Open a private outdoor pool from scratch. Registration of necessary documents and permits

  • Pool equipment
  • Preparation of documents
        • Similar business ideas:

A private pool is no longer a rarity today - there are such facilities even in small towns. Organization own swimming pool requires considerable costs for its design, construction, maintenance and repair. However, investments in the project, according to experts, are quite reasonable - a private pool pays off in just 3-4 years. And a small, budget pool measuring 10 by 4 meters will pay off even faster - the initial investment should return in 2 years ...

Despite the fact that private pools are becoming more and more every year, they total in the cities of the Russian Federation is not yet able to satisfy the growing demand in full. So, marketers have established average value the needs of the population in the pools. In another way, it sounds like an indicator of the area of ​​the water surface of the basin per capita. For large and medium-sized cities, this value is 14-19 m2 per 1000 inhabitants. For small towns, this figure is slightly higher: 30-40 m2 per 1000 inhabitants. So, a city with a million people needs at least 30 large pools.

How much money do you need to invest to open a swimming pool

If you decide to open a private pool, then you should know that investments in the project can amount to several million dollars. Costs largely depend on the size of the future pool and the availability of space for its installation. It is logical that the construction of a new facility will cost much more. In addition, serious investments require the arrangement of the pool, construction work and the purchase of equipment.

Choosing a room for organizing a pool

For the pool, a room with an area of ​​​​1500 square meters is required. meters. There are several ways to pick up such objects:

  • Buy out an old building, for example, inactive or in disrepair sport complexes. As a rule, such buildings are owned by the local administration and are purchased at auction.
  • Rent a room in a business center. In this case, the start-up costs will be much lower, but you need to be prepared for high fixed costs. Renting premises with an area of ​​more than 1500 m2 cannot cost less than 500 thousand rubles per month.
  • Build a turnkey swimming pool - a ready-made health complex. This is the most expensive and longest variant of organizing a business. It is necessary to select a plot of land and obtain a building permit. The construction of a turnkey pool can take up to 1.5 years.

The pool project is ordered from specialized organizations and for a pool with a volume of 500 m3 it will cost from 70 thousand rubles. The construction of a reinforced concrete bowl will cost 5,500 rubles per 1 m3. Plastering and waterproofing work will take another 600 rubles per m3. Finishing work costs from 650 rubles per 1 m3, equipment installation - 15% of the cost of equipment, commissioning - about 8,000 rubles.

How much can you earn on pool services

According to experts, the swimming pool "by default" cannot be unprofitable. The demand for such services is so high that about 50% of the time of the pool is taken by companies that purchase subscriptions for their employees. In addition, by installing in a swimming pool optional equipment you can earn on such services as: solarium, massage, gym. According to experts, income swimming pool can be increased by 10-15% by installing two baths: an adult (main) and a child.

Most pools are open 15-16 hours a day, approximately 270 days a year. The rest of the time is spent on holidays and sanitation days. Attendance in autumn, winter and spring is about the same. The decline is observed in the summer (holiday season), when the pool is visited by 2-4 times fewer customers. But the period of "downtime" can be used with benefit, for example, send the pool for the next repair and modernization.

The profit of swimming pools, according to some calculations, ranges from 5 to 40% of the amount of annual costs. At the same time, most of them provide preferential and even free subscriptions to schoolchildren and students.

The costs of the pool are made up to a greater extent of the cost of paying wages (40%) and the cost of maintaining the facility: electricity and heat supply. The payback period for a swimming pool, according to various estimates, is from 3 to 5 years.

Step by step plan to open a private pool

A commercial project to organize the operation of a private pool should begin with a detailed study of the supply and demand for these services in the city / district. Only after making sure that the business project has real development prospects, you can begin to address the following issues:

  • preparation of a business plan;
  • registration of an individual entrepreneur or legal entity faces;
  • search/construction of suitable premises;
  • registration of necessary documents;
  • formation of staff;
  • purchase of equipment.

