Exercises for the development of the mind to read. Mind training

How to learn to think better

Anatomy of mind training

The power of the mind is manifested in exercise, not in rest.

Alexander Pop, poet


How do you rate your level of intelligence?

HIGH: I have exceptional mental abilities. Just call me Leonardo.

AVERAGE: From time to time I come up with new ideas, and sometimes even solve extremely difficult problems.

LOW: my head is some kind of pot of semolina. I really need a workout.

It doesn't matter which category you fall into. Remember that the level of intelligence - that is, the ability to concentrate, to reason logically, to create visual images, your imagination, the ability to make decisions, and finally, the ability to think clearly and creatively - largely depends on how often and intensively you train your mind. If you feel out of shape, don't lose heart: you can make things right if you exercise your mind muscles. If you feel that your intellect is in excellent condition, do not forget to maintain this level with constant exercises. Even Olympic champions need a workout.

So, if you want to strengthen the muscles of your mind, first of all ask yourself the question: "How can I increase the performance of my brain?"

First, let's get acquainted with the different types of thinking muscles. To do this, we will execute next exercise.

"Jog" for the mind

Imagine that you are holding an orange in your hands.

Imagine how it feels, how it looks, how it smells.

For a few moments, try to create the most vivid and clear image.

Now imagine how you peel it, divide it into slices, bite off a piece.

After that, take a closer look at the slice.

Ask yourself what it would look like if you magnified it a thousand, a million times.

What would the cell look like then?

What would a molecule look like?

After a couple of minutes, try to become aware of everything you know and don't know about oranges.

Consider what makes an orange an orange, why it tastes the way it does, how many varieties of oranges there are, how oranges have evolved, how and what they can be used for, and how to make delicious orange marmalade.

When thinking about an orange, pay close attention to the "quality" of your thoughts.

So, put the book down and start doing the exercise right now.

Like most people, you will probably soon notice that the more you think about an orange, the more ideas, associations, and connections will arise in your mind.

You can think about the physical properties of oranges. You can move on to a discussion of orange history and economics. It is possible that you will begin to talk about the origin of the name of this fruit and how it is called in other languages. Finally, you can try to find as many rhymes as possible for the word "orange" (kerosene, harpsichord). And as you move further along the path of associations, look into the piggy bank of your memory, build a chain of logical conclusions, you move from one way of thinking to another, thus training various muscles mind.

Each type of thinking has its own, well-defined, "muscles". Logical, analytical, metaphorical, critical, verbal, visual thinking - in each of these cases, we use only one type of mental muscle, which gives us the opportunity to stir up our inner world.

The need to cope with the variety of everyday problems requires us to be flexible in our thinking. Then you work hard in the "field" critical thinking, using cold, hard logic, you relax, throw everything out of your head and playfully explore new directions. You can work hard and move towards the goal slowly but surely, or you can, with a little juggling of the initial data, arrive at an elegant solution to the problem in the blink of an eye. Just as the various muscles of the body work together to make the arms and legs work in harmony, so do the muscles of the mind need to be coordinated in order for our thinking to be clear and focused.

We can say that there are four basic characteristics the level of training, the preparedness of the mind for work:

Whenever a person undertakes a task that requires concentration, he applies the power of the mind. It is this quality that you use when you go through possible options in search of the optimal solution, when you solve a difficult mathematical problem, when you balance a checkbook, when you concentrate on one object or idea without being distracted by anything else. The power of the mind is the ability to focus on what is needed, and as much as necessary.

If you need to create something new, if you need creativity, then your thinking muscles must be flexible and plastic. The flexibility of the mind is the ability to switch from one train of thought to another. It's like a game: you lose various options, build unexpected combinations, look at the situation from all sides. You collide concepts, mix ideas, make the most unthinkable assumptions in order to explore more and more new possibilities. Flexibility of mind is an artistic, synthetic approach. It's creativity, brainstorming, and a little bit of zen all together.

If you want to bring your ideas to life, you will need mental stamina. Endurance is the ability to maintain high level activity without distraction or loss of courage. This is the ability to endure, to go the whole distance.

If you want to add subtlety and flair, then you will need coordination of the mind, that is, the synchronization of thought processes of all types, their balance and liveliness. Coordination of the mind is a virtuoso possession of the technique of arranging thoughts, the ability to operate simultaneously with several concepts, maintaining balance under any circumstances, this is the desire to learn in order to gain new knowledge and the willingness to fight for high ideals.

It is these four qualities - strength, flexibility, endurance and coordination - that determine how our mind is ready for work. Only regularly alternating tension and relaxation of its various muscles, engaging in intellectual shaping and mental athleticism, only constantly "moving the brain convolutions", you can stay in good shape for a long time.

As a diamond cuts a diamond, as one whetstone polishes another,

so different parts of the intellect sharpen each other.

Genius is the result of their mutual influence.

Cyrus Barthol, priest

How do people lose their intellectual form

Why is the mind of one person sharp, brilliant, full of creative ideas, while the other "breathes a little"?

There are two main reasons for this: differences in the demands that certain circumstances place on us, and differences in habitual ways of thinking.

The bricklayer does not need to go to gym to exercise your arms. By mixing mortar and laying bricks as he works, he naturally strengthens the muscles in his arms. Similarly, an accountant does not need to go to school to practice arithmetic. He is already constantly working with numbers, his "math muscles" are constantly exercising.

