Training and competitive loads in sports training. General characteristics of training and competitive loads

1. general characteristics training and competitive loads.

2. Modern classification of training load.

3.Main components of training load(the nature of the exercises, the intensity of the load, the amount of work, the duration and the nature of the rest intervals).

The problem of loads in the system of sports training for both young and highly qualified athletes occupies one of the central places, because. it is the loads that connect the means and methods of training used by the athlete into a single whole with the reactions of the body that they cause.

The training and competitive load is usually understood as the additional functional activity of the body relative to the level of rest or other initial state, introduced by the performance of exercises /L.P.Matveev/.

There is another definition of this term. is the impact exercise on the athlete's body, causing an active reaction of his functional systems /V.N. Platonov/. Training load does not exist on its own. It is a function of muscle work inherent in training and competitive activities. It is muscular work that contains the training potential, which causes the corresponding functional restructuring on the part of the body. Currently, there are a number of classifications of training loads, the authors of which proceed from the motor specifics of sports, energy and power of muscle work, pedagogical tasks solved during training, the impact on recovery processes and the effect of subsequent work, the interaction of work of various predominant directions and other criteria. .

However, by their nature, the loads used in sports can be divided into training and competitive, specific and non-specific; by size - into small, medium, significant (near-limit) and large (limit); in terms of focus - on contributing to the improvement of individual motor qualities (speed, strength, coordination, endurance, flexibility) or their components (for example, alactate or lactate anaerobic capabilities, aerobic capabilities), improving the coordination structure of movements, components of mental preparedness or tactical skill, etc. P.; in terms of coordination complexity - to those performed under stereotyped conditions that do not require significant mobilization coordination abilities, and associated with the performance of movements of high coordination complexity; in terms of mental tension - into more intense and less intense, depending on the requirements for the mental capabilities of athletes.

In sports practice (there are "external" and "internal" indicators of training and competitive loads. "External" indicators loads in the most general view can be represented by indicators of the total volume of work and its intensity. Overall volume work is usually expressed in hours, the volume of cyclic work (running, swimming, rowing, etc.) in kilometers, the number of training sessions, competitive starts, games, fights, combinations, elements, jumps, shots, etc. It is possible to reveal these general "external" load indicators by highlighting its particular characteristics. To this end, determine, for example, the share of a private specific load in its total volume, the ratio of work aimed at educating individual qualities and abilities, the ratio of general and special physical and technical training and etc.

Another important external indicator of the load is the parameters of its intensity. Such indicators include: the pace of movements, the speed or power of their implementation, the time to overcome training segments and distances, the density of exercises per unit of time, the amount of weights overcome in the process of developing strength qualities, etc.

Loads are most fully characterized "internal" indicators, i.e. reactions of the body to the work performed. Here, along with indicators that carry information about the short-range effect of the load) manifested in a change in the state of functional systems directly during work and immediately after its completion, data on the nature and duration of the recovery period can be used.

"External" and "internal" load indicators are closely interrelated: an increase in volume and intensity training work leads to an increase in shifts in the functional state of various systems and organs, to the development and deepening of fatigue processes. However, this relationship is manifested only within certain limits. For example, with the same total amount of work, with the same intensity, the effect of the load on the athlete's body can be fundamentally different. With the same external characteristics, internal load indicators can change under the influence of a variety of reasons. Thus, the performance of the same work in different functional states leads to different reactions from individual body systems.

The ratio of external and internal parameters of the load varies depending on the level of qualification, fitness and functional state of the athlete, his individual characteristics, the nature of the interaction of motor and vegetative functions. For example, the same work in terms of volume and intensity causes different reactions in athletes of different qualifications.

Load - the impact of physical exercises on the body of an athlete, causing an active reaction of his functional systems. Competitive workload is intense, often maximum load associated with the performance of competitive activities.

Training load does not exist on its own. It is a function of muscle work inherent in training and competitive activities. It is muscle work that contains the training potential, which causes the corresponding functional restructuring in the body.

By nature loads used in sports are divided into training and competitive, specific and non-specific; in size - into small, medium, significant (near-marginal) and large (pre

sensible); by direction - on those that contribute to the improvement of individual motor qualities (speed, strength, coordination, endurance, flexibility) or their components, improving the coordination structure of movements, components of mental preparedness or tactical skill, etc.; according to coordination complexity - to those performed under stereotypical conditions that do not require significant mobilization of coordination abilities and are associated with the performance of movements of high coordination complexity; on mental tension - into more intense and less intense, depending on the requirements for the mental capabilities of athletes.

By the magnitude of the impact on the athlete's body loads can be divided into developing, supporting (stabilizing) and restorative. Developmental loads include large and significant loads, which are characterized by high impacts on the main functional systems of the body and cause a significant level of fatigue. Such loads according to the integral effect on the body can be expressed in terms of 100% and 80%. After such loads, a recovery period is required for the most involved functional systems, respectively, 40-96 and 24-48 hours. Supporting (stabilizing) loads include average loads that affect the athlete's body at a level of 50-60% in relation to large loads and require the restoration of the most tired systems from 12 to 24 hours. no more than 6 hours

The choice of this or that load should be justified, first of all, from the standpoint of efficiency. The most significant signs of the effectiveness of training loads include:

1) specialization, i.e. a measure of similarity with a competitive exercise;

2) tension, which manifests itself in the predominant effect on one or another motor quality when certain mechanisms of energy supply are involved;

3) the value as a quantitative measure of the impact of the exercise on the athlete's body.

The specialization of the load implies its distribution into groups depending on the degree of their similarity with the competitive ones. On this basis, all training loads are divided into specific and non-specific. Specific loads include loads that are essentially similar to competitive ones in terms of the nature of the displayed abilities and reactions of functional systems.

In the modern classification of training and competitive loads, there are 5 zones that have certain physiological boundaries and pedagogical criteria, which are widely used in training practice. In addition, in some cases, the third zone is divided into two more subzones, and the fourth - into three in accordance with the duration of the competitive activity and the power of work. For qualified athletes, these zones have the following characteristics.

