Riding the waves on the board. Water sports: what are they and how are they useful? All types of skiing

In the West it sports direction in demand and widespread - millions of travelers spend their entire vacation on the board. However, even if you think that such an extreme activity is not for you or is too difficult - just try it, because who knows, maybe you will like this sport so much that you will want to repeat the adventure?

Surfer: what is it in simple words?

Surfing is definitely extreme view sports like skydiving or car racing. Who Invented Surfing? Contrary to popular belief, this direction of recreation is not modern, it originated thousands of years ago in Polynesia, when ancient people used the board as a ritual object. Later, the famous writer Mark Twain will visit Hawaii in the middle of the 19th century and accidentally see the amusements of the local natives frolicking on the boards ...

What is surfing like today in the modern conditions of active development of tourism and ever-increasing demands of travelers? There are several directions:

  • classical, when an athlete on the board catches a wave and then slides along it;
  • during Hawaiian surfing, the surfer lies on the board;
  • bodysurfing assumes the human body as a board, and leans on the water with a flat short board glove;
  • windsurfing is more spectacular thanks to the sail on the board, with it pirouettes go out regardless of the wind level;
  • kitesurfing - when the board moves with the help of a kite attached to the board;
  • when Supsurfing, the athlete uses a paddle;
  • during wakesurfing, waves are created by a boat passing by, and the surfer catches them;
  • tow-in surfing is a type of surfing on big waves, when, in order to catch a wave, the surfer is taken in tow, for example, by a jet ski. And on the board there are special loops for the legs, because the athlete spends half the time in the air.

What do you need to surf? To conquer the raging elements and the open spaces of the sea, you need good health and good preparation - so, you need to take preparatory courses, they will not take much time. Physical development, the desire to learn and the absence of fear are the main criteria for those who dream of becoming a surfer on the crest of a wave and conquer the ocean.

Rest for the strong and healthy

Watching a surfer is an exciting and spectacular pastime. But many people want to know what surfing is personally, and then they go to catch a wave. It is important here not only to be able to swim, but also to have sufficient physical fitness to control the board.

Extremely important in any kind of surfing Strong arms and strong leg muscles prepared for jumping. Without cushioning, there is a high risk of getting a sprain or dislocation in the first lesson.

Learning is fundamental in surfing, because the wave can severely cripple. Coaches are recruited by groups in accordance with physical training and basic knowledge of the sport. Successful surfing strengthens muscles, hardens, improves immunity and mood.

Contraindications to training can be: elevated body temperature, dizziness, a problem with the vestibular apparatus, or general weakness. At the slightest uncertainty about your health, it is better not to get on the board at all than to risk your life.

How to choose a surfboard?

Don't know the name of a surfboard but want to learn how to ride the waves? Do not rush to buy a shortboard - it is better to ask for advice from professionals and rent equipment. It is both cheaper and easier than buying a custom board. When choosing, pay attention to a few points:

  • for beginners, a long design is better, it is more stable on waves, but less maneuverable;
  • the optimal length for training is about 6.5 feet;
  • if you are just going to conquer the ocean, you should not focus on fins, mounts, bending of the stern and bow - this is a secondary issue;
  • the choice of material is an exclusively financial aspect, but epoxy will undoubtedly be the best solution;
  • refrain from buying used or custom-made products - it is better to buy a shortboard from a reputable company, then it will last a long time.

The material, design features, the purpose of the board, the level of preparation of the tourist - it is not easy for a beginner to take into account all the important little things. Moreover, at each resort and in different seasons, the waves are also different, therefore, different shortboards are needed to make skiing as comfortable as possible.