If the circumstances of life do not require continuous mental effort from you, then you simply do not have an incentive to keep yourself in shape. However, if life often presents you with problems that require urgent solutions, then the muscles of your mind become strong and fast. The essence of this idea is best expressed by the old saying:

Apply or lose!


Ask yourself, "Which of my mental muscles don't get daily exercise?"

A habit is a way of doing something without thinking. Whether we like it or not, our entire life, from the way we brush our teeth to the way we achieve strategic goals, is largely dependent on our personal set of automatic skills. In principle, this is how it should be! Can you imagine what your life will turn into if you have to re-learn how to brush your teeth every day?!

Your entire intellectual life - your observations, what holds your attention, how well you learn, how you solve problems, what worries you, what you enjoy, what you think about during the day - is largely determined by your habits.

The key to achieving high brain performance is to develop a specific set of beneficial habits that help you achieve what you want. An intellectually developed person can quite freely control the work of his mind. He is interested in how the world works and why everything happens the way it does and not otherwise. He has a wide range of interests. He also knows how to change his habits through well-thought-out, conscious actions and develop very useful skills, such as making himself dream less and build less castles in the air, make smarter decisions or take more risks. Taken together, these good habits allow the mind to become more receptive, respond appropriately to changing conditions, and ultimately develop the most important of all habits, the habit of acquiring good habits.

Sow a thought, reap an action

Sow a deed, reap a habit

Sow a habit, reap a character

Sow character, reap destiny.

Charles Reid, writer


Ask yourself: "What habits prevent me from thinking productively?"

good exercise for intellect

Solve the crossword.

To prepare for an exam.

Take part in a TV interview.

Improvise on stage.

Understand difficult text.

Prepare a gourmet dinner.

Clearly imagine the face of a friend.

Try to remember with all the details when you last ate ice cream.

Name your first teachers.

Learn a new language.

Lie convincingly.

Write a program on a computer.

Understand how a toaster works.

Write a realistic landscape.

Change your bad mood into a good one.

Think about infinity.

Write a docudrama.

Recall in detail an important conversation that took place a month ago.

Talk to your boss about a pay raise.

Keep yourself in hand.

Design an improved mousetrap.

Refurbish the bedroom.

Ask an influencer a question.

Write an essay on philosophy.

Explain to a four year old why the sky is blue.

Discuss the terms of the contract.

Bluff at poker.

Have fun with a computer game.

To seek the truth...

How to achieve a good intellectual form? Mind training, like body training, involves movement. For the body, movement is warming up, running, swimming, playing basketball, weightlifting - everything that causes muscles to contract and stretch.

For the mind, movement is a flight of thought - from suggestion to conclusion, from problem to solution, from question to answer and from answer to question, from one state of mind to another.

Whenever you begin to actively think, that is, consciously and purposefully manipulate intellectual resources, you immediately set the muscles of your mind in motion.

In a broad sense, the term "training" means an activity aimed at developing skills, improving oneself, developing one's own abilities. In fact, any activity that requires active attention - whether it's solving a puzzle, solving a manufacturing problem, or just trying to collect your thoughts while sitting quietly in a chair - is a mental exercise.

It is important not only what you do, but also how you do it - that is, it is important correct technique execution of the exercise. The gymnast repeats the movement over and over again, making small adjustments, until he achieves desired result. Thanks to training, the muscles of the gymnast become more obedient.

You, in order to develop the muscles of the mind, train thinking. Practice a certain task in your mind until your "muscles" learn how to perform it as it should.

Good mental gymnastics is a meeting with yourself, it is an opportunity to concentrate on your own inner world and challenge your intellect. It is a way to transform mental energy into constructive thought.

It doesn't matter if you're determined to work hard to achieve peak mental performance, or if you just want to stretch a little to make your mind more flexible. In any case, the good old mind gymnastics will increase your creativity, give you the joy of achieving the intended goal and will contribute to the development of your intellect.

How to create a personal Gym

In the next twelve chapters, you will learn many ways to train your brain. Each chapter is a kind of simulator designed to develop certain quality your mind. On some simulators, you will alternately make efforts, then relax, plunging into serene calmness; on others you will have to drill your mind "up to a sweat." Some exercises are designed to activate your left hemisphere - the analytical, logical part of the brain, others - for the right hemisphere, the intuitive part of the brain, also responsible for spatial perception. Together, the machines provide you with a comprehensive intellectual workout.

Exercise 1: Freeing the Mind. Warm up.

Trainer 2: Movement of the mind. Concentration of attention.

Trainer 3: Persistence of mind. Increase endurance.

Trainer 4: Mind Gymnastics (I). Creative thinking.

Exercise 5: Mind Gymnastics (II). verbal thinking.

Trainer 6: The power of the mind. Problem solving.

Exercise 7: Mind game. Let's fool around.

Exercise 8: Looking into the past. Memory.

Exercise 9: Flexibility of mind. Analysis and synthesis.

Exercise 10: Coordination of the mind. Making decisions.

Exercise 11: Improvisation. Creation.

Trainer 12: Top performance. Learn to learn.

Helpful Hints

Here are some tips to consider before doing the exercises.

TIP 1.