1st zone - aerobic recovery. The immediate training effect of loads in this zone is associated with an increase in heart rate up to 140-145 bpm. Blood lactate is at a resting level and does not exceed 2 mmol / l. Oxygen consumption reaches 40-70% of the IPC. Energy is provided by the oxidation of fats (50% or more), muscle glycogen and blood glucose. Work is provided by fully slow muscle fibers (MMF), which have the properties of complete utilization of lactate, and therefore it does not accumulate in the muscles and blood.

The upper limit of this zone is the speed (power) of the aerobic threshold (lactate 2 mmol/l). Work in this zone can be performed from several minutes to several hours. It stimulates recovery processes, fat metabolism in the body and improves aerobic capacity (general endurance).

Loads; aimed at developing flexibility and coordination of movements are performed in this zone. Exercise methods are not regulated. The amount of work during the macrocycle in this zone in different types sports is from 20 to 30%.

2nd zone- aerobic developing. The short-term training effect of loads in this zone is associated with an increase in heart rate to 160-175 bpm. Blood lactate up to 4 mmol / l, oxygen consumption 60-90% of the IPC. Energy is provided by the oxidation of carbohydrates (muscle glycogen and glucose) and, to a lesser extent, fats. Work is provided by slow muscle fibers (SMF) and fast muscle fibers (BMF) of type "a", which are activated when performing loads at the upper border of the zone - speed (power) anaerobic threshold.

Entering into work fast muscle fibers of type "a" are able to oxidize lactate to a lesser extent, and it slowly gradually increases from 2 to 4 mmol / L-

Competitive and training activities in this zone can also take several hours and are associated with marathon distances, sports games. It stimulates the development of special endurance, which requires high aerobic abilities, strength endurance, and also provides work on the development of coordination and flexibility. Basic methods: continuous exercise and interval extensive exercise. The volume of work in this zone in the macrocycle in different sports ranges from 40% to 80%.

3rd zone - mixed aerobic-anaerobic. The short-term training effect of loads in this zone is associated with an increase in heart rate up to 180-185 beats/min., blood lactate up to 8-10 mmol/l, oxygen consumption 80-100% of the IPC.

Energy supply occurs mainly due to the oxidation of carbohydrates (glycogen and glucose). Work is provided by slow and fast muscle units(fibers). At the upper border of the zone - the critical speed (power) corresponding to the MPC, fast muscle fibers (units) of type "b" are connected, which are unable to oxidize the lactate accumulated as a result of work, which leads to its rapid increase in muscles and blood (up to 8-10 mmol/l), which reflexively also causes a significant increase in pulmonary ventilation and the formation of oxygen debt.

Competitive and training activities in a continuous mode in this zone can last up to 1.5-2 hours. Such work stimulates the development of special endurance provided by both aerobic and anaerobic-glycolytic abilities, strength endurance. Basic methods: continuous and interval extensive exercise. The volume of work in the macrocycle in this zone in different sports ranges from 5 to 35%.

4th zone- anaerobic-glycolytic. The immediate training effect of loads in this zone is associated with an increase in blood lactate from 10 to 20 mmol/l. Heart rate becomes less informative and is at the level of 180-200 bpm. Oxygen consumption gradually decreases from 100 to 80% of the MIC. Energy is provided by carbohydrates (both with the participation of oxygen and anaerobically). The work is performed by all three types of muscle units, which leads to a significant increase in lactate concentration, pulmonary ventilation and oxygen debt. The total training activity in this zone does not exceed 10-15 minutes. It stimulates the development of special endurance and especially anaerobic glycolytic capabilities.

Competitive activity in this zone in the macrocycle in different sports is from 2 to 7%.

5th zone- anaerobic-alactate. The near training effect is not related to the indicators of heart rate and lactate, since the work is short-term and does not exceed 15-20 s in one repetition. Therefore, blood lactate, heart rate and pulmonary ventilation do not have time to reach high levels. Oxygen consumption drops significantly. The upper boundary of the zone is maximum speed(power) exercise. The energy supply occurs anaerobically due to the use of ATP and CT, after 10 s glycolysis begins to connect to the energy supply, and lactate accumulates in the muscles. Work is provided by all types of muscle units. The total training activity in this zone does not exceed 120-150 s per one training session. It stimulates the development of speed, speed-strength, maximum-strength abilities. The amount of work in the macrocycle is in different sports from 1 to 5%.

The classification of training loads gives an idea of ​​the operating modes in which the various exercises used in training aimed at developing various motor abilities should be performed. At the same time, it should be noted that in young athletes from 9 to 17 years old, certain biological indicators, for example, heart rate, in different zones may be higher, and lactate indicators may be lower. The younger the young athlete, the more these indicators diverge from those described above. I

IN cyclic types sports, associated with the predominant manifestation of endurance, for more accurate dosing of loads, the 3rd zone in some cases is divided into two subzones "a" and "b". Subzone "a" includes competitive exercises lasting from 30 minutes. up to 2 hours, and to subzone "b" - from 10 to 30 minutes.

The fourth zone is divided into three subzones: "a", "b" and "c". In subzone "a" competitive activity lasts approximately from 5 to 10 minutes; in subzone "b" - from 2 to 5 minutes; in subzone "c" from 0.5 to 2 min. Training loads are determined by the following indicators: a) the nature of the exercises; b) the intensity of work during their implementation; c) volume (duration) of work; d) the duration and nature of the rest intervals between individual exercises. The ratio of these indicators in training loads determine the magnitude and direction of their impact on the athlete's body.

The nature of the exercise. According to the nature of the impact, all exercises can be divided into three main groups: global, regional and local impact. Global impact exercises include those in which 2/3 of the total muscle volume is involved in the work, regional - from 1/3 to 2/3, local - up to 1/3 of all muscles.

With the help of global impact exercises, most of the tasks of sports training are solved, ranging from increasing the functionality of individual systems to achieving optimal coordination of motor and autonomic functions in competitive activities. The range of use of exercises of regional and local impact is much narrower. However, by applying these exercises, in some cases it is possible to achieve changes in the functional state of the body, which cannot be achieved with the help of exercises of global impact. The intensity of the load largely determines the magnitude and direction of the impact training exercises on the athlete's body. A change in the intensity of work can contribute to the preferential mobilization of certain energy suppliers, intensify the activity of functional systems to a different extent, and actively influence the formation of the main parameters of sports equipment.