The best surf spots in the world

In fact, there are a lot of places where you can go surfing abroad. Most of them are located on the ocean coast, where the tide is the strongest and the waves are high. For comparison, on the sea beaches, on the contrary, the water is usually calm, which allows you to have a carefree and safe vacation without extreme sports. The TOP countries for surfing included:

  1. Mexico is perfect all year round, prices are low, there is no influx of tourists, there are resorts for both novice athletes and pros. Where is the cheapest place to surf? For example, in Puerto Escondido, however, a flight here will cost at least $ 400 per person;
  2. Portugal is the center of attraction in Europe for those who do not want to travel far. You can get out on the Peniche Peninsula - surfing in Portugal is good even on New Year. But you need to remember about the low air temperature - it is cool in the water, the swimming season is short;
  3. The United States is one of the most sought-after destinations, popular with Europeans and Americans. California is rightfully one of the best resorts for surfing, and Malibu beach has long become a legend. You can also go to Hawaii - here this sport is considered mandatory for everyone, included in the school curriculum;
  4. Australia is another country where you can relax in an interesting and fun way. The east coast (Sydney and Brisbane) is suitable for people with good dexterity, while the south has some of the world's best beginner-friendly surf beaches;
  5. Indonesia - There are waves all year round, but tourists prefer to surf in April in Bali, when the holiday season begins. For Russian-speaking travelers, first-class conditions are created here, although the prices can hardly be called democratic.

Of course, there are other countries, resorts, destinations where surfing for the soul is popular, you can get a lot of positive impressions and emotions.

10 suitable cities for surfers

It is best to go to catch a wave in the autumn-winter period. At this time, the winds intensify and create waves of great height. Sometimes the latter reach the level of 20 meters, which is dangerous even for an experienced athlete. So, best cities planets where it is worth "catching" the waves:

  • Cape Peninsula (South Africa)
  • Malibu (California)
  • Nazare (Portugal)
  • Maui (Hawaii)
  • Fernando de Noronha (Brazil)
  • Fuerteventura (Canary Islands)
  • Bali (Indonesia)
  • Sydney, Australia)
  • Dunedin (New Zealand)
  • Gold Coast (Australia)

Where to go with children?

Not only adults, but also children can go surfing. True, there are certain restrictions for them - choose resorts with good educational programs, low waves and a rock-free seabed to ensure safe surfing for children. At what age can you ride? It is optimal to start training at the age of 10 or a little later, depending on the development of the child. Where to go? Popular destinations include:

  • Morocco - you can ride all year round, visa-free entry, the local population is friendly to foreigners;
  • Canary Islands - it is better to go to Fuerteventura, where the weather is not hot, you should choose winter to visit;
  • Spain - an area called the "sea of ​​​​the Basque country" is suitable for stopping, within walking distance is an educational center and 7 beaches;
  • Bali is definitely one of the the best places to start your journey in the sport. Surfing for children in Bali is a sandy coast, low waves, warm weather in any season and Russian-speaking instructors.

However, with a child, you can go to Portugal and California - the world centers, popular among demanding travelers, have everything necessary for the rest of little thrill-seekers.

What time of year is best to ride?

At different resorts in the world, seasons are held, both in winter and in summer. Usually surfers come on vacation when the main flow of tourists who love to soak up the beaches and sunbathe, go home, or have not yet come to rest. When is it worth buying tours to the most popular destinations?

  • Phuket - surfing in Phuket is ideal from May to October, but you can catch a wave in November;
  • Philippines - surfing in the Philippines is popular in February, in Siargao - in March, when guests want to take a break from the long European winters, you can come from November to March;
  • Cuba - you can surf in Cuba from October to June, the highest waves are waiting for you in March and April;
  • Sri Lanka - here the season lasts all year round, and you can surf in Sri Lanka both in June and in October or January;
  • China - the best surfing in Hainan awaits vacationers in September and January, in the off-season, when there are not too many tourists on the beaches.

You can go surfing in Crete in September, in Goa - in November and December. However, you can find places with good waves in most popular destinations all year round on different coasts of the ocean.

Where can I quickly learn to ride a beginner?

If you have never stood on the board, it will not be enough just to rent a shortboard and go to conquer the ocean, you first need to undergo training. Classes usually last no more than a week, you can contact a specialized school or private masters working on the beach. The best option is to attend classes at well-known schools, as there are Russian-speaking instructors and the necessary equipment for everyone. Where are the best surfer schools located?