In addition to performing the above tasks, you need to conclude contracts with companies that deal with garbage collection, disinfection, disinfestation, etc.

Pool equipment

The main item of expenditure in this area of ​​​​commercial activity is the purchase of equipment for the pool:

  • illumination and lighting;
  • pipes and fittings;
  • pumps;
  • device for heating water;
  • filters and automatic water purification stations;
  • dehumidifiers (to maintain comfortable humidity in the room);
  • stairs with rubber mats;
  • "water vacuum cleaners" (clean the bottom and walls of the pool from dirt).

Preparation of documents

The use of a private pool for commercial purposes is possible only with the following papers:

  • Documents on registration with the Federal Tax Service, social and medical insurance funds, statistical authorities and the Pension Fund.
  • Permits from local authorities.
  • Contracts with utilities.
  • Permits from Rospotrebnadzor and SES.

The procedure for preparing the listed documents takes a lot of time, so you can start it immediately after obtaining the status of an individual entrepreneur or legal entity. faces.

Taxation system and OKVED

Before writing an application for choosing a tax regime, you need to find out from the Federal Tax Service whether this line of business is included in the list of UTII payers. It is this tax that is the most rational according to most criteria. An alternative option is the STS, a system that will allow you to pay 6% of the total revenue or 15% of the profit of a private pool. In the all-Russian classifier of types of activity, the use of a private pool for commercial purposes has a code - OKVED 92.61. The presented abbreviation with numbers is indicated in many documents and reports of the company.

The results of sociological research confirm the presence of a steady trend of growing citizens' interest in sports. Under these conditions, the idea of ​​creating private pools becomes promising - swimming pleases people of all ages. The swimming pool construction business, although it requires large financial investments, can become a source of stable income.

After reading the article, you will learn how to organize a successful business in the construction of private pools, get acquainted with the calculations of profitability and payback of the enterprise.

Brief analysis of supply and demand

In the cities of Russia there is a lack of water sports complexes. Many of them, created back in Soviet times, are technically outdated. Given the clear interest of Russians in sports, the shortage of swimming pools provides great opportunities for enthusiastic entrepreneurs.

Marketers estimate that a city with a population of up to 1 million people should have about 30 medium and large pools to meet demand.

Classes in water complexes are in demand, since swimming improves health and does not overstrain the body, has an anti-stress effect, and improves mood. Children, adults and pensioners can swim - therefore the target audience is almost unlimited.

The main costs for the construction of the pool

Our business plan involves the creation of a private swimming pool with a length of 25 m, a width of 11.4 m with children's and adult lanes. It will become publicly available.

Table 1. Basic expenses.


Cost, rub.

Registration of a legal entity

Premises, rent


Necessary equipment ( technical equipment, equipment of adjacent premises)

Repair work, design, interior decoration


Marketing Campaign


Other costs

Total capital investment

Preparation of documentation

To open the pool, you will need documents, contracts and permits:

  • from local authorities;
  • from Sanepidnadzor and Rospotrebnadzor;
  • from municipal, fire services;
  • from the Federal Tax Service, the Pension Fund, statistical authorities, insurance funds.

The issue of paperwork can take a lot of time, so they need to be dealt with as soon as possible - immediately after the registration of a legal entity.

The use of a private pool for commercial purposes has the OKVED code 92.61. As a tax system, it is better to choose UTII. If this is not possible (the option is not available to all businessmen), it is advisable to pay according to the simplified tax system.

Selection of premises and creation of a project

There are several ways to solve the issue with the room:

  • Rent a space. Suitable business centers, which are located near transport interchanges.
  • Buy an old building, one of the abandoned sports complexes. Such buildings are sold cheaper, at the auction price. But here it is necessary to make repairs (in most cases capital).
  • Build everything yourself - start by buying land and build the whole complex yourself. This is the most expensive way.

Our business plan for the construction of a swimming pool involves the lease of a 1000 sq. m. You need to work on a pre-prepared project.