The intensity of work is closely interconnected with the developed power during exercises, with the speed of movement in sports of a cyclic nature, the density of tactical and technical actions in sports games, fights, fights - in martial arts.

In different sports, the following dependence is manifested - an increase in the volume of actions per unit of time or speed of movement, as a rule, |

is associated with a disproportionate increase in the requirements for energy systems that carry the primary load when performing these actions.

Workload. In the process of sports training, exercises of various durations are used - from a few seconds to 2-3 or more hours. This is determined in each specific case by the specifics of the sport, the tasks that individual exercises or their complex solve.

To increase alactic anaerobic capacity, the most acceptable are short-term loads (5-10 s) with maximum intensity, significant pauses (up to 2-5 minutes) allow for recovery. Work that is highly effective for improving the glycolysis process leads to the complete exhaustion of alactic anaerobic sources during exercise, and, consequently, to an increase in their reserve.

Given that the maximum formation of lactic acid in the muscles is usually noted after 40-50 s, and work mainly due to glycolysis usually lasts for 60-90 s, it is loads of this duration that are used to increase glycolytic capabilities.

Rest pauses should not be long so that the lactate value does not decrease significantly. This will improve the power of the glycolytic process and increase its capacity. A prolonged aerobic load leads to an intensive involvement of fats in metabolic processes, and they become the main source of energy.

Comprehensive improvement of various components of aerobic performance can be achieved only with fairly long single loads or with a large number of short-term exercises.

It should be noted that as the long work of varying intensity, not only quantitative changes occur in the activities of various organs and systems.

The ratio of the intensity of the load (the pace of movement, the speed and power of their implementation, the time to overcome the training segments and distances, the density of the exercises per unit of time, the amount of weights overcome in the process of developing strength qualities, etc.) and the amount of work (expressed in hours, kilometers, the number of training sessions, competitive starts, games, fights, combinations, elements, jumps, etc.) vary depending on the level of qualification, fitness and functional state of the athlete, his individual abilities, the nature of the interaction of motor and autonomic functions. For example, the same work in terms of volume and intensity causes different reactions in athletes of different qualifications. Moreover, the limiting (large) load, which naturally implies different volumes and intensity of work, but leads to the refusal to perform it, causes different internal reactions in them. This is manifested, as a rule, in the fact that in high-class athletes with a more pronounced reaction to the limit load, recovery processes proceed more intensively.

The duration and nature of the rest intervals must be planned depending on the tasks and the training method used. For example, in interval training aimed at primarily increasing aerobic performance, one should focus on rest intervals at which heart rate drops to 120-130 bpm. This allows you to cause shifts in the activity of the circulatory and respiratory systems, which to the greatest extent contribute to an increase in the functionality of the heart muscle.

When planning the duration of rest between repetitions of an exercise or different exercises within one lesson, 3 types of intervals are distinguished.

1. Full (ordinary) intervals, guaranteeing by the time of the next repetition almost the same restoration of working capacity that was before its previous execution, which makes it possible to repeat the work without additional strain on the functions.

2. Intense (incomplete) intervals, at which the next load falls into a state of more or less significant under-recovery, which, however, will not necessarily be expressed within a certain time by a significant change in external quantitative indicators (total volume of work and its intensity), but is accompanied by an increasing mobilization of physical and psychological reserves.

3. "Minimax"-interval is the smallest rest interval between exercises, after which there is increased performance (supercompensation), which occurs under certain conditions due to the laws of the recovery process.

When developing strength, speed and dexterity, repeated loads are usually combined with full and "minimax" intervals. When developing endurance, all types of rest intervals are used.

According to the nature of the athlete's behavior, rest between individual exercises can be active and passive. With passive rest, the athlete does not perform any work, with active rest, he fills the pauses with additional activity.

Effect active rest depends, first of all, on the nature of fatigue: it is not detected during light previous work and gradually increases with an increase in its intensity. Low-intensity work in pauses has the greater positive effect, the higher was the intensity of the previous exercises.

Compared to rest intervals between exercises, rest intervals between exercises have a more significant effect on the processes of recovery, long-term adaptation of the body to training loads.

- this is the effect of physical exercises on the athlete's body, causing an active reaction of his functional systems.

- this is an intense, often maximum load associated with the performance of competitive activities.

Training load does not exist on its own. It is a function of muscle work inherent in training and competitive activities. It is muscular work that contains the training potential, which causes the corresponding functional restructuring on the part of the body.

By their nature, the loads used in sports are divided into training and competitive, specific and non-specific; by size - into small, medium, significant (near-limit) and large (limit); in terms of focus - on contributing to the improvement of individual motor qualities (speed, strength, coordination, endurance, flexibility) or their components (for example, alactate or lactate anaerobic capabilities, aerobic capabilities), improving the coordination structure of movements, components of mental preparedness or tactical skill, etc. P.; in terms of coordination complexity - for those performed under stereotypical conditions that do not require significant mobilization of coordination abilities, and are associated with the execution of movements of high coordination complexity; in terms of mental tension - into more intense and less intense, depending on the requirements for the mental capabilities of athletes.

All loads according to the magnitude of the impact on the athlete's body can be divided into developing, supporting (stabilizing) and restorative.

Development loads include large and significant loads, which are characterized by high impacts on the main functional systems of the body and cause a significant level of fatigue. Such loads according to the integral effect on the body can be expressed in terms of 100 and 80%.

After such loads, a recovery period is required for the most involved functional systems, respectively, 48-96 and 24-48 hours.

Supporting (stabilizing) loads include medium loads, affecting the athlete's body at the level of 50-60% in relation to high loads and requiring the restoration of the most tired systems from 12 to 24 hours.

Recovery loads include small loads on the athlete's body at the level of 25-30% in relation to large ones and requiring recovery no more than 6 hours.

The choice of this or that load should be justified, first of all, from the standpoint of efficiency. Among the most significant Signs of the effectiveness of training loads include:

specialization, i.e. a measure of similarity with a competitive exercise;

tension, which manifests itself in the predominant impact on one or another motor quality, when certain mechanisms of energy supply are involved;

value as a quantitative measure of the effect of exercise on the athlete's body.

The specialization of the load implies their distribution into groups depending on the degree of their similarity with the competitive ones. On this basis, all training loads are divided into specific and non-specific. Specific loads include loads that are essentially similar to competitive ones in terms of the nature of the displayed abilities and reactions of functional systems.