Dress up your thoughts in a "training suit". Let all the problems and worries remain in the wardrobe along with streetwear. Create a working atmosphere for training. Take pleasure in overcoming the difficulties that you have chosen for yourself.

TIP 2.

Practice, don't analyze. The whole point of intellectual training is to consciously manipulate mental resources - so do the exercises. The results will be in direct proportion to your willingness to strain the muscles of the mind. Remember good workout- the key to success.

TIP 3.

Do not hurry. Don't rush to do the exercises. It takes time to get to the deep layers of thinking. Be patient. Give yourself time to explore the possibilities of your intellect.

TIP 4.

Repeat exercises. Most of the exercises in this book can be done countless times at every opportunity. The development of your mental abilities is determined only by time and practice. Develop your own Mind Gymnastics routine. If you don't succeed in an exercise, take a break and come back to it later.

TIP 5.

Exercise as often as possible. The more stress you give yourself, the easier subsequent workouts become. The easier the workouts become, the more you like them. The more you like them, the more you exercise your mind. The more you exercise your mind, the more developed it becomes.

Now you are ready to start

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Anatomy of mind training

The power of the mind is manifested in exercise, not in rest.

Alexander Pop, poet


How do you rate your level of intelligence?

HIGH: I have exceptional mental abilities. Just call me Leonardo.

AVERAGE: From time to time I come up with new ideas, and sometimes even solve extremely difficult problems.

LOW: my head is some kind of pot of semolina. I really need a workout.

It doesn't matter which category you fall into. Remember that the level of intelligence - that is, the ability to concentrate, to reason logically, to create visual images, your imagination, the ability to make decisions, and finally, the ability to think clearly and creatively - largely depends on how often and intensively you train your mind. If you feel out of shape, don't lose heart: you can make things right if you exercise your mind muscles. If you feel that your intellect is in excellent condition, do not forget to maintain this level with constant exercises. Even Olympic champions need training.

So, if you want to strengthen the muscles of your mind, first of all ask yourself the question: "How can I increase the performance of my brain?"

First, let's get acquainted with the different types of thinking muscles. To do this, let's do the following exercise.

"Jog" for the mind

Imagine that you are holding an orange in your hands.

Imagine how it feels, how it looks, how it smells.

For a few moments, try to create the most vivid and clear image.

Now imagine how you peel it, divide it into slices, bite off a piece.

After that, take a closer look at the slice.

Ask yourself what it would look like if you magnified it a thousand, a million times.

What would the cell look like then?

What would a molecule look like?

After a couple of minutes, try to become aware of everything you know and don't know about oranges.

Consider what makes an orange an orange, why it tastes the way it does, how many varieties of oranges there are, how oranges have evolved, how and what they can be used for, and how to make delicious orange marmalade.

When thinking about an orange, pay close attention to the "quality" of your thoughts.

So, put the book down and start doing the exercise right now.

Like most people, you will probably soon notice that the more you think about an orange, the more ideas, associations, and connections will arise in your mind.

You can think about the physical properties of oranges. You can move on to a discussion of orange history and economics. It is possible that you will begin to talk about the origin of the name of this fruit and how it is called in other languages. Finally, you can try to find as many rhymes as possible for the word "orange" (kerosene, harpsichord). And as you move further along the path of associations, look into the piggy bank of your memory, build a chain of logical conclusions, you move from one way of thinking to another, thus training various muscles of the mind.

Each type of thinking has its own, well-defined, "muscles". Logical, analytical, metaphorical, critical, verbal, visual thinking - in each of these cases, we use only one type of mental muscle, which gives us the opportunity to stir up our inner world.

The need to cope with the variety of everyday problems requires us to be flexible in our thinking. Either you work hard in the "field" of critical thinking, using cold, hard logic, or you relax, throw everything out of your head and, effortlessly, explore new directions. You can work hard and move towards the goal slowly but surely, or you can, with a little juggling of the initial data, arrive at an elegant solution to the problem in the blink of an eye. Just as the various muscles of the body work together to make the arms and legs work in harmony, so do the muscles of the mind need to be coordinated in order for our thinking to be clear and focused.

We can say that there are four basic characteristics of the level of training, the preparedness of the mind for work:

Whenever a person undertakes a task that requires concentration, he applies the power of the mind. It is this quality that you use when you go through possible options in search of the optimal solution, when you solve a difficult mathematical problem, when you balance a checkbook, when you concentrate on one object or idea without being distracted by anything else. The power of the mind is the ability to focus on what is needed, and as much as necessary.

If you need to create something new, if you need creativity, then your thinking muscles must be flexible and plastic. The flexibility of the mind is the ability to switch from one train of thought to another. It's like a game: you lose various options, build unexpected combinations, look at the situation from all sides. You collide concepts, mix ideas, make the most unthinkable assumptions in order to explore more and more new possibilities. Flexibility of mind is an artistic, synthetic approach. It's creativity, brainstorming, and a little bit of zen all together.

If you want to bring your ideas to life, you will need mental stamina. Endurance is the ability to maintain a high level of activity for a long time without distraction and without losing courage. This is the ability to endure, to go the whole distance.

