Summer hunting opening. Hunting season in autumn in the Voronezh region

For everyone who loves hunting, the most painful periods are the off-season, when hunting is prohibited. However, already, starting from mid-summer, active preparations begin, there is a noticeable increase in visitors to hunting stores, requests for specialized sites on the Internet are becoming more frequent, and men are increasingly gathering in groups of similar interests, discussing the upcoming season. But for it to really be successful and not bring disappointment, you need to know exactly when the hunt opens in 2019, and also follow the established rules. And, of course, prepare well for the season.

What date does hunting open in 2019?

The opening dates of the autumn hunting season are determined by the Order of the Ministry of Natural Resources and Environment Russian Federation dated November 16, 2010 N 512 On approval of the Hunting Rules.

According to the Hunting Rules, the following hunting periods are established:

Clause 41.1 of the Hunting Rules. For waterfowl, marsh-meadow, field, steppe and mountain game from the second Saturday of August to December 31 in the territories of the Khabarovsk Territory, the Republic of Sakha (Yakutia), the Amur Region, the Kurgan Region, the Yamalo-Nenets Autonomous Okrug, the Komi Republic, the Vologda Region , Leningrad region, Novgorod region, Republic of Karelia, Bryansk region, Kaliningrad region, Kaluga region, Moscow region, Nizhny Novgorod region, Oryol region, Penza region, Pskov region, Republic of Ingushetia, Kabardino-Balkarian Republic, Republic of Kalmykia, Karachay-Cherkess Republic, Chechen Republic, Stavropol Territory, Astrakhan region;

41.2. For waterfowl, swamp-meadow, field, steppe and mountain game during the period from the third Saturday of August to December 31 in the territories of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation not specified in paragraph 41.1 of these Rules;

41.3. For upland game from the third Saturday of August to February 28 (29) in the territories of the Republic of Karelia, Kaliningrad region, Pskov region, Komi Republic, Novgorod region, Leningrad region, Arkhangelsk region, Vologda region, Murmansk region, Nenets Autonomous Okrug, Kostroma region, Tver region, Kirov region, Nizhny Novgorod region, Khanty-Mansiysk Autonomous Okrug , Yamalo-Nenets Autonomous Okrug, Irkutsk Region, Omsk Region, Republic of Buryatia, Krasnoyarsk Territory, Tomsk Region, Novosibirsk Region, Transbaikal Territory, Kamchatka Territory, Magadan Region, Republic of Sakha (Yakutia), Chukotka Autonomous Okrug, Primorsky Territory, Khabarovsk Territory, Jewish Autonomous Region, Amur Region;

41.4. for white and tundra partridge from the third Saturday of August to April 20 in the territories of the Krasnoyarsk Territory and the Republic of Sakha (Yakutia);

41.5. for scoters (humpbacked and common) from June 1 to June 4 on the territory of the Amginsky, Gorny, Kobyaisky, Megino-Kangalassky, Namsky, Tattinsky, Ust-Aldansky, Churapchinsky districts of the Republic of Sakha (Yakutia);

41.6. for upland game from the third Saturday of August to December 31 on the territories of constituent entities of the Russian Federation not specified in paragraph 41.3 of these Rules.

As for more precise deadlines, they are determined by each subject of the Federation separately.

When did hunting open in Rus'?

But all this is in 2019. But in former times in Russia, hunting opened on the day of the Holy Apostles Peter and Paul, June 31 according to the old style or July 12 according to the new style. And there were two main reasons for this. Firstly, on July 11, the Apostolic Fast ends, which sometimes lasted several weeks, and therefore, from this day it was already possible to start drinking wine, eating meat, including game, and also begin to enjoy life in all its manifestations, in including enjoying the delights of hunting. And every hunter knows that the opening of a new season is a real holiday for those who love this business. It is not surprising that large, noisy companies went out for the first hunt. According to Russian writers who describe this event in their works, there were sometimes significantly more hunters in the swamps than game. In the middle of the day, the hunters gathered at a rest stop and began to jointly celebrate the beginning of the hunting season, brag about their successes, tell various stories and, of course, drink and eat copiously. This was especially pleasant after a long fast.