Construction and area distribution

Work begins with digging a pit. With the help of special equipment, a pit is dug. Depth is determined based on 3 tracks with a depth of 2 m plus 1 playground no deeper than 1.25 m (where a child can swim safely).

The next step is concreting. Concrete is often poured in stages: first the bottom is concreted, after 2 days the walls are poured.

After about a month, the concrete hardens, the formwork is removed, and the finishing of the bowl begins. The surface is leveled, waterproofed, lined.

The pool will cover an area of ​​approximately 300 sq. m. The rest of the room will be divided into several functional areas: reception, wardrobe, locker rooms, showers, first-aid post.


After finishing the bowl, all equipment necessary to maintain cleanliness and create an attractive environment is purchased and installed. appearance pool.

  • They put pipes and pumps, mount devices for heating and water purification.
  • Air dehumidifiers will maintain comfortable humidity in the room.
  • Water vacuum cleaners will help keep the bottom and walls clean.
  • Tracks 2.5 m wide will separate the ropes (marking on the bottom is also recommended). For jumping into the water, start tables should be installed.

For the beauty of the appearance, the pool and the room can be equipped with stylish lighting, multi-colored lamps in the water, geysers, fountains.


It is mandatory to hire a manager, 2 administrators, nurses, cloakroom attendants, cleaners and one master to check the condition of equipment and water quality.

Swimming and water aerobics coaches can also be invited to the staff. Although on initial stage it is recommended to do without these specialists.

Area of ​​1000 sq. m. makes it possible to equip premises for additional services - for example, massage, manicure rooms, saunas, a solarium, a small bar.


It is important to convey information about the new pool to consumers, describe its advantages, and attract them with profitable promotions.

  • organize advertising in print media (newspapers, city magazines);
  • distribute leaflets in public places;
  • post ads on the Internet;
  • start topics on urban Internet forums;
  • create and promote a website.

You can work with kindergartens, large companies that organize group visits for children and employees as part of the development of corporate culture.

Visitors are attracted by discounts, so you need to develop and implement a bonus program, raffle subscriptions, and regularly hold promotions.

Profitability calculation

The pool as a business requires large investments and high responsibility in the construction and management of the business. The amount of initial investment is 12.7 million rubles. The amount of monthly expenses, taking into account rent, utility bills, salaries - 1.67 million rubles.

The average cost of 1 visit is approximately 300 rubles. Monthly subscription (8 lessons) costs 3000 rubles. Average attendance - 100 people per day. The pool is open 29 days a month.

If half of the visitors will swim for one-time lessons, the other half - for subscriptions, the monthly revenue will be 4.78 million rubles. Minus monthly expenses, the profit will be equal to 3.1 million rubles.

Attendance is seasonal - higher in winter. With this in mind, the pool will be able to pay for itself in about 1.5-2 years.

The main stages of business organization

  1. Register an individual entrepreneur or legal entity. To study the situation in the region, the needs of the population, competitors.
  2. Find a place for a pool.
  3. Order a project of the future complex. Start to draw up all the documentation for construction and work. Negotiate with suppliers and contractors.
  4. Start creating a pool, purchase equipment, building and finishing materials - in accordance with the plan.
  5. Obtain permission from supervisory authorities, form a staff.
  6. Start work, resolve secondary issues (conclude contracts with companies involved in garbage collection, disinfection).
  7. Organize an advertising campaign, find subtenants.

The pool business plan given in the article will allow the entrepreneur to open a successful water complex, which, if properly promoted, can become an important hub of the city's sports infrastructure. As part of the expansion of the project, it is possible to engage in the construction of private (dacha) pools, which wealthy citizens are building on their plots.

All parents want their children to grow up healthy, strong and active. For this, there are various sport sections where moms and dads love to bring their kids. However, not all children want to engage in a particular sport, whether it be karate or dancing.

But everyone loves to swim! It is useful for general strengthening of the body, and for respiratory system and to develop strength and endurance. And swimming is a very fun and active pastime. Therefore, pools for children are in great demand among both adults and children. However, the offer in this segment is not so great compared to the same dance circles. Well, this is a reason for aspiring entrepreneurs to think.

