a short two-second pause and return to the starting position.
  • Lower your shoulders as low as possible without moving other parts of your body. At the end point of the amplitude, the muscles should be as tense as possible.
  • With smooth movements, repeat the exercise for the required number of approaches (as a rule, it is 8-10 repetitions).

The technique for shrugs behind the back is similar to the technique for shrugs with a barbell at hip level. The difference is only in the location of the projectile and the amplitude of movements - it turns out to be less.

The muscles in this version will contract less, but this does not mean that shrugs behind the back are less effective. They are ideal for correcting posture, the position of which is aggravated by the appearance of "rounded" shoulders during the classic shraga.

It is very difficult to take the barbell on your own, so ask a neighbor to provide equipment and secure when approaching. Now you can start the exercise.

At the end of the repetitions, you can not relax your shoulders so that the weight of the load does not pull them down.

The main nuances of shrag

Trapeze training involves the use of medium weights in work in order to accurately pump the target muscle and not harm your posture with excessive weights. But you need to start with minimal loads in order to hone the execution technique to the ideal and only then gradually increase the weight. When pumping muscles with a very heavy projectile, it is advisable to use straps to confidently hold the weight in your hands.

Is it effective to work with large weights? Not all and not always. A very heavy barbell will not allow the maximum contraction of the back muscles and the efficiency in the set of “meat” will fall. The load from the trapezius muscles will be transferred to the muscles of the shoulder girdle. In addition, a large weight will involuntarily intend the athlete to round his back.

Whatever version of the shragi is used, you should never rotate your shoulders so that there is no trouble with the shoulder joints.

Shrugs are an isolation exercise that is more suitable for experienced athletes at a serious level of training, but beginners should also pay attention to their central back. Regular use of the barbell shrug in your training arsenal will thank you with a powerful neck and a distinctly arched upper back.

Video about shrugs with a barbell while standing - execution technique.

Shrugs are a weightlifting bodybuilding exercise. Its task is to develop the trapezius muscle (trapezium). This basic exercise to increase the mass and thickness of the trapezium.

The trapezius muscles always look impressive when they are well inflated. And shrugs are, in fact, the only exercise that has an isolated effect on this muscle group.

In addition to the trapezium, the rhomboid muscles and the muscles that raise the shoulder blades participate in shrugs. At the same time, the rhomboid and levator scapula muscles develop equally and work no less than the trapezius muscles.

It is necessary to stand at the bar and put your feet shoulder-width apart. After that, carefully remove the bar from the rack of the frame or, if the bar is on the floor, lift it with a deadlift.

The rod should be well fixed, while usually using a grip on the neck with straightened arms, palms are slightly more than shoulder width apart.

You need to straighten your chest and shoulders, straighten up and bend slightly at the waist, while the chin should be held horizontally, and the gaze is directed straight ahead.

On a slow exhale, pull your shoulders as high as possible. At the height of the movement, you should freeze for a few seconds. Then gently return to the starting position. Thus, we perform the intended number of repetitions.


  1. Maintain a fixed posture while moving.. The back should be kept straight, and the shoulders slightly laid back. At incorrect execution exercise can cause injury shoulder joints.
  2. Weight should be selected adequately, according to your capabilities.. Since too much weight will not allow you to perform the exercise with maximum amplitude, and a small weight will not help develop muscles and achieve the necessary relief.

You can see the exercise in action in this video:

Behind the back

This type of shrugs promotes formation of the upper part of the trapezius muscles with an unusual slope for our body.

The correct technique for performing such scars with a barbell:

  1. The bar should be placed on the low holders of a special power rack or Smith machine frame for the correct execution of the exercise.
  2. Wherein the height should be such that the hyphae is located slightly above the knees.
  3. Near the rack you need to turn around with your back to the bar. The feet should be placed slightly narrower than the shoulders, and hands on the bar should be slightly wider than shoulders.
  4. When doing the exercise usually use a "thumbs around the bar" grip. The palms are turned towards the torso, while the grip style can be combined in different approaches.
  5. Before you lift the barbell, you should first tighten and straighten your back, and bring your shoulder blades together, your chin should be lifted up.
  6. The projectile should be balanced, and then straightened. Keep your back upright at all times.
  7. The cyclic shrug should be performed in the same way as with the classic shrugs.

After completing the exercises, they return to the rack and place the bar on the holders. The main thing is not to relax your back until the bar is in place. on the supports.

Shrugs can be performed by everyone, from beginner to professional. Shrugs are usually performed at the beginning of a trapezoid workout. Perform 3-4 sets of 10-15 repetitions. But before doing the exercises, you should warm up the upper belt thoroughly.

Video on how to perform shrugs with a barbell behind your back:

Shrugs are far from the only technique that pumps the back. Meet more efficient !

Need to dry the body and get rid of excess fat? Help simple and effective exercises with a jump rope for weight loss - ?