If you want to add subtlety and flair, then you will need coordination of the mind, that is, the synchronization of thought processes of all types, their balance and liveliness. Coordination of the mind is a virtuoso possession of the technique of arranging thoughts, the ability to operate simultaneously with several concepts, maintaining balance under any circumstances, this is the desire to learn in order to gain new knowledge and the willingness to fight for high ideals.

It is these four qualities - strength, flexibility, endurance and coordination - that determine how our mind is ready for work. Only regularly alternating tension and relaxation of its various muscles, engaging in intellectual shaping and mental athleticism, only constantly "moving the brain convolutions", you can stay in good shape for a long time.

As a diamond cuts a diamond, as one whetstone polishes another,

so different parts of the intellect sharpen each other.

Genius is the result of their mutual influence.

Cyrus Barthol, priest

How do people lose their intellectual form

Why is the mind of one person sharp, brilliant, full of creative ideas, while the other "breathes a little"?

There are two main reasons for this: differences in the demands that certain circumstances place on us, and differences in habitual ways of thinking.

A bricklayer does not need to go to the gym to train his hands. By mixing mortar and laying bricks as he works, he naturally strengthens the muscles in his arms. Similarly, an accountant does not need to go to school to practice arithmetic. He is already constantly working with numbers, his "math muscles" are constantly exercising.

If the circumstances of life do not require continuous mental effort from you, then you simply do not have an incentive to keep yourself in shape. However, if life often presents you with problems that require urgent solutions, then the muscles of your mind become strong and fast. The essence of this idea is best expressed by the old saying:

Apply or lose!


Ask yourself, "Which of my mental muscles don't get daily exercise?"

A habit is a way of doing something without thinking. Whether we like it or not, our entire life, from the way we brush our teeth to the way we achieve strategic goals, is largely dependent on our personal set of automatic skills. In principle, this is how it should be! Can you imagine what your life will turn into if you have to re-learn how to brush your teeth every day?!

Your entire intellectual life - your observations, what holds your attention, how well you learn, how you solve problems, what worries you, what you enjoy, what you think about during the day - is largely determined by your habits.

The key to achieving high brain performance is to develop a specific set of beneficial habits that help you achieve what you want. An intellectually developed person can quite freely control the work of his mind. He is interested in how the world works and why everything happens the way it does and not otherwise. He has a wide range of interests. He also knows how to change his habits through well-thought-out, conscious actions and develop very useful skills, such as making himself dream less and build less castles in the air, make smarter decisions or take more risks. Collectively, these good habits allow the mind to become more receptive, respond appropriately to changing conditions, and ultimately develop the most important of all habits, the habit of acquiring good habits.

Sow a thought, reap an action

Sow a deed, reap a habit

Sow a habit, reap a character

Sow character, reap destiny.

Charles Reid, writer


Ask yourself: "What habits prevent me from thinking productively?"

Good exercises for the intellect

Solve the crossword.

To prepare for an exam.

Take part in a TV interview.

Improvise on stage.

Understand difficult text.

Prepare a gourmet dinner.

Clearly imagine the face of a friend.

Try to remember with all the details when you last ate ice cream.

Name your first teachers.

Learn a new language.

Lie convincingly.

Write a program on a computer.

Understand how a toaster works.

Write a realistic landscape.

Change your bad mood into a good one.

Think about infinity.

Write a docudrama.

Recall in detail an important conversation that took place a month ago.

Talk to your boss about a pay raise.

Keep yourself in hand.

Design an improved mousetrap.

Refurbish the bedroom.

Ask an influencer a question.

Write an essay on philosophy.

Explain to a four year old why the sky is blue.

Discuss the terms of the contract.

Bluff at poker.

Have fun with a computer game.

To seek the truth...

How to achieve a good intellectual form? Mind training, like body training, involves movement. For the body, movement is warming up, running, swimming, playing basketball, weightlifting - everything that causes muscles to contract and stretch.

For the mind, movement is a flight of thought - from suggestion to conclusion, from problem to solution, from question to answer and from answer to question, from one state of mind to another.

Whenever you begin to actively think, that is, consciously and purposefully manipulate intellectual resources, you immediately set the muscles of your mind in motion.

In a broad sense, the term "training" means an activity aimed at developing skills, improving oneself, developing one's own abilities. In fact, any activity that requires active attention - whether it's solving a puzzle, solving a manufacturing problem, or just trying to collect your thoughts while sitting quietly in a chair - is a mental exercise.

Not only what you do is important, but also how you do it - that is, the correct technique for performing the exercise is important. The gymnast repeats the movement over and over again, making small adjustments, until he achieves the desired result. Thanks to training, the muscles of the gymnast become more obedient.

You, in order to develop the muscles of the mind, train thinking. Practice a certain task in your mind until your "muscles" learn how to perform it as it should.

Good mental gymnastics is a meeting with yourself, it is an opportunity to concentrate on your own inner world and challenge your intellect. It is a way to transform mental energy into constructive thought.

It doesn't matter if you're determined to work hard to achieve peak mental performance, or if you just want to stretch a little to make your mind more flexible. In any case, the good old mind gymnastics will increase your creativity, give you the joy of achieving the intended goal and will contribute to the development of your intellect.