Draw up a business plan for a children's pool that will operate in your city, with a calculation of approximate costs and expected profits. You will see that this business is very profitable and simply doomed to success. If you have an idea, then read on about what you need to open a private pool for children.

Before starting work

First you need to decide how to open Children's swimming pool- as a full-fledged independent complex or as an addition to an existing fitness center. In the latter case, the convenience lies in the fact that parents attending classes in sports club can bring their children with them. The kids will swim under the supervision of an instructor while the adults sweat in the hall. For many, this is a huge time saver and an opportunity to solve the eternal problem of "who to leave the child with."

However, a free-standing swimming pool will also be in demand, since in most Russian cities the demand for it is at least twice the supply. The choice in this case depends on the ability to find a suitable place.

What to Consider

When compiling a business plan for a swimming pool for children, it is important to clearly define the following points:

1. Find a room that meets all criteria.

2. Purchase the necessary equipment.

3. Carry out internal repairs and installation of the pool bowl.

4. Hire qualified personnel.

5. Obtain the necessary permits.

A lot of work. Before you open the pool, you will need to invest a lot of time and effort, especially on the implementation of the last of the above points. However, the waste of labor and financial resources will pay off in full when the complex opens and begins to fully function. And you can advertise the project already at the initial stage, so that from the first day of work your pool will be filled with happy children.

Looking for a place

There are several pool options. Before starting the search, you need to determine the approximate area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe complex. On average, the size of the room should be at least 1.5-2 thousand square meters. How can you get it?

1. Rent at a large fitness center.

2. Buy or rent a non-residential building and upgrade it.

3. Build by yourself.

Opening a pool from scratch is the most difficult thing; quite serious financial investments and a building permit will be required. For construction, there are ready-made projects of sports and recreational pools that can be purchased to order. It should be borne in mind that the immediate opening of the complex will have to wait a long time. Construction work can take up to 6-10 months or more.

After the issue with the premises is resolved, it is necessary to proceed to work on its arrangement. Next, we will consider what this kind of physical culture complex must necessarily include.

We equip the pool according to the rules

Include in the children's pool business plan a detailed calculation of the costs of construction and repair and installation work. This article is very significant and requires a particularly careful approach. Each pool, both for children and any other, must have a high-quality water filtration system, heating it to a certain temperature, and the bowl itself. The cost of the latter depends on a number of factors:

  • size (the most popular options are 20-25 meters long, for sports purposes they can reach 50 meters);
  • quality and wall thickness;
  • waterproofing system;
  • manufacturer.

A medium-sized bowl (25 * 8 * 15) with heating and a filtration system will cost about two million rubles. In addition, dividing paths, lighting, starting tables may be needed. Sometimes pools are additionally equipped with various water slides - for children this is a pleasure, which, however, can distract from classes with an instructor. Whether to install them or not depends on the direction of your complex (entertainment or sports).

Before opening a children's pool, you must make sure that all measures have been taken to ensure the safety of the life and health of children. Here it is worth considering one important point concerning the water purification system. It is better to refuse chlorination by choosing a more modern and safer method - ozonation. It does not harm the skin, which will certainly appeal to caring parents.

Hiring employees

The children's pool business plan should provide for the search for responsible and qualified employees: both those who will be in direct contact with the children (coaches, instructors), and specialists who control the smooth operation of equipment, water quality, and maintaining order on the territory of the complex. The minimum staff looks like this:

  • 1-2 administrators;
  • swimming coach and instructor group lessons(2-4 people);
  • cleaner, cloakroom attendant, security guard;
  • technician and nurse;
  • director and accountant.

They may work one or two shifts depending on the pool's schedule and workload during the day.

In today's article, we invite readers to look at the finished pool business plan with calculations. It was no accident that we decided to talk about opening a swimming pool. This is a very lucrative business considering low competition in this area and the desire of many residents of our country to healthy lifestyle life.