In the modern classification of training and competitive loads distinguish five zones, having certain physiological boundaries and pedagogical criteria, widespread in the practice of training. In addition, in some cases, the third zone is divided into two more subzones, and the fourth into three, in accordance with the duration of competitive activity and the power of work. For qualified athletes, these zones have the following characteristics

1st zone - aerobic recovery.

The immediate training effect of loads in this zone is associated with an increase in H 140-145 bpm. Blood lactate is at a resting level and does not exceed 2 mmol / l. Oxygen consumption reaches 40 of the IPC. Energy is provided by the oxidation of fats (50% or more), muscle glycogen and blood glucose: Work is provided by completely slow muscle fibers (MMF), which have the properties of complete utilization of lactate, and therefore it does not accumulate in muscles and blood. The upper limit of this zone is the speed (power) of the anaerobic threshold (lactate 2 mmol/l). Work in this zone can be performed from several minutes to several hours. It stimulates recovery processes, fat metabolism in the body improves aerobic capacity (general endurance). Loads aimed at developing flexibility and coordination of movements are performed in this zone. Exercise methods are not regulated. The volume of work during the macrocycle in this zone in different sports ranges from 20 to 30%.

2nd zone - aerobic developing.

The short-term training effect of loads in this zone is associated with an increase in heart rate to 160-175 bpm. Blood lactate up to 4 mmol / l, oxygen consumption 60-90% of the IPC. Energy is provided by the oxidation of carbohydrates (muscle glycogen and glucose) and, to a lesser extent, fats. Work is provided by slow muscle fibers (SMF) and fast muscle fibers (BMF) of type “a”, which are activated when performing loads at the upper boundary of the zone - the speed (power) of the anaerobic threshold.

Entering into work fast muscle fibers of type "a" are able to oxidize lactate to a lesser extent, and it slowly gradually increases from 2 to 4 mmol / l.

Competitive and training activities in this zone can also take several hours and are associated with marathon distances, sports games. It stimulates the development of special endurance, which requires high aerobic abilities, strength endurance, and also provides work on the development of coordination and flexibility. Basic methods: continuous exercise and interval extensive exercise. The volume of work in this zone in the macrocycle in different sports ranges from 40 to 80%.

3rd zone - mixed aerobic-anaerobic.

The short-range training effect of loads in this zone is associated with an increase in heart rate up to 180-185 bpm, blood lactate up to 8-10 mmol/l, oxygen consumption 80-100% of the IPC. Energy supply occurs mainly due to the oxidation of carbohydrates (glycogen and glucose). Work is provided by slow and fast muscle units (fibers). At the upper boundary of the zone - the critical speed (power) corresponding to the MPC, fast muscle fibers (units) of the "b" type are connected, which are not able to oxidize the lactate accumulating as a result of work, which leads to its rapid increase in muscles and blood (up to 8- 10 mmol / l), which reflexively also causes a significant increase in pulmonary ventilation and the formation of oxygen debt.

Competitive and training activities in a continuous mode in this zone can last up to 1.5-2 hours. Such work stimulates the development of special endurance provided by both aerobic and anaerobic-glycolytic abilities, strength endurance. Basic methods: continuous and interval extensive exercise. The volume of work in the macrocycle in this zone in different sports ranges from 5 to 35%.

4th zone - anaerobic-glycolytic.

The immediate training effect of loads in this zone is associated with an increase in blood lactate from 10 to 20 mmol/l. Heart rate becomes less informative and is at the level of 180-200 bpm.

Oxygen consumption gradually decreases from 100 to 80% of the MIC. Energy is provided by carbohydrates (both with the participation of oxygen and anaerobically). The work is performed by all three types of muscle units, which leads to a significant increase in lactate concentration, pulmonary ventilation and oxygen debt. The total training activity in this zone does not exceed 10-15 minutes. It stimulates the development of special endurance and especially anaerobic glycolytic capabilities.

Competitive activity in this zone lasts from 20 seconds to 6-10 minutes. The main method is interval intensive exercise. The volume of work in this zone in the macrocycle in different sports ranges from 2 to 7%.

5th zone - anaerobic-alactate.

The near training effect is not related to the indicators of heart rate and lactate, since the work is short-term and does not exceed 15-20 s in one repetition. Therefore, blood lactate, heart rate and pulmonary ventilation do not have time to reach high levels.

Oxygen consumption drops significantly. The upper limit of the zone is the maximum speed (power) of the exercise.

Energy supply occurs anaerobically due to the use of ATP and CF, after 10 s glycolysis begins to connect to the energy supply and lactate accumulates in the muscles. Work is provided by all types of muscle units. The total training activity in this zone does not exceed 120-150 s per one training session. It stimulates the development of speed, speed-strength, maximum-strength abilities. The amount of work in the macrocycle is in different sports from 1 to 5%.

The classification of training loads gives an idea of ​​the modes of operation in which the various exercises should be performed, used in training aimed at educating various motor abilities. At the same time, it should be noted that in young athletes from 9 to 17 years old, certain biological indicators, for example, heart rate, in different zones may be higher, and lactate indicators may be lower. The younger the young athlete, the more these indicators diverge from those described above and given in Table 30.

In cyclic sports associated with the predominant manifestation of endurance, for more accurate dosing of loads, the 3rd zone is sometimes divided into two subzones: "a" and "b". Subzone "a" includes competitive exercises lasting from 30 minutes to 2 hours, and subzone "b" - from 10 to 30 minutes.

The fourth zone is divided into three subzones: "a", "b" and "c". In subzone "a" competitive activity lasts approximately from 5 to 10 minutes; in subzone "b" - from 2 to 5 minutes; in subzone "c" - from 0.5 to 2 min.

Training loads are determined by the following indicators: a) the nature of the exercises; b) the intensity of work during their implementation; c) volume (duration) of work; d) the duration and nature of the rest intervals between individual exercises. The ratios of these indicators in training loads determine the magnitude and direction of their impact on the athlete's body.

The nature of the exercise. According to the nature of the impact, all exercises can be divided into three main groups: global, regional and local impact. Global impact exercises include those in which 2/3 of the total muscle volume is involved in the work, regional - from 1/3 to 2/3, local - up to 1/3 of all muscles.