  • Bali - on the southern coast of the island there are over 100 educational centers. The school in Kuta is rightfully considered the best, the cost of classes is from $ 200, there are courses for both new and advanced athletes. The instructors speak Russian;
  • Portugal - despite the language barrier, local resorts are popular with tourists from Russia, Belarus, Ukraine. Package training with accommodation will cost 400 euros, but you can fly here in a couple of hours;
  • Maldives - the island of Hura is famous for its schools, it is better to come here in the summer, when travelers have gone home. Courses with accommodation and meals cost about $ 1,400, flight prices are also high, but you can additionally go diving or catch exotic fish;
  • Dominican Republic - nature here is not spoiled by vacationers, and the cost of classes is about $ 700. If you remove accommodation from the package, you can meet $ 400.

There are decent schools in Australia - this country has a special approach to learning, is being developed individual program workouts. Graduates of local centers become recognized athletes, they even win international competitions. This direction is more suitable for advanced travelers, the price of the course is from $1500 per week.

The highest waves in the world for surfing

If you are a novice or traveling with kids, surfing giant waves is not the best solution, because you need to think about safety, about not getting injured when the vacation turns into a nightmare. But if you are a real extreme, you are not afraid of the elements, dangerous predators and sharp rocks, go to such resorts as:

  1. Banzai Pipeline - located on the Hawaiian island of Oaxi, the danger is not so much the raging water as the abundance of coral reefs, which even professional surfers often break;
  2. Waimea Bay is also a Hawaiian beach, where you can climb up to 20 meters on the ridge. True, tragic cases here are also not uncommon;
  3. Peahi is the third island of Hawaii with a difficult fate. Thrill-seekers love this place for the high speed of the water, as well as for the presence of steep cliffs here - you need to be careful not to break;
  4. Teahupo - a spot in Tahiti, its name is translated as "tearing off its head", and the expression has a literal meaning, and the death toll is constantly growing;
  5. Dungeons - South Africa, in addition to waves up to 20 meters, the danger is more bloodthirsty sharks, they are literally thrown out of the water to eat a naive victim. Does not add comfort and low temperature, and an abundance of pitfalls;
  6. Ghost Tree - California, the water here is teeming with white sharks, it becomes scary because of the waves reaching 25 meters, and also because the water in the ocean is very cold;
  7. Cyclops is Western Australia, a spot that is not easy to get to and takes several hours by boat. The abundance of coral reefs is something that you should definitely be afraid of;
  8. Praia do Norte is a Portuguese resort that often appeared in horror films about the end of the world. It is here that destructive tsunamis are born, although experienced surfers are not averse to conquering the elements.

For classes, it is worth purchasing extended insurance - it will help in case of unforeseen circumstances, since treatment for foreigners is usually expensive. And even emergency cases will not be an exception - it is better to play it safe and rest calmly.

Nevertheless, excessive risk is also not always justified, especially if you are not a pro, but are only looking for the right one. The best surf awaits in the Maldives, Bali, Portugal and Australia, as well as in other resorts where the ocean is not calm. stock up good mood and a breathtaking vacation is guaranteed here! By the way, it can be perfectly combined with excursions, gastronomic research or entertainment in amusement parks.

Surfing for the soul updated: March 9, 2019 by: Glonass Travel

Surfing is one of the most popular species sports. It has been popular ever since people began to study and compete with the forces of nature. Experienced surfers respect the ocean and waves as a living element that has its own character.

Initially, surfing was called a kind of beach entertainment. It consisted in the fact that a person on a special board made of wood climbed onto the crest of a sea wave and swiftly glided along it. This activity turned out to be so exciting that it gained wide popularity and received the status of a water sport.

In many countries of the world, an annual competition is held to identify the most experienced and talented wave surfers.

Hawaii is considered the birthplace of surfing.