How to create a personal gym

In the next twelve chapters, you will learn many ways to train your brain. Each chapter is a kind of exercise machine designed to develop a certain quality of your mind. On some simulators, you will alternately make efforts, then relax, plunging into serene calmness; on others you will have to drill your mind "up to a sweat." Some exercises are designed to activate your left hemisphere - the analytical, logical part of the brain, others - for the right hemisphere, the intuitive part of the brain, also responsible for spatial perception. Together, the machines provide you with a comprehensive intellectual workout.

Exercise 1: Freeing the Mind. Warm up.

Trainer 2: Movement of the mind. Concentration of attention.

Trainer 3: Persistence of mind. Increase endurance.

Trainer 4: Mind Gymnastics (I). Creative thinking.

Exercise 5: Mind Gymnastics (II). verbal thinking.

Trainer 6: The power of the mind. Problem solving.

Exercise 7: Mind game. Let's fool around.

Exercise 8: Looking into the past. Memory.

Exercise 9: Flexibility of mind. Analysis and synthesis.

Exercise 10: Coordination of the mind. Making decisions.

Exercise 11: Improvisation. Creation.

Trainer 12: Top performance. Learn to learn.

Helpful Hints

Here are some tips to consider before doing the exercises.

TIP 1.

Dress up your thoughts in a "training suit". Let all the problems and worries remain in the wardrobe along with streetwear. Create a working atmosphere for training. Take pleasure in overcoming the difficulties that you have chosen for yourself.

TIP 2.

Practice, don't analyze. The whole point of intellectual training is to consciously manipulate mental resources - so do the exercises. The results will be in direct proportion to your willingness to strain the muscles of the mind. Remember, good training is the key to success.

TIP 3.

Do not hurry. Don't rush to do the exercises. It takes time to get to the deep layers of thinking. Be patient. Give yourself time to explore the possibilities of your intellect.

TIP 4.

Repeat exercises. Most of the exercises in this book can be done countless times at every opportunity. The development of your mental abilities is determined only by time and practice. Develop your own Mind Gymnastics routine. If you don't succeed in an exercise, take a break and come back to it later.

TIP 5.

Exercise as often as possible. The more stress you give yourself, the easier subsequent workouts become. The easier the workouts become, the more you like them. The more you like them, the more you exercise your mind. The more you exercise your mind, the more developed it becomes.

Now you are ready to start

Mind training will make your mind a fast, strong and reliable tool in solving both everyday and specific tasks. Don't believe? Well then, let's clear something up.

The fact is that our mind, in a sense, can be compared with our body. If we do not exercise the body, the muscles gradually lose their elasticity and weaken. And in the same way, if we do not force our brain to work in the sweat of our brow, the “muscles” of the mind become slow and lazy. Lack of mind training can lead to attention disorders, inability to concentrate, fewer ideas coming to mind, overstrain, boredom and, worst of all, mental stagnation.

People lose their flexibility and sharpness of mind when they stop giving their mind an extra load, that is, they simply stop training their mind. This usually happens when we are overcome by laziness, when we intend to stop looking for new solutions, preferring to use templates that have been formed over the years, which does not require much effort. It also happens when we narrow down our interests. For example, some of us have excellent analytical skills, easily find the connection between various facts and make successful business decisions, but they can also be completely helpless in terms of finding creative ideas, or organizing their personal time, or the ability to maintain a casual conversation, joke in time and relax. That is, while using their mind perfectly in one direction, they do not think about its other possibilities.

When people do not enjoy the search for new ideas, when they give up experiments and do not look for new opportunities, their mind becomes rigid, inflexible. They forget that the world they live in is largely created in their own head. They concentrate too much on the outside, and their mind and body suffer from this. For such people, everyday problems, worries, responsibilities come to the fore, and they forget to take a break even for a moment - in order to realize "how their mind works." Our mind is able to find many ways to solve problems, but in order to always be in good mental shape, we must constantly force the “muscles” of our mind to work. And only a well-thought-out training of the mind can give us this.

Even ordinary everyday situations give us the opportunity to train the mind - all without exception. But if you have allowed yourself to get bogged down in a routine, if you are used to being lazy or do not know how to properly use your mental potential, then you need to train your mind as often as possible.

You need to be prepared for the fact that mind training will require not only time and attention, you will also have to decisively discard old habits and replace them with new ones. But all this will be rewarded a hundredfold: the energy you spent on improving the thinking abilities of your mind will return to you in the form of effective, refined and beautiful solutions. In addition, you will see how your mind is working (or not working), and, take my word for it, you will get considerable pleasure from the very process of training your mind.

To begin with, feel like a brave explorer, setting off on a long, interesting journey full of adventures and adventures. Just imagine with what pleasure you will do the exercises to train your mind. This kind of attitude will help you to begin to effectively train your mind and achieve considerable success in this.

The ability to focus on small details, navigate the flow of information, instantly respond to changing situations and quickly make effective decisions are important skills that help businessmen achieve their goals. And in order to develop such business qualities in yourself and pump your mind, you need to regularly do special exercises for the brain, the so-called fitness for the head!

In the same way that muscles atrophy without exercise, the human brain weakens without various mental activities. Conversely, the more you train it, the more neural connections are formed in it, and the higher the activity of the brain, the more oxygen-rich blood enters it. And on this, in fact, the intellectual health of a person depends.