With the help of global impact exercises, most of the tasks of sports training are solved, ranging from increasing the functionality of individual systems to achieving optimal coordination of motor and autonomic functions in competitive activities.

The range of use of exercises of regional and local impact is much narrower. However, by applying these exercises, in some cases it is possible to achieve changes in the functional state of the body, which cannot be achieved with the help of exercises of global impact.

Load intensity largely determines the magnitude and direction of the impact of training exercises on the athlete's body. By changing the intensity of work, it is possible to promote the preferential mobilization of certain energy suppliers, intensify the activity of functional systems to a different extent, and actively influence the formation of the main parameters of sports equipment.

The intensity of work is closely interconnected with the developed power during exercise, with the speed of movement in sports of a cyclic nature, the density of tactical and technical actions in sports games, fights and fights in martial arts.

In different sports, the following dependence is manifested - an increase in the volume of actions per unit of time, or speed of movement, as a rule, is associated with a disproportionate increase in the requirements for energy systems that carry the primary load when performing these actions.

Workload. In the process of sports training, exercises of various durations are used - from a few seconds to 2-3 or more hours. This is determined in each specific case by the specifics of the sport, the tasks that individual exercises or their complex solve.

To increase alactic anaerobic capacity, the most acceptable are short-term loads (5-10 s) with maximum intensity. Significant pauses (up to 2-5 minutes) allow for recovery. The complete exhaustion of alactic anaerobic sources during exercise and, consequently, an increase in their reserve is caused by work of maximum intensity for 60–90 s, i.e. such work, which is highly effective for improving the process of glycolysis.

Given that the maximum formation of lactic acid in the muscles is usually noted after 40-50 s, and work mainly due to glycolysis usually lasts for 60-90 s, it is loads of this duration that are used to increase glycolytic capabilities. Rest pauses should not be long so that the lactate value does not decrease significantly. This will improve the power of the glycolytic process and increase its capacity.

A prolonged aerobic load leads to an intensive involvement of fats in metabolic processes, and they become the main source of energy.

Comprehensive improvement of various components of aerobic performance can be achieved only with fairly long single loads or with a large number of short-term exercises.

It should be borne in mind that as long-term work of varying intensity is performed, not so much quantitative as qualitative changes occur in the activities of various organs and systems.

The ratio of the intensity of the load (the pace of movements, the speed or power of their implementation, the time to overcome training segments and distances, the density of the exercises per unit of time, the amount of weights overcome in the process of developing strength qualities, etc.) and the amount of work (expressed in hours, in kilometers, the number of training sessions, competitive starts, games, fights, combinations, elements, jumps, etc.) varies depending on the level of qualification, preparedness and functional state of the athlete, his individual characteristics, the nature of the interaction of motor and vegetative functions.

Moreover, the limiting (large) load, which naturally implies different volumes and intensity of work, but leads to the refusal to perform it, causes different internal reactions in them. This is manifested, as a rule, in the fact that in high-class athletes with a more pronounced reaction to the limit load, recovery processes proceed more intensively (Fig. 37).

Rice. 10. The reaction of the body of athletes of different qualifications to the ultimate load 1-master sport; 2-athlete of the 2nd category

The duration and nature of rest intervals.

The duration of rest intervals is the factor that, along with the intensity of work, determines its predominant focus.

The duration of the rest intervals must be planned depending on the tasks and the training method used. For example, in interval training aimed at predominantly increasing aerobic performance, one should focus on rest intervals at which heart rate decreases to 120-130 bpm. This allows you to cause shifts in the activity of the circulatory and respiratory systems, which to the greatest extent contribute to an increase in the functionality of the heart muscle.

When planning the duration of rest between repetitions of an exercise or different exercises within the same session, three types of intervals should be distinguished.

Full (ordinary) intervals, guaranteeing by the time of the next repetition almost the same restoration of working capacity that was before its previous execution, which makes it possible to repeat the work without additional strain on the functions.

Tense (incomplete) intervals, at which the next load falls into the state of some under-restoration of working capacity.

"Minimax" - interval. This is the smallest interval of rest between exercises, after which there is increased performance (supercompensation), which occurs under certain conditions due to the laws of the recovery process.

When developing strength, speed and agility, repeated loads are usually combined with full and "minimax" intervals. When developing endurance, all types of rest intervals are used.

According to the nature of the athlete's behavior, rest between individual exercises can be active and passive. With passive rest, the athlete does not perform any work, with active rest, he fills the pauses with additional activity. The effect of active rest depends primarily on the nature of fatigue: it is not detected with light previous work and gradually increases with increasing intensity. Low-intensity work in pauses has the greater positive effect, the higher was the intensity of the previous exercises.

Compared to rest intervals between exercises, rest intervals between exercises have a more significant effect on the processes of recovery, long-term adaptation of the body to training loads.

Section 3. Fundamentals of building the process of sports training

3.1. Sports training as a long-term process and its structure

3.2. Building a workout in small cycles (microcycles)

3.3. Building a workout in medium cycles (mesocycles)

3.4. Building a workout in large cycles (macrocycles)

3.1. Sports training as a long-term process and its structure

The process of training highly qualified athletes can be divided into three interrelated components: the construction of the process, its implementation and control over the preparation.

IN the process of building sports training the integrity of the training process is ensured on the basis of a certain structure, which is a relatively stable order of combining components (subsystems, sides and individual links), their regular relationship with each other and the overall sequence.

The structure of the training is characterized, in particular:

the order of interconnection of elements of the training content (means, methods of general and special physical, tactical and technical training, etc.);

the necessary ratio of the parameters of the training load (its quantitative and qualitative characteristics of volume and intensity);

a certain sequence of different links of the training process (separate classes and their parts, stages, periods, cycles), representing the phases or stages of this process, during which the training process undergoes regular changes.

Rice. 11. a-exemplary structure multi-year process preparation;

b-conditional level of opposite achievements

Depending on the time scale within which the training process takes place, there are: a) microstructure - the structure of a separate training session, the structure of a separate training day and a microcycle (for example, a weekly one); b) mesostructure - the structure of training stages, including a relatively complete series of microcycles (with a total duration, for example, about a month); c) macrostructure - the structure of large training cycles such as semi-annual, annual and multi-year.