Surfing: indications and contraindications

Surfing today is available to everyone. On the beaches of America, Asia, Australia, Africa and Europe, there are special schools for surfers. Groups of students are recruited according to age and experience. If you have never stood on a surfboard, then you should sign up for a group for beginners who learn the technique of riding small waves under the supervision of an experienced trainer.

Despite the attractiveness of this type of entertainment, you need to think about whether you have any health problems that may be a contraindication to surfing. For example, with elevated body temperature, dizziness, a feeling of general weakness, problems with the vestibular apparatus, you cannot surf. If there are no serious deviations in the state of health, then this sport can be an excellent opportunity to strengthen the muscles of the body, temper the body, increase immunity, improve mood, and get rid of depression.

The dangers of surfing

Watching a surfer deftly cope with a high wave is a mesmerizing sight that cannot be described in words. However, watching and participating are completely different things. It must be understood that surfing is a rather dangerous sport that requires exceptional dexterity, strength, endurance and other skills from the athlete. physical qualities inherent in healthy strong body. Giant waves are a powerful force, so even the most experienced surfer risks his life every time he gets on the board to fight the elements.

Not only giant waves can kill or maim an athlete, but also sharks, often waiting for daredevils in the dark depths of coastal waters. The surfer board is reminiscent of sharks' favorite prey: fur seals and seals. Therefore, sharks often attack a surfer moving along a wave.

The coastal waters of Australia, California, Florida and South Africa are famous for the abundance of dangerous sharks.

Currently, there are many popular water sports that owe their birth to surfing - these are wakesurfing, windsurfing, skysurfing, kitesurfing, bodysurfing.

(English surfing - riding on the surface) is riding a wave using a board. For surfing, boards of different formats are used. Surfing as a sport is often undeservedly confused with windsurfing. Surfing is riding on the waves on a board, but without a sail. Windsurfing, on the other hand, is sailing on a board under a sail on the waves, snow or sand.

Surfing as part of a religious ceremony in Hawaii and Polynesia has existed since the 16th century. The first surfboards weighed about 70 kg. As a sport, surfing was born only in the 20s of the 20th century. His "godfather" was the Hawaiian athlete D. Kahanamoku. It was he who first opened a surf school, laying the foundation for the surf industry.

Types of surfing:

Longboard(English Long-boards) - riding on a long board. These boards appeared in the 50s of the 20th century. These are wide rounded boards, 274 centimeters long.

Shortboard(English short-bords) - riding on a short board. The length of the board is from 180 centimeters. Short boards are the most stable and easy to manage.

tau surfing- Riding big waves. Tau surfboards are equipped with a leg loop. To overcome large waves, a jet ski is used as towing.

Boogiboarding- riding on a soft board in a prone position.

bodyboarding- bodyboarding with short fins and special gloves. Bodyboard - a projectile, which is a small piece of foam. The bodyboard is mostly ridden lying down. Its dimensions are about 100 centimeters, and the shape resembles a crescent.

Skimboard is a ride in shallow water. Athletes ride the waves that appear after leaving the shore of a large wave. Skimboarding boards are oval in shape.

Kneeboard- Skating on the board, kneeling. For kneeboarding, light, wide boards with great maneuverability are suitable. Turns are made with the help of hands or small oars.

Surf tandem(surf tandem) - riding in pairs. Initially, local surfers rode tourists on their boards, arranged riding on each other's shoulders. Then this entertainment grew into an independent form of surfing.

Surfing competitions are held on a global scale. The judges take into account the skating technique, the difficulty of the program, its saturation with various acrobatic elements. In Russia, surfing as a sport is almost absent. First of all, this is due to the lack of necessary natural conditions. Despite this, in 2005, a small Russian Surfing Federation was founded in St. Petersburg. In the southern regions, wakesurfing is partially developed (riding on the waves behind a towing boat). Athletes are held behind the boat with a special rope, then release it and ride the wave. The boat is able to create a wave of one meter for wakesurfers.