In order for the brain to function effectively, it is important to specifically activate the growth of neural connections through new experiences. During the period of study at school, university, the amount of new information made it possible to steadily train the brain. But for an adult, whose life and work is dominated by routine processes, in order to keep the intellect in good shape, one has to resort to stimulation.
with help special exercises for brain development. Therefore, it is so important to learn how to solve typical problems using non-standard methods.

Improving memory and brain function: the best exercises

To begin with, it is important to note that in order to properly pump the brain and develop the flexibility of the mind, it is important to pay attention to nutrition, habits and lifestyle in general. Fresh air, healthy sleep, physical exercise and healthy food has not yet been canceled. Therefore, in order to achieve the desired result, it is necessary first of all to pay attention to these important factors.

Effective brain training is exercises that are aimed at developing memory, attentiveness, as well as separately the right and left hemispheres of the brain.

The main specialization of the left hemisphere is logical thinking. It is also responsible for such important abilities:

  • language and speech;
  • logic, analysis;
  • literal understanding of words;
  • mathematical ability;
  • sequential information processing.

Also, the left hemisphere controls the movements of the right side of the body, and the right - for the left side.

In turn, the right hemisphere is responsible for intuition and creativity, and also performs the following functions:

  • processing of non-verbal information;
  • orientation in space;
  • musicality;
  • recognition of metaphorical meanings;
  • imagination, artistic abilities;
  • emotions;
  • parallel processing of information;
  • face recognition.

So, how to develop the right hemisphere of the brain? These exercises will help you increase your intuition and creativity.

Mirror drawing

Take a large sheet of paper and a pencil in each hand. Start drawing the same shapes at the same time with your right and left hand. At first it can be circles, loops, squares. Over time, the task needs to be complicated - to depict full-fledged pictures with both hands.

Restoring Reality to the Imagination

The key point in the development of the right hemisphere of the brain is visualization exercises. It is important to connect the imagination, visual, auditory and olfactory memory. First, get rid of extraneous irritants and close your eyes. Think of a person you know well: facial features, hair and eye color. After you create in the imagination of his face, try to recall the sound of his voice and the smell of perfume from memory. Work out the image in as much detail as possible.

When you learn how to restore images of people, you need to move on, creating a whole parallel reality in fantasy. Such a set of exercises greatly develops creativity, creative vision, and imagination.

random words

The essence of the exercise is to choose a few completely random words and connect them with a story. At first, it will be difficult for you, and to connect these words, you will need a couple of long sentences. But in the course of training, you will be able to connect seemingly unrelated words with just a couple of phrases.

In addition, creative thinking can be developed by drawing a mandala. The intricate pattern of all the colors of the rainbow perfectly calms the nerves, concentrates attention and develops artistic perception.

Speaking about training the left hemisphere of the brain, first of all, we mean solving mathematical problems, crossword puzzles, rebuses, as well as logic games such as chess. It is important to note exactly what
The left hemisphere is dominant in most people. Therefore, it does not make sense to develop it separately. In this case, it is better to apply complex exercises for the brain of an adult.


This is such a charge for the brain with exercises that include all five senses at once. The technique was developed by the American neuroscientist L. Katz. The bottom line is this: all ordinary things need to be done in an unusual way for you. For example:

  • move around the house with closed eyes;
  • write with your left hand (if you are right-handed);
  • change the usual route;
  • inhale and savor the aroma of food, flowers, perfumes;
  • determine things by touch (for example, the denomination of a coin);
  • perform unfamiliar work;
  • answer non-standard questions, etc.

Unusual actions, sensations, smells, environment provoke the emergence of new neural connections, which, in turn, helps the development of intellectual abilities.

color words

Useful gymnastics for the brain or mindfulness exercise. It helps to increase the level of concentration, improves attention, develops both hemispheres of the brain.

So, your task is to quickly name the color of the words. At first glance, everything is simple, but try to do it as quickly as possible, and the left hemisphere will immediately begin to concentrate on the words, confusing you. You need to synchronize the work of both hemispheres.


This is an exercise to develop thinking, attention and improve performance. In addition, Alphabet helps to relieve emotional stress and restart the brain.

The work is as follows. Under each letter there is a mark - L, P, V. "L" means that you need to raise your left hand, "P" - right, "B" - both hands. You need to simultaneously pronounce the letter of the alphabet and perform the movement marked under the letter.

The first part of the exercise is to go from A to Z. The second part is from Z to A.

Illogical chain

This exercise is a test for training the brain and memory. Look carefully at the list of words for 90 seconds. A little tip: break the words into pairs and try to connect them with the help of visual associations.

Try to play all the words in order. If you can’t, then write on a piece of paper all the words that you remember. Now let's count: from 15 to 20 words - your memory is well developed. 10-14 words - the average result. Less than 10 - you absolutely do not know how to use memory.

Follow these simple exercises for the brain, and soon you will notice a qualitative improvement in the work of both hemispheres, memory and thinking.

Instead of a conclusion

To train the mind, it is enough to do routine things in unusual ways, perform new actions, read more, play Mind games. A great way to develop flexibility of thinking is to study foreign languages ​​and play music. This encourages the brain to actively produce new neural connections, which means to work actively and efficiently.

To systematize classes to improve intellectual health, you can use special online services that offer dozens of different exercises, tasks, tests for the development of thinking.

Write in the comments what useful exercises for the brain, you know? Share with us your experience!