Many parents bring babies to the pool, the adult population of our country actively attends various sports facilities, one of the leading places among them is occupied by pools. In addition, the state and local authorities welcome the construction of new construction projects and try to provide comprehensive support to entrepreneurs involved in this area.

Business relevance and target audience

So, we have already said that opening a swimming pool is a business that will be beneficial to the entrepreneur himself, thanks to a fairly quick payback(in 2-2.5 years the object reaches the break-even point), which means that the businessman will begin to receive net profit from work sports facility. A working swimming pool is also attractive to ordinary residents, who will be able to attend classes at a convenient time for them.

The state and local authorities welcome the construction of sports facilities and try to support entrepreneurs

Let us clarify that the relevance of this business is determined by such factors:

  • in the regions of our country there is a serious shortage of water sports complexes;
  • lack of competition, since most of the current operating basins were built back in the days of the USSR and today are technically outdated;
  • swimming and other activities are recommended for people of all age categories, since a gentle load and the effectiveness of classes can improve the health of the population;
  • the popularity of swimming among the population - swimming helps to get rid of stress and improves mood;
  • extensive target audience - people of all ages are engaged in swimming (from birth and beyond without restrictions).

If we talk about the target audience, then the pool can be visited by people, regardless of gender and age category. However, it should be understood that, as a rule, the pool is visited by people with an average income.

Potential visitors to the swimming pool can without hesitation include:

  • expectant mothers and babies;
  • schoolchildren and students;
  • working population and people of retirement age;
  • people actively involved in sports (in particular swimming).

Note! In addition to the mentioned categories of visitors, there is one more enough large group potential clients - government and commercial organizations that pay for their employees. The number of corporate clients may exceed ½ of the total mass of visitors.

In order to attract customers, and accordingly, increase the profitability of the institution, it is necessary to create the most comfortable conditions for visitors. These include the following factors:

  • modern equipment of all premises of the object and good finishing;
  • stylish interior;
  • convenient access roads and ample parking near the building;
  • qualified staff, friendly attitude to visitors and friendly service;
  • sale of subscriptions at reasonable prices;
  • add. discounts for certain categories of visitors (schoolchildren, students, pensioners, etc.);
  • bonuses for corporate visitors;
  • loyalty programs for regular visitors;
  • an extensive list of additional services.

Which pool to open

Swimming pools operating in the regions of Russia, can be divided into several categories:

  • departmental sports complexes, which are on the balance sheet of enterprises or educational institutions;
  • sports complexes maintained by state structures and local authorities;
  • swimming pools belonging to sanatoriums, hotels, fitness centers, etc.;
  • pools built by individual entrepreneurs and commercial organizations.

Opening a swimming pool is a medium-term investment in a highly profitable business.

We are interested in the last category, so should focus on which target audience the facility planned to be opened will be oriented and consider the types of services that can be offered to visitors to a private pool.

Note! If at the beginning of work to offer consumers a minimum set of services, then the entrepreneur, accordingly, will need less investment in the organized enterprise. Over time, the range of services can be expanded, which will attract visitors and increase their number.

At the initial stage, it is important to carefully consider the concept of the pool.. At the initial stage, you can choose one of the possible formats, and subsequently expand the business. It could be:

  • health complex for children (for example, a swimming pool for babies or older children);
  • an institution where a number of entertainments are provided (slides, etc.);
  • health complex for adult visitors;
  • sauna with a swimming pool;
  • classic swimming pool.

Other options are not excluded- here everything depends on the intentions of the entrepreneur himself and his material capabilities. But no matter which institution you decide to develop (open a business open pool, open a sauna with a swimming pool, open a children's pool or an institution of another format) you must initially orient yourself with the services that will be available to its visitors. The list may include:

  • swimming lessons;
  • registration of rent for various events;
  • various classes with an instructor (aqua aerobics, swimming lessons, etc.);
  • rental of sports equipment.

Additional services can be considered The offers most requested by visitors:

  • opening of the sauna;
  • classic and hydromassage;
  • Gym;
  • solarium, pedicure, manicure, etc.;
  • small cafe.