But there was another reason to start hunting at this time. By the beginning of July, most ducks and snipes had not only managed to hatch their broods, but even put them on the wing. Consequently, the young animals became a fully-fledged object for hunting. Ornithological specialists confirm that mallards, teals and snipes are already flying quite confidently after the first ten days of July in the new style. Of course, young animals from later broods are still hiding in the reeds and creeks, and the black grouse and wood grouse have not yet had time to fly. But, firstly, in those times in question, there was much more game, and secondly, a real professional hunter would never stoop to shooting chicks or their uterus. This was considered the greatest shame.


Guided by the Federal Law of July 24, 2009 No. 209 - Federal Law “On Hunting and the Conservation of Hunting Resources and on Amendments to Certain Legislative Acts of the Russian Federation”, by Order of the Ministry of Natural Resources and Ecology of the Russian Federation dated November 16, 2010 No. 512 “On Approval of Hunting Rules”, Decree of the Government of the Novosibirsk Region dated 04/13/2015 No. 142-p “On the introduction of restrictions and prohibitions on the use of hunting resources on the territory of the Novosibirsk Region”, Decree of the Governor of the Novosibirsk Region dated 04/13/2015. No. 69 “On the types of permitted hunting and parameters for hunting in hunting grounds on the territory of the Novosibirsk region”, by order of the Department for the Protection of Wildlife dated May 16, 2016. No. 187:

1. Allow the extraction of hunting resources, in all hunting grounds of the NOO "NOOOiR" according with accounting numbers, quotas and throughput hunting farms, within the following periods:

1.1. swamp-meadow game without hunting firearms and (or) pneumatic weapons from July 10, 2017. until July 24, 2017;

1.2. field and steppe game without hunting firearms and (or) pneumatic weapons from July 10, 2017. until August 4, 2017;

1.5. upland (except wood grouse), field and steppe game with gun dogs - from August 5, 2017. until November 15, 2017;

1.6. waterfowl, marsh-meadow, field and steppe game, rook - from September 2, 2017. until November 15, 2017;

1.12. brown bear - from August 15, 2017 until November 30, 2017 and from April 1, 2018 until May 30, 2018;

1.17. hares (hare, hare), sable, American mink, weasel, squirrel, pine marten, ermine, steppe polecat, fox, corsac, wolf, raccoon dog - from October 25, 2017. until January 31, 2018;

2. When hunting, comply with the requirements for catching and shooting game animals and hunting restrictions in accordance with the requirements of the Order of the Ministry of Natural Resources and Economics of the Russian Federation dated November 16, 2010 No. 512 “On approval of hunting rules.”

3. To the chairmen of the boards of regional societies of hunters and fishermen:

3.1. organize the issuance of permits to hunters for the right to extract hunting resources and contracts for the provision of services in the field of hunting, fishing, recreation;

3.2. appoint persons responsible for issuing documents for hunting rights;

3.3. instruct, under signature, the persons responsible for issuing permits and contracts for the provision of services in the field of hunting, fishing, and recreation on the correct execution of permits for the right to hunt, on the procedure for their issuance and return;

3.4. periodically check the correct execution of permits for hunting by responsible persons;

3.5. ensure that hunters are informed about compliance with veterinary and sanitary safety measures when obtaining, cutting, transporting and consuming meat from hunted resources, as well as the need to comply with fire safety measures in hunting grounds;

3.6. instruct rangers on safety rules during hunting, protection of hunting grounds and fire safety in the grounds and at hunting bases;

3.7. prepare and maintain hunting bases and stopping points for receiving hunters in proper condition;

3.8. ensure that hunters return permits for the right to harvest when hunting bears and ungulates within 10 days after harvesting, wounding or expiration of unused permits; when hunting for other types of hunting resources, ensure the return of permits within 20 days after the harvest of the animal or the expiration of the permits;

3.9. timely submit reports on the production of hunting resources to the hunting and fishing department of the NGO "NOOOiR";

3.10. control the hunting of ungulates and bears by the huntsman service.