Lying on a horizontal bench

This exercise is performed lying on your back on a horizontal bench in the perimeter of the power rack. Put your feet on the floor or on special stands, just as you would for a regular bench press.

Limiters are set 10 cm below the point at which the elbows are usually extended during the bench press. Gotta grab the bar with a grip - palms shoulder width apart. With the usual wide grip, the shoulder joints can be injured.

The neck is taken from the stops or directly from the frame limiters. And then they straighten their arms at the elbows. This position is the starting point. Then, without bending the arms at the elbows, they press the shoulder blades against each other, and the shoulders are completely on the bench. The neck drops a little. Now you should push the shoulder blades and slightly raise your shoulders from the bench as you exhale.

The arms remain straight, top part backs and head do not come off the bench. Now you should compress the pectoral muscles, as if pressing them against each other.

Another version of the exercise lying down - on the stomach - is presented in this video:

Barbell shrugs are very simple and at the same time effective exercises that allow you to achieve results very quickly, the main thing is to know how to do them correctly.

I am glad to welcome you, dear readers! Today we will talk about one of the most noticeable muscles in our body. No, not about biceps, but about trapeze. If these muscles are well developed, then you are unlikely to be able to hide it from others, and is it necessary? But even if you do not strive for large volumes, it is necessary to train this muscle! After all, it is she who holds your head when you are bent over your smartphone, and protects the spine from injury.

I think you don’t even have a question about how to train trapeze. Of course with the help of shrags! And if you take into account the large number of variations of the exercise, then the variety training process won't be a problem. Dumbbell shrugs alone can be done in four different ways!

Despite the fact that trapezes are involved in many movements, it is shrugs that are able to accentuate them!

What are scars? Suddenly, who does not know. In simple words, this is the movement of the shoulder blades up, down or towards the spine. In which direction the shoulder blades will move depends on the variant of the exercise.

If we consider the classic version shown in the picture, then visually the movement resembles a shrug of the shoulders. Although… it doesn’t resemble, but practically coincides, except that the amplitude in shrugs is greater. And, for example, in the recumbent version, the shoulders are retracted, and the shoulder blades are approaching the spine.

What muscles are working?

Although this is the base for the trapezius muscles, they do not work alone. The rhomboid and levator scapula muscles are also responsible for the upward movement of the shoulder blades. And when reducing the shoulder blades, only the rhomboid muscle assists the trapezium.

The trapezius muscle consists of three bundles that are involved in different movements. That's how functional it is!

  • The upper bundles will contract when we shrug our shoulders, that is, lift them up. As an example, shrugs with a barbell while standing
  • Medium beams work in full force when bringing the shoulder blades together. For example, with horizontal or oblique scars
  • The lower bundles lower the shoulder blades. And vertical traction. But you can choose an accented load for them. For example, scars on bars

Benefits of exercise

You may ask - why is shrugs worth doing? In response, I can give three reasons:

  1. You are unlikely to find another exercise that is just as effective in pumping powerful trapezes. Yes, there is a deadlift that involves the entire muscle mass of the back, but in order for the trapezium to receive sufficient load, you will have to lift heavy weights
  2. Simple technique. The exercise has a short amplitude, and the smaller the trajectory of movement, the lower the chances of messing up!
  3. Diversity. In every workout you will be able to surprise your muscles. Further you will be convinced of it!

Well, after this, how not to start making shrugs?


Of course, there is a fly in the ointment in a barrel of honey. After all, trapeze originates on the most important element of the musculoskeletal system - the spine. Moreover, the upper bundles run along the cervical region and are responsible for its movement. And, as you know, this part of the spine is very vulnerable. Therefore, if you have osteochondrosis or a violation of your posture, you should first assess the degree of these disorders and only then make a decision on the exercise.

The frequently mentioned disorders of the musculoskeletal system lead to muscle spasms. Spasms are especially unpleasant and dangerous. neck muscles. Since the most important vessels and nerves pass through the neck and cervical spine to the brain and vice versa. In this case, shrugs can aggravate the situation and it is contraindicated to perform them!

Exercise variations and execution technique

Shrugs with dumbbells

The main advantage of this variation is the relative freedom of movement of weights. Now I will explain more clearly. If you start doing the exercise with a barbell, you will notice some inconvenience. You will have to bend slightly in the lower back so that the bar does not slide along the legs, but can move freely along the body, and the amplitude will be shorter. There are no such problems with dumbbells.

Now about technology. The main rule for all shrag options is not to chase the weights. Choose a weight with which you can technically perform 10 - 15 repetitions.
Take the dumbbells in your hands, turning your palms towards your body. Straighten your shoulders and straighten your back. All that remains to be done is to pull your shoulders up, until the maximum contraction of the muscles, then lower them to their original position.

In lifting the shoulder girdle, in addition to those already mentioned muscle groups the sternocleidomastoid muscle, located in front, takes part. To reduce the load on it and focus on the trapezium, you need to slightly tilt your head forward.