Steps to start a business

In one of the previous articles, we examined in detail the structure of the document and its key features. However, it is advisable to consider what is needed to open the pool. Let's describe the algorithm of actions when opening a health (sports) institution.

Water aerobics classes can be held in the swimming pool

A phased business plan for building a pool and putting it into operation looks like this:

  1. Study of consumer demand in the region for visiting cultural and recreational institutions.
  2. Analysis of the financial potential of residents.
  3. Competition assessment.
  4. Formulation of the concept and detailed study of the business project.
  5. Location determination. It is possible to build an object from scratch. In this option, you will need to select the appropriate land. You can also consider buying out or renting an already built structure.
  6. Registration of a legal entity.
  7. Development of a project for the construction (reconstruction) of the facility.
  8. Development of internal design.
  9. Search for suppliers for the purchase of building materials, equipment and other necessary things.
  10. Carrying out construction and installation works.
  11. Obtaining permission from regulatory authorities.
  12. Personnel selection.
  13. Carrying out marketing activities and launching an advertising campaign.

Let's take a look at some points in more detail..

Registration and permissions

When carrying out registration actions for an entrepreneur need to be aware of the following features:

  1. As an organizational form, you can consider LLC or IP.
  2. When registering a legal entity, you will need to indicate the type of activity. In our case, this is a sports facility (93.11). This includes, in addition to stables and garages for racing cars, stadiums and swimming pools. The list of codes can be expanded if desired (depending on the list of services to be provided).
  3. For taxation, it is advisable to choose a simplified system or EVN (single imputed tax).
  4. It is extremely important to comply with environmental standards during the operation of the facility.
  5. It is necessary to issue appropriate permits from various authorities (Rospotrebnadzor, Sanitary and Epidemiological Station, regional authorities and the fire inspectorate).
  6. You will also need to conclude an agreement with representatives of housing and communal services (disinfection, waste disposal, etc.).
  7. If the construction of a new facility is planned, the approval of the project in the construction committee of the region is required.
  8. Registration with the FSS, PF and the Department of Statistics is a must!

Room and location

Solving the issue with the premises where the pool will be located is no less important than solving financial issues. Here you can consider various options:

  1. Rent. In this case, it is important to choose the appropriate size room, which can be very difficult. Since, under the pool bowl for 2 tracks, an area of ​​​​40 m 2 is required. And the area of ​​the entire pool should be at least 70 m 2. Moreover, the room must have an appropriate ceiling height.
  2. Reconstruction. In this case, you need to be prepared for serious financial injections. There are unused buildings in all regions, so you can find a facility that meets specific requirements and pool category. The main thing is that the chosen object meets the requirements of the supervisory authorities. In addition, the decision org. issues and arrangement of premises will require at least 6 months. In this case, it is advisable to buy the building or issue a long-term lease agreement for it.
  3. Construction. It is also a costly and time-consuming (at least 12 months) option. Before starting construction work, you will need to obtain permission from the authorized authorities (local administration and construction department). As for the occupied land, here it is also worth making a purchase or lease for a long time.

The concept of the pool can be different, including classes for teaching children to swim

Swimming pool can be located in a separate building or in an extension to an already operating mall, fitness club or kindergarten. And, as an option, an outdoor pool is not excluded.

There are a number of requirements to consider when opening a sports facility:

  • always high human traffic;
  • there are no similar objects nearby;
  • the location within the city or outside it is not excluded;
  • availability of proper engineering communications;
  • availability of public transport and good access roads.

Important! The scale of the object must exactly correspond to its location and the number of inhabitants in a particular area. The area of ​​a conventional pool is on average 1500 m 2 .

Inside the object, it is necessary to correctly distribute the area:

  • the main room is a swimming pool for adults;
  • swimming pool for children;
  • 2 locker rooms (male and female) with showers;
  • wardrobe and reception area;
  • honey. point and laboratory;
  • sauna and treatment rooms (massage room, solarium, etc.);
  • ancillary and administrative premises.