There are several versions of the origin of windsurfing, as well as the names that are credited with inventing the sport. But, the official story says that the first boards with a sail appeared in the mid-sixties of the last century.

The creators of windsurfing were two ordinary surfers who did not even claim to be professionals. Drake and Schweitzer were just catching the waves for fun, until they came up with the idea to combine boarding and yachting, which was at the peak of its popularity in the 65th year. Already in 1968, the first working prototype of a windsurfer appeared, which was given the name "Windsurfer". Actually, from this board the name passed to the whole sport. After another 10 years, the Olympic Committee included boarding with a sail in the list of the main program. In 1984, windsurfers took part in the Olympic Games for the first time.

If we talk about the history of Russian windsurfing, then it appeared in the USSR in 1974. It was classified as a yachting sport. This was actively promoted by the famous yachtsman Arbuzov, who opened the first competition of Soviet windsurfers on the Pirogovskoe reservoir (today it is the Pirogovskoe reservoir in St. Petersburg). The popularity of windsurfing as a way to have a great time in the USSR grew quite quickly. New clubs began to appear in major cities of the country, and a year after the first trial competitions, the All-Union Championship among amateur athletes was held.

Since then, Soviet, and after Russian athletes actively participate in all international competitions in all types of windsurfing, which are now on the list of Olympic disciplines. Major Championship Russia takes place in Moscow and Yeysk, where the country's largest and most prestigious sports clubs are located.

All types of skiing

Competitions are divided into classes that differ from each other in many ways, from the size of the board and sail, to the level of riding and the complexity of the tricks performed by the athlete.

Formula- the most famous type of windsurfing. For competitions in this class, small boards with a fin are used, no more than one hundred and one centimeters long. The length of the fin should not exceed seventy centimeters. The sail is large - up to 12.5 meters in area. The main feature of the Formula is the type of track. Athletes compete on a special section of water reserved for racing, which is marked in the form of a triangle. Each top of the route is crowned with special buoys. Windsurfers must go around them at high speeds, after which their task is to return to the very first buoy and finish faster than the rest. When grading, everything is taken into account, from the cleanliness of the route, to the speed of the athlete and his ability to control the windsurf.

Speed ​​or Speed. Competitions are held in the form of single high-speed races. Each athlete is on the track alone, while developing the maximum possible speed and adhering to the intended course. Before entering the start, all riders participate in a draw phase to determine which of them will start the race first. The main evaluation criterion is the speed of the route.

Slalom differs from other classes by a short track and high speeds. In short, the winner is the athlete who completes the course faster than the others. Usually the boundaries of the route look like a figure eight or a kind of "snake". Depending on where the competition is held and how strong the wind is, the track may lengthen or change shape. Judges evaluate only speed and compliance with the basic sports rules.

Wave. As you already understood from the name, we are talking about windsurfing, which is considered one of the most spectacular and interesting. Athletes ride the waves, performing various complex tricks. Each windsurfer has the right not only to independently draw up his own program for execution, but also to choose the waves on which he will show his skills. Judging in the Wave is quite strict - everyone evaluates, up to what speed and what wave the windsurfer came out on.

Super Xmixed view windsurfing, combining elements of slalom and wave. Each athlete must clear a set course (as in slalom, it is usually in the form of a "snake"), after which it is time to show the judges and spectators a few tricks on the waves.

Freestyle- the most spectacular and popular class of sailing on the waves. In fact, it is the youngest type of windsurfing, recognized as a sport only fifteen years ago. The main task of the athletes is to surprise everyone with the most difficult tricks and jumps. The judges evaluate a lot, but they especially pay attention to the complexity and purity of the tricks that the windsurfer has chosen for his program. The case when the more complex and more, the better.

Places of study

Given the popularity of windsurfing around the world, there are plenty of places to learn how to ride the waves and sail. Top Schools can be found in the Hawaiian Islands, Bali, Egypt and Greece. Australia is also famous for its athletes. If you want to try your hand at board management for the first time, you can learn it in Russia as well - many good instructors offer courses in Moscow, St. Petersburg, Anapa and Kaliningrad. In any case, finding a school will not be difficult, since all you need to practice windsurfing is wind and water.