Online brain trainers are developed on the basis of mental psychology analyzes. The formation of brain activity can be compared with pumping the muscles of the body. Both the first and second important continuous exercise to maintain good shape.

Various online exercises, gradual mental loads with increasing degrees of difficulty are a great way to improve brain function.

Brain fitness online is now gaining more and more popularity. This is due to the convenience of the lesson and efficiency.

The Cognitivefit resource for brain development is clearly and efficiently organized for users. The basis is the preparation of a personal training plan.

Functions and Tests

The site provides:

  1. Tests. It is possible to assess 23 cognitive abilities.
  2. Games. Platform for kids with tasks, puzzles.
  3. Exercises. Help to fight insomnia, to change three-dimensional coordination.

Who is suitable for

The resource is designed for children over 12 years old, adults. All family members can play. Also suitable for the elderly.

What develops

Trainings are aimed at training memory, working with partial memory loss, pathological disorders.


A huge advantage is a large selection of exercises, tests. The use of the program for brain development allows for therapy after diseases.


Free stuff is limited. Passing some tests is possible only after purchasing the tariff.

The simulators for the development of attention are based on the methods of foreign and Russian neuropsychologists, which have proven their effectiveness in the course of various experiments.

Functions and Tests

First of all, the user must pass an introductory test, assess the existing level of attention, thinking and memory. After these actions, with the help of the service, a personal program for brain development will be developed. It contains a warm-up and the training itself, which do not take more than a quarter of an hour a day. The user can monitor the statistics of all workouts and compare performance.

Who is suitable for

These machines are suitable for people of all ages from younger age to the elderly.

What develops

The presented tests are significant:

  • improve efficiency in schools and universities;
  • improve concentration;
  • prevention of attention deficit disorder;
  • increase personal efficiency and productivity;
  • keep the brain in good shape throughout the day;
  • help long years stay sane;
  • prevention of age-related diseases provoked by a decrease in mental work.


The service develops a personal memory training program for everyone after passing a trial test. The system also offers a wide variety of brain trainers.


After reading the reviews, we can note the shortcomings:

  • paid service;
  • there is no mobile application or program to improve memory.

Official site:

With the help of the service, more than 350,000 people are already developing their thinking, which is associated with the effectiveness of the developed tests.

Functions and Tests

The program offers users to use various simulators:

  • visual search;
  • anagrams;
  • color matrices;
  • operations;
  • diamonds;
  • keen eye and so on.

Tests are also available:

  • Eysenck test for IQ;
  • Raven test;
  • test - which hemisphere is leading;
  • test for temperament according to Eysenck and others.

Tasks available:

  • regularity of letters;
  • excitement stone;
  • magnets;
  • problem about two numbers and others.

In addition, the service offers courses on the development of the brain, mindfulness and memory.

Who is suitable for

The development is intended not only for adults and the elderly, but also for children.

What develops

The service is necessary for the development of the brain, normalizing its performance, improving cognitive functions such as attention, thinking, memory with the help of special simulators.


Brain exercises are offered in a variety of variations. Permanent discounts on subscriptions, which allows you to save. A significant advantage is that the service is designed not only for adults, but also for children.


Despite the fact that a free trial is offered, users mark it as uninteresting.

The focus of the site is an explanation of the ideas of mnemonics. Exercises are designed for brain development, memory strengthening.

Functions and Tests

A huge range of exercises for the development of memory is presented:

  • chain of thought– improves associative thinking;
  • pairs of words- intended for beginners (you need to form a connection between pairs of words);
  • word list- learn the arrangement of words through communication.

Exercises each time are offered at a more complex level.

Who is suitable for

The service is aimed at improving the intellectual abilities of adults. You need to have patience and perseverance.

What develops

It trains figurative thinking, after doing it it is much easier to view texts, numbers, images in your head. Through exercise, memory is greatly enhanced.


All site services are provided free of charge.


No significant cons have been identified.

The company specializes in studying the cognitive abilities of people.

Functions and Tests

Three functions are available to each user:

  1. Playing any game on the advice of a coach or at your own request.
  2. Ensuring the level of load on the brain recommended by the coach.
  3. Modification of this load.

When performing any exercise, the system evaluates the response time and its correctness. The service offers games for:

  • attention;
  • memory;
    visual-spatial perception;
  • language;
  • executive functions.

Who is suitable for

All games and trainings for brain development that are part of the platform are shown to people who have problems with attention and memory.

What develops

Games help:

  • improve cognitive abilities;
  • develop the brain after severe injuries.


After the completed games, not only cognitive abilities are improved, but also overall well-being improves. Online exercises for brain training increase attention in children, make them more diligent.


The disadvantages of users include the fact that the service is paid. Also no mobile version site.

The service is an online collection. It is very easy to choose the category you are interested in and start playing. The list of tasks is updated every day.

Functions and Tests

The site is fully developed and offers users:

  • tasks;
  • Online Games;
  • online crosswords.

Who is suitable for

Perfectly suitable not only for adults, elderly patients, but also for children before school age. All tasks vary in difficulty.

What develops

The tasks of the service are aimed at activating the work of the cerebral hemispheres.


Any game, puzzle are offered for free.


Some users note the inconvenient interface of the service.

The site is based on the work of a professor at the University of Michigan.