Pool equipment

Having chosen the concept of the future swimming establishment, choosing the optimal dimensions and carrying out measures for the repair or construction of the facility, you can proceed to the purchase of equipment. To equip you will need:



Pool bowl for adults

3.5 million rubles

Bowl of "paddling pool"

1 million rubles

Pool cleaning system

500 thousand rubles

Equipment for ozonation of the "paddling pool"

300 thousand rubles

Water heating system

500 thousand rubles

Starting blocks

100 thousand rubles

Track Limiters and Separators

100 thousand rubles

Lighting equipment

200 thousand rubles

Sport. inventory

200 thousand rubles

Shower and sauna equipment

800 thousand rubles

Wardrobe and dressing room equipment

300 thousand rubles

Medical equipment. point and laboratory

200 thousand rubles

Reception area

300 thousand rubles

Equipping utility and administrative premises

400 thousand rubles

Other equipment (slides, massage room, solarium, inventory, etc.)

800 thousand rubles


9 200 000

The table shows approximate prices– depending on the region and supplier, they may differ.

Sports facility personnel must be properly qualified and highly professional.

Staff training

In addition to the purchase of equipment, it is required to competently approach the selection of personnel. You can refer to the list below:

  • manager;
  • 2 administrators;
  • coaches and instructors;
  • technical staff (equipment maintenance technicians, cleaners, cloakroom attendants, etc.);
  • medical staff (nurse, laboratory assistant, massage therapist, etc.);
  • accounting staff.

Depending on the scale of the object, the staff can be reduced or increased. The main thing is that experienced specialists work in the institution, who have (if it is provided for by their position) the appropriate certificates, licenses and other documents confirming the professional level of the employee.

Financial calculations

Initial financial injections to a pool built on owned land, are made up of the following items of expenditure:

The costs shown in the table are indicative, but do not forget about the monthly costs. These include housing and communal services, staff salaries, consumables, etc. Approximately, such costs will amount to 550 thousand rubles.

Inspections by supervisory authorities

In the process of issuing permits from supervisory authorities for entrepreneurial activity,:

  • compliance with fire safety and sanitary standards;
  • ventilation and heating systems.

Employees of Rospotrebnadzor check:

  • internal equipment of the object;
  • the presence of a pool bowl, locker rooms, showers, wardrobes, etc .;
  • surfaces of bypass paths;
  • the composition and temperature of the water, the depth of the pool;
  • decontamination and disinfection technologies, etc.

Inspection of swimming pools by controlling authorities is carried out:

  • in a planned manner;
  • according to the complaints of visitors;
  • according to sanitary and epidemiological indications.

Important! A detailed list of requirements can be found in SanPin

To prevent violations, which entail penalties, and in some cases, the closure of the facility, should be carried out regularly laboratory analysis and exercise total control:

The advantage of the sports facility for visitors will be a wide range of additional services

Pros and risks of business

Like any other business, opening a swimming pool has its advantages and disadvantages.

The benefits include:

  • social orientation of business, which makes it possible to receive state support;
  • low competitiveness;
  • lack of special licensing and special permits;
  • high consumer demand for swimming lessons;
  • the possibility of providing additional services.

The disadvantages of this business include:

  • significant initial costs;
  • sufficiently long payback period;
  • swimming pool access is seasonal.

And still can't say about the risks that accompany the opening of a swimming pool:

  1. If the object is being built from scratch, then there is a possibility of violation of the terms of construction, equipment supply, finishing work.
  2. Incorrectly carried out planning in terms of finances: some items of expenditure were not taken into account, the cost of building materials and equipment increased. This can make it difficult to invest.
  3. Increase in tariffs for housing and communal services.
  4. Accidents in the pool.
  5. Sharp jumps in consumer demand, depending on the season.


And in conclusion it should be said that the payback of the project under consideration is (on average) 2-3 years. As for the entrepreneur, this is a medium-term investment in a business with high returns. According to experts, the profitability of the swimming pool is approximately 60%.