Shrugs with dumbbells can be done while sitting. The advantage of this option is that you will not be able to use "cheating". For example, help yourself with your feet. But there are also disadvantages in terms of security. The main one is the increased load on the spine.

Shrugs with a barbell

Like all barbell exercises, it gives a more symmetrical load on the muscles. Which is especially true if there is a slight muscle imbalance.

There are two types of exercise. They differ in the position of the neck. It can be in front (classic version) or behind (behind the back).

If you are doing classics, then you need to slightly bend the lower back to allow the bar to move more freely. The rest of the technique is similar to shrugs with dumbbells.
When the neck is positioned at the back, unlike the classic version, it will not work to raise the barbell from the floor. You must first put it on the racks at a height just below the palms. The grip should be straight - palms away from you. In the starting position, take your shoulders back.

Shrugs on bars

Perhaps you have not seen such an exercise. However, it perfectly loads the lower bundles of the trapezius muscles, as well as the anterior serratus muscle. The latter, by the way, plays an important role in the formation correct posture.
In the first couple, you can replace this exercise with scars on a horizontal bench.

After the muscles get stronger, go to the uneven bars. To avoid injury, it is important to follow correct technique!

Take a starting position on the uneven bars. Arms extended, shoulders down. Legs can be slightly bent and crossed. Without bending your arms, lower your torso down. At first, the movement may not work, as you will want to bend your arms. Therefore, I recommend starting with classes on the bench. Do not lower your torso too low, the trapezius and serratus must be in tension! Slowly push your torso up to the starting position.

Shrugs on an incline bench

We pumped the upper and lower beams, it remains to “hit” the middle ones. Two dumbbells will help us with this and incline bench. Moreover, the lower the slope of the bench to the horizon, the more load the middle beams will take on.

Choose a position on the bench in which the arms with dumbbells could hang vertically down without reaching the floor level. Position the dumbbells so that they are easy to grab when you lie down. You can use special or impromptu stands for this, or ask someone from the audience to put dumbbells in your hands.

Lie on your stomach on the bench, and rest your chest on its edge. It is desirable that the chin be higher than the back, so you can tilt your head slightly down and relieve the load on the neck muscles. Perform the movement, focusing on the reduction of the shoulder blades. Do not lift your shoulders up like in standing shrugs! Going down to the bottom point, do not stretch too much in the shoulder joints!

Shrugs in the Smith Machine

The exercise is almost identical to barbell shrugs, the only difference is that in Smith the bar moves along a predetermined trajectory. There are also two options.

Basic Mistakes

Beginners or inexperienced athletes often make mistakes. Consider the most typical:

  • Number 1 in the ranking - rotational movements of the shoulders. This mistake deserves the first place not only because of its prevalence, but also because of the danger to the shoulder joints. Although a dozen years ago, this technique was common even in bodybuilding
  • Slouch. Taking a lot of weight without proper training, you are unlikely to be able to lift it due to the strength of the upper beams of the trapezium. Having hunched over, you can connect the middle beams and rhomboid muscles to work. But it's not far from injury!
  • Relaxation of the shoulders at the lowest point. No less a gross mistake than the previous two. By relaxing the muscles of the shoulder girdle, you transfer the entire load to the ligaments and joints, which can harm them.
  • Cheating with hands or feet. Often, for the sake of breaking another power record in front of the “amazed” crowd, not only shoulder lifts are used, but also bending of the arms or springy movements of the legs. All this violates the correct exercise technique and removes most of the load from the trapezium.

I have given only the most common errors, which mainly arise for two reasons. The first is ignorance of the technique of the exercise, the second is the desire to break the power record by all means. By eliminating them, you will not only pump up faster, but also save your health!

Once again, let's recall some technical points. The key ones are discussed in the video.

To ensure that the result meets all your expectations, I have prepared a few tips!


Wrist straps will be the best item in your arsenal. After all, not everyone involved has a strong grip. Or, for example, if you shrug at the end of your workout, your forearms may simply get tired and not hold the barbell. In addition, doing an exercise without straps, a person often focuses on the grip, thereby knocking concentration off the target muscle.

How to avoid injury as a beginner?

It is not necessary for a beginner to immediately include shrugs in their training program. The trapezium will get enough work from exercises such as bent over rows, deadlifts, or pull-ups.
If you feel strong in yourself, then start with small weights, learning the correct technique. Use different variants exercises and hone your technique in each of them.

Number of repetitions

Muscles get a stimulus to grow from performing exercises for 6-12 repetitions. But if you look a little more in detail, it is important not only the number of repetitions, but also the time under load. Usually, exercises have a rather large range of motion, which cannot be said about scars.

Therefore, to get into the desired time interval, you need to perform 10-15 repetitions. The number of approaches can be limited to 2-3.


We have reviewed the most effective options exercises. We learned about all the pitfalls encountered during training, and dismantled the technique for performing shrags. Now you know, !

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