4. Persons responsible for issuing permits and vouchers (agreements):

4.1. issue permits to hunters for the right to hunt on the basis of a power of attorney issued by the NOO "NOOOiR";

4.2. issue permits for the right to extract hunting resources in accordance with Order of the Ministry of Natural Resources of Russia dated August 29, 2014 N 379 “On approval of the procedure for registration and issuance of permits for the extraction of hunting resources, the procedure for filing applications and statements necessary for issuing such permits, and approval of permit forms for prey of ungulates, bears, fur-bearing animals, birds.”;

4.3. when issuing permits, be guided by the norms of permissible production of hunting resources per permit, in accordance with the order of the Department for Wildlife Protection dated May 16, 2016 No. 187, and in the case of issuing a permit for a taxable type of animal (except for black grouse) one permit is issued for the right to harvest only one individual;

4.4. when issuing permits for for common grouse, one permit is issued for 3 (three) individuals .

4.5. issuing permits to hunters for the right to hunt without exceeding the carrying capacity of the hunting farm;

4.6. collect funds for contracts (vouchers) for the provision of hunting and additional services in accordance with the approved payment table;

4.7. familiarize the hunter with the boundaries of the farm (area) where hunting will be carried out, with the rules of hunting, with safety precautions during hunting and fire safety measures, and with the conditions for the provision of other services.

5. Leading game warden A.A. Savalov Conduct instructions on preparation and conduct of hunts with the chairmen of the boards of ROOiR against signature.

6. Control over the implementation of this order shall be entrusted to the deputy chairman of the NGO "NOOOiR" for hunting and fishing activities O.V. Gordeev.

Chairman of the board

NOO "NOOOiR" N.I. Kobylenko

Autumn hunting in 2017 opens in August in most regions of Russia and is carried out mainly for waterfowl, swamp-meadow, field, steppe game, as well as upland game.

Attention hunters!

We remind you about the prohibitions and restrictions on autumn hunting 2017 in Russia. According to the Russian Federation, autumn hunting is carried out subject to the following restrictions and prohibitions.

During autumn hunting it is prohibited:

  • the use of any self-catchers when catching game birds during amateur and sport hunting;
  • the use of electronic devices that imitate the sounds made by game animals and other animals;
  • being in hunting grounds in (on) mechanical vehicles, aircraft, as well as watercraft with the engine turned on, including those that have not stopped moving by inertia after turning off the engine, with a hunting firearm uncovered or loaded or having cartridges (shells) in the magazine ( pneumatic) weapons
  • use of any lighting devices
  • the use of long-barreled hunting firearms with a rifled barrel and rifled barrels of hunting firearms combined weapons
  • the use of hunting firearms equipped with shot (buckshot) larger than five millimeters and bullets

Autumn hunting 2017 – Dates of autumn hunting

General opening dates autumn hunting in 2017, established by Order of the Ministry of Natural Resources and Ecology of the Russian Federation dated November 16, 2010 N 512 On approval: paragraph 41. Different dates for hunting game birds. In each individual region, hunting dates may be slightly shifted according to local hunting parameters. In the table below, information on the opening dates of autumn hunting 2017 in the regions of Russia is grouped by federal districts.

Central Federal District - autumn hunting dates

List of subjects included in the district
1. Belgorod region
2. Bryansk region from August 19 (third Saturday) to December 31
3. Vladimir region from August 19 (third Saturday) to November 15 from August 19 (third Saturday) to December 31
4. Voronezh region
5. Ivanovo region from August 19 (third Saturday) to November 15 from August 19 (third Saturday) to December 31
6. from August 12 (second Saturday) to November 15 from August 19 (third Saturday) to December 31
7. Kostroma region from August 19 (third Saturday) to November 15
8. Kursk region from August 19 (third Saturday) to November 15 from August 19 (third Saturday) to December 31
9. Lipetsk region from August 19 (third Saturday) to November 15 from August 19 (third Saturday) to December 31
10. Moscow region from August 12 (second Saturday) to November 15 from August 19 (third Saturday) to December 31
11. Oryol region from August 12 (second Saturday) to November 15 from August 19 (third Saturday) to December 31
12. Ryazan region from August 19 (third Saturday) to November 15 from August 19 (third Saturday) to December 31
13. from August 19 (third Saturday) to November 15 from August 19 (third Saturday) to December 31
14. Tambov region from August 19 (third Saturday) to November 15 from August 19 (third Saturday) to December 31
15. Tver region from August 19 (third Saturday) to November 15 from August 19 (third Saturday) to February 28 (29)
16. Tula region from August 19 (third Saturday) to November 15 from August 19 (third Saturday) to December 31
17. Yaroslavl region from August 19 (third Saturday) to November 15 from August 19 (third Saturday) to December 31