A long-term process of sports training from a beginner to the heights of mastery can be represented as successively alternating large stages, including separate stages. many years of preparation associated with the age and qualification indicators of athletes.

It should be noted that in some sports there are no clear boundaries between the stages and stages of a multi-year process, as well as strict time frames for these stages and stages.

Rational Construction long-term sports training is carried out on the basis of the following factors: optimal age limits, within which the highest results are usually achieved in selected form sports; duration of systematic training to achieve these results; the predominant focus of training at each stage of long-term training; the passport age at which the athlete started training, and the biological age at which the special training began; the individual characteristics of the athlete and the rate of growth of his skill.

The long-term process of training and competition of an athlete is built on the basis of the following methodological provisions.

1. A unified pedagogical system that ensures the rational continuity of tasks, means, methods, organizational forms of training for all age groups. The main criterion for the effectiveness of long-term training is the highest sports result achieved within the optimal age limits for this sport.

2. Target orientation in relation to the highest sportsmanship in the process of preparation for all age groups.

3. Optimal ratio (proportionality) of various aspects of an athlete's preparedness in the process of many years of training.

4. A steady increase in the amount of funds for general and special training, the ratio between which is gradually changing. From year to year, the share of the volume of special training means in relation to the total volume of the training load increases and, accordingly, the share of the general Training decreases.

5. Progressive increase in the volume and intensity of training and competitive loads. Each period of the next annual cycle should begin and end for more than high level training loads compared to the corresponding periods of the previous annual cycle.

6. Strict adherence to gradualness in the process of using training and competitive loads, especially in classes with children, adolescents, since comprehensive preparedness is steadily increasing only if training and competitive loads at all stages of a long-term process fully correspond to its biological age and individual capabilities athlete.

7. Simultaneous Parenting physical qualities athletes at all stages of long-term training and the predominant development of individual qualities in age periods that are most favorable for this. In school years, there are opportunities for the development of all physical qualities, if an effective pedagogical influence is provided, which, however, should not fundamentally change the patterns of age development of certain aspects of a person's motor function.

Table 12 shows approximate sensitive (sensitive) periods of change in indicators and development of physical qualities of school-age children.

The predominant orientation of the training process at the stages of long-term training is determined taking into account these sensitive periods of development of physical qualities. At the same time, it is advisable to pay attention to the education of those physical qualities that are not actively developed at this age. It is especially important to observe proportionality in the development of general endurance and speed abilities, in the development of general endurance and strength, i.e. qualities that are based on different physiological mechanisms.

Girls have sensitive periods of formation of physical qualities come one year earlier.

In order to rationally build a multi-year training process, one should take into account the time frame required to achieve the highest sports results in one sport or another. As a rule, capable athletes achieve their first big successes in 4-6 years, and highest achievements- after 7-9 years of specialized training.

Table 12

Approximate sensitive (sensitive) periods of change in height and weight indicators and the development of physical qualities of school-age children

Height and weight indicators and physical qualities Age, years
Height + + + +
Weight + + + +
Strength maximum + + + +
Rapidity + + + + + +
Speed-strength qualities + + + + + + +
Endurance (aerobic capacity) + + + + +
speed endurance + + +
Anaerobic capacity (glycolytic) + + +
Flexibility + + + + + +
Coordinating ability + + + +
Equilibrium + + + + + + + +

The process of long-term training of athletes is conditionally divided into 4 stages: preliminary training, initial sports specialization, in-depth specialization in a chosen sport, sports improvement.

The duration of the stages of long-term training is due to the peculiarities of the sport, the level of sports preparedness of those involved. There is no clear boundary between stages. When deciding on the transition to the next stage of training, one should take into account the passport and biological age of the athlete, the level of his physical development and preparedness, the ability to successfully fulfill age-related training and competitive loads.

Pre-preparation stage covers primary school age and goes into next stage with the beginning of sports specialization.

At this stage, the following tasks are solved in the training sessions:

mastering available knowledge in the field of physical culture and sports by those involved;

formation of the necessary basic fund of motor skills from certain sports, their consolidation and improvement;

assistance to the harmonious formation of a growing organism, health promotion, comprehensive education of physical qualities, mainly speed ones, speed-strength abilities, general endurance.

The preparation of children is characterized by a variety of means, methods and organizational forms, the wide use of elements various kinds sports, outdoor and sports games.

The game metope helps to emotionally and naturally perform exercises to maintain interest in children when repeating educational tasks. At this stage, training sessions with great physical and mental stress, involving the use of monotonous, monotonous educational material, should not be carried out.

Stage of initial sports specialization. The main tasks at this stage are to ensure the comprehensive physical fitness of those involved, their further mastery of rational sports equipment, creating favorable conditions for achieving the highest results at the optimal age for each sport.

Specialization has a "multi-faceted", by no means narrowly focused character. Along with mastering the basics of the technique of the chosen sport and other physical exercises, special attention is paid to the development of those physical qualities and the formation of motor skills that are important for successful specialization in the chosen sport.

Versatile preparation with relatively little volume special exercises more promising for subsequent sports improvement than highly specialized training.

The predominant trend in load dynamics during the years of initial specialization should be an increase in volume with a slight increase in the overall intensity of training. Although the intensity of exercise also increases, the degree of increase in intensity must be normalized within narrower limits than the increase in total volume.

Particular care in observing the measure of intensity of loads is required during the intensive growth and maturation of the body, when natural plastic, energy and regulatory processes are sharply activated, which in itself is a kind of load for the body.

Large training cycles are characterized by an extended preparatory period. The competitive period is presented as if in a collapsed form.

Advanced Specialization Stage in the chosen sport falls on the period of the athlete's life, when the formation of all functional systems is basically completed, ensuring high performance and resistance of the body in relation to adverse factors that manifest themselves in the process of intense training. At this stage, the training process acquires a pronounced specificity. Specific gravity special training steadily increases due to the increase in the time allotted for the performance of specially preparatory and competitive exercises.

The total volume and intensity of training loads continue to increase. The number of competitions in the selected sports discipline. The system of training and competition is becoming more individualized. Means of training to a greater extent in form and content correspond to the competitive exercises in which the athlete specializes.