Functions and Tests

The development of thinking takes place in the game version. The program can be downloaded or used in real time. Instructions with explanations are attached. The interface is simple and pleasant to perceive.

The player is given squares in the cells of the matrix, while the letters are pronounced. It is necessary to determine whether the presented image has already been at a certain position and how many times.

Who is suitable for

Ideally designed for middle aged people.

What develops

Working memory is improved, mobile intelligence is improved, thinking is accelerated, the ability for prolonged concentration of attention, and communication skills are improved. The development of logical thinking.


There is no charge for using the resource.


No deficiencies were noted by users.

The presented service is a collection of games, simulators for brain development. There are different categories.

Functions and Tests

First, it is necessary to identify the possibilities of the brain that occupy the leading places. After that, the corresponding puzzles are already selected. Games are bright, colorful, entertaining.

Who is suitable for

The site presents many different methods to train online not only for adults, but also for children.

What develops

The use of intellectual games or the development of intelligence takes place online. All tests affect the speed of mental activity, memory, flexibility, and also help in mastering:

  • stories;
  • geography;
  • foreign language.

The trainings are designed to train mental calculus skills. Before starting training, you will need to determine the capabilities of your mind.


The use of the service is free.


Users have not identified for themselves the disadvantages of this service.

The FitnessBrain resource is a collection of various material on the topic of speeding up the functioning of the brain.

Functions and Tests

There are puzzles, puzzles, helpful videos, special testing, books, scientific publications.

Who is suitable for

Designed for people of middle and older age category.

What develops

Memory is strengthened, creative and logical thinking develops.


Free use of the resource.


Users mark the resource as not very convenient to use.

You can take the test online on the site.

Functions and Tests

Includes only 1 test. After passing it, the system will set the age of the brain according to the level of development. The task has 10 levels, and on each a number series is presented, which in the end must be correctly named.

Who is suitable for

People of any age can use the brain development service.

What develops

Thanks to this site, you can determine whether there is a slowdown in reactions or whether all resources are 100% affected. Application for responsiveness and attentiveness.


Free use of the site to pass the test.


There is no way to independently choose testing for brain development and memory strengthening.

The resource is a single collection of information about a person's personal capabilities, factors influencing the formation of intellectual abilities.

Functions and Tests

Service for brain development offers a large list of articles that contain information about the most important mental processes. You can also find irreplaceable tips for speeding up the functioning of the brain.


  • labyrinth games;
  • general mathematical riddles for logic;
  • puzzles;
  • exercises with the use of household items;
  • IQ test.

Who is suitable for

The service can be tested by absolutely everyone.

What develops

The site provides tips on how to speed up the work of the brain, strengthen memory, develop thinking.


There is no charge for using the site.


The resource has a very inconvenient interface, and users consider it completely unfinished.

This is a mental counting game. This is a very narrow specialization.

Functions and Tests

The following game modes are offered:

  • studies- without regard to time;
  • multiplication table- apply division and multiplication;
  • marathon– 20 timed questions;
  • children's– an easier option for kids;
  • fitters- 3 seconds are given for each question to answer, otherwise the next one is given;
  • unmistakable- in 3 minutes you need to give only the correct answer or the game will be stopped.

Who is suitable for

Suitable for people of any age group.

What develops

The development of mental calculations.


You can use any mode for free.


Users after using the resource did not reveal any shortcomings.

An incredibly rich and interesting site, but only with an English interface.

Functions and Tests

The base offers experiments in which everyone can take part, or create their own project. It includes various tests for improving motor skills, prompt change of attention, strengthening the skill of visual comprehension.

Who is suitable for

You can use the service from adolescence.

What develops

The platform promotes mental formation, is engaged in the study of various functions of the brain.


The site is free to use, you just need to register.


There were no significant disadvantages that could block the positive aspects.

The direction of the site is to study the work of the brain.

Functions and Tests

The page offers various video tutorials, publications, fun exercises to strengthen mindfulness, develop imagination.

Tasks for brain development:

  • games with wooden sticks- swap wooden sticks to make a figure;
  • seed- it is difficult to predict the pattern of actions;
  • disintegration of all illusions- recreating the unreal;
  • rotating memory matrix- memorization of the desired cells.

Who is suitable for

Suitable for developing skills in children and adolescents, you can also test the ingenuity of adults.

What develops

It develops the speed of processes, attention, strengthens memory, helps the brain start working.


The use of the site is free.


Not very clear interface.

Free service to improve memory.

Functions and Tests

We offer a wide range of tests for:

  • check;
  • thinking and logic;
  • memory and attention.

Who is suitable for

It is perfect not only for children and teenagers, but also for the older age category.

What develops

Concept - brain training, memory, insight, formation visual memory, speed of reactions.


Using the platform - 0 rubles.


No cons found.

A resource for already multifaceted developing or developing online. Develops all mental functions.

Functions and Tests

Most of the tests provided are for mental arithmetic. But you can also meet tasks on:

  • grouping words;
  • concentration;
  • the ability to quickly switch from one type of activity to another;
  • mental counting of characters;
  • operational arithmetic operations;
  • finding the right way out of the situation.

Who is suitable for

Games, the purpose of which is the development of memory and attention, are suitable for school-age children, adults.

What develops

Actively affects the strengthening of attention, thinking, the process of memorization.