Southern Federal District - autumn hunting dates

Dates of autumn hunting for waterfowl, swamp-meadow, field, steppe game Dates of autumn hunting for upland game
1. Republic of Adygea from August 19 (third Saturday) to December 31 from August 19 (third Saturday) to December 31
2. from August 19 (third Saturday) to December 31
3. Krasnodar region from August 19 (third Saturday) to December 31 from August 19 (third Saturday) to December 31
4. Astrakhan region from August 12 (second Saturday) to December 31 from August 19 (third Saturday) to December 31
5. Volgograd region from August 19 (third Saturday) to December 31 from August 19 (third Saturday) to December 31
6. Rostov region from August 19 (third Saturday) to December 31 from August 19 (third Saturday) to December 31
7. Republic of Crimea from August 19 (third Saturday) to December 31 from August 19 (third Saturday) to December 31

Northwestern Federal District - autumn hunting dates

List of subjects included in the district: Dates of autumn hunting for waterfowl, swamp-meadow, field, steppe game Dates of autumn hunting for upland game
1. Republic of Karelia from August 12 (second Saturday) to November 15 from August 19 (third Saturday) to February 28 (29)
2. from August 12 (second Saturday) to November 15 from August 19 (third Saturday) to February 28 (29)
3. Arkhangelsk region from August 19 (third Saturday) to November 15 from August 19 (third Saturday) to February 28 (29)
4. Vologda region from August 12 (second Saturday) to November 15 from August 19 (third Saturday) to February 28 (29)
5. Kaliningrad region from August 12 (second Saturday) to November 15 from August 19 (third Saturday) to February 28 (29)
6. Leningrad region from August 19 (third Saturday) to November 15 from August 19 (third Saturday) to February 28 (29)
7. Murmansk region from August 19 (third Saturday) to November 15 from August 19 (third Saturday) to February 28 (29)
8. Novgorod region from August 12 (second Saturday) to November 15 from August 19 (third Saturday) to February 28 (29)
9. Pskov region from August 12 (second Saturday) to November 15 from August 19 (third Saturday) to February 28 (29)
10. Nenets Autonomous Okrug from August 19 (third Saturday) to November 15 from August 19 (third Saturday) to February 28 (29)

Far Eastern Federal District - autumn hunting dates

List of subjects included in the district: Dates of autumn hunting for waterfowl, swamp-meadow, field, steppe game Dates of autumn hunting for upland game
1. Republic of Sakha (Yakutia) from August 12 (second Saturday) to December 31 from August 19 (third Saturday) to February 28 (29)
2. Kamchatka region from August 19 (third Saturday) to December 31 from August 19 (third Saturday) to February 28 (29)
3. Primorsky Krai from August 19 (third Saturday) to December 31 from August 19 (third Saturday) to February 28 (29)
4. Khabarovsk region from August 12 (second Saturday) to December 31 from August 19 (third Saturday) to February 28 (29)
5. Amur region from August 12 (second Saturday) to December 31 from August 19 (third Saturday) to February 28 (29)
6. Magadan region from August 19 (third Saturday) to December 31 from August 19 (third Saturday) to February 28 (29)
7. Sakhalin region from August 19 (third Saturday) to December 31 from August 19 (third Saturday) to December 31
8. Jewish Autonomous Region from August 19 (third Saturday) to December 31 from August 19 (third Saturday) to February 28 (29)
9. Chukotka Autonomous Okrug from August 19 (third Saturday) to December 31 from August 19 (third Saturday) to February 28 (29)