Where is the best place to ride?

There are many resorts with beautiful nature, waves and excellent wind. Among the most popular places for boarding with a sail, where there are good stations and hotels, are:

  • Egypt - an inexpensive flight, excellent conditions for skiing and many Russian schools;
  • Greece - Russian schools, inexpensive holidays, a wide variety of spots for windsurfing;
  • Bali and Hawaii are a real paradise for windsurfers;
  • Australia is the place professional athletes. High waves and strong winds are guaranteed all year round;
  • Dominican Republic - an expensive flight, but an unforgettable vacation;
  • Mainland Spain and the Canary Islands are relatively cheap holidays and plenty of places to ride. Suitable for both beginners and professionals, especially if you go to the islands.

It began on the islands of Polynesia (Hawaii, Tahiti, Samoa, etc.) centuries ago, where initially it was only available to the nobility: commoners were not allowed to the best "spots" and could not afford 6-8-meter boards, on which they then conquered the waves . Moreover, the king has always been the best rider and no one had the right to surpass him in this art. Only at the beginning of the 20th century. Hawaiian surfers George Frith and Duke Kahanamoku introduced surfing to the inhabitants of America and Australia, and this began the development of surfing as a sport. He became really popular in the 1960s, when films and magazines appeared about him: surfing ceased to be an underground trend, everyone started talking about it. Thus, a whole surf culture was born, in which its own organizations and competitions naturally appeared. In this article, we will tell you about how the world of surfing works as a sport.

Surfing as a sport. Disciplines

Surfing as a sport consists of two main disciplines: shortboard and longboard. This is due to the fact that different waves require different types of boards, which, in turn, determine different techniques skating. Shortboard is a light and small board (from 1.5 to 1.8 m) designed for sharp, fast, often twisting waves. Due to its size, it is very maneuverable, which allows the surfer to do a huge variety of different tricks from sharp turns to airs. On a longboard - a large and wider board with a rounded nose (from 2.4 to 3 m) - it will no longer be possible to make such pirouettes on the water, but on it you can take more gentle and small waves, as well as perform a completely different kind of maneuvers. Most tricks on the long are based on the transfer of the center of gravity and the movement of the surfer relative to the board, such as, for example, nose riding. However, because of the spectacle, complexity and variety of tricks, it is the shortboard that has become the most popular discipline of surfing, in which competitions are held everywhere among men, women and youth at all levels - from urban to international.

As in any other sport, surfing competitions take place in several stages. All participants are divided into groups of 2-5 people (hits) and each group is given 20-30 minutes in the ocean to show their best. During this time, you need to catch at least two good waves and perform the maximum number of tricks on them, because points are assigned for each of them. Of course, it is better to catch more waves, but only the two best rides will be judged. Points are given based on the following criteria: wave size, speed, variety, relevance, difficulty of tricks, etc. Absolutely everything is taken into account here, including how the surfer got on the board and started moving, rode in the back or front side, etc. The maximum score for a trick is 2 points: in order to get it, all other factors must be equally highly rated: for example, the same maneuver on a large wave and a smaller wave will be evaluated differently. Of course, points can also be removed: for example, for violation of the priority rules. A limit of 10 points is imposed on the assessment of the passage: no matter how ideally the athlete passes and no matter how many tricks he performs, the highest score for the passage will always be 10. And since 2 waves are taken into account in the race, the highest mark for the performance is 20 points. Thus, at the end of the race, the leaders are identified, who will go to the next round, where new hits will be formed, and so on until the final, in which only two athletes will remain.

As a rule, competitions are evaluated by 5 judges. When calculating points, the lowest and highest marks of the judges are not taken into account, the arithmetic mean is calculated from the remaining three. By taking places in various competitions, athletes receive points that make up their personal ranking. The higher the rating, the higher the level of competition in which the athlete can participate. So, by winning the contests of his city, region and country, a surfer opens his way to world-class competitions organized by ISA and WSL.