At this stage, the main task is to ensure the perfect and varied possession of sports equipment in difficult conditions, its individualization, to develop those physical and volitional qualities that contribute to the improvement of the technical and tactical skills of an athlete.

Stage of sports improvement coincides with the age favorable for achieving high sports results. At this stage, the main tasks are preparation for competitions and successful participation in them. Therefore, in comparison with the previous stages, training acquires an even more specialized focus. The athlete uses the whole complex effective means, methods and organizational forms of training in order to achieve the highest results in competitions. The volume and intensity of training loads reaches a high level.

Increasingly, training sessions with heavy loads are used, the number of sessions in weekly microcycles reaches 10-15 or more. Training process more and more individualized and built taking into account the characteristics of the athlete's competitive activity.

The problem of loads in the system of sports training for both young and highly qualified athletes occupies one of the central places, because. it is the loads that connect the means and methods of training used by the athlete into a single whole with the reactions of the body that they cause.

The training and competitive load is usually understood as the additional functional activity of the body relative to the level of rest or other initial state, introduced by the performance of exercises (L.P. Matveev, 1977).

There is another definition of this term. - this is the effect of physical exercises on the athlete's body, causing an active reaction of his functional systems /V.N. Platonov/. Training load does not exist on its own. It is a function of muscle work inherent in training and competitive activities. It is muscular work that contains the training potential, which causes the corresponding functional restructuring on the part of the body. Currently, there are a number of classifications of training loads, the authors of which proceed from the motor specifics of sports, energy and power of muscle work, pedagogical tasks solved during training, the impact on recovery processes and the effect of subsequent work, the interaction of work of various predominant directions and other criteria. .

However, by their nature, the loads used in sports can be divided into training and competitive, specific and non-specific; by size - into small, medium, significant (near-limit) and large (limit); in terms of focus - on contributing to the improvement of individual motor qualities (speed, strength, coordination, endurance, flexibility) or their components (for example, alactate or lactate anaerobic capabilities, aerobic capabilities), improving the coordination structure of movements, components of mental preparedness or tactical skill, etc. P.; in terms of coordination complexity - for those performed under stereotypical conditions that do not require significant mobilization of coordination abilities, and are associated with the execution of movements of high coordination complexity; in terms of mental tension - into more intense and less intense, depending on the requirements for the mental capabilities of athletes.

In sports practice (there are "external" and "internal" indicators of training and competitive loads. "External" indicators loads in the most general form can be represented by indicators of the total amount of work and its intensity. Overall volume work is usually expressed in hours, the volume of cyclic work (running, swimming, rowing, etc.) in kilometers, the number of training sessions, competitive starts, games, fights, combinations, elements, jumps, shots, etc. It is possible to reveal these general "external" load indicators by highlighting its particular characteristics. For this purpose, they determine, for example, the shares of a private specific load in its total volume, the ratio of work aimed at educating individual qualities and abilities, the ratio of general and special physical and technical training, etc.

Another important external indicator of the load is the parameters of its intensity. Such indicators include: the pace of movements, the speed or power of their implementation, the time to overcome training segments and distances, the density of exercises per unit of time, the amount of weights overcome in the process of developing strength qualities, etc.

Loads are most fully characterized "internal" indicators, i.e. reactions of the body to the work performed. Here, along with indicators that carry information about the short-range effect of the load) manifested in a change in the state of functional systems directly during work and immediately after its completion, data on the nature and duration of the recovery period can be used.

"External" and "internal" load indicators are closely interconnected: an increase in the volume and intensity of training work leads to an increase in shifts in the functional state of various systems and organs, to the development and deepening of fatigue processes. However, this relationship is manifested only within certain limits. For example, with the same total amount of work, with the same intensity, the effect of the load on the athlete's body can be fundamentally different. With the same external characteristics, internal load indicators can change under the influence of a variety of reasons. Thus, the performance of the same work in different functional states leads to different reactions from individual body systems.

- this is the effect of physical exercises on the athlete's body, causing an active reaction of his functional systems.

- this is an intense, often maximum load associated with the performance of competitive activities.

Training load does not exist on its own. It is a function of muscle work inherent in training and competitive activities. It is muscular work that contains the training potential, which causes the corresponding functional restructuring on the part of the body.

In my own way character loads used in sports are divided into training and competitive, specific and non-specific; By size - into small, medium, significant (near-marginal) and large (marginal); By orientation - on those contributing to the improvement of individual motor qualities (speed, strength, coordination, endurance, flexibility) or their components (for example, alactate or lactate anaerobic capabilities, aerobic capabilities), improving the coordination structure of movements, components of mental preparedness or tactical skill, etc .; By coordination complexity- for those performed under stereotyped conditions, which do not require significant mobilization of coordination abilities, and are associated with the performance of movements of high coordination complexity; By mental tension - into more intense and less intense, depending on the requirements for the mental capabilities of athletes.

In the modern classification of training and competitive loads, there are five zones that have certain physiological boundaries and pedagogical criteria, which are widely used in training practice.

1st zone - aerobic recovery. The immediate training effect of loads in this zone is associated with an increase in heart rate up to 140-145 bpm. Blood lactate is at a resting level and does not exceed 2 mmol / l. Oxygen consumption reaches 40-70% of the IPC. Energy is provided by the oxidation of fats (50% or more), muscle glycogen and blood glucose. Work is provided by completely slow muscle fibers (MMF), which have the properties of complete utilization of lactate, and therefore it does not accumulate in the muscles and blood. The upper limit of this zone is the speed (power) of the aerobic threshold (lactate 2 mmol/l). Work in this zone can be performed from several minutes to several hours. It stimulates recovery processes, fat metabolism in the body and improves aerobic capacity (general endurance).

2nd zone - aerobic developing. The short-term training effect of loads in this zone is associated with an increase in heart rate to 160-175 bpm. Blood lactate up to 4 mmol / l, oxygen consumption 60-90% of the IPC. Energy is provided by the oxidation of carbohydrates (muscle glycogen and glucose) and, to a lesser extent, fats. Work is provided by slow muscle fibers (SMF) and fast muscle fibers (BMF) of type “a”, which are activated when performing loads at the upper boundary of the zone - the speed (power) of the anaerobic threshold.

Entering into work fast muscle fibers of type "a" are able to oxidize lactate to a lesser extent, and it slowly gradually increases from 2 to 4 mmol / l.