Siberian Federal District - autumn hunting dates

List of subjects included in the district: Dates of autumn hunting for waterfowl, swamp-meadow, field, steppe game Dates of autumn hunting for upland game
1. Altai Republic from August 19 (third Saturday) to December 31 from August 19 (third Saturday) to December 31
2. Republic of Buryatia from August 19 (third Saturday) to December 31 from August 19 (third Saturday) to February 28 (29)
3. Republic of Tyva from August 19 (third Saturday) to December 31 from August 19 (third Saturday) to December 31
4. Republic of Khakassia from August 19 (third Saturday) to December 31 from August 19 (third Saturday) to December 31
5. Altai region from August 26 (fourth Saturday) to December 31 from August 26 (fourth Saturday) to December 31
6. Transbaikal region from August 19 (third Saturday) to December 31 from August 19 (third Saturday) to February 28 (29)
7. Krasnoyarsk region from August 19 (third Saturday) to December 31 from August 19 (third Saturday) to February 28 (29)
8. Irkutsk region from August 19 (third Saturday) to December 31 from August 19 (third Saturday) to February 28 (29)
9. Kemerovo region from August 19 (third Saturday) to December 31 from August 19 (third Saturday) to December 31
10. Novosibirsk region from August 19 (third Saturday) to December 31 from August 19 (third Saturday) to February 28 (29)
11. Omsk region from August 26 (fourth Saturday) to November 15 from August 26 (fourth Saturday) to February 28 (29) (grouse, hazel grouse)
12. Tomsk region from August 26 (fourth Saturday) to November 15 from September 15 to February 28 (29)

Ural Federal District - autumn hunting dates

List of subjects included in the district: Dates of autumn hunting for waterfowl, swamp-meadow, field, steppe game Dates of autumn hunting for upland game
1. Kurgan region from August 12 (second Saturday) to December 31 from August 19 (third Saturday) to December 31
2. Sverdlovsk region from August 19 (third Saturday) to December 31 from August 19 (third Saturday) to December 31
3. Tyumen region from August 19 (third Saturday) to December 31 from August 19 (third Saturday) to December 31
4. Chelyabinsk region from August 19 (third Saturday) to December 31 from August 19 (third Saturday) to December 31
5. Khanty-Mansiysk Autonomous Okrug - Ugra from August 19 (third Saturday) to December 31 from August 19 (third Saturday) to February 28 (29)
6. Yamalo-Nenets Autonomous Okrug from August 12 (second Saturday) to December 31 from August 19 (third Saturday) to February 28 (29)

Volga Federal District - autumn hunting dates

List of subjects included in the district: Dates of autumn hunting for waterfowl, swamp-meadow, field, steppe game Dates of autumn hunting for upland game
1. from August 19 (third Saturday) to December 31
11. Perm region from August 19 (third Saturday) to November 15 from August 19 (third Saturday) to December 31
12. Samara region from August 19 (third Saturday) to November 15 from August 19 (third Saturday) to December 31
13. Saratov region from August 19 (third Saturday) to December 31 from August 19 (third Saturday) to December 31
14. Ulyanovsk region from August 19 (third Saturday) to November 15 from August 19 (third Saturday) to December 31

North Caucasus Federal District - autumn hunting dates

List of subjects included in the district: Dates of autumn hunting for waterfowl, swamp-meadow, field, steppe game Dates of autumn hunting for upland game
1. Republic of Dagestan from August 19 (third Saturday) to December 31 from August 19 (third Saturday) to December 31
2. Republic of Ingushetia from August 12 (second Saturday) to December 31 from August 19 (third Saturday) to December 31
3. Kabardino-Balkarian Republic from August 12 (second Saturday) to December 31 from August 19 (third Saturday) to December 31
4. Karachay-Cherkess Republic from August 12 (second Saturday) to December 31 from August 19 (third Saturday) to December 31
5. Republic of North Ossetia - Alania from August 19 (third Saturday) to December 31 from August 19 (third Saturday) to December 31
6. Chechen Republic from August 12 (second Saturday) to December 31 from August 19 (third Saturday) to December 31
7. from August 12 (second Saturday) to December 31 from August 19 (third Saturday) to December 31