In 1964 was established International Association Surfing ISA (until 1976 it was called the Surfing Federation - ISF), which in the same year held the world's first international competition, held in Australia on Manly beach. Since 1976, the world championships in surfing have become annual. They were conducted among both men and women, and in 1980 they added to the main program junior championship who brought up more than one generation of surfers. Later, championships began to be held in the disciplines of longboarding, SUP surfing, bodyboarding, as well as competitions for athletes over 35 years old.

Today ISA is a union of 86 participating countries represented by their national surf federations, among which there is the Russian Surfing Federation. In 1995 Olympic Committee officially recognized ISA as the authority of the international institution responsible for all types of wave riding sports in the world: surfing, SUP surfing, bodyboarding, skimboarding, wakeboarding, etc. ISA promotes their development in the participating countries, and also strengthens the position of these sports in other countries. ISA positions itself as " Olympic Games» in surfing: not individual athletes participate in its World Championships, but teams representing their country. The team with the most points overall wins. Last year, a team from Russia also competed at the World Championships in Peru for the first time. ISA also advocates for the inclusion of surfing in the Olympic Games.

WSL (World Surfing League)

In 1976, in order to gather the best athletes from all over the world, Hawaiian surfers Fred Hemmings and Randy Rerick founded the International Surfing Professionals organization - ISP (Since 1983 - the Surfing Association (ASP), and since 2015 - International League surfing (WSL). The main event of the organization was the annual World Tour, which in the mid-1990s became the most prestigious surf competition in the world, embodying the concept of "better surfers, better waves". It is also called the "dream tour": fame, big cash prizes, the most spectacular competitions at the best spots in the world - all this makes it the most important and prestigious event in the world of surfing. The tour has 11 stages for men and 9 stages for women. Each stage is a huge 10-14 day competition that bears the name of the spot where it is held, and often also the name of the main sponsor. The world tour concludes in December with the Billabong Pipe Masters for men and Maui Women's Pro for women held at the Banzai Pipeline and Maui spots in Hawaii. At these competitions, the name of the best surfer in the world is revealed.

In addition to the World Tour for men and women, WSL also holds Qualifying Series, the World Longboard Championship, the Junior Championship, the Big Wave Tour - competitions on waves over 6 m, - The XXL Big Wave Awards - awarding prizes in the nominations "Travel of the Year" , “the biggest wave of the year”, “pipe of the year”, etc.

Russian surfing federation

Surfing is a very young sport in our country. The first Russian surfing championship was held in 2009 in several stages: in the Dominican Republic, Bali and Portugal. In 2010, the competitions were organized for the first time on the territory of Russia: the third stage was held in Vladivostok. But, nevertheless, the winner could not be considered the champion of Russia, since the championship must be held entirely on the territory of the country. It was decided to call the visiting tours the Cups of Russia. The real championship of Russia was first held in 2014: it had 4 stages, which took place in Vladivostok, St. Petersburg, Zelenogradsk (Kaliningrad region) and Petropavlovsk-Kamchatsky. The activities of the Russian Surfing Federation are focused on the development of surfing in our country and the organization of city championships, the Russian Cup and the most important event - the Russian Championship. As for the Russian Cups, they continue to be held all over the world, in particular, in 2013 SurfJam in Bali officially received the status of the Russian Cup in surfing.

Surfing as a sport is a whole world with its magazines, TV channels, events, celebrities and an audience of millions. But this is not only an industry with large cash flows. Surf competitions educate entire generations of young surfers, improving the quality of surfing in each of them, and also develop surfing, setting new records and discovering new elements in it. The level of world surfing is growing every year, which can only say that there is no limit to perfection even among super-professionals. We can only follow them and admire them, as well as develop our skills in order to someday, perhaps, take part in the Cup of Russia or the Championship of our country.