Competitive and training activities in this zone can also take several hours and are associated with marathon distances and sports games. It stimulates the development of special endurance, which requires high aerobic abilities, strength endurance, and also provides work on the development of coordination and flexibility. Basic methods: continuous exercise and interval extensive exercise.

The volume of work in this zone in the macrocycle in different sports ranges from 40 to 80%.

3rd zone - mixed aerobic-anaerobic. The short-range training effect of loads in this zone is associated with an increase in heart rate up to 180-185 bpm, blood lactate up to 8-10 mmol/l, oxygen consumption 80-100% of the IPC. Energy supply occurs mainly due to the oxidation of carbohydrates (glycogen and glucose). Work is provided by slow and fast muscle units (fibers). At the upper boundary of the zone - the critical speed (power) corresponding to the MPC, fast muscle fibers (units) of the "b" type are connected, which are not able to oxidize the lactate accumulating as a result of work, which leads to its rapid increase in muscles and blood (up to 8- 10 mmol / l), which reflexively also causes a significant increase in pulmonary ventilation and the formation of oxygen debt.

Competitive and training activities in a continuous mode in this zone can last up to 1.5-2 hours. Such work stimulates the development of special endurance provided by both aerobic and anaerobic-glycolytic abilities, strength endurance. Basic methods: continuous and interval extensive exercise. The volume of work in the macrocycle in this zone in different sports ranges from 5 to 35%.

4th zone - anaerobic-glycolytic. The immediate training effect of loads in this zone is associated with an increase in blood lactate from 10 to 20 mmol/l. Heart rate becomes less informative and is at the level of 180-200 bpm. Oxygen consumption gradually decreases from 100 to 80% of the MIC. Energy is provided by carbohydrates (both with the participation of oxygen and anaerobically). Work leads to a significant increase in lactate concentration, pulmonary ventilation and oxygen debt. The total training activity in this zone does not exceed 10-15 minutes. It stimulates the development of special endurance and especially anaerobic glycolytic capabilities.

Competitive activity in this zone lasts from 20 seconds to 6-10 minutes. The main method is interval intensive exercise. The volume of work in this zone in the macrocycle in different sports ranges from 2 to 7%.

5th zone - anaerobic-alactate. The near training effect is not related to the indicators of heart rate and lactate, since the work is short-term and does not exceed 15-20 s in one repetition. Therefore, blood lactate, heart rate and pulmonary ventilation do not have time to reach high levels. Oxygen consumption drops significantly. Energy supply occurs anaerobically due to the use of ATP and CF, after 10 s glycolysis begins to connect to the energy supply and lactate accumulates in the muscles. The total training activity in this zone does not exceed 120-150 s per one training session. It stimulates the development of speed, speed-strength, maximum-strength abilities. The amount of work in the macrocycle is in different sports from 1 to 5%.

The nature of the exercise. According to the nature of the impact, all exercises can be divided into three main groups: global, regional and local impact. Global impact exercises include those in which 2/3 of the total muscle volume is involved in the work, regional - from 1/3 to 2/3, local - up to 1/3 of all muscles.

Load intensity largely determines the magnitude and direction of the impact of training exercises on the athlete's body. By changing the intensity of work, it is possible to promote the preferential mobilization of certain energy suppliers, intensify the activity of functional systems to a different extent, and actively influence the formation of the main parameters of sports equipment.

Workload. In the process of sports training, exercises of various durations are used - from a few seconds to 2–3 or more hours. This is determined in each specific case by the specifics of the sport, the tasks that individual exercises or their complex solve.

To increase alactic anaerobic capacity, the most acceptable are short-term loads (5-10 s) with maximum intensity. Significant pauses (up to 2-5 minutes) allow for recovery. The complete exhaustion of alactic anaerobic sources during exercise and, consequently, an increase in their reserve is caused by work of maximum intensity for 60–90 s, i.e. such work, which is highly effective for improving the process of glycolysis.

Considering that the maximum formation of lactic acid in the muscles is usually noted after 40–50 s, and work mainly due to glycolysis usually lasts for 60–90 s, it is loads of this duration that are used to increase glycolytic capabilities. Rest pauses should not be long so that the lactate value does not decrease significantly. This will improve the power of the glycolytic process and increase its capacity.

A prolonged aerobic load leads to an intensive involvement of fats in metabolic processes, and they become the main source of energy.

Comprehensive improvement of various components of aerobic performance can be achieved only with fairly long single loads or with a large number of short-term exercises.

It must be borne in mind that in high-class athletes with a more pronounced reaction to the limit load, recovery processes proceed more intensively.

The duration and nature of rest intervals. The duration of rest intervals is the factor that, along with the intensity of work, determines its predominant focus.

The duration of the rest intervals must be planned depending on the tasks and the training method used. For example, in interval training aimed at primarily increasing aerobic performance, one should focus on rest intervals at which heart rate drops to 120-130 bpm. This allows you to cause shifts in the activity of the circulatory and respiratory systems, which to the greatest extent contribute to an increase in the functionality of the heart muscle.

When planning the duration of rest between repetitions of an exercise or different exercises within the same session, three types of intervals should be distinguished.

1. Full (ordinary) intervals, guaranteeing by the time of the next repetition almost the same restoration of working capacity that was before its previous execution, which makes it possible to repeat the work without additional strain on the functions.

2. Tense (incomplete) intervals, at which the next load falls into the state of some under-restoration of working capacity.

3. "Minimax" - interval. This is the smallest interval of rest between exercises, after which there is increased performance (supercompensation), which occurs under certain conditions due to the laws of the recovery process.

When developing strength, speed and agility, repeated loads are usually combined with full and "minimax" intervals. When developing endurance, all types of rest intervals are used.

According to the nature of the athlete's behavior, rest between individual exercises can be active and passive. With passive rest, the athlete does not perform any work, with active rest, he fills the pauses with additional activity. The effect of active rest depends primarily on the nature of fatigue: it is not detected with light previous work and gradually increases with increasing intensity. Low-intensity work in pauses has the greater positive effect, the higher was the intensity of the previous exercises.

Compared to rest intervals between exercises, rest intervals between exercises have a more significant effect on the processes of recovery, long-term adaptation of the body to training loads.